Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 4 Mar 1892, p. 3

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f I ff Lively Local Laconics OH IK TOW Cm ISO Mr Jphntcp on it making preparations la on soon A J that ft ft to of July as Slb of Jons lb The tla el I Serin School La lay in pre- cram a I- an attendant A anticipate Tho P ancibrr Mils J to its Tb first 1130 i box and stoper It ononDCdIo I or SHoRrHoRsa Mr si Kit liwJirfi lttf by oar abilities a for fairest wiyKly Is in St la lb by a AH it fcW MCh i The t tea Mr ii ribn mow lb areata jot nlla1 A atm Howard J Smut The public toll rIoM now a Cbonrb UiiaiJoytf JoaelloD who C lib pl n itf Ul reoJfr a lntifol lb will lb IaIun at p pastcii For Sir ffoi UcSfil baa lb Of local at a mere ill tU ago u a liuc4i iaeroJiblo of mi bifaU aai avVifoUy Mr from to city and and to ail la bod a l wblle a Mala St ler ud It op by Mr iTaco who on hi 19 If to Kit sod bin try and dKOTfl J ft day fr xproulag pititcl to Mr tome fcy of by bat ha U So to able to lt Iota We at IL conduct the There ft good to ioho lt bat not a and to jvrV wot up to i a mm forget their r J Mr racant M weUeafio ondtr the glob a lamp at bead of not iT nl Ml lotbdKroncd It tog dont bo alcil wide uadtr- Mr B e of Hart- Mr John Monday for each The Mia Hit TrIO Awoaute for are piloted In lrfiicoUlioa the who gete tr1 what publiibf a about ii vpia of about bin and of at Hit Huron the Hob frooo They bad a the the baa about rig Co At a of the etoebboldrt the Era Hall olgbt It ire decided In- to J Anotbar raw ling will held ra leg to ratify ByLaw malting the Toil Company now fair to become on of big of aTodsl School III Dlriilon of who rcIred of at monthly exam 3rd Et Percy Alio Welti Sod Loafs Cecil Robert- too Delia Dennis Norman alooi CVtaaly for York this week Toronto His Honor will lake Ibe sad Morgan lbs afoas The following John A Bowmen Dixit Alfred Morion Jeremiah 11 Frank Edwrd A Powira Robert Henry Robertson Mark Slephaa Sandereoo Henry Shaw Alex Soniniera James StedienOP You NO ClIRIlTIAN A la on foot to effect an organ for North York of all Young la work Christian or not bavlog for lbs of people requested to send one or two delegate to on of for lbs meet ing will bo held to lbs Presbyterian church ISO to Level ii Pretty Percy Fletcher J S Stewart Miss Kellb who are being In by following la Aurora Mis Miss Lloyd sad object of organliation to eacoar- yoaag people an part all to talk over boat of result and to foster a deeper feeling of union and sym pathy all probutaot nations Old Folks Social under nsic of Aid sad by lb young of Wednesday srenlng a decided were 1 1 J ajd re filled and the demand for the baked and fully of Ye Supper people was Ituly and attired that fifty years ago graced the form of a bride as well as that of A bridegroom At eight oclock an interesting program commenced by The of the town In goodly word people be eld lime and Then followed the men and women who sang Lug Syn The selections throughout program wet all well rendered Aid reflected great on all who look Daring the Intermission made by the ladle was sold by proceeds of lbs social the amounted upwards of 150 Paul The follow- log will during Luit Mar lib Wcdnesdsy in tbo Church am Li in j and p lijr And Sermon log In tb school til at Thnrsday Mar on Discipline lituil School J Hodgson a the other day and of hie to Depart- i by secretsry l the of TrusteeA Taken as a whole llcily He sustains is marked In highest rale library globes fair The suiaigiHynalifieJ of among tesch- av In of teaching Is KgHh almost to Friday Tuesday J WedacaJsy ii Friday a SclfCooqUMt Monday Dal lJatltj ft Friday W Tuesday S2 V ii Wednesday SO April 1 it Tteaday It llttlt 1 Friday all I Mod Mod tnk Tbiril i It A- Holy VtuUoruug Ffaiyti Holy 1 Mr 111 Li not re- prut of iwiitic other W ttd ASHtboiiH I Ut AToicjoiUUfttr lo IjiMir Dltry iltit t in loo lh4 tit J Ellon to Ho vta wilt trill Ji io Art it o- or per- will be n A isj Atf I- not 1iitisti AUtboi mum iLftiicity lit wit hit ffcrd ftiaffct lhli I would KUct lgiDClMft hutjr In of At MM of lUiotlotU isUdlog Ai Trotter from who ra iUj Ing t fc 11 ud fcf IK inuhtl ecartd fire Mr who ilo for A hi to i at To co of od Ilmi In Efefy tod will Jhl for at tore to be railed both fa rrginl Ij forenoon a to Mr- befog JHrcn dJ Mr iimli mod J oil A clip onguo of drop out of of Ai Tho hftd till bit or lei The borri op bill i ifAiymeiot with a of effieo dodo for brash tod One is Each Glim to bo crowioji of for rich it belter ftod kit for r ih ill hi rally bo two others ftbjjSJ tj iruxl lbil lujjihl a Qitbr one would too fofor of juJgo ioJ a reW lotion offct carried It put thtfi or judges vo decision it girt a lo it And lh ertpo con When York hit biro ISmq fied a Asa with Aim a op tag lift lbs giro judge be out of tho judge At of the Society it wo decided judge ia ill At ceil fill ibow In wo il Is will ad tbu to All eSxiclej Pianos and Organs A Aod Wilding mere ui Mr 4 plow ludosAilubl will he op to tell Initios 1570 ocjtil to dii bins would bite wrecked ordioiiy for ever bo to it Am evr well ore bo found to of the world Wo ire id form si Ait ho to more of Ait of if Wo them it it is liteac9d New for death of a child at the Acd two niece to Ait loititgtioD Id Croup fotlowiaif the of the little folks respect to the report the fcrmer the to bylew which recogqiiee cbildrea under the those under IB Then hoy the who is sent by the Council The uittroo to ue of the Dimes end igM of ill ia 1st up to 16 d these only number which num ber the fire mentioned j ft J The to considering of impoitiUsio Id School UKHITt OF Methodist iervicet the edifice took And end were A of Toronto en from of ao from the JciCi the in J folvver change AaI daring the put of 4 century to former pilUriiu Ao charob feces bo the Mrs lluUu lWblosoQ Mr- 4nd Mm J And then tamed the of lid Ae of 1 ii wo J The iTcnlcg sermon loe cf wu of getting up for a to the debt the collec tion Ao two low to 93 1 wy ibi church jboald bo to ice it st Ihticoo fli W A held on ef iag but the vreother itormy ud A The loiter woe In the Mad to Ao body feel The selection by Joy were excellent of choir aI did well The the Trust fund pre sealed Aiinnoitetitoajcnt which Aowed fioanwe to be In condition The debt is ill Internet rannlng hid been met hiring of on Here end Bell brhfsihad An words of tod hi were folly fife tut yet which wu en of end of Ms Aoilini la inch a to be entirely from bigot end king ibilily of the or The to so Josopbloo Hob- bio Willie Willie III Johu a Jr ML tfr Charlie Jr Miry Draper w Jesse Stewart Aruus lit ltoy Hoy J Teacher Br Win Jr McNeil Clinton Wire Violet Utile den and Mary Topper Pail Cook CUiswKlU Milton Sale Register John will of lutpiemeots land la tboSih Con of Ar Hi Albert sums one oclock good to Kftlfllo of the will be sold at time Smith Aucc WeuuaVs of la iboAthof Wor r HA MAR 1892 ft This week we are showing our Spring Stock of CHINA HALL Also an Enormous Stock of l DERINGS a At Rock Bottom Prices I I I If f Our Toronto Markets per bushel Wheat per bushel bushel llarley i bushel 1 Duller Apples SII4SI A 4 Wool per lb Hey per ton per lb pair Mlf4Hwi4kAftiii Clover per AUlko Seed per bushel per bushel a- 1 Our Newmarket FRESH arrivals YOU Flour per barrel iO IKS bushel Spring Wheal ier si When OS bushel per bushel ti Ii too doa i IT tub lb Si IS Hay porcoa io io Chickens par pair Dock par vJr ISW i I J to i a a i a a a a a 0 lij J a CO a a a UN a a AN EYE FOR he BEAUTIFUL J Then give that eyo a treat by looking at some of our Prints and Flannelettes at prices to suit all J STEPHENS Accommodation Store North End COFFEE rMrarl froiif the to do tasblonsble MISS WANTED- Apply 4 N STORE OK SALE I lor lUby Ctttd WILL 1115 A BAY MARE la first been la Alt shous ilidt NO 260 MAIN ST FOR- WINE AS USUAL THE BEST A SMITH MORTG VILLA Holland ESALE LOTS II E of power of Ml la which Public lSDft At Ibo oclock NORTH AMERICAN ibo of iho All sad parcel or ItacI of And ljlit And In vINita of la of had IKmlDloa by J St Augustine and OportoL CO- IS UNITED TATB8 MANITOBA Domestic mid Foreign both especially recommended for medicinal purposes P J OMALLEYs sdtiusu root sut Pour ftcicj bo of and CASH GROCERY STORE FOR MORTGAGE SALE O Farm Property a of of Km York- Sloe en prssoatcd to Aid daring to to tad their Attend with Idet la thU in to task this livings rf r a log A of fdriu stock etc TcrtusCrodlt Eil Nor sum over for And roots Atoto oclock- KavocMh Mr a lui MUi ever for Al 10 oclock Smith Marcel 16lbMr wilt bftvo a stock fllh Coo or till for Olpt for bay or for tAlo oclock W J Kestor lhb of itodtro will an ex stock rAr of Lot will bo under elf so will bo offer At or Apply- la to or Executor of so aotox firm will bo offered for Arm thrj WUtC At SArp A I I It UNDKU And by virluo of of lo In Villi bo or silol for io by Public Auction AT THE SOUTH All la of A 1 At tract of Mad acJ TowoiMu aq Lot Japan Japan TRY OUR Black Indian la first Con of t q said of VUIaro of Haiti ad And butt J and as follOWf At lotorcctloo of the lliult of Pino with mil of lei with Sit mora or to Wok of forrlA South Along tern or leu to West Street Alonv the of wa Strost or to Ibo limit of said Aod loss and as Lots Six flyNtoo filxty Four aiilymo Sixty Sit together wltbthstpoftlib of Aad river will to a per coat- of to bo At time of P J ALLEY MAIN NORTH NEWMARKET SCOTTS PHARMACY beta In tho wnccwlon Of ftcrcsaioroor there portion sold to This property is two And a from ML Albert Is a roUwaiy About milts from About property a And kitchen two frstuo Unit a an Is settled prosperous per of money And thirty shall option It no of a flnt for J tho ifco solo Id Ore years sod to loterost Aod a hill per pef property will bo sold subject to a ro- bid Farther XSftA JA or on moo flfteoadsystbe Tor further of sido Apply to to bo la cub tlculsrs and other conditions CASS Vendor Solicitors Kiog st west Toronto CO a TEE LEASING STORE MAIN STREET and fiuuliUA TO DISPENSING a Bail Writ Ha rr rta to my for at jrr I far a of I AM SPECIAL PRICES China Tea Sets iVrotflohi fcfets ALMOST HALF r A SPECIAL LINE TEA ffloofJ will sutprloo you if otto Quslttybud PURE INDIAN TEAS MONSOON TIGER BRAND Both Aro Choice la iviiil of lay fur It la town EVAPORATED QUALITY VS SAL out at weal ami Before fttnrliii J to Winter Goods at and Genta price mid All rouiiiauU to bo at any price Ah usual our will Tens iiud are our Tryapouud our 10c sum Telephone BENTLEYS THE OLD RELIABLE A SMOIALTY n MILIfiJ Milt PERFUMES OP THE BEST QUALITY OPEN ON FOB DISPENSING am 280 pm DR CAMPBELL NEWMARKET HOUSE- FURNISHING STOVE CLEARING SALE we have ft Large Stock of Stoves on hand we will of Special Bargains in the following lines COAL HEATERS PARLOR OVENS WOOD HEATERS UPRIGHT BO Wood Cooks in Great Variety mi 1KB PLATE MM We are making a Specialty of Estimates given on Baskets a Varieties- Chop Bowls Butter Tubs Cinder Sifters Try our COAL OILS Best brands of and American WRIGHT CO Telephone Connection i I i- BOOTS AND SHOES Cheaper than ever Everything MARKED DOWr a i To out room for Spring Good INOW IS YOUR TIME J Thanking my numerous customers for their put Sign Bed Boot y IB Hi J

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