Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 10 Feb 1893, p. 3

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a- 3 witiA ERA FEB lO jiiltf tail Pauls For the rear ending it- Monday night the were of a oak near the 0 be ito flffit finser of hi what be the trmpfn- lees rtfc WJ i able W ne iUy re- rails Club Owing to tfof fte in connection S i being it for the Institute j members being ifd therein it was decided to awefe Feb then Li in Chamber li alio a paper on the Ice Harvest Our local dealers iitb to manners beat jylCCOblwiabaro taken the d men are still cot Some of the ice was two feet clear that on pood calcu li ilt tons have been already The biggest turnout tor School from last Friday they drove tars the Methodist School boar filter and remained to t a good wanning in the tet of the Cbnrcb healed apecjally for ffla here there a almost an tie corner at the foot of two or throe rig being too irj to be ahead of each other Ladiu Aid- The annual meet Aid ia Kith wbco Ibe follow- Cbai ExraliTt Committer Cue G J It Mrs Scott Mill A musical if to ftasplw of of na An to ftnniul fiaUadU and other of the wen od tod Surprissl On Wednesday even ing a people with filled fcutaUi of aboQt fire and took of Pretty of were indulged after which ratoU end the left for homo ebortly after two A joy able wet by Gome Up There is not much room for on the pert of farm en In produce Una Saturday on the market here wee for bailer for for and to for by Winter hat lor end and hotter and all bare Ooe in price Young Auxiliary of the wee organised here left week with folk wing President Miss Sarah Belfry lit Vic- Porter Alice Bertha Wallace Kettle Foster 2nd CorStcy BOO Treawrer What young men moot in day of and lock for the troasere It not farmer ahead of a merchant bat a King telle one on a who didnt know the difference between lard and frozen milk Methodist Minion Bend meeloat the Bowery oil Saturday afternoon On Mayor taxed a man a dollar and for a Hope Wed afternoon at oclock Towk The officers for the year were ejected Friday night a J Secretary John John Hodge A The Band in good playing shape for tbia time of the year and will now com of or new piece for next of which hare been by Mr Collier dm- will on Monday dncttho at the barracks- I will be in- The Will be by Upset A fanner met with a on Ha in front of the market load of hay he bad and the whole damped in the of the A Musical The Organ and of Song in 81 on Tuesday evening next not be tied by of The nameeof Mr In eoloe with Miao to a rare treat- A collection will taken for of church debt 7 l St Valcktises Day Concert a month age at Mr was each a that worth League ha decided toholdanotber on the evening St Valentines Day at residence of Mjf Harry wishing a treat not fail to bo present IS last night towards he church that wax at Japan recently- f The Weather The continued makes It a hard winter for peo ple in poor tbo Eu as follows Friday I Saturday below Monday below it Thursday Against the Boy In The Cane Co en action for lots of an arm before the Assize Court in Toronto last week the Judge o idi charge to the gave them questions to answer One of reference to boy in going Upon tbowrong side the wheelbarrow and in front of the thai did the in jury As the jury decided that culpably negligent in so doing the Judge dismissed the case with costs against the plaintiff Another question had reference to damage which were assessed at in order to sere a for trial in case the action was appealed to higher V a- EuKVnosARV Mrs Sarah Lord whore- oration season Is to on the In ftying a dellgbtfal is in store and she richly a fail heme Wherever she has highest terms AVfts says The ixariMtrUinintnt by Sara Lord house evening it S3 treat the of hove rarely By her easy grace Vcpsihy of appreciative audience at and hold it right through fotltcd to adapt herself to or comedy A Feather in His Cap- At last Saturdays of the Coonty Counoil the following to Mr was passed Moved by Willis Tyrrell reeve of Weston by Donald McDonald roere of Georglns and that this Council knowledge the report from the County Solicitor and hare much pleasure in thai it is highly satisfactory and i opinion of CooncU the legal business of the County be in hotter for the interests of the County than the present officer Shooting Match On Wednes day of this week a friendly hooting mstch took plaoe at the butts at brick yard on street The qooiVr of points possible Vvvy W I 3 Total- Vernon Hughe fcif 18 J A Allan Johnson 5Vi W Total The defeated side entertained the vic tors to an oyster supper at the House an excellent address IT Acts enacted as well as the general legislation dealt with by the Local Legislature alto to a limited extent dwelt open Dominion matters Tho address waa very interesting and much appreciated by all showing a reading on the part of the representative meet the people at otbtr than election times After adjournment Reform Polling Subdivision were held for Pitt and and elected as follows It J Abb I A J- pit Dr F Cowlceon Beoy Al Good strong local were also appointed in each Polling 6 provision ally and to meet In the at an dale On evening tho meeting was held in Brooks ware room Ml Albsrt when Mr Davis again addressed bis at even greater length than on the former evening tbo aodi- nee was larger and also moat attentive shewing much interest in public of the day As on the former evening he first dealt with matters pertaining to Provincial and after wards directed attention to Dominion questions with which ho seems to be quite familiar and readily and clearly forth tbo difficulties and burdens at affecting at large the fanning community in particular A hearty of thanks was Mr Da via for his very address Mr Ed occupied the chair in hit nana able and ixach to all present John A John Hopkins and A J also addressed the meeting- After adjournment most successful or- held for Diva and the officers elected being as follows Chairman John A- Delegate John A Brodie Chairman Horace Lloyd Large and euergetio Committees were appointed in each Division and the whole proceedings were inarkol by an earnest interest and desire to be ready to do whole duty in the interests their coon try at the first opportunity a J mi w mm AT THE T J T NTS It is to talk about but we have some guaranteed colors Call early bo to have firat As we to reduce our atook of Winter Goods as much as possible before stocktaking we will offer at the lowest possible price Our stock of will be found Well Our Blended Teas and Coffee are unequalled Of to the Grett family fcixtwn boy ijX- money Friday after- the first real snowatorm here and people were W In the bouse That evening iiIitccr train from the Sooth was bears late tad the one- from On all roads running North il dH were badly drilled I town Jtf tl aidctfslk were at the ami the snow was peek- w lUt anybody walk afcOTt train service A parly of tttjto to Aurora Friday evening on midnight They st the depot til four oclock y hen of young and walked home so as morning y did a midnight was just torn reaching and morning was four coming from Toronto The down to Aurora l g tickets They mantelet the railway get IsSWR iThosc in the Mting and the Lake SP wro with hearty smile of of the Robinson Mr Robinson to forootoon a latter part Howes then In best ml fall of plans for ttst hotel accommodation Jan he took When You Want Furniture Call at J Millards He sella cheap for cash a Dont Forget This The home merchant is after yonr trade and knows that it cannot be secured by trickery or deception yon are ssfe in trusting columns of advertising in home paper and you will there reprsstnted and the bert of men who aid in building up the town and their share of taxes and who are identi fied with and interested In tha affairs of both Efundrede of dollars are watted every year by the credulous whoso experience with peddlere and agents faov been expensive Bio Sleigh- Ride Some young people arc making an effort get np the biggest sleighride party that was ever seen In this section of country- They propose to give every person in Newmar ket who the time to spare a driver over the ice and snow to Aurora They calculate that CO will be required over 30 of which hare been promised for afternoon of next week to leave the Model School grounds at 2 oclock Any farmer who will extend their generosity towards tbe people who are shut npin town arid never have a and will promise to In a sleigh and cam word will thankfully receiv ed at Ihe Forsyth House Sudden Call Death is no re specter of persons yoong and those who carried the burdens of life until they are bent age all have depart when sum mons cornea On Thursday afternoon of fait week a man named Frank Welsh in the prime of life was called to that from whence no traveller returns Between three years lie was In the employ of DennosUriat Mill and for some months he was promoted to the responsible position of headwilier with great satisfaction employer but fad was taken with congestion of the lungs and alter ten illness When special services were held in the Methodist Church last month he found through believing In Christ and died with great of his accept Ilia father who lived In Oxbridge took abbot same lime with the lime disease and tbe funeral was set for the day that It was post poned till day and came evening for the body Last afternoon the boot was saddened by a double si leaving for the tomb Newmarket Dairy Co A meet ing of those interested in establishing a Cheese Factory in Newmarket took place last Saturday when the provisional board reported that had been guaran teed and over per cent of stock had taken op A motion was carried to proceed with the when the following officers were elected by ballot President Webb ViceFresC IS Directors Starr J- It- Irwin and Charles Auditor Joseph A meeting of the Board took place on Wednesday when a Committee was ap pointed to select the location of the build ings another Committee was appointed to build an icehouse and still another Committee to draw up regulations for the instructions of patrons Mr was appointed to visit and dairy districts in the west to gain all the information possible with regard to both apparatus and management left yesterday and will report at another meeting of Hoard next Wednesday More shores have taken since the meeting and the Director wish to say that only a few are left which they would like to be In the hands of patrons Any have not taken stock should have a share or two and thus show an Interest In the enterprise The Directors also strongly urge all patrons to in fr sup ply of for their own use Council We are sorry to hew that Miss Maria J Graham has been confined to her bed again with a relapse of inilamuia- 1 Look out for wedding bells The members of the Epworth league would like Mr Blake of Zephyr to come out and reorganize We would advise everybody look out for horsepoisoners Sopae one visited Mrs Andrew Grahams stable and poisoned of her most valuable as well as cut the halters from the rest of the horses arid turned all of them out of doors Dont forget to come to the pie Rev- says that he can not when people talk in Church- Mr Henry Shier buried bis child last week Jt Miss from Rapids Mich- is friends around On Tuesday evening of last week the young people of this place to the number of about twenty met at the house of Mr Meads who is leaving this vicinity shortly for To During the evening Miss Hattie Meads who is a prominent worker in the Sons of Temperance here was presented with a beautiful WorkBrtx and the following address Dun It Is with feelings of sorrow and regret that wo learn that you intend to IsavO our midst vdry shortly tbo time you have lived here you have by your genial chris tian spirit and kind obliging manner won many friends who will always have nleasartt memories of the good time we bad during the past few pleasures in which you have been very prominent as one who con sidera comfort of every one your own We desiye you to accept this WorkBo as a small token of the esteem in which you are held by your many young friends who have of meet- lug with you for another evenings enjoy ment before we must say lor a time i be for a short only as we will have a welcome for you you find it to visit Wishing that Gods richest blessing may go With frier Pil OFFI Connection i St SWEEPING REDUGTION TERMS SPOT CASH mm prices a Winter j more goods bow than in would because oof j j All present r DAVISON AT THE- re S -K- I And we are laying down everything in Heavy Weights at the A you are still your true Monday P1I hi died at VueHay of WKluioMli the who nephew of of in lho year Whitby la ho It fi In of Hob- one of moat popular early Jolly It to pecte4 wrtu lit o7 a widow Mm ill to Per Week Straight to persons mete or to represent In your Canadian CO Victoria To ConooleKCE following Res of Condolence to Conductor J If wife of Toronto formerly of was passed of the Order of and Is full of sympathy In tlietr hour of loneliness fit has God In Ills take from our Brothers fatally It Is herd that the death should so soon the golden glow of that the happy home should be turned to one of sorrow and the dead of grave should over feet that for years should green verdure of sum mer and that one so full of hope kind- nets and devotion should be stricken down God recalls Ills precious hath taken her away From their bosom to Hie own what He wilts I best that w tender wile our syrnpatby In this their sad bereavement and while earth has one angel If hat one angel more on of the Division W J A for John wood for niuraoce Town Noble- piling wood at cultlog and piling wood at births A and referred to and Fire Water Conn of J Davidson as a member of with wMaCosjted and John svpelated place- was to report upon Line at to era- the of one person who shall Chief Constable Collector of tet In spector Officer and Market Clerk for the the of Mayor Woodcock gave that at the neat of to amicably the of the Mil of niitntCDSaeo of that should be paid adjourned Feb Albert will bate a of stock tot Initio tVhltchurcJi ball a of tin In Of except for vtkin and st coo AucU The to tbe ltichArd will be told by public auction lot 8 la the on auction on tot la h Cod of Term9 for Jofccrrc Jobo anlof turn nock Hue TcrmaI on ex pre per Bile a cent for loach at i oclock to Era Political Organisation held two vary Katt iho let and Oo former venfof tho bald in The Ladies Aid of Ihc I Meth odist Church held a parlor so cial Atonday night which was well patronized and every one went home happy A sleigh load of our young people were out to a party in the country on Wednesday night returning just be fore the break of day Mr has been repairing his house and intends moving in H has rented Mr Hankys house on Sweet street It wont be long till some of our young men wilt be leaving for the summer G Smith is thinking of going Scotland One of our young attended carnival at Bolton last Tuesday night There has been excellent since New Years and very cold also but that did not prevent the people from talcing advantage of it Some think a livery would pay here bul no When friend and chum can walk three miles in twentyfive minutes and dance all night need of a livery Miss Walton of was the guest of Mr J Wood on Sunday Quarterly meeting was Held in the Methodist Church Sunday Rev Mr preached and In the evening Rev Mr Bedford of Schom- PURE LYE PUREST Mil Alt Mi STROM WHIFFS FROM A CORNCOB PIPE Folks flom to know of Know All We think if theyll wait patiently com oat In now lie to bo holed like bear and other hibernation animals of ft to ft bear when ho plenty to eat ftisd when hungry He probably now why bank keep near at hand He told yon conceited widower who he can marry twenty young ladles bot with ft fortune ha Know Alt dont everything in looking through the acnoke from oar pipe wo see many who are fond of a atop while may ere It It too late its all well at night oh what In morning It has many a man In poor house My wasnt last Friday a snifter May such days bo few far between The folk of Sharon and vicinity seem much pleased to hate Rev with them again We hear that Society Sharon In tend to the Temperance Hall a thorough overhauling While they are It hope theyll tear ont tbe low tailing and thai improve the ventilation And wouldnt II bo a food Idea if the ball was pat in repair Mortons sale an Ira crowd but the were For we wish bids bad own higher present in the Queens Stone Mansion to being nod for diphtheria and I to know Mr Foster and wife of Second St celebrated their wedding about two weeks ago And still George osji pretty spry did not tell Mr Aler While drawing wood from the bash two young ftod bidding stand they meant to do up they peeled off their coals bat before they what Alex knocked them Into the middle of next week exit A St youth seems to think be will be endowed with the strength of looks to grow A gruff old cab says be like to be Me Delilah and shear them off hair RING IT OUT That Montgomery and Son are selling cheaper Boots Shoes and Rubbers than any house in Any person showing they get a pair will have them replaced for nothing sewing zips We continue Felt Boots for in our TAILORING DEPARTMENT we guarantee a Good Fit Good Workmanship and Low Prices- MONTGOMERY SON PURE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS Choice Perfumes AND THE LEADING DRUG STORE NEXT P08T OFFICE STUART Proprietor NOTICE ItUdestr das the I A BhflmefWritfttacOe has bean ihe late Una a ABINN8 i to and we have many special In are coir as We We la SLftfl eafl of coma hardy CI by pay Write tor MAY To be found i J W STEPHENS GREAT BARGAIN HOUSE GREAT REDUCTION FOR THE NEXT WEEKS IN OVERCOATS A IN STREET readVmade clothing BOOTS SHOES RUBBERS AND OVERSHOES STILL THEY COME- No St Keen makes ow Prices A Large Stock of Goodi All New and Fresh direct from era now on tale MARTIN ROBINSONS OLD STAND PRICES ROCK BOTTOM GOODS MARKED IK PLAIN FIGURES ONE ALL Custom Work and Recalling Promptly Attended to Satisfaction Guaranteed aft A Call Solicited before purchasing WILSON CO OLD NKW8PAPEB3 FINE A

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