Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 1 Jan 1892, p. 1

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THE NEWMARKET BR Friday Morning GEO JACKSON At STEAMPRINTING HOUSE t REACHED ij4 lit 1 to a tunica cpiicauoo- rih fiKrtetkSte- 73 tod I i MB THE TO TO AND TO PEBBLY ACCORDING SO CONSCIENCE ABOVE NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER ONTARIO BANE SIX Vol XLNo Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday JAN 1892 1 THOMAS J FI A Main to Loin good Farm rVrWIDDXFXELDjDA Loam 5f rtb A LoCx ALFRED HARSH A J if aid -W- lily 4JnJ io At llowia to i m cats at Water fit- ill AS A TERRY KSTITfi On at alltlde Blocs He removed bis Dental Office the llaUaMlAIrrorPnlaleatExIrctlBff Strictly in Advance within or at and of DRAFTS ISSUED Aivl to- USE IT FOR Difficulty of Breathing Tightness of the Chest Wasting Away of Flesh Throat Troubles Consumption Bronchitis Weak Lungs Asthma Coughs Catarrh Colds SLOCUMS Oxygenized Emulsion of Pure Liver WILL VISIT roooth Sharon do fit QQDiviHcUh da All Work Termi Cub FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS TASTELESS LABORATORY TORONTO ONT Jit HAS and HONEY AT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR BARGAINS THE take la an- to the York Mi Fall Stock Stoves Id the ART OAKLAND RANGE HAPPY RANGE RADIANT HOME AND ART GARLAND HEATERS arc be value ottered large stock of other Id WOOD OK COAL COOKS PARLOR COOKS HALL PARLOR AND BOX STOVES Which at LOWEST FIGURES HARDWARE PAINTS OILS VARNISHES AC and FurisblssB vrork all other work done and properly Agcot for the Canadian company celebrated spectacles A C Alain St Newmarket IT DISCOURAGES A YOUNG MOUSTACHE TO BE CALLED r DOWN C BUT WE CALLED DOWN our PRICES ON ALL LINES OF Ant OfflCor Mala lirXTCRi Ji JASON 4NDCONTUAVTOH atlcnd4 tlH So- Alma FRUITS FOR THE Miss MILLER Toronto III open her and Id or of Norwich rfclloJ All Viral and Town TORONTO per day for J Co- Kle- r J1K and ftrApherv Corner Mala Ken market Finest Finished Enamel Cflblnets at per CHRISTMAS SEASON Even if we were not disposed ourselves to deal liberally we are forced to the generosity by keen competition in many instances competition in name only Bat the results are the same We can compete with all in quality and of price Give us a f i J W STEPHENS NOTICE Buggies Repaired J ASJiAVANAOli J UNDERTAKING ILL receive prompt attention Mr lciHiror ftri lUna Till JitildtrJf HlH A In for Aurora at the coDVtyauclKKt LIFE CO 0A VITAL AND DOLLARS and RELIABLE STOVE a TIN SHOP CHANGED HANDS from Hum to time Coal Stoves cloto Cxiitt Alio a at WEwlllktcpOn loll Hot of lb Wood and wa will tell of ROOK BOTTOM PRICES Work ftft aul door icr- Mr Era The Old Year Farewell dear fihoatfao no Ihr iwon ua for all In Soma raised ad cut art old with length of will Torero for good That In Though fro not And Dot If lo try But toow aU and All thy on oar shores bust by Hand that always la oov or Hand that led thy days roany felt touch to bo Ufa to hoary ago atxvka the bow low And oma fait thy wealth wheel Of fortune In and Wealth Forgetful that for for How many ho Have Unco away With heavenly crowned To tbrodnh so day No mora to end are While who lor Lo reward Bare cead to have with wco a Except history wilt Their Htm ware to And aqandercOi yean God clalma woro dark and thought thou raraaledi to the world Obllrluu as expand Illit The unknown ill ihoUittle other In may a right matt oer prevail What progress has acMorol flm thy new thing men The and research brought to light past for lost to world a pace With giant aha advance Each year race loTcntloPS to Illumined by spirit light Well neer forget thee bait folOllcd wall If not each son not thy but tell Thy momenta our own It for pure gold wo gathered Dec Im I fear said ita cave How Won a New Years BENTLEYS PHARMACY THE OLD RELIABLE ESTABLISHED J lo a new b pnlaratHolar TUiftwMHTliUMd to MM mi floal Ii- od JfUt US f I CURE FITS nk I arl crc Oca I I j 4 aLl4Ko pf w OlIBD rAnra wo will on aiie I oi off I a al a DISPENSING A SPECIALTY XMAS OODS JU8T ARRIVED A New and Varied Stock of Ladies and Gentlemens Drceeing Cases Travelling Cases Comb Cases Manicure Collar Boxes and other Goods at Special Rates fl flPEN ON SUNDAY FOB DISPENSING ORtY 280 Golden ftt four years old with a fair freck led fac laughing aad the reddest hair you ever saw A merry boy always at very bodys beck call I do not think go where yon yon will any where a fellow of age who can do errands take more steps messages in a day than little Patsy And as for girls work helped his with her ironing mother is a laundress and takes in fine washing besides working for ft hotel on the square by tho fountain and Patsy carries home the clothe and boils the teakettle and rocks the baby and takes fathers dinner to the moulding shop does everything in fact except go to school which he is just wild to do Bub it is of no use to think of that bis mother says Patsy cannot be spared At least that was she said last week and the week before sod the week before that Patsy on his part the best ho could He de voured his Sunday School book ho wrote copies on pieces of smooth brown wrapping papsr hotel guests often sending parcels fully tied up which in nicely for purpose and father set copies In a good round hand Patsy learn also to do many things which boys seldom learn but which will bo of use to him when he shall grow up for no useful knowledge about the right way of doing things ever amiss And ho eontd not go to to contented at homo as possible Perhaps his moth er going school in the future But three days ago something and thats why I am writing this story for I know you will bo ss glad as I that Patsy has chance is live near the railroad their little house Is between the and entrance to a deserted coal mine which has long been a fav orite playground for the children far and near day a number of workmen with trucks and horses pick axes and spades appeared on the and began operations father when ho homo at night said that the debrii or around the mine was to he away that the place was to be filled up and put in order lie wanted Patsy to keep out of neighbor hood as much as he could There would be blasting and boys were way where they could not bo ana Patsy obeyed though his wandered of ten In the direction of the men his feet kept at home and ho persuaded his little Wend to play elsewhere But when there waa to be a blast for the of him he not help the eager he watching while the men prepared the rock and laid the alowmatcb and then breathless moment when everybody warned away the still waiting the and all the air dark for one Instant with flying fragments I was not sorry to be at homo from In I am afraid he preferred It while so much waa going on One night when the family were In bed Mr Golden suddenly awakened Patsy up sou he hurry on aome clothes and to Aunt Mother and baby are there the on fire exclaimed in- Them men have been that care less with their blasting theyve cut the ground from under us and I fear woU have no house by morning Hurry Patsy my man Away they went to Aunt Sallys in black black night Hob a tar peeped through the thick blanket of clouds the wind blew cold and shrill it felt though snow in air Patsy enjoyed it though I al most believe it felt like what some people call a lark to bo hunted out of bod in the middle of the night and go off down the road with father tramp tramp tugging to keep op with the mans long stride and hold Log the big hard hand I dont know when Patsy has held his fathers hand before but it was a great comfort to be small enough to do it now Arrived at Aunt Sallys they found mother wrapped ia a thick sitting by thu fire loo much excited to sleep Patsy decided that be would pit up with her while father wearied with his work threw on an old was presently snoring Mother and son both blue eyed redhaired and were too much alike and too busy in wondering what would become of thecu if the should tumble to think of so commonplace a thing But at last Patsys grew heavy The lids shut fast over them and he was in the land of Several hours passed swiftly Early in the morning bis father laid his hand en his shoulder Come Patsy man he said Well go and take a look Take a look did There bad been as Mr Golden feared a cave in of earth and there a great yawning hole near their house but the old house stood firm God he praised said Patsys father baring his gray bead Ill go back for mother you make the fire and get- her cup of tea Its the hard night shes hud Patsy the key for in all his panic night before Mr Golden bad remembered to lock the door and secure the key ran homo feeling more like a man ever The old cat sitting puzzled on the rubbed herself against the little legs and purred in the friend- Heat fashion by way of welcome She blinked approvingly when she Patsy take the pail from the shelf behind the closet door That proceeding she understood as part of routine in the preparation of breakfast- Patsy running on with the pail horrorstricken for clear across the railroad track breaking even linca of ties there stretched a deep dark chasm Young as be was he know perfectly what that meant There was no train due until oclock however and there bo time to warn the railroad people at tho station Father would know what to do all boys Patsy felt unbounded confidence in father Bat hark Surely that is the of a train That low rumble growing into a rattle can be nothing The little follow strains his out a black speck in tho distance knows it for a freight train rushing fast to destruction unless he Patsy Golden can Mop it in time Patsy run as it your feet weyo Run as you never ran around curve if yon can and then wave pail bat jacket and with all God grant you may save them yet in front of the engine my boy I It was a bravo thing a quickwitted ready thing for a little man only Hut Patsy did it The engineer saw him fast in end train up and pauied With faces pale through grimy soot the and crew of labor ers on the way to a distant station crowded ground the child who at tho of his and limb had faced the thundering along and saved them from death company heard of it and day the postman brought a letter scaled with a broad red seal and in it was a chock which made Patsys father very proud It was Indeed than had over had In their bands at time before so- much if a Us Stooffvlile to the of village accounts the on band and the nucollected taxes to 536 while we have liabilities to l amounting to The Methodist church will bo held in hall oh the evening of New Years Day when a will be served after which Rev A- Chambers will deliver an address on the greatest thing in the ecclesiastical world the past one and fifty years Addresses are aluo expected from Booker and Music by the church A tea parly in aid of the Episcopal church was held in on the Mr Poole of Bradford is at friends here At the last meeting of King council granted to improve roads between Bolton and scholars of Linton public school gave a concert on the night of the Mrs J of berg who has been seriously ill is convalescent Mr Marks of Ihe line gave a fashionable on night of Duo Several of people of No 1 West assembled at school house Tuesday afternoon to hear a short entertainment prepaid by the pupils The pupils did them selves great credit and after en tertainment presented teacher son of Sir Maurice Foster of with a beautiful Album with the following address K loop poiitioa lo our hut in scwdttc with view of a few of the of public you about to our During ytar that oar modi in pursuit We you to this Album a flight out am gut J your May to Ttwcbar sd of Wisdom which will fit us for that bows above ws shall dwell with forever J of of Corbtt School by Crowded oat lut i ffhroQ- Thorpe School after will attend High Yean The Sharon school enjoyed a last after which they presented Mr Terry teacher with a of well volumes as a token of their friend- ship Address to Mils Thorpe at No Dun Teach For four years yon hit faithfully of datiog that lito to lot jru u a Wo nippy bare alwsji to oar i ever to as KHiibls Id oar Icca t of foibutinc well worthy at Ws n worry by col jo wn Ml f ht trie ai In la lion Vim foigive a our abort of our high your many union ia not filing Mleeui a And now fts an about ucus cowards other hips ror fotnie life will hippy you a tbem ttoty J Sinned on I of aohnolOha Archls Edith Ada Kirby Leonard and Rich Wright and Cake FOR Raw that now will bis chancer reat At that fa what molhor But prefer to no such tbf chance that every part of our live that to of by accident Patty behaved with pluck and promptness and did duty that was without Arid God bad given him aa opportunity Queer world I people I itoro aro ruon and women by from of bearing all of their all and- getting no bat when rixbt band there a remedy which aya can help them help e4 like them Another you lay Yea but not of the ordinary la what to do or it you way la pay your a You read and follow them You get better or you dont If you do you bay another bottle and par- hap If yon dont get better yen get your money back And the queer thing It that to many are willing be tick when rem edys near Jatbea of Grove and of Uxbrfdge hate a writ aatnai Pickering Coon- oil claiming ior injuriea re ceived aummer through a culvert on the con of that Towniblri The are wide awake In a decided whether to the claim hd road tor any lor to allow It to go to court just before the close of the High School Mr John Connolly the teacher who Is about counection with school the recipient of a watch and chain From the high ncomiumi upon Mr Sara Lord Bailey by be press baa appeared our citizens were led to expect a rare treat Monday night nor were they who has taught Third Department of the Public School in this place for pint two or three years closed her engage ment here with the of the present term and left on Tuesday night for her homo in A load of young drove down from Bradford on Wednesday night to attend the entertainment J Nixon of Aurora has issued a writ John Nixon last sur viving administrator of the estate of Jacob Lemon of Aurora who died in leaving worth of pro perty Plaintiff is entitled to one- of estate but claims never to have received it Under tho terms of the will estate was not to be divided until the death of widow of the testator which took place only ago Jacob Walton and Simeon Lemon are also joined de fendants TOO latu for 1m1 Queen by pupils and friends of No East held a very entertainment on Monday evening the Slat The pro gram consisting of dialogues etc was exceedingly well rendered end duly appreciated by the very large and intelligent audience which present Groat credit due Miss for manner in which the program was carried out As this was the closo of her school duties in this place pupils took opportunity of showing thnlr esteem and best for by presenting her with a Ladies Companion and following address was read by William and the made by Mary the School Section No But Ihit yon are about school Ed this iilac to this token a listing ImpituJu of In to all and out of lbs been doff hop to all of as to future year eaually you to as as our teacher by which all hare greatly to to yon respect Id IbU may form a vtrld attaebmsbft of our tbt fotuoas Id tbe both and daaliabla Compaafon as a oar aod not to be forgotten behalf of lbs school by Mary John Ulnar and Ere Patrons of lolly or- now They meet on Bator- day evening of each week beet School Reports FOR IN OP MERIT St Clara J 3rd Archie Wright Jsi- Wright Jr 3rd Sr Jne Wright Jr 2nd Laura Wright Joseph lirau Weight Part Curtis I Joseph to board recant To Fuller Jamea P Weight Beak in Archie Weight sent day Clara EJlth C JLoody Archie Wright ilibel Ross P 1 1 try Coeti Lima J Dramibsr Wright Arthur Average 21 iv ISios a a wiiucuuacu iU ClauUaud Martha Fletcher Bishop Jr 3rd Seymour Harper Sr Skinner and Unit equal Itutb Jr lOeerge Bert Byron stttDdaoc SI A Teacher had Brecon A French lugger loaded blown up the har bor at Antwerp killing men Thomas Stoor agad Halifax laborer was run over atil killed while an intoxicated condi tion Dear Belleville K The annual teapirty entertaiomeot will given in Presbyterian church at on Years BrueU of King woe had very bad luck He thrash I cluver for three only two quarts of seed Nine have the result of a rn K- York railroad tali on Thursday the son been grunted of of for electric railway A fog out the day before and lost their falling into and riaors A of Toronto ibe front of moving twin rat TrOi almost instantly killed William y 1111111 forth ds gets said pork three per pound am Stanley Sheppaid Scott William Brock Jr 3rd Walter Evans Kitcblng 2nd ClassEeneat Kitcblng Orantbam Pari IfMarry Scott Willie Sullivan Wilier and Lunle IstCIau present every dyr How ard Abo Howard Block Bill J Following at the late promotion promoted to Claw Minnie Jr 3rd Retching Artie Chapman A Mot at on December in previous rocotloif bllU 2 Con ioJ6Ooti j DIt Coo Joba pUnha lbgri so J- Mr fUt Philip MQaiU loom tod hill for J J JuaJy ud irnfJ foTDltbJ 8f U MnDcUg CO and ot4 J of killed i Noble billed Joba Rich 1 IB L Poil1 1 kUWi felrtrl u ifd for ft la at lax hi bating tot a tIgbboi roklflgtffO tor do IcitnuUi a fuc the road at bet Con ud draw Mllictora lima Dae 30 and aiUodad tot and ha fonniyd cruelty to iwimM lift Tuesday a it was struck by a train A was kilted her liUabiiol with but few who Km at yivfi a upon city am Hindoos htm chopping wood when into Willi a cloth line ibe result ft severe bloc which up At the public school at Sutton for Mr of a handsome lamp am- Miss and Mia each re ceived a beautiful dressing frfini their pupils four hundred intimate of ft rich man in were invit ed to attend funeral but went- days utter- ward lawyer of estate announc ed that according to will each person who attended was entitled to a to each to each man a K often vited to the rich in Morocco time ago one of the inmates beautiful young fainted at the sight of one of lady visitor re- moving her gloves young girl thought she was removing a thick skin from her hand and sight frightened her ao much that it some she could regain con Dec Un partita catered tarn of Mr Hubert and stole a horse and buggy and to property to cover thejr theft were the largest part of the country and contain over head of cattle mny of them thoroughbreds seven head of all the implements and of grain and produce The lest country papers are- conducted by professional printer- who worked their way Tilts no at all to begin therefore they depend on themselves They straggle on mightily in to get their heads above water and succeed and it naturally brings out the latent power that is In them and them on the top In gen oral baching is a thin- to The annual teameeting and entertainment In connection with King Mission Sunday School be held in their 3rd cession King Wednesday January usual tea will be provided after which ad dresses will be the f of the eveniog Kettlehy Rev King City and Rev J Thompson of Newmarket will be by Church Choir It Would ho In order for soon- man or scientist to hy eating snow dots not thirst Some times in dhtricU during the winter finding water all frozen up eat snow to re lieve thirst and almost immediately to suffer ten times- than Sucking efforda re- the most extreme caatrs but invariably either or produce thirst What makes this still strange Is that melted snow produces the purest and most satisfying drinking water There a disease throughout country among which has been by many as trifling For the information of farmers and wo might say that it it dang erous and that meat cattle thus affected impure and liable to trans- mlt disease The affection is notice- able by lumps on the body which as the disease progresses be come raw and present sore spot It would be well also for our butcher to examine all cattle before buying for butchering to that these lamps do not exist as by the only makoo themselves a penalty but as well endanger the health Farmers who seU diseased are as liable butcher who

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