Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , December 25, 1891, p. 2

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v jstewm DEC 1891 i Hew A- Roche A John Creditor John To High J f tiV a AOH FRIDAY DEC Toronto Despair fir- Tobosto Dec The death of A- Stafford at Hamilton caused a of to Tbe City fcy a Tot of- to hut decided of Sun day lo Ito ratepayer At out maidf A Monday sight i1 now rumored Ottawa tint Dominion not the despatch or time It li expected the by reralJ of Ibe election 4 aleo the election Quebec will bo rampant In a good u the ere to the County not aiiad to something tile range Tbe range li for Toronto If lb 12th Battalion range Ibe re plenty of room la the county without spending the Landing offer and ff Urmia mo night KUMoo fcjj along kimmidUQcreaimoS Saturday a both fuxlJobn ftT- flDed op with water If seta not by which of Ha Into Hugh for fuel wbM a WW fall on In HoraabfougbtbomoaUTaandidadlcal aid toon la bat be In bow Sfisty is Municipal Matters All old foUnJ It ha been nooid Mr try cOQoIaiDfiritb 1m Mr Zulu Mr Cherry for It Mr CwnpWl lit U lick con firmation According to all H a fisbt in ind for the Mr ho W by and Halnoa will probably find for and Botch Lemon BOcer abdUwyfor TOogiietm to be considerably mixed and nobody can tell till afUr day will bo thi For it repotted that Mr Mr ho will not be of an old conncil all for Should Mr to nominated for Beer Mr Chaa will alio named in cue Mr J will ran for lit Deputy and will Mr for Sod while Mr of Albert li of coancilloT JToeth axe all nlire in Scolt fcarsg another fight with of year Jar- d Mr Htm to think are better than ago Mr and there an throe for the J and Tbaothertwoccundllor Draper and J Hamilton are in the field again for reelection and the name Park and Ira Morton are men tioned in connection It quite likely that there will be fall ballot election day Oar give the ixtt rntaora all the Information we bare IT HE TO WOT AMOT DAVjoWTUr the father the CioBdiaoFreaiAaaociatigD died at Brock vilUofli in Mod year The bare the apathy of the fraternity it atLVr of Sib iti iiimfr tba ate agttnftt trie POINTS QtUFHED Mr of Toronto waa in Monday Martin la Cbflat the City Mr Norton and of To Sanday with Nub Hn Win left for Chicago on to a month with Mr Bogart and of town for the Belfry and wifa bare ficae Toronto to Cbriitmaa with their I daogbttr- Sarah ft London to a of with her from New York on Wednesday ater an of reral Mr Waller Rogers of baa been a few day on home on St Mrs and Robin- Sutoexwara EL Mr- Samael and gone to to holiday with their two rone i The Mayor and Mr pone to and to Christ with and friende Mr Smith and Smith gone to to Chriitmu mod will the New Year holiday at j of Toronto and Dr and wife of Bsrrie attended the of the Brook Howard here yetterday Mr and Mr Chas Smith hare pone to Rama near to spend with their Mrs We hare a very letter from Mr J Sooth and trip thereto which wa tra to hold ore till next Issue for of room of J Barker who hire been rokiog hex will to learn of hex She waa from a of la grippe copied a par Bnndon Sun and aided Mr wu a ion of Mr Sflreattr of Mr G Silf of Brandon that tfati ij error Mr- of Toronto bia father and Mr la uncle Brandon as what feantj will do In cattle line Mr Frank Has- llofthiVonnerIy of has old when jSBfrlfce city on Wednesday at ttn over a bib graa hat been fed and Mr RnueU to bear from other in the pro- nut if any of the can beat weight Mr A Grand Da Oar home would oat hi com- Eki it ia fall of Monday of J eon held In meftUnoaae- Protaar of and A larga of and followed the body lo Qoaeofrtlio where It Interred Elder of with the aranlng- Mr KUk and wife of Toronto are In week eSerrico will be held In Jametf pm vial ting lo the city over Snnday On of the olodng of School In ttec No a the made the an from bet Ho room for the week a Mr met with well merited applaud u did all rhe performer On the elate of the tbehonso hardly filled hot tbe not tooomplaln TheSilrercop on behalf of the Newmarket i A Is to bo hoped that at date an other concert will be held and If the weather frorahte A crowd will be to annual TeaMottlo with the Union Saoday School will take on New Day Tea la Presbyterian Boll which en be In the adjoining Wo to ae a Urge attendance Egypt It Is we have a lively Reeve Mr by Mr The Mr Kay will bo by Michael Humphrey- old council and are ill election Willi mi a candidate Ii In field and other are mentioned aa wo will able to yon re- of In time for next Lynx pretty In the awamp of this winter Mr Sun In one that la the habit of himself to bU Mr John who Uvea to the been annoyed byacoopla that were In habit of and by dog finally hi boy a of email where they had boon about four from and It got In two Of the trapa and he dispatched with a revolver laid Daley and Flint In reference to the sale of Ityoon by J StroDX Mr Strong and and Special ara npw held tbe at by the tor with good night a of wonder- fol power Tea men and women came and to Eighteen in all come on the aide The Sanday will hold their service to hall on of when the cantata entitled child of will be fhechoma be by an On Friday init tbe frienda of the Christian a with their Rev and family ft their on Friday lart attended and preaanc did uop3o to the bill of fare On entering apparently under their heavy load of fowl and good the left hill with the crowd- The In the was excellent The ch arch well filled all It hold- A largo met attain on Monday to of the of patty and saoo ta The ChrUtmaa irao and teamaetioir in con with bald on Today and a choir rendered consid ering the of the leader Mr Frank Miller from and Mr Smith from hero or of young men and It Is Whatever you do Yon to School Albert college who to the hero Sunday evening through did not arrive In my ltemi week I mentioned Drank here on Sunday before not thinking that it woold do any harm bat I find that people at a oar hotel the of It which Iain pleased to say la not cu The drunk referred to from Newmarket who a splendid too good for each treatment and like an Indian- He here tha worse of and ahowed It very plainly Bethel a entertainment came off en Monday ore and In arery way a Draper occupied chair The prtnof pal Rev Mr Oak of Wilfred and Rev Wilkinson The amounted to Mr John Boy la now In a fair way It seems John and this are very and parted a time lie sold abort time ago and bought him back again In about a month remains of iato Joseph Sheppard Monday last and taken Tuesday to the Or to the KB Cap lit of rtiflJirrK are folio Dp to gotothe ngUtrur from per cent from pax cant from to peroral to Ot over with older members of Audi tors I concluded that aialita amended to to fptaacd Mr 1st Deputy or who was auditor Id and the matter over and brought In a resolution the girt of which given above not wo had any that wrong being perpetrated by registrars In the hot we believed and that belief concurred In by whole Council that If county council saw fit to have aodil to county they should have right the for an J Try BEN For the or TT public I herewith a memo of by two regialru of to the count alnca 1SS7 rtc from John iMithYorkll lira an old lady at drowned morning Hie on the continent of cold have been frozen to in French provinces- S9beHIgheif3 I High School aw nave registrar porUon of were payable Qll Jail 1892s uniylhey should J MAIN I ISO ISW ta il mi If flMfftl 12S 11 Mount Albert Sir A Cejrco Militia ss with the petitioner It now tbe will me tilt tie convicts In penile gllF Hollicgtwotlb and kaH clerks who sent to J for steajicg ln pardoned and will be Chnstmaa will ChrUtmaa they wiUU apt to remember of County Court a of on the 17tb ThU will treats a vacancy for Premier Abbott to fill- was a very canfnl and palnitsliluK and by Ms courteous demeanor bad endesxtd the crest to This a it alltlay we have had slejbUg all lime since but now the lilt week or soil Itas thawed day set very and it seemed though we have a hard winter On Nov Mercury went below at oclock a and continued cold for time but at present have pleasant Indeed mercury or I Spirit Thermometer inns now from to above at La the and as 1 said before some nearly every day now I never noticed the any thing about the of bis family J Will son They left here on Nov and ex to make borne in for at least for some years to corns He baa done well out litre bating borne which now a Is the East election where Dr some ago erred a personal qualification charge for soma alleged crook s the Islands On it was this charge wm but court Intimated if bad pot done it dUruUt It Dr Spobn la now free fight the battle over again and Is fcrtKo struggle Jt was dellvfrfel on the case Mr in the election Lib Life A held on Thursday to up the fragments of Monday night Avery enjoyable time was j School closed on Monday for Ac were distributed amoog the pupUs according to atandlng term Onr teacher Mr A Lehman on homo to I Mr J Newmarket spent Sunday with Mr A FredW- of Hannibal city Mo mud bride are spending and holidays with fata father OBrien of this place The concert on Prlday was very roads ilk For of Toronto fully her re pa la lion aa an elocutionist Each being received with protracted ap plause Tlullne oar popular aohool engaged for will be her la this plat Rev Campbell Maple the anniversary In ilrihodtit Church on Sunday and ad dressed the In the nfteraooo annual met ting of thia brmnobofthe Upper Canada Bible hold Id Andrews Church op Monday cvealnf fiUeodanc was largo and the address of the J Manly listened to with great pleasure Amongst vlslots are Airs Toronto and a Ailkeo i Holland Landing Current report East Is not gotog a municipal year Council having ralapayera this section willing lo give a now lease of office and aspirants may be will get set on Id else yoacnnol believe what you hear Hear has ailing for aime much better Wo hope he will wood be around Brooks cabinetmaker and un dertaker baa moved to new and brick building Is up a very floe leased by A and will be opened on Dec wben will bo prepared Intake photos In the latest style and but We wish them lo supplying a much felt want la this place wlUbebeld in the Church of Eng land here on Christmas day gave the band an at Jewells dining ball on Thursday last They report a grand time Beth bowtodtshtbo up In great style A pnbtlo entertainment wm held at Kboolbonso on last day of A grand time and a large crowd Mr Tins dales a credit to htm The trustees should make a sidewalk to Two weddings booked fortbls Tboglrla lbey are all goln to have their taken now and wife are with to Walter Harper of Klomouot la home for a few days Terry Allen are home Toronto for vacation We are well to ace Mr back In our for a few days looking as well as Mitchell Knox College preached In the Presbyterian Church Sunday Hopkins occupied the pulpit la evening Tboetecllonof officers In last Monday kept the members till A Junior Workman took tbe 2nd degree tfte same evening which amount ed for aomtf delay following were elected Bra I lose- Making a total for of The North York does a business and there would bo no par ticular reasoQ for audit the amount email a very small would go In any man aaoaoof South York We are to Mr returns entitled Why ahouldweoot have undoubted it is rumored that I had a this matter can only greatest respect for oar registrar per- make ma believe be for a few paltry dollars the principal right iciw returned prepared to go with my colleagues to the of Parliament and inalat upon the for by my motion being granted If any with the county cast Pearson motion will remove reader will believe I acting In be Interest of the am yours Ac fc T J Woodcock Ill bo organized for enntog term Valuable additions to and to the library of reference and effort will bo undo to keep tho Institution The Head Master baa now nil recovered from recent Illness and the Master la rapidly regaining health to that there is reason to hope that work will go on without further per annum a Secretary Notice to Creditors JOHN IS THE SPOT FOR iiess SPECIAL THIS WEEK Ladies Department la hereby given In USUI Cap that all periods Millars store burglarized on Sou- day evening goods to the of being abstracted Entrance was effected by climbing on roof of the fitorehonse in rear and open the window on second story Tw and three dozen pocket knives are amoDj the and in Oar Toronto Having claims Estate of John Wright late of the Village of In the Coonty of York farmer deceased died On or about the day of September ISM are on or before day orFeby to sand by post prepaid or deliver Ktocutor of the said deceased a writing particular of their claim the Md and nature of if any held by And take notice tbe Hit mentioned date the raid Eicootor will assets of leased the poraontntlilej thereto regard Only to which glran the will not bo responsible for ataxia or any thereof distributed to iuy person whose Lave been rod at at the time said distribution la made Dated at this day December CUNNlNOltlAM Sola Far Ladies For Tweed Eveoing Slippers Evening Kid Glove a all 15 Mens Department Mens Fur Mens Mena Far Mens Mufflers Mens Silk Handkerchiefs Mens Kid Gloves Mens Underwear prices Mens Slippers Mens B00U and Shoes Mens Waterproof Grocery Department MUed Candies fc Oysters 25a 7c ft Oranges Lemons Apricots ft Cranberries Codfish Cheese Al Tea V Balk lb Pall i- Spring Wheat per Wheat per bnabct pcrhuahel per bushel Rye per bushel per docen- Butter roll per lb per bag Apples per Wool pet lb Hay por ton Pork per per lb Ducks per pair Chickens per pair lllltlll J on osi re 006 0 OH OS on JUST TRY 59 MAIN For anything you want if Cheapness is any object to you Cheapness isKour sledgehammer theres where we rely for Big Trade It means money saving to you TO THE ELECTORS OK TERMS CASH AND ONE PRICE J7 COMPLVINO the of Elect I tin re to oiler rnyaeH a Candidate for lepuiy I too for respectfully ask your votoand lortutoco faithfully illLD OR SALE- IS Horse Our Newmarket Markets 1 a 1 1 it li A uumbarof tha young peoplfareat work Church for There the at Indication or The of the are with tomorrow from the daa with daughter Board have Tbl4 to IbataaaWrto to who are only able to attend during the winter school cblldern are happy once bell will not interfere with for full the go along nd field for They are work Each big enough Mayor of Toronto or lourlu will early next week We are to report of Worton me 1be waa a reel and very ro- The remains wilt be Interred In day on of Flour barrel OSS 10 03 CO IS 17 CO Fall Wheat per Spring Wheat per per faoaheL Barley par fv- fe bohel per lbt Butter tub lb Potato per bag Wool per lb flay per Bool per pur pair- i Docks per I i a a a a a a IN OR Alio I leradBam- HAINES QafienStEaBtOwlUlmburr P a a a a a a Good at lo let lo DUX WANTED two Newmarket OYSTERS OYSTERS OS- aV Repairs promptly attended to Hon ho Alma Terrace Time SlBut IT WOOD WANTED QUART AT a a 4 a G the one on depended lo a rituttioii to out it he court bald that the prof and tcu It la ftr will ajjairjit A to Mr ir Board and tar In- al Villi It that attempting thrall way car from the tent of lU car tba Ella and aotue tba wu a mora than tbe cbaff owl If lit and friend of of Pine A branch or of chief object of the of wood and reduce the of Mr Peter on the to who for Pi will invro new on farm of and are at tbtlx of a with tioaday place Friday craning and well attended Prowr of New market filled the chair Thomas Arthur Bertram Guide John Watch Leek A Dunn and Ur The good the and two applications now la En It tatd In lut le- auia Pepplatt would open their Albert Ibis week read tbe and body waa It not the fault of To the f llnrlng abetter iho North York ad dtcaaed to the and by Mr makloif certain old Council and for allowed Mr our town to All number of year toads of for used up sinking fund which for the they camedue and rarlousolhtr which I will here and MM entirely without fnundailoK may that I no mania fur pondentobut will take matters at the Nomination and dlKuaa fully with Mr Woodcock This I consider to be the proper pi ice those matters and I would ask you reierro thereon until after both the question I remain respectfully -TIIE- AND Opposite Royal Hotel MAIN ST 1 KBWUAKKKT ffftlaJ the la received by 70 TV and oh delivered Of icrocn Maple an wood atlu Home with ORDS wood all to April BARGAINS IN FURNITURE a During the Holidays for Undertaking executed Embalming a Specialty J Prop at HI- r WANTED AND A FULL LINE OF A QUANTITY OK WHITE Crabli Battco fad Mr ol on of Mr O Vaowurer iviymixrla it ao tu a la Mr Mr of Of KtmUr woo over Court tta aM Mr v3 war i off ih of It it Ik i It to lU ptLtof antAttuat Iwo ox itru oltar ttchool Tuaadafp Jut with a and is at la the of at dona all in your to Itnpait lo to around Wa aball tack lbs leather Uaaars You Lara for jour la and If ail may QtA mar all in a sllgbt of audtaAaam preparing Ihtlr rial in tula 7boCbnUauBclicrl AnaddU by of who la to vlatri on tichw annWara- mad La bo at secular hour of IUt Mr ol On araning to ibdrtcltaUona and music by ara Kay will by of jjlaa aa bung on tro occupy ilia chair Municipal ue our And a llrtly Uwsrs and fiald tot in ad ibaprobatfllltyM thai will flgbl for lb Draper aMkralaclldoajid J of a candi dal lblnt It that sVda township at at la for a that a la M our ftt fc0n aJur a Urn ttbabasaitao you till albooa I oto bar j4 a at The Audit of Registrars To Editor of the Era It may be pot tibia lo in rafereoco ljclIiuro EuanUWIbo io audit ors vcuriUf should iboyrtal may gain la 4 I bad making re turns I Itbtrly to anr such baa gout abroad- WJjfo waartlurntdby Torn of tbtlr I concluded to lnfrm my sail aa brat Low coJoty conducts In well as our and luoriertodo 1 bare printed yarious of County and la glancing over same I an tbe 1Kb of J a communication fug against registrar Of thai county of Juoe the rtedUipetlUoQ Legislature mtnaerMny In Nor- mod on day Via Ward- be loalruetal to rcutai allow to at the investigation of the the graoladj Ibat A IfrawsUr J be appointed lorspaaent Meaara and Scully lutetUgailoa ib of August reported that years fro en lo had bean out of at year until amounted to the of 71 Upon QUlry I aacoLalivwl that do of lo enquire Into nor their duty to registrars the feci red by iascu wholly the daughter Fa Wo of Firm Mr- on the of W Altai I bo at Weir by the Her J Motes to daughter of lalor ofOeorulua- At Aurora on the lost by the Iter Mr Win of Wednesday Dec- at ktm reldnca of Mr ftdwln by be Iter- William Case of the township of The newly took the noon Mr J- A D JIUs ilary Collins on the 3rd Mr ColllM J all of Sunny Farm on the fist lost tb Biota formerly Holland Landing Rock Bo BE BOOTS SLAUGHTERED AVE and dollaraAtlll save ibrjiielres way lo follow this advice la to buy your bud MONTGOMERYS raluo and of Toronto- benefit Waterproof Kelt worth Bain continued till Jan AUCTION SALE or Valuable Farm Lauds East lolbo powers conferred on mo by the latu there will bo offered for sale by at Not on the lilts oclock In the the lands and prtinlscs via the said foWuihip W acres of tot No it lib the West hat In the oily aUler a On only or ibli of Year at oclock fc ST NORTH crdata will em Weal and llig Easterly ten I bo Wcat quarter it Id lot Thou 1orllonsot said lota aro connected by way over half Lot No jr with beech and poplar and a fiirtsb r tbat part Lot offered for erected a large frame buie suk ataxia frame Darn a good woodshed There on place The put of land la fenced with cedar meet of It rldered A small of the board la In a fllf state of cultlratloo The it about toll Town Newmarket nd about and IbrcouarUr from Village of Then a ecfaool within a tulle and a church within half the premises bale Ten per the day of alt and the within Ihlxty condltlucs of sale will be by Court nf Tot further particulars apply to Of J a Cr r of- Goods at Lowest Prices Try Babbitts Soap Powder package BRUNTON

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