i fj rvr BRA MAR- I Inherit some tendency to from my mother I suffered years in this way consulted a ftfUDDer of doctors They did me no good I then used In your August Flower and it was just two days when I felt great relief I soon so I could sleep and eat and felt that I was well That was three years ago and I am still first- class I am never Two Days- without a bottle and if I feel constipated the a dose or two of August Flower does the work The beauty of the medicine is that yon can stop the use of it without any bad effects on the system Constipation While I was sick I felt everything it to me a man could feel I WftJofall men most miserable lean in conclusion that I believe August Flower will cure anyone of indigestion if taken Misery with judgment A if Weed fentaine C IK Its fin stages can bo cbkc4br the prompt of Chtrrf Pectoral Bran in the later of that the is relieved this medicine I have Cherry Pectoral With the beat effect In practice preparation I had a constant vu gristly In data and my One and a Rail of cured J ago I UK The doctors said I was in that they could do nothing for roe tot advised a to try Cherry Alter two or three months I cared and my good to day James Enteral from California by water I contracted to cold for soma daja I to my and a on board considered life dan Happening to bottle of Aye Cherry Pectoral I rued It ft food rtored to health condition Since then I bare invariably recommended this prep aration- J Chandler Cherry Pectoral J Ayir Co Lowell Mat lis Editor WHIT BE TO WRITE for month it a and will by and totbeniMll Co for a copy If the Bill of acaU foreshadowed In the at the opening of will not change many In On tario and will rehire attention from an order baa been from Central department to the efft that II temporary la the mnit neat or their will be dis with State the election of Mr Trow in Perth on the IntL The brawling which tbrongh the city Wednesday will pile Into Perth after they get with London may at well the They cannot In Perth to beat Trow been relaiced for to prevent before the In on the Dr 4tfdbr MotlSitatettliii of Hon John In London of Bon J Mr In tod of Bennett to the aix on a dirUton and for great in tie at tie clew of week the It was of to the fritoJi of Mr Bennett at to defeated party hire en tend o at OlUwa In ibeSidth trials It fa not likely wilt coma on for hearing before the firct week In May next It la reported in political atont Capitol that Dr of be to Senate at an arty day to fill the created in tbe fay the of now a new phase Hitherto by utationa bat for the Grit Toronto Intejriawed the Cabi net and for certain consideration among other they Got- ernment not to make any further IncreaM tbe hotel men did not appear to take In the demanded the people when Provincial Treasurer intimated that it may bo that the time baa now when elder the propriety of raiding and increase the the city hotel men op more pret erit in Toronto the Government and municipal making a total of per annum The deputation the other day this waa all bneineaa on aqoare No wonder with in fad and buried an ater on the tafis it out of the Club the feature of fad with it to on a and then call upon each nitcaber for a few miootea To the abort of time be called to occupy like a whole hut the gain in facility of fell- to after e few RAILWAY ar EC S3 0 ECS J a 1 SB ft fl IS to a question from Sir Clancy the liquor food Hon Mr that the groaa amount paid into the fond for the year ending April 1890 was nod ending April 30 The grow amount paid to municipal it for the firat named and Tor the year 1591 The amount paid to for first was for the year The bylaw for the year 162008 and for year A important to amend law of mortmain been introduced in the by premier Tbe fourth contain the gilt of the pro- It that and may be by will to or of any use bnt except as hereinafter eueh land not- In the will contained the contrary be sold within one jeer from the death of the or such extended juried as may be determined by the High Court or a judge thereof In The intention is to put it power of a testator to lock up as an for charitable Business Notices A Bloc am a of Pare Cod IJrer Oil If For all dmgtsta cents per bottle Leaner medicine of day Blood vegetable perfect all of the end controlling letr It cure all blood nd from a common pimple to this combined with Its trailed log the of liver and render unequalled as a euro for all diaeuei of Prom one to two will core blotches tetter and all simple forma of diseases From two to four car salt or ulcers abxceeea And all akin eruptions It If noticeable solTerera from akin arooeartyalwarsftgirrJiTatcd by Ifcbtng on re- moral of Passing on to prevalent ej and wa hare undoubted proof from three to six used Internally and by outward application dilated the broken to parts will a core treat la to the llrer kidneys acldliy and wrong and to open locarry off all clogged Impure accretions allow ing thus to aid recovery remove bad blood liver complaint elclr ami every specie of arlslncfrom disorder of bowels and blood We every bottle of B Should any person bo tided after the firat bottle we will refund money letter pro log the or the named on application to T a Toronto nobleman in palace if be any that cot turned a hotel or a magaginobf cariosities or a office can live on that would an Amoricaa workmen simply he learned to float life ho laborer is equal ly happy on- little because ho has learned to wait much labor easy of whole aid the gondolier who with mate skill his dreamy bark amid the throng and in the tortuous canals for an hoar or two and then sleeps in the sun is a typo of lest in labor which we do not attain What happiness there is In a of polenta or of a few fried fish in a and in of those I apologies for cigars which the govern ment dear at a cent the cigar with a straw in it as if it were a julep which it needs to ignite then will furnish occu pation for a whole evening I Is it a hard lot that of fishermen and the mariners of the tights are burning all night lopg in a cafe on the del and tbe sailors and idlers of the shore sit there jabbering nod singing and try ing their voices in lusty hallooing till the morning light begins to tusk the lagoon opalescent The traveller who lodges near cannot strep do more can the sailors who steal away in the dawn wafted by pointed sails In the heat of tho when fieh will not bite cornea Why should royal night be in shore of the Grand the islands gleam with inkling lamps dark boats glide along with a star in prow bearing youth and beauty and and ugliness all Alike softened by shadows electric lights from the shores and shoot gleams on and the moon wades among the fleecy clouds hero and there a with colored of light Carrie of singing mm and and -y- on the and liddte and from every side songs of Italy pathetic in their worn to entranced ears of those who lean from balconies or lounge in gon dolas and listen with hearts a little heavy and wistful with so beauty any one float in such scenes and be so contentedly idle there in our happy land wt leaned yet the art of easy It seems ft ditiicuh for to in country or city Alas when we have learned it ah I wo not want to emigrate as so Italians do Some philosophers soy that men were not created to be happy were not to bo idle Charles Dudley in Sarpers Magazine for October TOR SALVOR TO DUSK TO WALTER for AXE to RENT- to or tent flr- find It lo adranURO to on ALTftED OK up jtaaMa comfort P ABSTRACT ACCOUNTS THE Township of Gwillimbury A J- in ftccoont with the Township of Eait for passing through bis the year from Salaries and Dog Tax j Clergy Interest Clergy Reserve Principal WO SALE AT A BARGAIN or No of tO J ARM TO RE IT OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ICO seres flritclMi two arms and bargain Da 303 Clergy Wild Land 129 License Indigent SI Bridges 1617 94 I Balance on Hand PAINTS OILS PITCH AND ROSIN Total Auditors lor year faavo of the Kt Gwillimbury correct in particular compared and proofs all items of and TwentyFive Dollars and NinetyNino HIS will certify we examined Accounts hereto for the year and find voucher with all items of balance on baud being a it Mckenzie VANDBWATBKaJ Office Feby Finally and 13th day of Clerk PBGC Largest Stock of Glass in Town J AS SALE A rtwWl DMrlf now C on Bcruot a a rtiac MllU cheap ltt9 J J FARM FOR SALE arlof lor Con OwDllo I AJ GENTS FURNISHINGS PROPRIETOR a WINES TO BE GIVEN AWAY Society Register APAAH month lod or roll moon KiKoyroxanpport and Proriocii appear to fcara ao eye open to main HaroUton took- log for GorcrnnifKil and like electors support Abbott at Ottawa and at Toronto Banner la not far in tbe m lo know on which aide of fence the acorns Ot tawa urn a few where not for Id the wake of the After ftllj It a of or the Independence of the elector tier What Old Man to Bay Safety Bicycle THE IMP ERIAL BAKING POWDER AaroraFrtday Knrron A Thursday raonlb Mount A A month nd the aVoont AM Mondiy In A ith In lb A 3rd Monday in AomVtrt lit A ltd Monday In month Monday In or WcditIar tt7J rtt In mouth Kfer urorKrry Mood of KryTiJay nut Laid nlxbt- Siitngi Toronto week gls the the flitter as In tba following Eea a few The Is grand old piper It not with Itt editor Mr Lyman Jaelcon it one of reipectrd In or perch thy an on QUods In in wilb tbe of your me liberty know end to liberty jterr Ivrday la each at UaU fclawi Friday international S S Lesson THE DOWNFALL OF Text It We e to Ibe Northern taa already bid laa and people A lw two of wu in A by the ltd mom fall Jena Tbla at hind of iby- There era Inadditli Iuq Jti tv Chron xurL Ten bid been curled to were etntof at and At time ally la now bad to Baby- Ion tot tie bad been tUgtf Luted a year and a bell ex plied In of itrnMUm tu fOi eao be bad leiolag otbera Utoal ipWtcil or iconic- tloua the Marine In jP tk tup plira for jo Tapper bu noticed tbe at will to and bit to en- Mr Kfogemlll to induct Inreitfetlon Bay any Improper or bat taken place on wilt an lenity In it On Friday hit In the Mr Kttke moved of fait bill to the In two Im potent to reduce number of Cancili the direction In Em two toasunding the At a entitled a aod for add It oil The extend in Incorporate Tillage the In from and io to U- Wood of of bill J lion Mr tbonght tbe time had it the fiut re might to con- bill waa read a time etd referred to the li Lot to loiiMtof l A In any bfiieK A Mcietsr in the of Qflf bee of Cr Co well the to their of Co It tht a ticket for a action car from Montreal to Toronto On entering tbe be depoiltcd In but Mr after He were no llwu printed on fc free the Co T held that the Co That tender chickene die That most popular the same That the miller finds life con tinual grind That the sonny side of life is al ways the outside That pudding is the stuff that dreams are made of That you cannot reason with on angry man That tho door to success is always marked push That ignorance of the law excuses no one bat lawyer That people wouldnt die so fast if they did not so fast That if timo were money tramps would rolling in wealth That the voice weak end the breath strong Tbat best place to hold the worlds fair is about the waist That when a man under a cloud its hard to the silver lining That the honest in up and the other fellow to pay down Thai a chrouao without soap advertisement on it rarity That if you want a mans candid opinion of you just him mod That people are quick enough to lend a hand but it is generally empty That health is like money you never appreciate its value till you lose it That wo tip the scales lo learn our weight and tip the waiter to save a wait That unless a man lives as high he shouts the lets he moVestho better v That the physician who speaks but language is yet familiar with many tongues many a new piper dies of toe thanks not enough paid subscriptions That tbe man who never makes mistakes a great many chances to learn something That to avoid the appearance of evil doesnt mean that you must cover up your rascality That if fill graves than whiskey women kill selves by tight That you do better not to about this world until you are sure that you are going to a better one That the man or woman who repeat everything they hear after while dont hear worth repeating That when a man says ho is per fectly contented It means that he cant any possible chance to get anything more That it an error to say that some men are Inclined tobe bald no man fa over Inclined tbat It Is always against his That it is a superfluous injunction for doctors tell a patient to shake the before taking just WREST STRONGEST BEST no Alum Ammo Lime or may Toronto Everyone purchasing goods to the value of will receive a number F J WARNER THE GENTS FURNISHER The Cod That Helps The Cold disagreeable COO LIVER OIL Is dissipated in SCOTTS EMULSION Cod Liver Oil with OP ATD patient Buffering from CONSUMPTION BHONClllTItJ COUGH OH lb bo milk A fttt likn J nnnft tttim Take no other Ait SCOTT K AND CENTRAL TELEPHONE OEFIOE N STARR This World bo Lonely J our life in ill morn Ufa And te AnJ we noVf been ila Tirp it r AnJ love our with AuJ ii oar I for for It wont break thats why Kabo is the only thing for corset bones The B C Corset is boned with Kabo More than Wear a B C Corset for two or three weeks and see If you like it If you dont you can return it and get your money Its a hundred to one you wont do It but you have the privilege Edmonton now to bo front with mineral Brooklyn a liii Sunday It Started in a cigar shop Russia has an order or A family Kas suffocate coat in Sioux City and two deaths occurred K Great Indignation prevails in lSulAria of of at Constant- on ctoeaurr of it isnl- raat for ittto TfU It liuiaar will la ft tcliiUd ttslr f 1 hat Idea It Is not only clty In the word rich t to but traveller Is ft PURE POWDERED Mrs widow of old murdered at By death Important uspocted of murder Is lost to Grown Is stated tbat tbo railway will shortly commence double tracking of lino between Winnipeg and Fort Wlllsm miles to facilitate graiocVrrjig trade T convention for count Us of and bat a resolution urging to see that provin cial law is more strictly forced Rheumatism duo to of uric acid In blood Is effectual ly by the of you no other and take It till poisonous acid Is expelled from Wo challcoge this testimony About two years ago alter suffering for two years from gout being to walk only with great discomfort tried various remedies Including mineral waters without relief I saw by an In a Chicago paper that a man had been relieved of this com- after long by taking then decided to make a trial of this medicine ami took regularly for eight months and urn to state that It complete cure have sinco had no re turn of It Dodge HO Weal St saw York One year I was token with rheumatism below con fined to my homo six monlhs out of the much latcd with no appetite and my aystetn disordered In every way I commenced usInirAyors and began at once gaining In strength and coon recovering my usual I cannot say too much In wellknown Mrs A Stork Nashua Sarsaparilla Dr it Co Lowell Mass DEBT 0Oil mi Al QfX3ffcfiXwra on writes Mrs Isabel A- In March Laditi Journal gowns on nil belongings possible especial ly on fans of fans are of with very littlo spangles of steel or gold upon thorn and then or foru BANKS TORONTO Cor Church A Wellington SAVINGS In Bad Tit SPECIAL DEPOSITS ItAJ tot col Unit SALE A CO Coo a OF LAND- ho North Cox of bury School a mite term It No Con o Kan OHMS EXCLUSIVELY FARM PARTS Of tot and about mm liAn lend farnj nooAtsr TO LET ROOMS suitable for over FARM FOR SALE iho of or- mile South Auroral Atoui The properly bouse all fyoutbcild a siboTo property lb flnt of Match best a ilo to and Right a call solicited House and Lot For Sale LIMITED- LUMBER LATH SHINGLES WE ARE NOW lHBPARBD TO SUPPLY WITH doors SASH THE THE PAST SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OK SAME WE AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK AT- LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES THE CANE SONS MFG CO you htj 1 In ftoythlDK S fa qiI Jo Dot give call Notice to Creditors BROOKS HOWARD to avptor K and lAllklodtor BEST WOOD AND COAL STOVES In Ibo at low AMERICAN AND OANA1XAN COAL OIL OriU creditors and all an J of Townihlp In County York who died or ah on or before Tim of April In it J of Iho Town of for til or ww llfook their and Iho full of their cr1miPKinit iho a of niur of rcurlUtlf ftfiv hi ihrtn And notfro further Mid Orel of April Iho eMd Ktecutorimftr forthwith to Aiseti of iho pirilciCqllllcd ihorclo lh04 of which then And will not ho for of whoie not hive notice At of U4tdUlhFobfuurJEdl WILLIAM Ft PUILUFEculort JOHN on 1 inlfi at Able tin flrBlcliiU rouble tool t wltbcefatfotwl never fUlriwetl TAterAOd of flrit Term cm to A Aurora FOR SALE And 9 Ibo of fiOuMM Ibo wictf ICO 10 win ricltil AKiOD ft Innlltw Hi- All tun AfMlKordierinwif lAU It tor WM ITS I ftt I l I it ml G RcUT BAKSfvJ POWDER THECOOKS BEST FRIEND SALE CANADA THE TO i j TO BREEDERS Nil lis srii 1 will W in df ieu 1 hey of ft nil hi avwices Kltlnoys and Liver without ten all tod fieoretions at ff rectiag Acidity of tho StomsA curing Headaches Dizziness Constipation Dryness of thoSsft Dropsy Dimness of Vision Jit dice Salt or tho vousnoss and and raany ollr fiitnibr CvoPg to happy BITTERS For fit- oft Sclenllflo Agency for 1 I lltfATTYROrtfMAt iAaa- A