Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 10 Feb 1893, p. 2

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t -V- I fc Stare J- to for Bete A to I A ted Power She OP I BUT AND if Trie Era la Printed all at Horns ra no rxmr run I DA FEB Our Toronto Fib 9 J J u Inland ihit city for DabeoomlDg an of Majestys ni a document tic Tha Canadian and alio bald their la toe city tills vwL Canadian Press will at lb Board of Trade and the meeting rill be tomorrow Word but that shall not In fatal need for rifle practice According to records of tie man who for directory the population of Toronto tut Increaaad aboot daring A fir rti Tuesday night it Tonga St did damage to stock and stock well ford fa arreting four a also aboot of Jewelry people sleep mora Ontario Pomp on appeal by the plaintiff from the judgment Street J the trial judge action court held that the contract was entire and that the we entitled to upon the performance of it before ha paid Appeal dismissed with plaintiff Shipley for the B Twine we by a pertinent tiiacuSjioo The Messrs Smnmerrille taUcd do The u Too often in the of people in hare awed into passive to that could not conscientiously be relating to office of the Gov by liployalty cry of those who assume to be keeper and guardians of the peoples fealty to Britains Queen This same cry been made do duty in the past and like charity is often made use of a multitude sins Canada tells the Home Government that this country is prepared to pay Her Ma jestys representative a salaiy of per but through the ob sequiousness of men who bob at tendance Hall ihey parade their generosity at the public expense by the House to vote an appropriation of to pay His Excellencys travelling expenses dur ing the year and for fuel and lighting the Governors residence virtually adding to his salary and when explanations are asked as to actual amounts paid the loyalty cry is nude use of to stifle discussion and mock delicacy is invoked to make the country believe such enquiry is indecorous Mr intimated before the debate closed that now when tbe term of the present GovernorGen eral was closing and before his suc cessor arrived was a good rime drums this whole question respect ing ihe cost of the office to the coun try and later on he proposed to do We hope when the matter dees come up mere sentiment will find no place the discussion If we only pay from to per annum to Ministers who the responsibilities of a Government Department upon them we see no sense in paying for the per formance of duties that could be dis charged for a by trans ferring the office to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court without detri ment to the countrys loyalty to Brit ains Queen or loss of dignity to the Dominion Am- iaiai In ion but adopted a National Policy nd of tariff to also faith in lb JirrnVlOUltilln held tie meeting this week Toronto od Lbs flnt desirability of better Britain and Canada and ftQtijorieed a petition to bo to the Dominion in favor of al lowing all importationj from Great Brit ain to be admitted tree ft with the of the country and preferential Great Britain Last week we announced Mr intention to Parlia ment to abolish unjust uu on Binder Twine Since then he has brought the matter before the House where the question was generally dis cussed and we publish in our supple ment bis speech in of the Many members took part in the discussion not one defending the tar but for same unexplained reason the Government has as yet shewn no sign of yielding The facts we simple a Combine has bought all the twine Canada the proprietors are Ameri can capitalists with Mr Stairs MP for Halifax and his brother and Mr A- Morris MPP of Montreal all supporters of the Government There being a tariff duty of twenty- five per cent on twine from England or elsewhere the Canadian Combine has the Canadian market to itself and is consequently charging the larmers nearly twentyrise per cent more than its fair market value If the tariff was abolished there would be competition between manufac turers here and elsewhere and the Canadian price would come down accordingly but so long as it stands the Combine having the farmers at iU mercy 15 levying tribute by of the Governments trade policy to enrich one of the most grinding mo nopolies of the Dominion What moral right has this monopo ly to wring money out of another class No wonder certain classes in Canada today are prosperous but much of this prosperity is at the ex pense of our farmers and wageearn ersa mere transfer of money from the pockets of themany to the coffers of the few All legislation rendering such a system possible is unworthy of a free people and should be swept away The Binder Twine tax is a sample brick But in order to secure removal of impost people must act We would suggest petitions in favor abolishing ibis duty being sent to Ottawa at once Where is our Farmers Institute The Gov ernment should be given clearly to understand that the people demand fair play all around Farmers and wageearners have done more than their share in bearing taxes and it is now time interests were being considered Too long they have been the under dog in the fight Meanwhile let the public watch ihe doings of our representatives at Ottawa We are entering upon a tremendous struggle in Canada be the Monopolists and the people If the people are true to themselves the victory must in end be theirs Till then there can be no stable prosperity to the coun try Mr more strength to your elbow Tea fight for the late tfr et in the now on at Toronto the writ fat the slactioo having been but week Axed tor the hut- and polling one week later the Liberal Candid and Dr la Con- It u that Phillip Tbompaoo In the field end will Tea Hats joq My children In your home do yon take a paper or that can call own an ad- In leading the young- minds Into literary chanate it la worth a email year an the school bet I publication i bare come from two to tea ol Oar One by Ilia an lUoeuated monthly per year Toronto tint bom to Sir ltfAWt1 In to made aft Young lira bftnqwl on lbs put of a it either or torn lhva would got lhi family en- fcetml py and all are poorer lhan would been if 0 te It appean Prof a lifo Ifm of Tv- bo la alao of Contin ental Union plank fn At annual of week bad no for com- of a annax of to and and than a a propoaod Mr Smith to his and lug the to the paid fotbii to a A now Smith bai all and in it fetter to in which ha the calling open Claratand respecting roaaaaira for annexation of wrindinp by bare nor intention of the or anyone with ihe of United on who bare bean in agniDil Mr en of gnilty will take back Him mi Mar are Jjat choir ii St Chora entertained at night of week and a At the Cotfnty Mr of School to tbit bod on Board Bobt of Leamington formerly of mi hare on Thar- day of weak to perform duty of burying mother Mr Bolt Hewitt got word on of the of lav fibana The ware to bo interred Rev Mr ally Toronto will preach In dint Church hens and Mr Odery la away on work Randall daughter of Alfred Randall of City who bean for the pail flra to return In a of week She entirely from her raoent illnaaa Mr David of To ronto Junction paid a P Smith of town lait week Rot Hill of Port Perry the of J P Belfry night way home lie had been attending the funeral of a at Newton The following waro appointed by League to the Convention In Toronto opena on the iott Odery A Keith J P Belfry J and Jea of Kiooardina a former resident of North York that dairy been in for a a marked copy of that town from which we oopy an in this line- From a copy of printed at Indiana that Mr A Peregrine a former dent of Newmarket and eon of Peregrine of presented a beautiful in token of appreciation of hie faithful eerrloea of School in town for foartaea yeara many will be pleased to learn of hie continued in oama That his labor are adaptable is apparent and we that he may long bo to continue in the good work fene fah9 wnped out bttD Dp new foe torn time afflicted are let once i store opened ggiip Office it ttili at Mr Our hotel will change hands this The landlord will re move to Bell K wait where he intends a boarding house are Johnny leave MS be am a pood neighbor arid There a wedding in this ti- this week Particulars in our next Expect another one toon BROWN HILL The roads are in a good condition for learning and therefore Mr M Knight is getting in a large supply of logs The members of the Union S are preparing for a postponed Tree It expected to be a great suc cess as great pains axe being taken Mr Wilkinson is holding weekly meetings here Miss Terry of King township has been visiting in this village rite pasttime of the young people of our village is sliding on the pond near the church after choir practice Our grain buyers are enjoying a rest after their labors of the Tail season Oar village is daily enlivened by the passing up and down of ice trains A great is being taken from Sirncoe this season asit is of a superior quality Prof Brush with his horses gave our villi go a call last week As the night was hot a favorable one he did hot have a very Urge FURNITURE CHEAP FOR GASH fc OF THAI re of lb tall my Hi fatiT do fX ffeto Sort A Farmer an NOTICE Assignees to Creditors In of fiury in A PUBLIC hereby thai diietl ftaP ap In trait tor the toe re I el It iiupet6ri 1tdi a rnaitora be lo are Alt efll W ma on or before celled Odd Lots are being thrown out at Odd Prices to fits the ep Vh arlded Oir win be in alb J AND FOR SALE lib mow ill la food HE jot lath property In U aogluaiui TO aeoirr York Council petition praying bit twine be placed on tea list baa received at Ottawa week Mr- McCarthy has been in and has notice Bill to North Act pro- to empower to French an official goaja and to achooli Mr Herder Id Friday bar of and took bis Strange bat City altered a boom its place in front of Mr Speaker of in Scotland by announced Rogara baa left Toronto week en route to England ha will lo Can ada about March lit At tire canons it aaid two confronted party Manitoba school And With to Premier Intimated that the that legiilatioo on other band power to enact remedial denied- wonld to Ant by the of the Court Canada and tbtraftdr by in laud bad any Whan that question was titled the bare a policy in the matter With regard to tariff it decided not time to make change and it would bo to until the Cleveland bad their intention tariff but acme be pro- and the impntaion tbfi doty binder twine and coal oil be or redijd A reached Hall on that two of Lord and Lady Stanley were both in Eng land George with typhoid and Arthur with brain fever former said to be and Lady Btatdiy from New York on for land At a of prohibition ro embers of Parliament at Ottawa week a reao in favor of testing by a direct rote In the House defeated most of the meiabera it be to a for prohibition till alter the Temper ance had reported the result of its enquiry baa taken a new departure along The city coun cil named OConnor op the High School Board of at first meeting for organization this year she elected to preside over tbo lions of the Board for fa flrat Instance of a lady being chosen for inch disnctioP In Canada of elect Cleveland will take place at Washington three from tomorrow New York paperarfay he le now busy preparing his Meanwhile exSena tor will commence the work of preparing lbs Act to bo submitted to the It will be a for in the direction of Free Trade It Is now rumored in preai correspon dence from that the Government will shift Its reform by a resort to royal refuge This the way It la announced in Kingston There La talk in political a paw rnathod delaying solution of tariff that a committee of of be struck somewhat upon plan of tbe Ways and of United States Congrats to consider whole question and by hearing ar gument for against Urifl tnts aliment of country In to the real people to consider is M crookedness at last of County and were members inflaeaced by and ways of persons seeking favors at Ihe bands of ill member The Deer Fork bints certain members were ap proached by on emissary of Electric railway whose peculiar our cotem to be to make little parties of foot members for theatre and pilot them round to various mart that a man who knows ropes a city is to show boys If only a list of names of gen tlcmsn who have accepted class of were printed in there would be Oat irons and broom- sticks for some of them on their return home at the end of weak and if only at oast they should relate half their experience in To- we venture to say they would create a local sensation This la a ter rible bill of It is to moral sense of the Count and so forcible was this brought home that action on of those not brought matters to a crisis The Council considered remarks of reflection on fair fame and passed a to that effect next day the conductor the above paper replied expressing regret if sny imputation reflecting on any member have appeared in the titter and should on investigation show that an injustice baa been done he would mike the amplest amends fie then wept on to tbat the Warden bad admitted that theatre tickets really were distributed and in esse of an inves tigation be would be happy to submit names of members wbom ha bod reason to believe were referred to In bis paper This explanation strange to was ao- as satisfactory but the Council bad not the courage lo order the loyes- ligation Was there guilt and If so who were the guilty one people ought to I What did man who lha ropes show boys Tell It out In meeting Life fail lull KETTLEBY- large attendance of visitors is ex pected at King Mission Union S next Sabhah when the nt and teacher are to give a full of the Convention held tail week which was the roost successful ever held In that vicinity mountalbert Quarterly meeting held in the Methodist Church on Sunday con ducted by Rev Mr There is a lot of sickness in this village and vicinity Mrs Harrison sr is very low with inflammation of the lungs Scarlet fever is in the village three of Mrs children are down with it are quite a lot of changes to be made in this place soon Mr Ross is going to move overio the brick block Seth Jewell our village bar ber is going in Ross store J A Miller is going in Jewels place J F Brownscombe is here to fir things In the store Mr Andrew Smith has taken a situation in Toronto HOLT Death has again visited our neigh borhood Mr George was called away on Wednesday morning of last week He took a piin in hi leg which developed into neuralgia of the brain with fatal results alter two weeks illness The remains were interred at Franklin on Friday the procession being headed by the ML Albert Orange Lodge and visiting brethren deceased being a member of that Order- Mrs and family sympathy of the neighborhood in Miss Selena and Miss Minnie are visiting friends in Toronto Miss of is visiting at Mr Uncle Jerry is visiting in the village Mr Andrew of Dakota Was calling on friends the past week AN Embalming A SPECIALTY IT P boiler and If P Copperas Shop tbe is one lot of PRINTED WOOL FLANNELS ladies House Wrappers The regular value ia We bought them below their value and have been at throughout the season lo CtkV building dhlcb reifi6Vcd Telephone Connections radio In town on Inst wife of James of a last- Obi of If factory banal a goltiK the For JOHN FOX a a Street J tWOall Tuesday Eft ItIt Of M ELOCUTIONIST 35o Take a look and see them CO Reliable infoim- ation has rectVerl President of adian has closed contracts few St fa purchase Star Construction Cempany ind Winnipeg rail in I also lit It ind owning x 6olKaid It ippltor market PO I the Jan Ice of a daugbu Jib Rer J a Altai- ROHRWAK- Of Retcllffi Jan IboHtb Mr the lo of ha tTbltcfaarcb At lit the Mr of OwUlImbqr to U llBrr of Tomb on tool cry Dramatic and Miscellaneous RecitalSi PROGRAMME VSEktdrCaU How Ladles Cftarlat Law Wallace Bumper Widow TJCiCEtS Children Adults- Boats of at- Ann Uotad years- at on Si- the Of Peter yrouod owo on tod lost- WelsrvAfted will be no general this but soma will probably be too list on Under twine will also be if not altogether re- mo and a general mads on allbsmppradaou At least this is the impression no at Ottawa It iheae sra enough lo gat along without farther Jn on meat iha do not to a of tariff too The wants a and pubUo ssotlutfJl to fat loll Mi is Btickla of Iris visiting own this Mrs Chappellof spent In town friends this week J Bell exchanged Bandar with Amos of Aurora Brown who fintd to his bed for a few days getting again Ironside of was rtalting with her Miss Turner of of Mrs C Morrison is a few weeks with her Miss Proctor from Is leg a with Edwin Klin Tonga Is expending two or days the city this wak with bar daughter Mrs Mr Joseph thai era Utile Any snow aocsr KESWICK Mrs Draper and her daughter Miss Hutchinson intend making a prolonged visit to Seattle W Mrs Draper hat a son there and they are going to visit him Mr bai leased from Mr Draper her and lot many will be pleased to learn he still intends to reside in Keswick Some Sundays here we might well have no church at all ft is 3 most every Sunday from some cause there no service in one of the churches Why cannot the people of Keswick and immediate vicinity be one on Sundays they are on other days of the week There is no difference in the platform of the two denominations Then would have one good regular church The Peoples Church and could afford to pay one minister a good salary to live and labor among for no minister can do justice to four per Sunday Rev Mr Thompson af Newmar ket is announced for the pulpit of the Christian Church on Feb North Gwjllimbury has always been considered very healthy till the doc tor came to Keswick now everybody gets sick The roads here are to many places drifted level with the fences and ne cessitated a great deal of shovelling The town councillors are meeting some evening soon In ft J MAIM NORTH aw All orders wilt receive prompt attention LET I in IA of East JrJUfJirlijJmbiirT- For apply SPECIAL SALE -FOR- DAYS Our- Toronto MI Wbftat bushel a Spring fti7a 60S per ft hatha KKatJaoie Bolter toll par iulri Ducks per Mir tar lb e el i elalsi a if DM flMa a a to ON a ON MM Partnership no ItrvWAi rf Th8S4ldbmlree will JjrCJ who will tot okas 4 tialaParn to hi ftttb a ffiia A J A Ufkatifahst Itai MONEY TO At Sis par on mi by DAVID LLOYD for Itssl Coaaajrancar ofWar e8cc Also Also if fin idea ana KorUm l34i Toronto nrl Lei til dcslrtslolbanlt while rfdjuut ill em lira A of In J ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS or JOSEPH to Cfe 110 stal AtJOSBPII ffie In lbs if York 1st bar of hi i ton oil of Joseph loll bi HEW SAW MILL -AT- NOTICE The Mr J of tVbltcaojcb falaltxal ftgehi House Lot For Sale mllu flretelaMheiMiUbta malt Sad flrat A a ot arc P A- a If Aurora- Mr CONCERT BARITONE of Uatbodist Charob- siei Is proration la 8inevlafl and Violin On of fltrasu Haw- of orderto consider the erf granting a bonus to the new prospect railway passing Et of lake Simcoe torn Toronto to Grate Miss Mary returned to her home In spending four or five with and Notice to Creditors PURSUANT la fliatfllee of On- Chap Liu If ihe fcWftle who lit he tote Mat tier r a in J Woodoock of Town of the Ad late la died on or eboat the A are or WW Hid HE of iha ald by raatstsrad and of yf mid sUUmvatorifasU And that b day of will aasaU at w brAti lbs partial of which M lva arm act ba bis ft of iba io pimo- b4l of sJiil CHINA HALL PLANING FACTORY TUB to Inform his bo bis and in Mount Albert And fillbarasdirloasbon tttpo oat all togs as Custom Work a Specialty tna will prompt for past fatora I S WOODCOCK Albeit Oat Mortgage Sale of power of sals contained a which will produced at of win la offered for by PUBLIC American Hotel on Hull the 41b bay of ISM St tLia tosmely Ail of land ftndbtri la fa of rind of a of the Third Conca- icidsWp butted and bonrd at sld W IbeoeoBontb mos urea a links ibanea North arrant four flra nlos ibeaeaNorlh sareAiy four do sornir sins iblriono sis sod North aloe decrees links raora lor along sad ibesworitlcAUi by Immtdlalcl riist forth to dUUltSUiS lha atrio Of iha said AtlluWnlef wniQtbalUbtsfot lbs assets of SOI bod U NftwmArkal Solicitor for whorifJalm to Creditors OP lof and so a of to filsWio if A Olarlo See rfliws sU olshni of died no or about day of Al ra on or Hi day of insrketisutnt for the of Will snd by letter tjsMj and lurnxniH J B ellmisssltst of sad of tba if s bald by tbsto fonlisr ira sfrsr Ifeo said of lha will S putlss of so W par cast within days shall than lherasftsr Aad teuton will per cant terms of lha r persons of sc For furl and conditions of bed at the llmoof apply to at T- LLOYD I Newmarket i fff WW l I South along said limit two Hi mora or loss the of limit two oks mora or loss to On premises A Commodious- Hotel- wol to be paid Solicitor day of BRUfMTGN BROS NOTE THIS LIST OF PRICES PREVIOUS TO STOCKTAKING fi AND F AT- R A SMITH Leading Grocery Main tfi Timothy Felt Boots i a i These arc without doubt the Best Felt Boots in Canada Lycoming Rubbers I 1 SO SO I I I JO I SO 1 S Ladies Overshoes Lycoming 1 I Canadian 1 ii Lined Rubbers Lycoming 53 I Misses Overshoes Canadian Mens Snow Excluders Lycoming SerRe Overshoes Heavy American Overshoes Lycoming 11 I 00 I American Lined Rubbers Lycoming Soy Overshoes Lycoming Lined Rubbers We are sole agents or Rubbers and Overshoes And we guarantee every pair or refund your money MENS and BOYS We want to close out every Overcoat stock before stocktaking March 1st and offer at tbe following prices Mens Overcoats for 7 50 Black Worsted Overcoats worth for Boys Overcoats for 50 These prices hardly pay for the of the garments They must go quickly come served BRU NTON BROS USE ONLY POWDER

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