Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 3 Feb 1893, p. 2

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www r J 3ffw M7rtimat Rock A Co Par Drag Pharmacy Nolle to Creditors J Krlmio- Mortis Wea Robinson aflt P Holloa A inns 000 It a and ISO Alii he Tl OH ma En Is at Homo o IUT7X1 FRIDAY FEB Man Sys Em proprietor of lb a bote has rented lbs Hans from and will possession on Feb 1st This will b to A to on of lb build ings on tea Worlds Fair Grounds ai Cblmgo on roof the annex of too man of apt nigra build ing to by foal col lapsed from no- Ball alio damaged The loaa estimated at Toronto Despatch to Ere J MM by of ft robluri who lo tit It iJ thitiiiift who T roUrie two Annul id Thn- of Dozt lit fo condition It MrioQ ft if upoolaa ton ba for lr of nut month The city fau retained Cpt John tried on Qtitt weit found qatttion of So irfts mule In for to fafttbor mod it tafd the bo Col Cl4rkxJtA Ibe At ft it be will out tomorrow Rosa aUiuiater lion been appointed of to bo held Chicago in with World Fair Christie tad Ii Ofller hate handed id their s it in the of good people queer ex hibition of in by and hit Ittett fid A city paper if it Am American hat reviied in way It for rich to into than into Kiogdoo of Heaven The bit nfercnoelothe of Mr the us for Hew Tor rice between Geo the Geo of took pli wit won by Bnbear bating fait opponent fl tenoe iboot four nd net for the champiooibip cap of 400 been appointed on the part of to tot with rtwntly named by the to method for preferring the flaharttt On the great lakes and contiguous for and protection of the of At within the jurisdiction of the two trie Mr CiWa of Bait in good A few called We notice by the Toronto that Jennie of town took an the the Undo the other even Juhq of We are enjoying a winter the weather bean a little than We hare hardly mow for bat we mow during Mr Knight of renewed bit tabecription tor the 6ih lime ayi bo cannot get along with out the bit birthday with friend a few week ago dining on rout he it faeeYpecli to tee hit again the coming We an tore they will be pleated to hare him cell Carl tea of the Major of who atanded the at Toronto last for the of undergoing an examination the theory and practice a Diploma week entitling to Membership in of of Canada of and of city the of eye- which Mr Lloyd hat be It to be upon the distinction to which be attained He gone back again to the for another term A public meeting to here on the when tire jtd upon before the public now in con nection with the of in and Toronto A to the Toronto from that of the Canadian Committee for the Pair baa received many letter from o Chtoago for work on the Canadian to enable them to get hack home by a a Chi- paper that of Canadian aa well at other are not of employment in and no of betore them il any Canadian left at home in hope of more engage trot hare been A at The Hawaiian baa been overthrown the ex retired to by a a Provisional Government has been formed and by ill authority a pro declaring the monarchical of itveniment Sited and thai the and peace are t coutrut of an of 11 members will control of an Delation with the Slates arc ne gotiated A deputation now on way to Washington to complete negotiations STJtANGB The fanners are all busy hauling gravel lhc boys that It not all work a hid quite time last Satuiday Mr J OBrien hibernating New Scotland Quite A of re lations met at Archibalds last Wednesday to witness the marriage of A youngest daughter of l of this place to Mr Lyons of Marys fair young face will be sadly missed for a time The bride was dressed in apricot silk trimmed with swans down The bridesmaids Mi Maria Jenkins and Miss Jennie Gillies were in cream silk trimmed with im lace The happy young couple took the evening train for Chicago amid of rice May health and prosperity follow them Some of our young folks attended an supper at the other evening and report a lively time Joe thinks he would rather ride two in a cutler though Among the visitors in the village this week arc Miss A Gillies of Newmarket at her fathers Mr J- at Hibbards Miss at Boys and Mr A Clure at S McMurchtes Sakha Clause IS Miss Laura visiting at Hills Robert of this village has gone to try his fortune in Winnipeg May he be successful Johnston of BalUntrae has sold his store and dwelling house to Otto Romberg of Toronto for He gets possession April 1st On Friday iait Messrs Smith and E J the latin for and East York in the Legislature will hold a joint meeting in Daley Hall where the Annexation was held a Tew ago to the other aide the question and matters generally A big crowd in an Frederick Hill of rille died on Saturday night He was well known Toronto having spent fire years in Millars office He a graduate of the University of To He has beta three years and W very SHARON Tax are pleased to observe thai Mr is again moving in Parlia ment to relieve the farmer of the ini quitous Binder Twine Tax and we are that every farmer in Canada will wish him success is certainly most unfair the agriculturalists of the whole Dominion should be taxed to enrich a monopoly controlled by American capitalists and a few in- flu Government supporters Twice already the dominant party at Ottawa deaf to the voice of the people have voted Will they do it a third time Even- one now admits the tariff is a lax and all classes regard- of pasty saving always the favor ed few who are benefitted demand the abolition of all unfair The binder twine tax is one and should go Every year it exists bind er twine cost our farmers more than it otherwise would It is a fair calcu lation to say that the agricultural community of the County of York alone lose annually by reason the existence of a customs tariff on foreign twine which places our farm ers at the mercy of a combine called the Consumers Cordage Company of Canada which purchased all the twine factories of the Dominion If Mr Mulock succeeds in abolishing this tax he will deserve the gratitude of the community Will defy public opinion and again vote down this motion Time will tell in the Commons on the reply to tbo Hon Mr sorter moved amendment the effect that the present condition country redactions should be made in taxation which pressed so heavily apon the balk of the people sod that ibt failure of the Government to hold oat redaction in the oppres sive now imposed was matter deep regret a- division this amend- wasdafeated by a vote of to S3 Before the motion pot Sir John Thompson replied in a determined speech and before closing told the House and that the Opposition had no right to infer that there be no tariff changes declaration let Government of difficulty bat the hedging displayed indicates that change may be Tax city and county councils bare reached an agreement in reaped to the Shore BoadL According toils terms from press reports provides that after June next the city take over the Lake Snore Road to a point COO feet beyond the her ft la to abolish the thereon and to contribnts towards the the county ba in tht salts of and against the county toe county against and Leonard Chapman against the and the county against Boating On signing the agreement the city has the privilege of these soils if it sees fit On the side of the county ft is agreed not to oppose the city annexing all the property along the Laxo Shore from 1000 feet north of to the lain the second part of the provides that the city ia lo abolish market feci on conditions the county abolishes by Dec 31st of Ibis agreement may bo adopted without the other Hence the given the option of accepting hitler any time daring the next two years Since the foregoing was put in type Mr Mulocks motion has been dis cussed in Parliament He was sup ported not only by leading Liberals but also by Mr and Col OBrien Conservatives Seeing the trend of public opinion the Govern ment finally staved off a vote by- asking the House not to pronounce upon the motion till after the Finance Minister has made bis speech is evident however from the tone of discussion that the Government will lessen this binder twine tax and may abolish it altogether If Editor ui to A despatch from a Western city states that the proposed deep water canal to tan to Kris Will cost at These figore the gams la not worth powder It appears to be at Ottawa that Dominion Franchise All unsndsd daring present session bat natarsasd stent of to be proposed is of ore from London England on that Sir High ha from with the draft of the treaty a by Lord with cuuFrwjchJorsignOmos this sxposts bom to be to tariff rats flu- Charts Is now draft so to British deaf is and it is it be a will bs to Bhuon and Chamber is Doing Mr continues very tow Mrs Cyras Clubino bad lady visitors over Mm of Toronto was visiting with if it week Elder is vty revival meetings at King- wood The Lloyd of visiting with Misses Wallace Sunday Mrs ft of Newmarket visited at on Mr Amos of Hi Thomas formerly of Hi waa at Mr ststerday Master Scott bad a large birthday party which folk thoroughly enjoyed Montgomery of Miss of Toronto and Miss of are at Mayor Lloyds this Dean who was to previous to Father Morns being stationed fass been to lbs Consistory of To ronto and Father Begin of TbornhitJ is named at J Davis Esq through town on afieruoon on his way lo address a meeting in th od at Albeit Today expected to tea pari In Con- vantlon in own township Bun- day Mr Dart has an at to School in and take part in a plat form meeting In in inter- est of Methodist Missions Mr Davis Is also to address own Biding next week pnblio raeaabsToI parliament his Urns WUooOOnid EGYPT Mrs a little over yea after a and pain ful illness died on evening last for the last month her sufferings were say great but she bore it all with christian patience and finally died praying surrounded by her friends and relatives The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon and was largely attended The funeral cortege proceeded from her resi dence to the Baldwin Christian Church Messrs Archibald Eluah A James Anderson Donald and Tomllnson officiated as Elder preached a funeral sermon Eiders and Clark also taitig part in services after which the re mains were laid to rest in the Church ground Deceased was mar ried almost fifty years and resided in this neighborhood all the time She leaves a family of five one son and four daughters Our school is progressing very fav orably under the management of the new teachers Mahoneyand Miss Eva Atkinson Mr Nelson Sherwood and sop of have been visiting friends and relatives in this neighborhood for the last three weeks Elder preached in the Christian Church here last Sabbath Elder being called away Mr Stephenson moved hia family and stock down from the north to the old Toole farm occupied by his father pre paratory to commencing work in the spring The SS sleighride took place last Tuesday afternoon going to the town of Newmarket On re turning a suitable was given consisting of refreshments speaking music by the choir recita tions etc The proceeds are for the current years eipensea of the school Sleighing is good and well patron ized in this locality We got our January thaw but was postponed lill amost the last day Mr Jos- Rogers attended the S S convention on the line this week as a representative of the King Union SJS of this section Mr Editor news being scarce I will give you the of Kennys Club as I got it from a member on the sly But you must not tell any one for the rules of this Club strictly prohibit any of busi ness being made known Well the regular fortnightly meeting took place at the usual time and place Iky in the chair After order had been called the minutes of the meeting were read and confiimed moved seconded by put to vote and unanimously carried that male member of this Cub shall allow any young lady to home slime after dark ing he be present The meeting then adjourned till the usual hour neat fortnight The Reformers of the Township of King are to meet at at a oclock on Thursday afternoon of next week for the purpose of keeping up the organization In the evening the Voting Liberals of wSl hold a public meeting at which on the pubic questions the day are promised by Messrs and Davis the representa tives In both Houses Correction Wo have been re quested to state that our correspondent was somewhat astray In reporting the Foresters entertain ment hurt week Neither J Davis Esq nor J McGillivray Esq of To ronto were present though they were expected The lodge not wish the public to EM The Sunday entertainment held last Friday evening a success The hall was filled to its utmost capacity and the scholars did credit to their training Mrs Baker of Baker Hill rendered a couple of songs which were well received and the ship laden as it was with pres ents made a novel and pleasing fea ture in the program amounted Mr and Mrs of Aurora and Mr Lewis and wile of Newmarket spent lat Thursday Mrs Anna Dunhams it the anniversary of her birthday Master Willie Grahim of Sulton West is visiting in the village Another pleasant At me oc curred on Tuesday evening last whe Miss rlan a number of in a most manner We understand Sons Tenr have again their Lodge here The first meeting was held one evening last week Wednesday night a of young people attended tin social ction with St Pauls Church in Stella Murrcll of Sutton is visit her Mrs Booth rosier he Army Forces irkfNeouUprJ will Usui q a very pecll chancer the pbiiTch Feb at Mr Booth hat hrge Work the Dominion and will give si very in address on the Great Social Scheme in Darkest England and the way out She will be accompanied by Cap Fry a professor of music his crowd a on the continent of A treat of music and singing is for those who attend Come and hear Mr Booth sing and Staff Fry play Quite a nam of our to on Wednesday night attend a dance The children of the Methodist Sunday School are forward to good time at their steighride and tea on Friday Toe Patrons of north of Aurora gave art At pome in the Hail on list night Thurs day A load of young folks and some performers went up from here Quite a talk has been created since our editor put ibe local bis regarding the High School principal collecting the fees We understand that Mr J A- Peregrine who has been employed by J Sons for about years mtcndj leaving our town about March for Brandon Man where be has accepted a situation as book keeper for a large agency We join many friend- in wishing him prosperity in his new home Mr J as Charles who for a number of yean has lived about miles north of Aurora passed out of this life troube and Sorrow on Sunday The funeral on Tuesday was largely is ihe was highly The market here Is still on the boom Prices are good Rev Mr Oliver junior pastor- of the Methodist church in Richmond Hill occupiedthe Methodist here Sunday He gave discourse the morning and in the evening preached the anniversary monio the League- praising thtm for the work they are doing and exhorting them to press onward and upward in the cause of the Master Monday night the from visited the League here and a very hearty invitation to go and visit them There was a program which was rendered the in which Aurora young do such a thing at the close we had a nice soisl tea Our went with their treatment to fcor of is oni I Dissolution of OTIoa Wo fvrttfsfrr sjiLvtb trail- PCM lUtiiiAajp fltn All flsjto p3i taMld a MledM The in tbnx tha sVnted orihvsTrUpXlsPP lo In scorn fain rev riakrhat sua snppori la ifaa J Odd Lots are being thrown out at Odd Prices Notice to Creditors JAMES to of York who leSr th3l Obi I th UN ftlitli lhA rid aai7SlalQ fiSHtS dual add tb ttitPrsTaT And lahBTsbJf I in- of tbS MJd Kxrfutora to of MqS hoi rtcalyadWMi sij tUI ft nil id fidtloj of at JUlHbLtB hi jap Here is one lot of FRENCH PRINTED WOOL FLANNELS For Ladies House Wrappers The regular value ia We them below their value and have them at throughout the season Mortgage Sale to offer 4fif PUBLIC ONLY 35c Take a look and see them FURNITURE OH FOR CASH Undertaking A A SPECIALTY of a at ftViineit ftiuln iwi end nbeIK the of Of put loiaiimoorTrfervijr ROOHE CO TO m m JOSEPH f llilJi- follows lbs a limes frit IflrtJ flrx it and ft ttiire lour ieftrr tt iwo ftnrt iiVtin sWlroiklt Into ltd of J juU 0ivi or V- Mortar PURE DRUG AND of Id til IH VetidofH8oirottof tji el dr An JHMILLARD Royal Mi Telephone Connection Fine weather still add we hive plenty of snow j Kverjone seems to be rushing their home while the sleighing continues The revival rareiings at Dry Town Vice Methodist are well attended and great attention is mani fested The crowd was s as to nol room inside for jH on Thursday It seems queer how some people like to see everything start they help This is why the factory dont start here Bert Glover is home fur a few days A large number of strangers are around while the quarterly meeting lasts at Dry Town Quite a large amount of grain is moving towards Brown Hill again We expect a wedding here this week Quarterly meeting services in Methodist Church next Sunday Will Barker had the misfortune to lose the other evening Who knows where it went Why is it so many weddings hap pen this January Because the ladies proposed in leap year and left the day for the men to settle Sorry to hear of Old Know Alls departure M a HOLLAND LANDING Several teams ate busily engaged drawing hay from the marsh Miss P Stephen on returned home from a couple of weeks visit to looking as if her visit si happy one Mrs J Brown has been ill for some days We are sorry to hear of the ace dent to Mr an old gentle man living on St It seem that he waa loading hay in the bar when the horses ran away throwing htm on the barn flajr He is under the care of two doctors and is doing nicely Everybody proposes attending tile concerts week ours on Wednes day and Poplar Bank St on Friday night We ate sorry to report this week the death of Mrs Lewis Miss Flora of Newmarket formerly of ibis village Her few short months of wedded lift- were suddenly by that disease He has our sym pathy in his sad bereavement Those little girl who amuse theni- sclv in churt to others would as as the should their names be men tioned or brought before a ma isiratr We heir that our friend William SJoan has upon a en gagement with the American What of the Alien Labor Law in this case Or is it one more Canuck over the tariff wall for keeps Mrs J of Bloomlngton is spending a few days visiting her brother J A Mr Alex Shields was married on Saturday afternoon last and the young men of the made it an of much rejoicing in their way but Alex thought them too late too noisy and too rough The next weekly hop will take place next Wednesday evening Our Reeve McKearie Is down at County Council Mrs Luck Is on a couple Of visit to Toronto do and of p a SALE Dec of of Jamjit of MO Kin 00 the 2nd of of of Tho Aha tbft tth at Rider 1 to a both of Rut rrro ax- Pica tM At of Eo JtnaHIb oaf- of hi titwfttblp at lo of At lb bjr KM Mr Moor of Mr- Moore of Tomb RQklKIOKIai Old matxQdsiod AT mo And town Uib rLORMHCi t of Koofr cd od on Hit ijod fr XT Iff St Jobnf lent If mo of of John laKCJ ad Udafav to ih Sod 1KB Morton eJ Tat A it dt sV liThn flKsvd hid All mnif Or done j hi fti is to our id fact toll a oom ft- to ftp 00k Vn Wop Jl ft of IfflHa allhesBj ft MAlH T- HOfftTH NCWalARKIT All orders will and flflbeHijenient THANKS raj slaoa klsdessa oar UlHlrsiaofsayeoSrMnlosr notice A MKsmatdDUiUta ami sulT a or a A FOR- DAYS -AT- 1 fed vtdA1ttlri1lrriior vatllOUA Il6 ttifll ljiiVi only 10 lliOssacUEmM tin Wit tbotlinoof ANTED Choice AND bit- TO LET St lo- I LEADING DRUG STOW NEXT POST OFFICE SWAM groprietwj BiDOTSrSH AND OVERSHOE PO the mm smith 9 and Liver out wtODiiB Bowels Kidnsys and Liver without all Impurities and foul iswreUojir at Cor- PRICES ROCK BOTTOM STILL THEY COME No Hah St Keen C wakes A Siock of Goods All New and Fresh direct fiom Mint era now on sale at MARTIN ROBINSONS OLD STAB curing of the Skin Dimness of vision Heartburn J GOODS MARKED IN dice salt las Fluttering of tiio and many to Iho BURDOCK PLAIN FIGURES ONE PRICE TO Fluttering of the Heart Her- aim BLOOD BITTERS For Eat by all CO- Proprietors Toronto Custom Work and Repairing Promptly Attended Satisfaction A Call Solicited HH WILSON 0 11 mi up f CHINA HALL PREVIOUS TO STOCKTAKING C R -AND- Glassware at- R R A SMITH Leading Grocery Mai Timothy BRUNTOSSS BROS NOTE THIS LIST OF PRICES as Felt Boots it So OS So S jo These arc without doubt the Best Kelt Hoots in Canada I timing Rubbers Ladies Overshoes Lycoming Canadian Lined Rubbers Lycoming Overshoes Canadian pi 1 85 Mens Snow Excluders Lycoming i IS IS IS so 1 If ScrfcC Overshoe Heavy it American Overshoes Lycoming at ia IO 6c IS Ho 5 Si American Lined Rubbers Lycoming Boys Overshoes iycomin Lined Rubbers We are sole agent for Lvcoming and Overshoes And we guarantee every pair or refund your money and BOYS We ani ctae out every March and ai the Mens 7 Overcoats for to it Black Worlled Ovcrcoaw worth Hoys Overcoats for These prices hardly pay for ibe bare of garment They mast go come first BRUNTON BROS ONLY BSK

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