Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 8 Apr 1892, p. 2

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i i 1 i i I i ERA APRIL 8 Hew Advertisements Bros Goods J N Novelty Corset of Thanks Card To Hot House to Mrs Era up but bbigiitk AND WITH ISSUE FRIDAY APRIL 8 supporter the Government He at is President of the Cana dian combine and ai a supporter of Government that tfae duty be to that Canada be placed at the mercy of this Mr points oat in hie remarks at a low calculation that combine taxes the farmers of this county over a season on twice alone If farmers indus try is to thrive he bare the benefit of wbat be joit the competition in wiling We trust Mr will succeed bis efforts to relieve the farmers of iMn unfair exaction upon them to this last that moderate IUifCHUfriai bails rum en of Our Toronto to Of April aeaaloos It will of the Railway ul attOQOted tlSZ Mr Beet for Dearly years of the Bay Hotel died eoddeoly Monday Mr- A McLean Howard sold of aPbltadelrbla man for been was lo retire from Hod- Hardy too occasion to dent from the Tues day JMt Judgment given Mr- claim that be a perpetual ftmnchaefotbeitrtudflbecHr the court Boo otlocIoxabd left tbeUolon on or too look baa oftbelAOfe of Central tbe had ttt York at at for binding twine rear I raembf of the not gat acd read and year fur amoant paid by Use by of the or tbe fait Interior told before dinner an tax on of Canada He was not tbe credit for loieUfgence In we bar meniben of Government excuse for tbe maintenance of tax It an leafmBione to Too have legalized Junior member of for Ibe Cor- for Canada Ton bare him to collect ntbe name of companies from la Canada for of he nvee and to pat that per into to be In com ble Is yon bare la a tax collector tftung In tbe of the rtor to an Act of en abling him to collect taxes and not to tbe public good Is of trade- and I record my here I bare done and loon we bare free la- the people bare a rlbt be beard they bare Ibe rixbt to bare voire to and to people ted their to to have re dreaded It the of a mQiJM dollar taken not of be In are now to enter on jcatV la to another ycarl ibJok If doe to the tfooae and by on this Tbey giro It appeal fa this aide of the to ibe peal from own who bare hoar recede from It ii in circles la case lbs of lit for sod TiCJ Ilia lbenls that oniiloiicy iH lbs to llto E of li 8Bprol at on Mr Qderf MP for and nil now to bis It nil not follow la wake f Sooth rejecting its late member A the retora of Mr Cm with of the at on Tbe seal for Dr of sod bribery aie made now as if Mr In for to fill the the OKaiiooed by the demise of the la Me Clarke Liberal to bis to party DleiKu campaign Mr Wo or celled to the la twine and pointed lo the efforts made in Hoot to this article cow find that la of to baa to Rtttolly Mr tbs binding twice on aboroA of a of 0 He Id taking off doty a to say men who Iq which they hare placed to reform and Ibis article for on preat and to be placed at the cost la reach of Ink Drops Overflow Locals To tub waa a to As they followed of member Mr Fuber in to on the march bat wire withoot their had break down In oar morn bat Newmarket of a that to any Mr who charge of tbat at Factory of took a in del- piece of bad departed happy booting grounds and in two bun and a half on Ukbhss The high wind Toeaday the bill board the American Hotel and panes of at About SO rods of fencing Mr Unlock a firm was damped and the roof was taken off a barn belonging toons or Mr Allan eons in Salt roof was blown off on tfae a little sooth of and roof on Mr A J premise certain regain to a light democrat wagon was stored beneath it Mm James escaped being killed by a foot high chimney being blown almost at her slightest delay in reaching the hare been It Is her are badly shattered Act Elsswbere iq todays will be a list of all for next beginning with the of May total to the ft tarems and shops and is made for more Any the granting of a license be sent to tbeLioenseloipectr 14th Any tea or more electors of any polling hare right to object to iuoe of a license bat tfae of most be stated The Board cannot deal with any objection the principles of temperance only character of the applicant lack of accommodation or dbtotbance to the cannot grant a icoefor new premises nolcif applica tion is by the petition of a of the electors to rote at elections for the Assembly la ia which sought to be are situated and said majority mast at of tbe at Urns of inch application Friday is a holiday Eru Day ff Palm Sonday Water ratti doe Sunday a regular day School meets ftg Bind of Hope next The was temble the matter with tbo Bit Bind Time they were waling op town meets tbe Kith Pfofptog and Serersl real estate chin pes are talked of crowds tramja in lockup week Home- cleaning baa commenced Base Line TMs share of this Mix orn and hire gone to that pla sbath of Salton commonly known Mr baa to St north of while Mr Merrill of Bald win takes bis place There of other acqeiti to oar population bat as lhy are doobted by many we will any Od Wednesday of lut wtek home of 8i Mane of a happy in honor of marriage of his eon William to Thompson Bald win We bad a splendid as Jones be enjoyed himself bet ter In hie life The la up sad before long we may to the beats Mb Mr Abby charge of fum and pat there on two yoong who are expected to batch it Now girls dont forget that this is leap year Heres chance Some of farmers lapped tbelr trees and report a good We expect oar kind friend Harry Is to giro as taffy poll before many The Patrons of of this are still growing new member baring lately members are not daunted by the attacks make on as by oar little paper at No it en courages tie some more Mount Albert The Rev- Mr- Uxbrldfe chair man of the a Methodist tbe or Hi George lansoo went down to Toronto on Wednesday last and bade a happy bride- wrtsh them a long and prosperous life I think there will hare to at was a combat there other between two of means Too would almoit think from language that wo used they were I had my black ihornyoa not take your coat lo me Mr John la laying very low of tbe langs- Mr Bertram more family to To on Tuesday where he baa a rt Town fieHIherfp April Mayor Deputy Dean J A and folio wing bills Telcrboat work at W Graham wood at J ft- Union were referred to and factory to be paid J Woodcock to cl la now before amandin the Act was raferred to Committee Mala to Fire Water Com who were em powered to for tenders I the same Is signed On the recommendation of the Road ft Bridge Com A Held was for for clean The report to the of and Assistant was adop ted Toe Fire Water Cora ware abstracted to certain repairs made one of the Hoes and also fix a small bole at tbe the water has made in bank Mr Robertson reported Verbally In refer ence to borrowing of expen diture stating that the Ontario Bank will allow I on sinking fond with them aadwQlgi re tbe Corporation credit to upon which they charge per cent for amount loaned and for time required t A bylaw was then passed Major and Treasurer authority borrow money from tbe Ontario Bank from time time for current expenses The bylaw to Loan to the Co- passed Its second reading and Clerk la to same according to unite The offer made by the Mayor No Fire Engine to Bradford Corporation or confirmed The Road Bridge Com- were instructed to present tenders for sic at the next meeting of Council adjourned Tbsnm bail solicits ike April F THANK13 sold bis Smith decree to for patronage and dao work for bis ao- be settled by the of win be In other hands SCOTT BYLAW NO ftrtaHtamfObcrtttijiJmfra to be Manufacturing pony 9 under and by of of Act Municipal Corporations are authorised to grant aid to in or rear inch And vhcrtai Company of Newmarket Council of town or for a of from the town of Newmarket the said Company has agreed to repay of the said A ING OPENING A lb per annum In Ave consecutive to he made to Corporation on the First day of Jane in Of lSGC ISW and end Is agreed that in event of any of falling Into arrears all tbe re at and payable And Company his agreed logTetothe Corporation a -ion- gage on all the Machinery and plant of for the sum of payable on tint day of Jane machinery and plant be properly iniarcd for the the town And It Is desirable that the Cor- town of shall make Loan to The taring of Newmarket aod that of Dollars shall be raised by Corporation by loan secured by the deben tures of the Corporation And will be requisite to raise several ranie in year set In the hereunder written follows At Greenfield Mass od Son- day six Germans who were on river were carried over a dam on froneeren to come la force too anon then form the who sell lo them A branch of the bit Church here St doing a work amonctbe young people who seem to take great In It band am working bard getting new lor ther Concert Good Friday Mark baa Sharon lease on the firm be occupied here hav ing expired says be bates to go and be will no doubt be greatly misted by bla man here Five of were drowned Oar Newmarket Markets April W CO The Duty Binder Twine Since car last issue there baa come band the official copyolf the debate in House of Commons last week on subject of binder twine Last year the member for North York moved to place binder twine upon fre list pointing oat io support of the proposition that A cotubioo in Canada whereby the twine was under control of One only result being the Canadian farmers were tared by this combine a over and above tbo which went from pocket into that of be combine motion in was down and accord ingly last year oar were mulcted a sum amounting to about one quarter of million dollars over above what otherwise bare been tbe regular prices and whirl went to the benefit of com bine This year Mr renew his motion bat it has stood at the rtqutst of tbe from time to time and in the mean the question came up incident ally on a side motion for a return as to the of twine used on this motion Mr delivered which csujpigu of he dealt upon too of upon lust argument by smoixt other to rd it time there were wkv contended that the high sugar did not tht Last session Mr moved to uz upon the list motion alto atood over for tlw Govern- to decide upon policy and they vitimatoly determined to place grades of o upon Hit The result was that droppeA in the of tht reduction fa duty there being a aavlog to the consumers of nearly three to other words the simply th to thr In isvor of exists infinitely as the binder Vim- is i no vArvi that has organised itself bought op all the twine a commute to fix pi tees the output leading in with tola the member llousft of Commons for llililx What Society is Ml POINTS Penrose left for the on Firs and will be Mr next Saoday oar plonker aettlers la bis is poorly P T of Toronto op to take In Mr left for Bradford on go to of of Mrs in Newmar ket Mr Chai oat of last first time for ten Mrs and sob of Toronto sis of Mrs speat oyer at Mayors j- aUesdas of Toronto for a to with Mrs Prospect Are rMr Joseph who has for levers Is sery low Mr- wrole for of jast to the city io a few at faotn- Mr back from Toronto be la grippe weeks Sir of fa on Monday Ha a spaa of from while W P took a run bis Yolk St brfliu Newmarket way toOlttwa Mrs of li at preKTi her Mrs Or aad Mm of Itll Icsslag for rtsf- Europe to be accompanied by Her Mr end ihelr la awnLton account of Mr Browns cod Linked filiate and lbs work of on May to appeared In five aeon it la in year Web ster of wiiles a little child rememHr the well were pro stagers fa psrllcaUr Mrs prano brr Mr Wither alto As I artfcl It all J I ben teles Is oer Mr so American was la Ibecon- cert of fa beaded if by Sberoo flat attraled my wis lbs sound of a arrayed seemed to rue littya pally psresol with a fl or fett tony which Mr la tlw to a gula day at ItifB I J Winch leased store here and will oat for week baring also diapered of bis baiius to Mr J of Mr Winch is well sod fatorably here and do will do a good trade Mrs Sowerby and leare week who has feared a permanent that towo We will attend them and some fotaie day we hope to see back to tbe borne of their childhood Alia Phillip has ill for a few days sod to teach A little girt of Mr J fell broke her ana one week Draper is a with la at Sale Register TciaDlY April 11 Mr- J will Farm fitQc etc lot 3rd Con of GwUIImbory Terms Credit till next Hot on for Sale at oclock THCmDAY April chattel farm etocV and belong- A- will take place lots Id the Wear end ot the coo Terms all oclock BalllK OX Holt Mrs Groses wis to slip of the front door of lbs two or years falling broke arm Mr was away from borne at time and she had to go to next neighbor to send for tbe doctor The is doing as well CODidering her age years Borne of our farmers luva started to plough a few eowo Among we la the riling Mr Mrs Mr and Fred Travissand and John Trartts of Toronto Mr Albert for the North Weston prepara tions for a new brick bouse Mr Caster has moved Into his Mr Ed and bride have left the roof and to tar past week to supply patrons Ibis sum mer Severe flooda are prevailing in Lis ore miles north of Syd ney a wind Taoaday did damago to tbo for worlds fair at Chicago A steamer bound for Biker in the Black Sea with gem from the Persian with all on board Five tons of gun cotton in a factory exploded Tuesday Nine work men were blown to Fall Wheat per Spring eat per bushel Wheat per Barter psubojbel Oats per Peas per bushel ss IS Shorts ton Batterrolperlb Batter tab per lb 10 Potatoes per beg Wool Ms- Bay per a Beef par fiWl Chickens per pair Docks per ait i 15 0 1 a 0 aOOOO 10 IS 025 a a a a a a It a a C50 a a MANTLES CAPES GOODS TRIMMINGS ON APRIL 1ST SATURDAY 2ND MONDAY 3RD TUESDAY THE WEDNESDAY 6TH You are respectfully Invited to attend DANFORD ROCHE CO ffeb ftdbertisehieijis Freoch troops have captured rebel forts in after hard fighting during which three officers and were killed- AND GARDEN To Lot on Prospect water Good cellar to MRS FT SIUPSON Boar will be kept for service lot ICQ St Term at W BELFRY eh drui whole rateable property of the Municipality according the last rt Tiled assessment roll to existing debenture over and above the sum of raited by aad sheared by de of for ifchool to sum of Intersil Is in Therefore Municipal of the Corporation of lbs town of here by as follows It shall be for Corporation fir aorwad lo ralw way of loan from jrTOoorCorporauoa who be willing to tbe bsrrloafter said of It be for Major of the said town cause a series of of do Ia than one the of said lam of to the GROCERY DEPARTMENT TAILORING DEPARTMENT Etc- I to -THE- LEADING AND Opposite ST Cedar Valley ai A storm sv- section of Kansas on night doing James Miller of East ton from the top of ft Try ok car at Trenton and was siantly killed last Port Cclbornn tiflton a voting a half do- worth of cotton or Bandar of tit re el Ashing Is all the rage pretty fcoodcalcbM are reported- Friday lait the pood was literally wiib Sportsmen prls- crowd from also Aurora had of Julce them la good One fellow fell la and narrowly wltb Ms life- guitar has been of very short dor- this Thtr little tapping locality Measles are around pretty thick Juatno fire down la one Mr the farm 11- Plaster and the brick house J Detroit who has been visit his bis reluming this week His Is ho has seen anddvnp Is no of account Mr relUtd farming anil moved to his former residence at Seeding la on land Roachs Point About two oclock on Monday mcrnlag a tpbefa flatnee bouse baa been since fall but Mr Williams was about to into week It was too real any loUkbflrc It wasclearly work or an diary It lea la about gone and wind continue we may to tea he Lake clear Tha snowbanks dUappetrcd baste and roadi era Kail wbcat la well In on Tuesday a gentle was blowing from which soon up hot without Injuring It enter crib of wharf A shot Van- Normans Along shore scene were ent sliding up tbe and regularity of rp4b1otrytaf witbthttn stones root aj J walchtd stones of two and three feet dlameterba- logahorednpasteepbuk wltb blocks In thickness laches to a some seaman area a foot and a half of la pit intra wsrs two conical btaps tatty flflesn feat In thL and In lbs tbe tatted roadbed bays been flllfd where not protected by At wharves and that at mora or At sunset wlod fell and d lo the north or greater damage would bare been done the wind by Miller Lad blocks sent fist on tha ground- BARGAINS IN FURNITURE During the Arcade Slag- Street Weal T FOR HEALTH CORSET WAIST MAHUFAOTUHED mi lof icbeduta and the said rpo market and shall be signed by said be sealed the seal or the laid ration or of New Orders for promptly Embalming a J Specially Night Calls at residence MILLARD Prop ti- TH T CORSET COMPANY SOLD BY HUGHES license District or North Riding of York Mayor and of Corporation raid shall be Iff said schedule at Treasurer or laid of New market said debentures shall Interest at the rateofflve per per annum and each shall be for the of the said ihe lo date for of debenture principal then as In said sat There thai I be raised and levied In each of the debentures a pedal rate on all the rateable properly In Ibesatd aium to discharge lbs sveveraUoslalmfnla of princi pal end accruing due the said as Ihe aama become pay able schedule la the shall par they fall due out of the rand hereby created and to be raised lor Ibis out of to the force and first day of June And bait for Ibex the of of the Of the town of Newmarket entitled by law to vole hereon sball be taken and recorded as by law directed at the and the persons hereinafter mentioned that Is to ear For tit Patricks Ward at the Chamber Deputy Officer For Hi Andrews Ward Market AJ Deputy Monday and day of Hay andcloelng at five oclock P that shall fourth day or May 1W and be Chamber la said town of Newmark a lad of whmsn of a Stable la Whitchurch a April the wife of Peter daughter At North End on ihe Inst the wife of J or a daughter Sutton on the wife of Charles Brooks of a daughter the of tha brides an Wednesday of Porter rasr- to Minnie Me- the of father of to Miss Mary oldest daughter of Mr jib Ion of the nlt at ihe residence of bride mother Ontario Mies Thins Of Toronto of tot John Brians was fined and lo it Owen Bound for an illicit A thirteen year boy M hh left fTS of he anion of Mount to for Albert future the Ltd at the of Mr Miss Madden nil of East the of the bride Mr Mr- to Miss Minnie lUrioa alio DBifRRja an the Of March Mr NOTICE I I give that the of Ira Ihe for held Town of TEN OCLOCK A M for purpose of applications and trrsuUoK for the rear Ibe bands of Inspector on or above lospeolor- March IBM The foltowloK are the names those who made application for Licenses In the JJIatrlcl of the or York for the License May card J at hour of twelve oclock hood as the lime place end hour when and wher the relarDln votes iven lor and this declare the result of the Ttie day of April and the the hour of pad are hereby fixed as time and place and hour for the of par If of the per sous or respectively Ihopaassgeof tblsbyfaw io attend at the various iioIHdit by tha on Is tbatthe foreiolpg la a copy of a proposed baa been taken win passed by Munici pal of the of the Town of ho of of the obtained thereto after from first In called Ural Is of April and at hour therein flsed for vows of id electors the polls will be held Dated at this day of Aprils DAVID LLOYD Town Clerk- Pounds 13RIGHT SUGAR For 100 Pounds Extra GRANULATED SUGAR For 100 BEST CANADIAN OIL 15 cents per Gallon I Extra Quality American WATER WHITE OIL cents per Gallon BRUNTON BROS We have the Choicest and largest STOCK CLOTHS TWEEDS Ever shown in Newmarket OUR TRIMMINGS ARE THE- a- M Finest in the OUR CUTTER IS WITHOUT A RIVAl In the County PRICES ARE Every Time BRUNTON BROS or Curtis Edward AByphsr or Deceased relumed tl and Havered I two hot died happy era row Toronto for The was conducted McKay and Ifiteryc at Cemetery nit George At his residents Toroobtf on the lib last James Hollo a former resident and of Mr J jean- At Tomato on of raonla la grippe ft Ho of years this Albert Itottrnan a Thomas ann Harriet Davis John John King lUear and applicant Beer sod Mrs maw applicant Bear and Roachs Polar tirliteadea Vf UannabinannaxaQtSauuel John too Joseph MAlcar OH SALE A a Haiti for 9 Servant KsrIo jouoh Good Hotel CARPET BOOT SHOE HOUSEFURNISHING DEPARTMrfNT DEPT S norma Wanted In 10 fiuKewmsrket OR BALK- A cad of A- 0 f AIM b fuuQ John p J TOWN Or Wills William new applicant or Jane VitXAia or J Jacob vruaos or war As James Sharp It ana soy new appli cant Issued for the Wosnse t29 Tayeroasts Any granting of A good a really capable girl wages Apply to PAN of Salsi also antler robes CO era PONIES of to rora the ebeforeiheday of meeting All- IhumfcUeSaUoordlckty Licensee lo any or lo the flifoi the ynd WAI PI for lojs r We have far the Largest Assortment of In this section and lor Beauty of Pattern and Low Price it only needs a look to convince m We have also CURTAINS Of all qualities ranging from cents per pair up wards i We have always led th trade in Boots and Shoe and this season we excelled ourselves and though we have a SPLENDID STOGI Of Fine Goods we do no neglect the cheaper grades As we purchase from the manufacturers save our customers the mid dlemans profit We handle no trash but GUARANTEE EVEm PAIR WE SELL A m BRUNTON BROS

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