Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 24 Feb 1893, p. 2

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All me J j- r Spring Finn for BftWH J WUlaon to A Wood Cud i She KZVXB OT BO tfLflp ST FRIDAY FEB Fob S3 Sprint will warning on lb proximo And EUb look nil ad Abbey IhUWfiek A tor ramJnar or- parity of lb bo mad Hah will- bo fttie to 1U New or It lb ft coil for Art liilj now crew Worlds Pair of iKay for part preputial ifi WU or etwtJou m in ntOoartnUDDOf Cbil- 0d of Mit to bo ex- A torn en- P or ImV The irom a wraths J the In Ihe the ft4 to for Sir John Art extending to erf the of in on Twdj Domuutod Mr lh la by Mr Judm ft rJdnt of lh Riding ud it held ftt Ax ft matting of on but it to com ing into Cftudft of from urfvlog I will In isii for rigid of regoUtioni during Mftton of immigration P It can asserted with a large measure of assurance that ever I Alton McCarthys of independence from party tie at the Stayner meeting a short time ago no other man in political life in Canada has filled so large a place in the pub lic of this Almost despatch from Ottawa corres pondents to the daily press of the Dominion makes more or less refer ence to him Reporters apparently never tire in seeking His attitude in the House and de meanor towards ether members are criticised and casual remarks re specting public questions upon which he to differ with the Government topics for gossip and conjecture while his announced intention during past week of championing the cause of the Patrons of Industry in their demand for free hinder twine coal oil com and all kinds of wire fencing has given rise much speculation regarding bis future purpose and action The Patrons of Industry are said to have a membership of over one hundred thousand in Ontario alone and it is now hinted by Government sup porters at Ottawa that the moderated views respecting tariff changes of the member for North is a pre monition- of his desire to secure a following in Ontario hanked by the Patrons organization But whether this be true or otherwise it under stood he will introduoe certain amend ments favoring tariff changes along the line presented by Patron dele gates and in harmony with his address to the electors of North Simcoe a tariff for revenue only This will give him favor with opponents of trade combinations and strengthen his in rural con stituencies as an uncompromising enemy of class and op pression It requires no particular gift of prescience to foresee that the struggle at the neit election will be for the emancipation of the country from the power of the com bines and judging from present indications the P for North Simcoe has made up his mind to be foremost in the fight Us Editor TO Hon Mr ft bill la the liQifcdyB in which be oat Cbrittl tod St and Peat chum ft a the civil tome- It are now ftbotrt women t tending ftnd yeirly number in of four or to iuy will ftoloftllf out men A la connection with be a Aid P 1U Wert boomed lor ftf Biilef tor IW9 The been ft Cftiudiu wo ft member of the Bed Hirer expedition under Sir Qernei in end loyalty to or on apple tree ftnd enjoy ftieroiee- February for the number and beauty itorlUaitrfttiona and variety ftnd of lie article procnineDt former ft front of ftt Canadft from ft photograph- are the new monitor and the to be used for the transportation of to The estimate for tie yr ending were laid Parliament kit week we for the CommUrfoo- looks Ilka paying the people money to help to Hero off dealing with a that ft good many to touch about the high and relating to prohibition not an exception to action ol electing offioera and deciding by ballot bung in the fiofarring to the properly Elected rapresenta of the do not own their are of a power be need for the public good and public ft right know how by the man elected to do voting The election of Warden In by ballot a of the principal here in forth of aid the of Hera Mr Henry bwn aa Mr p tfbe lo of the been of Banker Walker of Ohio of high tariff ruined la the la while hit entire worth at for a la the of It turn now to go Into the botlneaa Depart ment of the an order that in future all immigrant mutt be landed ftt of Uontreal a been arrived at owing at Montreal The rail war wont worth a What Sooiety is MINTS the of the Can ada Wire Co against Toronto Junction concluded their labors lest allowing the Company The claim wu for injury done the land by the erection the new bridge on Weston road Judge considered award and to St award amounts to a on the Importance of elect ing men to control the muni cipal of a corporation Village bet about municipal politica as any place we know of On Wednesday last Master in Chambers made an order unseating Win Robinson the office of councillor the village and directing him to costs wee a rarely for the Treasurer and therefore to act councillor It seems a wonder our Own Mayor has not been attacked on the ground of being an pointed and paid official of corpora tion There Is money in lot some from Ottawa state that Premier John Thompson will leave or Paris on March 10 b to attend arbitration which will open there on the proximo In con nection it also rumored that efforts are made to reach an mid era tending or the of Parliament before Easter wbtch falls on April prove correct country may cipate a full when Hon Mr Foster will present bis promised tariff re vision to he followed early next year by a general election is in the throe of a bye- to fill a vtcint the Legislature Nomination took place on Tuesday Liberal Dr Con- and were proposed candidates are held nig fat and at the day of polling approaches the fight Increases la No bo ll Thompson can secure first place but the YOU be will poll may jeopardise the of one or the of the doctors who now stand pitted the two In the Kail Tues day night will tell the retail It is indirectly the Saturday that the next elections trill be held August being case the of be the lists hence the Importance of making them The add lo minion list is also up fur revition this year and the party workers are be ginning to reooguiza that the of DVit general diction both Dominion and will depend more open the the of this yosr upon the campaign Mr Sep Nash vraa In town last Friday Mr Frank Blnns left for Montreal on Friday night Mr Win left for Bran don Tuesday night- J- Brown spending a week or two at Pottgerille Conductor wife over on St Mr Roy Stork of Toronto spend ing this week at Mr David of Sharon visiting with faer Mrs Eli Ulsa to her home in yesterday miming Jaa who at Factory is laid up with an Mr Is beak to work thia week ftfter confinement Mr the Old Surrey of King left Wednesday night for Oak Lake Man We are to that Mr the line of King it very UK Mr Frank Da 11 can fa representing Newmarket at the T at this week improving nicely this week She baa been down with in flammation thelunga for four or fire Mr Mrs of tlir daughter Davy on on friends Mr end J rpent Sunday in Toronto Mr Green alao at- leaded XL of Grand Council for Ontario at Gall this week Mr Isaac bad bad attack of aickneas last Friday night which re quired medical for two or three bat is again Mrs ia the city at the time Mr- Harry Wool left on Monday night for home Winnipeg after sis weeks with old friends in Newmarket and other places in Ontario Be sap he enjoyed himself better in bis life Mr of the Toronto World office formerly on as staff came up on Monday to his friend Mr P J but learning on the train that he was dead he remained here after the funeral of Toronto of Mies Era accompanied her from the oily last week and is making a visit at the Methodist Personage been in the city a few came home feeling very poorly Rev J Gardner of Newton Brook preached in the Methodist last Sunday morning with much acceptance He a marked development In ftnd greater fluency in which his friends were to note and ftugurs well future in ministry In Caledonia rink Toronto on the evening of the lot Harry of Toronto and were matched to skate a three mile amateur race Harry woo leading opponent by half a lap These boys generally get when they try for it The Budbury Mr A Montgomery hoe reelgned his Hon with the P ft in this pUce and Mr Montgomery will leave on Monday for Marquette Mich where be has secured a situation on A George was of end obliging officials of Railway Co here one of players and a general allround favorite been a leading vocalist and an active worker in Church of England circles of which lxdy eho a member The young couple will bo much missed in place and with a largo number of friend the Journal them and prosperity iu their new home Mr A Montgom ery Is a son of Mr John of On Friday chair by mi ciwr and Etti Tnr secretary pro following offices were elected by bal lot Roy and Ernie Morton wing scrutineer J President MotkiJL Vict Spraiie Secretary Ethd Pollock Treasurer Etu The was ap pointed to attend to the for Friday Misses Pol lock and a Wild Messrs W Morton S Draper L Pollock and E Morton Entertain- wilt be given every Friday afternoon from to Friends of school ire invited to attend Mr A spent Sunday in Newmarket this week BROWN HILL The weather is very cold and un settled this week we hope the sleigh ing will remain however the roads are in a very good condition Mr Clark has a come to stay Mr Clark is greatly pleased with his guest judging from his smiling countenance The postponed as tree which took place in connection with the SS Feb was a grand success Had the there is no doubt but that it would have been largely attended The chair ably filled he chairman allowing no time to between the scenes which he did not fill in with Anecdotes The evening seemed to be greatly enjoyed by the young people par ticularly by the young gentleman who sat on the stove Miss Sheppard our former school teacher has been visiting friends in this vicinity Mr Thompson of paid a visit to his In Brown Hill Mr Picket has taken Mr Summer- place on market Peekaboo UNION Vbv boo gtnsts lie to Mr Walter of Mr Jm of The attended by Belli aiitCT of tt who ably Mr attired in fawn cloth while thai toe bridesmaid of casbroere a darker After the ceremony the were to where the wedding was partakes of The mid showers of rice and good wiibea the even ing train for the city and many other parts The important made MrfCeTeJand Trill not bare her icjnginnl nade lo be worn iiriihicnirfQjK- vt- ftertisenie la of or r LAST EEHNG dab will J a a a J of and nnuitcM SHRUBMOUNT Owing inclemency of the weather on Sunday evening some of those who make a weekly pilgrimage eastward were destined to stay at home Nevertheless others started but were forced to turn back before they reached the end of their jour ney Mr Lehman of Newmarket Sunday in our midst- We think Ed stayed longer than he in tended too There was no school on Monday owing to snowstorm on Sunday night The roads are completely filled in placet Messrs Eli and Samuel Hopprr left on Tuesday for Michigan We wish them success Mr Joseph Skinner spent Sunday with friends on the concession Miss Minnie who has been spending a few weeks in has returned home Several of the young folks from this place attended a social gather ing at Mr C- Scotts of Vivian on Tuesday evening of last week Mr J Miller is putting an addi tion to his house in the foim of a woodshed Dont Teu SELDOM SEEN It with deep regret that we re cord he death of Miss Minnie Manning who died in Toronto Feb ruary and interred at Aurora Deceased was unwell for some time when about two weeks ago she was stricken with The ionowing friends hare the sympathy of the neighbors Mr Herbert Sanderson left for Richmond Hill on Saturday We will miss his smiling face as he was a friend to everybody Emily called on a few friends in this vicinity on Friday last Why didnt some of oar boys cap ture the fox that was seen in our locality What his become of that Chit- Chat club at and when is that breach of promise case coming off The valentine and box social here was well attendee and was a grand success Some drew cards Miss So and So of such a peculiar name that they could not find their girl Another young blizzard swept across this part last Sunday filling the side lines in places- Mr Watson has left us and taken up bis abode in Newmarket and his stepdaughter Miss has gone to Cleveland in the neighborhood of her brother Quite a number from this section drove out to Aurora last Friday to witness the mammoth from Newmarket and they found it rather coot for comfort A big crowd followed the sound the violin last Friday night Mr Elwood Tattoc youngest child was taken seriously ill congestion of the lungs sometime last week and on Saturday was expected to live but on Sunday it look a turn for the belter W A with atmall to an tttaViJaablaIaTftJpitOTt applied lory fc or lo It OLA rift IBB Ob MIL igEnd ftoHlni I a for School VtU ttp to Marti lii- Ioq Ho or Box ts Lot Ceo da toh of Three Long Wool Ewes GOODS Arriving Every Week New Prints DresB Goods Parasols Waterproofs Cloaks Curtains White Ware Ac c New Glassware and Lamps in the In the Mens Department we are closing out Pur Coat now marked at prices less than we paid for them Si and V The 35c French Printed Flannels are nut Some ladies wonder at price others dont pay as ted to ho ftol itmsis GOOD SOUND HORSES WANTED tor br Apply to CASH AND ONE PRICE la exchange Hi FARM SALE loailHc The and Sunday of Schornberg had their ride on Suriiay to Tottenhum where hey had tea in the before returning town Toronto a that will Jariog fltibiou repeal Act giving to Toronto provi Jt for election tliroa at aUoir to rota lor two to win may be roe bat axe opinion if a change at all it will bo In direction dividing tbe city and aQoid an opportunity for of two of out at atprnit Life tail To who woohlf pper It Part that It will MQlmDti and lo of with and other and the of organ other of hie war of think ing matter will him a their leader Wbila therefore It a policy that to the of with the welfare of the macaw to ftnd of Toronto fraud And fakir and generally tk an active ertry movement making better and happier j prevent corn ring ping ten boon a day it the and out vwlM cine per lb Ir circle at Otiewa that lion Prank be knlfthUd fie will then retire front the Cabinet it and immediately at the cloie of next Mr will retire from Ily take La the at and the of of Jaittce Another hint that Hun Mr will ittlgfl plat in the Cabinet and lake the Opposition Ontario in very little credence to be given to gouip Tat la the on binder twine to Provincial not Interfere with tbe that article In the Central bora by the Ontario labor would proceed lie manufacture ftnd have large quality made by barred time A good deal of conjecture exlate ft to bow will be of to Several offer bar been made by firm for twine Whatever the adopts l It be each to Mr George and wife were visiting with Postmaster on Sunday and Monday Thomas has been at Baldwin a days this week visiting brother Mr Mr his wife and their little fro i the County of Simcoe have been calling on here this week Mrs was Miss Fanny to whom was a birthday present In another concession some of the youths of the female persuasion had considerable amusement in practicing juvenile tramps A girl that cant throw a alone to hit a cow can knock her brother out in the round in practical fun David Kennedy who his been treated for cancer in the face is now quite better cancer gone and cavity filling with flesh Benjamin Conner is to he tenant on the Kensey farm the neat five yean It killed the hone On Saturday evening Mr Jordan from Township drove into village with a team of horses one of which refused to go back to thai municipality The whip was of no use the coaxing of master unheeded and the advice of all the male population of the village not listened to Mr decided that he would run show and had horse upon the sleigh but a he started for home died and is in MOUNT ALBERT As Mrs Jones and Mrs Greig were out driving with a spirited they met a load of straw when horse got afraid upset them in the ditch and broke the cutler pretty badly Mr undertaker lost three last Wednesday He was running a jointer when band slipped and came in contact with the knives One finger was taken right off and the other two had to be cut off Dr Richardson was called in to dress wound and was assisted by Messrs Armstrong and Steeper A large crowd went out to Mark on Friday night about twenty in number They had a jolly time returning home about oclock in morning The members of the and had a bee culling wood for Mrs on Tuesday The of Industry had a business meeting here on Tuesday afternoon There was a large turnout There is going to a Pink Social at the Presbyterian parsonage soon lrs James and Frank Forrest who left here further prosecute studies in Edinburgh have now suc cessfully passed their exam before the Royal College of Physicians Edinburgh and intend for a time lo clinics in the London Hos pitals SHARON The weather on Sunday evening last was excessively cold and bluster ing consequently the attendance at church was small Rev Mr attempted lo drive to the Landing after service but found it impossible to get through the drifts so he was compelled to return for the night Although he had ridden hut a short distance both of hands were Perhaps that was not a bona fide blizzard but it was real enough to suit the majority of the people The Misses Eyre are spending a couple of week in Mrs Person of Toronto and Mrs Elliott of Woodstock are with their mother Mil whose health is still in a very critical condition On Friday evening last a load of young people drove from Ml Albert and gave Mr Mark and family a surprise We un derstand an enjoyable evening was spent Mr and Chisv of Aurora were the of Mrs J last Thursday Mr John J Graham visited in Sutton West a part of last week On Tuesday evening a sleigh load of our young people drove up to Mr Aylward In Queensville where they were received Music and various were in dulged in after which refreshments were served- The company separated shortly after midnight very much with evenings program Mr and Mn A WilUon of Newmarket were visiting wilh Mr A- J Hughes this week Barker hex titter at I F U R I TURE CHEAP FOR CASH Undertaking AN Embalming A SPECIALTY it ifct market vol iho prop ftth Coo of folio it Imt or ho An tfafr SO io make Mti it it ttU Mtjlrft of LAbriei4otberbjldLE2 AIM led flOfl IdM tit Good mm lVtk Ave A to duo vJUtWdK- WANTED WW to JHMILLARD Telephone Connection radio lha lb Ibi of a 11 of a 3ILTH Wh of on John by AlktDioo lo Alltel SALE Match 1st For of CHEESE In he iho I have just received and am it of Ladies at very low price See oar J OK Gold Watch at only few them before buying ifr JiftDdjPa Huron for Soieudir ftoeK HALL mi FOR- DAYS -AT- frriUeVAt on iKL by lit of to Suwlt ocoadd4uibtr of lOWiUp of Doajc lEMti IKKl at of folbiT Ki Church ftToniatojottF4ibiA Win Portor of of tt lift lor La boms of of flpMr Mi darilHblntKtl Mi Si Ror J Id cowmen trimmed A MbrUoktneitd groom Uf of Ibai Thai Afiecd1oDr by nun to lb for trip to loss SS followed to SO day in on laMiMi Jam tforiQo lUoaeHl ih A air Welter to or Mr Tomb inDwef J rear fib Kb Geo M rear CHINA HALL Dramatic an Recitals MAIN ST JEWELER Old Gold and Silver taken in exchange for good PROGRAMME I Call l4wLi4tutil Mf 1 Low egeo A Widow KxMriancuofa llttola a ft al fcte alt Plan of Hall at A Slot SPOT CASH BOOT SHOE HOKE Is making a Big Clearing Sale of Boots tti Shoes for the next o as to reduce a stock to make room Spring Goods- Th you will find all down the centre of shop When I say you know I what I say They will not last long at prices I put them at Now come along SIGN RED BOOT GRIFFIS Repairing AND Promptly Done BRUNTON BROS We have just received PREVIOUS TO STOCKTAKING C R and F at- an Wen the an mi of Jtoliotnrlleace328Teen P Feb year r wlU and ftttanUon Reduced R A SMITH Leading Grocery Main Or By Express From WOOL FRENCH DELAINES LLAMA CLOTHS AND NEW ART MUSLINS These are elegant goods in new patterns and purchased direct from we are selling at very lowest possible price BRUNTON BROS

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