Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 13 Jan 1893, p. 2

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i J ffiW T rfWiSSfc yjj ijiii i STEWMABKET ERA J if J Felt Km SOTefWrtU A Ob I Win Hill Wanted Wm Floor Lund To BUT WITH IflauJ All at Home MO fridat Jan Oar Toronto Despatch to iki t Boil will bo it lbs by the the convention of York on Monday held at Mr J fit John the candidate to The Onion priori in Canada week- employer and about totting machine fa at the Monday Pat Proton to thro mouth in jail lor and Minnie at Highland Creek The Futon did to kill the poor bo awntone as a warning the aw of The libel aw of for leu ibmo for Prank and breaker in bikd broken Into Goo- house at Nwtoa- brook the th of and had coat from the Electric Light Compy at EgUogton end be broke into R- Browos at and The Provincial Convention to be held to city The of civil opened yea- morning with a docket of jury Sir Rote who Occupied the bench that be and they end the in will I and cut through to the Hudson defending to lids level with one lock of lift Lake Erie and Mootiwl there will be and miles of pf which miles will be Montreal anJ New York will be four locks and of of which will be The lime from Lake to Montreal will be thirty two From Lake Erie New York the time will be hours Between Montreal and New York the time will be thirty- right hours The striking feature of navigation is the great lift of the locks the greatest being three and a half times as high as any built Such high lifts are rendered possible by the use of compressed air operat ing in locks built entirely of steel and working with the creates speed con with safety We look this scheme as visionary as the rail way which certain parties projected a few ago to ran from Southamp ton eastward through Newmarket StouflVilte and finally to connect with the some distance this side of Peterbo rough The line was built in imagin ation and has there ever since a scheme lo head off some other scheme to far as we have ever been able to en W managed to eU pfl2Dro yearly i Ontario wfcilo Iboeo to have inneU at the WW is foists They Steal It tie US SEES TO S0PT committee of the or hauling Shorn to be city of ibo joioi oommiitoo is or to irj Ira record the leu barristera daring pail week vt Jamsa Doyle and Andrew Steele Xbt latter who was fn fata a in work and Pasl Conn- cilia r of Templars Ontario This is question asked by the when referring the pos sibility of the CPR octopus gob bling up the lake shore front be tween and ihe A citizen of Toronto who appeared to understand the situation said to a reporter of journal Be fore we know it the P by way the proposed Toronto Hamilton and Buffalo railway will be stealing in tbat way and then good bje the only bit of lake front left to us The plans filed for this latest railway grab show that it will cross ruber bay a thousand yards from the shore beginning in the of the Boh Works taking the main land again somewhere near Mr H H Cooks residence in and thence with G line to the city but in front of instead of the rear of the Exhibition grounds The city should annex the territory south and west of what is known as the of old Park- dak right to the and if the new railway is to come in there is modal ton sufficient for it on the ground at present held by the A petition to the Government would no doubt have its effect By the way does it not seem anomalous that while the city should own and con trol High Park the water lots in front of it and south of the tracks should though in of the city be located in the county and subject to its laws To avoid this untoward incongruity the city coun cil should accept the terms offered by the county and take over the en tire lake front including the York Roads from the to the and then with this Shore Road removed from being a burden to York Township we believe the re presentatives from that municipality would join those from the North Rid ing in voting for abolishing Gates on all the York Roads and providing for said highways to revert to the muni cipalities 10 which they originally be longedthereafter to be maintained the same as other highways and Town Line Roads and thereby end the yearly fieance at the county coun cil over this disturbing question Of the villages located on these roads would kick but they would be placed only on equal terms with other- incorporations not so favorably located Ox Friday daring the stay of Sir John Thompson in Toronto be held an- interview with Sir Olirar on mat ten of joint interest to the Dominion and Ontario We shall bare to wait till opening- of the for regarding the joint matter interest discussed fay the two Premiers At a moling of Toronto week a proposition submitted from a clergyman Church for onion of two and the initiatory for a conference to consider Ac It now looks as if CongrcsatiooaV will be one body io this day two were dates in for Beat on the school board Oaeof declared attoa day in of on bar lima was to dioaon cold on thought if her ambition pre- attending to the board was no plane for her She got left Toe elector of Village are recent election for It appear the Mr Joha sTemran elected by a of one opponent took action for a recount before the County Judge which took place last week before Judge Morgan By the recount ere left in dispute on their validity was de terred village had three very in The for the Federal Par liament in IIelet county on tbe lib Jut reiotted in favor of My In dependent over bis Conserva tive opponent- Sir by 30 major ity Mr same who the of developing political which malted in lop ping off Bit llector head a of and report baa it he will still be a thorn in to tbe General a great friend Count Mercies It it now reported In political circle at both McCarthy and Mr will be able to and some very prominent are not allow in expressing ibo opinion that tioverooiejit hid better call a halt before more bitten off than can be masticated We alto incline to the opinion expressed by Mr viz that been built up by year of protection outfit to be strong to stand alone if they are not there if something wrong and they ought to die Mr C and family has to Toronto Mies Toronto Is spend- ing a week a I Mr Graham went down lo city on jury Wednesday Miss Blake of Niagara was visiting it Mr A Davidson -MUsS1- of is spending a week with friends in town Mr Hsrb -4- of Toronto con of Mr J A- Dale in town Mr John of Toronto is pending a of weeks at Mr Geo and daughter Miss Flo left for yesterday to stay over Sunday with friends Mr John Colorado Mr Alderman over on a of months visit Mrs Andrew morning to join her husband in Dakota where be baa been for several months Mr of who mother al for a week or returned boms last Saturday Miss was At Home with a number of Tuesday oven- before leaving for Toronto the follow ing Mr- member for North York in the Common is to address a meeting at Town Hall Bradford Monday on The trade oott and Rogers were called to Pine Orchard yesterday morning for over Mr Jot Second child who has been in critical condition for several days- Mr- Geo Harriott who is ia the em ploy of North American Milling Co write from Man that they are very busy ho expects to return to Newmarket on a visit next June E of Bay City who baa Seen visiting her Mrs Eves and other relatives in Newmarket fortbefst three weeks started for home Monday evening Dr 3 Armilage of Waterloo was in last week attend ing the funei of bis Miss Flo Mr of Toronto fnneral sermon on the occasion in the Methodist Church here Mr C who was over here doting Christ mas holidays was surprised at prices received here for farm and under date of Jan sends tbe market prices thereat follows Butter per dot wheat per bush barley cats corn bay person bay pressed per lb pork beef IS Id renewals a great many persons bare written the is as good as a letter and one at Buffalo write it is better a letter die not disappointed when she expects it but the following from pen of Dr Cook of Toledo Ohio son of the late Julio Cook of Ibis town expresses a good deal mora than merely momentary saUftfection and we the liberty of publishing It Another year has rolled around and I renew my to the I know of a dollar that I spend that goes as this for brings in so In retnm that consider a good investment Although I live in this great windy noisy country it a pleasure to bear weekly from borne and get a breath of the sweet contentment of a quiet country like Canada II gives to copy tbe fol lowing from the journal in reference to the eldest son of Mayor Lloyd of this town Master Carl Lloyd of Newmarket a pupil of Brentford Institute gave an organ re cital here in the Presbyterian church last Friday evening- There was a nice sized end all were greatly with the skillful playing of the young organist as as surprised at esse with which be played and bis excellent of Master Lloyd is not yet at end of Icons and being Mind from infancy ful disposition as well as bis clever play ing delight Having had three or four recitals Lara the put few years mostly by professionals it is high praise of Master to say that his audience was satisfied lie six numbers intarsptfrsod with solos by Idle Nairn and Miss Gould and readings by Miss and Dr Black SUTTON i A now tip village with into forte pndy be daily above and which will he a boon to one and it is siruigf it has not been instituted long ago Mr ton who had iniubevwemj Pcflciiaw anil is Jt charge of tlie in possible light the Methodist Church oyster cupper was a decided success the firfet place was somewhat ftSQCl departure inasmuch as the slippery does not often find himself in the soup at an iflaxr Of this kind The crowd So oyster The program wis as good as the nipper and that is saying a great deal Mr Browne of Goodwood sang several solos in pleasing style and rounded up with a short pithy address What was perhaps the most interesting of the many things was a facetious address on Japan by Rev Mr Cocking a returned missionary The smart young Sutton boy figured prom inently in this last his interjections being of an if not appropriate at least character The bal ance of program was furnished by Revs and Wilkinson and the choir Herald HOLT if Among the virion wo Brown of ifarkhsm at flifnnet talnea Kiss erf Woodstock at Howard afHWaarka at Mr J A Mi Edith A ham home from Toronto taken a job Woodcock of Albert and starts ftKfceirMmp an- Monday to cut and skid logs- Mr Will has got flomo on Ms lot Preparing to a bouse Pink of Toronto was Tilting at ber fathers Mr John a few days last week Mr John of Toronto gate fas Albert a call Ibis week Tbe young people of the neighborhood have formed an meet after Qobool In CORNERS- up SHARON b hi eKjaIrigty ajoidfcr the last below on Wednesday Wo an week W rerd of this dlsfrlot bid a on was well attended the auount of in law who died Tory In the North- Wee brought hem for interment this week aunt was buried on He the sympathy of the bis Mr Thompson of Toronto ha been here a days Ibis week trying gan- The are rather fator able for the of We are sorry to beer that Boyd is 119 better Age seems to be bia reoivery Law twin to fill air these days We do with if people thought Boys if you dont want be born keep your Augsre out of ftre fsqqiM time at of tbe Council SALE DOWN PRICES We have splendid sleighing here and everything is booming A- has purchased a brand new cutter Wonder what gal will get the fir ride Mr has been very poorly for some time Mr Lifted returned from a trip In Ireland Monday He says he had a good time Mr William has been vis iting his daughter in the cfty Mrs for a few days Mr Harry Halt has mured in his new house which is a credit to the flat Miss Lewis and sisters have gone the city where they expect 10 remain for some time Miss Maud been visit ing friends in Newmarket for a few days Mr is about selling bis driver to a Boston man for the hand some sum of She is a cracker especially when fc after someone tltit thinks have a better one Charles is so proud of hi girl some limes lie steps about three feet high Mr Rub Rcse has moved his family 10 Newmarket hut expects to remain on the farm until after ihe sate Sam says there be a wedding on the before two weeks if not he misses his guess A Biff The Dominion Official contain a notice of an application to be made next session of Parliament by Alex Ferguson of Ottawa On behalf of an international syn dicate for a Dominion charter for the International Navigation Com pany to be organized to connect Lake Erie Montreal and New City by a it foot of navigation with feet draft 50 feet wide feet long Describing this undertaking the London ihe canal between Erie and Ontario will be about miles long and the de scent will be with four locka each of about 80 feet lift The estimate ii that vessel pass by this route lake to laifl in four hours The navigation will descend the St reaching Lake St with lock of feet lift at Corn wall Tram Lake 8t Francis one nn of the navigation win descend to Montreal with one Jock of feet Lake and one of feet otbat arm fa rapidly iogin Toronto an being for by will take place and are imported tbo by way of JobnTbofiipiOB Hon re- to Ottawa Friday bat promised to with of and part id to come the ereDlllg at Ufa the will policy alio J Tue ecboel is still cold to the A from Ottawa Jaaoary says Dominion to report the hare are opinion tbat the Judicial of tbe Privy fiaally Aim rights sad privilege enjoyed by Ro man before Manitoba became a appeal would hare to be affecting after tbs union On do not feel able to deride and refer whole to will bear in Aaormaa been by Ontario It of Mr John Hon and collect for ttnildaKatEoti of the all bear on have with respect for and other T It will than of a few short run Hi Around the lull The two mayor- ally were J OBrien and As they wtre both pretty well liked the two tried in rain to their mm in but aa yet it a tie J OBrien the laborere vote and the support will next ToeIay A Is spending bis vaca tion here Geo aod attended Bonds races and report good speeding say to cold and weather the beginning of this week it was hardly to retire at la caw yea might freeze to death and not know it below atnooghto bop MOUNT ALBERT Two gentlemen and a lady from Toron to bar holding gopel meetings for last week with good Two young ladibi a parse or Mrs a to Mr J Is from Chicago on a boilness trip It Is said be would like to run a here Anew doctor was looking around tillage for a dwelling fle intends to practice bare Allen to commence ratival to week will be well Mr A J Jones la engaged at Rots store Mr an old man a poor bad a fort a a him In the Old Country The will come In nit now It seems the diphtheria plague not quite left us yet Our Post Masters family had thought gcu nil over when another was tak en com and the result is that the post office business is now conducted at Mr and our only store and telegraph office is- closed much the annoyance of the pub lic On Monday eve and inst Dr Wesley found another at Harry Clancys This case in the first was apparency no more than croup and w the disease being in the the was called in and pronounced it diphtheria Few expect fata results when arc under the Doctors The of do their Lest by nailing up a that is what their consists of its a that some of the quaran tined have enough to live on in their or they would run a of starving We expect to have a sanitary inspector appointed when our new council meets As Jones got there The diphtheria scare here is about over Neil Mortons store has been and our school opened on Monday morning last The man who the double sent two of his friends to of danger Times in general are quiet here we hope next time more news can be sent by Cracked Ice On morning thermom flter at the has regis tered aero being lower than at any daring the past serea yean Sharon bas lost one of her old inhabi tant in Proctor which cad thongh not event on evening For years past Mr has been dropsy bat been gen- sbla to to bin until little over a ago when he from a of epoplexy from which Hid funeral piece at Church on Large and Elder Oar butt taking part and although day was bitter cold a largo number of old friends attendd- The deceased was one members of York volnnteen on several icnifl a Very He a two adopted children who in their bereavement have sym pathy of Proctors was Way Hag jr is Military College The Misses at home to I their friends Tuesday ovenioR when a and enjoyable time was epeot by The ladies of the Aid and quite a of met at Hy Ram on Wednesday evening of last week the said ladles each produced a well Ivied basket and the contents on a long table besides a quantity of oysters When all was ready each to partake and to thecal they were soon devouring oysters and other cookies Ihit would be hard to excel The remainder of the evening was spent in conveisation and The- company started for home about biggest hour of the night There was also held on same at the residence of Mr White a parlor concert Singing recitations music by orches tra comprised the program The small sum of els wa charged for admission about attended and about was realized proceeds 10 wards the parsonage Mr Lemon disposed of a few acres of standing timber by auction in half acre Iota last Saturday which realized a good price Miss Ella accompanied her sister Mm Walker home To ronto last week At the last meeting of he court Sebright No 1 the fol lowing officers elected Arthur V HG Webb J Edwards Bog- art Treasurer J T Gurus Chap S S J H S A Davis J J Webster Wilkinson The bylaw for water works improvement was- dieted at The fife by- taw was carried by a small majority FAMILY FLOUR a Of lbs for at ST il Or V ANTED Half fresh Cow a REDUCED PRICES in Ladies Wear as follows Mantles low Furs Millinery Sealettes Wool Underwear Boots Shoes and Slippers REDUCED PRICES in Mens Wear as follows Overcoats Fur Coats AND Mens Long Boots Fancy Slippers Fur Caps REDUCED PRICES Basement as follows MONEY Crockery Glassware Flower Pots Saved Fancy Bronze Ornaments We are bound to reduce the size of our stock if Low Prices will do it Come and See COME Stone Wanted for Ufa of To the of ft Miss Lister who went from Perth Oat u a volunteer for mission work among he Indians of British Columbia hi died of Mr as Worthy Patriarch for The vision it prompt many at Mrs- will pleated to that Dr rearti a Blight Cooler Aurora was called thla forconiultatiao and her in a very critical statu Elder called to tic a knot at Jan rUtcftdaas on was Mr There also a wad lut Lucy York and Mr JofH by Sir of Point diphtheria It not itch abated family it having a attack The day schooU are aod she very poorly Sir John lrostara girls Our school Mist I lo for a aojoarn by Miss Annie of Us- haven time permit they may the public on the The anniversary the Ban- day School boo postponed aod 20tb Mr Ellas of iarititiojj friends In this neighborhood week The animal of Keswick Bible Society It to he held the Christian on the lull The of the tocltty Iter Is to morning and to be The Jews and Bible The of the Hy Draper an interesting other day It was a statement of lbs up la and for the of which he was the total receipts wore only a or now they reach a year Mr Harry of has In shoe with which to be a splendid thing for a patent and torn men who the say that he has lh FURNITURE OH EA FOR CASH Undertaking A D Embalming A SPECIALTY JHMILLARD telephone Connection aPho radio lh4ftatowaoathsaMotJfttjihf of Mr Began era towix on the a of a sod on ihaM on firTuri of a too aMifftew at wife of a ta of The brides of loaie Topper of Whluhareii Mpprmsraei Jin i Bar or White of flnaawitViuojiTMAHOo at MrTEs it Mrs of tb ra Sherwood Ina Mr to J Tomb JaCXAOX fllb I mot a T- NORTH and I with return IIinBKsror Hoe In tho I sirs be GORMAN NOTICE bo Ob an or In Pi Hi p or AVLVAttD HORSEPOWER House Lot For Sale on filroet from fit of- eto In ftdod rt orchard of choice rail HA INR3 Aurora Apply SALE FOR- DAYS -AT- CHINA HALL PREVIOUS TO STOOKTAKINa C R AND Fancy -AT- R R A SMITH Leading Timothy Prompt ITEM LOCK a A- Wiii A itfairlrtQ ft flmKt al Public- Noticq to Creditors i4 Of RUBBERS AND St ft Main St nil llnffer far all bis ftejl A Mbaasjnl eh Will bo he on TJ WOODCOCK ill 1nK Anaual Council CEMETERY GO rt be la ihfl will hold ON Monday A full oticnd in cusikui tat fit A a Initial Han inae will cooib up for dla 0 sur E3 Prices A Stock Of ind from rsv now on at MARTIN OLD STAND PRICES ROCK- GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES ONE price to All Promptly A A Call Solicited before purchasing H WILSON CO i aria i NEWMARKET BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT Yora liotaby ANNUM MEETING Of ho bo held Id ibo J ON- Wednesday Jan 1 KlioHoxt I A rl at SCHOOL BOOKS A at J MO W tho will tb9tfiTya at of Board W N STARR CENTRAL TELEPHONE ftdbeHiseneifs BRUNTON BROS l Wool Bed Comforters PR BRUNTON BROS Felt Boots We are selling Celebrated Felt Boots at These are the Beat Felt Bootes BRUNTON BROS BRUNTON8 POWDER P8I ively

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