Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 1 Apr 1892, p. 3

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ERA APRIL 1892 tal tales WHAT OH IK A Now tit udOItiog thin t Book State oan- tJl plow at of jhi to Titbit propel order bet bono to to Mr That to Bill In tt Room of lb JleUiod tit church truing bt fa camber of A nut ft vol After Tdbst ftboot inp for people cbkkeoi It no or if ride to Toronto some of pts go rort Oct Hook and thooMer 1bir rod fcfctotbft detioni tblijnttie to order lb luting Hi to lit of April Wo it no April fool oboot Is Daw- a Hughe Kill tfiUiQtrr To Thinned Oct A well- oiled tod for fear lab few d far on par lift tod I wet fttil lit of E pr bat it to no for There wore Office daring of nutter to while week ito90 At a barium fosl can Two SIDB If to the op it Shiroa Pott fitt I- wool iirslhomul mw rau tot pot tatttJo ftr tbe mill if too people wait till lit hit ud the the for their more thin er xmpt from A will in the Fire Hill it Wed- izl ffifmber try definite e to be fir drills The forwerd with greet of to hi of the hire Mr sot en bat flnut Ax Old War ren bid old No Fire ont A from Bradford noon with e of Though in mint of doing Rood The the Council s Li epiiMt ft in town who teems to mike a of for idnoce the of end then If we my more of it we be under the of letter in the of the pring nubi and re fc B The And of for will be in the Clab April SO Ererf end member expected to attend Srral of oar boy ere uzfoaelf for the roilt drj op eethey went to join the greet Clab of Guide It no honor to be member of thii no one an join rode In one of on Mi Bictclbs Everything in end A So 1 Radge good for S for Swtfu Polling Up- There a good end the feimtr iL Butler ed eggt were mote tat were firm the former io end ben 10 to llo bed good- the to bid while the not com- jut fifWiUj for lues stack for the old the end got their way Convention of in lew celled to OKI it on April in is to StroTfilte the end irn the will A meeting will be en the of the dej pmiolWfyilin All tern enree of the itUod the end In on If hat What we Bat time or the winter The fermre well if end v v for fllruesuiy Miitj it ii to prevent the of any oilr Income victim of or ecerlet you fill free from We we wtatber cry of Where can I get A to rent in town only by cm I get good gill for will rent for month Some who in the 9 or per cent could few from giro return of r cent ell end the feme time be doing good for the town Mies In of from end Tomato to open in Model of the School bis been for on of week oclock of joining nut when will ee well u the termi of In tbo of wi noted far its cricketing end we era with the idee Out there ere plenty of in thit town who a Item honor to the plies if a little wee to the metter other are firorebly the idee we hire been who ere in willow to meet the Honso it oclock next ieetloo Public In with the Council the hie called Meeting in the Town Hill this evening to the question of a to for the of loening the ram of to the Novelty Co for period of fire yean to be facta of great importance to the will be pre- It not be a if let oar people ere to the Direct for the wgrkifrocaov ft will be a day for if the people let it go for Bible The Executive of the Branch of the Bible Society met at the adjoin ing the on Friday wae a gXNd attending Mr In the chair The reported the followbg Pine Orchard 80 collection 7969 The In from lut year being the was for- ward to the Secretary at Toronto in of the work- Heeling yet to be held Holland Landing and Glen Till frna- it and yet to come in Since the meeting sent In li ui article in end by Mr ft A Smith for Ink or cleaning anything will we have not rape It cheap too At North week settled before coming to trial defendant admitted the charge of the cheek and fined and The of oomee high In Chdbob Next Lord at oclock the regular monthly Fellowship Meeting will end in the ereolng the will take for hie subject One mm who not keep a Sandiy the conscience and one of the but that yet giren Practical Sympathy A family named who am in loat a child tbU week for the want of of lif and are alio Whin the wu reported by tbe pkiidan who called in at the mo a labscriplbn liit wii In to temporary were raised in a few hear Another child and the ha to Obituat One of best known lake in Ciptein Frank died very saddenly at in Toronto on Deceased a brother of John of who now her home with her tire Edwin The it Work in the forenoon while way to work in complained of a pita in the of the heart He returned to the and afterward expired from heart He hid sailed on the for over yean and in 1895 made a voyage to Pi Africa in the Sta Gull a boat to hohh of He took a general cargo Africa and in as be detained there for 3 months He by Captain neobew mod be retired and for a time attentton end He wat employed the Albion yam Polo Omar Mar and For few on lag Dolphin which is em ployed In the harbor improvement The deceased sixtyeight of ago and leavee a of fire and en eon Interred at the Necropolis ronto Stbisb In at corner of St end Park Aw- Obiidast Mr- George wbo rkomd J- bad a etroke on Unci- which effected one aide of tody and rendered him ell vu at once end everything effort could do for hie relief hot all in vain rill wu born In 1413 He accompanied fitbei to in fore time at Coboorg came to reside in in and followed trade carpenter Some later on he received ind accepted the office Biiliff and and held the for yean When Newmarket incorporated alerted to the t and wu reelected or three He wu a member when the Market la after he served in of Cleik end wu very dent that mu lled Peitridge lo demise In deceased Conservative hat of late yean he not taken a active pert a private the of a mad of word and though be had strong likes and dislikes he bid a warm for with he auociited and ibr- who claim on or Goods At Right buyers OtM lFp great end momuoVinter and ship- leg and thin ever a Wo home will he us I In way up at far and to bis way that man for- and fijiiruj of 1 V9 It ytt he if b of ftknli St for C Shu Herb Homebody trk to the Colling- Aboallwo weeke ego a pf ntuo of to9thcitiog home I- that bating had a fa he ley Mi en got I lent her Dp good CoUnisood If the morales I or f tiKrrtd Iin in tad a Hti fctfiel alerted to to gtOU things tie hid si Ml cor Ky on ttrk women here The Home meet on Tend er mating of WCTtfat Mrs- anew gone away grad ually it not likely there will dam- ago Spring season lie grest place for Societiee hot people are to mike room the carter la cutting quite a with bis new dray The choir of St fa en fine so nvich on that the not gone In very fir put winter ind do not lock for Own era of will require cards etc this will further their own In ttreetabvpitronlzlog KA office gentle organ hie not made appearance tbe lime to talk np the of foot- bell and other for ontdoor sport practice In the The Foresters added two to their lest week and have more for next night Work men had four riding the goat Monday pro- ftieaiog Three more addition Wed nesday At a Town of Newmarket a In to the Rill now tbe end elwlloa much In to hot principal In the Bill- Following tbleactloo a mtlng of a few men formerly the Coaoly Council wu In at which were from the CoonciU of WWl- bury and with Hh the of the Ink Iwo weeki horn Promotion neat This All Day No allowed Soow fut Farmers ran Lote nt on tomorrow Taffy now In order To a Council next Monday Council the Koid week Why the at work I School Toes be time or sockeri Wonder were not caught At the We Kb cut for the Millinery openings Qt Enter bonnet picked J yon th moon a3beHishjeif UY YOUR CHINA OOTS V AND FROM THE ESTABLISHMENT OF Toilet and laundry Soaps 10 GljOMine FineMUled lOo for No ban for JtJST OPENED r Pure Maple Sugar Leave yonr orders for Maple Syrup Erly t it of a week- Quality will be But or no Town Council met to Deputy A Rob- Tho Market Committee reported In feror Town Hall to P for7 wm fil their own The recommended connection be At the for one line of bote not to exceed fc Bridge Com reported contract for recommended be from at a loot If theeme A for the of by way the earn of to bo loaned to the Co a flrel time Council went Into committee reading reported progress and leave to Queen St Chit Chat Hay Seed the Sharon cor to know why this street called Because it is finest street in township symbolical of something regal The old folks on street seem to be all poorly Reports they are the same for the past few Another of Northern on Friday night Plenty of material for mud pies on the street this week Did yoa ever make any reader We have hardest working teachers id the township on this street I am told Their success to point to that conclusion Wo have two popular mints tore Revs Odery and Kirk in Sharon is wrong bat she says Rev withdraw from Sharon They have very finp cer vices at the Episcopal church Would compare well with places of more pretention We be lieve Mies Miller to he a good teacher in voice culture judging by improvement made by her pupil on this street JndRing by the Pat rons of Industry are not gainst to pan out well here They would liko the keepers to sell at starv ation prices The is about to to other parte- Wo expect to see tho men doing their own hair cat ting with a and fork Atone time Sharon was almost musical of the Province possessing a choir of the very beet singer and baud unrivalled in the But they are scat tered far and wide Some of the old instruments Arc real curiosities at this day There are around the Tillage yet Austin of design dont know what I it is called Some of bur young ladies when they wish to say yes use an something oh hub Wonder if they were proposed to would they reply huh Do the of know sobriquet that to applied to the- and North in North used to be called and of East known by skunked Ever Old Man Know My Special Liu of Tea J for with ft and is if ftnjtbiagi better you prefer my Ceylon or Monsoon they fine Fall Canned and only what I bare Are yon iocliaed to be Dyspeptic 1 Try a cup of Coffee for breakfast- Yoa will feel better I have a Special Johnstons Porcelain Dinner and Tea Ware la open stock pan make a set to your liking and price TOILET SETS Piece Printed for To arrive this week Special in Japan Tea at or for Extra good for price My Stock throughout First- and Prices Rock Bottom for Only R A SMITH The Leading GroceiS TflUBSDAT April Ooodi lhoIt will com lots Qd For term And leu ftt rjclfKk Mr- IftHfl WJ A Firm lot Coo of GwlTitukburr on except for t ijr Mr Will Valtiftblo Stock loipletitentsetCt on lot In lb 3rd or till 1st on oclock Mr Invert wlo Stock eta on lot IT tho poo of fiftit OnlUlmburjr 1st November turns SaIi at oclock A Official To the Editor of Era But I notice that a to Town Council lut ecu if for lloeow I alio tic Is the ijciutabtrd you ad lbs for who ills Council a declaration contract with ibd corporation to bar not dona out his dollars a dsy strain bis ale A of Kln rat In aad fit rbcxiva f lb proposal A after which a ftfcriajg J members hot op a Cabs March root to A Pretty IHnos J ad ItenJ declined Jo servo Following John W Abram Raid Iwotjtof Coaocll want the Attn commlttea reported to tit Mayor to call a propriety of to trotter of for the It be was left with Com a reported verbally ah sn oofereuocbeiweeo members the and Webster of reference to Council adjourned- Our Newmarket Markets Msr Floor par Fall Wheat per bushel Si per CO 11 A 16 PoUtoeaperbtK Applet pee bag Wool per lb Hay Beef CLckenper Dicks per a a deeding is progreeiLDg Id Oar Toronto tfete NO 260 MAIN ST TORONTO par I I ifttlttr I I 0 16 o5 op CO a a DM all CO a a OSS ICO 1 a a a m a a on per faaibt W liaBhtl S3 per W par dozen Oil 8oturraporlb Apple per bg i a is tnh Duck pair pair IU Clover Mil pf I I 1 1 si fO 081 a OH a a is 006 It so 013 U0 a a 19 a 0 13 18 ICO STORE FOR BOTTLED ALES PORTERS John and in and p CASH GROCERY STORE FOR CHOICE GROCERIES ATLAS BRAND FINEST SELECTED PRUNES I CENTS PER NO 1 LABRADOR HERRINGS CENTS PER P J ALLEY MAIN STREET NORTH i3bertihoi8 1 i4 to lb of 1 to lb of h MTiftl lowiublp In lb of l to o for V t I wo fsoptU of to now I lelUvt to ft nd in town M to foil la io ion boot It l In ctirwtsovmaiW u tt k- There ore U Jo the Farm mine and It will are for ha coat Two men broke the of Mr- Maty a wwdihy Wf old at Friday 1 TM0MN6 EIGHT HANDS AS BUSY AS NAILER8 THE NOBBIEST SUITS IN TOWN WORKMANSHIP AND PIT GUARANTEED BOOT SHOE STOClTcOMPLETE PRICES LOWER THAN EVER SON BOOT B00TS1 SHOES I have the Largest and Most Complete Stock in town for you to ohoone from and our Prices are Lower than the Lowest Our Motto is Low Prices Good Goods Small la and Quick Relume Any person wishing anything in the and should not forget io on S H NO 77 MAIN CANADA ooAiff MANITOBA MONEY TO DAVID LLOYD ten nttlDMrtbc London Uv4n Before atarting to take stockjwe Winter Goods at away down prices Ladies and Gents Underwear at price and Gloves the All remnants to be cleared out at any As usual our Groceries will be class Teas and Coffees are our specialties Try a pouud of our please you W PLAY Telephone Communication In Abundance hi the Very Latest Styles Christie Stiffs and all the Soft Felts Old Mens Young Mens a Special Values in Boots and She A LOVELY LOT K OF DRESS So cheap that you will fancy we are sell Cost WE BUY RIGHT AND is King and subjects live inc Ihe more do their buying l AT THE k R J DA r SPRING GOODS HAVE I YOU FOR the BEAU Then give that eye a treat by looking at and Flannelettes at prices to suit J W STEP Accommodation Store FARMERS SUPPLY RAVENS HO THE IS NOW NEW FULL LINES GROCERIES DRESS AND STAPLE C BOOTS St Which been carefully elected SOLD AT TO SUIT INSPECTION All Kinds Farm Produce Oaken in OKAS dlloc4iUiibyitta it inidbtbatMn ii i

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