Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 3 Feb 1893, p. 4

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it and vpr of for purity nor far wOtnng nor the cloth ham da ffrom nor for allround general RIFU8K CHEAP IMITATIONS I beam core tor Is proved by train HO my ft trading my red a cod almost to strength to most Within tea Netting inyaeH any CM Of produced after rillaIcoold My with It food web I till until which Boon to take In my began to IbeaSatj my strength Caw has a Ay if aim vt vho from I It if jTrclrt- anil hat more too lb in I A CURB h i4v fur r on n f THF Recognised Standard Mungo Kicker Cable s IMrerwllj to o AlwATtnUBM mm folly by r oU iho for in com of rfnf and arte- We WIS SONS Montreal and Highest Grade Cigar Manufacturer In Canada toraleT Wrfl ST Oak Jan An old man year or age named McDonald killed on Friday on C P track near Cache station West of here- He was walk ing along the track and hearing a train coming to one He However did not get far enough out of the way as it was a snow plow that was approaching and he was either struck by the wings or mothered in snow that it threw from the track He was buried tightly in the snow drift drift that he only out with great difficulty onto me go icto of Ibu The Jcwi further of and go on a time however pence mnnfjolng an to the letter of inquiry by TaitciaJ the of Syria and had Use adioo of Jewa Utc bal the Jew claimed aalbori- of a decree made by this and blaoompaaiom to with work ordering to de fray for boons oat of the In those who bad to the with tnlifil alt in command- meat All of be a of fir God fa to be in purity and according to Bis own appointment in According to all accounts the minion Parliament was opened at Ottawa on of with more than usual pomp This being the fitul of Lord Stanley on occasions of this kind no had its influence in prompting the elite of the city to be present in large to witness cere monies Elsewhere in todays piper we speech from the Throne delivered by His on occasion As a state document it is quite of the commonplace order- mere noticeable for its studied re ticence respecting important measures to be submitted to during tbe session lhan anything Considering that since last a has in stalled in office the ex perience disappointment at the of reference to any to questions of public interest the Premier and other members Government directed at- in their addresses and which the leaders of position and the press have nee so fully discussed We look in vain any reference to Tariff Reform or the lopping off of muuUcnng branches of as by tbe Premier at Tjronto No mention is made of school question no for- shadowed the Govern ments policy in regard to the future of the Intercolonial Railway no word of hope or otherwise is vouch safed elating to a fast Atlantic steam ship service All questions have been widely discussed since last session both on platforms and through the par ly and much inn r is felt as to the attitude 1 the in regard thereto Iut the Speech by His lency is silent on the matters tarty organs have furnished explana tion the omission is because the has no intention to but because the of making important announce menu in state speeches is not in good form and is being discontinued We shad see was outh for aad curt la According lo the of agree ment between the lion Minister of Education for Ontario and ihe three of TorOnti grant to delusive franchise of publishing school icidcn in ibis Province rill expire this year ten years enjoyed a of issuing the authorized series school books and although it cannot with be they have been in prices so far as the general public is concerned yet it is asserted that they entered a sort of com bination by which put of the profits legilimately has inured the the franchise was granted by the Education Department Minister Ross had certain conditions attached the public from being un duly imposed upon and he very naturally thought that by authoruing three publishing houses to issue the competition among themselves would enable the general public to benefit by their desire to undersell each other Instead of these antici pations of the Minister of Education being realized however it is aid the combination entered into an agree ment which brought wealth to them selves at the expense of what dealers claim should Have been legitimately the profits of booksellers throughout the Province What Minister of Education will do at the expiry of the franchise granted is not known but what has transpired and discussion that has taken place both through the press and the ao im pression that he will not re new the bargain He expected com petition a trade rivalry that would inure to the public advantage and in this regard be has en disappoint ed and if the monopoly ends there will be free trade in school readers In which case the Education Depart ment will probably establish a stand ard and then authorise ever series which meets the requirements laid down may not materially less prices to the general public but the chances are ft will result in giving dealers a minimum of per cent profit instead of a per cent maximum which Hon Mr Ross in tended By the of the monojioly every publishing house that wishes on complying with the fixed can enter upon the publication of school readers and then competition will determine prices lis iter TO ABOUT ConocUa of Oxford lie Ontario GoTerDmoat on tlifiqdtftlioa of Will York Council fru A Vliimpptf dated Jan UliiUiDairjr I laboring lirouglit into Winnipeg with his feet badly- froun LlitU both will to Oh the fint day of present of parliament Mr for notica of motion That It to binder on free and came day Mr gave ft notice regard to It tat Br BiUfr la a far on 2 at The declaration of independence from party coercion by Mr McCrthy when he appeared before his constituents at Stayncr last week marked an epoch in the future poli tics of this country of more than ordinary significance The Domin ion Parliament opened next day with much viceregal pomp and flutter when His Excellency the Governor General delivered the usual Speech from the Throne but it is safe to lay that the North Siracoe demonstration and the utterances of its member has attracted far more attention both in Parliament and throughout the Dominion than the speech put the mouth of the Gov ernoi General by the Government or the pageantry attending the opening of Parliament at Ottawa We a condensed but of Mr McCarthys deliverance on the first Wge of from which the reader will observe he has formally severed his connection as a thick and thin supporter of the Gov ernment and also as an out and out of the Conservative party He told his constituents wherein differed parly leaders and the Government and the convention endorsed his defection His lan guage was unmistakable He met the electorate with a frank avowal of his intended future course and the eo- pic cheered his announced dence from party shackles So far the general public is con cerned the intimation of Mr Mc Carthys opposition to the tariff policy of the Government is more significant than on the other questions alluded to in his While differing with the Opposition on the trade question as defined by Hon Mr who to secure reciprocity with the United States would even discriminate against Great Britain this Mr- McCarthy did not favor but he would support such modifica tion of the tariff as would admit American manufactures to the Can market as free as the exigencies of country for revenue would permit speech will pay perusal and a synopsis of it pub lished elsewhere in todays paper demise of the Commons member for South Middlesex Mr is announced Deceased a prominent figure on the Liberal aide in mantel- pal altera where be resided and was an excellent platform speaker A new elec tion will soon take In the Biding to till The it has refuted advertising rabases lately he found that cot alwaya done on square could they be The lot tery principle is wrong any way the on it every publisher to who has an in the morals of the people We have refused three offers January froca Aora flareUai q to IVofW small attaabad break a practical politics and that on Manitoba school are limited to County CouncU of York has decid ed to petition Ontario Government and Legislature to so amend the law that in local be authorized to revise the ot the County Judge at present will be a bat the if it prayer of the petition wiU require lo nat pro- viiton tor appeals the reviiionconrt the tame as in case of appeals from as- to provide against The in tbe right direction Is last parliament Party one representative Hon Mitchell In the present Party baa grown 100 per cent it is now sustained by Iton McCarthy and of Increase it will take seven to Third Party to be come party of the Part and to capture the Americans manage secure a clinch on country meanwhile But like the schoolboys snowball It grow faster lax The wind where It anil the la faeard bat who can tell whence it or whither It so Is It with Third A temporary affect is tony times this all Tea baa another article Egypt describing the Mohammedan worship the ritca of lbs bowling dervishes and a visit to the and Interior Pyramid A very handsomely Illustrat ed paper on Chine describes life end MpeciaUy Mission work In the greet char- sketch of la given with fine Dr Daniel Clark fioperinlentlent the Toronto Asflnxa for Insane another to IUsIn an In- tee spmjmana of lit- enure the Insane The Rev Dr of writes article on to the Plble The recently found B Peter ihe greeteet of the is In Coll with A TIRED a and jailing one needs Or That builds strengthens and invigorate the entire female It and promotes proper lions of womanhood improrM ennchea the bloody dispels and raelanoholy and refreshing and restores health and gtrangih- a powerful and made for and the only guaranteed remedy for mans and ulmenta- In all female if it fails to benefit or cure yon have your money A great many medicine relieva Catarrh in the Head That means that its driven from the bead into throat and longs by mild soothing and properties Rem- perfectly and permanently curt It appear to be taken for granted that Lord Aberdeen will succeed Lord GovcrnorGenorel of Canada Be a Liberal in politics The that be not much Of a atatecman but be is a master hand making a at an ladys tea party and thats much more nstfnl statesmanship in a January is in a double same a number illnslrattona of win the lea jam on the erateia York of frozen Ohio at Cincinnati and of Niagara in winter Among in same num ber is by A a portrait and sketch of late llaycg I M apparent Gov will propose of tariff in certain No sooner had notices of motion been Riven by of the Opposition respecting or doty on coal oil and Wilder than of be Government gave notice of a That it la the of this House that the doty on barbed wlr on agrionltaral implements on cottons be so U to give more than reasonable that the duty on biudor be abolished death of James Dlafbe a noted figure in American polttjga for many in the party la announced The sad event place in Washington on alt Deceased was ftj West firowusvillc Pennsylvania on Jan 1830- He served in the State of Maine from to the two being h to end was MalcM term till In bo was the Itepublican candidate for hot was defeated by Mr Cleveland In he occupied office of Secretary of Slate under President Harrison be held till nhsn he mourns loss of a man of worked ability for Excellence JJaraond Dye Cotton colore is everywhere Those who mate up cotton rags and mat are tend the and lora always ob tained for their fast and and are proof to sun and soap The cotton colore of the Inferior and erode dyes sold in someplace cannot be relied on and ladies are warned to be when bay ing cotton colon None era but Diamond STOUFPViLLE Miss Maggie of this brought auii lately against Robert a well to do young farmer of Markbarn for breach of promise claiming When case came before the judge he advised a settlement out of court which was accomplished but on what basis has not been made known Our village is enjoying the of the season Our Division can boast of two sil ver or initiating the most the last The latest out Three young ladies were dumped out of a cutter by out Miss has been calling on friends SUTTON has leaned the Ierfirlaw flour mill Richard was made happy by ihe receipt of a bulky envelope in the mail last Monday which on in vestigation proved to be hit long- lookedfor pension certificate He a month and back pay amounting to The ice at the Point is being har vested at a great rate A train of about cars leaves every day for with the congealed article and the same amoun if not more is stored in the ice houses at the Point daily As to the speed in which it is handled an idea is given when only minutes is consumed in load- a car each block of ice weighing lbs and about to a car fltfZJilfS J arWfilthYrfendsjm last weck- friend May the gueaa Min Quite the of sprat a very enjoyable evening with Reeve Baker and family last week John had the a heifer last week- Mrs J P was visiting her sister Mrs P p Steel week A was visiting his daughter Mrs Sprot of Toronto last week The quarterly services will be held here on Sunday Feb Mr and Mrs I White are visiting their son J White Toronto week BAKING 1 PUREST STRCHIgEST BEST to NEW SAWMILL PLANING FACTORY 1MIK to he le In wnnodtloe with Ma Albeit And Will bi In a to ant all bt ai CUT PLUS PLUG Custom Work a Specialty mo will and prompt jon for rarcra Your S WOODCOCK ii Mount Notice to Creditors Ko other brand of Tobacco ever en joyed such ail Immense sale In fiume period as this of Cut Plug and tobacco Oldtit Cat re r in CanaJa ollnin lib Liu tWflJ I i fijjUU Of pi King la ttIMy ot died ISOi eu of laf of lftftS aefid lb Iowa if Mr of of llm fiU tot ex aad ftdJftatta full or ibair iTki ha Butftft their and iba iMuflii ftlttb lay of March Ifc tttd tbaUllei of tbn Exultli tfllltotbfrilablfdrlhPiyFiiftUtif l bna Cfaltrj hard nolle at ton j MATILDA J GIVEN fc will bo MX to a erf to lake bolld fnif Hoe Iho Authoring lb to or anj tairbene cava St bait for to con rtlthjcna or i to nr RiUaraf filreH or emboii5v aud hold An J aU for roaiidw tit Com hi or for iim opoa iloriaratr or to to the ill out of Jan 1Mb KURIL fur HI ifmparr il An J mm or S lie THE LEADING SHOE HOUSE Is clearing out a linea in Ladies at a Big Sacrifice is time gain SIGN RED BOOT Custom Work Speciality GRIFFIS LUMB ERI LATH SHINGLES ARK NOW TO WITH SIDING MOULDING DOORS SASH AND BLINDS THANKFUL FOR LIBERAL OP THB A CONTINUANCE OF 8AMB AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES THE WM CAME SONS MFG CO J a WINTER SEASON f4 km 1 FULL STOCK OK LEADING MAKES OF CROSSCUT SAWS CHOPPING AXES SAW SETS HORSE SHOES AXE HANDLES HORSE NAILS jfe BLACKSMITHS SUNDRIES BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF BAR BAND HOOP IRON AND STEEL NORTH OF TORONTO PROP 5 SIZES OP GLASS ON HAND LIQUOR STORE HOLIDAY GOODS IN i Society r4aj Hi mo ut J5 Tunj irTfc dSM Wines Gins and Pint To those require Porters in I oii in small kegs is line for will ftnrj quality prices right P J MAIN NORTH GASH STORE Our is arriving daily and will be found j TO NONE Tor the season your orders your puddings in lime P- ALLEY MAIN STREET NORTH a a Mood 4taovry month p In or tit 0blh Ul Hon of Sea HOUSE- ACRES PI for in the County of York of imei be paid J on the lartT Two and to me on the luu here t tii05 SALE AT A rB0H J KOBBftTSQ SALE A iwoajort J J Monday the day March of d Ihewon THE FOLLOWING a ftni- FARM FOR SAU liaiof acrcai flood lo it to si Jitr 5Anaf art of part aorta and a pwaw raw MP part and a a wtu MlMit I v iVOJtt North Hot North unit If IS IB IB v II IB II tia I I I I mm I I j a ti p 11 11 T7 1010 MiVi 10 111 IT Ji I 81 ST 1 IS- QI ta I v I si I fa ao 10 IIS so aa Ill 111 It II lull fas 15 Wj II 1 1 3 isi 111 I ul a a or m 1 9 0S 100 too aw 100 43 AGO 15 II 13 I 9 0S- sir in ii 12 fti S3 o li I 1 a vimaR or IT 3 op Part or Watt af J wm part JobnBanfhaaiut part IT a Kb 111 113- 13J- SO SO lit v at lt WTSt lit at v at litW YSt lit WYSt a a a a J ISO CO ao S0 a 91 13 sir it I in a I 11 431 19 2 IT 11 J i If a in SI IS I I I si ii a a a or a I 301 sis us Part i in VILLAGE I4o Iouehl0r8f- Komsi Hub ail cor fe4 I J n aa a Da K Eatatoa pari llftltVtl Daniel pari OF 33 19 It 13 I J 8 a v io a t in in lei lS7 384 11 IB I fit I ft It 15 a i as a is ion I BBS II IMB0i I IT OS OF a a 15 as It TO A 13 15 13 15 Ot amp am lot no a It ON LOT NO IB ST I ON NO IN ST Mi rrtison Bkttk Uft I J VERY TOWN ALMOST iklU flat luro Itberaa Aj ihapremiwa to JAB LOW Hi SALE farm and EitJiitQtiir ill U1H Mono TO icrfti Lot lo ftlh 100 LOO It t I Kb 10 ji Wt tod rvooii a rood bin All lo aodpirtcQin TAKE rrtlutewi4diirttrj3i It lbs of im Baal ByLaw fa February 25th A II To ay a lm of of uaa id ft inflihlp to u I Cccnan8iBUataia lot a iloc around the 4 tf v laiirx road i road AU if aad To View Dr All is ihtoa aad

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