I ibS- MARKET a Friday Morning LYMAN GEO AT STEAM PRINTING iw REACHED fltflWft GIVE TO KNOW TO TO ACCOSTING TO ABOVE A OTHER r ONTARIO BANK J SLID SIR P NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol Single Copies Gents Each Newmarket Oiit Friday June Strictly in Advance within or at end of year LEO A J Newmarket Lean ooa farm secorltr- icnon cosvbVanckr etc nARRlStfeRSt Solicitor Wo W Kin PH A J Main UPC I A- P fcr llesn4 a- St EST At AI bit Root to ta Block if lt Cbarth Air for If Em LICENSES Kb 50- O ERiaNOLOS RICHMOND or plica to CI THE VERY BEST e- CANADA LIFE CO TED Most R R Ever Made by any Sewing Machine in Mechanical Progress VS J A CLOCK MAKER flik Store op Per sold so TO AT CCftBBNT a CAPITAL- AND FUNDS- DOLLARS ALIlkIlclestpdispQlable vorMnlde After id J Mills THE BEST Kept Constantly on Hand Gristing Chopping Feed etc P KJTTO THE DOMESTIC THE FIRST I THE FIRST high armed family machine THE FIRST to introduce the large bobbin THB FIRST to the pulley to the bobbin THE FIRST to ase the drop leaf THE FIRST to develop practical fordoing decorative artwork TUB FIRST to introduce the raider THE FIRST to use the vibrating foot THE FIRST to a self needle X- mill AND CONTRACTOR a No I Alma The First Running and Noiseless Machine The First A A of AH I iCiVi fibffjftffl of Mar Terms KlKUIrllfbL 1M lor J TrifirrOiVjtM meet all lrloi to introduce conical bearing hat elfadJQiting to Pitman improved of to provide a drawer Sited tot attachments to the chain stitch without change to a UottonHole The First and Only Machine Today to Please Every Purchaser B H MILLARD agent Forsyth House Newmarket CAUTION EACH PLUG OF THE Myrtle MARK Now Hob Honor Bright A It to itUUooiof IftfldtU Wale a a Co Lt mbiDlo ait Central Joar Mm him to tell Mm I wont bold Mm Hat tick that fa It Hello Bob I can grasp you handbat Wad Now i bits not toy In you up for iQffn That to oar Waal record And It Bob In 11 one A of A qoMtJon hero and So old Old a of At It Ibat All tilth ail on a fx Why thai low the of wisdom the down la as claim all rellglo to bo oy subject Thlaoacohftppr And calUog on mtd for I yon a coma honor bright what of Tom I The a mora to than It tot pit only we can to OdZthqUAkM the old Rook i And of It A from Win It opotleu fotarorr In of bo that Im a taken I to giro on the ring You wnabake all jour on Bob I Im a lltlng t Rail at the of UotM with St PanlaMtbO But If yon lectured Id Ghulttton Your an boUd a been None THE AKST 1 BANK g TORONTO TORONTO BRANCH Cor Church it- Wellington St DEPABTMBNT jj sail up allowed at roles NEWMARKET BOOK NEWS DEPOT SPECIAL DEPOSITS I1ATKS allowed for AiucnnU reriialDlrtc i nod lCIKlt IT North York Convention of 1892 WADS WORTH for Implement will alii ftjycjatomtcaO Newmarket j attended to York ll Aft li at I he Zephyr ACCIDENT It for Aurora and J Votary Public a PAPERS Wall Ceiling Decorations in Largo Variety and Latest Designs -AND- Of Oyer Six Instr year There j turned out Thousand raents of rehired ATTENTION Mm AT JOHNSONS 0 builntnonciuraooe CENTRAL TELEPHONE W N STARR rf MUSIC If VKUKINK t- la a of urnld KvLvulhKBifrpmtS up I J V Mm rt JwtIi Hi IaOW 75 MAIN ST month and It would bo to A north Of nearly alt aotd of Intending Catarrh IB a blood eat Until prison expelled be no euro for and only fftCllvo Is a of belt of oil blood sooner you JeUy is I troubled with fox I tiled virloiu ood number of but received no benefit until I began to take A fort of cured mo and Bart to for la- to doubt It Hiving tried many little ben efit I bad no Mill that Anything would I became from appetite and Impaired I ad of deranged about friend urged to try lo It hid Alter taking half A down Of medicine am convinced all the at the abort on and 20lb excepting of the High It ft won that oar took place to busy a lima of the School and thai prevent the attendance of High School and are often in that way foil new tte are year In the teachers chtoge completely in bout three only three or four a decade of year The of 1S02 u a are hud lo in appearance the ladles Should any doubt I kindly refer you to the photo end for make a intMligation In matter fairly It a difficult matter to arrange a program foil of fntertil to all The up by Mr la to a teacher be of iuttnat Dot too great a meal of food Is to en of bodily to All who hare Wen at ell of child life The lata promotion paper thoroughly and made of much The Which way docs the mover down the Hi author failed to give a dear of iho My the la that they fed la the and conacleoUoua julle to to their own walk In mud IP another Saturday to examine for and the whole up by many holiday the who bat now fat too many And might add that the da In attendance a lull are often looked upon additional holidays The of that the lale Act to for good and thought that the appoint- lux of expended tchoola- mofe office appointed by for He The Convention thought hit the to hold Annual for and the at be of the ume for rural or cod tewni After work the the wer The thought hat J to that there might he a better mode theae officera It Hairin wltbed lo be of power to appoint the him Ma alecllon would If my aeivea me a of committee In appolnllng VicVrtaldint that wirepulling Why by tfaaYooDg Young and all other The ladlee ate and have oryeara lo themalorlty or And In how many are a equal or fear of Had the closed In by one national bid our IUplla from been to it our reference and Im aura would have been delighted beyond meainre KwUk Slxty Years of Wedded Life Saturdays of April years ago William Hooej Hacking and Mar garet were married at New market mile north of Toronto in the town of Ont for the put 36 years Mr Hacking has held the of Both are in good health and mental vlgOrapparently capable I of attending to their official and for a considerable of t in yet to oome He no nearly of age and Mrs about The anni versary of their wedding happily celebrated ton yeara ago by a Urge family gathering and aome suitable golden presents and this week the return of the day was The marriage 60 years ago wai with spice of romance and the aged are frequently bo rayed into relating stories of their courtship days and run away match Mr Hacking was employed in the mercantile eatabluh- of Mr John at New- market head of wellknown Toronto family of that While there he met Miss Maggie daughter of Mr of the township of In coarse of ticad they became betrothed Her parents raised to their marriage but the youthfot ardor of the Arrangements were fin ally made that the fatare Mrs Hack ing was to visit a friendly neighbors house and that her loser was to spirit her away The only mode of convey ance was by horseback In those pioneer dayj buggies were a rare luxury The young couplo mounted the horse and one behind the other journeyed several miles to resi dence of Robinson at where the silken tied which has withstood the stress of these many summers and winters licenses were not required those days The usual was to procure n written document from a magistrate and exhibit it to two disinterested parties previous ceremony The parents were not bard to conciliate and the young folks were soon happily settled their new home After a few years reaideoco in Newmarket removed to Queens- villa whoro Mr Hacking carried on a general store several In time removed to Elora and finally opened the pioneer busi ness in the now of Tboy bad twelve of whom are now liv ing the other three having died infancy Their grandchildren num ber thirtyfive and they have soveral greatgrandchildren The good moral charaoter end general stability of the family and connections were impress ed upon early conditions and surroundings of the vil lage and tho impressions thus formed continue to be is tics of the town Mr lacking and Always has boon an smoker but indulges in intoxicants If is a gentleman of rare intellectual abilities a scholar and lib eral thinker fond of studies and thoroughly welt acquaint ed with biblical subjects entirely selftaught in the Greek and Hebrew languages and was in his earlier years a copious and original contrib utor to various religious and literary subjects Ms memory and hearing somewhat Impaired with age bis Intellect and conversational powers continue bright and whole some no has the very high esteem of the local community and has a large of acquaintances all over who regard his faith and opinions with very great Mr Hacking to Canada from England with Ms father Rev Jib Hacking when about seven years of age After a short sojourn at Toronto then Little York the family settled on a farm in the Town ship of the gentleman taking lengthy expeditions through tho then Cana dian wilderness In his capacity a rotistonary There were no schools in those days and the only moans of education within was the youngest of a large family and sinoo leaving EngUnd at a little over six years of ago never had a teacher yet few men liberally and his general literary and acquirements in some excel those of many university graduates Sir and Mrs Hacking are exceed ingly kindhearted broad minded and sociable and the of their homo latoweli never hard to find They have always been held In high esteem by the community and they a large number of valued friends far and near family are long grown up and savers I of them scattered various countries Life the Holt feeding is all done here now and crops look well Mr has gone to New- to live having secured the job of engineer in Danes factory Mr James will soon have his new house completed We an to Point on Jane invited Mr Harry Fairfield has leased Mr John Johnstons fsrm for a term of years Mr raised his targe barn on Wednesday last Pine Orchard M A No doubt the people of North will regard 14 lbs as a pretty good weight for a lamb when dropped but Whitchurch can beat that all to pieced Mr Case has a lamb that weighed J lbs when born It is of Shropshire Cots- wold breed Who next Newmarket Branch A ens DRAFTS ISSUED u a4 I od I Albert is negotiating for of Auroras hand fire- engine An electric railway Is to be built from Lewiston to along the Niagara river sB While trapping a few days ago Owens of a targe beaver The fruit crops ia the South of England have been greatly dam aged by a storm Five hundred deaths from cholera doily in of the of Cashmere fe The man who stays away from just because it rains is liable there is continual drought Mr Donald has pur chased the Parker property of three residences on st Bradford paying therefor the sum of The cheese factor at Strath- alien a few north of Wood stock Friday with some cheese ready for ship ment The total for this year to tho roll is or nearly W0900 less than it was a year ago Kansas City May A special from Wellington Kansas says passed over that place Ibis killing and Injariog people The storm passed directly through the centre of the town wrecking everything in its path broke out in the wrecked triot and is now burning fiercely The and wife wera mads the recipient of an agreeable surprise in on Monday May A number of the friends from with wellfilled baskets entered the parson age with smiles and greetings and a very enjoyable evening was spent A purse containing a sum of money collected by J was presented by J Cook accompanied by a well worded address read by White which was muoh appreciated by the host and hostess Aurora- The funeral of the late post waster last week was at tended by all classes of people A short was held at his late roeidorce followed by a service in the English chorob after which the remains were followed to the ceme tery The principal mourners wore Charles Mr and Mrs Lucknow Mr and Mr Detroit Mich Col Wayling Smith Dr Toronto Dr Mea- ford J Graham meteorological Mr and Mrs Lewis Newmarket The pall- hearers wero Graham Wells Dr Hil lary John Lloyd James The Mosodio were present in large num ber SuttOQ Queens birthday celebration waa a great success The proceedings open ed with a baseball Match between Sutton Greys and which was won easily by the latter score to The games were well contested The concert proceeds were and Lieut Wayling were hero looking up recruits lost Saturday purchased the lumber logs eta and also the steamer Keodriok at the mortgage sale Consideration Prof Kent who catered to the portion of the Do minions populace for the yesrs gave an electrical and exhibition in St James hall last Fri day night With foresight our Reeve purchased and disposed of fifty shade trees nearly alt of which were planted on the village boule vards this week Ten years from now those seme will added considerably to the value of local real estate Several municipalities intend printing the assessment roll this year are evidently beginning to demand more information on public After a very exciting bunt a number of local sportsmen succeeded in killing two fine black bean within a couple of miles of Norwood Peter- Co that the only sure way of be blood Sarsaparilla yuriaxo it J Mass jrflsnanWMWtA The Town Cooed to dead old Town Hall property to the Evapor ating Works on that they bands every year for and annually pay a wages except when there is a fall In the fruit A True Idea of Reverence Bo In visiting any church the cen dots lo enter into the feelings and opinions of the worship en for lime being and humbly putting your own the position of who can worship the Father anywhere in any way at any time with more or less ceremony so long as the ador ation Is In our hearts referential and sincere writes Cora Linn Daniels Id the Juno Horns Journal To alt like a post In the midst of an audience who prelelog in their peculiar way is to show way an implied contempt If do not like it what are you there or Curiosity docs not go to as one goes to the theater simply to bo amused Wo do not buy a we ate a free seat Then the only return we can this of us as out siders Is to Job as far as possible In the devout we are allowed to witness In any case God being worshiped ft can hurt no one to kneel before Him or W bow the bead reverently i- Children Children are naturally truthful and generous what a comment on our attitude towards them that so often be come otherwise they reach the age Children shrink from censure and soon learn to try to hide mis taken to avoid being blamed Re sides many loving intelligent parents their children by if not by word and a baby takes in this sort of thing as to be tried and if ho is bright will return it fourfold Wo alio judge their baby prattle and reasoning from our not from their Ideal world and so accuse them that of which they Innocent awakouiog and emphasising what we would It takes might to deteot difference be tween A loped good that ought to bo let alone and a that needs to bo cbfreoted A once tola lao that she did not anow what to do with her little boy four years old who had for the last few days been telling all sorts of with no or In them For Instance thai morn ing she told she did not want Mm to dolug through the his little of apples to share with his playmates- as the apples were nearly gone Two or hours after heard tis feet on the collar stairs Sho went out and saw him coming up stairs bis basket of apples- Koenj did I not tell yon not to bring up any more apples for children Yet m answered the little fellow pursuing his way Why do you bring them then Im not bringing them said ha Is not that a bosket of appjeo you have In jour hand Yes Well then yon bringing op spples I told you not to he ssid with an honest expression of fscA was shocked at fal deliberate and stupid untruth and also that he should seem so Indifferent about it The child was and Is now that ha is perfectly honest and truthful here was a phase of when the refraction of mental rays produced this crooked fa bis mind The prime element of untruth is deception and hire no to deceive Merchants of Leeds refuse to send goods to the Worlds Fair on the ground that it is impos sible to carry on business against the Bill A Sunday School convention for the Townships of Scott and Ton will be held at Goodwood on Thurs day June Seventeen Arab slavetraders have been sentenced to be hanged at Zanzibar for holding a slave market at within tho German East protectorate On the 18th of July next will vote a bylaw to raiso by way of loan the sum of for the purpose of const system of waterworks If people would mind their own business what a lovely world it would be If we attend strictly to our own manners and morals lotting other atone we do well A thresher shark measuring feet from Up to tip and weighing 1200 pounds by nine fishermen near Cape May J after a fight lasting over four hours a runaway accident at London Eog Lord Salisbury the Premier was badly shaken up Ilia carriage was rooked and his received severe A waterspout burst over Kingham a small village on toe River in Ohio yester day morning drowning six persons and destroying buildings stock and crops Last year there were about horses shipped from Montreal to Glasgow and other places Ibis season it is expected that the total export will amount to 4000 horses Nine oclock is the hour at all youngsters In Owen Sound under years of age must scamper off home After the ringing of the jirno oclock bell the police or ders to take charge of them It is not a how much a man knows but hat use he can mako of what he knows not a question of what he acquired and how ho has been trained but of what he Is and what ho can do Robert Henderson a tramp tailor worked in for a day and vamoosed with a pair of shears Two blcycliita started after on the Atherly road He was committed for trial Chicago to make an Innovation In the her ele vated railroad ia soon to be opened for traffic The day at various stations will bo young women selected with due re gard to their personal recti Tho United States of Representatives adopted a reiolu lion providing that no part of the amount appropriated for the Worlds Columbian Exposition shall be avail able unless the doors of the exposition shall be to the on 800- day One of our his re ceived a latter from a young lady asking whether it would bo proper for girls during lesp year to get their knees when they propose to men The editor question is not sufficiently clear asks On whose The simplest remedy known for nervous headache is a pinch of salt taken on the tongue and allowed to dissolve slowly followed In about ten minutes with a drink Of water Silt in its pure state has virtues not to be because It Is an article within humblest means J as P M Bishop of tor forgery were each sentenced by Judge dsgb to four months In the Central Prison James Henderson for theft received two months in the Central and Herbert Dunu theft wsi allowed to go on sus pended sentence KbT a loaded coal oar became da tailed in OrillU the other night and a heavy train behind It shoved it along the track forty yard It ran into the diamond platform and moved station and all about tearing the planks off the The shook the tele graph and topped clock Few people have any idea of the care with which tobacco has to attended after it is grown It will imbibe of almost any kind if placed near the source of them A pig sty for iosUnce near the where the planter stores bis cros will impart a disagreeable flavor cam afterwards will divest it of Among the many precautions taken to obtain a faultless leaf for the Myrtle Navy brand to carefully the methods which every farmer adopts with his crops in the sections where the Myrtle Navy leaf is growo It No Jokb An editor of a newspaper in one of the western states called The Rocky Mountain Cyclone opened the first article of its number as follows We begin the publication the Moun tain Cyclone with some phew in the way The type phoun- phrom whom we bought th tbU printing phailsdto supply any or cays and it will be phour or we can get any We ordered the letters and will have to wait until they come dont lique the idea ov this variety spelling any better than our read ers but will in best regulated and ci and exes and hold sound thd hard the whirling a till tho sorts It no joqae to us it is a serious About twice each week men about town inform us have re ceived asking them to buy green goods or other words counterfeit money of the United States from in New York Each mentions that name of the party to whom it is been given to the green goods men as that of a man who would make a clever agent to distribute such an article and the agency for the whole province is offered in every case pro vided the agent can raise money enough to deal largely in the goods If be had not enough stuff he is ad vised to consult some friends who like to make money In thie way He is assured that there is no such thing as detection the counterfeit bills are so well made To make the thing go better a dip ping from some alleged newspaper is put In which states that millions of dollars are being mode dealing in these counterfeits that the United States government cannot Hod out how the thing done The experience of a farmer from Bruce county as published in days papers explains how the garni is worked He was requested to come to Poughkecpsie and paid down for were counted out beforo put in a box fie wer not to open the box until ho reached the Canadian side but hi curiosity to peep at his treteuro so great that ho opened it at Buffalo and found somu paper and a puco brick in box The money he cnunted out most likely goon bank notes proceeds of formnr fakes and was spirited of his box by a trick Tho gam- him right Whitby Henceforth let no gise for the English sparrow says Now York Advertiser Ho is oh he has been painted considerably more so from North Plain virtually strips him of every feather of respect ability and leaves him naked to world Baptist church at North has been robbed at various times of sums aggregating fiftytwo dollars and after three years of bickering charges and counter the money has been traced to a couple of English sparrows thst had a nest In a vine near the church The evidence against pfow Indisputable as the minion money in bills ranging from to fiv- been found woven into their nest With the discovery of that money peace restored in a church been rent and torn since the thefts first discovered Tha money was always out of the turned In by the deacons who took up the collections sometimes pointing to one deacon as the and sometimes to another At one time minister beloved to have been caught dead to rights and when a deacon flatly charged him with the church and did not enter Two deacons to Wows over mysterious disappearances and dor- toe three long and suspicion was continually pelsontoK each cup and all oceans J propensity of an English sparrow took advantage an open window to fly into the and nip an occasional bank not Therefore on top of Other haw boldly charged that the English sparrow a JhW steeped in wickedness not to rob church A ti