Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , December 18, 1891, p. 2

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If r HA DEC 1891 it Few Good Candies J BooU J Montgomery Wo J J load Jfcmo Stray Trent Wanted Hunter To J A Moors to Site DP I MUOBYKB FRIDAY DEC Oar Toronto Despatch 15 al morale TO A man to who laid of iMj ton sppciDfcd eer to Francs to deceased A from on Mr tot Wait Huron decided bribery Hi sss without lis process trial Hi offer for slscUon majority election was bribers on He be thousand of bo to tit id if mure from ftJiaJTtpIc Of crowd ad faMrtllf Boa to t to if Uketr t Settled Ih tf fcM not rely 4 bo laBd to ItelyAnDortBagot far into to one u- If it Ink Drop- J going to p a fTea Shop u In ma 3d tcdroch Ibis To nbicHUrt to for Said Is to town Towq cbool4 ftftexoooa Hoed If tb to Bud of Hope nut is Doing roan TBI ileetioo Id Victoria goo the of North two did i li lut Reform be Coo- Politic in two now band the in Riding Medical Sccces bu of for A to Iho now in eiotk in its i- of by Dominion faitiunwl for jmjM of lbs doctor differ bat to the more tiw to not At there fa among medicftl men ruing oat of amend ment to the Medical the Ontario re weaioa made too at the of the nil- lag connected with the of nd bat rack and file are otjUtg out It with rigor and re- tell the the pre that o will bo made doting next to dismantle aaid Act of what ii deemed the to be the Act whether be wilts or not the of Ontario to become a registered member of the Ontario College of and Surgeon and the of fee towards a dic tatorial with ten at Toronto on pain of being de barred the privilege of practicing the healing art for remooeration and objecting no matter how high their qniUfica- to be and From what we bare observed in ton dueoa lions which hare appeared print there does not eppear to be any ob jection to tho organization of Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons open to all practition ers who may desire to seek therewith bat exception fa taken to the compulsory feature medical men to become members of the organization their will on pain of forfeiture of the right to practice their profession On this point and some notably the Delimited power by the Legis lature to make fa real estate for the purposes of the Act there appears to be rigoroos kick themselre of the power Risen Dr of St Cath arines intimates in a recent letter that J 100000 was deemed by the College of Physicians and for the premises in which to locate the office hold examination store appliances etc so investment made in Toronto at the of the whole medical the Province and he seemi to think it is matter for surprise tbt the profession should withhold tbetr fees when they find the same prostituted to sach a par pose the more especially as cation Hall of the University for examinations There fa another existing legislation to which Strong complaint fa made of Toronto Diversity get a large slice of students fees to which it fa are not entitled From Utter to the Attorney General of Ontario we learn that paid University Professors since ere Urge for the Medical of the University which bonus the fees ever medical student wher ever he may come from goes to swell while the respective Medical Faculties of all other medical colleges get nothing but what they themselves earn It appears that under special University all fees paid by medical students go into the hands of the Faculty and not Into general funds of he it Id University As a result these dents foes running up Into thous ands of dollars earned by Art Pro fessors do not go the fundi of the tot die to members of the who do not earn part and who do not the for which they are paid at least this the way we the situation wonder therefore there fa dfa- ail round and we may overhauling of medical legislation during next session of the Assembly witbovt doubt A of Woe from Brit iib the Pacific oil to it from w id i boom rtrit aQm an boor it cot for big of week J bMQ it of SO boar of lbs on by lb of iiinji cbuing of the CbicwTt circle ail rftb u and It probable will bo don In from the tHou tod fc too to for He decided to it If not till bid reported the or number of oomcotiiioa tbtf to report Botb look I for re- from of of Saodvj Mr to lb city of tbo of to id daring fcoli- of Ioom Rom op for month Word two Mr III if wry low ftTWs of Toronto P homo from B01T4I0 tick with ml4ritJ ftod ft sl3i Thompson inriii to an KrmoPi Aurora Sabbsith sfbo hid of tbe it put At Oat Simatl Nodi Tbo Ess woloomo of til the i jail ft tell at the dettb of Faro- lut week with Mr of bid to be ftfld the work by eta deot city bile bo to ocet the Wo by the rAo J- of but who no Bit Point hid ecTrral boon on like with row which nt io ice while from Town to hot he got feet wfere from wTointaoUe did wTerythfo to Hie flr from epresidlnjr end It Is owing to It rX bed ftJ It ftnd were fire and the mill band had to watcb It tor two after ftboat Quite an here on Some ere beard to declare that would ot for one of them ire really believe will be a Sil ver for noted bone Patriot Boy ill at present and not expect fo rtcorer There a lot of talk about cor office going to be talk cbeap Air John arrived borne Sitorday last after an absence of or eight months in Dakota Mr spent Wednesday last in Toronto- Mr Geo Arnold an offer of cold caab for his yearling filly Charlotte Drunk the on There will be a big day here Nom ination day Come early if yea want a seat and all Their charred re- wen found in the rooraiog and were fatally injured while attempting to fire not tbe church bad been the wind blowing rendering It to chock fip WANTED Oaa night last week To ronto police bad in charge a veritable J in person of William J lock He farmer of age and arretted by he at for being He went oily to let the be on and be to be chained to a bar In the He didnt like petition very bow- ever He grew tired of being kept one and proceeded to ease the chain of the as if it were twine- Then he wrenched a bar three- quart era of an inch from the other bars apart and came upstairs into the office of to have a chat with officers in To further exhibit hi fitrength he broke another bar of iron an inch wide and over onefight of an inch in thickness Hillock taken and locked in large cell When taken there he in formed that be in hie quarters bat if he felt so inclined during night he would be up to aee them at a boos rooco to let to BOX OB Given attended to Tim- I FARMERS CteiUr Boar got by stock kepi for bull oil litoan At a wantedT by Iho up to Mfb trial Homo with 70 CORDS cord all to body wood atltiiaioacliair to la to by April In J Totpctor At prices lower than their regular value We have cleared out a stock at 65 cents on the dollar from a Montreal warehouse this seasons importation of English and German 20 for 00 5 00 for 15 00 11 20 10 00 00 35 00 1 90 70 jo conniption the here farM on was occupied iu by Mr of aud la by Mr uKrutlog to of the aa sue But out wruewTcll with well rendered of by choir speeches by Solos llivwsv Harper sol Mia Walker and by D and us by and by Mr Toole Mia of at homo for a week- Mr Hopper who retnroeJ home for a ibctt on Ada of witb Some of cat tbMr whicgfs a each good attempt it this work nifth AUCTION SALE Valuable Farm Lands East Short Jackets ThreeQuarter Length Coats market Ulsters Dolmans CHILDRENS CLOAKS We also show a good stock of Our Toronto Toronto Dec a per per SmpCrdOKDii is us roll per bag Apploaper bag Wool per lb too Pock per pair pair OSS Tartar per a a a a a on a 0 a a 1 a a a OU OH to 0 a a the Is tbo appear iota of a rtrj to Hon bo from O Uoffst Premier if la which bo on and Id such term aa to all to a csl union Republic and In that prospect of aoma mttarial adraotig sntfb sail by of their glmce to he Empire iog to mo risk of a fair of no- trade here La dram Ho to Do- aUeiTltDt to or coo trolled by lbs States ha will i to accept Oxdij last vcek Port to to him to Its fndtbtedneis Iwnaiiog from the tone to Soma that bant the that of tb would a locality to to Into a poptt- bat hart not and the boom comity borrowed from municipal loan fund has not frown and still like the cor poration repreaeated to the that when Trunk trade in fnln and from north M from Port railway Hope to by teat log Port Hope debt fcr which litttsi aria reared If the htto and raited the bylaw the bonne for a tin ill part HowsTar Premier promised to consider the matter If he wipes ff lb It will the whole for tba of by the Midland and open toartgrjna to faint In way Lift Sharon- Elders and Barney this week to bold revival service here bat owing to the stormy weather the attendance baa rather small Mr Frank Miller and wife of were the of Mr A over Sunday Sharon Masonic Lodge held its regular comma last Mr of was calling on old friends week who were pleaded bim again Dont forget foot bill concert on Toe- A rare treat bo Ken Wilkinson of preached In Methodist both aod A meeting of waa on and a so been forced for of alt about prices Mr Fred Milne Is from wood bat been attondioiC Collate He will tesch la former school after iU eve Pegs old Mating will Irs inform It a of TUafatronaof In Ibla and Carton are rapidly to meui- they held weather M sVater McCallom proram was lo- motto by McDonald by J ftroclalr with a entitled which wall received Jenkins Joba with good A and tba aoorcoormucb mtrrlmtnl A made in tho program whao Mr McCajiumrasdapaperon a which debated on by and J McDonald then by followed by a amies J J Harrison gar an exhibition or which School Reports NAMES IN Our Flora Mitchell Philip John Class Dart Sarah Creator Lilly Archie Calo James Class Arthur Hill Johnston Eld While Malcolm Allco 2IcCatchcoo Willie Bertha Henry 1st Class John Vice Itoblnaon Ida Irwin Cooper Solder A Teacher Floor barrel ft M Fall per Si Wheat O w SO r It ton per SI Batter roll per lb Bolter lab per lb IS per W I fcs Wool per lb Hay per ton Purse J pair CO a a 90 a a a OS a a a WW a COO a a a a a 1 a a a 2 CO a a a a 0 on me by William there will bo offered for by pub En at the North American Hotel Newmarket on Saturday mo of at oclock a forenoon the fallow via No 8 lo the the No I Con of iho laid of follows being ibeSojih the Easterly ten critf West quarter of aecllons of aald lute by a the of Lot No St About acres of lot with and sumo AOO A bush that of J for art erected a large frame a bsrn drlriQifhouso stable and a good Is a orchard the The cleared ptrt or the land fenced wlihctdrraHa of It Alakaauit A portion of the Is board TtiaeoIIUcljy loam and Is In a very fair The property about mile from of A church half a ml I oof TrmsotSalo Ten pet- coot on day or talc and the within thirty days thereafter Th conditions of will bo the by Court of Justice For further apply DANIEL Executors l0 Or J Solicitor Newmarket 1 Da 1 Below the Regular Price Muffs Caps capes and Collars Come and see them find out our prices MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Ladies Felt Sailors and New Shapes in French Felt Hats 150 for If cheapness is any object to you we are in it v I CASH AND ONE PRICE -THE- LEADING FURNITURE AND IMlwiesssPiMl on uoei ML a4 bcAlth report adopted by A 7 ColtectorsUcdt rs sxtdd work of fflfjed to tot ud nruUrlr Azlox tlmt and for Mdoldp to held Deo tUh KIUoo booth as it a Sbaroo Abb Kail I fi Hall MoBStAIbcrtlt J as follow Rafasd tax A A- KrSS fiuUardlTKoTaiol KaroM road Jobs repairs to Whits Claim rutsa that of New to bo tot Basts What srtrr person to will bars wow for Mount Albert so- if a formes fcCj ol In on In of ft shopkeeper dU- Informed at that she bad been to him fled after to poison him- led polios to search house when bod of the hang- ins la ft chimney The dried and fclacksned by heat 4 for nearly ihres years I lender made ft The members of Iho Endeavor held ft Parlor Social at tho of Mr Friday last A Urge crowd was present ftntl ft jolly was spent A branch of tho of Indus try was organised hero Thursday last with members The Hon Mr Allan oiaR to preach ft sermon the At Hondo afternoon at oclock ftnd of the A fall house members of big preparation for their tree on Now Years I notice that oar baker Mr is making a trip to orery Tuesday cart We with him he makes firstclass Mrs HsJgb mother of Mr proprietor of the Woolen Mills seriously 111 and will be ready to take at Albert on Tuesday and Wednesday next Mr will on and Tuesday and Wednesday farther work bo oat Co vs Mlmloo Street Railway the November of County from fat Toronto and the County Council of a lUllKay portion of Road Slrsjot Avenue to VilltiKoPsikdalc and of bid to do neat Com ail lie- tbey ro- that MkeJ for bo thrombin the uodcr audi r- by Apilatod W at my iLt to aod within a valuable t too to without fully and la ft atoitoded Win mot th and upon enquiry wo that lesuo of that raid July 1S9S9I and a hall yfrtrabtforo tbo to Iba Toronto fc would oplre and hare ozplroda bad report tatted tho brought forward by Committee At do Co had the of a Hall way over for tix a for notbloic The Committed that was too aliboUKb they wore ablalocome to to await the of order that the Couacll and Coy- mtjtt yet the of my of tbetroctlf tbey under the Ant would bare bad to only thai portion of I ho a on either aide thereof will be a Hi- 1 ok of ana dolUrj a year- I ant fa jrre from ivrllDof atttrd for will be worth much wo ar- now which awir fur at the report the whether when twoaucb Important are till I At tie we wo entitled to the Act end the Street Hallway or not Wo had evidence before Committee that the road north of on that we practically if away rear now north road from UufferU West en take worth at much at th J- Awful Holocaust at A despatch froto lays A atUndod with fatal broke oat at morn ing In Lome Home fcpt by jackman So rapidly did flames spread tbat tbo Inmates of Ontario Route part of same block- narrowly with their In the Lome House the proprietor and little girl woman were Opposite Royal Hoiel MAIS ST BARGAINS IN FURNITURE During the Holidays Orders for Undertaking Pxecuted promptly and Embalming a Specially J ft MILLARD Prop Servant MK3- Arc OR SALE io Horse Mire Coir Culler and Sleigh k CO OK F Welt bred Alio ItfAls- a it 6 Queen St THE NEW WILLIAMS A High Arm LockStitch Shuttle Machine The lightest quietest ami simplest Sowing Ma chine Chwltr Boar will kept Lot In ibo Con Night Cslia at raiUence at AHMEUS v A Improved boar lis kept Clothe I of fulls south of WAWfEDI A OP WHITE ASH LOGS Can be operated with fatigue than any other machine Solithreading at all points except the needle It lias a large Shuttle which- is woodwork of tisticdesign well made and thoroughly finished The hearings are hard ened and ground are all adjustable stand is well fin ished fitted with improved wheel and treadle motion The above Cut the NIC WILLIAMS It is highly ornamented and plated has the Thread Liberator and an Automatic Dobbin Winder Each Machine lias all the latest Improved Attachments in Velvet Lined Case no equal for under a NOVELTY Limited ffomb of Klog John ArcblbftM Marts Mr and to mains In Iatfuo lllb ITaroooMlbA of Paul Now- TAomsa oa Hoc Mrs It or typhoM on jo wju of about jo an J WSrN0STHKtWKlT ffeto- TRAY of Whit id of I about WMtaJ Owoar to pay sod ubo swsX I of about A wf lb atitla vrblio and a each will baaolublf warded OH AY BOOTS SLAUGHTERED MONTGOMERYS tSm KNITTING- ONKdooriouthofllonal Shop j i done Dae coarse and Socks Call THOMAS EVERY WARRANTED FOR YRS The NEW WILLIAMS is manufactured by the Williams Mfg Co Ltd Montreal this machine is their just recompense The capital stock is and the are equipped with the Angst plant and moceinery that money can buy- i Valuable Timber Lands BY TENDERS lender dp lo and TnrtJ ihoi cooiUilotr of aiqt feViStK Wool Half of of with valuable be Mb aod wot on more to third Anshionii iSitK Wtholsod nil ba Sit mono floo5jtIl l wwsaarli PorfurihorpartlcuUn io and w aeurd by In at per MAINE Aurora mo P I SKA P a J Dated or J Vowmarksf IN CANADA COtUWDrA UNITED 8TATM MANITOBA wdujio Pianos Organs kinds of small Musical Instrument also Latest Sheet Music and Music Instruction Books for sale at JOHNSONS MUSIC STORE OPPOSITE HOTEL NEWMARKET BRUN BROS Wj J TO Town of Newmarket j Goods at Lowest try Babbitts Soap der package A DEPUTY REE BRUNTON a jy

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