atvmt THE NEWMARKET La Every Friday Morning it LYMAN GEO JACKSON A STEAM PRINTING HOUSE MAI of to En REACHED GIVE TO KNOW TO UTTBR AND TO TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE OTHER V NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER ONTARIO BANE oapitaU HUD SIR CHfc Newmarket Branch A B AT Vol- 8 Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday March 18 Terms Strictly in Advance within mos or at end of year DRAFTS ISSUED at mm Sterile tod tlci prompter Notary sooco io Farm Court Building A J icreel CAMPBELL A to I J to aod to widoc Water Ave A l Opbaodtt Block A pillar Hot Denial lUHsedAlrforPAlBlMtKslrAcUiv GEO teiviiRof MARRIAGE LIOENSE3 Era J AND CLOCK MAKER f Lowe Stow fib Pot and 13 hand- J ABABTCDO SENT FOB re AtinriQCtCompAnlfif TO AT CPHEIST GENTS BOTTL v T- VX1 AAV USE IT FOR Difficulty of Breathing Tightness of the Chest Wasting Away of Flesh Throat Troubles Bronchitis Weak Lungs Asthma Coughs- Catarrh Colds Self-Control- DR T A SLOCUMS Emulsion of Cod liverOIL TASTELESS ALL LABORATORY TORONTO ONT 1750000 PfRCENT ItTTOiC RICHMOND RE ff AW ft IE Old Cor JASON CONTRACTOR a fumTiTc No Alois Tcrrac BEATTYS ORGANS AND PIANOS litres Washington jmt- SPRING J GOODSJ j HAVE FRESH ARRIVALS YOU Cabinets Reduced TO A A I tealx of Commercial Ualoo Royal H First CjiW Slock and Property 0ceOvrf HOTEL TORONTO fta 1W or meet all ImIdi J for hkiu more Newmarket St a K3cevjiibepromptlrtteocldto York and Ontario 250 PER DOZEN NOTICE Buggies Repaired AND PAINTED UNDERTAKING prompt as CONSUMPTION I JJ fJ lb I U od ra Hi 1mu to A Torokto Oht newmarket Methodist Church AN EYE FOR the BEAUTIFUL give that eye a treat by looking at some of our Prints and Flannelettes at to suit all J W STEPHENS J Accommodation Store North End Hi to Li belter lb la that a Slrira io to keep Hold item a If do not firoil They will rarely from through ail Grieriog teoder Filling with Me Is by IbU the op of oat ill good the doom wide to welcome of tod Fills the tool with Which the if eocroichfi all its power the fliKttt of the All life to woe the to of horror Overwhelming And like Clio who anger Shd riflhteooi brother blood Friendship hate atuo By the word oat the heart a Which before the had in iU duftror Orolog deeper all the the of anger Seeds producing giant growth Darkly all lifes To old age from early to check each From the tynoVs rale be freo You mutt be the or be at first reeolutloo May be danqted when yon fail Try again be not will ia the end ETeiy yon accomplish Will a sore For a noble was in a day if in you Watch them at a foe Keep Id a wise Trample them feet below They wilt do yoor bidding perfoimiog noble Be the force that leads to conquest In for fotoro needs If controlled will Urging on with action swift As the propels the engine Sweeps the train storm and drift So the temper Rightly energy And a courage bra to where eer they be Forms the will that is treads oer lifes rough road Spirit permeated Killed with rest that for And the purpose strong to labor To uplift the race IUnts the where the Slay partake of goepel knows without His presence can yiur He your tempers Unless heart Think Of Him as your example How He meekly borfc His lot Though abused resiled and hated Hire it all reviling not Richmond not solicited can bo at the J I Zephyr Till ACCIDENT HiH in America for Aurora and vicinity it loan and Public- Aurora REV JOSEPH PASTOR AVENUE AM A AT and always vetcome others al Icily Hashes the If and ShCcnts town holding a USeate ho Toronto of guaranteed la to at up A cher and to Introduce new nm Testimony of 19 Centuries to Jesus of Nazareth The incut of tho by Mctailftf Every It 1to Wftn to Co REMOVED- uodcTilgned the of Newmarket euirouniiinif country be to the occupied the late North of prepared to menu- and Shoe of any and Special to from to that they take work Influence of Teachers A teacher refined sympathies dress obtain that will work for good long after has from his or her immediate favorite of a pupil and often profession in life is determined not much by the charas- cf study itself as by be subtle power of the teacher On the other hand the cold indiffer ent manner of the teacher their sharp shrill tones their impatient temper have sent many a pupil from school In utter with anything pertaining to study The Canadian HIS V MILLER t from iit St A Yon Oct- Toronto of ouiuti 1o Jtfit THE KEY TO HEALTH CANADA LIFE CAUTION CO CAPITAL AND PLUG OF THE MS Unlocks all Iho clogged of Bowels Kidnera and Liver carrying of gradually without weakening IhotopariflM foul ho Iho same time Cor recting Acidity or tho Stomach curing Dyspepsia Headaches Dizziness Heartburn Constipation Dryness or Dimness of jaun dice Salt Rheum ficro- Fluttering of Heart Ner vousness and Debility o frnd many w the happy laflutowof BURDOCK ty all imwiPWm Toronto dollars flyrtle and J ANY QUANTITY OP OLD NEWSPAPERS 5T ptitt B OH a Ma never ojf at OJfTO Banner Canadian hen has resumed at the old stand and is hard at work trying to keep up tho of the country the egg Hue The Canadian hen a wonderful creature and by her laudable and painstaking efforts manages to bring over a good deal of money into our country You would hardly believe that bans of OaUtio alone turn out over nine million in year valued at really- case whole egg product of the Canadian hen is about thirteen million dozen eggs per annum and every egg guaranteed sound when it Jeft factory Eggs are useful things You can use them a of ways Yon can beat them up In or fry them them scramble them them or them In plea and cakes in hundred ways Then If age overtakes them you can save them up and take them out to present to prosy politicians on stump It seems a shabby thing that the products of the Canadian hen should bo shot out of the American market or only admitted on of a duty of cents a dozen and that French eggs are being Imported into England than they can be sent from Canada But inch Is the fact and if the hen Is wear ing her tailfeathers at it it not to be at If all the farmers the coontry were to form a cowlon and their good men voMjLiberal- ticket until wo got a with the States eggs would the American of the Yankee hens come free into the Canadian market hen is not getting fair play Note The difficulty with the Banners theory is that la order to get reciprocity the Canadian ben has to become of the eagle family and Jhia crossing breed not agree Early Settlers A few weeks ago an aged gentle man called at Globs and gave some interesting particulars about tho early history of Newmar ket Holland Landing Bradford and West Although en tering upon bit year he looked strong and hearty and managed four flights of stain without any evident difficulty The facts which ho re lated concerned a period of to seventy years ago and notwithstand ing of and cbingea since the early settlers first broke land he bad a of many well worth listening Co in these days John McKay was born Highlands of Scotland and wbeo quite hi parents joined tho large party who in Lord Selkirks time emigrated to this conn- try and took up land in Red River District Many of parly only remaiued there a short time they were frequently harassed by the Indians the Hudson Bay Com pany did not give them much en- courage mo fearing that they would interfere with the fur trade Mr Kay with his parents and others journeyed by water in large barge canoe from Red River to Bay arriving at Newmarket in After a short residence there the family moved to West and Mr subsequently took op bis residence in Bradford where he lived until bis removal to Toronto years ego In his young days Mr McKay states the settlers led a happy and contented life They bad many hardships to contend with but their wants few and the character of their work developed them physically and sickness was comparatively uo- known It la curious to note the cause tbat led to class distinction amongst these hardy pioneers re lated by Mr McKay All lived on terms of perfect equality until two or three of the settlers managed to buy After that It was gen erally conceded that there be no mora of that familiarity be tween that travelled on horseback and the settler that trudged afoot or urged his ambling team of oxen The arrival at Bradford in of the doctor soon brought about a decided increase in the sick list and whether it was doctor was popular and the people were anxious to see him prosper or hie being so easy of access made them more ready to complain and yield to and despondency the fact remained that very soon there was a second doctor added to the vil lage population Mr tolls an interesting of a visit he paid to Toronto with a neighboring farmer in They bad been accustomed to selling their grain for per at Hoggs Hollow but bearing Win was paying at Toronto they decided to make the journoy down street The distillery was a email affair situated on edge of the lake Us present site and run by a windmill Then he hia customers by proceeding to weigh the- bags on new scale which they had never seen before They had been accustomed to bal ances platform scales was a revelation to them They wore con- of its being all right only when Mr them that they bad a heavier load than they imagined Then they were rendered suspicious again when Mr handed them a piece of paper and told them to go up to Mr store near King and Berk eley streets where thoy would their money To leave all their grain behind and trust their chances to the slip of papr was a bard thing to do but after a fe moments thought they decided to riak it The money was paid over promptly and they returned to their homes happier and wiser for their trip Toronto at that time contained from to inhabitants In there were throe stores two Sour mills tannery and distillery la Newmarket A store flour mill and distillery were kept Hon Peter Robinson Ham Sloan of Holland Landing was clerk in that store J had a there at tbat time Roe and bad another atoro Millard had a flour mill J bad a The first store at Holland Landing was owned by P Robinson and man aged by J Stress of West Tho Township of West was surveyed In by Samuel and George Brat settlers in Welt tiwillim- were Armstrong Lewis and James Wallace were from tho North of Ireland Mrs was to bo the woman to cross Hol land River In several High land Scotch who camo from Red River took up land In what was called tho Scotch Settlement first store In Bradford was started in by William Mallpy and was both store tavern year fol lowing Charles and William had a small store near the marsh southeast of the hotel after started store a rods north of the hotel called road then but in a short time sold out In the late Thos of Brad ford built a blacksmith shop south west of tavern In year 1833 Armstrong jr had- a store and tavern a small scale on the corner where i Sons hard ware store Is now but sold out n a short time to James In across the Holland River was built by Levi Parsons of street The corduroy road over the marsh was nil bed the same year by Armstrong Sons Lake Up along the shores of Lake thirty miles by an air Una north Lake Superior many op white fish for winter them in nets and cure them by frost They do not them They simply make a bole in the tail end of each and string tbem as if they were beads sticks which they set into rooks They the fishes in rows of top frequently store up thousands while they are at it The Rev Mr ison to do with bettering the condition of these Indians told me that he had caught 1020 pounds of io two nights with two in Lake It la un necessary to add that he cleaned hi Lake about seventy miles in length twothirds as at points of its greatest measurement and is a plotureicjue body of water surrounded by and dotted with islands It a famous haunt for trout and those fishermen who are lucky may at times see scorei of great beauties lying the bottom or with good guide it the fight season be taken to places where water is fairly astir with them Fishermen who are not lucky may get their customary experience with out travelling so far for the route is by canal on top of nearly a thousand miles of and one mode of locomotion nearly as much time as the other despite the between respective distances travelled The speckled trout in the lake are locally reported to weigh from three to nine pounds the average stranger will lift in more of three pounds than ho will of nine Yet whatever they average the catching of them is prime sport as you float upon the water in your birchbark with your guide paddling you noiselessly along and your spoon i or artificial minnow rippling through water or glinting the- sunlight You need a stout baitrod for the glutton- fish are game and a good flight every time The local fisher men catch the speckled beauties with an lump of pork for gray trout the or lake trout they bait with apparently anything edible that is handiest pre ferring pork rabbit partridge the meat of the itself or of sucker and the last they take first if possible The suckers are all too plenty and as full of bones as any old time frigate ever was with timber You may see the Indians eating them and discarding the bones at the same time and they make the process resemble tbo ac tion of a haycutter when the grass is going in long at out side com ing out short but in equal quanti ties at the other The of weigh from nine- to twentyfive pounds natives take a big book aud bait it and then run the point into a piece of shiny newly scraped lead They their bites but them a tight lino steady poll These fish make a gam ay struggle leaping and diving and thrashing the water until the gaff ends In winter there is good sport with and it is managed peculiarly into the ice over deep water making holes at least eighteen inches diameter Across hole they ley a stick so that when they pull up a trout lino will run along stick and the flsh will hit that instead of resistant Ice If a fish struck tho chances are nine to one that it would tear off the hook Having baited a hook with pork end stuck bit of lead up on it they for bottom and then measure the line so that it will reach to about a foot and a half above the surroundings that is to Bay off bottom Then they begin fishing and plan is it la the same all over Canadian wilderness to keep jerking lino op- with a single quick sadden bob at frequent Intervals Tbo spring is tho time to tho big or They haunt grassy places in little bogs and coves and are by trolling A iacknah is what wo call a pike and John Watt tho famous goido in that country tells of fish such size that when man of ordinary height held tail of one up to his head of the fish dragged on the ground must bo respon sible for the further that he saw an Indian squaw drag a net withmeahoa seven square and catch two each of which wetghedrooro than fifty pounds when cleaned The story local historian told of who oiught a big fish tbat felt a log and could only be dragged until its head came to Borface when he shot it and it away that I will for the next who goes to And yet it seems to me that sooh stories distinguish a fishing re sort quite as much as the fish actually caught there Men would not dare to that at many places I fished in where the trout are scheduled and numbered and where yon have got to go to a rock on a fixed day of the month to One- HOSTED ODE XIOH1N0E4 The grand lodge for Ontario met at Owen Sound last week Lib Us Sutton J Nearly every family in the was represented at the Sundayschool anniversary last night On Monday morning last little who is well known and a great favorite with everyone In Bat ten left for Drayton her father bu made a home waaaccompaoled on her westoro trip fir has shipped about barrel of apples from Ontario Van Dyke from the of and vicin ity during past season bar rels of apples for the English mar- keL Mr of CM who represents a Liverpool season by of Park River Dak who has been friends in this for the put I License two months havo decided that henceforth Surveyor Speight of Toronto has I billiard pool and bagatelle will not been sorvoying the Township of I he allowed licensed hotels in their North generally for district past week According to the surrey of the slderoarl between lots and cons and 3 situate at will Ipse eighteen feet from his front yard including a portion of an orchard The many friends of Mr Hugh a former resident of this place resident at St Helena wijl learn with much regret of tho death of his only son a boy seven yeareoUge Tte fellow Kingston It playing in a park in which were kept letter from A to I can Report from various citii and towns throughout Illinois are the effect winter wheat 1m been greatly damaged by the recent Mis sard An explosion took place in a Belgian colliery end 300 men are in tho mine As the ventilator destroyed there very little hope of their Uvea A bright parrot is owoed ly a number of horses and was found with skull crushed in presumably by one of the animals Although everything that medical aid could suggest was done the fellow died after being unconscious for Tbo natives of the seal Islands In Bearing Sea are in great distress and Congress has ieea asked for an appropriation of to relievo Lindsay March Jacob son of A P manager of the Bank of Montreal whilst engaged In a game with several of Ms playmates an injury from one of them In the stomach Inflammation set in despite effort of several r J fltfH On Tuesday evening a considerable number from this vicinity started for the Northwest Mr removed to Aurora last week where his family will re main while be is preparing a new home the far west Mr and Mrs also left last week for Texas where Mr Porater has secured a bookkeeper for a large contracting company Tho sympathy of all is extended towards the fair ones who are left disconsolate by the departure of their youthful companions second concert of the season in connection with the Mechanics Institute held on Thursday even ing Feb the The entertain ment which was furnished largely by talent from Newmarket and by the Wesley choir was well appreciated The was excellent but feature of the evening was part rendered by who is without doubt the beat elocutionist we have yet secured President ell occupied the chair in his genial way contributing in no degree to of the evening Owing to inconvenience occasioned by not having a ball agitation has been set on foot to raise funds for purpose of building one a con siderable amount has already subscribed If same energy is shown other affairs the Institute the walls of a building vill soon bo raising for like Tory at a byeelection is sure to get there a few songs and spells its own it by syllables like school boy t The prohibition commission has been appointed as follows- Judge exMayor Toronto Sir Joseph Mon treal George A St Que Rev Dr March On day recently a lynx walked into bouse occupied by Mr M near the River unwelcome visitor was in a condition and easily overpow ered Francis the tutor pleaded guilty to blackmailing members the nobility and was sentenced to ten years pent Kettleby On Friday last the Lloyd- town Sons of Temperance paid the Division here a visit A very enjoy able evening was spent The Order dolugweli here thirteen candidates having been initiated at the last two meetings- fell On the Ice one day week and broke his collar bone In two places At who hired a negro for to kill bis wife has been convicted Aurora Mi Susan Terry had one of her fingera crushed on Tuesday in one the machines at Messrs Long and Sons box factory Sir A Andrews youugest of Mr James Andrews left for Mexico Monday morning last Mrs eldest daughter of Mr John of Whitchurch left hero on Friday evening for Los An geles to join her husband and son who wont out there in January last The Council has passed a bylaw increasing tho dog tax to after 1st of May and using a tag there after The exodus from this province to Manitoba and Northwest contin ues the number of persons leaving this spring being perhaps larger than ever before Tuesday night no less than nine trains each up of or cars containing colonuts and their effects passed up this divi sion of the Grand Trunk This neigh contributed Its full quota to the party about persons leaving from the station here together with seven car loads of their effects Among those who joined the excur sion at this station wereWm wifo and children of the con King Wm ORUey J Connor John all of King and Geo Bowser Aurora Two rather serious accidents occur red at the Aurora Agricultural Works last Friday after oclock Mr who in the machine shop bad occasion to climb to a high shelf in search of a pattern or tool of some kind when the ladder upon which he was stand ing slipped and ho fell across some plows which were standing beneath la falling the ladder dislodged from a lower shelf a grain crusher weighing some or BO lbs which also fell breaking the ladder and finally lauded upon the chest of the prostrate man He was of course badly bruised but his injuries were not serious a might have been ex It la almost a that ho was not killed A couple hours on the same day Mr Chandler was working at a In the shop which is used for pressing the plow into shape whan a heavy weight fell upon his foot mangling it fearfully and com pletely aevering two of his toee Sy Sanders purchased a steam he intends coming sump the pie servitude Morland now years of ago this is equivalent to life sentence The tunnel extend four miles under Lake and Urge to drive a team horses through it which has built for the purpose of water supply has beer pronounced a failure Barbie March The East was concluded today Bennetts majority of fcixbWn being confirmed without going tho reserved ballots some of which were in Mr favor and ten in favor of Dr l The carpenter shop at burnt to the round on night The fire is suppowd have originated the blacksmith shop A quantity of lumber oil turpentine tar lead and ire wiping were stored in the build ing Salisburys to renew the modus in reRar to the Sea dispute has prowl a veritable bombshell in Washington circles Some members of thi and Senate Foreign Affairs are horribly stuffed with of war- and talk of a armed resistance to during the coming season A distressing occur red on Monday morning to a ma named Emms on the farm Oliver Bell Ore Emms was pressing hay and was standing the phi form of machine some repairs when his foot end was caught by tho ram and car tied into the machine foot wjs horribly mutilated and may yet to be amputated Durham March Jame Wilson grandson of William of 3rd concession south coasting on tbe Meruit of the near his home on a sleigh drawn a dog The dog pat a team laden with ice driven by Mar Willis and turned into track front of horses little too front foot of one of the was planted on the bead and bis body immediately afterwards wa ticked out of the track by tho fright ened horse pieces of removed from brain cannot recover At after day tbe evident that Myrtle Navy is tho peoples favorite tobacco demand keeps increasing and from every new circle of consumers whi have been induped to try it the is in its favor genuine qualities always hold friendd they once qualities will be kept up to their fuM standard by manufacturers of it ft is to these qualities and the of the price that they their marked success will adhere at all cost and to the prico if that be pos sible A Relict of Then was dug up near the old breastworks at Burlington cemetery on Monday a bit of verdigris- cove red brass which eighty ago ornamented tbr crossbelt of a soldier of the Royal ScotU A detatchment of the Royal Scots as at the of and before the battle engaged in thrOwi on Baitingtor of an at be work Open it is i- yphor within the Andrew and votcl thistle the fignre of Sphinx with ho Egypt scroll on I with- aha