Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , October 30, 1891, p. 3

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Lively Local OS IK ABOUT TOW Bible Society A meting of the Society Suir Mr J of ott itiat for rapply of Gljcf tic inn n idling Wtn Those who tire lSoifii of Do Northern of the l Nor at A Bid Fall While Mr J rttarBiag ftt Mr Vnqlwi Jut ho hid to and fill vera rff ft Mr to do much betide fcMOOd Tlf dm A few this loilittt- BrookX A colored ma iDnutecrf Horn Ho from roroibIpod a hit yew mi d A with tit Toe time limit Mr Buryttj folbft ton ex- He u hit lint of did for inti- fiarM feel bat fau with Mm good from tSe bo by price of Ufa ill watt Arthur mo biker it jo uiEgned to A tbt of Ho time to the of to who to meet aUo to in lino of Thick bid to Still 1 mite ia Mk k filial with lut Satixrdij4at towards coon all bad oat with known out to kick and whin got through the wen ted lbt firoL wit Gwtllini- wo do nra about j pieced Junior of Henry of brother to Mm Flood of hippy to a trip Uad St Paul with the tennoo f Trait of comet Jo i- Saadiy trtnbf fc wtll nmunbtrtd by worthlptn this Town a a member of P a of lbt a it lut rtfrsihmtatu tad of fopl tbesuuIrM lo with A Ml- to In town it Mr A of Won tod of QaMOt- homo from t two too of Lett Lake with ftoodr weighing ftj ud tu- other ft They report of dttf and tAo plenty of got ill thty Look Fob It 8aIdp- to bo lugett WL Bandar morning it Mr home from jo a democrat tbt broke In froot of Jrqoturft batcher thop in and Into Mr obliged to tilt An other wit iato Mr Stanley likely d A Mag si wood Box Stove For it reliable to Co hit with per cot of North two to tbt llw mix ebtrtneot daring the period tUtaiftf ten traini diy to lb In fide of tht rig wrecked ud the hone tomewhert the Heater In of oar School Id October of the urn taiu la 1878 fifth hid to be to by of h ilteaduct October to ibii the prefect the open the lul paring the put If- howiogegnUfiioEaJy growth of the town In to attending ni the reeideot of the pile Made on at order Fancy with AND down Pauls Social On y the St will progriai will A will ttVjtp will Id two daring tie wilt to t ire A will Vikr Visit of Dr W it tfb from to The Dr til where Looks Works hue tip ill loote atone for It it thtbiliootcf tbt will be to it A lot of bit Huron from tht bridge the work will bt lb fill Street bit iad miking oat j Eta vela od at bottom price C Next will Kill be a leap fear rata la that all jfot likjuffi dale difiiable without by foot ate lp year only when are diriibe by For J a leap will be bat 2000 will be The The old may a litter year la to and lya It proper place to a A Ulbje that are Or I end tb and at tht fear a or tte Klagdoa by wed a awtoft A only took Wed- QaarUrty at and at etc of We la to 1ell och and all Wttfir tbe oiqMod lat Friday morn- grace Kit Vr ritllfR on flbow i i8oodar la are ftr fi addition- to eu re Mi Mil meat Mm tt Tb ajliLta It arta gallery The papHatk bd via td new Took u of etd of tba world adrit paper feed for fcta Ink Drops Good crowd In Town Saturday i Wheat hare last Sat Council at Keep your aye the boy all Saint Day North Town Landing School High School Board Firemen meeting Tboradey Next Day Prize money In great demand It mowed Jobnny get your gun I match on Bale A BOODLKK BKOAU8B SB THOUGHT HI HAD A GOLD Qoebeo EnrriMl aad went stand thi rooming before the Royal lesion bin etory of bow be came to the Bate not a lea And what he did Brat and no were broken money tbe He awore that he expected only to for hi when he offered he had a gold and held toot for more- rfitb the Cabinet wore carried with and He did not deal with the Ministers because influence with them not bo great produced one of with explanations a to what he bad done with the money first item of importance a check of for a note endorsed by Charles PO and Hi explanation of this note that baring charge during the elections of the greater part of organization in province he obliged to go to great expense especially for r He bad some money for this purpose bat the sub scribed When the money waa want ed he had no time to see tho sub scribers He represented the matter to his friends and got the gentlemen on tbe back of the note to it the promise that he would take it in after the election when there lots of time to collect tbe money Next came bis with the Hon Mr to Europe Mr placed with him a cheek of and one for 3500 the first if necessary for ex pense on hi trip other for per- expenses Mr had written him to send a draft for When he went to Ra tionale to cash one of the 20000 checks he told tbey could not let him hare that much money at once and it was with tbe aid of Mr Here that they agreed to give bim a draft for which would not come back to for payment for a month a payment of 000 check In addition to this Mr stated that ha touched the in charge by Mr as a matter of course Mr was somewhat put out when he returned at the rumours the transaction bat it was all explained afterwards camo a draft drawn by him for by Mr A a check for paid May to J was used for part payment for tbe house he bought MOBB OF TUB Then came for personal use expenses of Mr insurance money money lent then again a check for for contestation of the election of Sir and one for for rendered by Mr to a similar case also one for to Mr Charles At the reopening of the afternoon sitting Mr continued bis testimony ilia statement alto gether a funny thing It shows Mr has used the Bate money in a way that desire to get rid of it He went ae far as paying contribu tion one of beat clubs Mr waa thus treated Mr did not care about the club but Mr would hare and he did hare Mm spite of Dab am els objections Share were also taken by Mr in the hotel a proposed building to be erected here To explanation said that he placed bis money in the United State because some one adrlaed Armstrong to take criminal proceedings against and although Armstrong pro tested of bis fair intentions and told witness he would be low as to commit such an laughter be wanted to place bis la a safe place whereCriminal proceedings or any other proceeding could not him of this pro perty Laughter Look Fob Sneak are prowling about warning of J of the Coo of King awakened about morning by the of ainu jo back At first Iboagbt it bis hired man bat being begaa an acd soot u a tin the cellar window VscirereJ a exit aoit Tor road at a twoforty pace- Mr if Lis riA been loM at lima he bare delayed tba rapid a bat A class Cook good as new Co a Friday last Mr relict of late Fry after audloea of to the year of Her cxo with herpareot year fiot of et- part bat not flad- the climate aod bis able I deceaal decided to op la and year located la has led and abiat Her lata departed life or eight yaars ago now partner hat followed bia great one Mrs and four to tbtlr by the OJeijr of which a cob1itot worthy member bai gone rewrd J Rolled 12 Ibi far to Old jsg How feat the of tbia put J the country to be RatberjtiK on other aud lear- Ingmaay cbbg od to a majority of the worshippers the and on Sab bath rial cauia announcement front the of the death date of funeral of late of from fact that lew hid era la Ms year and the respect of all who knew him a liberal taken or eat both a the put half ceaiary oa attended Elder a serluD and Elder aad taking part la at trice Deceased leaves a Urge elide of and to mourn their with whom deeply A Bargain For A of Mr to iblai at ftu fiClItijf id Willy of lb f fr which u5 ogr MW bear to t- of Browtv Jo of J Mill- and tod tout from Mr id J or will flwvo lb lft by RtTt high ftftrt boat ftod ftgd family of at ftDtlcted from CmI tti ftid tb ft- J Wo cut IK apttcbti of and of dtep rtfttX of Mr ftsaji fgr Dot Alto- ftlrjojftd marred by BKoat II A l ERA OCT SO A In high life took place morning The Hon Mr was at oclock at the high altar of the to Stella of Hon Sir Hector P He ceremony was perform ed by his Grace Luerin the Archbishop of ancle of the bride A of rare and presents bare been to the bride Cu Pa Oo Fanner of Green Township died suddenly of what wj to be hurt failure two week sgo The body was later temporarily interred It was transferred yesterday And when was It waa that the body had tamed round and the interior of he casket bore traces of terrible The distorted snd covered features bora of the agony endured The clothing about the head and bad been torn shreds as likewise tha of Bloody marks of finer on the face throat and neck told awful of the doomed man who tore his own flesh in hi anguish- fingers had bitten off and the hand torn with teeth they re sembled those of a human being CHINA HALL J Season Japan India Ceylon Hyson Teas this seasons are extra good quality My regular Iiqq Japan or is up if not ahead of what I always COFFEE Old Government Java Mocha and Rio also EXCELSIOR BLEND SPECIAL ATTENTION I am reducing my stock of Crockery and Glassware piece Tea Sets in China and Por celain 100 and piece Dinner Sets and 12 piece Toilet Seta Hanging Parlor and Stand Lamps Caps and and Novelties of from up Soap At the popular price of HONEST WEIGHT FULL COUNT SQUARE DEALING Courteous Treatment You will receive at the G R A SMITH Everaley The new Methodist Church at tbe Snowball appointment on the King circuit dedicated to of The Matthews president of the To ronto Conference preached two sermons to con- and by the the Mr Fox the beautiful arvioe A plat form meeting was held In the noon In the interest of Sabbath School Mr- and Mestrs J Davit A Yule Eaq and Mr York de lighted theaudEence with In waa held on Mon day when the large filled every part of the church t After a repast tbe chairman called tbe to and presented an pro- their entertainment tiplen- were delivered by the P McDowell and J Oder The the Wesley fairly took by and they were loudly and frequently encored The new church la a neat and commodious frame building and rafieoU great credit on the pastor a all who have absred in Ita erection Have Y6u Been at ri tin rut lx well known by For both tod In ltd a Wat k will And ADdloOfOtljro WlthCMtlr Jcwoli fair 1 Heal iaa Tht order flt or KiDRi at Uokhiv On 1104 throw loop llkoc Jog- iQilttkiktf- ad UoJtijiv A on fioo Minn- five and r en 1 AR YOU PREPARED Then cornea of The old It coma to town To Jok at a CtcV right hours and rooici The well fllld 1 at A won to par and ocna oid will Deter Whiniw cowod at Momrut del eod doubt 00 word but com or eeodi ba at from 14LYonJe St Toronto FOR WEATHER IF NOT DONT FORGET THAT FOR sitsra In Flannels Dress Goods Tweeds Mantle Cloths Gloves Hosiery and all Fall and Winter Goods K a TAKE TIM To do thing well end that which worth doing at all is worth doing in this way It just well to be deliberate even in the matter of getting married in that of selecting the first housekeeping outfit but when the question of the finest sewing machine comes up then ia the time that you can do a thing well and do it at once without hesitation by buying the J DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE H MILLARD And Prices Lower than the Lowest RAVALUE -aUi- I ia OVERCOATS OVERCOATS THE S9beHisheits lb A BTG D ICES AT THE BANKRUPT STOCK OF A JULIUS MADER GO Tremendous Reduction in Prices has been made in CHINA CROCKERY and GLASSWARE in order to make quick sale of the above goods REMEMBER THIS IS A NEW CLEAN STOCK Look over the following list of what we have to sell you and then come in and see the prices which will more than pay you for your trouble READ CAREFULLY piece Dinner Sets 100 do do do 97 do do do do do do do china Tea do porcelain do 44 do printed do 10 do china Toilet 10 do printed do 10 do do do do porcelain do 10 do granite do 8 do do do do do Dinner Plates Breakfast do Tea do Platters all sizes Vegetable Dishes Covered do Sauce do Individual Butters Bowjs Jugs- Cups and Saucers Bread and Milk Sets JOHN I Sets do do Tumblers Goblets Cheese Dishes Butter do Glass Cake Stands do Fruit Dishes do Water Jugs do do Sets Yon attention called this week to our LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK OF- At remarkably Low Price All sizes for from four years old up with capes Mens Heavy Tweed Storm Coats and a lot of very Dressy Diagonal Worsted and Fine Tweed Overcoats A beautiful lot of Mens Fur Coats in Wombat Lamb and Raccoon all bought direct from the manufacturers TERMS STRICTLY CASH R J DAVISON fc Sets with Slop Jar do do do do do do do do Rockingham Teapots do Bakers do Pie Plates do Bowls Batter Bowls Milk Crocks Cream do Butter do Flowerpots Earthen Stew Kettles Lanterns Lamps Lamp Glasses Lantern Glasses A quantity of Fancy Glass ware that will interest you CLUN6 DEALER IN BANKRUPT STOCKS trade I Hull bo I FARMERS I AT MONTGOMERYS And Me FALL BOOTS AND SHOES For Men Oat Oct Hour CO a IS a OSS a fiuUrparbujbelsty OSS CO CM a a to a CO 18 40303 trdoi a 5 15 a IS a CO Wool Oil a loo- a II Pore per owl ICO I i Chlakeuptr 4 tXrt W ANTED- A or WUIUmllflpriiflllTlc iJowibr Of too Our Toronto Oct aallWh4tptaaial a bubal a 0M pur it a 0 If a jo par tnii tt a a OH 0 If a j a Oil par TO Woolptrlb Oil a oil 11 U Pork par I ft a OW OCT pair Oil I ar pair OH to Oil NEW GOODS FOR THE FALL TRADE BOUGHT RIGHT AND MARKED LOW- IN DRESS GOODS TRIMMINGS HOSIERY GLOVES AC GREY FLANNELS TWEEDS AND FURNISHINGS BLENDED COFFEEls THE BEST LOADS OF SUGAR FOR THE Remember the place WWPLAYT Telephone or not at hud flolUt Jehu or VABD ARE YOU LOCKING f FOR BARGAINS I I UK takea In to Iho York it Fail cow id comDrUIcic ART OAKLAND HAPPY THOUGHT RADIANT HOME AND ART OAKLAND HEATERS the beat aiao a WOOD Oh COAL CO0K3 PARLOR COOK8 HALL PARLOR AND BOX STOVES Which will told at LOWEST HARDWARE PAINTS OILS VARNISHES da work sad all work as rt rlj Alio Sola tor CANADIAN OPTICAL COMPANYS SPECTACLES Mala St NOTICE Buggies Repaired AND PAINTED UNDERTAKING ILL prompt tto10Q BEATTYS Art for fttoceu IDERlMILiV- fctCosaxltoi par J For lha tot Lata of Toronto will open bar tod

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