Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , October 30, 1891, p. 4

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SO 1891 For Coughs Colds I have used Gtnnah Syrup for the Throat Cough Colds Pains in the Chest and Lungs let me say to such a medicine is the best C p Baldwin writes I used your German in my family and find it the medicine I ever tried for coughs I recommend it to one for these troubles Schmalhausen Druggist After trying cores of prescriptions and prepara tions I had on my files and shelves without relief for a very severe cold which had fettled on ray lungs I tried your German Syrup It gave wit immediate relief ana a GREEN Sole Sew Jeriej Tit Star iorBfiUof art offering potatoes for baits el to Ifcoisirfco will corns draw away Graham proprietor of the I The Way Lady Used to taken before the ttiog Bale Cfcaleon hit rocrtf IbiairubcougMoat by enquiry ud li cit J of Iht to roide by Geo jnH than tb tiers election ore million properly qualified elector It will be bow lb of cfauyes lo to complexion of It will nod MirttiTf to next election stool new dudm beta pa ib Will by ud by the Liberals somber likely to be etrock off by will seref bari of majority in of the tlns GRAND BAIL WAY jr I tap nD ass C g rf ess J M EC Tom Sir widow now ft of Her to tbs her the or ftitireJ from been rcefay to tbo Tba patent at lbode3ibed by ft re porter who of ftboOt two feet beaufoUy with the ftrms of ftnd lirinfj tbreo with It tin box on ber will hex old of Ldy Miry for of to a it of ffiUowiDg of oar both a en oar boQoar ud but to the of people u well ft of a low tout In od public life fbftt would imprcw on churched cd in All Of Aod Alio of our public life If impoitAOt to be filial by Ate adj corrupt principle Montreal Star and Jton and fied their to act at on the sent forward for competition Young and old rich and poor an equal cbaucq in thl and novel fore all enter If you have not yet a book giving full of tho at once to the Weill Rich who wnd it pott free We to remind oar read- en of fact coed at their intention of by tending in th fi op which found of hook referred to Wo to ihi tail in to IK There cost for book and bo money to be sent forward it at fcee all a the air we breathe We oar people will do what they can in thU competition and the reputation of our women adepta in work and art TheFresB Alphabet- the ad which to be roe do and on Soolety Register month Helton on or before fall j a A A lib in ihemooltiJ A A Friday In lb month la ftlo3imteli A In month- utd wv Monday la Newmarket- WedolAj In Ab mrQlh AjOQEytry MoodA night Ltoydto afT KetUtby Krtry Pint Uoydtowa Bradford rtrr tiAjotTtr7 UStad In each at Court International S Lesson TRUE VINE the from growth of some willbemtda etcnae for a ndiitribotioa of next juai the gravt or fairly re at to pot the Tory fhie they will do Aud the Grit on- j where will do the is the problem now confront Robert at to In the upper room he tin with a of Ontario front of It it to a11 the who whole to at he win before Gov a of wonderfully to re- Although the pit Toronto not a it is settled the city will be become a of now aud Eut York will there will still ret era member Toronto will two Toronto will et two tad York will get two And the pretest will be A B wbo by it ia led the customer flying around who PftTerii found is the editor proud of his sheet the fakir who triea him to beat G gaol where the fakir ii the hone whew d is Blow A I income good J the joker which knows a Rood thing i the key by which fortune are made L stand for one who a big truck the man who founding name it the which him to 0 ia the order for columns of the printer the best at the case is quad that helps mike up a blank is for romance the is tho iter which standi at the bead is the trader not silent or dead has been and ad i the vendor who wishes he had is the writer whose notices tell rae ray goods I can sell Y the yawning that must floor him Z is the zany hes called ad valorem to Dolt Yon see per forate an in and a corresponding In the bate and by applying the to the lips and forcibly inhaling the breath the shell is entirely discharged of its con tent Blew my soul cried the old lady what wonderful they do make Now my younger days we just a in each end and sucked Two men were killed on the P It on of last week Msttln Loppy of New York is I to electrocuted for the murder of wife s week in Decern- swallow the iktns of of any kind They are indiges tible and unhealthy eaten at meal time But bed time My daughter is tormented with a was the text of a clergyman upon the occasion of printers assist sht his daughter to At a boy named was walking along a picket fence when be fell end the calf of his leg catching a picket was torn four He was backing the when taken down Hugh great Methodist minister the Ecnmenical Conference at Wash ington has a thorough appreciation of the power of the pre on journalism he said Treat the newspapers well I owe much of my success to them I tell my ushers to treat a with courtesy but a re porter with reverence for a reporter low is a person of much more consequence An unfortunate accident Mr J of StoafiriHe on Ho was to threihat Mr line and was standing a plank at the tail of the strawcarrier plank by some means shifted and he dropped a distance of eight feet falling upon a pigtrough and breaking several of bis will cause him to abstain from work for ome ENLARGED -TO- 16 PAGES AND BAIANOB OP ONLY ONE DOLLAR WALTHAM OR ELGIN STEM WIND WARRANTED FROM UPWARDS L ATKINSON Main St Newmarket Jeweler TT HARMACY THE MOST LIBERAL OFFER EVER MADE no fakes i no books i no scissors ok offers a clean wholesome family newspaper upon its merits JVARM FOR Una Apply io w CO a z CO J a in z 0 n Commencing with issue of October The Weekly will contain sixtejn pages instead of twelve pages as heretofore matting it and best family newspaper in Canada Every effort Jill be devoted to making it bright readable accurate and in all its departments Special pains will be tuken with its Agricultural Pages and MORE SPACE WILL BE DEVOTED TO SELECT READING FOR THE FAMILY Subscribers whoJe orders are received previous to December will have the paper them until CLOSE OF FOR THE ONE YEARS SUBSCRIPTION to Jrl Lill every one who subscribes now Agents Wanted in all Unrepresented Districts For terms address T G B E Toronto J TO KENT ICO ftcret flrttfUt ftf ICO crSW Udftll abaTiL TO LET- Apply to it- 1 NEWMARKET CO A The Ladies Interested IN THE OF A Spirit of Friendly Rivalry Stirred THE LADIES ALIVE Not la which the forth firit of Co upper room la of night which He mi There lit to the tut He work how math the words of Him who If we lire the frail of Spirit we matt fee fo we bring forth tad more tbe to lot we Ja we then jtttAl The Undertaking lib lad The xWuc a J1 Dr ftutDfeJ tilt Tut Ltbr of dtcld3 prvTtol of boi iulolcti up price of In No centered Jo for Hut l for codidftt ftad fiat for urn ftrt bird for if TUfDMlka of ftbolUblog ftoaift fttUfilloa now Court qaill I rid fa trt to fttoUUos cUlos ftbolitfe of pud rlti ft of protisdU irftbla lit power of Domlalon The of are delighted note with of wive And daughter in deed the whole doontry stirred up with excitement It to tfast the of the celebrated and Diamond ft grand competition acheme known as Diamond Dye which freely open to every mother wife and daughter of broad Dominion No lea a lata than will be to the mothers wivea and daughter of Canada in second and third sum really being returned to con- amen of Diamond Dyes Kverf lady in can afford to bccouio a competitor and intelli gence ability to make up of th article mentioned in Ample is to all for and becoming perfect compttHora for lageat prize offered aa unprecedented act of liber ality on the part of wealthy manu facturers of Diamond atteujped by Insti tution Id he world and public bay ample proof that will be out During the season the manufactur ers of Diamond contribut ed to fairs In order to encourage and Art Smalt and unknown tried to atlmulate character of work by the offer of in- of from one to three dollar that not in any Instance defray coat of dyeing and the making good called for fear Imitator have not yet the fact that the ladles value too highly their tiuie and materials to be lured by trifling and mlierly The fain of our country having closed for the of Diamond mean to keep the ladle daring tbe ft a to can and winter by fof Urge and aubatantla prfre Id ThU the season of tbe year the man to fu and pulls hi over the fence after him An an Ohio town baa in the window of hia office the sign Your teeth- fulled while you wait The chjlly day are drawing nigh when Autumn shall be dead when butter will bo hard to buy and likewise bard to A newspaper editor Bays We have received ft notice of mar- for- insertion to was ap pended the original announcement Sweetheart at a distance will ac cept intimation An exchange you can keep cut flowers a week or more by boring a hole ft potato and insert ing the of the flower in the hole Cover the potato with ft colored paper or and yon have a nice ornament The fact about the drink is that it weakens the centre of life and action the heart A pint a half of beer or two glasses of or one glass of spirits will causo heart to beat extra strokes sSTThe first case under the new Act for the prevention of the spread of cattle disease was tried at Police Court Toronto ft few Ceo CreaIockappeared to anawer to the charge of disposing of cattle hav ing the disease commonly known aa lump jaw Dr of the Pro vincial Board of that the of animal diseased wa unfit for food For the defence it was stated the cattle were not offered for in this province as they were being sent on to Montreal when they were seized- The defend ant was fined and cost The Fair was the event of the the crowd and exhibit being immense The con cert evening a perfect finccee everybody going homo satis fied Order was kept and the rendered by Uxbridge orchestra and of the choir with a selection from the Misses Webster Peers and some others of J Humphrey the coming reeve acted a chairman and filled the position nobly ymm THE LEADING DRUG STORE Personal Attention given to Compounding and Dispensing NEXT TO POST OFFICE S SCOTT M To those are weak and ran down constitutionally Blood Wolfe Dublin Stout is especially recom mended Try a bottle P J MAIN NORTH TO RENT IIS of lot on hip wed Iho OR SALE A twostory ftcra of Had It J trtt FARM FOR SALI a lo acre to ley- i n A- J INS FOR 2 WEEKS MORE AT RHEUMATISM Neuralgia Sciatica Lumbago Backache Headache Toothache Throat Frost Bites Sprains Bruise Burn Etc nd Dtftlert ft Can Depot Toronto Qui Business if I Induced to aw our Burdock lltOirtforoitlMllooAor ftn4ftao4lt a cut I loir Oil for aad it cored them I bar never bothered Know VlciirrU CX Bold by MUCH BETTER Thank You JfOAVtf fjftvr uha COLDS Of WAST ISO after SCOTTS EMULSION Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and Of and Soda IT ALMOST AS PALATABLE AS MILK XT IS A by ell or 0J fcy alt at SCOTT DO Owiug to the success attended in clearing out the Stock of Crockery Glassware Groceries I have decided to continue the for the coraiug two weeks give my customers the- of the reduction i There are in stock a few nice Dinner Sets Bed- Room Sets Vegetable Dishes Bowls Pitchers etc which will be sold at Greater Reductions than previously Ihe Grocery Stock is still well assorted and will he offered at a Reduced Price for the coming two weeks to clear as the shop containing them will close on the mat to allow the making of alterations in the premises J Cor Main Timothy Streets Newmarket ERY STORE For Long Clear Bacon Sugar Cured Hams and Pure Leaf give us a call- MAIN STREET NORTH FOR SALE A Good Warm Brick Hot k LIMITED mm mberi v LATH SHINGLES WE ARE NOW OUR CUSTOMERS WITH 1100111X0 SIDING MOULDING DOOHS SASH and bunds FOR THE LIBERAL PATRONAGE OF THE PAST WE SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OF SAME WE AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK I CURE FITS E I lU fi A lit iVos4MUr with of for Teqr Wmpctltor form Mi la ftcd ftadlbrMol fttfd firmi la to the Mor- ioha fo 111 Burdock Blood a blood hue or bid blood flod It a perfect and I It I Id JI bird toft Of tod from tfpavln bottle Hold by at bed Iudu MULtbtuldnot or vol J which Alter or bxUH Qiir cured hit KJ6lt of food to Mil- toucil- of I troubed ud lrrii0o of other I Of Blood ibtO I my will a to my KmaUloa of Cod It- t ft ur etc- I Oho I A fill- M ft s rt car w Root THESE SHIRTS m Are sold by chest measnre instead of by the size collar The rid be ing selfadjusting its will fit any size collar Ask to see the Night Robe which has neither buttons nor button holes FOR SALE BY WARNER THE GENTS FURNISHER J POSSIBLE PRICES THE WM CANE SONS MFG CO ONT TREASURERS SALE OF LANDS r jvt a Hi of a Mayor or of A to isvv following for JuoChereon I notice tbl ihoMajr Town of to mo dstetbo ins to upon And I to toll ltdi or so much to ir sd of ami at council tho uld of on be of At hour of two oclock la eftctoooD All following pAtented It wont break thats why Kabo the only thing for corpet bones The C Corset boned with More than Wear a B C Corset for two or three weeks and see you like ft you dont you return It and get your money If a hundred to one you wont do It but you have privilege It a a prin ciple of young man get up with sun should not stay up later than ten oclock with daughter tbe of inst a row took in which an man named Edward was brutally beaten and so Injured that he was sent to hospital mat was rather quiet but Mai conttaio All to inVratfaofionj tilting in arrest cturd with committing the assault The prisoner a now in awaiting trial A of rcsuBcitatioo traordlnary In in Now York Paris a doctor catted to a with her child hud been aulfocuted bo remarked we can do unfortunates were removed to the hospital St where the ssme statement undo The house however to try rts- with of alternated injections Four recti era were used workod over for hours n life Ho Anally in saving both Moral keep on trying lo all effort to resuscitate it i Mill A is t Church l hi Church at fltJNfloilumii links of Lot a St lAihacr IvJlh Tilth lh llth J- 1 hS M ISA 1911 W lilt in tie sea It DAVID LLOYD of towmktXott URDOCK PILLS COAT CO A sunt cuiist PATIO IHDIOItTlpi DI2IINE8S UNO Of STOMACH BOWELS AM D ACTJ0M AND A AID TO BLOOD At IN or AND TO BREEDERS hand wallbred I Notice to Creditors la of Ihe 1I and oilier of Margarot Soules IIO Township of County York October before pott to a Iu or their ssvldrtsvitr foil MTllcalkn of ibilr of nod farther ftfUr lh IkCrrbr ih bo tbe received nolle And the will bo ibe ftiAeU or any lherwf lo be inv l JOHN pod Introduce a ro4tsUco ew Writ Ana of to of Nazareth by ecboUraV live lorHiorr Apply to FOR SALE AND log of Junction bin TbtbUUJlDBllirdaUiDAsTjkDdUr cottliUogcf Ifcoea fcbiraja Iht residents j LCLABX OF LAND- of Ewl other School iltw trra lertuirieooAble Coo of Property for Sale Village of ONE ood with On fourth of oo YodSM Hotel avlw fcDafourpercbtaoflsaiid Tlth of wS DESIRABLE FAEMI New For Silt PARTS Of tulle from keti ei farm nOOADT IB TO LET f TWO OF THAT 11ICK OF Splendid BrickGlad Houss Oaopraerof Eagle flttod Furnace and Domestic TIN SALE astsd lo the Con ftO II fitK ih too fi it lut Arrest vltb pel reeled a leading ibrtoib All lenli are fci payment Alio of For And THE KEY TO all Iho Bowels KJdneys and Liver gradually all th impurities and foul of Iho secretion at Earns ticca Cor recting Acidity or Stomwa Biliousness Dyspepsia Constipation Dryness of the sua of Vision Jettfr dice Salt Erysipelas Scro fula Fluttering of Heart ner vousness and General Debility and many similar yield to tba BLOOD Belt all FARMERS For I Sold i PRINTING tr

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