Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 26 Aug 1892, p. 3

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I OX Band of to tiki lo iMi at it Good Crop Mr I n op- and on if A traveling forth to to lb we while which a lily arrfartBW Pa rips The Chinese h Club laal Monday along Main Th comber of wheel vis bat looked Dry Jertuhft tot married in news in tie to ttlk about to a Mov On time irft to Very of lb the old mT a IoaJ of or day op ilfiiQ far ram fokMl ihs wit Kit fc Boo to lb of TO ftrk to morrow only Rood to Jmnhf lrIo wonect with rcW from t lit It to j4opi to thai at ha u bo to him UtiBOwV ud moil tbIi to from ttiyJ In Mr rn la front of Tiroothx wo to wilk lut Sit- a Ho Ml lb fcra bo not a fiftt tad bo aKo Bad Cut- Stsphea Sttwwt with of kind Ho bid tot to tor ortrJ ho try and ibit day la for job ha pat left too the ttw la two aIj cat thai- Rt Mr School In Ilia Many JrdoctM aod In a that the iilkwV mi bo good choir lfd oinjriog Ibo ordinary amed to Mr with Next SooJay tho la of he Hoy Another eon of Mr Union at Sunday moroiog Ho had not well tor a la field till or of o a which look Saadty by Campbell It of Ml of Ilia man in hi aod greatly in Icod- Parlor a very good at Mr and the of the flodty ol was a iUMeai Mr A Stoofftilla a two which apijecHttd alao oelKtlona by and by Capital by Ma D ud Mr J con of Mi Important ThoFroalddt Mrfc Lowilb which to In Fort In Great ajmpathy and of School Books or full High and School Book and on A Christian Convention la to bo held in Churchy Toronto on Friday fimt to on Friday neon at will and It hoped til no will alio bo hoar a day Mr of Wood on it at a auction at on adjoining bid In at tha ud than odd to A- at bid In at 1 It la thla bona will bo by at la to rat ana attraction poobb ud wo know of no way of a day bao In print party on On connection took u day a print Si got a and on a load of ud a day Fault The local pel omphalic homo papar It printed at it and rapport of ail good ran giro all bat whan a few and plan the affair sol bo It not appear la paper Hi cannot bo at and If tho worthy ofahotkoItU handing the to Almost A narrowly at A man named who among nnmeioiu Tata on gwwd floor- a long hook by which wot an changed from on aide to another how hook a rooting belt and Urn Into rati aw deeper than on ordinary head and It like forohorooototho work men Mm fall In ran to anco On firat appearance ho grabbed by Mr and at a critical moment It look well for to to osd ill a few and then op and ran Iraproyo front for If coal go will bo cold winter object of an in a not sell to get people Jf not what or dont roll or are to cranky and they It la no of of to hold a fibrabmonnt noon coed to boot op yonr and now It la new Iwd pencil for rooming nd of new to old and Hog the depot The fact that Fall again be coming a for reminds that la gono Ode on Tho of Unirtraily and bare boon and again will be aeon from of can- to another colotn Newmarket School for good wort la In many to High School of Optaito been and fact that alitj per candidate from whilo the aterage the li to bo than forty per well for of among anccoaafnt Mmal who bare the rosolrea by preparing lor their a abort Mr Albert ia worthy of racoilon Entering the In January last itb a limited knowledge Latin mere he rapidly In that ho racoeeded in tit- that department Whoa la that may work font or firo at then fail in Honor It coo be conceited how great an Intel leotaal Mr There may from year lo Indlridnal that make a better than Newmarket High for gol largo of yeanv thorn am very few in the pro- alxo and On Monday Aug the will reopon for tbli old and well tried another Of IDOXWt York meet flOth in to program for at Fall liocto Ton to a look Mantle on door Iht High German the Ii that at the of their PTEWMATIKET ERA AUG The Rev Hauler of took put la and to of a lha gu midline wbloh proceeds of gni la of flnt lima a I ofStUatka ParkdU will to cut will be a wlabra- lion of the at a to baa been to put a at and The an the Droaa of from High School at the and UniTenit Id 111 LotUa Claik Cole fiavta afadga Ironilde Mil Ada Janlot or Id J for Amelia Era Latin French and pawed la Latin French Pater German A Ger man Latin and Greek la and German Albert la Latin aod Greek candidate aa In cartatn for bald of and axe accepted by the aatborltlaa to far cover Moo In the School tha following made To 6a Ireland John Eck Ada Jennie How 82 Wright Con To Jr promotion Harold Willie Nell To Jr from II Alloa Low Tim Katie Smith Wetter JacWb and Una Hand Howard Cane and Howard the thai For IhU Alfred medium progra Wog rrlbj To 3rd Ma ptoe4 ample Mm allowed Cecil of practical Bennett and Mary rlua all ad prominent BanntU Hoi- List a gala day for to the boy a The weather waa fot the rain a little threatening Between COO and on Park grand well with ladiea aod the by dellghtfol of llib Band The firat of was and exciting of lactone At 1 lloed follows DUUJB Bait Goal Point Bronghlon Point lit 2nd 3rd Doyle Ardagb Center Firth 3rd Home Morton iad llomas Craig tat Home C Montgomery Home Cain Hunter CaUin ft- Manning the firat two in and 11 minute The woke after by th home cored minute The next game faror of the bourn team in SO Diinote Both amioas to continue the game hot attired for race to the match had to be declared a draw The weta of lb chief Bad were from Aurora and Tonal with the home The day vet follow Langley Toronto Aoror and Clerk of the Cootie- A J Newmarket Toronto E A J Bert Cane On Mil None The Medal woo by 29 46 2nd Ju Hold Aurora taking the 8 8td nlogthatl Lamp Well Toronto cap tured the minute and tie J P Smith Toronto the Silver Cap One Mite Race for Club At Chair In woo the Companion Turner the took Set of Carter Can box of and J Turner the Exam of the held at and accord to bare trying to oblate am bar of which each obtain the Model School Alice Bell Belfry MUII Millard Annie Amy Miry John wood Gardner McDonald Walter ft- Separate School lllUod Lasting P Daly Katie Luck Grtbara Soolt- S3 tYhiicborch Starr Mary Starr Willi Ralph Willi SHlb Gertie May B No ft Alice Morion Fred a No Kins A Whitchurch Walker A ViPf No 8 Lillian No 14 No 7 Band No North Button P Manly Sadie How- No l Robert as No I No a a No 4 North Mo- ArthorMerton Amy a No 2 School Kay No 1 North Morton a No North 3 a No North Boots pair they ox the they their price loWlo A for goodi- Drops Council tomorrow Tow a Monday Next la lit of Sept Toronto Exhibition week after Only from Newmarket Fair Would Drain Lake Erie Ever since sent to for power to levy duties on and freight through Marie have been to ach to cut a Lake Ontario with Georgian bay on The water bay would be lowered from to feel so claimed by channel to Like Ontario The result would bo that the De troit river bo left practically a pact of Erie be drained much of the Water cut off Niagara falls American fall it contended would Bo left dry This would give entire control of Ihe inland waterway into the hands of Those who this plan of retaliation Bay that nothing else could possibly bo done that could cripple American shipping more and that Canada could then her own terms to the authorities at Washington It Is stated that eminent engineers are working on this project has been kept a profound secret The work take six months This scheme it is pointed out would leave come the American lake cities miles from the water Toronto would be the moat important the Dominion Star the labor Is reported Tho outlook ot market in Great Britain to bo disheartening The hot continues in Europe 103 in shads iu Vienna and other cities paiUamant drawer and ether lotetealn featores delegate to recent International at New wlllgtl pithy hare been made Jor the delegate from Toronto and Dunn Mutual has charge of department A good Bme la anticipated and It hoped a to etk thronghout entire Mr on farmer in ihUatclIouot country When hi grain hanltd la he he faU bar computed sample la for market of lets weekhs hauling his wjuat and took to tow ha hi operation aid of nine men he s fait as It Into barn Is the to field and sight In the ham bat latter goner By com ahead Mr cola the and feeds the as fait a can be pitched off Wgon all the time fall control of machine of loan which In In to by steam work ruklhotdJa SfT to think how easy of abeam twice and 4th year air toady he ran Ml Willie Tbotapeon Wal ter FIoTreQtata Alice 355 The In other will announced and mad next Monday morning when of- Spark are few thing that benefit met a regular corrcapoodaot for a altogether from the iralolng It giro them In apreaitng them- and doing It gram rustical ly It teach them to fact lotenslnesthelr power of cbaerrc which In Is on of firat toward a well formed A regular cor- respondent for Information a noting hundred of thing that other people look See interesting or In structing wortb reporting on nni aad acquire faculty of renumbering that come under It Is a training too lath of good for there are few thing that a mut Utter than what fit for publication and what not what per- and what is not of thing th y or within hearing of a regular newspaper oorraer Ilk to a greater number of as rreF J from reapecUr looalltl If on thing w mow of hU lull manner Mr I ibn It that will aleo the value of a hi la Ty from their xpert- wlll hold ton very walk of Ufa which to appearance will lay of a habit without of feed cut hi com by alum the same manner a thresh Itg It take about two weeks to lb who are Interest In fuming tab a look arcnad fcleyibw which no can really formed namely do ndat ahoold always gn Ibeir namaa not for I bat STtrythlag kit- rata Aurora and Aurora Oak Sec- their Club Room one point Tim HI- Silver Tilting Water waa by M Well Toronto the Shaving Set by Cajcaio Toronto Two- Mile Handicap for Newmarket Club J Tomer woo the Limb A3 Bar and Limp Raeel4t A Baitedo mile Tim 45 ThreeMil Rate To won Split In 39 J Smith Toronto S10 Field One Race Toronto excluded The Salad Bowl woo by II Aurora Ai HI on took Gent Companion The hate been exhibition lb iter window for nearly week and bare been greatly ad mired There were no accident he starter Mr of Toronto mention for the push and ment be displayed bringing the to la splendid time Th Toronto made no time at all our men them for the first rac crest any ftmnjMment the bad rid yard to bardie leave their wheels and ride with one foot to 2nd bardie end rid The team aod quit excltlof the finish ss followi Anror j Aorora Aahton Vick boy wa rather a comical one hearty as the youngacr crow ed the scratch last race on pro gram the finest the meet lad from start crawled op and noma stretch was covered In time to congratulated eats was laaai Mr Now ivnd some aporNimn Port 10T Umday which two pound ALL oods COST CLEARING SALE OF PRINT STORE LAND BROS Everything AT THE Light Summer Coats and Vests Ladies Cotton and Merino Underwear Fine Value in all sizes of Stainless Black Hosiery CHEAP LINES OF STRAW HAfS GENTS BRAZILIAN PANAMA HATS A Great Drive in FELT HATS at 500 worth 126 Parasols Prints and Lawns GROCERY DEPARTMENT have of Short Lengths that Bell and under sooner than them over If you want the Best Valuy in Shaker Shirt- i Cottons or this is the place to get it Gem Jars Pints Quarts and Half Gallons Try a package of the Celebrated Monsoon India Tea of Granulated Sugar on hand We have nothing but beat J Our Blended Black Tea and Blended ate still unequalled W PLAYT Telephone Connection Main St- BIG Under and Top Shirts Summer Coats and AT t LASS SELFSEALIN JARS Pints Quarts Imperial Quarts and HalfGallons Lots of INIMITABLE At that downs anything in the trade Terms Gash GREAT BARGAIN HOUSE SELL to make for Fall lines Call and secure a bargain while they are going LUNDY NEWMARKET BOOK NEWS DEPOT R J SON IT RESTS THE a million of at Know City A rainstorm general raih for shelter the parade con cluded feet New And at yuthpori Now way precipitation Into the river a full of cotton and other Mr iloK of hurt by mall train from Toronto At about of dale Friday Hi horse but Mr Untie reached ST at his ordered 600 of round to o mi from a for tiips in minor Mrs of township Mich wing her child ln p Whan retarndcha foot child dovbnred by a to panther which Art iecouio It resardwi a S man ribs removed at two them one and a diseased lung and other who carefully treated with the most result Now It a re corded that in Pas pale J have las hack from a patient who J wo rrsvxuonv evero that city I Early morning Ooyeney who lived in To ronto killed by a P train near Gait was walking along the track at the time Lottie Loo of has entered suit against a man named Robert of same place damages for of with it looks s it man who id three a day country is of luoV Oar Markets- Aug i Flour TO IkttoypMbuifaftl -mm- bulbil mim 9 SI S OH W on a lb tub lb a 114 I a 444 s k I tew at a 01 s w a on OH w a 10 a 4 a Moot women know ail about the of wash day To many It mean Backache Sore Hand Hard Rubbing tub and long hours- folia to the lot of those who poor cheap and In jurious soap as imi rail per 0W l It It unit per per tiaixir doifl roll per tuff Wool per lb too Pork per 0 Oil 1 III I ll aaaa4 mi i a a a a a a CANADIAN Pacific Ry Harvest STATIONS AND OXBOW MOOBEJAW 30 35 CENTRAL TELEPHONE OEFICE N STARR BOOTS SHOEB i I ou 1B5 10 CO on MAR Came upon lot Ilk Con of King about the Jnl A property ny as- DAVIS KfttUehr EDMONTON To all polar lath August SUK5 August Oct t3rd 6th XSASt from other point at to train on ahould arranMto at twlththslO full to any Owner to oil This Soap doe away with Tired Hot Steam and Sore Hand It bring comfort to million of homes and will do to your If yon will FOR SALE CHEAP- Eons on of SI and by POWER COY J FOB SALE IRISH PONY ALSO Earns Apply to FUSS J fiaddl AND TAILORING a Any person that take the trouble examine our goods and prices will see at a glance that We Sell Per Cent Cheaper Than Any House in the Trade MONTGOMERY SON FOR SALE THAT HOMESTEAD PROPERTY the the J B Caldwell Wat particular apply to TO ALL HORSE BUSINESS MEN FOR LAND Why do 11 vbalauncerjriiirth5bot with si fcn4 for t OLD at the North Wait IT OEM lX 11 iu tin- Alt Ktl ft i P fig AOOOD PfMS nil lh6 with or without Lot l Con W fa it VERY TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE ALMOST yrntcu which with floo biro Apply to a TO DAVID LLOYD liilcs for i Iter V I

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