I- ra iTitiUCu V THE NEWMARKET Friday LYMAN GEO AT BIB- PRINTING HOUSE sttuest The of fifBSOBISBBO Mil GIVE i TO KNOW TO OTTER TO ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER ONTARIO BANE REST JUS -roaofra- r1 sir p CKA I VOL Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Onti Friday Feb 12 Strictly in Advance within or at end of year Newmarket BRANcii Interest DRAFTS ISSUE At JUL Kbit a rooca Notary Main Html to on Farm CONVETAKOBR fceL00t Jo MONEY TO LOAN i 4 DB A J Haiti Hoar to A to P r At Butler- toll a in col and Tor and AT -A- TTLE H USE IT FOR Difficulty of Breathing Tightness of the Chest Wasting Away of Flesh Throat Troubles Consumption Bronchitis Weak Lungs Asthma Coughs Catarrh Colds UK XT A iwmnkili I Oxide Oft t all timet Mi Bloc iit CUurcb ATWfACtI OxygoaigedlEmulsica JACKS OX fbdUERof LIOENSBS itT80LLAX0 OS I J CLOUS fjTc J Store Hi Pure J and Life T ffle FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS TASTELESS LABORATORY TORONTO ONT Peppiatts Cabinets Reduced 250 PER DOZEN rice- At Old Mala AND CONTRACTOR lo- atiarao So I Ala NOTICE Buggies Repaired AND PAINTED TAKING ILL ProDP- atusual FOR THE NEXT E We will Bell all Dry Goods at Reduced Hates previous to our Annual StockTaking on Feb IbI A A HAMS Ay THE PRESS NEW FOR 1892 a than to I- y of Lo jnccl 8t0 IorHLTOJlON of Mark- Mlltert IN A A orilrwTJii7 AfDtforifitt- to f Bra fflCC ACCIDENT AMJ5RIOA la Aiotrlco DAILY WEEKLY The Aggressive Republican Journal of the Metropolis A NEWSHAWK THE MASSES over to puU no remarkable in York Tub is a National trtjh flDdDOpliMtQtbocluruGinf Tiic Till the with a vcr la ait of For the xllcicc from It Trie If a PURS WOOLENS AND ALL HEAVY LINES J W STEPHENS Accommodation Store North End UDila6CldDt AmdC7 Aorora l DyayaOCluj loao Not Public Aurora AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM la THE KEY TO HEALTH J Unlock til Bowels Ktdnoys and IM ljta all till fool fcomort of ftt tao Mm Acidity of the Stomach curing Biliousness Dyspepsia Headaches Dizziness Heartburn Constipation Dryness of thoSkln Heart Dimness of Vision Salt Rheum Fluttering or voosness and General Debility other THE PRESS of Ml it inoQtti W ftutdr tpie and The Late Spaugeon The cow til if ao fall of Its edUjEod bard Of filcatiocfl J power Arc Id bit boor Tba tool fall of For by be gat fottrtT teJ in the attgeli J him With wog and word pilot of The j froQ woald were cooilraiotJ For to lira Wo from oar The WcjwJ him mail bo rijibt Id la Correal fiotT It mast right la aoy If God wool J it to work The time bad conn for rut mid Ho Is Comfort in iheir grief a pari la Thy op aw of Mat iuoito ill Who thill on Thy work Feb 1S92 J Heed for IMUJft Circular Aedrcaf THE PAttK HOW YORK CANADA LIFE CAUTION ASSURANCE CO I I VIM CAPITAL AND FUNDS- EACH PLUG OF THE lOOOOOOODOLLARSUyrtle 9 tcbtr to Vyl Of rfuriCt Oar e j ataf ALLtlhtaldlipatabl IBM AUK Nome Caleb Grays Folly The time was warm hazy morn ing in the Indian manner of The place ft low roomy weather- one of extending into the of from west- era Oa the door two elderly people Caleb and good wife Mary A few before the the oat like a mirror the aoofihine sparkling on them was Aunt Mary garden flhowing traces of re- ceat bat bright end a shower of yellow and crimson leaves flattered down from the maple by tho upon the path leading to the lake No as in the air save the of Old the hum and buzz of Evidently Aunt Mary had in terrupted her husbands reading tie looked at her through spec while be held the county newspaper in his baud The wifes intelligent face wore a sad laying her baud entreat ioqly upon her husbands arm she said Caleb we flre getting old wo We have six sons and five daughters Caleb continued the wife all cartful of their aud to make themselves homes Old eyes brightened Ye ho said the word of every of the is as good as bond A likelier family was never raised Then springing to his feet ho ox Ooufound John A who not a Getting drunk breaking our Jen- heart fellow deservoa hauling The good wifo arose put her band gently through her husbands arm nudeAid Sit down thing to tell you 8y Molly said Caleb seat- tog himself Sirs Gray hesitated Evidently the subject about to broach was a one Finally she gasped out Caleb dont take the jog to today dont ever take it again Tut tut I The Is weak pointy Molly always was Im not Thank the Lord I I was born with self control common sense enough to know what I need A Old every day agrees with mo its my but keep myself well la hand I a man who keep wltbin bounds With a voice choked with emotion the poor woman said Oh father are an old live the rest of your life a sober man for your own and the of the children turned sharply around Sober man 1 says Im poor wife sobbing and trembling told that he was not quite hlmielf of the time adding Oh stop where you are Caleb It matter of life and death The old man frowned looked up at too sdid it was time bo was off into the bouse came out pith the dreaded fug sat it down on bench beside his wife almost Mary yon in your dotage What am I go log to today fori To a meeting of the town council as a town councillor What did I go there last week foot To attend a regular meeting of Board of School Ive been either town coonolllor or school com for a good many years latterly Ive been both that considered a fool I as yon call It long as I am aHvfc Then taking Us jog be starts for beach Mary walked along saw him off the skiff step In seat and take up the oars began to dark father Theres no moon and the wind riiea so suddenly That depends on Gray Tm as much at borne on this lake as yon are in kitchen Caleb Gray is likely to be to care of for some time yet bending to its oars the skilJshot rapidly out into tbe lake Mary stood watching it until it be came a on the water then with a heavy heart ahe returned to the bnaied herself with household cares but with a dreadful foreboding that something terrible was about to happen noon hour with youngest who stilt remained at home tho dark that had overshadowed her all the i but after the boy had returned to his work in tbe field the mothers mind wont back to her childhood in tht old town by the sea in the Bay State where ahe was born AH life came up be fore her as afternoon She was again in the old home in Her father the captain of a merchantman was on shore for a few weeks with his family Bat day apoilar dashed their cap of to Her brothel Jonathan a bright child of of age bad sent on an errand his way home he had a drunken man on horseback who threateniog to ride over the boy bad kept bis horses head close to the terrified child run ning at tho top of speed until he reached fathers door saw her darling brother tossing on his bed the of brain fever brought on by fright and overexer tion After be ion brought to deaths door she saw him slowly regain his physical strength while ho was men tally a wreck Little Jonathan had been and yet he had been taken from them Then old place had become hateful to Her father and he had de termined to make a home for family in the wilds of Canada She went over again the long toilsome jouraey to new home and all the makeshifts of their pioneer life Then there came before her that time of terrible sorrow after poor dement Jonathan had boon lost in the the long search for htm by far near She thought the deepseated grief of her mother her ruined health how dur ing tbe remainder of her life every night a lamp was kept burning in the window Jonathan might be with the Indiana she thought might sometime try to find bis way home again might come in the night and there iuubI to show tho path She recalled her introduction to Caleb how and handsome ho was how her had disapproved of attentions to because ho loved his 4iJiow he had thought to break up the iutimncy by her to rUo with his slatar in Bos ton thought over all her kindness- and the social she had enjoyed while with her how bid one day mot io the street how her had given a great throb on seeing how the next moment it bad felt like a lump of lead in breast thought of her father to him rush across her mind went erJn all the occur rences of followed how at end of that time had mar ried instead of stoidy welltodo suitor of For an instant a of and reproach which was quickly by her deep wifely dnvotion She thought over the events of succeeding how she aiul Caleb bad bade to and settled point farm how it had provide for alt ones that came to them It truo had been down in the guttor yet wen hud wan there who Imtl drunk He id en proud of to in n yet she could not help remembntaco of heartache As she all the know the bitterest cup she bad had to drink was hardships and of her children they bad had fow of amenities of life but bit terer than all else to her was thought of their lack of advantages and the consciousness that the money that had tbe stone jug would have afforded them many privileges The stone jug had darkened her life and the lives of children and Caleb had told her this morning that ho should drink as long as he lived She felt that he would and ter rible dread of what tho result might be came her The afternoon slowly away The light westerly breeze of morning had veonxl around to the north soon before sunset a reKulrnortheafttar had sot in As it become evident that a bard storm wai coming on Mrs Gray felt increase sugges ted to Charley that he should drive around to and bring bia or his ricede vis- Arriving there he learoed to dismay that his father started to row home the night before not withstanding remonatraocca on part of who knew of his rash project about half an before the storm sot in He also learned that he had taken an extra glass or two before starting Parties at once set off to the shores of tbe lake About noon Grays skiff was found bottom up ward two luilea below his homo but nothing further was discovered Every day for two weeks bis friends and neighbors trawled lake and searohed shores find ing nothing save his hat and one of his oars At length having dragged as they judged every foot of the bottom between Gray farm end the vil lage the men gave up the trawling but CeUibB sous continued to the shores of the day until the firm had formed on its surface During alt this time poor Mrs Gray had seldom but was written in every liuo of her face and in every altitude When it became evident that Grays body must Ho in dar ing the his children their would her very silence alarming them but they spired this Borrow Her abundant brown hair became white her form bowed and shrunken but her reason was not dethroned An unmarried daughter left her situation and crime homo to care for mother Noticing that shuddered when ever she got a glimpse of her children kept the windows looking out open it in rooms she closely curtained It was evident that although her own heart was breaking she was mindful of her cbildrens sorrow to from adding to it The greater part of time she kept her own room preferring to be alone and read her Bible much Sometimes for two or threo hours would knit or sew furiously sud denly she would drop her work into her lap and bow her bead upon her hands After the first heavy fall of she asked one day if a road had been buihed out across tbe lake On being told that the road bad been laid out as usual to Johnsons land ing she exclaimed in an agonized how can they travel over the ice this During the weeks and months that followed she frequently mentioned the date and said Will winter never pass When ice up in the who were on the lookout for the body at outlet of lake one day aw it go over mill dam propel I by of ice which were driven out tbe lake by a high wind Poor Mrs Gray who had gradually grown weaker during winter had for time been confined to ber to but one wish until her husbands body should have been secured When she learned her wish had been granted she asked but one that with much concern la it mutilated On be ing assured that it was not said fervently Tbauk God God is good and swooned away On the day of funeral hears Gray carrying two coffins but in tho was but grave a grave for both Grays body lay in cold water under pull of ice Thayer kept unusually sober but summer during the haying season he returned to his cups and five years later died of Calebs six sons continued to bo as they had been teetotaler As one of them said they had learned to so bate the stuff odor of it woe not only sickening but the very thought of it was odious Some of grandsons not having learned in own homes how de structive and am effects of drink having inherited a passion for it it is greatly to be reared are on downgrado to de struction Verily the sins of the are visited upon the children unto the third fourth generations of them that hate God We ot only have great need to Load not into temptation also Deliver us from evil Mr J Doyle of firm of Doyle ill J Hunter of Bradford of Mr Mftrki Lloyd town ftro called to chronicle tho death of one of oar moat highly esteemed resident Mr Alexander of 11th line King aged who away on after lone wo followed to the Baptist burial grounds by large camber of friends acquaintance Several cues of diphtheria aire re ported village Our chiton re recovering from attack of la are contetuptUt- giving their a ride end getting up ftov Mr Addison of sermon here the other Sabbath fifty tho pledge and several joined the of daring the rHTiviul of the week Mr Beat ftgood speaker without the trash of some Hie can hold an audience well as J thoogh only year old An touched a live electrio light wiro aa itutaatly killed To tell good eggs pat then la water if the ends tarn op the are not fresh This is an rate to distinguish a good egg from bad one Sage jr the nephew of Mr Sage No York millionaire died last Ho yeara of age and at married fc If the feet become frost soak the u for one half hour in hot solution of alum if is not enoug two will bo a cure that night in the skiff bat boy replied Mother it Is a long eight utiles to around by the road It would an hour and a half to old Dolly and ft will pitch dark in tots than an hoar It would bo useless to take this drivo to night Father surely not attempt to row homo through this atom probably set tled at Ellens As bravo as boys words ho felt a fear that fath er was on lake Whoa hod come Caleb was still away from his home Ills wife- bouse the livelong night to her an ago of horror bowling of wind and dashing of warea upon the beach moil A Trade for If I bad way I would insist that every boy should learn a trade writes Foster in Journal la the olden times It should be so now The man who a trade a thousand times better than the man who has none Let every boy aleot the trade that boat salts his ability and promise highest honors and re muneration When he has mastered his trade if he it or it not profitable he can begin to study a or enter a commer cial If ho should fail Id both of those he is still master of a good trade something that no one can take from no matter what exi gencies may arise The man who master of a good trade is at Indepen dent a millionaire Ho need he can find profitable work In any cornor of world I do not say word against a profes sional career Bat I do say emphat ically that he man who a and- a profession as well have no fear of future Toe boy who wants to master a trade between of sixteen and twenty and If he dislikes it ho still time to study medicine the law or any of the learned professions ho waits until ho is twenty or over ho York County Council- DAY The work began with the reading of a communication from the Indus trial Home Commissioners ia which they explained why an old man named Gordon had not bean admitted to that institution old man had begged through all that part of the country and when after being arrested for vagrancy ho had in bis Mr of Whitchurch who was last year chairman of the Industrial Home Commission sent iu a report on that establishment Among other things ho said There are children in home dis tributed the several wards with out any proper government whose only mission appears to be to make the old miserable and with a to themselves and society which your imaginations will picture more accurately than my pen de lineate Tbo homo is kept as it ought to bo as would when consider the of servants help added to the help of inmates who able and willing to work appearance of the homo is the first and tho comfort of the inmates the second consideration My opin ion is that if of the home superannuated on full pay there might bo hopes of the orders of the couucil being respected and with out the comfort of the in or to amount asked for from tho county Mr Jones also reported that Tim Day an old pensioner who re cently died hag paid per yr for yeara for keep in the home At death given body to Undertaker Millar of with to it proper burial In of doing it is eilivd hit was to ton Toronto Medical School oners woro to make and to toko legal against Mr Millard for his part in aTir A motion was introduced to allow to biro in which to hold court county to bat was lost At afternoon a begun by granting ho usual to Ontario Asso ciation of the locol municipalities from county roads was lost as was motion tolls on tho Shore road at cents for two horse vehicles and cents for stogie horse vehicles then went into Com- mitt e of whole to discuss report of standing cow mitten on Education After the committee bad risen a bylaw to appoint Mr A E Mather as a high school trustee for the Weston High School in tho of Mr Welsh resigned was passed The request for increased grant to Newmarket High School was re fused The of to each of the five high schools however passed Weston Richmond Hill Newmarket and Aurora the schools to receive that amount model schools at New- and Toronto Junction were each given It was de cided that high school trustees for the county be elected at the same tlmo samo way school trustees A bylaw appointing Industrial Home Commissioners was passed through and Messrs John Richard son and George High wero elected after ever an hour of balloting En a war would have been as behind the when man was a monkey and had wings Mail A small boy wit matches in the residence of Rob wit result thai window cumin ero burnt a vented only by prompt of prcaent suspected of iu iuurdr of Mr Heait at has been to County It is said itm of a i the of boot led to to Hamilton t3a a fanner of woo Said to the rauing of corn in drill to Alrike tct i jus his last crp of which ho realized from ouad hjd tr not a or Thero is a carious diversity of among smokers as to kind of pipe they prefer like day pipe best others prefer the briar root others again the some must have their seasoned before 1 1 others again a new pipe and throw it away whenever It becomes a little old though this diversity of taste among them la carious it la not at all that- is a among them about tbo kind of to to be has roved to them the Myrtle brand of Messrs A party of Indians near Lake are to be capturing immense quantities of fish through holes in the ice Recently one of them peddled through the neighboring country a of bats some of which weighed lbs and sold as high as seven cents per pound He said he had caught pounds in threo day a No man or woman was ever created too good to do honest work who shirk their duty ere only seeds of trouble There ia work to do everywhere the on tho farm in the store ranch at the band counter end in all departments of life The trot geuuine happiness is only found in doing work An and appetizing wnyof using cold potatoes is tocoovert scones Mash the pota toea with a little salt knead a much flour aa the potatoes will avoiding the least lumpiness atii in enough milk to make a stiff dough roll out very tola out with biscuit cutter Cook on a turning as to brown on both sides Serve hot with butter Feb A named Robert Kerr aged IG years with William near Wood bridge was fatally goral by bull yesterday Mr hi son from home and it the boy took bull from tho to water When Mr returned soon after found it lane injured lod died in a fox Si sacond jiiiiini tin- inihc history of totilly Windsor IF tniple room- da well livery- Ton main was by Ho son and two other in conuvction covering by Ms to whom also belonged the of America is in of the irix yira wis irtittidto ViiKition tin oh sunco of cold weather hi charge t able for its It is so dis astrous to as to seriously aid to swell mortality to an alarming extent A year ago it reappeared milder form tho lessened attributed to the that held sway for nearly four months The mildness of the autumn months of succeeded by the rain during made In these parts peculiarly susceptible to grip Influences and It has played with all classes and conditions of people The present epidemic seems to be more deadly than any that has preceded It There is hardly a family that has escaped contagion and Instances are every member has been prostrated by ft Even those who been more for tunate suffered fromsovere colds and altogether has been a very trying period Take a good sized bowl fill It nearly foil of water and place it upon the floor of a room which fa cot exposed to shaking and jarring from the street Sprinkle over Surface of the water a coating of powder a white substance which can be purchased of any druggist JJext upon this surface of white powder make with powdered char coal a straight line say an inch or two in length Now lay down on the floor close to the bowl a stick or other straight object so that it will lie parallel with the charcoal mirk leave tho bowl no- disturbed for a few hours and then observe position of black mark with reference to the object it was parallel with It will be to have shifted its position from east to that Is to say fn that di rection opposite to that of tho move- men of its axis The earth in simply revolting has carried the water In thebowl around with it bat tho powder the surface has been left behind a little will always bo I MV