Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 27 Jan 1893, p. 1

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Friday iffUS IT STEAM wusurtt r eft iii J IrOTfatMM NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol Single Copies Gents Each i Newmarket Ont Friday Jan Strictly in Advance within or at end AOKSKlUf latere on DRAFTS ISSUED x ram lea i tUOTOR II tfIO A I P HEARING SALE TO TUB quuH our ferPMftl fffTinr AX At Cooaty Vark Trtai Not wishing to carry any stoves over the we will give a SPECIAL DISCOUNT of per cent Linen to be White as Snow oil all our Coal until sold Here ia a rare chance to get an A 1 away down WRIGHT CO No 30 doe promptly R U IN IT IF NOT Wet A SEE OUR STOCK OF FINE GOLD SILVER WATCHES J- AiJtrrioNBH for Mr can lw mad at P O UCIMtti Novelties in New Designs in Silverware WILL BE PLEASED TO HAVE YOU AND QUOTE YOU PRICES ATKINSON NEWMARKET J I and maker Book gold Mid IB fir Man it LAWBXB jiON School BENTLETS- PHARMACY XMAS GOODS BELOW COST will do Why iur tour or four Lt larasad in of any How I Per Bra of alii 1 11 A lha Lord on and Sodom did frown And did bat in pi In When from the dowP And their ftJid the were Mrt tried SOAP whit to four GJaLhft iXJ Willi will they wbid and Is That w tod- Pint by ftnqulrinR who ft trial Yon lll w it washing day Have you tried Ihe CmE EXTRA CIGAR Coughing IB effort to expel foreign from ths farobchlftl No other xpectonnt or anodyne equal to AyeH Cherry It Id the and moat All cough 01 the many preparation before for euro of bronchitis and there within my expert ho reliable for yean I ma object to terrible cough when to I wan ad to try Ayerft Cherry Pectoral and to by ell other remedies aside I did fto and within a week well of cold and Since I kept In and feel Brown Denmark ego I took er re cold which affected my lung I had a ribla and night alter without sleep The me an I Pectoral relieved my fwp and afforded the nut nBomary for the recovery of strength By the con the Pectoral a flyers Cherry Pectoral fthali it be spoke lie pro phet of To the glory of to Baby lons crown Where the teld Not ft fthU be left in gate of And Arab not Mnt pitch Even Ihew thai no fold of be wild beaita of make it lair And their dwelling with doleful 11 From the where in Then the nights lonely bird Id their shall dwell where hold In their room Them the like the demons hell The wild beasts of islands err in their balls And the dragons inhabit the courts of their king the prophet predicts rid the pro phecy falls For Ihe Lord to the prophet en this in the our is freqaantly recalling the of Isaiah and certainly nowhere in Bible do we Christ so clearly totd as in I This prophets prediction of the Desolation of Babylon was as clear and the soon fulfilled Bead Dr J Ayar It Cow Price LARGE STCXTK OF Druggists and Smokers Sundries Wiit Eur Stock Complete Isolated To wo lsbt Tie Newmarket- HOTZLiTOaoNfO psrdy Of autL buMsnsat all J- Prop aUKRIOA maATOatr- iilrrt7rUDwaOIlAWLIIOS ll America uAtuv iKbi for Aurora sod add I MORALLY Aorvra STANDARD REMEDIES DR CAMPBELL CORKICT It bow pre a few A Corn DISPENSING A SPECIALTY PROPRIETOR Photos I Photos 1 IN CANADA OOLVMBIA pi no MANITOBA gs secern to best Coooert Vocal Violin A- And uto1 to to ocl a of It La sdvaotae ltowllh JO Q PEPPIATT Car la the from V up the Boyart bogs io i late I THE to ton work i reipt to work sod far la Crayon or to flood the hood but loeyery I BeiBtBibr Aim to Improve I AND Out CUD CANADA LIFE CO -CAPITAL- DOLLARS Mkisstadti potable fore two years THE BEST BUM V Teacher or and lAiefcrfoooalraltaof JarrbaLBipOitDbttrth of hnrcb Mrs- choir dlitofrces Voft Oar- now itcchr sad 1adles Collew choir Hi Cboreh FOR SALE Shropshire Rams Y0UH6 SHORI BULLS DUNNS BAKING POWDER THECOOKS BEST FRIEND IN CANADA found to be Una sod wo respectfully smokers giro bis a trial our statetoent will be folly verified to DAVIS 9b ON BY Far anus of redaa Apply to Also a few ftnRKfwasrkiL apply UVIHQ Tea 9 rienfiiic lndid It lit It poor and hit and to In rapid SCOTTS EMULSION Of Pin Col ess i ft restarts MUTAAia MIL a Bona Til Letter from the Tropics once make tropical bow to traders fit valuable and will try and give a correct account of everything that I think Trill be to the majority of your readers though I that an writer like will come fay making bis interring to Wo via Shore on Deo Thai below changed can at I met a family of New Yorkers bad sammsr at Bay on same train with as New York mads it vary While In Sew York I was kept busy calling old friend both hod Brook- also getting to steamer and down the I saw soma most windows wall worth going a long way to see the our trim ship sailed at sharp I took good to be on time to s not to be left In New to for a ol weeks they only sail a from to two of my friends ware not cautions- A little over in hoar before sailing time I met Wall and they said they were go ing to Bt which Is to their I advised them very strongly not to go as an hoar passu very quickly when there went and so did the steamer All on board Wo all sorry for them as wr two On arrlTtng here I seat what I need per steamer banting Cuba to Now York As soon as got of was plenty to interest who is of teeing ocean end ell kinds sea going also floe of New York Brooklyn I went my slate room as to get ready for dinner I bey have at on board of ship My room was on the main Is much than the upper deck during a ssvere storm whoa the wavM tsiiis wash the ship smashing everything before at the Santiago daring one trips here some two ago bat It what a good will Alter dinner went on Intending to have a walk but found it covered with Ice and the wind blowing very bard With the motion of the ship I on the ice away off against bat got as as I could tod did not venture out ftny more Spent even ing la the Social where there good music staging As a rule every one on board goes In for a good time formed as we bad just an elegant lot of tha greater part of for and a for Cuba tea ereryone bad retired to their state room each of which has two one otbar with and laceonttatut neb carpet sola wash Ice waters for drinking a mirror hooka for clothe bell an lamp- It lit by Inning a small to the right and can be used at any time the Friday the I was up good and early bat It was too cold for comfort was lea degree wanner than the day before New York when was twenty tpent a very pleasant day with my new acquaintances nlso talking an old sailor who mo some very In terestlng stories of marine Ufa which lis wall as Its dangers About noon ws ran Into a of porpoise It is a fine eight to see them jumping out of the water and with ship We also sighted a school of which are seldom seen after entering the Stream Saturday soon I got op I had to catch hold of as steamer was rolling a good deal and little storm for change of program It was not a pleasant change tor the moat of tbe passengers as the my head which Is general complaint during a storm I dare say quite a few of year hate been I managed to get on deck and make a few of the waves feet In a while one would our decks Not much change in the tamper aturv yet only about lBdegreee morning on getting up noticed a vary great change look my and hung It In and ran to went to my room and pal on all my summer have worn thorn ever We rpnt the day under the awnings so as to keep cool Soma for a good time as it was judging from number of bottles of I eaw sent up to a state room They had a little At Home tog and next morning a big head Bill of Fare for breakfast Fruits assorted VermioeUi Pried Fish Fried Belt Beefsteak with Mushrooms Veal Chops Fried Chicken Stow Broiled Chicken Liver Hominy Fritters Push to Order Spanish Omelette Broiled Pried Rolls Toast Muffins Cakes Coffee tad Tea Coring the day we passed a few They look like a toy We saw lots of flying Hit They rise about two feel Out Of the iter and fly about two hundred I was told that from of those little fftU a Id fore winter It over I will batter I intend aaillog to a number of the Island was a board His were Oil Ihelr way borne from school Maw York when had been learning the English language and it vary arnuing to hear talk Here ere the of the girls and Mies Ferrer Their in Santiago da Last was one of the most enjoyable I ever if I did not here but I had a good boil- ride Monday are nchoral l month of the harbor Oar sister ship Santiago is beside on her way to New York came aboard soon after day break the flred and then tighter out or the and baggage We all got to get A wo came up to the pier w scarcely bat colored people I never many before There wore thousand dressed in all the OOlOW the they always in best on Blearier flay end It Xmis a grand party down to meet I laughed until the Is came to my eyes to tee them Some old empty boar kegs covered with sheepskin for drums end they beat with Oats walking stilts end good many bud a cargo of rum on by the way they carried on The only pretty Ihlng was a lot of small in drawing a smell and all the boys were black they could be was followed by a few hundred people twinging their arms and beauti ful they made on the beer kegs The Thermometer today Jan is shade in ion To night at 10 oclock with coy window op a from a it New day it in the and it has been since I cams here two is GO The cell mid wish that they could spend one winter in they would say thatll was cold at I la bathing ssieral timet and the water If beauilfoleud My next letter be on the beautiful Island of Jane it it celled owing to the lorely climate of la Oxford TO Editor of Era an old time resident of I always take lively atthebouie of boyhood While lolly appreciating the of the people in general and your man in particular allow to that one thing al periodical to my noticed with regret I refer to Ihe seeming of of In that branch industry among agriculturalists J a looking over the But of the Iqotewilhplesture that some at leaikare beginning to seethe importance a In direction a who now nearly yean at and in the vicinity of the cheese hub Canada bo of in teres to those who are hesitating to fall into with the holiness 1 would meet emphatically go into cheese with all your might nothing deter the pro ptishlug the matter to a and If are too in the one season willsatify thorn and will be the tiroes I I need not tell friends the mftoy that will accrue them It looks like en intuit to the of the century do eo Bui foil will remind you of this mean the of lows Hogs farm much feed would otherwise be wasted Or at beat living in iltle convert ed dollars and cents One farmer I may telling me that one year with another hie grain bets him per bushel I Some may not credit this unci iky did I not have a and with this gentleman very skeptical But cannot doubt his vereeityc This party ten years ego was a poor Oat at about year He a handled About five ego he tehted and he m8d everything bend to success he bit worked herd he has not toede a of will see end hie wife oft on a recreation- but be not make recreation pie Aura but I think I could worth in about 2J head of fine cattle several times and well Sited out all torts of rides about in a alee lop buggy audi do not think it fc duller in debt I could give many mow who have done thing men of my own Take eway our factories Oxford end our would a living It Is all who are careful willing to work with end do e little bard work are making good living end despite the state of in general I know of nothing that ould my friends end my friends friends as to the Of right into dairying like a personal visit town Here yon wilt meet men who are convergent with the dairy in all Its details Practical Men with lots of as Yankee say good host tense Here you will Aud fag In every direction North Beat and West and all of access among them and the will show you that Important branch cannot longer be overlooked without heavy lots at the resdlt Hoping to see a delegation of York County farmers IngertoU vleinlty and wishing all of the toll lor their labors I am yours sincerely E Jan life His lit BRADFORD The new High School at Bradford was opened on Monday with appro priate ceremony The Bradford and Weft Society hat a balance of 569 to commence this year with Col was elected president and Stewart secretary A Hill traveller for GiUett of Toronto and Chicago last Saturday for months work in Quebec province Mr and Mrs Joseph or Bethesda and Miss Nellie Kerr of Collingwood were visiting at Mr Win last Friday Mr has just returned from sota where he has been prospecting for a suitable location for entering into the lumbering business in the Star grate He has secured a sawmill of large capacity situated on a tributary of the Missis sippi river and intends to commence operations early spring The Editors Shears w nvir m mm Crowds are crossing between and Port Huron on the ice A heavy snowstorm is sweep ing over England and snow sleet and a high wind prevails along the coast We have no to Study We heard a mechanic make the above remark to a comrade a few evenings ago and we are to hear it It that the speaker had no true idea of the opportunities at his disposal The idea about the want of time to study is a mere phantom Franklin time in the midst of all his labors to dive into the hidden re cesses of philosophy to explore the untrodden paths of sceince The Great Frederick with an em pire at his direction in the midst of war on the eve of battle which were to decide the fate of his kingdom found time to revel in the charms of philosophy and intellectual pleasures Bonaparte with all Europe at his disposal with kings in his ber begging for vacant thrones with thousands of men whose destinies were suspended on the brittle thread of his arbitrary had time to converse with books when he had curbed the spirits of the people and was with visitors from the re motest kingdoms found time for in tellectual cultivation And then think of the mechanics the Stevenson Watt Fulton Peter Cooper and a host of others who have educated and rose to eminence Every man has time and if he improves well as he might can reap a threefold reward Let me chanic then make use of the hours at their disposal if they want to ob tain an education and exercise a proper influence in society The are the lifeblood of the community they can if they please hold in their hands the destinies of our Dominion they are numerous respectable and powerful aod they have only to be educated half as well as other profess ions to make for the nation Vat Grand Through grand mo- frequently achieved ben efit the musci is true of There do ten whloh hu grand rocolti and added to the happiness home and family To secure the ry beat tor ten yon most boy the Diamond Dyes no other that dealer may offer they and In Arthur a young man was fined and com for liquor after hours Conductor Bravery Conductor Snider the evangelist was the hero of an adventure at New Hamburg station on Saturday While he was waiting for his train the express came in As it rushed up to the station a lady who did not see nor hear it attempted to cross the track A shout of warning caused her to look around Seeing the rapidly approaching train she lost her balance and would have been struck by the engine had not Mr Snider dashed across the track snatching the bewildered lady from her peril just as tho train swept up The lady and her preserver were both uneonsoious for some minutes afterwards The affair caused a great sensation in the little town Worlds Most The Nile probably is the most wonderful river in world It has made Egypt possible by turning an arid wilderness into the richest land the world It has provided at the same lime an admirable commercial highway and made easy the trans portation of building materials The ancient Egyptians were enabled to utilize the granite of for the splendid structures of hundred- gated Thebes and of Memphis and even for those of on the Medi- teranean coast At a time when the people of the British Isles were clad in the skins of wild beasts and off ered human sacrifices upon the stone altars of the Druids Egypt was the centre of a rich and refined civiliza tion Most of this development of Egypt was due to the Nile which not only watered and fertilized the soil annually but was and is one of the greatest and best natural high ways in the world From the begin ning of winter to the end of spring that Is while the Nile is navigable the north wind blows steadily up stream with sufficient force to drive sailing vessels against current at a fair pace while on the other hand the current is strong enough to a boat without tails down against the wind except when it blows a gale That is why ancient Egypt did not need steampower nor electric motors for the immense commerce that the Nile nor for the barges carrying building material for hun dreds of miles People El The Trustees of public school have decided to a brick school this summer Gunboats and troops have been Buenos to quell the uprising in fighting is going on A fourstorey building at Philadelphia collapsed one day last week killing three men injuring four others Mr John who lived five miles from Paisley was frozen to death on Saturday night while on the way home on foot Pork is now worth nine dol lars per The dealers say it is becoming scarcer and the prices are likely to keep advancing Wilson Star- The annual convention of the Township Association will be held in the Methodist Church hereon Thursday and Friday a to and Mr Smarter will conduct music Monday evening last about of the bosom friends of Mr down to a farewell ban quet tendered to him at the Queens Hotel Mr Hamilton for the past years been a resident of Stouftville and during that time occupied a prominent position in the affair of our village As he is about to up his Abode Detroit Mich his friends took advantage of the occasion by showing their appre ciation of his past services for he has proved himself an estimable citizen indeed Sow Money Would it not be wise if some hi the mysteries of money were added to the curiculum of every girls studies A boy finds It all out by actual contact with the public as soon as he is out arid a part it but a girl may become a ma ture woman shrinking then through the habit of long protection be thrown on the mercies of the world with her money to fall the prey to the first cheat cozen She It taught at school the spectra of the stars and the map of Mars what a pity that she should not be instructed in the workings of life on the planet where she lives That a knowledge of the nature and meaning and care of money should be made a pan of every girls education is growing more and more evident in this age of en largement and prosperity which puts money into the hands of so many women And in the coming the womens century as it is already called in which so many women will be workers and earners of money it is all the more important in order that they may be neither handicapped nor too far outstripped that they should be well instructed as to busi ness movements and investments thai they may be directed in the right way before they set out to earn Harpers Bazar A Golden City Africa We find in the London letter giving a striking description of the remarkable town of Johannes- burl in the Transvaal which is well called The Golden City even does not appear on the maps of Africa issued ten years ago It will be a surprise to multitudes to know that there is any such spot on the African continent The city stands upon a gold reef upon which reef companies are now working white men and over natives Of the city of Johannesburg itself the writer says It is neither beautiful nor im pressive from the point of view but it might be set down as it stands in any pact of the civilized world It has a population of about The buildings are good the streets arc broad there are shops with plate glass windows full of ball dresses and silver plate the resident- a quarters are rapidly spreading them selves out into squares a tram line connecting them with business centre for miles east and west you may see the funnels of min ing works smoking against the sky the sound of an engine whistle is in your ears and you find that a train has been constructed runs from one end of the Band to the other The town is lit with gas water is supplied to all its houses every ordinary appliance of civiliza tion is here and when you remember that it has all been done in five years and that every scrap of material has been carried up and the six pianos waiting at the frontier will presently be carried by ox wagons you begin to realize something of the extraordin ary conditions which can have called so sudden a development into exist ence Didnt Know it Was Loaded While the passengers at she Grand Trunk were waiting for train for Toronto Tuesday and amus ing incident occur P everyone knows the genial Paddy secured a cigar from the outside pocket of a friends overcoat He lighted it and sat down to enjoy a smoke In about a minute there was an explosion Paddy was envelop ed in a cloud of smoke and when it cleared away an expression of deep disgust played about Paddys mouth in the place where the cigar once was The cigar had been loaded specially for the occasion J- Orillia sculler issued a challenge to row any man for the champion ship of America and a slake of or 2500 a side Last year Cheese Factory averaged a fraction over to the patrons for every lbs of they expect to make lbs of cheese daily the coming season John J Graham Geo Johnson A Hagerman Sutton West Angus Ego Virginia compose the Board of Health for the town- Snip of for Scarlet fever and diphtheria are very prevalent in this neighbor hood and also around station There are several children down with it and one or two have died Bulletin lite funeral of the late Gen Butler took place Monday at Lowell Mass More than people took a at the face of the deceased and the was terrific in the hall The funeral a mili tary one Every farm house ought to have a teegtaph instrument in it and be connected with every other neigh- boring farm house and all the near by villages Nothing so cheap will contribute so much comfort pleasure and progress to farm life Wilson Star Bananas are to become a useful article to manufacturer Out of them can be made a bread flour while the juice of the peel contains a really Ink and a superior article of Vinegar The fiber of the peel is said have great strength and remarkable beauty An old bachelor who forgets that he once was a boy delivers him self in That Boy has half learned the bitterness of life when he first tumbles to the truth that there is no fun hauling a sleigh up hill five in order to en joy himself gliding down for thirty seconds A lady bid the misfortune other day to sustain the loss of a gold watch in a peculiar manner In stooping over the edge of ihe coal bin filling a scuttle and was dumped into stove When she missed her watch later on she immediately commenced raking the coal from the stove only find pan of the works the case haying melted with the heat Business men should be afraid to spend a few dollars in ad vertising their goods You cannot expect to do a large by sim ply buying a good stock and sitting down behind the counter and await ing for customers to come along Advertise Show in the columns of your home paper what you have in your store The small investment to do will pay you well every time Those little white lies halt truths and dark things hinted at have proved the ruin of many a fair name They tg the hardest to bat tle against and often do more harm than would the blackest of accusa tions not lileIous enough warrant contradiction in a public way they aa surely undermine the good repu tation as does the tiny drop wear away the stone A person who will blacken anothers character in this way is little better than he who pur loins his purse Sarcasm does not pay as a rule The person who is noted for his sarcastic speeches is not tbe r- whom you wish to make your friend Those little dabs he is so fond of throwing out cut and hurt like the sharp edged knife They ire all the worse because they cannot be met with outright If you take offense he thinks you are so sensitive he meant nolhing If he meant nothing then why in the name of common sense diet he say the hate ful things One has no right to make another one unhappy just to gratify his love of saying Sharp things A girl reads a lecture to young men in a Lin coln county exchange in this fashion Why do you young men of this do so much loafing Go to work Push ahead I am but a young girl I have clothed myself and got money in the bank aod only years old I by up more money every year of my life than any boy or young roan within a radius of three mile of my home When they get a dollar to a dance and come home a out My father is able to support me but I choose to support I advise all girts to cut clear of loafing boys Give than a wide berth and never marry a man unless he it able to you l never pat your aim through the handle- off a ram jug

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