Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 24 Feb 1893, p. 4

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WJi -VT- j fc BRA X-P- A Feb 90 Till l Golden TextOpen mint I thing out of liw to Ibo work of wall Many of poorer people had in talcing Mid t tribal that to their properly to Jews mid to lei children id order to the on learning this reproved the unfiling t and rested wjreod to rwtoro what had For rafnwd any payment for his The also Foiled a their tempts to the Ihsy to tempt from it on of having a conference notwith standing all the work went on aod was finished in fiftytwo days It Is pririlego of all who can to hear Gods word- worshipping heart ii but fitted to the law of God True Insight into troth wilt iUelf in the life A wlx to amend the election law by for North York Ho propose to make tolling on election a set with decided to Dominion for to help the greatest show on earth A fuss from Quebec states tbst will soon for Paris Franco to ondorgo another operation He will probably ask for of absenoo for summer ON MERIT Application Relief a d bo from It It a remedr of merit reliable hu met the of In PIIK- A CURE other to rclICTS- for- or rerrlpi price STROSO Out- THE Recognised Standard a Mungo Kicker Cable to in rcpecl rtn other fn Ibe fully million I frId An jQ1 I -li- of J five We r S DAVIS SONS Montreal and Highest Grade Cigar in Canada Summer School for In a receotty delivered by Hon Mr before he Central Farmers Institute it is foreshadowed hit the Ontario Government pur poses introducing legislation provid ing for agricultural instruction in our Common Schools From the re marks the Hon gentleman outline- the scheme contemplated we notice it is intended to open a summer school at during summer holidays to which teachers of rural schools will be invited There will be given a of or 50 lectures on subjects appertaining to agriculture including chemistry botany and geology not with the view of fitting teachers 11 that short time to teach technical agriculture but to prepare them to give talks to the children on plant and animal life nature of the soil and other kindred subjects No subject will be placed upon the school curriculum which is already loaded but teachers bo advised to take up thee subjects on Friday afternoons a part of which is now devoted to readings rtcitaionf etc- The cost to the the school be trivial A small fee for the payment of pro fessors who will be required to devote part of their holidays to this work will be all except the bare cost of board say per week This in brie is the scheme outlined by Hon Mr and the hope is expressed that it will result in creat ing such a tasteor agriculture as change the existing desire on the part of young men to leave the fa in for town or city life Ax bat passed Dominion Cabinet removing discrimi nation of which American rsspactlng tolls on and of course this action removal of discriminating tolls imposed on Canadian vessels pissing the Boo canal by the fion Administration Tax editor of North Bay is having a little and en tertains bis with lengthy to- of experience from the prison in which be is an enforced captive Be was committed to tht Queens boarding bouse it appears he prefers to bo there rather than pay a for letting to register the partnership of the newspaper with which he is connected a large number of border Ameri can papers published reports of the an meeting held at some lime ago bot tip to date not one of said journals noticed recent ly held there when Local members and North York addressed the electors at which an ant annexation res olution was adopted with only meeting too being larger end having the same chairman as on the occasion Jt in n1isusry ay that Dr Favorite Prescrip tion comes to the weak and suffering woman who it- Its fel Hot with words merely any medicine can make claims and prom ises What in done with the f Fa vorite Prescription if it fails to benefit or cure in any cia your money is returned- Can you ask any better proof that a will do what it promises an invigorating restorative a soothing and strengthening and a certain remedy for ills and ailments that beset a woman- In female of every kind periodical pains internal inflammation or ulceration bearing- down sensations and all weaknesses irregularities it is a positive and euro To every tired overworked wo man and to every weak nervous and ailing one it is guaranteed to bring health and strength repotted a short time ago that the Ontario Government had under con a proposition to move the gubernatorial ret id en to from King to residential section of the oily on Col- St- the new Parliament build ings bat Hon Mr Commissioner of Work has rumor Nothing prompt a removal The Ontario Government that public money could be to better advantage than catering to a mock sentimentality Indiana State Legislature has passed a law employees of all rail eight hours rest ater each labor and filing a penalty for refusing to allow tho same measure is intended to prevent accidents arising from over worked engineers trainmen telegraph operators etc The trouble id like with our own law trains tanding long er five minutes on railway crossing and thereby blocking up highways the law makers do not make it the duty some official to enforce its and it becomes a deadletter DR WOODS Norway Pine Syrup Piss ecotiefd tbe and expectorant I properties other pectoral herbs fl PERFECT CURB COUGHS AND GOLDS 1 Atthmt i SorcTWot- THROAT DISEASES I yield to sea bottle PURE POWDERED YE For sm Postal Returns The report of the PostMaster General for the year ending June has been received There were at that date post offices in the Dominion an increase of over previous report making an addi tion of miles to the mail routes The annual mail travel is no miles in Canada Ontario has post offices Quebec i486 Nora Scotia New Brunswick Prince Edward Island British Columbia Manitoba Territories 206 The cor respondence between Canada and China Japan nearly doubled last year There was a slight decrease in the number of letters registered and of the cases of abstraction re ported the department secured Che recovery of the contents in all but A comparison of the business transacted in the several focal offices can be made by reference to the tabulated form Woo i tf I- v rr vr a a CO tf PC It appears that kick of Ootario Associa tion against the American regulation has been effectual- A de spatch been received from at of that qua ra at in in j of Canadian cattle entering United Slate will not be enforced againtt cattle jiI to the Colombian exhibition Such cattle will be entered upon a certificate from local veterinary surgeon slating thatcontagO in the section of country from which they come Tina age wonderful for its and progressive Aus tria lias an electric which is to ran at miles an hoar and a rail way line is alto to be constructed between Brussels and Paris on which trains will have a speed of miles per hour Of an accident one of fast Greta means sudden death to travellers Perhaps it is to avoid such catastrophe that the It times the trains at oce hour a half for 31 miles between Newmarket and Toronto A collision or washout accident wouldnt hurt anybody ha recently been flooded with a peculiar counterfeit gold coin and the police have traced the output to a party of croou who reached here last w The coin is the size of the United States gold piece One has a raised figareof and the dragon aod on the other the It link of Upper Canada bank token gang worked mainly in tho foreign quarters of the city among the Poles and Italians and succeeded in Hosting several hundred dollars worth of stuff The coins are of body bronze and are heavily gold plated Quebec Legislature has passed a Bill abolishing of pensioning retired civil This step is in the ifircction and We Ontario will follow the anno Hue of action Civil service employee paid for work they do as tho by when labors cease upon h2 public treasury should also asc fio long as pension system prevails they will continue living up to their yearly stipends looking forward to a superannuation when quit work a Is not followed in the ordinary course of business and should not obtain in the civil service The official court of the electoral vote cast in tho lite Presidential election in the States is given as follows Cleveland Stevenson Harrison Head Weaver and Field Cleveland were therefore declared elected for President and VfcePresIdent for the term beginning March of the awful criminality of the drink iralfic and fruitless efforts to get Parliament to recognize the import ance of Prohibition It is proposed to hold a Dominion Convention of representative from all churches aud temperance organ izations will unite loan organised lrty to overthrow the monster- All who are willing to cooperate In S to correspond with Mr Day Toronto to WHAT UK TO WW IE reference to the Manitoba question it is stated a case Is being pre pared the Department of Justice and will shortly be to the Court by the Dominion Government that letter carde will soon Issued by the Post Depart ment alio that the site of the post card will be increased Twenty and fifty cent stamps are likewise In of pre paration some reason or other a majority of our Council appear to be afraid of the the Telephone Co and the action years ago to have free use of telephone at the Water Works at consideration for usurped privileges of the Company has not been followed up and as a result the continue to pay tribute to tho Co although said Company does not pay a dollar Way back In they do things butler The resolution granting the vilego to the phone Co to operate there provides that they shall put In extra telephone and fire alarm with 18 inch gong n such place as the Council direct free of charge This is basinets our council should soon assert Its authority or the Co here will be setting up li rights nay America Core lor ceres lotto action is remarkable Hold by Pharmacy Wexfords iffclfjri been In a dlitreese4 for IhtM fears from until my was we I of wblco done mi more worth of I I would advise every person torus this WA br ap- Vamp from lions Cor Tbroa Have MO cm of Wilson Isnt ft about lima that oldfashioned cut of Father Time was changed a little Why not hang up the acythe which Is out of dale and give him an improved lawn mower Tins Bradford Witmn a bitch of unpaid subscription to It speaks well for Newmarket that only one item against our credit but the Witntit says more are to follow It will be Interesting Merchants who do credit system intimation comes from Ottawa a big lawsoli between the Dominion eminent and the Provincial Government of British Colombia s Impending Tho Dominion Government has been Issuing patents for certain lands within railway Col The Provincial Government authority of Dominion proposal to appeal to the courts Fob a long time North Toronto has been searching for a boom we are now toll perseverance has been crowned with success Toronto The Natural Gas Co made a great strike of Mineral at Islington They boring for gas when at the depth of feet a flow of pure water One hundred below this again a mineral reached The at once had the water analysed the result that It was found contain chlor ide and sulphates In large quantities magnesia lime and soda and also traces of alumina and Iron The boring been stopped and the company de velop the well We believe we have water that will rival St Leon said one of tbo company today That well Is mors valuable a of oil to us It is altogether we will erect a large hotel and sanitarium oat there quantity of the water Ii up the ground To every sufferer from no matter how tad or of how long standing the proprietor of Dr Sages CatarTh Remedy say this If we cure it and permanently well pay you cash Bold by all How to Got a Sunlight Send Sunlight large wrapper lo Lite liftoa Ltd St Toronto and you by pot ft pretty picture well worth This is an nay to your home is the in the market it will only postage to send in the wrap lci leave your ml carefully Opportunities we to of those who have achieved the sue cess we shall find that the secret of that success has been the wise and use of If on the other hand we trace the career of those who have conspic uously failed we shall as truly find that to a ray great extent their failures can be traced to neglect their oppotunities Opportunities wisely used themselves but the introduction of larger scope and involving greater is sues A steady persevering attention to such means of obtaining knowledge are within our reach careful alien lion to the duties of the patitular position of life in we are for he time will do far more toward the extension of that far more towards the of that position than the most waiting fir opportunities which may occur We cannot ihifk that men arc specially designed by nature for par ticular callings If it be true that men are born to special callings and are therefore certain to achieve success in those callings why do we lavish praises upon them Men surely should not be blamed or for any result of circumstances which they have had no control If it he true that men arc born particular profession or busi nesses there can be no necessity for such persons to learn them This theory of innate qualification for spjeial duties appears lo us equally pernicious and absurd It strikes the root of all human sibiltty and removes any incentive to exertion If a young man or a youne wo man either is to wait about listlessly until he or she is given to understand what particular profession they were intended for the result will go to prove that they were born to noth ing merely because they have filled to apply themselves to any particular thing We cannot think anyone who has given the subject serious consid eration will admit that men are naturally fitted that Is to say origi nally flttcd by nature for any special vocation A man Is best adapted for that to which ho adapts himself is almost always the result of earnest effort It is most unwise to waste our time in regretting that we have not bitter chances and in wishing thai we were situated The only wise course to iur ue is to do the very best our circumstances will permit of and we shall find that doing this is the surest way of ing for ourselves better opportunities for higher must necessarily have a great influence over all but a mind made strong constant utilization of opportunities will show its strength by the very ciicumstanccs of surround ings subservient to Us own develop ment If Srephenson the inventor of the had born in any other position of life his patient per severance his practcal energy must have resulted in something great and useful but he owes all his fame to the wise use he made of the oppor tunities afforded him in what he no doubt at the time considered his very unenviable position at a colliery servant To those who are Just entering on the responsibilities of life you men and young women we would say In conclusion do the best you can under the circumstances labor diligently to make the most of such opportunities as you have whatever they arc Ihey can never be repeated others may occur but unities once lost are lost for ever A Them People who axe proud of their mity People who talk all the time an ttymuch People who never say much an yet speak Volumes People who a good deal do very little who say little and do a great deal People who look like giants and behave like People who look like and behave like giants People who good clothes but very ragged morals People who have an idea are religious because they feci bad People who kill a chick en with but who try best to kill their with tongues- to Correspondents So firas the etiquette of the signa ture is concerned there is one un varying rule for women married or sifgle It ii never right nor good form to sign ones nam with the Miss or Mrs You arc Maiy Emily Jones not Mrs Patrick Fitzgerald Jones to whomsoever may be writing If it be necessary to notify your correspondent your married style and state you moy do so and in one of several ways- Please observe that a correspondent should not be left in doubt as to this much embar rassment being frequently caused by the in letters between strangers of exact information as to whether the writer is married or single You may easily indicate all yon wish to tell You may place Mrs P F before the Mary Emily aforesaid in brackets You may write Mrs Patrick Fitzgerald out fully and plainly it the lefthand cor ner of your sheet your proper signature Or you may simply en close your engraved visiting card in teller this being on the whoe the most elegant also the convenient method of showing ones relation to society- The exception must be re marked- here th it the visitingcard is out of place in an ex clusively business letter one which has hot even remotely a social It in soma of oar ekefamfin ft pair of lha or pay la no Alleged inven tion to increase bolter making They traduce a ucoud to their doubling op nod claim that by their farmer wife can make two pound of hotter into three by limply adding a pint of milk would not bo losing if they take an hoar or two off from other work and load the old or teetb for use on this of patent lwindtars NEWMA CUT PLUG OLD CHUN PLUG No brand of Tobacco ever en joyed Mich on immense popularity la the period as this brand of Cut Plug and IMuk Tobacco CM manufai- in CahaJa MONTREAL Wo nag J Wag life WOOD DRY Soil Wood IJOIIT HEAT I BR CO iEBBE JAKE SHILOHS CURE V5C Caret wot HS VITAL1 IB the ground and rant to In large who tanbMflUr I- M medicinal KattAdietf are on a ipjtrtAUa lo a ye Mortgage Sale aud no of of Id a it or will ho produced the lime of for ante PUBLIC AUCTION iarlcaa on of AI W3 at it noon Auctioneer following All that puce or of land iHtK In the township at the County of York and corniest of n of Twenty butt yd and j follunar ogle of a ildloMhenco South nine eighty ftnd a half link ihence North four South nine dtftircei North four do fcct and a Weil odd thirty and a half link or to the North limit of lot Weil two Ave the place Oo the Is A Commodious Hotel or ftiLa A of to bo paid to IIcltor no day or ale an additional 15 thereafter on Morljrairo it percent half on to For and of Reapply to Vendor PO Dated of STAVE FACTORY AND MACHINERY FOR SALE POWDER PUREST STRONGEST BEST Contains do Alum Ammooli ox any Toronto VALUABLE FARM GEORGINA FOR SALE I looerlatn more which will at too of there will be rent for Mia by Auction Hotel fn of Halloa by It- A Tuesday iao at oclock the Coo of of la County of leu- farm la nearly all well fenced the to and Wou- frame biro a frttua nod loir orchard a of Church School Store and Shop BALK- Ton per at time of MortKUO on the the to be paid twenty from lime of further apply JOHN Or to J Vendora Solicitor IS THE In roaa Factory with plant and thereto all la order boiler and It engine On the Alio the the building which nuiel bo removed If ItefRdorr be not Bold at a eon will be fur the of maolilnerr For further apply to- JOHN Newmarket EMDUIIY Street Toronto Or Solicitor Dated In City William Toronto of Gunsmith an IHK InftoWept I he lt anceotaoAcf en tiled An Acl Aa4liriitrtontafort benefit of Via Cap K ad amending and the creditor are noil led to at the of 11 Toronto Street on Thursday day of Feb Neat at hair pall oclock to ap point receive a of the affair after April next the will proceed erolo baring regard only been will not be Untie to any of or claim bo Toronto the of entitled that hull not lion LUMBERI J LATH SHINGLES ARE MOW TO OUR WITH FLOORING SIDING MOULDING DOOMS SASH AND BLINDS WINTER 1 SEASON FULL STOCK OF LEADING MAKES OF CROSSCUT SAWS CHOPPING AXE SAW SETS AXE HANDLES j SHOES HORSE NAI AND BLACKSMITHS SUNDRIES BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF BAR BAND HOOP IRON AND STEEL S a ft a 1 NORTH OF TORONTO PROP SIZES OF GLASS ON HAND ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE TO CRHD1TORS JOSEPH BOGART Deoeaeed to of On tttfJu lift luid other of J03RP1I of yn he 10th arc on WfoMlhb I liny of to tend lu of Joseph 0irvt of their aAfi JofCh a the iidtitj nul liiimutlliitfty aH or 1KM vitil i en iiy I not bslUMi to tiny of mIiio 1 1 J a I Mil- I 1 lAUf too if York of BopU liOi of of tho lh- full ho Itlo llhlr If tl I ikvl nil of which ho AliiLl hAtHriHnot Notice Creditors 10 lllvlflM lala In the of died or ftbjiti HI ilj of A on IrdOlo til ft Of Mill loiter iht 1 full of of t of crir1 If Ant Ui lireed hi rtmomr iho 1 Lou And tin Ad 1S93 Wo of Town of ft lhi Ad Will Anil irUiUn Of Ihtlr rt by them t I A1iiiltiN riofi FOR P yhei k IIQUKTTON nli will Of tho irllc ontltltil of ilulstinWlx will not he fur Iho thu to ip not bui it of Tub- I MAUI A Adinlulttntrlx Soolety litllJi MTtlv od MoDdija it o v ravi AOv It AatMi on tUlt yrJiowocTorrrftmrdfn fMril4j Hill or TaiftHiib Hill ANTED- Awaltj to our ftnrl We trulls find ro onlr by Wo Write At for MAY 11 ItcAt Co of Mill rtro now lircpftrtu lo do chopping over KTEWCII returned from Hamilton prepared to do Ureal a Ally Apply to FARM TO LET For ftt La Hotel A Nil F ARM TO In Arrears for Taxes in the County of York Two to A of on therefore give notice that wld life directed w 0 tho tho Arrears of Tweiw i together ihofeei and I the roar of Monday the 20th day of March Bowie of Of A FOLLOWING LANDS ARE PATENTED Lot wjwi a I gi a acxv fir j WW w part a a of e l pl i aw Cor a put North J K- North norm OF tMHIMIMIUUllfflM to IS IS IS ID IS is IS 19 S3- SI I J y nj i IPS HI 8 4tM J 1 jo e S3 I 81 l 83 ffl Ml I til- It 21 27 il 2ll ill v I A 21 til it I ti 1 iti 19 13 ill is so IT 59 2d I ft- I SO it Il ui hoc IW 11 31 103 W II 31 ill SI 13- 11 103 Km on fjttltr Hon loMr Con of OR SALE- Brick Main 8r alo No II en bit tuiltci o in I Vn House Lot For Hi lanti ttrat tiui ibe hi pair A A HAINES A on A twoslory to neirljuow one aero of a Rood market u i I a Ail VERY TOWN PROPER FOR SALE ALM03T acrt3on0orltiea aUhtrooni J Oil a itffitfnttfi4iMoil Jr fjl 1 I I JJ I I lll1lipyflll f tl4ltttt4lllltiif Par Kkardtf part John pari part part and If Lot- HOLS J MI SbHIP OS MIST IS 15 IS IIS 11 WYSt 2I l7mWY8t I i If I PI 11 ft 4t3 22 I I I ft a J J 8 I ii W 84 i 9 III- 4 851 i ffif ttn Of NORTH I I V1LXAGE OF 10 I it iittti Wet tor4 ii i 81 S3 ft IB 13 10 a THANKFUL FOR LIBERAL OF THE PAST A OF SAME AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK AT- LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES THE CANE SONS MFGC0 I i JJ 20 S81I2M 9 I IT- I a is 72 27 I IS I SI 184 SO 958 S tlSO 153 34 SOS S3W illh09 8 9 J4 1194 Or 39 CO M wll l- HO Ill IN ST HAWKINS J Block oo Co Toronto Deo 9tb J I DR tfatftel Vcll PL 01444 I Dr WttWotloo ft K Will Hotel A Dr ftod fS tactlc ppiictUon for n Act to oc or Hoe 7 or dv ft ih cnlr ud hold Kf or mile for b B Toronto rf

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