Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 25 Dec 1891, p. 1

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NEWMARKET BRA Friday Morning Br tYMAMT GEO JACKSON at Bra STEAM PRINTING HOUSE Of REACHED wo fa riih Iff- tod ft GIVE KNOW TO UTTKR TO NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER I Ill P Vol XLNo Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday Dee Strictly in within or it of year Int C3 AT W If g DRAFTS ISSUED tursi Stern to J THOMAS J to on good Farm Rotary Reformer Block MONEY TO LOAN THENE A WI L British Mr tint A High Arm LockStitch Shuttle Machine The lightest quietest and simplest Sewing Ma chine made Can be operated with less fatigue than any other machine Selfthreading at all points except the needle It has a large Cylinder Shuttle which is self- threading Moor fc to A lo J P and to a- to and to J pm at Water and Ave CHAN A l Ureas On band At plated It has the improved Each Machine has all the no equal for under braiding EVERY v WILLIAMS l The woodwork is of ar tistic design well made and thoroughly finished r m The needle is selfsetting The bearings are hard ened and ground and are all adjustable The stand is well fin fitted with improved wheel and treadle motion Little Christmas The above Cut shows the WILLIAMS It is highly ornamented and Liberator and an Automatic Winder Improved Attachments in Velvet Case and has J WARRANTED FOR YRS THE COMPANY A I DeoUl to pcilta tbe COorcO DR WILL VISIT of iKh do a to do All Work Tcrma The NEW WILLIAMS is by the Williams Mfg Co Ltd Canada and Y have been making Sewing machines tor thirty years The experience gained during these years has enabled them to place the NEW WILLIAMS upon the market as a PERFECT and the popularity and extended demand for this machine is their just recompense The capital stock is and the Factories are equipped with the finest and maceinery that money can buy MARRIAGE Pianos Organs and all kinds of small Musical Instrument also Latest Sheet Music and Music Instruction Books for pale at JOHNSONS MUSIC STORE OPPOSITE NORTH HOTEL NEWMARKET ONT JAlHSON At tie tin a Newmarket A EST FOR Fire nnd Life TO LOAN AT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR BARGAINS THE to ibt Fan are now mil D Old I Id Iowd only Toronto of Lour 15 op her October Tiff mi tfclra In io people of North York the ART RANGK THOUGHT RANGE RADIANT HOUE AND ART GARLAND HEATERS Which are boil value everoTcrcO a Urge stock of other WOOD OK COAL COOKS PARLOR COOKS HALL PARLOR AND BOX STOVES Which will be at TOE LOWEST AI0 HARDWARE PAINTS OILS VARNISHES AC and all other work and properly- Sole Agent for the CANADIAN OPTICAL COMPANYS CELEBRATED SPECTACLES A Mala AOEST for of LosJoo Commercial Canadian Cell Alt titock Coinpaolta lw aod Town Ttn utitUcfMarktt Tfrmu en It hotter and Mack ThewifidiwerfahroadonlbamoooUini A and pack I at the walla They clamored arid Till the from went Up with and roar Aloft In the The and And the moon like a pale Oer the of the glacier It checkered and Where the railway crept chasm Aod the From the rode one window Little looked with a At the black gorge the white ertthiog lo the winter Far away the A thrill And here and there daogerUgbt lo tha waatea of the limitless For the wind Were with might with up the drifti of the teeth of train AH the fore were awayt the blockade And wloternfgbt Drew around great Like the of dinger and fear I Little Timment oat of the window a I eiat bid do ft fellow AH aloof KmehoWa Father told me to to the cabin looked ready to cry a Chinese redlight and a rocket I it of July I Hark What ia that racket oat yonder a din the ode seemed to Right down with forests and I The elide In terror ha the pieri sway and cock And Into the The went down with a I with affright for a moment H the wild flylog rack Then et redlight rocket He aped like a op track Aod hi in the moonlight With a ghastly fear For beyond the curve of A wbutle and clear TheMalward he panted As he eet hie teeth grimly and herd The down end off guard On ehndderiog of chasm He but a moment for One slender plank Still torrent With a glance at the cabin behind him one at the beneath He dropt to the and creeping Along the frail footway of death I Like a reed that it by tempest The rent away inch by inch faster And bolder He toiled hie way Thank I Little Timmeoi His brain roaod the car re the and of wheels Down The black month of lorld and red a out of afaidowe brekt There is Aod the The track with a thrill of tnrprisa the queer little fijeore of Like an Imp from dttkoeei There was hearty ox When his had told And a donation Of aod gold And lo a of bewildered Declared It the best CbristmM The err hed spent I IeadtoK and Photo- Corner Mala acd Newmarket Finest Finished Enamel Cabinets at billiard parlor trains AUCTIONEER For York soMaoufacturJDfCVyaTorooto NOTICE Buggies Repaired AND BENTLEYS PHARMASY THE OLD RELIABLE Christmas Eve at George J IULLAH nob be to the train Jem said I to driver of wo within Bight of per and bat hall of inn Wo hare taken of Iho commercial room chimed In the strong manly voice of Mr Portly We never expeowd any one to on Eve I briefly explained bow had missed train We ball be glad to have your company all the added Ibe hostess cheerily ncle Frank from is with Sapper will be on the table in half boar Patty here is Mr Mrs Portly celling the half open doorway of tbe room where see the glow of a bright shedding warmth and comfort Disappointed as I really at be ing detained I thanked my stars and my host for cosy shelter good and a cheerful company Uncle Frank was a man of fifty- fire years of age and of fitfof habit a man had bees allgbtly unstrung by the anxie ties of the worry of con stant or possibly by the over in the national beverage of Russia I allude of course to es He was by no means reserved in con versation bat indeed life of the company throughout the It was nearly midnight when we rose from the comfortable to retire to rooms l bad seen Jem who told me he should sleep very comfortable on the set tle or wooden coach front of the kitchen fire He could then pop into the yard early in morning har ness his horse and start off without disturbing anybody With soma apology the hostess had placed me in a room beyond the archway that and apartment op posite where Uncle Frank had to sleep being the only spare bedrooms that were ready It seemed to me rather odd to bo conducted by Peter across the open archway through a lumber room where empty casks old chairs and all sorts of things were piled in and op a narrow staircase to my room Queer old place isnt Peter bat I cant promise you a ghost Theres been nothing of the kind here since greatgrandfatbera time What a disappointment I should like to a really good oldfashioned ghost A boose of this kind ought to have one Goody by cried my guide as be went down the creaky old stairs I heard Uncle Frank pass close by the door to bis room There was in fact no landing between the two apartments but only the top of tbe stairs My chamber was snug and com fortable and I had- gradually dozed off to sleep thinking the while of my family at home and their disappoint ment at my absence and of ghosts in country iana Murder murder 1 Help help I Whatever that said I to my self starting op in bed and robbing my eyes What a fearful dream I mutt have had Murder murder I Help Frightfully appalling distinct were the of a mans voice in agony of desperation There could be no doubt about the reality of the criea Jumping out of bed I poshed aside window blind thinking for the moment that the odes came from street the courtyard or archway underneath No that nob so Fitful glimpses of moonlight showed no one wind still driving great sleet along tbe slushy roadway of the town Tho gaslights were flickering with a glare I mnBt strike a light thoaght I and see whats the matter somewhere There bnt a single match in the box I had barely struck it when Being to catch an early train to town I was down in the breakfast room soon after eight Uncle Frank was there I am truly sorry to have disturbed last night he began It was certainly alarming I re plied that last winter I being driven in sledge through one of most desolate distriota of the Russian wilda The driver afraid of an attack by wolves had very re luctantly yielded my offer payment to take me in a stage to the next military station which I was most anxionftp reach pro ceeded about of an hoar on oar way when we found to our horror that a large pack hungry wolves was in fall pursuit of us all your things away and let tbe scramble for them warned you of this cried the driver a powerful sullen man the rag that covered our I throw oat behind us It was set upon in on aod torn to shreds No whip was needed for the horses maddened fear galloped on at their utmost Throw away your whip anything to stop them I ejaculated Not a thing until everything have is gone replied he aavagely This is your doing Away went my hat and to follow the rug Now your portmanteau that will stop them long enoogb to enable us to reach the station I see the lights At this I stuck That portman teau contained papers paper money and bonds of great value the out come of my successful journey To have parted with them would have roio I refused Then you go yourself shrieked the driver Letting slip the reins he threw himself upon me and en deavored to fling me out of the sledge He waa si stronger and heavier man than I was and would inevitably have succeeded in overpowering me had not my cries of Murder and Help I reached the military station a short distance ahead While we were straggling and when the leading wolves of the pack were actually the horses tbe shot of a rifle rolled the biggest one over in the snow The whole lot were at once down their wounded fellow tearing him limb from limb Tiro Russito officers having board had ridden rapidly up and seeing the of the case bad fired upon the wolves and saved me from following the way of my and coat Being anxious to posh on I would not lodge any formal complaint against my assailant whom I left next day at the mercy of my deliver ers Ever and anon since then that dreadful struggle bus coino back frightful nightmare such as that which disturbed you last night My story is told It has the one merit of being strictly true and it will not be narrated by Mr John Portly on this very Eve at The George Christmas op ibd door in with lull go from lora for Gaud well way Tbtt at To with bright tha la good ud riogoot glad long Tha aura of Look dowo on a happy throng Go and to bring la to Angela great world coontath u laait utbatn will it on high To By of loTa down feast King I Ha la and To a worlds A social was held at the residence of Mr John Robinson on Friday evening of last week at quite a of our young- folks were assembled Wo are glad to welcome back a few of oar young men who distant lands thinking to better their fortunes there Among these are Mr Dick Wood carpenter who spentthe summer workiogon Island also Mr who has just re turned from Brandon Man FOB Rod MoLeod aged IP was drowned while skating at Thamesford Saturday afternoon There terrible of diphtheria iatba Georgian i Bay Many deaths are re ported Jamas of Han cord with a yield of over bushels of wheat to the acre J station lights at Qailtown from the doublebedded room In the ESTABLISHED DISPENSING A SPECIALTY GOODS baud tanj will w time THIS In America lotba tor Hie loan aco Ictoranco drill Not futile UNDERTAKING prompt WIUOHT CANADA LIFE ASaiTKAKCS CO OAPITAL AND FUNDS- 10000000 ALLtollcltalSUpuUVa fax iwo wl Aunt JUST ARRIVED A New Varied Stock of Gentlemens Dressing Cases Travelling Cases Brush and Comb Cases Manicure Seta Collar Boxes and other Xmas Goods at Special Rates OPEN ON SUNDAY FOB DISPENSING ONLY 10 230 8 pm DR CAMPBELL PROPRIETOR RELIABLE STOVE TIN SHOP HAS CHANGED HANDS WE ttotn tlmo foil data of the Wood and Coal Stoves Which will Mil at clow flRQrca a lausa of etc ROOK BOTTOM Work r4 aila NEWMARKET STORE HOLIDAY STOCK received comprising some of Best Brands in the market Ales Porters Whiskeys Wines Brandies Gins c in wood or bottle Leave your rickety of Highflyer orders early and avoid the rush on of list had required my presence at an village seven miles from the nearest railway station I had fondly hoped to time to catch last train from in order to return that night to my own fireside in London The Fates wilted it otherwise I bad tho disappoint ment of seeing and hearing tbo last train for town puff oat of tho station while the old steaming and blowing with us behind her had still a quarter of a mile between and the Too late Jem bad bettor to George where will pat as for the night said Jem who very reasonably did not like tho protpeot of return journey alone over a bleak moor in the fearful atoms that was then raging The eorge Dragon or It was more familiarly ana affectionate ly called The George was one of your really comfortable old fashioned coantry inns Mr and Mrs conducted it In an easy and hospitable manner more easily Indeed than they did In the coaching days when their fortunes ware yet to bo made It was a roomy Irregu lar and Yon drove under an archway which con- the two of estab lishment Into largo where In open stood P J Iff ALLEY MAIN STREET NORTH CASH GROCERY STORE to to a popular book Testimony of Centuries Jesus of Nazareth The took achcUxv Ayy If dcof W- CONSUMPTION I ft aW 7 a hit i4 wr a ataiiaM to aM MA fiOatt HI NEW PEEL NEW FIGS ESSENCES Ieas Sugars o A Fine Japan Young Tea at worth Can 8almon for 26o Peas Corn Tomatoes Baking Powder per lb A call solicited P J OttALLEY last coach known on the road John Portly was a man of tome His was a fat sensible and aouslo matron of five and forty an excellent host- ess Patty their only daugh ter fresh plump girl of twenty had not been spoilt by a boarding school education but was a fine free Eng lish lass whom all the customers liked and respected Her brother Peter of twentytwo years a pale studious youth did not at all business to la the ordin ary course he would Well Mr Lottos whod thought of you here tonight and such a night too Mrs port ly m off my rough wet of Frank with terrible dletinetneas the cry of Murder marder Help help I In tho flurry of the moment match fell from my hand died out I was alone in the dark while a murder was being committed in room According to all tho received no tions of romance to have rushed of my room into other apartment to seized murderer red handed and to torn tho en sanguined dagger from grasp an Instant It was not It would not take a minute to get down to kitchen arouse Jem and return with him and a light I quietly opened door of my room and passed the door opposite expect ing to find my feet wet with blood ling underneath sorely did creak so vilely did Ihoio down to the lumberroom Passing hurriedly throagh that place head touched a cask which fell with a bump on floor I jumped sympathetically but sharply door into the archway no- bolted Bo too as St happened was the kitchendoor Jem waa sleeping soundly before still burning fire Rousing him op I told him wht I had heard I lighted a returning up the stairs followed by Jem I threw open the door of the doublebedded room What a sight was there Seated on tho of his bed waa Unole Frank night drtai look ing the of and horror eyes wide open were aUrtlng from bis head HU hair was with terror His lips were wide apart his hands were stretched out before him Where am I ho spasmodi cally looking wildly around and who you You aro at I heard you calling Murder I and we come to what is the matter Ah be I am so sorry to have disturbed you Please leave me now I will tell ail about it In the morning Jem and I Wt the room Two boys eons of of aged and were drown ed in Monday afternoon last They were sleighriding with hand sleighs on tho pond and Ice being thin went down through brusque fussy Impulse of these of false would rate down all as worthless because one is unworthy As if there waa no motes in sunbeams Or comets among stars Or in peace ful rivers I Because one remedy pro fesses to do what It never waa sdapt- to do ore all medics worthless Because his patient all humbugs It require a Cue eye and a finer brain to discrim inate to draw tho differential line say that Dr Gold- en Medical Discovery and Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription have thousands They for a weak system nothing better than Discov ery and that the Frvorito Pro scription is hope of debilitated feeble women who need a restorative tonio and nervine heres tho proof Try or both If dont help you tell Worlds Medical Association of Buffalo and get your money book again Sutton A stable belonging to Wm Brown waa burnt to ground Saturday afternoon No loBuranoo Only by great effort was house saved Messrs and Henry Bennett of North bought over worth seed here last week It found a ready sale at per bushel NORTH off my wet wrap- and I left ton room Bradford On Tuesday night of week some unknown or parties car ried off a large supply of dish es from tbe Mouse When breakfast time arrived on morning there was nothing to table with and new one had to bo procured In a hurry At tho time of the theft there were between and visitors In the house and the loss waa felt more than it other wise night have been There has been a greater demand for farm land this fall for a many put The follow- lands have hands in West during past week The north half of lot 11 purchased by Albert Wesson for the east corner of lot by Ell Law for and aeres of half of lot No pur chased by J for be sides some three lots earlier In the fall is said there is an equally fair demand all through the Mr Beaver has removed to St Catharines Miss is improving rapid ly Mrs is also recover- The annual school meeting will be held on Widnesday the 30th Ratepayers please turn end dont have trustee hunting men to carry on the meeting The following are those who wrote pa the Promotion Friday For Fourth Class George Davie and Louie Richardson For Junior Forester The three were Mrs of is spend- few weeks with her sister Mrs H Powell Garbntt arrived at tchvl lie on Saturday night and will spend the winter with her pa rents after which she will leave for a new home in California Mr Gar- butt and son will start for that pleasant climate in a of a few weeks I The lecture by Dr was without doubt the best ever heard at lie is in fact only temperanoe lecturer who has made a favorable Impression on this comma a whole The Institute library waa repleaiab week by the addition of over seventy volumes being a part of the Hat ordered a short time ago The membership now numbers one bund- red and twentysix The members of Wesley Otto rob have decided to hold their annual teameeting on Wednesday evening the 30th of Dec A suitable program of addresses recitations and vocal and instrumental will be rendered Ono of tbe lead ing of the evening will be an address by the Rev Mr of Newmarket whom to hear is a treat The ladies of the vicloly in tend to keep their unequalled reputa tion In the preparation of delicacies therefore people of every taste may be amply satisfied Aurora- Edgar Wells son of Mr J M Wells dentist of this place has been engaged to teach the School at White Rose next year Charlie had the end of his left thumb taken off on Wednes day while running a buss planer at Phillips faotory The Gospel Temperanoe meetings held in the Mechanics Hall here during the past week by Em erald Duet are not meeting with as great success as anticipated A bag of chopped food was stolen from the grist mill on Saturday The was evidently one of unfortunate who steal not from necessity but because It is born in them Mr Ellis Lloyd met with quite a accident last Friday Ho was out some timber at Jos on street when In some way bis left hand came Into contact with cir cular saw with the result that he lost two fingers and a portion of the thumb John of the con while coming Into town on Thursday of last week dropped a purse containing and no trace of It ha been found Saturday night a sneak thief of tho meanest description struck this town The fellow called at the hotel and asked for a room and being shown up stairs shortly after Next morning George Bowser the hostler arose at an early hour and went out to the stable to attend to the hones During his absence the stranger whose apart ment was on the same flat sneaked Into Bowsers room ransacked his trunk abstracting therefrom a note for and ten or fifteen dollars In silver and then decamped There was also a tin box In th bottom of the quite a large sum In bills fortunately the fellow overlooked The theft was not discovered until some time after by time the had made good his escape note sub sequently found nuder the bed but Bowser mourns loss of bis Mr Ira Morgan died la Ot tawa on Saturday from bis injuries In tha electric car accident on Friday night Hon Edgar Minis ter of Interior was banqueted at on Friday evening He had a moat oordial reception An boy named was robbed of in bills and gold in Detroit last week by becoming too intimate with a stranger grace administered the rite confirma tion at the Central Prison at Mercer Reformatory Sunday David Sutherland son of an farmer waa instantly kill ed by accidental discharge of a gDD be was getting over a fence A despatch from Lord Land downe Viceroy of India oonfirmH the news of capture of Fort by British troops from Hunt tribesmen Mr J Osborne of ville hid in Back of Hamil ton bills yoirs and then got11 about the money One day last week while removing some rub bish from his house he discovered bills and pleasantly reminded ol the incident As a double sailed toad of ladies and meu were driving east from Newmarket one day last week about half a mile east of W summer residence they were nearly a large tree which fell the road just scratching the buggy behind as it down Rev Father parish priest of St Chorob Mont real for 31 years died in that on Saturday morning He was highly esteemed by all who knew him and his death mourned by people of all creeds the where large part of his life was passed A fire occurred id iho brick- Methodist Church Oak wood on Sun- dey morning The sexton started fire at the usual time in the furnace and the fire was communicated from a heated pipe to a partition and was well underway when discovered tire was subdued before very extensive damage done Up to Saturday a total of feet had been excavated In tbe Niagara tunnel By the first of the year one thousand bricklayers will be put at work lining the tunnel It will require about four months to complete- the job The employ ment will be arduous but the pay promised is liberal ranging from four to four dollar and a half day Each bricklayer will require the of four men to him supplied with material Sixteen years ago a young Hungarian emigrated to America lie we Industrious and saved which bo carried back to bis old borne having converted it in Eng land into sovereigns arrival at home bis father reoogniied him and was told of the money but the mans Identity was from his mother who in searching the supposed stran gers room found the gold The woman got a and her on and when tbe troth was revealed to her in the morning she felt dead The gnn shot accident which happened to John Robinson Mark- ham has proved more serious than anticipated Blood poisoning set with the result that It was found necessary to amputate the leg four inches the knee Since amputation of lockJaw have bat so far the symptoms not increased and there yet hope Johnny is a general favorite with all who know him and sad mishap ha aroused universal sympathy fetor He died Friday night One of the strangest things that has happened at Niagara Falls in some time Is the large number of wild ducks have been going over the falls The birds which been centreing In largo numbers over Falls for or 3 weak past float down the river until they are caught In the rapid and seam unable to out of the current and are then whirled over the brink The largest bag of this game was made the other night when a doien hunters up some In the river below falls II it not generally known that the practice of raffling goods of any description Is illegal and for the instruction of those who may continue to dispose of their sur plus stook In this way It may bo state that under the Lottery Act a arson who gets op a raffle or of ticket for same or allows an event of this kind to take upon his promise leave himself liable to a penally At a few days ago the proprietor of one of the hotels was fined f for allowing a to be fa Says Am We hare a lYs latter Something ha gone amiss There moat be a screw loose about the chums those who pretend to know say it Is the fault of the grain So it seems bitter- bis toaln Jell as wood and if the grain wrong Some of it mart hart badly warped that we tasted the other day fairly tied in knot Gentle makers do pay more attention to the grain protest against buying butter

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