Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 31 Mar 1893, p. 2

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MKizrlfz T J i J march To D A Hiring Stephens Hodge A Co- Sailings Match fluurSt Church School Mrs- Agents J Campbell Oh P Crd Bolton pewits STUB WITH EACH the Printed all Heme en HO 90UMM run FRIDAY MARCH 31 IB93 Toronto Despatch lW to Bin portrait of Sir Daniel Wilton painted and of lAttt war Mutwodd Bennett join at Penitentiary Ed a of citiaeoi in Victoria Hall made for reception to bo to Alton McCarthy at the for April IS Rot Dr baa aid of college In with lb UathodJit actually Men only to collect Great over tha the cut week Board of the in tha agreemant work can now bo pro ceeded with The camp at on June The now that Keftland the Imperial Company Saturday has He left hi wild and children at in a Ho baa not bean Act A few weeks ago made of the fact that a bill to further amend the Pharmacy Act of this Province would be introduced during the approaching session of the Ontario Legislature From a circular received during the put few days we that one of the principle features of the proposed measure vrjll be to restrict the sale of so thai none qualified drag- gists can legally renders of a very large class of materia amendment reads eball or keep open for retailing or compounding potions or medicine of any kind or mI or attempt to U- any of the article Id of this Act or any or compound containing any of the articles mentioned in Ju or or the title and Druggist or or or Cbemiet or Vendor Hod id of any kind in of ba Prarinca of racb in pro of tbU Openly ihc new buildings at Toronto frill no doubt present lively the boom of fuss and feather of cavalry and infantry and the pageant display wealth and fashion Kirkpatiick will open the Ontario legislature for the last section before a general election No doubt the Government will present tome important measures this year to mark the dedication of new buildings thereby furnishing data that shall lire in the future his of this Recently a leading newspaper at the Provincial capitol whose management are said to be more or less inspired by the Government discussed at much length the question of cumulative voting and the London organ has been talking about another Redistri bution of Seats bill- We may also reasonably that Hon Mr Hardy will again present in a modi fied foim his bill for reduction of members to county councils and the country need no be prised if the AttorneyGenual sub mits a measure respecting Prison Re form and the care of juvenile offend era and likewise follow Premier in Manitoba and provide fox a prohibition plebiscite neat general election Bat we may not speculate too far ihe Legislature will open neat Tuesday and a big tune is anticipated a i I ft Art Schedule A to in the fore going extract covers vide range and includes the more or less used in compounding many patent medicines to be found on side is stores and groceries in all parts of the Province and especially in dis tricts where drug stores are out of the question But to make the pro posed amendment more binding it farther provides that the several articles named in Schedule A and mixture or compound containing any of the articles shall be deemed poisonous within the mean ing of toe Act It is clear there- fore if this bill becomes law that none but qualified druggists can or may sell any proprietary or patent medicines nor indeed horse medicines for the latter are sure to contain more or less of the prohibited articles mentioned in Schedule A It is said by those who have made a careful estimate that there are only about druggists in all Ontario outside of cities towns and incorpo rated Tillages while in rural parts of the Province there are over stores and groceries where proprietary medicines such as pills painkiller coughmixtures etc are handled When it is remembered therefore that in rural districts there may not be a drugstore within reach of set tlers for miles we arc inclined to the conviction that the Legislature will think twice before giving the force of law to proposed amendment To the general public the sough has the appearance of ensur ing to druggists a monopoly in trade of a class of medicine that country merchants now divide with ibem while at the same lime its enforcement must necessarily incon venience the people of rural districts who may wish to make use of pro prietary medicine protective feature is also objectionable as it contains elements of class legislation An ordinary storekeeper or grocer is just as qualified to sell standard liver pills or blood purifiers as a druggist and we fail to discover a single tangible reason why the alone should enjoy a monopoly of this kind of trade A Convention At a party caucus recently held at Ottawa it was definitely decided to convene a Dominion Liberal Con vention and at a subsequent meet ing after much discussion it was also agreed that the gathering should take pi see at Ottawa on the June neat Liberals have been look ing for this with con siderable interest and we are sure they will now respond to the call with mingled feelings of pleasure hope and satisfaction During next month circulars will be issued to the Liberals of every constituency in the Dominion asking them to nominate delegates to this party gathering The edito rially So policy is con- cerned it is likely that the main subject for consideration at convention will be the best means of lightening the taxation of the country and of removing burdens from trade agriculture and manu facturing industry Discussion we expect will be free and untramniel- led and if as we hope an agree- ment shall be reached upon these the questions it will he because the great body of Liberals throughout Canada arc substantial ly agreed upon the remedies re quired and because their opinion will be fairly represented at the convention The delegates will also take counsel together it is probable upon the subject of organization This important has in the past been very impcr- attended to and too much work has been placed upon a few willing shoulders It is gratifying to know that dis cussion will be free and untram melled There will be no cut and dried resolutions but the delegates will formulate a policy for the party on which the next appeal to the country will be made and then proceed to perfect an organization that will prove effective when the day of trial comes Let us hope local magnates in the various in the Dominion will rise equal to the occasion and not allow preju dice lo in the selection of suitable delegates men capable of really representing the sentiments of people for whom they shall speak Suppose some may differ on certain issues no matter the convention is the place to air their views- Discus sion will present to them the con sideration of the issue from a stand point possibly they had not previous ly considered bringing harmony out of apparently disturbing elements We hope all shades of Liberals will find a place in the con vention confident that the conclusions reached will result in more firmly uniting and consolidating the pafty and give an impetus to local organizations of immense advan tage in the next campaign Your ii behind in Do craned by Mr Innin of Bradford has bora at Worlds Fair ChlcaijO WelL of Toronto bar sister Boil Mica Forsyth has returned bomo tar ft in Miss Keith entertained bir at ber On Tneedr Mil left for Brandon Man on to nni her Mr of Milton spent orer with her Mr Elridgo air Dr spent in Toronto sadden of sans Frank of is visiting friend in for a week or ten Mr James Scott of Newmarket rioted at Mr A Dodd this week Mr Ed Oliver Toronto we home lert end to remain till after Easier Messrs Andrew Dickson and A H Cody left for Wed nesday night- Mr of of Mrs wee vising here ore Another letter has been received from Mr TV of Brandon Man too late for this Mr Feck of Smfthe Falls wi here over attending the fun- era of tele late Mi Besj Tamil end wife of Toron to Utter a of the let ware beta Sunday Mr J who baa been visiting Mr Canton for fire weeks last week tor hie home in the West Rev John Gray of St Andrews Church Windsor brother Inlaw of Messrs- fiatharland of this Iowa has ac cepted a call to a chqrch in Mich- A gladsome anion look place on night on the re turn of Mr Byron Oliver from Ger many after an absent and a half years Mr and Mrs Downs neat week OH a trip to England Mr Bernini Greenwood we here last week to spend a few day with his mother taking bcr Rev of formerly of QoeensTillcoircaii in last and GanUt say In evening bis sermon was interacting and Impressive When Messrs Smith who were St left for Manitoba of week ego Mr Cook eon of Mr Robs Cook near the North toll went along with for a experience Mr J bad en attack of inflammation on of week which confined him to hie bed over likewise Mr had a severe attack of la grippe which kept him in bed for a week Mr Wilkin dont want the readers of to think the he baa moved New Jersey and send a post card for fear some of bin friends might write to that state owing to a slight mis take In a paragraph last week- Ha still at Indiana A despatch to Toronto paper from dated March say A large end congre gation assembled in Church tonight to hear farewell ad dress of Rev Thompson of Newmar ket and Mr p of Toronto who hare beeo holding temperancer rfcee here the past week Royal Templar will not forget the valuable remlorod by the abovenamed gentlemen and should they again visit they will meet a hearty Nelson Esq who is now residing at Ave New York on the same latitude as Hamilton to a under date of March From the of Nov to the present time we have had sleighing and the snow is now two feet deep in the beaten track of the roads During Jan Feb and March has been from to feet deep on the level For to ilea not a fence top was to he seen they now in sight The boose office bars have had from to feet of snow piled around for week by wind and shovelling from the roofs Severe tbe winter has been I bare seldom enjoyed better health in any winter Some ago we hoard that Mr Frank a native of Newmarket who went to Pacific Coast nearly two years had joined Bene dicts bat wo coald get no definite Infor mation Friday we were pleased to receive a letter from him confirming the report stating that ha was In the largest drag In Seattle Territory His friend will be glad to learn that be doing wall and his ia likely to be a permanent one He writta that the city has a population and it la estimated that Canadians are located there climate is perfect gardens are all made and adorned with green grass flowers Mr Mark Graham another Newmarket boy is in thiaoity and Frank freiiaeatly well and likee ihe coast life Frank adds that he glad to see by regular visit of that Newmarket is and hopes that it may to grow with regards to old friends v A Fri day cooing at fii of rjJ Iiby spices of the Methodist a very nt lime was returned on Wednesday of fait week from To ronto where he has been attending jury Milt Minnie decided about the eleventh Elmer to the home of their older brother Robt at Bal moral Man where she will keep house for them this summer v Mr Fred Cook of Toronto has been visiting in the neighborhood on account of ill health Mr and Mrs J Curtis away last week spending a few days with relativts in Chinguacousy and they said there was so much snow there that they travelled across three concessions through fields and that the people were jntt opening out the roads- pleasure party kept lime to the strains of a violin last Friday night a couple of miles outside the village List Friday finished the sleighing in this part and runners were hid sway for another season Another addition to the village census of a son at the home of Mr Albert Granger Mr has leased his farm to Mr John of Richmond who is now in possession The ladies of the Methodist Church here ate up a quilt that will be iiite a novelty in that line There will a moon in in ha centre of each block and stars round the exlge You have your name inserted in the moon for cents and to cents lands you among the stare a very cheap trip to the lumin aries Now boys be sure and dont bring in that big nest of eggs until after ten oclock Saturday night or your big sister will be shanking it off to store leaving only about a dozen for breakfast and you will feel so mad that you wont eat an egg JUST RECEIVED SOME BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS In Scotch and Canadian Suitings Also an assortment of choose from at prices to suit the timet NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED W MUTCH Opposite Starrs Book Store MERCHANT TAILOR Gents Own Cloth made up and Cheaply Another case of interest is defend ed by the A When Mr Kerr of Burks applied to take out a the order he swore that he wa years months old and no more After paying in six premiums be died and now it ii claimed that he was beyond the year limit at the time of application thus obtaining his policy by fraud HOLLAND it Opening QUEEN ST CHITCHAT The remains of Mrs daughter of Mrs Pearson near were brought from near and buried at cemetery on Tuesday The roads on Queen St north are very good- In fact we never have very bad roads up here Got good pathmasters Will Msrch go out like a lion as it should do according to tradition Soon the gentle will waft the sweet strains of the frog band from off the Holland River and night will be made hideous by the sounds of revelry among the old time suckers at contents of a bottle of the pure while dipping their nets for sucker the man of wealth will be able to en joy dining off the succulent sucker Are you going to the Worlds Fair is the general query Go by all if you have the money and the brains to keep it from black legs and crooks that ate sure to be you go youd better witch out or the goblins will catch you This beautiful Spring weather is certain to bring out loafers at the street corners which decorate like so many sunflowers Look at them- Those who ought 10 know say hat Sadie is an excellent hand at telling fortunes from a teacup Our bachelor chief of police after maintaining perfect order through the long dreary winter is anxious for summer work Query Why dont be capture some of our fine young women and settle down to connubial happiness Our young folks around neigh are enjoying social dances these days Did you ever shut your ears and watch a party dancing What did you think of it Come now tell us- And yet they will dance for a that and a that Mr John from the city is visiting with friends around Tory Hill Seems to me that many country hoys go to town on Saturdays just lo get on a spree Do you Actions speak louder than words Know All The robins ar all returned once more everything springlike of the fanners around the village have tapped but no taffy pulls solar Miss Anderson of Albert who has been visiting at air Morti roars returned home last week Dams Rumor is again busy with of our young men She says be is going go and gat married nest week Squjra Joshua may vat live to see his grandchildren about his knees Miss Holmes the assistant teacher goes to her home in St Catherine for her Easier ho arc sorry to hear Mrs J Brown has had a relapse and trust fine have beneficiary results upon her Mr continues to grow weaker That dreadful disease con sumption has almost done its work gome senseless young boys entered Mr S Marshs stables on Thursday evening while he was absent from home and took from it his brood mure and by appearance drove it nearly all night If the miscreants are punished in proportion to the damage done they and the Imitators may spend some time to gether at Kingston Mr Hatry of Toronto paid his brother a visit last week having run up and back on his wheel the fust run of the season One of our young men claimed to have posted some money here some time in December The said sum was to be utilized in defraying ex penses of his fathers burial He said the money had gone astray The department has been busy for some time in looking it up He affirmed before two sent it but when closely cornered by the inspector he acknowledged not having sent the same Mr Mortimer represented our council of Chosen Friends at Berlin Grand Council last week He reports pleasant and profitable gathering of nearly representa tives new members enrolled for 9s a death rate of per thousand and the institution in a flourishing financial condition Mr is still confined to bis bed There was a large crowd at the ball here last week but the Bible So ciety meeting was poorly attended Mr Jas of Ohio is paying his parents a visit at present Mr Geo Sweerie has had several bags of gram stolen lately Mr Ough is about moving on a farm down St by the toll gate KESWICK are- in and at tare avsxy wask and food A great Into fol a la School and horn 0 In bay is in splendid con dition for driving bet two days of mild would spoil it There to a Inert In from North the pond of profiting by of put cold winter or preparing for a home fulur are ofd a crowd on the 11 the of conple of horse I A to w bkl to place as Well so proprietor of tb he Mr that Within half an titer was over the had completely fer home sod everything wet as gait I unit Mr she received tbe tad thai her was brought horns from Buffalo The many frleod of air- will be pleased to know ion is slowly but tartly The friends of at will be glad to know it convalescent Our two village took fritadly visit to Tfieidsy Wonder whet they tie so to now are they W got op a Aire Way men bit been spend ing a alii has beeo vlti friend out dating peat Did you see of art very heady THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY I APRIL 6th 7th 8 XT You are Invited to Come and See Will ill t MbeT iq J by J work lot If d of Job m much ir tvdr flord THE CITY STORE boy wanted At Aod HftUoMiaiDiT ty Orders fttlbodixl to St Say OF to rtlera IW- to lb who tfave Ibelr to od of who not id m am than AptU their desire Wido so or milk 14 to Boa a Mrs Tuesday the of April Do You Admire Flowers You do Well keep your eye on Pharmacy for we have all the Meat and the largest assorted stock of Flower Seed Ira town fismllx And on fatrhoibind ml 4d YrUlaflV SALE Com- mltlOtt of eUtaM of Common at to rowmwiajQd of ft be iDOJ fU of to en- report of unoogft cttk A dUd e toiVTljt boofht ud Tort Erin gnrfT At to Tooiwmd en of of the On room trt for ia of now to Chamber This Tory proper no nutter which it in r ol opposition l room hi A BUdfl id the other dty by the for York while iDR motion of the liter of for of commit- to at the Fair Chicago id an honorary capacity who bo of Parliament- Strong were by the Op op thai It a interference the of Mr to hie lottooaotbat laid hog Id It ibis that Mr Moloch that had a meco- of the on not of who for There were 8pamkci of who day after to to power Ua adTOcjatod to fl Lc lb with who Life Amid the Methodist S hold a con cert on the evening of Mon day A good orchestra will be pres ent also a gentlemens musette from Aurora Mr Stone of Aurora will some of his car toons Talent from Newmarket Holland handing Sharon and expected to assist We understand Mr Geo- Wright meditates building a fine resi dence this summer It is hoped by the villagers that it will be a long time before the Sunday bummers who passed through Sun day evening singing their Good Night Ladies return to bid their good morning Miss Jundy of Sharon visiting with Mrs last week Mist B of Toronto is visit ing Mrs present appearance it will soon be time for ihe boys to pa their friendly visit lo the sugar bush and Two men instantly killed in Montreal by the collapse of a der rick at the new Wellington stre bridge being over list canal The council has granted money for the construction of a wharf the foot of street has its new dock nearly completed- Mr Omans daughter who had her leg broken on a defective tide- walk has been given by the town council J C Morgan A school inspector for North hat been suffering from failing health and left last week for a months outing among the Rockies The suit of Hicks v which occupied the time of the assize for two days was concluded night when the jury brought in a verdict placing the at It was an action brought against the defendant for the plaintiffs wife All the parties live in the village of Thornton While Sidney was felting a tree it fell upon him and broke hit leg At a gathering of persons on St Patricks night the Very Rev Dean delivered a short but spirited lecture on Home Rule trac ing hack for centuries the persecu tion of the Irish by the English gov ernment up to the present time He the present government under Mr Gladstone for striving to give the the means of selfgov ernment He proved the absurdity of the notion held by some hat Home Rule meant Rule He also declared that there are no more loyal subjects than the Irish and as for himself there is no more loyal subject to the Queen It will he remembered that last summer Mr Singer Sewing Machine agent was killed by a R train at a dangerous crossing one mile south of Allandare Mrs McKec a suit against the company for damages her coun sel claiming that the train in ap proaching did not give the warning required and also the crossing was not in every respect protected as required by law The case came up at the assizes and the jury awarded- the widow to go to her and to the of her children It ji rumored that the case will be to a higher court FURNITURE CH EA P FOR CASH Undertaking A Embalming A SPECIALTY JHMJLLARD -FOR- DAYS AT- uuaio OneHour Lessons OP St Pauls Church Will now a mm WTHBTOWN Tuesday of April tcroo In iht So will Do You Like Vegetables Everybody does You know what our for Seeds is and our stock spring is larger and more varied than over Give us a trial BENTLEYS OR CAMPBELL Proprietor Boa NEWMARKET BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT Please call ana see Our Prices in Wall Papers YOU WILL FIND THE LATEST DESIGNS Also Remnants at Half Price STARR WANTED A in Town iftko As3b07 Worlds Illustrated aarsnu or TUB use Jo fer One Chance In a atamU nd foil Connection Ballon ttna Ota of MB- l Hull ru on W D- yorjcwi MB of ib4Utt of to ft lost fit Aid bjr lh cm I of Pan to amolMr of Pot of Hut Uim no lit of ivgou iho lull by io UIm Blow Of Fair Tomb fo rpb or Tbaau W LI VAMbtnoo April A a J MA1H CHINA HALL BRUNTON BROS rr sa riirrpir TO STOCKTAKING F atr Alt will utd prompt fttlotion R PrUCESl R A SMITH Stain Prompt Delivery CARPET DEPARTMENT If you are thinking of getting a this spring remember that we have the larger assortment and lowest prices HOUSE FURNISHINGS DEPARTMENT Do you want new Table Linen Towels Curtains or Window Blinds We can save yon lot of money in these goods MENS HATS AND CAPS Take a look at our north window and yon see goods of the latest fashion ticketed at the price charged elsewhere BOOTS AND SHOES As usual we are away ahead of all compel in this line both in quality and style Of the price is lowest BRUNTON BROS

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