NEWMARKBT a Friday Morning GEO JACKSON printing house f rtrtntattM the REACHED expect Idltrfletlca SiivJtctYl i J i T I GIVE MB THE TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO TO TOSClBNdBABOVB OTHER LIBERTY i fc ONTARIO BAKE CO0 SIS P i MOUTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol XLNo 51 Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday JAN 18 Strictly in Advance I or at end of year xkvv THOMAS J B3SSIKH Ac io Farm gOUCITOB Public Etc OR ONTARIO BlJra Of Block MONEY TO Iba Offlee lb MARSH MEDICAL A- J- 8TUABT J On Steer I ltoI0AM21o3PMo4 CAMPBELL CM a At w a to and to at Water fit Pi peel Ave A YvESTIiT Newmarket Oilde fiu band all lime Re rA VCR BLOCK AI rvENTIMT USE IT TOR Difficulty of Breathing Tightness the Chest Wasting Away of Flesh Throat Troubles Consumption Bronchitis Weak Lungs Asthma Coughs Catarrh Golds DR A UM Ozygenized Emulsion of Pure FOR SALE BY TASTELESS ALU DRUGGISTS LABORATORY TORONTO ONT removed bit to Foil Office Bloc PORTER WILL VISIT Action SUrtt h ii do AH Warnmled LIOBNSES At iIjc f J CLOCK MAKER Store gold iveJ Jtii If LLOYD SOLICITOR ETC- Court TO AT klTU a A gen ARE YOU LOOKING FOR BARGAINS take iaan- I of North York faU of Stoves don id compillIoKlhe ART GARLAND RANGE HAFKYTiIOUGIlT KANGK RADIANT HOME AND ART GARLAND HEATERS Which Are ever WOOD OR COAL COOKS PARLOR COOKS HALL AND BOX- STOVES Which bo THE LOWEST ALSO HARDWARE PAINTS OII5 VARNISHES ACL work and all other work dona promptly acd Alio Sole for CANADIAN OPTICAL COMPANYS CELEBRATED SPECTACLES A a- Main Si Newmarket Old Office Cor Mam iLJ IsArU I to llou I Alm fct- IT Corner Main Finest Finished Enamel at IT DISCOURAGES A YOMNG MOUSTACHE TO BE CALLED DOWN BUT WE HAVE CALLED DOWN our PRICES ON ALL LINES OF FRUITS CANDIES FOR CHRISTMAS SEASON Even if we were not disposed ourselves to deal we arc forced to the greatest generosity by keen competition in many instances competition in name only Bat the results arc the same We can compete with all in quality townees of price Give us a call J STEPHENS lLttJi irr ALBION TrillHl9l tU9 Irilci JftlDKJCNK4HPop JCKNHKOAUCTIVMKKB itr will on Hewioarktt to J Aa NOTICE Buggies Repaired AND TAINTED UNDERTAKING ILL receive Id tot low ftLd CANADA LIFE CO AND DOLLARS two M A Ton or the LIVER THtf IK ACTIOH AHO A AID to in Ano or CHROMIC AND 7 Scientific Agency for Alton J W to or la KrtrtAUt out faille a I CURE FITS i- A I n aA l A ft ft Root Adelaide ratU cr3 OH iw at BENTLEVS PHARMACY He carries the Lambs In Bosom- TO Nor 1ft welcomed to Welcomed a the fold When lilla pets wilt tits Iotcc fie beholds Lota more tender a u Iboaght It By taring era from all From from of In cJ the Watch their your the eight hand they trip together Hippy id their flkipplQg oer the delights to bear to the of From the golden that lien And the club of That reechoes the Plucking do not wither At the touch of with of Gathered from high their with Seodiog forth their Life of Jeeoa dtja In the whiterobed throng whom end know For to kc to kooniot Not like earthly below hare froitrateJ All arranged with For antitipatlL Many they No ortwarniDg latrodiogf Of a larking Can far better prepare Hay yoar still the comfort of home Fill jonr hearts still its Iooglog As the years in code When yon fiotih earths pTobatton Step the chill tide There youll Bod your Jtrliog With them to abide KEWIUitKET BRANCH i DRAFTS ISSUED Aacrteia and to I a THE OLD RELIABLE ESTABLISHED DISPENSING A JUST AURIVED A New and Varied Stock of Ladies and Gentlemen Dressing Travelling Cases Brush and Comb Manicure Seta Collar Boxes and other Goods at Special OPEN ON SUNDAY FOB DISPENSING ONLY 10 am 180280 pm 8 pm CAMPBELL PROPRIETOR How She Managed The Election When I first to and engaged board with advertisement in the city daily Lad induced me to try board- for the noticed at tbe next It was a dark red briok with of white between the bricks porches with white woodwork chimneys on tbe roof and the regu lation green shutters It was not a pretentious boose only a two story cottage but it alt looked bright and clean Even from where I sat at Mrs window I see how spotlessly were the floors of the porches and the panes of he windows The lawn was not large being only a strip between the window where I sat and house to it be longed but it was beautifully and close with here and tiny beds of blooming geraniums Thats Deacon Dalys place my hostess in answer to my look He owns all this farm back hero Pretty IsnV it Well youll get acquainted with them soon for theyre mighty neighborly Mrs Daly is very clever but la she Is the schemer that over lived Actually that woman aint happy unless she is managing some thing or other and Indeed I interrupted in rather for it annoyed me to have a stranger gossip thus to me Mrs said no more but that was enough and I never liked her afterwards I baa been a day or two when a lady over fifty called to make acquaintance wore a black drea a apron white collar with a mourning band and had a round cherry face of which you would only notice rosy cheeks pleasant smite and I was introduced to Mrs Daly and I at once fell In with her We grew to bo fast friends and at last when Mrs had insisted on against her neighbor and sho and I had some words over it I went to Mrs Daly and caked to bo taken in for the of my stay At firt she hesitated but I told her it was either that or for mo to return to the city at once so at last consented Well I found Mrs Daly to be a manager indeed but I could not see that any body was hurt by it Her family alt loved her dearly from worthy Deacon to the rollicking boys of twelvo and fourteen her est children Her two oldest eons- both of whom were oyer twenty never undertook any either of or pleasure with out telling mother while a pretty piquant girl of nine teen to take more pleasure in her mothers company than in that of companions of own age Mrs Daly was such a schemer I thought it was a good thing tor here was the most pleasant home in which I had over been and as a lifelong boarder I had been in good many At brat I decided the cooking was the secret of her sucoess Everything was perfect and for each was favorite dish I even thought aha did a wrong to herself for they certainly a greatly pampered Then as I went over her tidy house found every room so clean and invit ing and opened every drawer Susie was showing me mothers linen and also her own which In the good old fashioned way she had been pre paring in prospect and was greeted with a scent of sweet herbs that carried me back to in dear old Vermont I was In doubt to whether it was the excellent cookery or thj 1 largest part in keeping the machinery in such perfect order Well my appointed time was up but I could not bear idea of back to tbe smoky gloomy city and as they all wanted me to stay and I could do so if I wished I decided to board there for a whole year longer One morning after several I noticed something was not as bat I couldnt make ont just what it was for they were all a pleasant as ever with tbe exception of a little between Deacon and Mrs Daly This was op for for about two weeks then one morning we bed perfectly awful for breakfast Deacon looked op mother were both the Guest cooks that were to be found Why mother what ails those biscuit asked he Nothing at oil my dear she replied They suit the times he said mystified then seemed to bethink hi better and never asked any more questions do ring that meat Bat I felt that some deep mystery was around mo and did not exactly feel comfortable over it Not having been petted up to considering hot biscuit as a neces sity in breaking my fast I managed very well on the excellent bread and batter but the rest of the family hardly knew how to eat without the delicious flaky balls which were al ways on the breakfast table The plot thickened it kept on from bad to worse The meat was burnt or the gravy too salt the rice scorched or the bread was sour and somotimes all combined and it al ways happened that the single or combined fell upon the Deacons favorite dishes This con tinued for almost two and then one morning the crisis was reached in coffee Such coffee I And indeed I began to feel a little provoked far I conld not get along without good and Mrs Daly made the beat coffee I ever tasted The Deacon had asked an unusual ly long blessing with a in his voice that would have melted a heart of stone then ho tasted that cofleo looked across at Mrs Daly who sat all serene as sho had put nectar of gods before her family He laid the spoon in saucer without a word sighed such a sigh as testified that it came from the depths of a pointed atomaoh and went to work on the burnt steak and heavy biscuit The boys winked at each other while burst out laughing and chok ing the little wretch and had to ran from the table My own bo imagined I had not suffered in any way before but to be compelled to drink that it woa too When all portion of the family had their several ways Mrs Daly acid to me Miss Lottie heres a good cup of coffee for you and a fried egg and Graham mush juat what yon say you like my dear I know stomach is too delicate to stand soon meals and you can understand you have yours extra if you cant manage what is on toe table and then she gave a knowing look that was so I could see it even behind her spectacles I was more than ever but Mrs Daly bad a way of keeping folks from asking questions Susie had lately gotten in the way of coming- to my room with her sewing after the morning work was done so I concluded to endeavor to out what was trouble when she shonld come as soon did Susie aaid I I dont want you to think me Inquisitive my dear but I I would like to know what is the matter with the cooking lately I hope you will my asking but I really cannot Oh why of course Lett thats nothing I dont blame you one bit Ive been wondering all the week why you didnt say something about it You see mother is having a managing pa said not much less mysti fied but I women generally took opposite courao in managing thtir husbands and did extra cooking Well nobody could cook better that mother does for us very day generally responded with Glial pride and I readily aaaontod But then you this is an ex treme j and mother says sho did have such a time with pa In all the years they have lived to gether Why dear mo ejaculated in surprise I should was any trouble You see Miss it is this way About two or weeks ago pa told mother that they were going to put out Mr and Mr Barn- son of school board and elect in their places Mr Parks and Mr ton You know every year there arc two directors whose terms run out and then either are re or new ones take their place Well if Parks and Dllton elected that will give the school to a man who applied for It year J ho does not In any God nor any here after nor Miss After I had sufficiently expressed my horror continued Now the others are reelected why it goes without saving that Mr- will get the school for next year for wh6 stays in this year wouldnt have anybody himself and of course pa would like the one he are six directors you know Let- tie and of course four rotes would give Mr Dodds the sohooL Ah I said the light beginning to break in for Mr and Baste spent almost every evening together and the childs face was red as a rose as she bent over her sewing still pan not see what that has to do with oar cooking at present dont see Pa is pros- of the school board and his In- fiuenoe will determine which men shall lor I do I myself pas opinion for a good deal around hero Of course nobody told me so but I know this horrid thing that wants the school next has bribed Parka and to voto for him iF get In tho board and whllo pa isnt bribed Mr has told him he is the worst man in the county and if ho had a Spark of grit him he would think as bo pleased election and not let mother him Everybody knows what mother about it from last years and I dont blame her one bit but is so set about it and Mr had to take it upon himself to say so much about it to pa why to be contrary all used to go to school with Mr Digger and Mr Samson and he a great deal of Mr too more to bo contrary with ma now than anything else bo would go against all the he has got Its all that spiteful Thomes fault too The whole family always jealous of way mother and pa got along for arret alt the time among over there Any way I could just swear to it that Parks and put Mr Thome op to it for he to pa before Mra had informed me during my residence with her that Deacon Daly did not to call bis soul bii own until pres ent time Deacon had seemed pen content for bis better half to take charge of his soul and keep it ssfely where it ought to be After a pause I remarked Your father wont bo likely to tell you mother any of Ms plans hereafter Yes ho will responded Susie so quickly that I felt ashamed of my question pa just thinks there isnt anybody in the world like mother even if they have been married over thirty years will bring him around before election day you see if she doesnt Mother talk go very maoh and never says a word against anybody and isnt given to any but she is on her met tle now and anyway she has right on her side I think Bat I must go and get dinner now We have to get two dinners to get and honest ly Miss it is more bother to get pas dinner spoiled than it to get yours so you can eat it Good bye you dear old till dinner time And off gay Susie with her sowing after giving me a rousing kiss I might not liked it to bo called a sweet old thing by any body else but hid a way of ownthat made things sound charming to mo at least I suppose her mother had same way with her when she was and she her three ittlo children For week after Susies explan ation affairs went on just the with tho screws turned tighter still however The Deacon has been fall ing back on the pies and which ordinarily ho hardly tasted but now instead of delicious pudding which just melt ed in ones and flaky to which we had been ac- ever dinner time it was now well it you have eaten your portion of the untrained young first effort you can have some idea of the preparations set bo- fore the Deacon It was Satur day before diy which came on Monday and I had mentally given field to the Deacon for having held out this long he sorely wouldnt mind two days more of misery when it would all be over going to aloep I opened my door into hall it was too damp to open the window I pose Mrs Daly had opened their door also for I was awakened by voices which loud for theirs as this was a lowvolced family You dont mean to say that yon mesa to set any such after lection Deacon was say ing as I rubbed my and refrain ed from creaming burglars I Its altogotbor depending which way lection turns responded Mra Daly very sedately Smanthy Daly I never beard tell of Dont I provide every- thing all right poor man I havent any fault to find with your of providing part responded Daly but I also do my share of it You know tho cows and chiokons have always belonged to mo even before married you and Id to know what our living would bo like without the but ter and milk and eggs And of course I couldnt deny if I wanted to which is far from mo that you bring everything in phntifally and of very lost that comes in your lino but I dont believe you would dono It If I had been In tho habit of cooking as I done the last weeks I know you wouldnt question now Datey is Are you your wifes most aa red convictions and a school board which will voto fcr a teacher to pat over moral training of your children Because if are Daniel we continue in pres ent way of living Might as well whole mlsory as half As I listened to Mrs Dalys flow of speech qalto Unexpected from a silent woman I was convinced she would have made a splendid lawyer There was a pause and the Deacon voice when he next within Smaathy I knew before that yon was one to domineer over your husband Didnt yout I Mr told yon so several weeks ago Oh well never mind about that Daniel that la a side Issue No I am not one who wants her way for the pure sake of having It Daniel and yoa know that very well But I cant think of my being de prived of their schooling just to suit your contrariness without a fight on my part I guess go to the new teacher well to Dodds retort ed the Deacon No they can not said ah quickly You know only too well Daniel Daly how I worked and toiled to help you get a start in the world so my first little babies hadnt Strength to live wore old enough to their own ma from anybody else poor little And now expect me to willingly put my last two babies In charge of a man who would teach them doctrines that Would them farther from me than the three who have be fore Oh pshaw Smanthy snapped the Deacon dont need to he a bigot Ob well Im not any more about it Ive worked my finger nails to never about it Ive mode it a Stady always to makn your homo for you from tho cellar to the garret Ive given op everything in life to work for you and this is my reward Yon will sooner tote to suit Mr who is only a aptte- neighbor than io lead in wifes moat earnest sentiments Very well Daniel With mighty grasp at his lipping independence Deacon Daly raised op at least I imagined he did and Says he Im going to vote the way I think best and not be starved to death either now I Ill voto them boys in and well that teacher ad Ill go to the tavern and board or to Thomes 1 Now Daly Ive been bossed yoa enough All right Daniel but when you have tried tavern Thomes youll to my poor cooking let alone what it used to be Actually the Deacon ohuckled I but whether at her intima tion regarding Thomes cookery or at tbe prospect of bis coming vic tory I am not prepared to say Was it memory of what used to be and thought of what might be that conquered the Deacon I all events he prayed long and fervently the next morning after breakfast he and Mrs Daly had a abort talk to gether from which the good woman emerged her Susit ready and go with your pa to church Im going morning but Ill stay at home and get the dinner That waseomo- tbiog heretofore unheard of Susie pinched my arm Mr Dodda will be here another whispered the little witch exultant ly- Such a dinner such was eaten before I know and we were all thankful Beige was raised am afraid we camo nearer being boister ous than would be considered proper for Sunday The old members reelected Mr taught school to the satisfaction of everybody especi ally that of little to whom he is now married And the folks actually said that was just what Mrs Daly was scheming for all time All same In English One of our fashionable clergymen received qoito a shook to bis esthetic sencea the other evening He was informed that he was wanted in his study where he found a young man and woman from the rural districts waiting to him evening be said courteously what can I do for you I tell said the man nudging the girl No yon tell Sim she Weve come to get hitched said the man bashfully Whatf ejaculated the surprised clergyman I really dont under stand you my friend As the man sat dumb the girl ven tured timidly He moans sir that we want to get Im as muoh In dark ever the now bewildered minister will kindly explain man head We thought Jemimy an me wed Ret Still the minister did not compre hend and took turn I understand excuse me aid minister on whom light of had just dawned you wished to be joined in holy binds of wedlock Stand up And In five they were hitched spliced tied and ac cording to taws of church and state Queer world Queer pcoplo I Here ore and by thou- sands from all sorts of dis eases bearing alt manners of pain spending their all on physicians and getting no bettor but rather worse when right at hand thorns a remedy which says It can help them Its helped thousands like thorn Another patentmedicino advertise ment yon say Yes bat not of ordinary sort is Dr Pierces Golden Discov ery and its difforent from the ordin ary nostrums in this It does what it claims to do or The way Is this You pay your drug gist for a bottle You read the directions and you follow them You get better or you dont If you do you buy another bottle and per haps another If you dont get bet- ter you your money back And the queer thing Is that so many peo ple are willing to bo when the remrdys so near at hand Midland had a bad fire on Thursday morning The extensive greenhouses of It A Campbell Bros together with the dwelling wero bo mod to ground The loss of property is propagating greenhouse two greenhouses Her store and dwelling and several out- houses furniture etc make loss total 89000 The insurance is only The plant and business was one of the finest In Canada Red cross opposite this paragraph indicates that subscription for has not paid Send and the receipt be sent in next paper Lib Lino of bells have gladdened of folk this Last days James Bolder wife of are id now The party held Mr Kettlebja on was A Urge crowd over twenty and were represented Ever Sf We ro to hear Mr Roger end daughter recovering front their late illacst are quite io this vicinity and of the farmer report good We extend our to Mr Ferguson recent event DM ye heart a Boy We regret to hear of illoou of old friend Mr Ferguson now of King and we wiih to him again Strange Mr of Queens College Kingston who hat spending hia vacation with his it lit a and bore returned to work on Monday J Rosa left on Monday morn to duties teacher at is his year J A Mo have to Col Institute have been daring week or ao clover seed and in moat instances yield baa been very larRe Mr A threshed from acre and Bold it At King Station for 00 per realizing the handsome of Mis of Toronto ia visiting her parents and friends Mr and Mrs P Steel spent Hew Year holiday among friends in Mark- bam J who was tho retir ing trnateo again elected another term election parsed off in thta place although a large number of votes were polled Hamilton mate instead of brother M now in Nellie and Mary Button visited over Sunday at Samuel Phillips and bride am spending a portion of their honey moon among friends In tbla neighbor hood A reorganization of School took place on Sunday Ho teachers and officers all ted with addition of Mis Maggie teacher Mr and Mrs Starr are both ill alight hopes being enter tained of Starrs recovery Mr A- Williamson has fcoeo suffer ing from a severe attack of iiiiiion but is now recovering Mr Foster rcturnod from on Wednesday SOlb and left for the next mom- Ho will spond a week friends io that city after which ho will return to bit homo and after short will set outfor Texas Sir John who met his death last a fall ing upon still suffers from of Ho was squeezed space that body and limbs am braised and so that least jar pain Ho is improving how- over and It is hoped will through time entirely recover Mr Fetch owes his life to of mind and quickness with ho wns relieved from his perilous position for a few seconds more in such a would finished him tea meeting Wesley on evening Deo waa certainly has there for a- number years The being exceptionally a goodly concourse assembled and tea was served ontU nine oclock The entertainment consisting of addresses and recitations then com menced Mr York occupied the chair very manner thus contributing to the WO- cess of choir greeted with applause and the addresses by Hollipgs- Wilkinson and were excellent Recitations yore divan by Delia and Eva Patch of Aurora and were rendered very ex pressively At the wero not demolished a social bold on Thursday night Messrs Powell Geo Walker J Lloyd and Dr RlcbaraWwere Intervals being ailed with The was wU wlthsragular KVMossrs Geo Oliver V