NEWMARKET ii Friday Morning lYMAM GEO at steam printing house At J wo ears MB LIBBKT7 TO KNOW TO AND TO ACCORDING TO OTHER ONTARIO dud O NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol XLNo Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday Dee J Street to Loan on food Farm Of Block MONEY TO LI Mki A LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF Llin VAJUR DR AJ Mr Isif tit Street I ILoUoyi Tor Wtter tHAB ESTttT A I aft Room 1 Block jIolilti9MthodtBtGbarcb ACTION FINE MALAGA GRA Lemons Figs in ES FLORIDA ORANGES es and mats also all kinds of Nuts Almonds c which we will sell at very low prices OUR GROCERY SITOGK IS COMPLETE With a full line of Can Tobacco and everything t Grocery Store Try a Monsoon Tea also a new 20c per lb 15c per lb THE ed Goods Sugar Teas Coffees will be found in a firstclass pie Package of the celebrated apan just arrived this week at This is extra value And a Green Coffee only WILL VISIT of month at jl CD do Work WarnntM IS Tfrmi VALUE IN TOWN Syrups Molasses and New Fruits TRY CREAM TARTAR BASING POWDER Our Own Manufacture warranted equal to the very beat that money can buy at 30e Bulk Oysters direct frim Baltimore per Fresh Bread Cakes and Pastry Daily Wedding Cakes make to order on short notice A CALL SOLICITED A ROBERTSON Orders by Telephone will receive Prompt Attention GEO Ml Of LICENSES VB J ftinl Life AunrConiM TO AT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR BARGAINS I takes pleasure In an Out hi Stock of are North York BOW ID fFFicAtOIdmflttrroaetCorUala IM Iowa of fii from op V lllopa In the October Slock the ART OAKLAND RANGE HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE RADIANT HOME AND ART GARLAND HEATERS Which ere be boil value offend alio a Urge nock of other in WOOD Oh COAL COOKS PARLOR COOKS HALL AND BOX STOVES Which will bo Mid at THE LOWEST FIGURES ALSO HARDWARE PAINTS OILS VARNISHES AC House work ell other od properly AstQl for ho CANADIAN OPTICAL COMPANYS CELEBRATED SPECTACLES A CAMIJIKLU A A if I timmerclil iiton vtr per da lUlyAlMiJi lor SCO all J I arid ArilMle Corner Main Finest Finished Enamel J Cabinets al NOTICE Buggies Repaired AND Holiness Thine House teraplw Lord bow do Tbtir to la all laud of tea light glory dvdll tad op to cnd afiswtra I gained for which bar Vet w their blood They worthlpped and carts of u a by- word went forth God Jo wnl to dwell In holy prtieuc the to tell frill and to of And in power to sere rio- now delight word to None daring to to Where alt irne goal aoteput of jo a to Shall wo walU l her u rie To God Maker God only Where of From In holy And sacral through coorta ba heard At God told word the from their wonder to hear the wofdathfclaoar From off holy altera where people To mercy and to enacted where To preach lilting holy of lore Until with Him new they drink How cad ait nd At whit the world who watching nil dare More meet to be performed the Than mind and of to engage We not wonder that their are Tbtir onfralttal no behold That when they the IT Their faith grown weak and dead work T Strictly in Advance within or At year AT TAX ttUcadad to- I 7 oh grieved At Without Hit tight they aod Conform to worldly a good HU ttmplee gold to jfaio When came to to poor fallen He temple made by a den A where wealth ob tained The coaita by wicked profaned lliwrigbtecnsaoul with The crew of And eeot the babbling once end arid lit J the of the Shall bear not faith ful pro Fulfil tow protect wo Iota from holj And keep the walla for Gil Hill Oat THE OLD RELIABLE PHARMACY ESTABLISHED DISPENSING A SPECIALTY It lor will fin Hardware my at an I Newmarket K iimANCKVUOyNOHTli ATOAbr UNDERTAKING uiutl XMA I J to America uciy Ilirebcilnettontioanoe Jiral for and loan and Mobile Aorora lrl2 CANADA LIFE OAIITAL AND FUNDS- A LLJlltIc4UbatM THK OLD- AOVOU to lo m4 of to Jesus of Nazareth RELIABLE- STOVE TIN SHOP HANDS WE will keep on from Urn to full Hoc or the Urn Wood and Goal Stoves ni Mil t cIom a of etc at ROOK BOTTOM Work fiott coor rcrkproAjptr WM JUST A New and Varied Stock of and Gentlemens Dressing Cases Travelling Cases and Comb Cases Manicure Sets Collar Boxes and other XmH Goods at Special Rates OPEN ON SUNDAY FOB DISPENSING ONLY 10 am 130 DR CAMPBELL pm 8- pm PROPRIETOR NEWMARKET LIQUOi HOLIDAY STOCK received comprising some of the Best Brands in the markdt Ales Porters Whiskeys Wines Brandies Ginsc in wood or bottle Leave your orders early and avoid the rush P J- MAIN ftTRRKT NORTH CONSUMPTION M Mb4 I T A- M- CASH GROCERY STORE NEW PEEL ORANGE PEEL PEEL Teas Sugars e A Fine Japan Young Tea worth Can Salmon for Peas- Corn Tomatoes Baking Powder per lb A call solicited P J ALLEY MAIN STREET NEWMARKET V The United States Treasury Robbed of Hundred Million Dollars ALMOST LI AN IMAOIMARV fact it not but only a few yean Ago the department la was rob of say a corres pondent work was done by a syndicate who claimed to belong to groat homo in London and who bought a block near building which they enld were for American editions of their They alio applied for permit- ion from government to link an artesian well on their ground claim ing to have discovered that they could tap the Florida well They claimed that exhaustible of water could bo reached from the at a leu depth than five thousand feet that it would the city with Irfjrs water and tbe force of the flow would not only bo to ran machinery of their publishing house but would run many mann factoring establish men la as fit to utilise it After much and parleying on the part of tho government the right was granted to the to proceed with the work of linking well with understanding that If the flow waa as great as predicted by scientist government was to assume full control after paying the three timet Us cost and granting them free use of the water power to run machinery of their publishing house for a period of ninetynine yean As soon as arrangements were all and the necessary machinery and mate rial could bo got on the grounds tbe work of drilling was commenced Owing to the great danger attendant the work the managers announced that no except the workmen would be admitted on the inside while drill was la motion but in order to let the publlo know the progress being made each morning the press would bo favored with a full report of previous days work Alar in Is is wrote against the at tempt to tap the great reservoir of water whloh applied the Florida wet and dwUred pressure would be so great that It would flood the city and inundate a large portion of the surrounding country notwith standing all this opposition tbe work went on Occasionally a printing press would arrive and be placed In position In some of the vacant rooms of the large building and every mall would bring more or less manuscript from London Paris and other Eoropean cities One morning the citiiens of Washington city were surprised to see the abandoned the ponderous drill was no longer in motion and no was seen ing from the fire that had been actively burning for almost a year A special force of the secret service was sent by the government with orders to take possession of the dioito block and investigate the cause of the delay in the work hut no sooner had they gained en trance than the startling discovery was made that the great drill in stead of penetrating toward earths centre had been used in drilling a half a mile in length in direction of the treasury building That the cartloads of dirt and stone which had been hauled away at the expense of the public and over which geologists and theologians had dis puted had been taken out only a few feet below tho earths surface and by following the course of the tunnel it was found to lead directly one of vaults of the treasury which contained in gold every cent of which was missing It was s stupendous robbery but where the money gone it been taken to Canada or spirited across the waters to Europe Who were the and what means be brought to bear that would lead to tbeir location and result in their capture These were the ques tions presented to the greatly excited government officials after a hasty consultation it was agreed that firat and most important step would be to locate the large sum of money which bad been stolen and for this purpose experienced detectives were sent in every direction A few weeks of active work disclosed tbe fact that it had been deposited in the New York banks This conclusion was reached by a careful comparison of the banks deposits at or about the that robbery was committed with the deposits at the seme time of the previous year But this much had been accomplished the council found it impossible to agree on any method of procedure ell of course wanted the thieves brought to justice and the money restored but how coold this be brought about 1 After parleying for some time it was agreed that a leading New York capitalist and speculator be invited into the council and that his advice bo token in re gard to the best course to bo The capitalist after acquainting him self with all facts in the posses sion of tbo government officials ad dressed the council as follows Mr President Members of Cabinet aod honorary members of this council It is very probable if not absolutely certain that the gold stolen from United Treasury Is now on deposit in tho New York r banks It is certainly in the bands of a syn dicate of shrewd villians who are evidently arranging for aome gigantic speculation on Wall street I have no doubt that their intention to break down the markets and themselves still richer by gobbling up large blocks of stocks at greatly depreciated prices There is only way to restore to the government its lost wealth and that is kill or cure remedy There is still left in government vaults sum of In gamo of speculation soon to be played in Wall street must meet syndicate place this control of some trusted man with good judge ment and who bod experi ence in the art- of gambling on a largo scale let win hick from these conspirators money they have stolen first week of the conflict on Wall street between the robbers the cspitallsts who represented government was foverlsh and excit ing and when Saturday night came the wss the by another When this of affair was known a decided majority was in of drawing out of the But the capitalist refused to with draw from the field sod was ready early Monday morning to begin hos tilities By a sudden and very adroit movement ho led tho robbers into a trap and forced them to put up their entire reserve then by a bold which he used freely of governments vast funds ho drove his antagonists to wall and at close of weeks strife wad shown favor of the govern ment almost equal to her entire losses Again another meeting of the council was held and as the tide of speculation had turned in favor of the the council was al most unanimous In favor of going on with the fight for another week the president who had been an earnest list nor asked before the meeting adjourned for a true report of condition of treasury and informed that there was only a shortage of 25000 After a few momenta of mature deliberation bo said It seems to me as wo were a nation of gamblers I will no longer ho a party to this scheme here Is my Individual check for deficit And then after thanking all the members for their kindness and work he adjourned the Thus ended one of the most exciting episodes that ever took place at the nations capital Mini the Bob City A Fiendish Act A A entertainment under the auspices of the Methodist Sunday School will be given on Fri day Deo The program will consist of addresses dialogues reci tations singing by the mono by the Methodist church also by Misses Jennie and Lilly Fox of J Davis P J will occupy the Anniversary Sermons will be reached in the Methodist church ere on Sunday Deo by Rev A Campbell of Maple at a m Mr Campbell will also ad dress the Sabbath School in the after noon and will preach a Sabbath School Anniversary Sermon the Methodist churcb at 630 p On Christmas eve Dec annual entertainment will be held at The program will consist of addresses by a unmoor of ministers and singing recitations c by Sunday School children The will alio be eoliveo- by selections from tho Leakey choir Crowded oat week Startling news struck the wbofo financial world shortly after noon on Saturday The upheaval of twenty earthquakes in every city of the hardly have created a greater scaretbuthe report which came Aurora esses of The Editors ntir came over tbe wires announcing the reported death of Jay Gould and Russell in an explosion in tatters on Broadway hear Wail street New York A fiend in hu man form obtained a private inter view with Mr Sage and demanded Being refused he down his satchel which is supposed to data contained dynamite and its an instant the whole building was f recked The scoundrel and two clerks in an adjoining room were blown to pieces Seven men were badly three of whom may die The man whom he intended to kill escaped with his life though badly cut and is getting better It is presumed that scoundrel Who dropped bomb was Insane while others fearful of the fanaticism of the spreading socialistio and anarch revolutionary Ideas America regard the affair as part of a plot Tie bomb thrower believed to have been an emissary of one of or ganizations who may been en to do tbe deed either by vote or by lot A butcher has skip pod the country with borrow id money K Port Hope bad no less than three dsring burglaries a private residences last week J There are a of Maggie Addison eldest daugh ter of Rev P Addison of this place has obtained a situation as in tho Collegiate Institute at Stratford at a salary of a year Mr Chris into for many years a resident of this town and now on police force at Toronto lately distinguished himself by a very pluoky capture of an armed burglar On Wednesday night something went wrong with the electrio light and our merchants and others whose places of business are usually illumin ated by bad to resort to the old coal oil lamps The Emerald Duet Messrs Smith and are travelling in the interests of Royal Temp lars of Temperance will commence a series of Tcmperanoo meetings in the Mechanics Hall next Sunday 13th which will bo continued eaoh the week Some time ago a pistol bullet was fired through the plate gloss window of one of Mr Y Andrews on Yongb street The glass has since cracked all directions and part of it has fallen out utterly destroying the whole pane Such wanton de struction of property is a serious fenceand it is a great pity tbe guilty party could riot be found out and properly punished Banner School Reports will vote against light when The steam fire engine which cost Berlin close on to Iras sold the other day for 205 A vacant- frame house in Bradford was burnt to last week Supposed sA It is reported from that persotu1auJi able to pay their taxes and thaiwill cause a budget deficit of m The two younger Was of Mr George Of W- while sleighriding on the ice on Monday broke through and were Dickens Pet Daughter tub novelists to Pretty Dickens was al ready considered by those who knew Charles Dickens best to be the novel ists favorite daughter To none of his children perhaps was more affectionately attached and the daughter saw much Of her father under all circumstance When even the doga were chased of the novelists study Mamie was allowed to stay The daughter is now a full- grown woman living quietly just out side of London For the first time since her fathers death Miss Dick ens baa been persuaded to write of him whom knew well During there will bo published in The Some Journal of Philadel phia a series of articles by Miss Dick ens under the attractive title of My Father as I Recall Him for the thousands who will read what she writes in this series Mies Dickens baa a retentive memory and she made copious notes during her fathers lifetime She will tell In this series everything she remembers of her father how he educated his children bis family life and his per sonal habits how bo wrote his NAMES IN or Class Join So Class Col- Ju in Class- Will Class Seymour Ells r Arnold Alva Orecn iWU Anion Jr Ill Tub- Scott Slicklauil Rogsrs Walter Agls 1Ktent day Frank Airs The Board of Trade paid the company for plotering that town time ago The people In the neighbor hood of Zephyr have lately been much annoyed by poultry thieves and are now determined to put a stop to The first to fall victims to thoir greed for roast goose were two brothers named Cook and another young fellow named Wilson who were last week tried be fore magistrates and Jos Gould of for the above of fence and sufficient evidence ad- do cod to warrant the Justices in committing the trio Wanted Reciprocity A good many people tho United States want reciprocity as well as in Tho Detroit Free Pre gets off following Two men stood the foot of Woodward avenue yesterday after noon gazing Intently at the river Ono was waiting like for smoothing to turn up Good clothes adorned tho sbspoly limbs of one Rags hung loosely skeleton- frame of It did not require a second glance to that was a prosperous business man and other a tramp Magnificent river this said the tramp Quite so answered other What town is that over the creekt Windsor Canada- Ob thats Canada is It is Clothes cheap over I hear Yes but yon pay a duty on bringing a suit of clothes into Michigan Must Yes Why Oh on account of prelection of Aint got No How far is Windsor from beret Oh about a mile And how far is the Wayne County Poor House ten miles Which way West Well III list go down an thorn from Europe till bobs up So long According to the papers the morals of that burg are not Improving any One not long ago so less than twenty five drunken men were to be seen on the streets at one time More sailors lost their lives on the great lakes daring the marine season just closed than In any pre vious year slnoe the lakes were gated In alt met their death and most of this number were lost daring November Forty were lost from schooners and barges Not a passenger however was lost books bis love of flowers animals how Christmas was spent in tbo Dickens household how the novelist romped with- his children the famous people who to the Dickens home and his last years and closing days No articles ever pub have in them so much premise of telling world things which it has never known of Dickens and Dickens story of fathers will be eagerly looked for In thou sands of homes where the name of Dickens Is like a household word Alphabetical Stages of Alcoholism- Dr Cyrus Edison contributes a to the September number of the North American on the Drunkenness Curable and ends by reciting an alphabetical rhyme describing all the stsges of alcoholism from the first nip to a drunkards grave which be learned from a patient a young of great ability and fino moral per ceptions who an incurable In ebriate doctor says that his eyes would stream with tears as he- recited the following verses describ ing bis ease and career It is the most truthful and ploture of tho kind that has been printed A stands for alcohol deathlike its for beginner who takes just a sip for Companion who urges him drowned who staggered iron fence and proceeded to lay it oat for his feelings The fence cams out best however i The greatest for many years is reported Devils Lake North Dakota For hours the temperature not been above sera if The Barrio taetU if in the memory of all will bo found a period to- present In the prevalence of disease Malaria and typhoid fever- and diph theria exists Last Sunday forenoon when Mr Wm of Concord was in his regular place of worship Lutheran church a party entered his bouse and stole therefrom In money Kk Pro report indicate that a area In Canada is equally available for beet root cul tivation as in the United States where industry enor mous proportions It is the English Government will introduce a bill hi the session of revis ing law of with the ob ject of allowing criminals to give tes timony on their own behalf Monday afternoon girl named Edna became ner vous while ascending on the elevator in J Hudsons store in DetrOh and fell off at the third floor fib- fell feet and was almost killed- on IB for Demon of drink that born for Endeavor ho makes to resist stands for friends who loudly In sist for the Quilt that he afterwards feels for Horrors that at his heels I his Intention to drink not at all J stands for Jeering thai follows JhU fall for that be a slave stands for Liquor his appetite craves for convlval Meetings so gay stands for the No that he tries hard to say O for the Orgies that then come to pass P stands for Pride that he drowns in his glass for the Quarrels that nightly abound stands for Ruin that hovers stands for that his vision bedims stands for Trembling that seises his limbs for Usefulness sank in slams I stands for Vagrant he quickly becomes for Warning of life thats soon done for the regretted by none- Youth of this such weak ness Is crime Zealously turn from the tempter in time Mr Isaac firblfey of Ivy re cently lost six head of cattle by green A package of the drug fell off a beam Into the comer where bad been shovelled out and tho animals eating the sdso licked up some of the poison pro ducing A rather unexpected develop ment in the murder case at Brentford was the conviction of Jack suspected murderer of old Mr on the charge cattle stealing two years ago was sentenced to months in Central Prison This has been a good for farmers and they doubtles fool duly grateful A gentleman acquainted with results of funning remarked the other day that many of ordinary farmers about us would sell this year more than worth of produce Those who are most skillful ingenious and in dustrious will always do best and will always be a class of farmers who would starve If they were In Garden of Eden and had it all to themselves Rev Sim Jones always makes bis points plain Said bo during a sermon the other day Do you know the boys are much more particular whom they go with than the girls are You may think this a strange statement but it is A girl will go on the streets In open day with a boy that go drunk but the minute that a boy finds out that a girl gets drunk he wont go with her I wish our would be as particular about whom thoy go with as the boys ere An exchange says the best moral support a man can give newspaper is to subscribe for It and keep subscription paid up of union be tween and will be decided by a Tote of the people which will be taken at tho elec tion On Monday afternoon John Robinson son of Wm of village was shot by a companion Peter Reeaorr young men returning froto John walked on ahead and I Peter when Peter tripped and falling his gun went off wholo charge entering the calf of bis left leg Peter to carry John to Mr near by and sent for Dr Shaw who arrived In a few minutes and dressed the wound and had patient conveyed to his fathers where he Is now doing as wall as can be expected railway station was tbo scene of a dreadful accident on Tuesday afternoon last by which John Coffey switchman lost his life In order to oblige a brakesman Oof fey undertook to uncouple somo cart which were in motion and for that purpose he stepped Just as be the opening the heavy wooden bean which brake was loosened and springing by some means caught his foot and In a moment ho borne down by advancing car For some Utile distance he slid down the rails with his foot mashed to a nab came to a frog In which the caught the leg was torn from the body poor fellow lingered an hour and a half believe baa no ins or ace upon his and thus the loss of the bread win is dreadful blow to the as he doing ork properly belonged to another am there Is no ground for ages against rail