Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 25 Dec 1891, p. 4

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a j- ffiraw I- NEW MARKET ERA DEC j For two years I goffered terribly with stomach trouble arid was tor all rim under jysidatt He finally after everything said stomach was and that I would nave to eallnr solid food for a time at least ttotwork Finally on fte recom- of a friend who had used your preparations A with beneficial re sults I procured a bottle of August Flower and com- rising seemed to do good at I gained in strength and flesh rapidly my ap petite became good and I suffered no bad effects from what I ate I like a new man and con- that August Flower has en- tfacry cured me of Dyspepsia In its Worst form James New York B St Georges S writes I have used your August Flower for Dyspepsia and find ft an excellent remedy i GRAND mm Christmas Morn a mem I And It oar Lord bora aoogi of rub saw star leading on to Men if if Hark tha tin ugtli sTiDgairj Mils TfJliji tsMZ To til the it Of oar Lord who cam to a on nil mam I mora And wr lord bora Good will to Ha Echo I la ud Ion let hi lift oar heart And to the oar pro to bersld Hi to heart of with da I forlorn And lore ud Of oar Lord who to as en mora I tnt many Chrutmu mora lha oar Lord bora joy sing Our Clog to Hlf bat In ownt3 with Hie Him HI worth I Tell to of I And and Mid all day Oar offering each woold To oar Lord who come to on Cbrfitmu morn Cabinet aroas tt S ffo nut a a r a tJ a a a 2 I J mi a al S Dec W Us Elk to tram of Canadian to Ml pig and coo almoit ere of infor- 1 A despatch that ftp muting of alt the In Canada waa held to that city lait week to complete nta for The of circulation of American In Canada that their atiention For acme the United a of leo per npon cmnncy aod loiinitile miking a of tea percent on and The bankers tbe fear that nnlraa aomethiog door to check in- flax of American may become marked after the rebellion fa The formal of Hon Mr Herder and Ma Cabinet in Province of Quebec been- the in political daring the part week- not unexpected whan it did It was but Christmas to more immediately ejected from place and power The interim report of the on tbe Inst signed by two of the Judge Baby and being so it is laid On the other hand it ftf latter did not of findinga Tto report affirms that Mr acted an intermediate between tbe government and were that this was and then Bays w The bargain between and which paid to contrary to order an exploration of the The had bo- fore them to rttsblUb the whom they to be doing were Wo aro of the opinion that proof of carelena fan in good faith and way by transaction fact of Hon- Mr la not for and endorsed by P ValUere and to which atUched of the check by Jean in the Bale dee Chilean affair a com- that Mr gelier waa of who the part the adoption of the Thorn arold Ingthit when Laogtller money Paean bo perfectly Mr the payment wia known later It wu not by thim and they profited by it Acting on lb la report the Lieut Governor in bis letter to Mr ciBr sas It npon mo the conviction tbat Ministry not in a to the of Grown and therefore Christmas the of To a BrMki of faiM vocdrooi to God on High IT IIjb hosts prolong th OlorptoOodea rod I Pao to Earth from with San to God I and to And Star then Through aid of the worMi dreary waili eg Down the fierca of and and and deadliest the Angela Swig Glory to God on High I Still the While pi and choir In chant the Glory to God on High and Goodwill to men I Peace to Earth from day with His Son La High and Good- will And the Star leading Led to the Where now in the woilda high noontide bright hall and doubt and and be wail by keen of the light Or drank with fall all the Peaoa and Heat Or reaching too far Or Goods ignore the Beat Still like the tide throba that Still through the the SUr the throng hearts all the Earth OtorytoGodoo High I Goodwill to Today Son Peace from Glory to God on High Peace and Goodwill And the Star lading till to Christ Christmas Carol- LOWLY fall the aaowHkv Clotbfcg earth in fiwteUy night the earth afore on Cbriitmut mora a Son la born Slowly fall the the the chill descending Like God Wild the chiming tale only tell manger Great Slowly fall the Hang holly Blight Odd Incarnate nigh earth no longer Barren Gnccflowera to On eternal NEWMARKET HOUSE FURNISHING STOVE DEPOT CLEARING SALE As we have a Large Stock of on hand we will offer Special Bargains in the following lines COAL HEATERS PARLOR OVENS WOOD HEATERS UPRIGHT BOX Wood in Great Variety SEE TBS 111 BOLL STEEL Mil TOP ST NEWMA T SALE WARE STORE Apply io California Letter to the York Pfis wllb all tbfeir fMidom law and order not the birder better than Id Sooth Speaking of Got HUP to clerk can of Dochtat County It Na word la to loo apply to him then on to It a deed of ofamoni political the Mr iloffcnana it In a of he could and been de- by Judge t be ether waa remorel for accordtog to law and a Id a and Business fay blood all other mltctoc4 la the for jo la It pure can delicate Invalid core blood eta Bold by toll A tfliaaV ala- croup la- having ud to our perfectly and they rt oK ho of mur aof l abd from Hpitlu Uone AXaa M Am by man iH Later autferod Inat wUcJ Avail I at is tWtU oj of Ana J an- Krvoa WiiK bota ai4 I cry which jut- Am now free tin Winona Pare Cod If you hire by all txf I PIlMllllll A of Iter 6 for for tf no It afck not fall Liq 1 rlv it a mm axM with a4fv4 aal It f aW4 iux aha ttx At them To letter of thft ex- Premier a reply with and a ion He tbe constitution been violated right and of the people and the latDreiavadedandthattheLlenKGov nor acted more like an autocrat tan the bead of pop- nlar government Upon be takes and makes appeal to the electorate Mr clever tactician and of feeling of people regarding popular right to control and the disposi tion to resent on tbe part of of tbe Sovereign by playing be baa taken ground calculated to appeal to the prejudices of electorate a eprt of a herring tbe it were but on other hand people on tbe part of t bote placed in of not it politically to the of policy hut public money or which it was baa deliberately stolen from Provincial trcaaory In conteit nov to follow tbere- ore vrhllo Mr ill denounce he tyranny of tfie Lieut Governor a an Infringement of he and a tyrannical to other alternative bat in asking electorate to liberty peoples money to offer to Crowns representative for protecting tbe poblto treaeury robbery he them to condone one offence by condemning Another Of course all Ipvtra of popular freedom atrong views respecting crown and of Lieut Gov Anger in peremptorily bla is debatable ground Some will one vlewj some another la the appeal now to made to Province if the action of the Governor there the trouble will end but if Mr Herder obtains endoraemeai of the people Mr Angers will have to government house opthlng more sore Both atoea are for the straggle end If we may judge of puWio sentiment by tfi Quebec both are confident victory Six Nov 30lh Perusing your familiar ma once mora of my promtaa to give you soma of and that part or Oregon lying on the of town wiped two yean ago by fire It ia up quite rapidly for an inland hy or it you to call them inch from hundred to one high and at the time altitude four feet above the sea It in named after the river that the upper and Klamath lakta A In the river little mooing from lake fine of water fed by apringa On all aide of town fine grazing and Almost all of grown and cattle in This being county townj it to the place quite a of the fraternity The la than one 1 was very to boy aod trade and there bat I preferred California White there I made the of of the of your The hotel in la by young of 1 had quite an Indian which Soma of Indiana aro quite wealthy and hey buy beat of everything very food of of are and the young there two are four hundred In generally large fellows There are Owing to tbe great number of on the river ia obliged to watch where from two to three feet of for them to feed on their hot and lake la a great tight for It a fett down to the water and aatd to be The lava another great eight 1 by being called bark to Im mediately out to auotteriVwtteu On tbe of I hitched a only two old aod bad been bitched my cart I told by many that it would take me three or fonr to drive to Bin coandlwouM the day I alerted on bat did not know welt I did It trip and ending Ibe fallgna the fa gelling the very much The I walked up four three mi Ira each to aava my There are a grjt many Id the mono- there are 1 met lateral ptrlfen wandering aeircbiog for in- in or I did not drive after dark for there are that I drop a feet If I get eighteen inchea out of the way I where the were entirely covered with lav down lo the hue travelled oa old aad a topped on night at Slat Creek The boat If hid a I Yea fn my He Mid Pal ft In your pocket a man eighty of Other robberlea heI been milled In I not cere to It over again Wheat generally good all lota of It to watte apricot that thou i to a of Rent in There were man work and one hundred of orchard You cm Impure how the were It from ten to fifteen cents a tree to thin tbirn when the waa If lha could be cot up into two hundred sere by good what a great population It would The land I rolling enough to run off the The tat wheat middle of ml were tutting In BeptetoUf The wheel to luge fat a and three The average thirty per day no ledged grain la about ten feet moles are driven The had mnleladrfren with THe la over the wheel I drove tt1 and hat wheat now away fo the letter I will the Union Pacific With kind regard my Canadian J a P The Crimea OF AS TUB INPUXa in cue is very keen at Detec tive Greer left for Hamilton having in custody the man the to be charged directly with the murder of old man Lot not Indian has gener ally been stated His father is an Englishman and his mother a abler of The Indian George Douglass when in shortly after the and while the influence of liquor told a resident of the village that fonr of them men tioning himself John Bartram John Lot and Samuel Goosey had been concerned in They the for the purpose of robbery expecting to se cure a large of money from the township funds stated that they horse and wag gon and that on their arrival at tbe was left ontaiue with He and Bartram and Goosey went to bouse and he as- sorted they hesitated remarked ll We are to come this far and turn cowards He then picked op a stick of cord- wood and battered in door The three went up and met old gentleman at the head who asked them what they wanted As he did ao he picked op a chair and over the bead knocking him down Douglass stated that he him self knocked down the old man and that then pulled out a re volver and shot Then Baskets all Varieties Chop Bowls Butter Tubs Cinder Sifters We are making a Specialty of Furnace Work Estimates given on application HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION TO RENT- svJi ait IS school -i- SALE- Vamp D4 Us l fA PAINTS OILS PITCH AND ROSIN Try our COAL OILS and American WRIGHT Si CO Telephone Connection SCOTTS Largest Stock of Glass in Town FARM FOR SALE hat women in a room Goosey guard while he Bartram searched the they droo towards but sab turned roond and hick and went direct to He Goosey to barn where they had their breakfast sent oat to them going to Ham ilton That was story to three different at different times Whether it can bo believed or not remains to bo seen it la in exactly with actual Mail Correspondent RENT good nlea and fruit Miicr known ISAAC SILVER tt FORALEr Good Warm Brick Hod Before od m Cor Church lai Nit OK THE LEADING STORE JUST OPENED Lot No la Kb luCSit School find hair a lallOQ iu4 Ho Coo To do thing well and that which is worth doing at all is worth doing in this way It is just as well to be deliberate even in the matter of getting married also in that of selecting the firetj housekeeping outfit but when the question of the fineBt sewing machine comes up then is the A Foil Toilet Seta in Leather personal attention to dispensing mi time that you can do a thing well and do it at once hesitation by buying the SCOTT King RHEUMATISM Sciatica Lumbago Headache Toothache 8o re Throat Frost Bites Sprains Bruise Burn Etc nl Dealers COBHUMrt Canadian Toronto Oat In all the navy yards la an of war with general La circles in that will at the lasts An aodt of on totsaKriff Some Growing Too becomo fretful without oner thin and weak Fortify and build them up by uin of SCOTTS EMULSION PURE COD LIVER Oil AND Of unci A OP COLDS in BOTH IS UXC0DULID A iabReflWrapSWI all and til on Dec ilenibr6RU Kurd the of and Chat lUmbtft I Coo A for road Cook lef cud J A J ii Wilfred IWaccck snow hill J At J Si Hnry i- 0 Con Cairo Will cedar rfpiiriox Coo 10 lot a W Alb CainpUH fhoj nude for iDtrov- ftttJ lib S to Oil COD lot and 18 Jho Trio Jehu Fry acd A 0it4i Mil j 3300 to cut between loll and from too 10 to town Hoe treat comtf Taylor Chen to cut on luien Iota to gravel aidorosd aud Coo opposite lot 0 aod the aide- toad tola 10 and far coiiira for de- roid betwcu loli Geo 1M and J McMurcby and to at DOMESTIC JEWING MACHINE DESIRABLE FARM Near of about and known as leal farm and Tor t4nl applto W LET TWO OF THAT BLOCK OF Splendid BrickGlad Hon corner of with Furnace and Domestic lb ii I I IV a I TO THE ELECTORS OF TUB Town of Newmarket T solid of inABf friend I have allow to and for for ami your Vote and Influence US CANE nation a Dec at Jan B a NEWMARKET ONT T I AND a- Breaking in isnt needed with the Ball corset Its easy from the start Coils of tiny wire springs in the sides make it so Try it and youll like it If you dont after a few weeks wear just return it and get your money OB BALK BY PURE TO THE ELECTORS or tiikI Town of Newmarket AT of I lo eleotlooaa REEVE FOR And solicit jour Vote and Influence Ta J WOODCOCK lib is TO THE ELECTORS at Town of Newmarket STRONGEST PILLS best JU Cm aJ CURC DIZZINESS SICK Of Tilt akd aowcia ACTI0M AND A AID a woo AMD DEPUTY REEVE vota JOHN EVES FARMERS i lima to M7EHB SHOE and Poultry 13 tihtep ODlf bf DP SHE tcriLUao HE FITS a lira FOR SALE tJiUcS KwlblUlfnreuihalt of A 1W 10 10 lot a coJ IfadlUK All AIM Lola lo For EXCLUSIVELY i AT- McALEERS S and P A CALL SOLICITED LIMITED LUMBER LATH SHINGLES AUK NOW TO SUPPLY OUR CUSTOMERS WITH SIDING MOULDING DOORS SASH AND BUNDS THANKFUL FOR THE LIBERAL PATRONAGE OFTHR PAST WE SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OF SAME WE AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK THE KEY TO HEALTH Unlocks all closed Jj Bowels Kidnoys and Liver off tern all at Acidity of the So Biliousness W Headaches Dizziness Heart j Erysipe of tho Heart General and many other w to happy fiu BLOOD BITTERS DR Graduated at Victoria Iho and Sicca IW Dr ftnd cut a at of Mant Toronto will mm prtaauro of CaUrrhCatMfbil Bom etc a DUNNS BAKING POWDER saggin SelisUM- J I AT- f- LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES sons co roaHSfi tarrpait ibapobuo 07 tfTto or aw bo

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