Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , December 18, 1891, p. 4

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ERADEC We selected two r Croup from frtiWy from have given German Synrp to their in the Croup Yon will credit these they come from good people happy in findiaj What many families lacfeA which soother can aft minister with con- to the little ones in their most critical hours safe and aura thai it will carry them through Mr A Neb I It CoDA I A toy act with little and find It aaift- liuble Folly of our customer mothers who rise Boschees Ger sin Syrup among their children medicine to be successful with tie folks most be a treatment foe the sodden and terrible foes of child hood and the dangerous delicate throats and lungs RAILWAY BS It quite tie wools be reelected by bat if there bo a break the are foil of candidates It very quiet a disposition not to make any chuge this year Not beard from ex cept that the present Beers snd Deputies will again be candidates Hot will again ask reflection and there Is soma talk respecting the Council nothing definite Esq will again seek reelection and expects to be returned without opposition There Is not and Mr Wallace brother of the be reeleoted Bests with out any bother Of there will be a fight here It would do to spoil the record More than likely Van will the preterit another brash The High School looming up a In the contest The Government and Unre stricted liter ex sxts warn weekly Dr be ft year port a at of Canadian It It bud lo ud and It Tirj agraps of hit iodine following Too and too work half lb of itateuaw wbo are the bad of lb Common at is pratty rough tick better lock op it Bfl J J I S Bison and Dec Text with Cftrut the which no Chrut on righl Cot lit riling from tht if nmalaod on the to fiot all in of ppeut4 nSdtDt to Ho Jftini who sJumed with tod did not In their com ill the Urn Hut they might to or cltsirlj tho hinder to Him tad them forty Hie on Dot bo It of todeji leaoo le the wt oath of of CbrUt bet olleeted the moot dec He shoved Hit While the tot of the two Set loot la Wo Cliriet Id the of udieet homo them of lift From tit ranmrVfl of Hon Mr Footer of we gather the opinion policy of the Abbott Government In regard to reciprocity United SUton At Perth to the his Hon Mr Foe aid they bat they of in an- rartrkted when to with it other rido of mj ail to Iride between and the whit the meaning It le that too ffttal bio it hear Farther thai off one 180eo000 of you d there do under among men in job get deficit made op to except l to Indiridatl elector the direct from hie pocket Tbey leoro They u to enter Into en agnomen with o of the to their country In and thereby oprotoctln tariff of on goods all tfale by and the Stetec catting off from and from life Wood of of tho erortd all par of inteicoane eod directly tvoconotrice let mo uk what would bo oar I wo made a of kind for firo or and It hid beta mooing for that time and all hod boon cot off auid dried other and between tbeee two greater country United Stated which bo to when ohonld we bo I We ban to it or agree to it If we it woold be the rapfaincvthooe and of tariff Then whtro we be with oar com mere with oar md cor condition of from the rat of tho world It woald rach a of and indaitry that bo no ftt Wo hero to wero no by the other It that decided to accept the for tho math that will bo from apoeUry the party again liberal art equally of euooooo both parti are miking foe a Hsu ii fclma it la a lira from IU to up aba been informed bj tow world will tamo cod at oclock lbs of Deo It Ei of to know that will do take tlU la and plana padding can bo of that rims The Doctor Journal US abiaof a boiled egg It beat for a peel it wet and apply to the boil- For simple take beat it and tbioken with pulver ized Eat freely it joico of half in a of blank coffee with out will often care a aiok head ache Castor oil may be taken in milk in hot water sweetened and highly flavored with the essence of peppermint or wtntsr- A sore core for inflammatory is made by taking one ounce of pulverized aaltpetre and potting it into a pint of sweet oil Batbe the For in the face apply a plaster to the elbow For neuralgia in the head apply the plaster to tbe back of the neck reason for this is that mustard touch es tbe nerves the moment it begins to draw or born and to be of most most bo applied to the nerve centers or directly over the place where it will touch the affected nerve most quickly Let the patient bays plenty of tradition of the value of a darkened room long ago been discarded by THESE SHIRTS Are sold chest measure instead by the size ot collar rhe be ing self- it will fit any size collar has neither buttons nor button holes NEWMARKET STORE For S ALU OR iho 70co Apply lI ARM TO RENT a IMPROVED PATENT FORSJ w US BY RN 1 THE GENTS FURNISHER HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION flnoreiMtanor ftui4cl or OT at and a J- UORSALF n A liroilorr IrrJglc clad pomp ami A lioj got uc Nil wise wk aeala is In world art and Foil of practical In formation it to not only what bu alio to bo paper In with of for The SeitntiJU Annua Is all and meebantcal aabjoots New Hamburg decided to giro a bonus of to transfer Fosters shoe factory to that town from Berlin A BYLAW NO To raff to loaned to the Van Com- A fccliag where Home M poor to the At which commit or in Mid to to School Tb- aWwioD Joined with Yoifc and for to Act will uempt tho of poorbom from te re The ft in followed fo the of rerel end to the be quite nfficieot for the of of end he e of tune end The for riee to the of la of re la Notices reuaa why Blood Municipal Hatters Down Souths From ell we can of the mamcipftl field in pert of the the elections will be mo average for the and Wert The fol- lowing a of the b the local week and which bate- reach ed The Reeve Mr J nucn why Blood tor pop pare tuna the delicate Invalid to core blood etc- m Cwrad la SO By Lotion Bold by Julia 3mU A my -U- Were badly with croup la deed we were In despair little hope of cottog them- we applied ILjxarde Yellow to oar great joy It cored them perfectly and are bow of perfect Ajooi here hid to the daring recent eeeaion of tbe Canadian bat they now hire plenty of that of tiling at home to after Id to tome required by Standard to that the of stock real of which a wee made or portion of it wae for in injiuttuing through the of farored Not ihoosini bat millions for Iwodte How to Rain a Husband He had a wife His wag per Bat She wanted a better Better clothes Nothing fit to go oat No country cottage Nor carrieg Nor coveted a piece on the ragged edge of the Four Sbe kept it op day And and Wept He lacked style alio As well aa new clothes every weeks and various other He knew bow employer made sever hundred daily on the street A thousand or so would not be missed for a few hours he took it and went up the street and wocl She got her aealakio He took more and loit More yet Defalcation discovered He the penitentiary Others ere going too Bevare Better a room up two pairs of back ataira than a cell in jail Dec morning a man named living near noticed on a lake close He proceeded to load his shot gun an old faahioned loader Some time previously he had placed a on gun but seems to forKOttn about it and aa a result charge exploded while it was being rammed down received the whole charge in the breast and was instantly During the season closed about half a tons of Cape Breton coal were in Montreal being an increase of about fifty thousand tons over last sent to the Orono Factory the past season five months the milk of fifteen cows wbioh netted him over 380 Considering the dry this may be considered most profitable in vestment sod more remunerative to the farmer than railing barley at or per Farmers with plenty of pasture land should consider this Deo The body of Hugh of Et River perished in the storm last week has been found after several daya not more four hundred yards from bis home Mr left his home on Thurs day night to to the for the mail a distance of three- quarters of a mile and that was the last seen of the unfortunate man alive The storm was at its height on Thursday evening and drifts of snow in many were several feet deep It is supposed the deceased lost the trail and wandered over the prairie finally becoming exhausted and dropping down to die Search parties been endeavoring since Saturday last to find missing body but without success until yes terday of by million sDorporattoDi to grant aid to manufacture situated And whereas No to Municipal Of Newmarket And whereas the Company to lb- not there for repeymeoi In Utoood of with Interest at Are per on ml principal with baa a to to said municipality receipt nob other may bo by way if Qrit7 notes And lidablrable thai Company of that for inch the sum the Cor poration by thedeWDlurea of Corporal And wbsreaa It will be reajoblta to In each year la the hereunder ichedale as followa for the duo payment near PAINTS OILS PITCH AND ROSIN Largest Stock of Glass in Town PROPRIETOR FARM FOR SALE lot Con QafrI ac ii i A J rent- to a wool a ml fruit con real tail Key at J A iSAdcKtdot3LEu i TofWj ii I ftp rim LllmaBt hard toft tram Blood Sparta Bona Throat Coana etc will again offer for re- and is to be opposed con test will be warm Deputy acccuntof ill health is not likely to be ad id ate this year and intimation is followed by the rumor that exAid Elliott Mr J A and Mr John are pos sible candidal for fals seat in tbe Council reported in the Toronto that Morgan has been to offer for the chair bat with Frank- In Geld he will not do so Deputy Wood declares he will not be candidate for reelection lot know him best he Is only waiting for usual pressing when bis no will be spelled yes Charlie 3rd cdraly watches the signs of going on around Mm and keeps bis weather- eye open for of the coming storm which may assail him If Frank fond is likely to obtain first position there will be a slim chance for a sec ond in the York delegation to County and this means ah tiring Mr terrain This Township has made no I stir as yet bat it way be which precedes a storm to be opened on nomination day are there wilt be a present will likely be return by but there ny be ftomefcm the coatee will soibUeas eUcAed TobUaoaj la a natter of eoaoievTOrdftia Slater seek in to Mi Trials Dub Sirs Tola Call it later I and bad beat medical I at of trying B and alter 000 fait of I mud It a too family J Mao Palm I bare beea troubled with Back for atxl 1 try Oil Am and Yellow of Ccd It- For aIo alt flr per I A Good SuIhaTaRreatrctuon of your I have for that for of It ao It tick Hood not fall heartily a a one a the yon cm op froio letutog with that of There which do giro bat which whits for the it the momiot may be The a ItitgooJ it The Weekly taut to for a the Daily for three the Ncrlhtrn iU3n a for of the fimily aad for Schoote for thirty cents a tar aw powdeb THE IMF a protracted and the of JttprtaeDta- at lut to Ha Ie a prominent Demo and au both The New York Re- iiji the election of the the ljouil oaitiIity of which tbaoppilioa to tho tariff will of Democratic DateIrctioo id hit favorably of the operalooi the trade the country but tbe election of the to chair that the doea xttt UcHcrr Truro waa with of Iudki which her weak oarer fcea cold at ft aarer cold and cough Pectoral It did her coon rood than other aho Loppy the wife murderer at Sing Sing Mon day were a accident at Monday AsoTUEbatep In tbe right direction fata by the that at end of the the franking by tie at Ottawa We that of oar tire not tero In put to wailful the of order belpg bat why ehoafd be to frank at the any more than ell It It very well that tome ere to frank for not the Knit of the prf To atop the whole It only way to cor the leakage RHEUMATISM Neuralgia Lumbago Headache Toothache Throat Frost Bites Sprains Bruises Burns Etc ibid V V CTcmrh VOGUES COeiHlasraatd Canadian Toronto ERIAL POWDER PUREST STRONGEST BEST Contain do Alum Ammonia L or any EW CILLETT Toronto FOR SALE WANTING a Good Warm Brick cold and BROWS Cor Church SJH AOHKS OF Quntri iva of Kail Hcliol half a nl ib It oil No lib UoderalDcd OHMS GAIN ONE POUND A Day A A A PAY WHO MA HAS fctOUN TO TAKE SCOTTS It Is estimated that 13000 ill with in week The Beeton wants provided for ferrying people the In weather who believe that Dr Catarrh will cars ard more liable to get well than those who dont ft happen to be one of those who dont believe theres a matter of to help faith Its for the makers of Dr cant cars Ton no matter how bad or of how long catarrh the head may be The makers are the Worlds Medical Association of The are known to every drag- gist In the and yon that their worda as good as their bond wind watch a day and bowels shonld act as do not a key is Pierces One a doss of North torlri now Id From whtt ha trtcifilffrl It It pretty arldaot the ai op thara not reach Ilia or Ilea aa nroo jofijttlag or of ItoQar Royal to the of latter htm la It la ltd the will la abolished alio No bold la Aitembly Tbs Franca Icflgf of a for to of by in m of old aeltlm bat ope of the French at recent alrstlooa nimbly I alroott a of and art determined to It of nollont of A load of dozen crew from Windsor to Detroit on Saturday morning One man wm killed and six injured a gas explosion at Bait more Monday mornlo George Woods was to three months at Hamilton for rrfnsing to anpport his PURE COD UVEA OIL WITH HypophosphUcs of Lime Soda IS FXAT AS EM- I mm J SCOTTS IS UP ONLY IK SALMON color WaAvssaa Sold all AT AND SCOTT TO THE ELECTORS OP TUB Town of Newmarket jour I to far and for of to the roll amount ftVtO7 itytiMtttn sum loau of the Tor public Mb Ml lo of or la It that IirII bo of each loUrtl at the Ave per tin nut Hi la lie Mt he of the CorromttoD of Town of Newmarket a follows It I a Will for for the putpate wnyof from be LUthallbe Mayor to to be made la lea thin fttooootof of Accord To do a thing and that which worth doing at is worth doing in this way It is jusbas to be deliberate even in the matter of getting married in that of selecting the first housekeeping outfit but when the question of the finest sewing machine cornea up then is the time you can do a thing well and do it at oncej hesitation by buying the t fc i DOMESTIC SOWING MACHINE B H MILLARD irh AGENT v NEWMARKET Near For I a stiilS thg lijaii Fur to 10 TOJET TWO THAT BLOCK OF Splendid BrickGlad House On corn- of i Furnace and Domestic in town For frliuMicn at SALE mqJ Tot Kit flwll juiiui aw mil in lor to the avchsrl Lift fluted ir that the Mid Municipal of shall by Mayor aaObe by of the auld I Buyable laMftloneil In Mid of Newmarket vaJJtttlrfnlurc InttrtM at rate of flrebr Mtuni annum as In and up lo rtiiil for pa of nil princi pal then til ii Mild forth ear during the dclscnluret all the laid to lnlaliittiHflOf priori pal and due mi Hie Mid WINES aWcicr ttli l Cm y Mi lq lJ rHhrion ft i a ishlp aul flr4si ftwiit win A Town of An AND Vote and Influence CANE hat7rpm- debt to the rutl I It covers the ground C corset It is perfect In shape and fit is boned with Kabo which will not break nor roll up and If you are not satisfied after wearing It two or three weeks return it and get your money OB BALK a out of the food IblJ pur la lilt law pay bo sit hay Hid In or out of any fundi Municipality than tbl by PURE TO THE ELECTORS OF Town of Newmarket A many I to ro REEVE FOR jour Vote and influence J WOODCOCK Deo- lib l Into force and Lake Ihe of tVhruary And if the votea tbetatd Municipality of by law to be d lime Of the the Town of Newt vote recorded ax by nil on the unlit For Irttrlrk I for Ward at the aoo lpuly lb rjr at oclock a ih at five and Lloyd be at here by Died and and hour and ahall turn up the vnUeittfen lor and aKlml of vote The day of Jtfl and the Count I Chamber at the hour Sdi are hereby Hied vio time and place hour for the appointment of at the Aaal Word at at for A I EXCLUSIVELY AT McALEERS I JS Lit Uitiili Liver Ml fool cm recnT of Stoma curing ofthcEfc PUREST a AM CLMn4 528 PILLS ICK HEADACHE Of AND BOWCLSa aac in to roan to Buaooca blood in and Of AND DltKASEt lb the rata on of ihAuuf by tho rnppsM- In lurT tea J council of Corpora to the cl a llylyw Municipal tlon or Towdof of thOavwcot III alter one month from the flrtipdbHUouin tilled Kim flovur of which of A I at the hour Ihtrelo taking Stock and Right P a call solicited LIMITED LUMB RI LATH SHINGLES SOlla L held Dated at I 1631 Utility of Town FARMERS ASTHMA AIM addre will It Vj IM Adelaide Canada TO BREEDERS ALWAYS hand ad p MYERS Poultry Sold only I FITS lta I I IVI Ii44 S-J- its sulfate flit r4 aB ri ARK NOW TO SUPPLY- WITH WAIRfSCOTTING- SASH AMD BLINDS THANKFUL FOR LIBERAL PATRONAGE OF THE PAST SOLICIT OP SAME AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK -AT- DR HIWGrTOl r a i I Vliturli l I ve iiuv land iSir- Unco ly Iho Throat rd The cut A Hi v w of Mill bo w to U 111 umi Mt it Chilli tsvtltlhvlly Bore from UlJMhittihof i knife DUN MS Lid M aV lSJ ROOT baft lea av LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES THfiWM CANE SONS MFG CO fVi V C I work lrf

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