Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 23 Sep 1892, p. 3

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soft a at ftitD max Oakhalf topi wWah be IP aid tea eft wrak ao a Fete erf the rah- to fck ud Ml o croud ma At a of the year Of To Hum woo are w the aad kite Brae ft- d prices ftra bin been Hiram for moral it ft North To nk promisee o in The If sad if tUod- boat the probably radios rtj ftulfcir another a ia jirjar CUi to iu tx ik in the the end asanas wfll by Band aleo be la ah fcue At tho meal- iht of fiDitffl ncvUtRitBztUn tad XiaLiak Bon litwttow MA J Wine Mi Coi a Hit Win- Low tad Him J and who mid u u of rati at Id- ud which exhibit via of all who ill to a of at Fair and fa of Mr John Among lot a rabarofatasdudA teaaa void at lham u Fail It mt There aft A A to of oar la for jail the man of Jia will for la tilt If too axe livtag In tola town regit lo be married to It tia If teifiz of to gat mauled then it to perl both d oat and max room bran for I thai la cituen of ft town rub and It tin a to the art that part la two be arcs ftli lot ll aaefi card la tad la all inroogK Mr from Toronto If oft market thai the heavy crk abcql that aoma of their for market We to oar We can gat on other for a bat the fanner farm an the the hie roll When the water was turned on new on Victoria and It had to raawrad Tola a tag lai J ti being fin fcet of the top tobaletowtwheait found that to a job too to he oanalng qole The at the great no that puking bearing oat of the ralrathiaotfmsalart week In the night add of water out of upper reeerroir It via and timi to Tbo and Ma dram will ban at the towo bill Fair and drama la fin comedy druse Whit comb Mr vail known for performance of Par- comedy Out Boya with fegllah yean ago and probably dra during of Mr the Detroit of Mr a capital tattoo of Joab In ail til mbiotanaoa Mr in aame and ha la able to rank wilt and repraaeatatiTa of the don a to-aiTiaaTL- 9VeaoDtJ hao be be iM bomBMU7Pu the Uiaapf a ri- TTBaoaa will be preached by that draw the aw cm or two tired for the half a bead todl the ctoard again hot panda largely of totorrala the or moat that eight of a big and paaaad cot won a that they had got their worth FOB MllXUf lea at On 7 oclock ft aoo5daat took place at the factory of Wo Bona Mfg Go by which a boy named arm He In 17th year and work la the factory but week to department by Mr being employed In tab from unloading barrow to front of a gang of Whit withmonbla tope each ptonded with a raw at time fall of short of he aoma from atr foot ha loet Ida balance and fall In throwing up arm to break the fall It the and waa the elbow The of blood great but tha fellow bore It bravely Injury wu accidental end not baring any home the boy waa to tha noon train by ana of firm by the doctor At but of the hands evinced over ware to take good can of him this winter Ink Drops Fair next week entriea White rod Tuesday Drornlng Hard plana and Big market but wen Jammed all morning Band of Hope nut of harvest horns today Not will be Day Slim at School Band be out tonight -A- Mr taw VBfllgtaw If to next Mr TOSioalalagbjCesft day that the be j be ftfflictod with ia lh s Mlai Charlotte Key law ft in im proving The of the Church intend holding a Honey Social on Monday of next On a very even ing at the in the wedding of Large wife Below ft of received Mr and Mra Bowl Mr Mr Liatowell Lamp Mr lira John Large Toronto dlahaadepDon and A Kaaka pickle Mr tod Mrs J Emery Mr- end Mra Toronto flower Mr Balder wit and peppercopa Hi and Mra P Weston silver I oho Large faattir and J rilrei pickle Mi end Mra D money Mr and Mra stiver tea Mr and Mr money Mr and Mrs money villa Mr ud Mra J dinner knlvee Mr and Wight tee kate tin and Wright rilvar lea Mr and Mra Peregrine moey Mr and dtth Mr J lev e- eel money Mr Mra atorton toft kaivee Mr and A Smith Mr and Mra Moore money Mr end J Wright oaowy Mr and Mrr diver emit and J and money Dr and wife aUrar pJtober gold lined Mr BlMkeai Reception Fall Trade an ot j Largest Variety and Lowest Prices in Town 1 We take the lead as usual OUR STOCK OF Are Very Attractive OUR WORSTEDS Cannot be Surpassed GIVE US A CALL Vein A It a very many peraons are Ignorant of tie post namely shall be forearded to stamp affiled dropped lam the post without i real to the at era no leer than from two teat of inters posted mtj av The at Ottawa to the tare ntt latter will be forwarded ui a tOtUraaod to along with a printed By method W be a practical cot to do it pa tils at the torn time he feiur it would reach fta Mcn fT wold under a in fcii an to their as U te by offer wb j the press of the near p I the dreaded acoorg ile matter of surprlae that our 1 end hoard of health a towards The S b town a decided and warning not Riven by the abold not be in this It Uted that msoy back out decay hen It was IT weather An futon moat to indited time of pamo for war Is of baa been in h held ft Hi Btewan of pperilpg Agricultural In their original InoeptJop an not to make mousy give back to the peo ple all they on that and are intended to the agrleultarurtaod by friendly A poor la Injury to ft locality Hot only an and duaMuraged rather than bat which may piece locality that a poor exhibit la apt to get a amongst for lack of enterprise end far lack of agriculture and In the town and we hope that the pobho take ft deep end linly Intonat In the York Fair at next Many riajtonnur be pee ted from a tha iaroee test a fan onethird first day and single fan the day from all between and Toronto Bertie The property belong ing to Ingham is to be tomorrow Townspeople say that our half of potatoes an rotted The Skin Rug Works an lowering the raoa from pond a depth of The ere for a in ket next month la looking beaaUfal A phonograph the yoangften in the town hell hut Friday would be a eoaroe of pleasure to others If young men who stand outride of our on Bonday iraainga wait lug their beit girl to out would not entirely block tb sidewalk and cross ings Mr got a black eye St other day a flying off The leaves an beginning to torn all the beautiful shade of red and yellow and the dictionary and family bible will be brought Into play leaf The Epworth had a tewing bee et Mrs on Wednesday afternoon young ladles were helping the Women So riety a box of for a hospital to little Otto Brim got band badly bait with As old lut Saturday The Fire it Water Com got clear ing op to do around the streets shcoM be attended to before tha Fair A MacLeod anew law Sim have put up a fa the Reformer Block Mrs Homer of King tost pan while shopping a town hut Saturday would be without the Ex for only a dollar a year Towd Council All 18t BffQlu feOIi J hem a nOii P Ox k a Pare Ud far nppUa Win to ft Oku with iMrjTio- ftaoooat to Of of to etonpt Iron fcrmMl In to pp 9L to tad- Uwt lownli la ft tie ihlti VlHOl iM of Co railed by on Well and rtporttSd waOMonrj to QlLAVrM on fto IniprorwDtDU lo roixjrt faici wo ftK adopted uvl fcilioiifiAwd- Hatter to Mow ralAK tin to thai lirTOKll tht Of thai pUworoIa OUT XMitioa in Im good and iLo ud of M of In a flooiihlng of fits to of donuilac- trapply of in a amoanl lo W5601 of which art from an and bridges ICO this of for lor and lUmi briiiFLDg up total In latter amouri alio of lor bank which wa avlvraja to oaoip bj from Food bat U Act of errata ConndU from In There ft there- fort to rata To ComiuiltM a rata of 9100 or a mora than 900 of what A portion of an by that Conned followi School Hi High School CWmBoou Ton Hall 10 Mtkiij Tgrp ImpTort ini CO To of North Halt TjMday ud day day Coauty Fair aa- Id effort to It a Wo faara to azpeoM atKodaoca of an aorlooa to along and with that and In oyer two and foity It ciw with who art to cap and raBnd for If hara anything worthy of it aloOj a I and a and endeavor to haw to exhibit yon would Ilka yotu athtblllna go If to wait of a ftw firtprina a the sob would behind and fioaaolal It In that and girt and yoa Bawd with your aad you yon no Laoatttrr bow may oole aaalitanoa baft and faatnm with a of promoting of and danghtarir A grand rl will be Floral Hall on of at which Pax with tad MltcttoiS fcUled and 12tfa Bit will ba with light at altogtlhtr to glta tha bald oar moving La beat loUrwt of Not lb York la On behalf of I am imuf J- of to Bra raoaptfon to the Hon taut of IUortfcoltnial waa oat or the moat to a Tha oompletely filled there and whttofoor or fire that of Allad the apaeloBj door of the to either of Ihe atata- The the end lha who draw t of of Toronto of all and the and Grit end Tory mating la ruob and of had drawn Wore one Blake Bar Dr t the other and fiwh grandly in tho rigbteooacaoaa Hon A- Hardy a Boo John of the aOomlnloo Ren Barman ud Hoo Frank Smith and Ben Bunt the Stake with Ma calm end etodfog cob- to the of ereiy hie flowing forth In wtUtooaded of molt eod At orator Edward no pur In Canada and few lc already thrilled the faearU of the people and era to that Canada to the a man of whom the might ba pnrad In bo to the or of raco or party j he may ad rootle by heat end withont weakoeie By the Home Role he condition might be Improved n the managament of bar own local by log a local parlia ment her which alt religious and all rigbU would as now minority share of liberty than at In bit Longford he alated ifaal both Cat holloa hid for him bat Juil here It where too many differ Some fa Canada la Ireland think and ahoald be far north la from the of at whan will raliicbat orate mtfl regard the character tod not creed of their man bed day It ended P FA Dress Goods and Mantle Glottis WE have received our first lot of Fall Drees will be pledged to you call and inspect them will find the latet in Serges and Plaids in Suit Length and no two alike Now ia the time to get your Mantle and we have a nice selection for you to choose from FLANNELS AND FLANNELETTES A assortment of both- and the quality and price is sure to please you If you want to get the best Kid Glove a for the Josephine they will outwear any other make GENTS UNDERWEAR and see what we have before you purchase else where We have Turabulla celebrated make the best that can be got and at all prices Our Groceries are always fresh and of the best quality Try our Blended Teas and Coffee W W telephone Connection Main Si RED BOOT THE LEADING BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE HERE I AM AGAIN WITH THE ARRIVING DAILY AT THE- i AM BEST STOCK In town of Boots and for my Fall Trade that can be bought in the market I have a large stock of Leg Boots and I intend selling them all at the Closest Cash Price Come and see what I elsewhere s do for you before buying H An Early Inspection Invited R J DAVISON Sate and ad Joining property to the lalas be Hid at the Hotel At See ad For tb bare w credit on lot In of Wing of Block ela ell over credit Joint Bale atone Smith Total a redaction of So the IauV lad year for Hie J e ouallt the or lor A oar were wreaked ft the Grand Trunk at Belleville ear Ferry Dlneteeo ftocldantally while at Moant Brat of by lightning and will all It a deetorei by fire The hay ftod grain ftlao ft trotting 25O0 A barn to on the town was oclock If whole and all bia farm log a will be The fire I sap by Death of Mrs in the or AftDfa wtfe lbs Lata Us rur a with that UnterlDa the at at of BO sera a and dare waa lazceij- tlnda4 the abort took last- from bar Jaoob Ever to flnrrearaandwa respected by l who ever to give all who made bo She waa lo to u to etch aod wslooue la ihet ox Miebaai of the where flhBhadeUviatUtra jm the of their father bad to bin with work a- waa of the had rsa with lha siku iha and all lbs wbioh flrrtauiinbdLoadar broth ud her married to them ware bora tea living Beat iaa bar who had fa soma time died of raver leaving her with a terra dm la or 19 of aha and raiaed bow vary ftd ramaladarta ha haa a treat BeBtJflHr Grant will IrapJrnonU lot QwmiiaobTify Bradford road on iumi Jaa- Kb Sept A Geo Shaw will baptomeaia lot he lib of fl Lathi cent off far J roooUil credit can over pain ud Bale a wrtU poke to jo bar borne to bmjwM t of KaQneth Cameron lis lot K Von ttewdfmnoed ease of the who died In itaUon oreTloue- lleftinettOpIeon end the I proceeded to Preabjtttlao where IberamaLoa were to The pall were A and Meean Joeeph and in the of pear lha town Tain or la WW boyhood wee apQDl at the of he BotharUod wgiandyajartaUonMel Brecon Winn lo North Bar Ted el Windmill Point he MLftiained till imi vheo he wee to and diaohaarie Cram Ibe He held rant the time of Be want to and Tear he worked a farm the lake mttOra for yean where he re he a property when went to 3U edooeted lor BOOTSSHOES worth Boot and Shoes for at Montgomerys Big Boot and Shoe and Ordered and get as we ORDERED CLOTHING I NOBBY I PRETTY PATTERNS I LOW PRICES MONTGOMERY Sc SON a AUCTION SALE OF tee n and now of the to Ihla Town Adjoin TQBRB will be Auction ax the OS Property for tale by IN TOWN OF o Saturday 92 At one mm a loihaliiwniialp of nearly a mile out in town of pled by Ray A DM fro and to wind the to he Ihabailanoeoanhemj bvI a par la party or own Abo the lot andadaNh of on will bo aoZd a Out To Marker Best- Fall Wheat per flpriaa Wheat per Wheat Barley per per per pat Wool par to Bar Pork par pair- on 00 OH a a 10 a a ID a a Oar LOAM Mr a wUa who Lira latbauooQtsfiavettSni and DAVID LLOYD Apahiaeaffittaj Hal a p a taLrJi I a ftpriaw par BaHey per taihel- Oauperhruhel it OX uoo urn oil ISA a OH on la en toes At CAMPBELL Main Street THISWEEK Clearing Sale OF AT PRICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY J W STEPHCNOisa eHi sj

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