1 ttifl tbeqowy to on your dots lips than the older Is an Interrogation Mint it we toaiHy cry from cradle to pve So with this little What answered as asked It is for Dys pepsia It is a Special remedy for the Stomach and Liver Nothing more than this but this brimful We August caret Dyspepsia We know it wilt We hire reasons for knowing it Twenty years ago it started in a small country town Today it has an honored place in every city and country store possesses of the largest plants in the country and everywhere Why this The reason is as sample as a childs thought It is honest does one thing and does it right along it cures Dyspepsia ft Coughing IS effort foreign is Country Boy Up with Wed day tit to Hauling bam to foci bkkOi fianoto of for mother com tod pe Going to la to bora fa knowledge from own of yet Be lb flnl nnown and the xprtcaxoi to equal to It Id and to popular of cam public ft iho cold fciadrcd ng of to Poo- lorL For year I tablet to followed by jf o o afflicted I ad to Cbftrry and to lay all I did WliUn a wall ay cold and Sine then I in and led cura and feel cu Mrs Blown Wat I tookaTcrecold which I had a cough and after -ioep- gar tried Cherry my IndaoodtlMp and affotded Ibe reel fortho wowy my By permanent are ff Cherry Pectoral Dr J Matt THE Recognised Standard Brands Mungo Kicker Cable rtwpoi Q dj Id ibo S PoOUoo Of W AU- drad d F- tool WaarvDOt DAVIS SONS Montreal Largest and Highest Grade Cigar Manufacturers in Canada Lords Supper Profaned ft I Cor Golden Text Bat bin it oJ cup Cor UTTXODirOTOn of moat A formed in or od jjU from found li bat nlite it in impoliir Aid op al To and ft belter ibo li is be or lb- implicit aod pQia abiiiiiu In iMa of wj of CbOfcb atrotifcaTiun rijb of by lb Ha by foltowiEp aianpit Ha baa aboarii it ll ail nr tin if Hi Oil To tod yooog irtoembfaqo of Ma A Hamilton got a damage a who Into wheel on the The wheelman got Into a rat and not get oat in time to the bam the which foiled to tarn oat burner the telephone and other improvement like Had have worked a aocial within the few Among unfair to the Myrtle The great of men hare done to for centuries past and will continue to do It u important that they quality of the article That is what they ere in the Myrtle Navy All amokera who have it know that flavor can not be that flavor can not be that quality la and that the only care they have to in is to see that the trade mark T atamped on the You Whatever her name may be a perfect figure It the up perfectly it will be a caoie for bring proud of her of that other fellow A with a per fect figure should be equal to the distance between the the middle fingers of either hand when the are folly extended Ten timet the length of the hand or seven and the length of foot or five the diameter of the cheat from one armpit to the other should alto give the bright of whole body The distance from the of the thighs to the ground should be exactly the same as from the elbow to middle line of the breast From the top of the head to the level of the to that of the armpits and from the beel to the toe When a child it born into thU world the physician is present and gets or for officiating at the important event editor heralds the and geto a for making a mistake as to the sex and day of arrival After a while the same becomes a man the minister is called in to perform the marriage oeremouy and walks off with a five or ten dollar bill in his pocket for his trouble editor Is again called upon and chronicle event by drawing upon imagin ation to make the bride and groom the beat and most respeotuble people in the country His only pay Is to be asked for a few sample copies of bis paper to be sent to some absent friends Io time the once baby the once happy groom but now well ad vanced in life is brought down to death Toe physician cells his bill the undertaker is present and wauls or for performing the sad rite while the editor expected to complete the drama by holding up the deceased as a model gentleman a christian and one at present is singing the songs of redeemed around Jerusalem Ton probability at the same time is that the baby the groom and dead man has been so infernally mean and stingy that he had stinted his wife and children and had never contrib uted one cent to the support of bis newspaper to aSjOOT illlrtl7 from to or Ibi GhSf Ihttf sKshtiBci at r lbs of John op iha bis to Montreal rogtrded signs of bit fitkd to resign iba art op Ibalx tba log Only iwoDtysfx now en fa Hall weak WeroipooJ lojj dans to Wests clop if Ifthsnbaaytbnui Is dying for mora tbaadjobdag of Pool will in al Brampton tomorrow to a to for in Is will shortly bo by op of Mr bo Liberal to vsesbCrsgbrarou tost IX to a a boa to Stop op with should ngolanlyrtadaomo to In moat to or manofaolatsr who aims to Bach a To ronto fall of Is to fir of Premier of of faaa bean vindicated If P John bat hi It wilt bo that same ago was appoint judge of probata sad still to tit a of Cbmmooa moat rHlgahlsreitin the or from Probate Tub GtoU Ottawa trwpoodot gir toolbar tf for pan meat of trial of UfiOnary At filtt Us report made deity was tho of to piodace bonks which had been or aomothiog of that toil bat correspondent aisles of the no to go on at with was lactose Blake tabpoiDU to bo tarred upon ovary of Federal Csfainot as witaeaaAt sad this the coeoaont expsrifwwib after boil leg it duly digested has StctcaUyVaX fa ihi atntii V ii for stentlng jthftrifle A te For domtrada in their abooiinr The cut are fined the front sigh la arid it is said to a lid aim nveii Is bad Tfaa brilliants are so that as toon as Is to the sbQnlder the- In gems assist arid aim witboot Teas Ida average bakes oyer or about of a mile and square otanoe makes yon cover a half mild and gallop a good at a run too for your self how much the girl with the well- fiiiod Twenty dances is the aver age you know Of these about ttfelve are waltxea there at once are miles Three and aha hast made twelve miles Ffve other dances at a halfmile apiece which is hardly a fairly big brings her close fifteen to say nothing of the Intermission stroll in the garden and the trips to the dressing- room to renovate gown SAI 1 I SCOTTS CO CO c i ftt A J GREEN JT tip 3 i Mil mm Cg3blet CUT PLUG PLUG No other brand of Tobacco ever en joyed such an ale and popularity In the same period as brand of Cut Plug and Plug Tobacco Oldest Cut in THE LEADING DRUG gPIOE8 WrmiMENTS for Pickling a personal Attention to DR I LIMITET3 a NEWMARKET BOOK NEWS DEPOT School Books AND Society LUMBER LATH SHINGLES ARE NOW TQ SUPPLY OUR mtm doors w SASH Am A OF WE AIM TO OUT GOOD Aft scooifllok to of wheat crop in will aghast year there sa icw this year bat svtnxs yield will not so by folly four or five batisls to Ihstore In tad the will be sgalsit year is left In farmers hare over sod stars rests of Deoeaaaif for boas lbs this year will 20000- or about leutW last Law of this very coceemlirs rupeellog rat tons and ex- id regard to Its privileges At a meeting week It decided not admit a lady applicant to pruUot law Ontario Act of lstt makes the at women with the sod have thst It inaxpc to form a code of roles fot tba miaton of students Ontario too many to legal to the to open door for woraeo to upon In point of protection the lawyers enjoy a monopoly not accorded even to the medical profession MONTREAL Luring CENTRAL TELEPHONE W STARR Work wort public Co M for mil of and Mood ft ftnoesisitiL The gfld and Id of fcomt ffiTC In ft Day Booth AmertMRhwial4llcCurelo Rhttt- lim nnd care I awlom ilttpoly lo by It Wild flinwbtrtfy on It Ijl no aJ looocDtoo ltd Br la bottlQ I J Poring last the latest show that there has been an aonaal of ten persons employed in rail way service who have been either killed or disabled tor life These figarea are startling shocking Were ten people killed or permanently disabled In any other what a storm of Indignation would go op This ag gregate of railway employee victims far the number killed and In most of the important battles of toe civil war When si occurs and half a are or wounded there is a general err of denunciation the carefeat management of Yet the art rag- record of allied and maimed among the rail road employees country thirty for each working day of ihs year The are only laborers of noon and not passengers usually accepted sesae Neverthe less demands that ail due oar be taken to protect thla army of on th ran legislation can do should be invoked The guarding of human life from is of rsatlv more than any considerations of the thf be for providing protection to our railway pHaWilsonn Never 3m3 Will I been Dieted serersl aomeroai Bat by fix of Blood I waa KlDEltOO with the named lady mad Minuter of far Ontario ass a reoueetlag the to hold a Colombo Day Celebration on the ISth of October As a to this oslshrsttoo the pepeder peo ples piper Toronto a speoltl wlihlfl snd tkstohes etc ffith a program for school Tbla program has sab- to for end to other lesdiag edoeatea- fats snd la by them cordially approved Price of this apeelal out east eaeb fa of leu or more will be aeut free to teachers making to the pnbltthar ffm Toronto It Dr A Walker of Toronto a patilloa of right from has taken esit la tbe Court for SI In Dr a atone read la of as the and Bead It out road belonged to of In with won not of the Dominion for through not propar will be of to York note thszetnlt of trial If Walker sucoeedt tkonld the OuUrfs away the right of the so will lis seaiuat Crown for the paid fa a thoold not for Ptefereaiall tiado in string the to Uardoox a for aarotala notaoncaa bad blood or It It cars watch had si I bees la a for from of k asd my health was goes cough notna off American more rood than worth of I tu Old tire no old aver weak to by James tVTnai facta laforroalioo things to know iha and the boat badge and up date be too ad la a wam ix iteoad by Hasan ft Oar rsaderp oak obtain aOdroaatng arm and a ihree Uap and Cram BUflr riora and flwoUaa Throal of one bottle warranted by Slat- worst tan- nd- the ad apoodr and prompt Dr tart of Wad la li ranady Keep It for Ha evarxilt to or Fox put s good deal of ilUeoulon taken place lo the Weekly pre of the Province the of road Better rosde n de manded and a amy of facta flgnrso sre with the view of how- log how roait may be To mind most direct war to lb sod desired la for the to labor is all for tax to be paid In money rroolrt sudd to be expended not of smell roaddlit- but of ss or ex will employ their whole tin The oajoet mere wsysthaa one bat more partial- laxly from feet soma road die are roegb and while tit sod kept form er far more labor ih lest work in poor- sr land and not eo highly Than agalo soother disadvantage enlace from of road ore rest one man what a overseer red dose want of plan of and more or laeompttcnoy the road old Ilka we have Jong oootUlerad of road abort of a farce direct tax of a ptoperiy com- of the present miihoda wool ehow a in In a very few Eons has the following Blinders a unneces sary at overhead check reins The iojory they do far more thanoonnter- the good and should be broken with open bridles The old style of ballet has gone completely out of vogue Its nothing but gymnastics now and girl who cant stand on head and put both feet her mouth at the same time while she Is doing her dsoce doesnt stand much show for popular favor St Catherines Out A very drowsing accident occurred this morning by which Annie Robinson lost her life went to the well for the purpose of drawing water for a trough from the poultry drink It is surmised dropped the pail leaned over to it losing her balance and falling She was soon missed on search being made her body was found in the well Whitby Now for a little about the cholera all the papers to print bout It every issue It is hardly likely to reach America in time to many people this year and next year it may not come at all People will have all the winter to study habits and thus may thwart its de signs But jost for the sake of wo will suppose that been in America for whole sumoier and had Killed as it has in What would that amount tot Probably half as as have already killed this year by of the whiskey plague If tin comes to New York neat year and kills 10000 that will hardly keep sven with the that city And yet the saloon Is such a grand acquisition to country that people will not hare it put down The man who talks the saloon- cholera with a view to savins the lives of or in the United each ear straightsray put down as a temperance crank and dangerous sgltntor It is at once decided that he must be a hypocrite that he drinks on the sly and is an handed fakir and dead boat The man who takes band In attempt to stem the tide of cholera which only a few thousands la a hero the other who advance a plea for Uvea of the millions who In dan ger from a far more deadly which rages everywhere awful fury and which leaves a trait of crime rntn degradation and death behind It Is a monster of false Is this true or is It not May we not deduce a lesson from the approach of this plague THE BEST No Next to Athlete -AND- Derby CIGARETTES Are Sold on their Merita Everybody knows they are the beat Smokes them They have no 3D El PADRE RB1NA POSSIBLE PRICES fpMtotl I ly hid will la eg S T do ujL the BEST WOOD COAL STOVES In the market at low prices BEST AMERICAN -AND- GOAL Oil LAMPS ETC log and Jobbing a specialty HODGE GO and ntm nxradty la etoaA A in Moat w month of Tot aos No la eat I at I Of ho siaeaaaea mi mouth at ihaTempatanoa Hall Boxes raeaUamd fciy sou all tAjeeeealonru W BALE AT A BARGAIN of lt a of Baal Apply to 99 Application nut pfpsf4tlOD nellll lm a and Who fro in It fc rtmedr of ih merit od rtJIibw ihaa have IB A CORE to rtlleve- fur- Prices or receipt of price JO J I Lav the Largest Most Complete Stock in town for choose from our Prices are Lower ttuin the J Our Motto ib Prices Good Goods Small Profits and Quick Returns Any person wishing anything in the line of Boots and Shoes should not forget to on s NO 77 MAIN ST SALE twostory boose Ob Street nearly new FARM FOR SALE a Bevsi H bolt opposlts and well a suit NEWMARKET LIQUOR STORE TO INVALIDS Use Island Native Wine St Augustine Registered Unexcelled for building up a run down constitution GIVE IT A TRIAL TELEPHONE CONNECTION P J 0MAUEY MAIN STREET NORTH of itcot Of DR WA8UIN0T0N lSTS with sVaio of College So Oat flJor w Dr OLf lime to Iho rtprocaii In uId fronts Haul All DUNNS BAKING POWDER BEST FRIEND IN CANADA for or port ml i Dr to Dr Lang flurftoo of Toronto not to lotdlcif Loot lO It will be io ib od Bore Note or ear of Voice Bore Throat Nam Ob- CASH GROCERY STORE MAIN STREET NORTH Preserving Season here again All those requiring DESIRABLE TBTy lota a In tbt faa stoo of nu Set at ibe Boon last stead farm and rot wBooiat1 tfa FARM FOR SALE being lot flnt of as terra era ojer state of swell wooded bare and all row mail sou apply on tba Of VERT TOWN FOR SALE nb toe well W lb premiere to Should not fail to call at the above number if they wish to save money A Word to the Wise is Sufficient P J ALLEY of To Hoe llaTedooebDiiiKee la vo TV v CEASE BROTHERS COT FOR SALE A and wine of Hig QUts ST QEOROft THE KEY TO HEALTH FOR SALE IRISH PONY FOB and Jngjl lbeTwMhlporEiaeunry Hair of Rait TO s BO MO o 100 ICO 10 lot bat Su barn and on a rood aDdgoodurmsoi WW lbs Bowels Kidneys and liver aye- tern all the impurities and foal at the Urns Cor- of lMfi 8aitbV ipaon nrynestot the Skin sweai ts to Influence firjEJXKK A Uarai Apply a Pbttton J and Town- FOR SALE MANTOMLAND A per Acre- of ibe low below aiooe to Or A tcoTc iZ Mr