Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 17 Mar 1893, p. 4

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I lit A- i 1893 a or tt Laundry sand H suit flnd it a Qrmnt com aver of general use REFUSE CHEAP IMITATIONS WONDER Speaks MR- certified to ID Mr ie wH In Ji7rtg hero fitly Ml a Trill bo from hie fear it iua no of he to li- Oil of I by sir- lotion I I on sufferer yon iu vorc 1 of and got fell a of toy r torpid JcaDDd ft followed of the lower of my body After Blood for a few days tho bard fully of pa la two I let Git if I recti vol j Jul batterer My ftfkribm toeing Hot I fta I no St Lot ixMino wish to In working of cam Coy jprtm In wcriin order J of o I ill dirH rtr Id moodion following latter from a of for Co I with for ft man Yon may in bo told that was Ifao Blood Bitten bod bo foil as to do a days work bo ever felt In bo tome bo to kMp him in rnly of lima boon tid fact to of met arch of favorite PURE ffTpTOMCMT lit All FARMERS til for MTtiu lot tt Ufa Cqd of AUoaljontXiObwfaaU of J A new gas well been truck near which yields feel an hoar and morning at Mim- to the extent of chiefly ULenmAtlaa is Day America for ailRD carta to to ttryi 1j M By lliirioac of I a for rf fcaalib of wblcft mm ood Ikao W wortb of arar QSdtmiBTlU I total remedy by a a March And no with wherein o fllled J hook to caJI3 ItUrataroof the Old TeaUment The term indent lpli3 to the otMitioD It maxims of ersilon of of or icooEtnon bo an and Or that it founded on Kill not ho cal off The linear may for a hoi be who It will in way of The of of alcoholic limulanu confirmed ap petite for drink it no ten dency in It it arar the position Uoroorar no cam avoid for of nil on others weight of personal character to ha thrown on which will make it a strength to weak broth to father and mother is strongly Bible A debate ovci ihree days the attention of Parliament during the past week Mr motion respecting Question as fol lows Thai this Its of action at in with Manitoba school Id to ho of fBnctions with their at of crown which assumption Is wholly to law and if now would be entirely of th This resolution it will be observed contains two counts expressing disapproval of the action of the Gov eminent in dealing with the Manitoba school difficulty j and censur ing the Administration for assuming to be possessed of judicial functions conflicting with their duty as consti tutional advisers of the crown In this resolution Mr urged its adoption on the ground that the Government ought to have responsibility and proposed remedial legislation instead of refer ring the question to the courts to ascertain whether Parliament had the power to enact remedial legislation or otherwise Sir John Thompson in reply slated the Government had no intention of evading responsibili ty but that in determining the true measure of that responsibility the Ministry would be guided by judicial and not by personal considerations and further that his advice to the GovernorGeneral would be guided by the decision of the courts It will thus be seen that the posi tion taken by the Government forces to the front an altogether new and different aspect of tit question from the one carried to the Privy Council in England on appeal The Act by wfa Manitoba was made a Province gave its Legislature exclusive power to make laws affecting education but also provided that nothing in any such law shall prejudicially affect any right or privilege with respect to denominational schools which any class of persons have by law or practice in the Province at the union It was contended by the minority in Manitoba that the Pro vincial Act passed by the Government prejudicially affected the tights of Roman Catholics in regard to the maintenance of separate schools The courts in this country affirmed this contention but on ap peal to the Imperial Privy Council however it was decided that the Legislature acted within the bounds of its functions in passing the Act in question and that it did not preju dicially affect the rights of the minor ity as was complained of- There upon another agitation was com menced The Manitoba Act provides that an appeal shall be had to the GovernorinCouncll from any Act of the Legislature and if it is found that the terms of the Act relating to education have not been carefully respected Parliament may remedial legislation But the Gov ernment as well as those who ask for this remedial legislation axe at once confronted with the decision of the Imperial Privy Council that no right has been interfered with and hence no ground for remedial legislation exists Now comes in the new question which Sir John Thomp son proposes to submit to the Su preme Court vis whether the Man itoba separate school Act of conferred rights of which the minor ity arc deprived by the legislation of or in other words whether the Legislature had the right to repeal a law which it had previously enacted Of course the decision of the supreme court will not be bind ing either upon the Federal Govern ment or parliament and in view of the decision of the Privy Council upon the validity of the Act passed by Manitoba it is clear that an ad verse judgment of the supreme court cannot be reasonably looked for Should it be given however Sir John Thompson tells parliament and the country that it hit intention to be guided by it in which case so far the Federal Government is con cerned it will be like the defendant being compelled to allow the plaintiff to sit in judgment on his own case for the Government has been the real plaintiff and paid the expenses attending the trials and appeal on this very important and irritating question Touching this point the Glob concludes an article respecting the result of remedial legislation as follows If in accordance with this advice the In favor of of school system the trouble will have only begun if Manitoba declines to obey the decision the Dominion parliament may be called upon to pass the ion and fc will be impossible to persuade members of parliament that they areexercisiog judicial and not political functions We have already expressed our opinion in this final struggle if not before the advocates of interference will be defeated sod Manitoba will be left as she ought to be to man- age her own educational The only result of the delay will be a very regrettable prolongation of an irritating controversy Notwithstanding the possible awk ward dilemma which a favorable judgment of the supreme court may force the Government into when the vote was counted on Mr motion it was found that parliament sustained the action of the Adminis tration and indirectly gave counten ance to Star Chamber rule by a majority of Those however supposed to have an inkling of the true inwardness of the whole business are not slow to prophesy tbat the supreme court will hold it would be infra Ay to render an adverse decision to the privy council and then the Government and its support ers will be relieved from further re sponsibility on the ground of legal disability Politics queer game and humbug appears to be a trump card III Editor I a sues to about Tub of Mr A of Co Bent by for of consul it London 8 Job l on fort to tbt Irttion Franc Daring Mr will Mr of tod Mr Footer In the Common A from loot ClovoUnd teat to 8aoto to body by bio prodootnor in King reign At o hold Mr for On- to at tbo election The firmt toadorod to IIon hot declined on of of Hurray ioiAid to bo popular It rumored hero Enij Lord go to u Governor for to go to in Ihtnmo to Br Mi flxod for opening of Muioo of Ontario April to April MlttW I- In now building will bo anally ftomolbing to mark the and nookties will bo in order Tat bat Railway Bill now before Parliament by which Including Grey Brace end with Grand Oppoiitfon offered by from and ftp a one bat influence too to be v v I cornea no S- are the woman who by woman to Doctor Prescription It fcer Ufa by D6ases and painful that afflict her they an com pletely If shes orerworked or ran- down she new life and Favorite powerful invigorating tonlo and soothing and strengthening purely vegetable perfectly harmless It regulates and promotes all the proper functions of womanhood improves digestion enriches the blood dispels and brines sleep and restores health and vigor For every malo complaint and it is the only remedy so sore and that it can be guaranteed If it doesnt benefit or you have your money bank Levi Lane was sentenced to sis months in the Central Prison at Toronto for till of Vigfe t srSsT families hayc homeless and destitute in two districts of Lauder dale county Miss by Fridays cy clone March Two illicit stilts have been unearthed in this vicinity and the owners John for distilling whiskey punished with fine of and three months imprisonment Root Jameson Eisa was fined and three months imprisonment for hav ing a nil and In default of payment to go to jail for months longer Conservatives of Winnipeg also backsliding on P ara following close In of North whitehaired toy Tha Club of that recently adopted following That white ifWing Dominion oar loyal and this will bail with delight inch a in the tariff wo old land to tbo tbo and residents this and alto to and them Can counted on to core Catarrh Dr Sagos Catarrh Remedy Its nothing new For years it baa been doing that Tory thing It gives prompt and complete relief The proprietors offer for an incurable case of Catarrh Wan Ontario will ha to make a break to the record general elecboo has that Qtsokstook ol Toronto having purchased farm In will make a rammer residence of plane and nest Dominion election Is ordered ha will be on hand to pre the member Bar- J P Edgar a brash for the seat What is that already some people whom we dyed the wool indii- saying that a change won hart anybody It looks fi seed was being sewn for tho political harvest Qs of good it done we dont care to be ball does appear to now Provin cial and Arts has become eo annotated as to be only capable of playing second fiddle to a country spring show that the had better wipe oat the whole bournes and give money to Farmers Institutes or spend it on and throughout tha Provinoa winter months As at Hon Mr Popes cant There aint nothing to it Money is wasted on rents and ssl- tfaatcsn be to belter I cant ranch would thereof all lbs Its bM borrowed Ihtn two like it nfl cilbstQB ftra niching oat by tor pott tad a drill at to fcookty In ftnood off lor ft plica whore may of to Bat why top with Why not to Award stud the of ja whir Ho ftrifiM from the town felt for ft or two Id aoiaoco of of liability for SCHOOL REPORTS- mi or Of uxoiira Br faaoala Chapenap Jr III Jobo ftod flr- Brock Jr UWUUa Raid Baits Fart BraaU Dallas SraUt Vint A It iter u to a Jocular remark of at tba Im reapaotittg of by antariog field of Wo ahall be to at tbo of Put m will not only provide him with a chair but will a the Pott would ftlav bo to or place with Oliver and toko and to office turn Maw York thoroughly election with aod Tammany Uogwompa for porting bin Now that ClwiaaJ la and be owtablaelaolloB to hall a rolUlgn lo tba and to a gracalol with lam In the all to pari of a nation of making web ft raoord for I replying to Can a one and lime World In At aotiton of do ration of to be made by amended by adding and that of my or clerk etc and Municipal World to My that of of local object of amendment Ha opinion would bo wall to raqolra a o two and that own that ft with the amtDdtoant prohibit holding of both Whit and tiwillimbary will to look into STEEL FRAME GRAIN DRILL There sun more Hoosfcr Drills of manufacture Id than of all other kind combined ERtAL POWDER C of Guelph was 45 costs at Fort Elgin for practising medicine without qualification K Thomas who ar rested at Rochester charged with burglarizing James tailoring establish ment Niagara Falls was on Saturday sentenced at the Kails to five years in Kingston Thomas Gallagher another burglar was sentenced to four years CUT PLUG PLUG Ho other brand of Tobacco has ever em- joyed an Immense sale aad popularity In the same period as brand of Cat Flag and Plog Tobacco Oldest Cut i the m WREST STROMEST BEST Aran Una any at Toronto Oris to Creditors le fftCPQ Chap- Sao- thai aod aTlsjit tha ESTATE OF HENRY Lata of iba of of faro or The ety SO to bqe Df Kag Solid lor to Ibe wniUnlruc be that their to- AhdDotioaU will after of dabaatad partita lb of bad X Uflvar rtkTf fcjyclaiin of avb bad at I a fc Administrators Sale VALUABLE Farm PROPERTY Tits ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS I of Edwin Norton that oo Mmsardavjr ds QUEENS HOTEL SUTTON Id altarooos air A AndlOnioj- Cot poti or their and If toy bald them thai Citato won tx only to of then bad IN tip iao VoUoalihr4hrcmntiatl otoitoiV the Jama Edwin Norton lrmtrdaoaabodladOaoroiMattbo or poet a ibelr amaa after to dulrlbnta of tba part leaatitltfad ftatle will not be liable for or put thereof tA act of a E Eatata for of Ontario Ad- Have you tried the cms CIGAR of btate of Lot tt COO Of mora or the build farm apt on fOQoda tlODwllh fiabfo At- cached WorkShop llt I horwa hay and r Shed Sett barn Kxjfi ttllb forsrhedcOAitW Ram order r1t elabila for of fattODlajr Cmio od fiTjboraaaaDd hay loft lint walla with good Good Orchard Is cleared down olorer fi with fall All MM- In good repair the are board Id North quarter of Lot It to North ft poirop root a a Una llh raamiaod etabttoglotido for I Rood well ell la eojci I with ilb ui be aou to bid by or SAtiBFor both fourth from day of For other and apply to a A road a fidldtor for matter of Eel Dated day of Hatch FARMEfeS bo of Whit- church- W at To aha alto carded prima teat at beat cow of anr lira at and will probably bo to the tlma arTlce I ALFRED ABSTRACT OF or TOK TOWNSHIP OF EAST GW FOR TUB 15W- Da- SSI ilia a hand from 1B91 OarstyUaaarralQtaevs Raiarra vVIrd Land Tax- ss Tastoi Road f r m ma lll be iba NTS On SlVJ S3 is A- IK ItBX bar for sear lT Sad them correct la rauober all reeelple bead WM4IX f Auditors Feb and bis da of utr A p leSS A Of V ItcaTa Shorter Pastry and Shorter Bills about a ir will causa who koow Marion a of of None but the tad logmliinu ap tulcae sad Is not anas who CoVoIene sad wealthier than laid they get shMler rjhr will lelle for ao mots Jul twice out half as ICt andoras It I Chafe Cooke extol It I AH Ball HI ft CO too and BtrssbS Guaranteed the Best Drill Hade TOHOg The With the tabor a largely to offer or oof at tower than mm lerms to our BROS CO AGENT SHARON I ft ft w s THl Wjl S OP NEWMARKET TRY OUR PAILS TUBS LUMBER Shingles Siding Moulding OUR AIM GOOD WORK Lath Doors Sash and Blinds AT- LOWEST PO88IBLE I aa 3 ffi IB ffi SHOULD A WITHOUT EN- QUIRING ABOUT OUR INSIDE SLIDING BLINDS NEWMARKET HARDWARE STORE FOR BALK A TV LET Total JACKSON- LET Is of for apply at Rojral A AH a FOR SAL- of Iota I Coo of a the a than half 4 txom WINTER a SEASON ARM TO FULL STOCK OP LEADING MAKES OF CROSSCUT SAWS Iff HORSE SHOfiS asfta ss Jen lerpi rot SI fa w or COLTJUN House Lit Sale j CHOP AX SAW SETS AXE NAILS ft piui from a lafl In OH A lard of owl fruit P AND BLACKSMITHS SUNDRIES ASSORTED STOCK OF BAR BAND HOOP IRON AND STEEL NORTH OF TORONTO PROP ALL SIZES OF GLASS ON HAND BALE atroat hard Mtcr a Mod market iwUlaoUltchoap lea chancy Nerroiarket Lands In for in th County of York fffiSfteggj MOI Watw two toase of Arrears of Taxes DafdhaU tt fxtion lay the Clay of March fathsforiuoaatbaVaarl Doaaa la City or thereof as mar be to arrears ABB Stand one of the towathlp 1 1 Apply jojis PleadfObard PO Out VERY DESIRABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE A aVroom will en table end I MI to tt Good liberal a SALE OF VALUABLE Lot North pari part acf IS 1 part a a a I aatstetia II ft- II Part of aw sari part jcMa Cealri pari and A t l Parti i I DJ Perl- f 5Jt5 I Wivvi4- a IS is It- is it IS SO a- If is IS 19 SO vs Jt- ion HOT 5l ii s it til 0 81 us so I I SI 111 If ST in sir f to ST- I lei SI ISO 111- SSI- I I ill IE ilBBtai a J -110- WW- ii0T3l va ww I i P NEWMARKET tram MR JOHN SAVAGE t Hill i 9TS pi tte- 100 111 13 J 11 ma a v 1 It 1 i tfJ II VILLAUi Or Part Of part Pert S a Part or uwiLUMBrv John f it of fsitl I a 93 Ii at in IIS IrtW 39 12ft 1st 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of School all Of IhD Uo north of Toronto AsMrBaaijoUabout IsUf Ida for vhoro Oa to aWo bo to IthtQaUdae aooareti by proper ly ty Pump eataoriolatae At lima ihara will ho la Mare flm Olda wilt brad to foul to Da moo rat prior with and Cutler pole new eeiaioilo an mo THUS a OIL la aiiCl lArft i Dr lb roar hoe Own to a the as-a- Will All Br aftrMiaaaOaiTtp to K Cainhofrh Thtoat tot Throe aMarnrr Wfl FOR Shrop ire Box A LWA SALE Tin flora ftbop iisaai

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