Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 26 Feb 1892, p. 1

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I sea r THE NEWMARKET Every Friday Horning sow LYMAN GEO JACKSON it ml STEAM LIBBBTY KNOW TO UTTER AND TO ARGUB ACCORDING TO ABOVE ALL OTHER REACHED Aid PM It rfMSft i NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER tot V lUT Vol- J Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday Feb 1892 Strictly in Advance within or at end of year IJranch AT WTQCTT DRAFTS ISSUED At lift Sorting o4 teW5 Decorated THOMAS J Sweet 0ooO la good Farm OlJCITOB v kctOQl- ffCWIDDlFIElDBA Beformer Block f- HONEY TO LOAM jfrnin A BOTTLE USE IT FOR Difficulty of Breathing Tightness of the Chest Wasting Away of Flesh Throat Troubles Consumption Bronchitis Weak Lungs Asthma Coughs Catarrh Colds Main P CAM A Barf foa and trie I od to Water St and ftTEBBT Block iiBoaiwnEAo removed Dental BOO mi lO Office Block ice Air for DR T A SLOCUM Emulsion of Pure FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS TASTELESS LABORATORY TORONTO ONT l GEO SdUCRor MARRIAGE LICENSES At Eft Office WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER upfU Amorlcin Pure hand lroppollo gold Dd M EST FOR Ire and Life LOAN AT Vdeefttiiia TO H0 T BmxJ rtiinra Or Louis with caULDf RICHMOND ALL Old Office it Free irobtlr attended to fctnuuvd So Alma Ttrraca Time A A TSiUKASXE for Colon R Ail Farm BEATTYS CELEBRATED GROANS AND PIANOS For DAKIIL BEATTY WASHINGTON Bogart PER DOZEN NOTICE Buggies Repaired AND PAINTED THH Its Latest l UNDERTAKING iy ILL prompt GEO- WRIGHT ALU JON per tint ll We- J Ah HA VAN Co Toronto A Button Hole Worker A Chain Stitch A Lock Stitch Combined in One Machine B MILLARD Opposite Forsyth House AGENT Newmarket CONSUMPTION m el J 1t Iicvl tftj la l tftt I IU A to x utj art I A M C 129 West Tonowto Testimonial TWO YEARS titer of Of toibtb3tinttioflMnci A can for Auro J Mobile M USI lowo Toronto of Lour up- of MLtfAltoof farmer If A of of lb of Coll ftly JftrrtJBt And ItttCf for by ion ffKohAod of core To ait I tll Joy hul wltKot fitvl weref I cad- do tbto bAi fafcTO Io itd wtti oibcrt- I truly From to NEWMARKET Methodist PASTOR A P AT by f Casting Anchors hymn wis to by a poor from ah of who thought mq4 do DO good- 1 will Rico It away Io night coy It here And in An J Am I And I know ib is To Him cut the anchor oat bat for Fierce the but Are held trusting in My If wrecked Via Hit Ill Ihongh He So go the IM wait for Still occd momeobi long f I upon Lord And Hi9 Hit n rich and fir At my support end Ill drop the Hop thud bat for O Infinite I light And lord I I How I flattering doabt In fasndi bo dtar I An on The my but Belortd ily hurt on Thy hurt And on Anchor 111 and watch for Jiy The Gold Beads- LIFE CAUTION CO CAPITAL AND EAOH PLUG OF THE to AND Of STOMACH UVCR AHD a tunc or CHfcGMtO ad A of Centuries to of Nazareth of written dollars Myrtle Wavy I fiielU it Kttri tat I YtA to Inform InMU- aM it La a Any ITompU Act LA 1 loot loo bo to outcomes C40 work X ad4 after twoytAfi- J ANY QUANTITY Of OLD NEWSPAPERS HALS at mc AT PER POUND ASTHMA arinTTDTTt AW When the carious people of whom there are always enough in the world asked Muriel and Mary what did for a living they way that were in And nobodys business Mary would add in a mischievous under tone They the truth neither more nor less Tbey were in business Muriel pasted the labels on a certain patent bottle and Marywas one of the half dozn girls who filled them with a new variety of colonge and aide by side they worked in of the innumerable upper rooms of a great wholesale drug store did not earn high but they made enough to board and clothe themselves and by dint of close economy up a for dear ones at home who sent such lov ing letters and took such tender in terest in their progress Country girls you could tell by very cut of their Page had declared contemptuously when they were assigned to the Cheap Department Miss Page was the girl who packed the bottles in dozens and kept count of nil that came in or went out Yes country girls by cut of their sleeves and also by the io their cheeks Pago could boast no such pink and white as this But Muriel painfully conscious of Miss Pagos glances Ill have a jaunty little jack- like that she thought and a made with looped draperies Aftor all isnt so much prettier than I am although she has such a beautiful complexion But the beautiful complexion was rouge and pearl bite although in Muriel did not know it She bad yet a great deal to learn of the worlds ways Such a beautiful present said Miss Page exultantly I saw him select it myself I was at the back of tho store waiting for my brooch that had been j and you never saw such a as ho was about it And of all things I dote on gold beads I As she spoke she straightened out her plump white throat as if she al ready felt the caressiog touch of gleaming circlets there Has bo proposed to Addy Miss Johnson asked girls were their lunch in various attitudes tho bottling room and Johnson was clozo to elbow Not yet but ho will soon Ofcoursohe will said Emma with a And can soo how much bo admires And then youll give us all slip you girl live iu a of your own and maybe keep a girl I Oh wouldnt It bo fun if you were to fall into the and ask for a of 8ceot of Sierras How old Jenkins would sterol Adela Page laughed I shant spend my money in such trash as that yon way depend said she Muriel Harper listened know that and her mates discuaaing Mr the foreman of depart ment and glanced rather timidly at Mary Mary liked Mr was quite sure The young fore man had walked home with the two slaters more than and if this was true that Adela Page was say ing John playing Ig noble part of a male coquette Hat after all what chance bad poor unlet Mary against such- as Just thou there a soft tap at door a little old woman In so antique brown a shirred brown satin bonnet of a quaint shape came peering doubtfully through her spectacles Mother Hubbard herself cried Adela Waging up or else the Old Woman who Jumped over the Moon I I beg pardon said the old dame band behind her ear afraid Ive come to the Were yon I sail A- courtesy or expression at ha iter My name Is said Mrs here Id my Oh never I said Adella rudsly her on the new come dont want to bay anything dont- want keep right up stairs if you looking for anybody What are you standing for Dont I tell we dont to be bothered J flaag open the door and motioned imperiously for old woman to go out Its Bessy Hoods deaf old aunt I dare say said she Bass is al ways in a for fear the old horror will come in boro distributing tracts Let her keep on up to the top of the building until she finds Bessys place Itll be good exercise for her around among the and stairs I beg pardon Miss with a quick detaining gesture where are you going Mary broke from her Dont yon seel cried she She is going directly towards the open door of the freight elevator I And she darted forward and caught the old ladys arm just in time to save her from falling down the semi dark abaft which her eyes unaccustomed to the dusky light had not observed Miss Harper return to your work Adelia sharply Do you hear Bat Mary still the old woman who had begun to shiver and at the sight of the awful danger she bad escaped Where do yon want to go she asked soothingly Let me go with you These stairs are narrow and full of unsafe places But out and con fronted the pair with flashing eyes I am head of this room Mary Harper said she and I will ate no insubordination Return to your work at once or you will bo re ported at headquarters As for this old lady she is no business of yours or mine I The old lady herself was fortunate- too deaf to catch meaning of Stick to your Bush A rich man in to the ques tion how he so sucocasfal re cited the following story I will tell yoa how it was One day when I was a lad a party of boys and girls were going to pick blackberries I wanted to go with them was afraid father would not let me When I told him what was going on he at gave me per mission to go with them and I could hardly contain myself I rushed into the kitchen got a big basket and ask ed mother for a luncheon I had the basket on my arm and was just going at the gate when my father call me back He took my hand and said In a very gentle voice Joseph what are you going to dot To berries I replied Then Joseph I want to tell you one thing It is when yea find a pretty good bush do not leave it to seek a better one The other boys and girls will run about picking a little hero and a little there wasting a good deal of time and getting but few berries I went had a capital time Bat it was just as my father had said No sooner had one a good bush than he called all the rest and they left their several places and all ran eagerly off to their new found treas ure Not content more than a or two in one place they rambled over thewhole pasture got very tired and at night had very few berries My fathers words kept in my and I etude to my When I hud done with I found another finished that then I took another When night came I had a basket full of berries more than all the others pat together wee not half so tired as they were I went home happy But I lift tai to Mrs Hughes is suffering from the effects of a slight paralytic stroke Mrs Andrew Crawford died on Wednesday Mr Crawford has the sympathy of Mrs Samuel the oldest res ident died Sunday morning after a short illness aged four score and pght leaving many sorrowing friends io Pages angry sentences bat she entered I found my father had been made a guess at them I takon ill He looked at my basket I hope I dont intrude she said meekly bnt You do intrude said Miss want no interlopers in business hours And you are as deaf and at blind as a bat and you bad a great deal better go away I will take her where she wants to go said Mary These narrow streets bewilder people or if it is some one in the building whom she wishes to find Thank you my dear thank yon said the old woman clinging tight to Mary Its in my basket here if theyd only let me look the address and Hero comes Mr Tinley cried Adelia with angry exultation Well see what he got to say to the young women running after any old tramp that comes into tho building Bless me if it aint John cried the old lady joy folly Aunt exclaimed Mr Tinley his whole faco brightening as ho stooped his tall head to kiss her cheek But bow came you here and all I came to New York to do some shopping said Aunt Nancy arul so I thought Id step in here and thank you for the beautiful old- fashioned gold you me But Im afraid didnt do a very wise thing for I got sort of turned around bewildered and if it hadnt been for this young lady here still leaning lovingly on Mary Harp ers arm I dont know what would have become of mo Page shrank a she ob served glance of admiring approv al cast by John on Harper But wont on Mrs Gaze who most deaf had no idea of tho with spoke that tall young woman with the scarlet jacket trimmed with gold cord made all sorts of fun of me I know Im old and but for all that it dont young to fun of their now does it John Mr drew her You como to dinner with me Auot said he And Miss Harper too if sho will consent and I mast ask tho further favor of Mias Harper to accompany you back to Farm for I liko to truatyou alone You too dear to me inexpe rienced a traveller and I cannot spare tbo time myself And for the rest of tho day Pago was crosser than ever with girls in bottling room So gold beads wore for Old Witch were they Instead of the Young Beauty said Emma Johnson Well I dont wonder that Addy furious I And Mary Harper is gdlng down Into the country with the Aunt What will you wager girls that sho never comes back here to work Emmas proved correct Old Aunt Nancy would not allow Mary to return I want such a girl to keen mo company and if our John really is in love with her sho mast stay here in tbo old home Bat was Adejla Pages com ment who could a man in hit oases being so fond of a little old deaf aunt like that I A good sign for bis future wife said shrewd Emma Johnson And Adell Paga wore no gold beads after all l- the Stock a mock rink or a any He Knew His Dad Schoolmaster Tommy supposing that your father had three of In collar each barrel con taining fiftytwo gallons and ho drank one gallon a week- how long would Tommy Bout a month sir Schoolmaster I am afraid you dont know much about arithmetic Tommy Tommy No air I know my dftd Port in Upper Bur ma garrisoned by British troops attacked by GOO full of ripe blackberries and said Well done Joseph Wat I not right wben I told you to always stick to your bush He died- a few days after and I had to make my way in world as beat I could my fathers words sank deep into my and I never forgot experience of the black berry party I stuck to my bush When I had a fair place and was doing tolerably well I did not leave it spend weeks and months seek ing one I thought might be better When other young men said with us and we will mako a fortune in a weeks I shook my bead and stuck to my Presently my employers offered to take mo into business with them I stayed with old house until principals died aod bad every thing wanted The habit of stick ing to my business led people to trust me and mo a character I all I and am to this motto to your bush Some Hints on Reading The reading of a good book is often of great value Tho thoughts retained from the first reading are impressed more fu on the mind and become assimilated with ones mental while others of valao that were unnoted before are gathered in If there is no time for a second rending it is an excellent idea to read with a blue pencil in band and to mark those passages on which would like to bestow thought In the of somo people marking a book is an unpardonable but practice has many advantages The value of marked volume ia greatly enhanced not only to the owner whoso attention is thus readily called to passages of special interest and importance but also to the bor rower who is abo to follow the readers thought and learn his judgj moot and tutto The that a book whoso margins interlined looks less clean and fresh than if from markings has no weight Of what vsloo is a shelf foil of books that been rigidly kept free from these written commonts and look as clean as if just from publisher to a higher years our cher ished possessions takon to a dealer In sccoodhand A judioiously marked book is a source of delight to marker and his and becomes tenfold more a part of thought than any other It is unnecessary to that marking should be by no but owner and common- seoso will suggest a bard pencil for tbo advice so generally given to pass by no reference the meaning of which la not at apparent worka in two The reader who takes up Milton for first time and whoso education has not been liber al one would all freshness of tho thought which author breathes if bo forced himself to continu ally consult books of mythology and history habit of frequently in terrupting authors thought to consult or re mits if It attempting to rooognlze tho authors genius Sometimes a bine mark or a list of obscure words jotted down for future reforenco will relieve readers contclence and not sensibly diminish bit interest tho book At other times tbo relation of thooght and Illustration positively demanda Invet ligation from soineoutsldetouroe Read with a friend If possible not necessarily aloud or the thoughts of two are direct ed to the of reading dar ing the day its subjects are pretty to be disoataed and Its atance more thoroagblv digested and assimilated Years after an Illusion to book or a quoted passage re calls ho thought and friend both profitably and pleasantly emphasises and greatly facilitates comprehension of a written page Bazar at The anniversary service with the Methodist Sunday School of this place was held Sunday Rev Mr Stewart officiating On Monday the children were treated and on their retarn went to the Hall where they were served wfth a In the evening they were addressed by the Rev Messrs Stewart and Brown Mnslo was furnished by the Joy of Toronto Junction One of pleasant events of the season was the party held here last Thursday in the church It was successful both financially and socially Despite inclement weather quite a large number assem bled and an evening full of pleasure was passed The church presented a most inviting appearance The tables were tastefully famished with most dainty viands and the substan tial and palatable repast was evident ly much relished by those present A good programme was provided some of the best local talent contrib uting The singing by the choir added much to the entertainment of the evening The selection by the Ring wood Quartette was much appreciated also Harmonica solos rendered by Jacob chair was occupied by Elder who was in bis happiest mood and made some humorous remarks A social was held on the following Mon day and was largely attended and an enjoyable evening was spent Years Ago program given below constitut ed the first local concert held in Sharon It was given in the Meeting House which had been completed but a short time on evening of the February and was at that time considered one of the great music al events of the times As many took part in that performance among whon may be mentioned as members of juvenile class W of Aurora A others betides a class from Stood one of the members being Mr The writer thought would be of interest to hem many others to read the program which Is copied from the original i an ago Pifoimueo Mr bo accompanied with OH OitiovilU 3 by America Mr 6 Class ToBaElhldsr OoaChiot performed by lb a by ix shall coma down like Ac Mr Melody by clau Choir will perform 14 cruel reign Is OTer Mustek Bind 16 four rotoe 18 19 A Cheat by the Choii Melody by by Choir W Melody by juvenile Head by the Smallpox is still raging and Sutton Messrs 0 Taylor and P Cole are At Ottawa attending the A O Lodge Nicholson taken unto a wife one of the town ship of Brocks fair daughters of the rowdies who created a on Sunday night made his appearance before Magistrates and and paid into the villago treasury for his little hoot It is to bo hoped that this object lesson in finance wif a on his future conduct Death has removed another of North landmarks in person of Mrs Barrows She was the relict of the late John Barrows who lost his life the American civil war and was born in County Armagh Ireland in 1822 She came to this country whilo yet a young girl was married in the city of Hamilton in 1855 fruits of the union two and two daughters are ell living In persons of Mrs Moulds Raven shoe Mrs Spalding and William and George of this vil lage Tho funeral which took place on Tuesday largely attended Mrs Alfred Johnston received a of paralysis Monday of last week and it still in a precarious state of health Rev Whisker bad a very sovero attack of grip this week and was to attend several of night D slipped and fell at the door of his residence a fow days ago and sustained fracture of of his ribs Ho Is cow however to terid to business as usual storm of Thursday filled up with drifts our roads running cast and west bat they are now shovelled out and again resumed On Friday was on way to Island Lake to funeral Mrs Field but did not go far north on of Whitchurch till tho hearse was blown over break ing of the plates Tho driver was finally obliged to head the team homeward Rev who had also started out io same funeral failed to get there as did also Mr to attend a funeral near Kettleby The gong of Mr Van Dike on their way homo to got stuck io a drift and had to remain at a farm over night of our medical men started out to make their necessary rounde In visiting country patients but failed to do so Points for Girls- Your mother is yoar beat friend Have nothing to do with who snub their parents Do not expect your brother to be as dainty as a girl Exercise and never try to look as though yon were in delicate health Introduce every new acquaintance mother as soon as possible tho pleasures provided for by parents to fullest extent They will like that for a reward better than any other not quarrel with your brother j do not preach at him and do not coddle bun Mate him friend and do not him to bo your servant nor let him to bo Dont think It Jo get There It room for old maids and they are often happier than wires j Sensational Train Feb On of the most exciting souEationa tram robberies on recent took on the Central Hudson Amoricaa Ex SB Companys special east of place this morning Daniel express agent was and seriously wounded by who had been lying on top of tht coach end his way into the cai through the window Ho was taker to the hospital in this city and train continued on its western way At Lyons the train men noticed well dressed young man wearing goU eyeglasses and carrying a satchel slang over his shoulder by a strap They had this young man at Syracuse and were that he was the robber An attempt wo to seize him but ha pulled out two revolvers held back and backed across the yard until he reached a coal train Theeogioohad steam up ready to pull out for the west He pulled pin holding the tender to the first car climbed over the coal into the cab the en and fireman out with his re volvers and started engine up The conductor and one of thoswitch men procured a shotgun freed the of the express and with fireman and engineer started in pur suit of the fugitive road has four tracks aud the express engine soon overtook the rob ber who suddenly reversed his engine and lot his pursuers pass him pouring a perfect hall of pistol ballots into the cab as his pursuers wont by Then pursuer stopped and the pursued went ahead This went on until the robbers engine lost its steam when be jumped off started the country Ho was finally caught in a and lodged jail at Lyons giving of William Gross of Now Mexico and said he was the robber He is be lieved to bo Oliver Curtis Perry formerly a cowboy who robbed an express messenger near Utica last fall Sixty destroy ed by earthquake at Japan Twenty men were killed by an explosion at a powder factory In man was killed and ten injured by a gas explosion Walct mini While a horse at residence of bis employe Mr Dietrich in Gait Monday William was kicked by the ani mal and died almost Instantly unloading lumber at York Mills on Thursday afternoon Frank aged working at Marshalls Mills near Woodbridgc was struck on tho leg by a falling- piece of lumber Both of the limb were fractured Miss Feb A train on and Meridian railroad was wrecked to day a from this station Two negro section bands were instant ly killed Conductor section foreman Rogers and another name unknown were fatally injured A Mr who was recently burnt there has made an offer to take the Bow furniture factory ana an tee to Employ hands aqd pay 813000 in wages perannuniprovlded tho town of him the factory free of rent and taxes or give him bona com mittee has been to with him Borne pipe while smoking with ling explosions TTjU is by the addition of foreign matter to as sist the combustion When the pa rity of the tobacco is not tampered with and it has been properW taken case of this mat ter is In that esse it barns at jasper- atare than anything else Nothing of this kind Is icon smok ing the Myrila bums with ttoadjf i

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