Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 24 Mar 1893, p. 4

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t MARCH iL fl-fl- Theres Nothing SOAP DOES AWAY WITH BOILING HARD RUBBING BACKACHES SORE Ear Text- ward it a unto my Tariff A oboe Ik it flifj feu will man to too and wJl Mm Oil Nit You thai holding Pair will bo blearing Id One journal Chicago Fair will do New York good tuns It will Or a a Urge Dumber burnt pickpocket bunco and gentry who think world a living and who will meat at Windy City Sunlight RECUSE IMITATIONS BB B Burdock Blood Bitters a parti of lb traea na controlling their M CURES All blood and a goto i ind panning to of Mr and rendu it a con for all SKIN Fran to Ito care scarf- teller and an simple forms of akin From iwotolonrboltlaa cow or total aiydpelu ab omes aoreaand all It if that bom am DISEASES Are but quickly on the removal of the by BJB-B- Passing to gram yl aDd SCROFULA We hare that from internally and by application if the prtl will a con The gnat of to tbs kidney and blood to correct acidity afld action and to the of the ajiUm to off clogged and imorc allowing to aid rtoorery and without fail BAD BLOOD hirer and of arising from diaordered brer todney and blood We guarantee bottle of any be alter the in bottle wilt refund the money on be glad to ecod lettunoniala and in formation of in the abore on to A Oct feature in Parliament Lut week ihe of Mr for miff tariff for revenue only He commenced his address by ad mitting that he was among those who at inception supported the National Policy and from time to time since had continued to give it support but he believed the time had now arrived when the in terests of the country demanded a change He pointed out that pro tection was only justified when the public is equivalent to the burden imposed It was never in tended that protection should be permanent and he contended that the time has now come when parlia ment should say to protected manufacturers that if they can lire in Canada at all they should stand not altogether alone but upon the amount of protection they necessarily obtain from a revenue tariff On the intro duction of the P the country was assured hat if combines wcie formed the outcome of thai policy pro tectionists would be the first to take steps to break them The school in samplea are which be learned to admire the P taught that prices would not be increasedthat rings would not be formed but today there is hardly an industry id Canada which is not practically a combine He thought therefore the lime had come when wc can say to these protected indua- triti that if can live they ought be able to do so without anything more than a revenue tariff for if half a generation is not enough pro tection for them he did not know what would be At great length he took up the consideration of different monopolies and showed how that some of them were making money out of all proportion to the capital invested Then touching upon the public sentiment of the country Mr McCarthy went on to say If the public spoke In a decided it today lis voice may not in Ibis chamber we arc supposed to represent Judge baa In to the Government and intends to remove to Toronto By this step county lost ana of its mail roapootod and tMmed officials For over boon county and an anviabla aa an administrator Id retiring from carries with him lb of all Tea work of tailing fOirar grain and other tied is now in active at tba Farm in Ottawa Up to peasant hare and on and on the whole with very showing a good of ritallly Any desiring to aeqd for forward without delay the packages tain about one each and they the Farm Ottawa the and reports can in about ten days after grain LOOK AT TBS ordinary Think of the trouble and disturbance it you Wouldnt yon welcome some thing easier to take and easier in Its ways if at the same it did yon more good That case with Pleasant Pellet Theyre the smallest in site mildest in action but tho meet thorough and farreaching Id suit They follow natures meth ods and they rive help that lad Constipation Indigestion Bilious Attacks Sick and ftches and all of the liver stomach and bowels are promptly relieved and permanently of He two on Km ftcc one on ihe bit fin mini n You A i ihc he rat with I so he replied cjlling anyone a liar Wife a pail of water on the Na Well is the milter lined io stop a in the next flat If we cant euro your Catarrh no matter how bad your case or or how long standing well pay you in That what is promised by the proprietors of Catarrh Remedy Doesnt it prove better than any words could that this is a remedy that cures Catarrh Costs only cents the The are lbs people of reform and tariff 01D8 to id dufODleoL PUREST STRONGEST BEST Tor Have you tried the CABLE CIGAR leform what couplr it an and ibis to and aviU been by tho tariff Government met by removal not by poDamtot Mr McCarthy then proceeded to say he utterly opposed any pol icy which against Eng land Such a would be alike contemptible and discreditable but be was not satisfied with the Govern ments proposition of waiting till neit for tariff amendments and bad taken his present action because he wasnt sure such amend ments would be made in the sense in which he or the country desired Mr McCarthy spoke for about fire hours and was followed by Dr Mon tague Mr Edgar and others when the debate was adjourned till next day At the cloteof the debate however the House snowed Mr McCsrthya proposition under by a majority of only three conserva tives voted with the minority and so they will likely continue to vote till a general election awakens the Admin istration to the realisation of a similar experience of Harrison and McKinley at the recent Presidential election in the States viz that they failed to read aright the public sentiment of the country and sighs of the times Editor WHAT At annul of GUU Priming Go Mr The Glob con- bold iti Lib NOTICE rill to at lb lbwfX Of Act to iQCorpor- a A Foster with to 1 operate nd loirpiolpa Kut mod of TOfOQtOrOf id flora to ell of of water lu city or mud lh tout of fur iorijctic riutuT with to jmrpat of nd lor rUM power v be folly nod till carry ufd Mpo and lo tot CIEEUAN lot battel at Toronto day of VJ JolliffCb of Bow- ha accepted a call lo the King meet Over for Mani toba and the Northwest arrived at the fittl arritth far the Of ihete were Ontario people Tor atltm rcdlcatlr cum la to tit actio dot bold by I tab cartel la m flaoitarr alia- OTIlklUMo of ana la a to of ray goo i boabt bottu of Bomb c I attff I to tiilfl bU fcry lalUs toood Oaf Wooa CWTailMHOrt fttfOOM Tina fa not for potato oox can cut paragraph out for an Committee on at Ottawa and other toochad potato a ait fa of potato of or of copper of lime in forty five of water BprioUa over of about a in religion move of Fair The a flood of light art io of our con- to the that or that baa appolotodl a number of the of of the the World a Col ombian of lB93 The attaching to would bo greatly If it were known that the are lent out by the and will probably every caa bo found Id year- bootti the The any attention aboold bo to the notification It one whloh to will admit of debate on exhibition like an elephant or an aerolite it to degrade It We are told that there will be from Japan China India and and the of the Shinto end well the men of the faith la merely one of equally worthy of rocoxjlliofj and and In modem Babylon Bad dba are to for The fact Columbian of the of la In the of directore who fear neither nor man They would tun the into a of If they would not thereby forfeit the Are by Cot- lite pagana of old only of religion the to which It In a of East In the lata that acica a Urge quantity of old and boa handed throe for Two bur da to November via and and the time tad only been tided and the Hon Cbarlea Thompson to the Governor of Caniftda papers contain much of latere appear to rum Merchanta of the city of Toronto from the of and vicinity and from the Loyal of Toronto with replies thereto Patriot ia indignant that on with the of Baldwin and other foraicra of that day bo headed from Toronto In the only who followed in the wake of the Old Family party were entitled to of being loyal It also three and for to talk of loyalty to the Governor in which Excellency informed that neither Mr Htucki nor the old man in whom he placed incautious confidence have any influence except a certain it now to name fur than to that had Excellency but bad lucky chance of viewing them headed by their worthy ho id presented to a living of the lag and bob tail with whom of yore to march through Coventry A repart of of tho Old Council given in the of 112 from which learn that that body had which later County have bad In affecting the Corpor ation of Toronto The report of the Finance Committee Tba due from the city of Toronto would if paid In to the of the further aid in the reduction- of the payable half yearly The committee rsKommended that In on all over month In attain the should reooar the debt by legal of the Common School about being introduced the Com in the time re commended that clergymen or of any denomination be declared ineligi ble for the politico of local school intendente A Demy Toronto at dale aa by a announcing date English mail A para graph copied from the ChnnitU or Nov Yeaurday we bad a heavy mow Two or three light of mow bad folleu- also a foot of in In paper wo Ukewfae And a latter from the late Buchanan setting forth reasons why he had voted in the Legislature with vit to secure boon of lte- ajpouilbte Government fay which he he I mean the of majority of the of the as opinion or of wishes of the Colon- late During the same month an to the took place for tho Second Riding of York which then com prised Toronto and the Townships of Albion Caledon and of Toronto George was elected by e majority of 13 over Baldwin the latter however bad declared ho would not for that constituency oven if as ho was member for Hastings at the influenced the result There ere other Items of interest that wo have not room to refer to this At he request of the chairman of ibe Board of Health for and in the interest of the putlie ire publish the following regulations the violation of which is punishable by a fine of not less than nor than 50 Rulk No privyvault cess pool or reservoir into which a privy stable or sink is drained shall be established until the details of such establishment shall have been submitted to and obtained the ap proval in writing of the officer who shall from to time determine with the approba tion of the Board the method of dis posal of excreta senate and refuse to be adopted within the dis trict Rule a Each such privies or earth closets without a vault below the sur face of the ground do not come with in Rule but sufficient dry earth or coal ashes to absorb all the fluid parts of the deposit must thrown upon the contents of such privies and closets daily the meats when from the closet must be placed in a shed or box with rainproof and re moved from the premises at least once a year on or before the day of May Rule If the exigencies or cir cumstances of the municipality re quire that privy cessprols or shall be allowed in accord ance with Rule they shall be cleaned our at least once a year on or before the day of May and from the day of May to the 1st day of November in each year they shall be thoroughly disinfected by adding to the contents of the vault cesspool or reservoir once a month not less than two pounds of sulphate of copper dissolved in two of water or other suitable disinfectant Rule Within the limits of this municipality no nightsoil or contents of any cesspool shall be removed un less previously deodorized as above and during its transportation the material shall be covered with a layer of fresh earth except the re moval shall have been done by some odorless excavating process Rule All putrid and decaying animal or vegetable matter must be removed from all cellars buildings outbuildings and yards on Or before the day of May in each year 6 Every householder and every hotel and restaurantkeeper or other person shall dispose of all garb age tor the disposal of which he is responsible either by burning the same or by placing it in a proper covered receptacle for swill and house offal the contents of which shall be tween the 15th day of May and the 1st day of November be regularly removed as often as twice a week Rule Between the day of May and the 1st day of Novem ber no hog shall be kept within the limits of this municipality except in pens severity feet from any house with floors kept free from standing water and regularly cleansed and dis infected Rule The keeper of every livery or other stable shall keep his stable yard clean and shall not per mit between the day of May and the 1st day of November more than two waggonloads of manure to accumulate in or near the same at any one time by permission of the Board of Health When it a soldier charitable When he presents amis When is a clock guilty of a misdemeanor When it strikes one What river runs between two seas The Thames runs between Chelsea and What is the difference be tween the earth and the sea One it dirty and the other is tide- Say dont you pay any attention to what the newspapers say in regard lo hoopskirL If you wont to wear as big as a stack of straw wear them its none of the mens business what you wear The men are great kickers you know and for the past few years they have done nothing else but jump on your big bats bustles standup collars vests suspenders and now the Wilson Minardi for Mr J Wilson King had a very narrow escape from death in Tottenham Tuesday night The ft rocious cries of Mr Wilsons dog at tracted the attention of Mr Nolan who proceeded in the direction of the canine and he reached the spot found Mr Wilson lying on the railway track Mr Nolan had him removed to his house and cared for when it was found that he had sus tained a serious cut on the head from falling on the rail Wben leaving the village Mr Wilsons became and on reaching the track had thrown the occupant out He was unconscious when found but is recovering nicely Statute Boys go to school Playing truant very cute and you may de ceive your parents and escape pun ishment but the time will come alas loo soon when you will find yourself incompetent to compete with the live energetic and intelligent man and then you will sit around on dry goods boxes and cry oppression hard times and no work Every boy should strive to do the best that he can and make good use of his younger days set the standard hih and while all may not great there is a delightful middle lane with a splendid competency good busi ness a host of friends and a cheerful life- Great opportunities come to those who seek them Fortunes are made only by men who are not afraid to toil is just as es sential as or any other manly raits CUT PLUG PLUG No other of Tobacco ever en joyed an Immense Bale popularity In the same period a brand of Col and Plug Oldest Canada MONTREAL STRONGEST BEST Sale VALUABLE Firm PROPERTY TUB of Minuds cures Bums What theOtd Man has to mm The very best and only thing 10 do when your horse is excited is to calm him down This is best dope by getting to the horses head and talking to him gently rubbing his nose and otherwise diverting his attention from the subject of his fright If the horse Is sullen or angry the same treatment will be beneficial In a high state of excitement the horse does not com prehend what you want and it is worse than useless to attempt to beat the fright out of a horse All men are excitable more or less some more and very unreasonably so What would the effect of trying to abuse one of those redbeaded excitable men into being calm and considerate wben under the influence of a pas sion It would certainly end in disaster to somebody and may explain the consistency in a hone kicking the end gate out of the wagon arid otherwise demolishing things when the whip it bid on his back because he and excited about something liniment cures A Word To the Wives Is For Rendering Short or Friable Is Better than Lard It none of tbe and Indigestible futures Endorsed by leading food J cooking experts Ask your Grocer for It K ft CO Wellington and Ann DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE BELONGING TO THE CALDWELL ESTATE lit moll If Ah ibo lor oft St Thai EebrirlD lot 3rd Two on Mil for Oh mora op Con EL Aof 01 up- and wooded J 6 if EdwinlNorton hQ3lfc of QUEENS HOTEL SUTTON AMhhiTiruf lo lbs tit A uoLlr f bo I Lot sob of lbs TWtublft Oft with SUTTON On Thursday last new and handsome residence of was scene of a most en joyable The Chat Sinclair farm knocked down to Mr acting for Messrs Geo Jr and John Ky An individual by the name of Thompson has been going from place place trying io procure money under false pretence and cir culating the story that he was robbed of in Sutton We understand a few have been deceived by him and we warn the public to be on their guard VANDORF Mrs Davit and Mr Senice are recovering from recent illness Mr Christie Mr Geo Oliver and Miss Foster have left here for the Northwest during the pari couple of weeks Vandorfhas lost one of her fair young ladies S Williamson and Mr Geo Bell were married last Wednesday and departed for where the happy couple intend mak ing their home Mr John received a tele gram last Thursday announcing the death of his brother inlaw Mr of Drayton He left on Wednesday to attend the funeral Too lor SSL A A inn fa- M lV liiDarolllfifi HoQMS fO0ftV6ft6tXilJ t- I With water d WW MM JUT tor fjt fchrd IssrtdbkrliMxfctfllh UilvloV iuU for for I bom j for I In re AH Hit Executors to Creditors NOTICE ft ESTATE OF of York i6rcqulrM or be day deliver or lor for duty mint fit held will 11LS0 ill ilia f ftfl ftODrJllluB indilOii at i6ebC6flUi0rt tow 9 flOUIl And a for I d4 bom And Moll fen 6 111 lift bid Aatodbr SAL to lA ttllfl WRY I Of of Marc to fc or to ttoUcl- la wilting I0UMI ton iwtic at I on IB ROM lu prttsi id hfAM Mt of Of It id Mid tin a Solicitor for of k LAdmtolit4lori la tho FARMERS A Cheater While will Mrtleo lot SI Coo or of MONET TO LOAN At per OWL on Ontclw DAVID LLOYD Commlwlooar for of Mar fca Alio Agent for lolIow loiiimic fluo Of ia ISM ad Lot NOTICE TO CREDITORS aid ATtiOii to Of Ulo TRPHEN VflNcH wiumriBUia Solicitor for FOR SALE or ALWAYS Oft Mod nolle h Id lIott Shropshire HtirhlirM P I 111 T no ill IN Obi 4J3dtbcMu James UcflbKlOrtDiblpOJ died on or ftboot tilt April to or doll Klotironl Arcade roalo or or before of of ud ibilr and be by tbit AdniBlirton NEWMARKET HARDWARE STORE I WINTER SEASON FULL STOCK OF LEADING MAKES Of CROSSCUT SAWS I HORSE SHOES dUtrl lb rof4N Mi Of Ihr Of 4ud bo for actio tborbvBiUfi AdcnloilniLor will or any by of Mich Hi It KIHihiaHI for Ihft of Ad Notice to Creditors or JAMBS BOYD Deceased Of On Chop- floa CHOPPING AXES SAW SEtS AXE HANDLES HORSE NAILS AND BLACKSMITHS SUNDRIES docoavMdUieof of of York or About of j4U4ry or tbc of April to pud to J Woodcock of of toe lb laitl Will Mlrj llojd by lhotrClirJUoirjd 4d full Ibolr oiH of ihthauroof ihotecurolfeaCliturJ olvtn flril of April Mil to of liiu entitled to iboto of soiled Ani told not bo for of ilia Kutc or or bot id dUtrLbuUoo Holla BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF BAR BAND HOOP IRON AND STEEL NORTH OF TORONTO JAS PROP ALL SIZES OF GLASS ON HAND Til WlL GanlSns to Creditors fltaUqtii of On- ho ibo 110 Boo a I awlUlmborj Gouty of diod or dor iy oJioibtr ui of of of mo or of April oood to J- ot or 4 goal of Armor who A of of Hit of of terod propold foil poHlouJor- ooUio of 4 of coiu Mtdro of If AodmoUooloboriibTtortborglroo b4 fior ibo lib of of wofob 04ld will not bo for M40t4 of to of wbooo bofl tbb of ten sttBKKIPT of A forth nsji t o D OF TRY OUR PAILS TUBS Clothespins and Washboards LUMBER Shingles Siding Flooring Moulding Wahisootting OUR AIM GOOD WORK AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES Lath Boors Sash and Blinds IB NOBODY SHOULO BUILD A WITHOUT OUR inside sliding blinds Some of the farmers interested in cheese making held a meeting Mon day School Their success was not quite what was expected yet a factory is not alto gether abandoned From reports we hear that Messrs Frank Wellington Lloyd Elmer and Johnston Mc- to the Northwest next Tuesday expect the boys all next winter to see their best Setting aside all jokes we wish them good success loads of apple barrets are being distributed among the farmers who were not lucky enough to let their apples go last fall Mr Martin Robinson is making preparations for a stone wall under his shop On account of loss of the leader and also of three or four mem bers the band is about wound up again Mr child is im proving out last I Altogether we have had good sleighing nearly all winter Some are still complaining that it did not last long enough Same people never seem satisfied There has been a lot of wood passed through this place during the winter en route to Newmarket still ihereare many orders yet to fill The Sunday School and Church congregations have been very during the past few weeks owing to so much sickness In the neighbor hood It is with regret that we have to announce the severe illness of Albeit Sometville especially after their so recent severe but we art to learn he is somewhat on the mend The family of Mr David Rogers are improving nicely Mrs has a bad case of the Slack Throat We understand there was a wed ding on and day of last week When are you going to have an other box social Times are awful ly dry TOO I latt MOUNT ALBERT Mr Pox and wife left on Monday for their future home in New York We wish them prosperity in their future home It will soon be time for taffy pulls Quite number of our young men have taken their depatlure for the North West Mr Mclntyre bad a narrow escape last week from being burnt to death getting his face badly scorched and losing all his household goods and rest of the family had a narrow es cape The loss is severely felt as he is a poor man and had no insurance Mr Brooks who had the misfortune to have three fingers cut off with a jointer a few weeks ago is out again looking rather pale after bis confinement to the house Mr has sold his shingle machine to Mr Woodcock The Methodists are talking of hav ing their church pulled down and re moved to more suitable and conven ient grounds the road to the present place being a dangerous and hard travelling gang way or passage uphill which is very slippery through the winter months and a good number are obliged to keep borne on thai ac count who otherwise would go AURORA A good sired row occurred in front of the Town Hall last Thursday even ing and as a result young of King was fined and costs Messrs David and William left for Buffalo last Tuesday where they have secured employment the former in a large moulding shop and the latter in a Thus one by one our people are annexing themselves to the Republic Mrs Benjamin Richardson met with a serious accident last Saturday afternoon which will confine her lo her house for some time While at tending to her household duties she had occasion to go down cellar and in doing so slipped and fell part of the way down receiving tome severe bruises Owing to tle sale of the property occupied by Mr Dan Nelson he has been compelled to look elsewhere for a shop We understand he has rented Mr Miners shop at present occupied by Messrs Kendall Co and the latter are about removing from town On Tuesday evening of last week Mr A Peregrine who has ac cepted a situation in Brandon was presented wiih an address accompani ed with a Past Grands Jewel by the members of the The week the of alio presented Mr Peregrine with an address accom panied with a Jewel FOR SALE OR TO To lo nam LElT Mttlntut aw FOR SALE- Sin tip Of font a lb Town hMtoDotktUlt I farm to rent tr fortbtf ro Sir It ik f SALE- A two out aicrtflf land It vcUl bib irwrj Delict 1i Farm for Sals or to hi la Con- of filial ftOOd OfthtTdaV to wtnmFiun VERY DESIRABLE TOWN FOR SALE ALMOST tare on lie MllLQraVlkil sin wflb likMrtL VERY DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOB Sill tat lo This Qitt of foil tnrf boa tin fiD6ttUftrweUtUrt Awe if rcwi art rotafli turn Office CbqrtibM For fla ft SALE OF TSP Kg IN NEWMARKET MR JOHN SAVAGE of elect p or At AoDltM Ho CO t f a M n Mo Parcel No- J willh Lack iuchfr3 flood Lot no MR Willi d Wood Sta laAWQ boiKwt A ItiabBchooiDd Vt Of MritaL noi ht ut to lM0 old wbrad to- op 00rfl mm una ffitfwS Demnorai polo Si mo crtdii FOR SALE Shropshire I aim YQUN6 SHORT ft ax set

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