1 i HA NOV a Wis This the opinion of a man who keeps a sells all comes direct contact with the patients and their and knows better than anyone else how remedies sell and what true they have He hears of all the failures and successes and can therefore judge of no medicine for Coughs Sore Throat or Hoarseness that had done such ef fective work in my family as flnrThrAt German Syrup Sort Throat ft facan at my store who was fferin a very severe cold She could hardly talk and I told her about German Syrup and that a few doses would give re lief bat she had no confidence in patent medicines I told her to take a bottle and if the results satisfactory I would make no charge for it A few days after she called and paid for it saying that she would never be without it in future as a few doses had given her relief K If- i Hi row if fill Si SB- si ft do jroet on I S S Lesson Prayer for His Sot IBM- Text He for Htm After the Icititolioa of Lord He in for of of disciple uid ifcrir con- and llit ill who la Him till Hi for Him tfat lwijt hewttb life knowledge of of lit lbs that a world applied by Holy Spirit if by Mr Isnow la erecting a bouse on bis firm In the The finrt held at the noma of Wells on of week Dr Strange of Toronto Starr burl Friday and gave him encouragement If Doctor predictloni are filled Mr Burr will be able to walk In time Button Jimmy Fax the man who everyone that attended concert on the last the fair baa been engaged to give another concert here on Thursday evening the bit Mr Henry Park of now up liquid refreshment to the thirsty who the hotel The Tillage council met- Toes- day passed a few little so- counts a few big yams took a tumble to itself and Mean are erecting a two factory in the rear of tbe present one Hob- Kemp two fine deer by nights train They were hot by Big On Friday the train delayed for an hoar by fires which were raging on both sides of the track near Baldwin About cords of cat wood which hid been piled betide the track waahurnt night at Isaac appeared before and to to a charge of and battery pre- againit him by It appeared that McKay son To started to destroy defen dants property at last night and the defendant in protecting his property gave Ibex a light tap on one of optics which that organ to take on mourning- After hearing the and coos of the case the magistrate decided in favor of the plaintiff and defendant was mulcted to the tome of and costs Herald Sutton malt have some boys The Herald says Tbe following composition was recently written by a Sutton sohoolboy after receiving a whipping from one of the lady teachers A schoolmaam is a verb because denotes action when yon throw paper wads at the girla Switch is a conjunction and used to connect the verb to boy This Is a compound sentence boy the subject and switch is the object First person plural number A schoolmaam is different from a boy a boy wears pants and a achoolmaam wears her hair all banged on the forehead Ma says a schoolmaam never gets married It takes two all day to cook dinner That boy will no doubt make his mark in the world School r or Jrthohn Jr rdWUl Prg Jr Ethel Green Bom Alva Green Frask Trarttf Br Fart If Frank Jr Fart Iiltts John 3rd Tblii Slick- Soott Walter Irt dir flcolt Teacher a a 7 a Jr 3rd Gibson Bt Sod Jr Allen Peg Baler 1st J Shmke Slickwood Swain Jr HiwoD J Stick- wood Hoot No 1F Hopper Bar kar HitwD Peg J Teacher RHEUMATISM Neuraljgldr Sciatica Lumbago Backache Headache Toothaches Sore Throat Sited Sprains Bruise Burn Etc Bold by ad Duectiobila IX WCILILVnflQ4XhnaMrsKf Toronto Out ttb Six- 3rd Rich Clara Win Jr Bertie 2c Jr Sod Kennedy bUry A Pert Mary Wil liams Jibbj Cook Jr Part II Lemon Pipbar Spaog let No 1 tears Biker Walker Etta Franca 8torty Lata No May Coo Kay Children Too Fast llstlwt fretful without thin and weak Fortify and build them up by the SCOTTS OF PURE COD Oil Lime and Sods ai A3 A OK ay coughs OB colds IK ausf a Seatt a NEWMARKET HOUSEFURNISHING STOVE DEPOT We would call your special attention week to our Elegant Line of Stoves We have now the bulk of our fall samples in and they are without a doubt we have ever handled PARLOR COOKS SQUARE HEATERS from to Sizes and Styles to suit everybody See We are special attention to Furnace Work We guarantee satisfac tion in this line Stovepiping promptly attended to WRIGHT CO The a TAKES TIME To do a thing well and that which is worth doing at all is worth doing in this way It is just as well to be deliberate even in matter of getting married also in that of selecting the first housekeeping outfit but when the question of the finest sewing machine up then is the time that you can do a thing well and do it at once without hesitation by buying the DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE AGENT NEWMARKET ONT and aJIt JJUUSE To LET- una yeiBM TO RENT- Business ffotloes a a so Claw Stonr Albert Brooke Slorry Jr Mayfta Think Brooks Mabel Raoudsn Jobs Sinclair John It Era Emma Brooks Ethel Think Preston Brooks Part Treat Wheeler Walla Pari I Mabel Robert Brook Be -i- tree wars present da following attended Era Lloyd Maggie Think Emma Mildred Lisa isnt Breaking in needed with the Ball corset Its easy from the start Coils of tiny wire springs in the sides make it so Try it aiui youll like it If you dont after a few weeks wear just return it and get your money poop and on in FARM FOR SALE N LIQUOR STORE BAIK BY BROS WALTHAM OR ELGIN STEM WIND WARRANTED I FROM 1000 UPWARDS ATKINSON Main St Newmarket Jeweler NOTICE To who are weak and run down constitutionally Blood Wolfe Dublin Stout is especially recom mended Try a bottle 4- P J MAIN STREET FOR8ALE Warm Brick tall Circb tS3V S9U g OP No lb lbs c bar Hoi Wo its U I CASH GROCERY STORE s It oat rill will be prized by ba of lata Premier of Dominion It id of Memorial illoiint- career of from Lb btrtbplaco In hie last real- log place in Tbo aer ies of are to execntedfns thai a credit to ail of old abort time a band some portrait of widow in being a slew of Place a portrait of Sir as man a of the to be In sacs an excellent and of mother be LU fore of character and fa which lirrd daring the lbs fin- rat of bis well known a Oltsws Interior flew the Chamber as It appeared with the body In state fiorsl nd of guarding the remain with Qaeens ruling lbs view of Par building forming block with fine Tier of Ins of City Hall duped It appeared the raorafegof photo- of at lib the flwel offering and sedate It of Abbey memorial held from of interior of view of Jo it it to tablet Interior of BtPsaV orer collection of pboVrarorx a work of art title richly In with a of CblefUla in relief by bis now worde I bora a I will die with aid whole with draperr fringed with A prfwlum like a In Canada and will no sity after as ft will ornament to a well as a of the old Chief tab Baa ff was Induced tones Blood Bitters for and general andfoondlt a cure I take In to who ftfBIcied James Carton Banff W eMnrti low far mad It cared them iwatrea Farm Sold by great Iters blood purifier I M Ml at slew I By Saoitaxy In Burdock Blood I bare taken bottles for bad Wood sod And It a core litis grand medicine I it whereeesI go Ida eon Toronto I Remorse sit hard soft or Lam pa and from Blood Bona Bwacasy Bars sad Throat Oongha Bars ass of bottle Jam Helm an to BtRS to my hod fee about With a bad sad that hie vera badly affected ao that be could not reet or work then got Pectoral Bal aam which has really relieved Mm- After taking tit or eight It cured a great deal of food to Una- Coccb James of Winnipeg writes For I was troubled with and Irrllatlobi of After other remedies failed need four botues of Blood and bare been quite free from my will always Dr KmuUloo of Pure Cod liver Oil if you have s It For by all drngadets per bottle T It I privilege to recommend Yellow as a euro OTrsfoTcbappedhandaiweUlosaaorstbrosl etc recommend It to all Una Wean Oat ratable Harris of- Police was found on Wednes day til Calgary throagh Ih had for two weeks At a of Mr Hammonds was burnt to death The mother was away waiting and two children rjoy and girl left alone were start a with coal the girls clothes caught fire She Ured I of New York bare decided on standard pitch which will with the French Austrian and aUndard lower than the pitch Alter July all lostrataenU will be attuned as thus Indicated Two Toronto men and bloEachern went on the last afternoon A Utter on his knees to take a at iota game Bummers fired and the complete top half of tie acnll was Mown oft was with fright and his been Insane since Esq of Col- died last week He had presided at a public but the before and that day had just come In from work and died In few moments about years of se and postmaster at for years likewise held asms office in Col ling wood or a number of years He was one those men who will very much missed Banana Peal on the Tbe stmt car bad bat to catch It reckoned Bo be ran like a dear and sod beck pUnted a bit of peel he saw a million of iters la a second He was in too great hurry better hare waited tor another There ere cases however where haste la If yon bate weak sore longs end a hacking cough do not lose an hour In obtaining a supply of Dr Pierces Medical Discovery Delay la such eases dengeroos It may fatal Before the disease has made too progress the Golden Med ical La a care In fact to benefit or cure or money paid for it re- no time in for winter The first gait to the young colt is a good smart walk Study to know the best variety of food to give to your stock Poultry manure Is the richest of any secured on the farm Corn meal end bran together make a better ration than either alone Feed the poultry a good feed of whole com every night before they fly upon roosts A good horse blanket saves feed adds to the comfort and improves the looks of the horses Wood ashes are as beoeQcial to as to swine They expel worms and Improve there general health a There Is no economy in buying something yon do not need no mat ter how cheap It best to arrange the quarter sheep and hogs ao that they can ran In pleasant weather One of the most Important items with the shelter for the hogs during the winter Is to have it clean and dry Sell when stock is ready a few days feeding after time will often add to the costs and lessen the pro fits Pigs like people to have warm quarters in the winter jit is profit able to them such homes The woods are fall of beechnuts this year and will be very to tarn the hogs oat and them run Mixed farming permits of a great er variety of crops more slock more manure better yields and coat end a lessened risk of A bandy and cheap olntnteat made from lard or pork mix ed with an equal part of kerosene oil and is good for cats wounds and sores on animals Potatoes should never be marketed unlets Uniformity of site and will benefit both the buyer and seller It is the small po tatoes that sales and return low prices Wheat may be postured some but experiments prove that wheat does not yield as well when pas tared as when the cattle are not allowed upon it In some sections the stock are allowed on the wheat occasionally but never when the Is wet The trampling of the wheat Is injur ious to a extent at all times Exceeding fat cattle are going out of fashion and we are glad of it They are profitable neither to the grower nor the The pub lic is now after good substantial early matured lean meat and this is just what can be to beet profit Do not try to make that steer hogfat for Christmas beef of thing belongs to tbe put generation into winter quarters in good condition If you expect them to winter Look over flock now and if they are not at all op to the mark do your best to make thm so as as possible It will be better to extra food and now rather than to have an flock on your hands through the winter SUBS Canadas Bast a THE H WE amlly IILTON KLY SCOTTS PHARMACY For Long Clear Bacon Sugar Cured and Pure Leaf Lard give us a call P MAIN STREET NORTH DESIRABLE FAR Newmarket aorea ibePhQJp and apply to TO RE t SPECTATOR Contains all the The Most SI I IMPROVED ewe lal Feature a Pointed Comments Ing Btories The Matter for TO 1ST JANUARY CO a CO a a 111 z Q HI 5 Z 3 I ol SI I fftidtd YbtiKS Brtal 3 Aurora to uric ianuvt LIMITED fc CO This imst paper from now till lit IBW IS rsadlog slter our picture OF for only WANTED lo A Rood at for lb ti a will Jot For terms par Spectator PRINTING HarperPs Weekly for coming year if III morel of fntftoio than will bo In rlodlcl- mo Atrtr srlCODlhotWflDlf flro of world lncladlox firobciDdrod A public the o bo dcocrlbodsvodllU of Will direction of The bolt of abort AttllU It 111 tin of Mr will reenftiu THE LEADING DRUG STORE Personal Attention given to Compounding and Dispensing NEXT TO POST SCOTT LATH SHINGLES ARE NOW TO SUPPliY OUR CUSTOMERS WITH 100118 WAINSCOTING SASH AND BLINDS THESE SHIRTS WJLLttW HARPERS IMPROVED PATENT J Are sold by chest measure instead of by the size oi collar The neckband be ing selfadjusting it will fit any size collar Ask to see the Night Robe which has neither buttons nor button holes FOR SALE BY WARNER THANKFUL FOR LIBERAL OK PAST WE SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OF SAME WE AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK TO LET Splendid BrickClad Furnace and Domestic Id 9 spiral SALE THE Sib North Half of T0aoraof lib Oca BO Mb Hi 6a Tbta bars a ifadlDxrcs4lbrcV At aiaOodirmi0lpa7mal1aU Lola Ibi Tcan PRICES THE CANE SONS MFG CO TREASURERS SALE OF LANDS us iron raxas is ram m vsjr PERIODICALS CUno4a a iftstto with for of Mch he current at ArdWf If for cloth will cot per for per lis flnl Dombfli do tint receipt Volum IhtM M by Hilts dQUn Clotb to fddrtoai UAH or jalbf Mild loswcldchiQCsjon THE GENTS FURNISHER LADIES BAND Wool or to up bo ftt una a Lot lit Coo Oob will dropping of firm In and CtrcuUro prtoilxiB 4 flo t Ucap It NOTICE Buggies Repaired UNDERTAKING ILL at usual WRIGHT si Of OB By Mite of a warrant to data A D upon and I that of paid I to ald lands or W l0 saw arriaraot sod ecu ai f At Ihshoor two Ir All tba following landa I I a at i Jviat at Loll at Hi 11 Church 31llnkarf Lot a IIS 19 IOCS aa a ill 1ST tea Mill tin THE TO HEM TJnloefaslIlhstfleCTtSi Kidneys and without aleeUlJ tarn all iho i rooting Acidity of curing Biliousness Headaches 13 Hit Itu DAVID LLOYD Town of DR WAHINOTON ho v Coliego suid Bur tfsHmfta whole llmoioiboipwtiliy Throat Parous RnpUfttor the g- Of tM1haB MnntMD of will ko Nor from It to Doctor a Chroolo TlirOAr Irani pi from ftstqlfo URDOCK PILLS- and thaw arid many Other yield to happy J BLOOD for- FARMERS MYER3 Pf IS tb Notice toJCredite a sunt CURE CONSTIPATION IHDIOtSTIOH Of STOMACH AND SKOhirr IM ACTIO AMD A AID TO IN AND OF CHRONIC AND I FITS A LAMB i of ait Auuuti No pfovspopTty t rtM4od fill of Toweahlrf rs sinJothtr Estate of M or if aad to Woman Toacaars a book of ID Centuries to of of by Christian It Ta UK CsNirsltk Coar tw a alalfmrM sod take day Dfcairbtr If claims of ahill hare rclv soy part lEnBOldlilrlbutloop- at October 90 TO A and Bulla ft DRW IS