Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 30 Oct 1891, p. 1

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J Friday Morning ISA TO Abb XT Oil- 1f4E4 jihra NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER 1 ajpi fir Vol XLNo Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday Oct 1891 ill Ltoiqiin4 It fertile to on good SoUr Of Block MONEY TO LOAM m opjxito Port Office A HZ Oh Lift TO XT lira IiS lAWftllp MEDICAL DR J WESLEY APt Torooio with ot of And MWlCi OBI At Old Bet Cor Iii and Lot AGENT or Uoloa led Union All Slock Compiles Low Rate on mod Property Wrights j a ftf gar Heated WO Kit- rtnl EM IT WILL BE TO YOUR BENETITm TO BUY YOUR OUT OF US AT INDEED SMALL PRO WE HAVE NO MIS THEY ARE ALL MENS FITS fltrelri lioora to A Ad to and to Bart oo tod At to a J to udl id od DENTAL ATEKRT ENTlttT Oxide On and fttl tlCQM RirowotB A I I be fttOfflco Block- TJENTISTp will visit of month iroo do do IS noon All Work fltrtclljr Cub AN GEO JACKSON LICENSES Atlbe CANADA LIFE CO CAPITAL AND FUNDS- DOLLARS tod worldwide luruTco J Fir J a a Ani Or A Toronto far kpl time t FIT FOR If Wist to Have a FOR LABORER FOR MAN THE ACCIDENT TH8OaAN0ECOOPNORTH AMERICA only Am eric lUelfeKClniltely Ageacr for Aaror at the and iQiarwio J W STEPHENS ACCOMMODATION STORE NEWMARKET ftRT whoro tbey BECAUSE be nd employs but work do BY work Co to BBCAU8E our la well you will always Constantly on Hand LIABLE ud CHARGED HANDS bomber PRY CORD WOOD I Proprietor CONSUMPTION ft tti it T A AUELAlDt Pit ANY QUANTITY OF OLD NEWSPAPERS WALE office PER POUND will Weep on lime Wood and Coal Stoves at flxurea Aleo a Urge etc at ROOK BOTTOM PRICES Furnace Work done la nd all promptly attnoed to- I DUNNS BAKING POWDER STORE HEAVY AND SHELF OF EVERY DESCRIPTION PAINTS OILS PITCH AND ROSIN Largest Stock of Glass in Town PROPRIETOR f THEC00KS BEST FRIEND LABOCttT IN CANADA BENTIEYS THE OLD RELIABLE ESTABLISHED 1858 NEWMARKET BOOK NEWS DEPOT VISITORS TO i NEWMARKET WILL FIND A Choice Assortment of f NCY AT STARRS BOOK STORE A AND HAND J AMPS WMN STARR CENTRAL TELEPHONE r EVERYBODY Pure Drugs and Toilet Soaps Perfumery Shoulder and all kinds of DRUGGISTS I SUNDRIES DISPENSING carefully compounded and ordcra with care and despatch The public will find our of medicine complete warranted genuine and of the OPEN ON SUNDAY FOB DISPENSING ONLY 10 am pm pm DR CAMPBELL Leon WaUr PROPRIETOR J A READ THIS AND THEN COME TO S H GRIFFI FOR YOUR If you want a good assortment to chooeo from and at prices that will meet all demands We hold that we are the cheapest house North of Toronto for Boots and Shoes RIFF Term Strictly in or at of yeK Per Out of the Way fort ud ngc mom limit told to pi of j- Out of of Ml gimM ud Oat of ud Oat I to from Out of th lata of frtl ud bonftfvinir Along J Oat of the way of troth Oat bold Oat with iota lb Ho pot 1d oat of lb I Oat into I wbj do wp to I luti soak to oat of jour to bo And For bo oat of to bum- Ye be is of Companion do bo re oat of jour For Era 7 POLLOCK- A Whit it world Liil bound Of lift kbit lire tbt hit hero U thing Bound op with ill And Ibo of ill It tool bat nutter too mjjtioinouldod atom With nbtlo rifa bat to nua the Ufa Or It bat ad empty A we to of call Or tbw bat mind one mjitio idwlUtio From Or li tbe thing divine here rado At AH bow Id it tad a I mi thy And be Which their Wo feel thy lifei J Wo know tht no la orery act of life deed of right or joy giro or mtttfe A Dear Little Lamb I- I Wo liked them did we wife A beetld- pyp7 lot They look la the eye no matter how much to cm children were smart too for thu mat ter of that The grown gal pretty but the man u the fellow oyer met bouae oat yonder a kind of an affair and three acre of ground Then they began to borrow Well new folks most do that a spell bat we never saw Boob bands to borrow as them Roses were did we wifet A mak ing of coffee In the and a of and a Utile pepper at noon and a drawing of tea at night and a loaf of bread next day Ax tar the flatIrons and the bosrd and the tabs and the spade had em the beat of the time Got so at last that we didnt know but what we were borrowing we for em bo often seat any thing back bat we to say Well wait a bit When theyre Bottled theyll do dif ferent Took em a loog Urn to settle though I most say Bill that was all fair and square We oonld no when we were of coarse What I didnt was helping themselves They to things without asking at last be After awhile Id peep into Rosas garden and find it there Hens wouldnt lay em some ham theyd borrowed at Roses New took off the table Alt sorts of things of the aame sort At last Bays I to my wife That Is to rather fat aWt HI I like to be neighborly bat this mora than I can on I wifel Bo when Mrs Rote sent wontd Mrs Black jest lend her her best to go to town In and a parasol and acme gloves wife sent that she begged to be for aha needed nd that made a and all the little Roses didnt come to tea next Sunday was their But they borrowed wash tabs on Monday all the same and sent em home with the hoops off for the most part And Rose when she fetched em saya Mar be getting a new set soon wife No Ive nearly used em up see So after this Im going to borrow Didnt yoa wife Well that was Tuesday Wed nesday that old sheep there us a little lamb the ever seen Wife was wild about It and wed go out mornings to pet and look at it- Old Mitten we called the mother and she wm kind of a pet of ours Old Mittens were fine and she was proud of this one When made Its weak little JoVarattatnidto It talking might look as much as yon liked bat yoa mustnt touch It And when It was a week old never saw anything whiter and fatter in my life It was chilly spring weather and one night there came a regular windstorm Rattled the abutters and shook doors Couldnt have heard anything outside bat the milling and the fences to save your life But In the morning the thing we beard waa a sheep crying Such a doleful cry it was as if Its heart broken Wasnt it wife Bleu and save Jefff wife some dog has got amongst the beep I hear old Mittens voice as plain talking I harried on some clothes and down I went Cold and raw and nasty it was outside and joal day- break felt aa if human were being murdered as I heard them crying in the A sheep with its throat torn is a doleful sight to me Bat when I went in I saw nothing of the sort A kind of commotion thats all and old Mitten going on like mad I peeped into her corner where she it all night her u gone There was no blood anywhere So I thought the dog might have carried it clear off I dont know as I ever beard such a story They bite em sharp as a general thing but there- was ray dog Bruno dancing and flying ebont saying as plainly as a dog could I couldnt help They did it without my learo and now hed ran to the gate and now back and when I went into the boose he followed and went straight up to my wife and pulled her What a pity ho couldnt talk I He can says wife He the rascals have got that lamb Dont you Bruno And as I live Bruno gave short bark that Yes plain us the three letters do plainer Didnt it wife Well says I if come to that end it And if theyve got the lamb its in the bouse for theres no place else to bide it I toll what wife Ill go over there and borrow Roses Its about the only thing I know of hie owning and Ill look about while Im there Ill tell you If spring lamb cook ing Ill smell it So before breakfast I walked over Rose eat at the door There were just three rooms in the besides a loft The family were inside the children at breakfast and Mr Rose her baby in her cradle and singing to It Good J Good Hose Oslo I youd lend me your hammer says I Ob to be euro says Children wharathat hammer V The head ii out yonder Bays the boy Handle of it an other So Rose goes up steps to look in the loft and calls down Black I say step up I want you to toll me whether yoa dont think could build some rooms up here To be says I and you need em Yes says he going down and throwing open the bedroom door these mint better than boxes So Id seen the whole house and tbe lamb there There wasnt a place to hide iU I went out in garden after the head of the hammer myself and it wasnt there All the while Rose talked and Mrs Rose Bang to the baby Well neighbors said I as I sat down to fit the handle on to the head of tbe hammer weve met a lota Howraayaho Go to saya she There there there And riokettyrock went the cradle Oar lamb is stole says I Tookoffinthenightf Dogs leys lies Dont think so I Reckon It must be be A little treasure says Now if that aint too bad Mr Black a lamb Bye Rloktyrock ricketyrock went cradle Then began to slog If life depended on It then la a minute It flashed my mlud that didnt do it natural Yes I wife wot fond of that lamb and you to hear old Too bad nays she Provoking he The baby was kicking furiously Up went her to the tune of Baby kicked harder Go to sleep a dear little lamb says Your baby dont seem well Cutting his teeth says aha There there says the baby and I walks over to the cradle He Is a dear little lamb saya I peeping Into the blanket she was In for dear life and then I jutt shook the blanket off and it was old mittens lamb as large aa life Reckon you borrowed it says I Ill jest take him home to old Mitten and tell her how kind hes been tended And with that trotted off with the lamb In my arms and Im glad to say that was the last thing the borrowed for they a red away the very next week lor the neighbors got hold of the atory they found It best for them to go I rather reckon Ksffl 8ga The new church of inda will be opened next Sunday firmatlon and Holy at am and at and evening service at His Lordship the of Toronto will Fall Show The annual Fall Show of the East Gwiilimhury Township Society re cently held at Queensville Is said to be one of the beat ever held under following were the winners Ho Mia J A A Josh Jo a Bo J B Alex flodom King and John Bam ilton Wish David J bub oho Pollock J flpragoa Win P J A- Foriyla Sam Joha J Phillip K Proawr aad Piodaf J J i and Luke Doyle David Millar Cqttia oho Smith Irwin Hill Ju Elmer John Fuller J Jobn J- John Foliar Hill Geo Draper King J J 8raokei Roots J- Cowieaoo Wright Alex SpragQd Oliver John CawleMD E Joel Kion Miller Fuller J Reuben Alex J J W Geo Wright Smith Wright Joel J J Wm Dim Prank Halt Alex Jaa J leaoo J J AylvarJ MU Cora Raid J Oil- bett Hill Geo Bona Geo Fogg Woe Rev Luge Tilly Wright Draper Tarry J J John Cole Hill Cora Halt David Millar Asa What the Old Man fins to How the world v Did you ever run across a man or woman who was really Here Is a man who goes to court as he says to obtain justice there a man fleeing the country for fear will be meted out to him One man working eighteen hours a day and all Ma dimes to purchase a home another la running down the town and striving to sell the roof that shelters Mm Here is one lavishly means upon hearts Idol endeavoring to her that neither can live without the other another Is feeing a dozen law yen his effort to be freed by divorce from- a woman whom that could not live with and this may be the reason ho cannot The man who resides out West wants to go East the man down East the man in the West who he thinks has nothing to do but pick up gold sleep The merchant to be a farmer and thus tire Ms body and let head rest arm or imagines that the soap in the country standing behind a counter protected from and rain The man with a house filled with little responsibilities of the pat ter of many feet while the man without these pledges of affection mourns that his house la the cemetery The hod carrier would be a preacher and talk an hour or two on Sunday the preacher envies the hod carrier bis muscle bis appe tite and ability to sleep well at night And so it goes all through life Wilson Star Miss Frances tells the following About twelve years ago a soldiers widow with one boy and one lived in The boy was less than ten years old a handsome darkeyed fellow richly endowed in heart and mind and having a true loyal love for his mother They were very poor and the boy felt that he to work Instead of to school but bis mother was a intelligent woman and not bear to have him do toil He thought a great deal open the and fin ally begged a penny from his abler who was a few years older than him self With this money he bought one copy of the daily paper at whole sale and sold it for two He was then to the money he borrowed make a note of that boys and ha now had one of own With that he bought another paper and sold it for two cents and so on He took up his position in front of the Sherman House opposite the city was a favorite with the and they ought little fellow fiercely stood ground won room for himself and went on Belling papers He became the most in the city and at the of fourteen had laid up mosey enough besides helping his mother so that be afford to take a of study in and typewriting He began in a of two hundred others When he gradu ated from the course only six remained with him There is in this you to A great start in the race but fear hold on to end They are like chasing a butterfly Pretty along the wy them and the hear a bird somewhere in the or they to skip pebbles in the river It is the few that go on riant straight on who catch the butterfly wo call Well this hoy became the beat in Chicago When he was only he waa president of their society then went to a leading college and took the entire our years course of preparation in years at the same time support ing himself and his mother by his stenography for the He kept op his health by outdoor and riding the He tasted tea coffee or tobacco or drinks Hi food was aimple mostly fob vegetables and fruit He bad a good conscience there was no about him When he twenty yeses of age he became the private secretary of one of the greatest capitalize America Of course be bed a large salary He was clear oat in every thing he did there was no in his work The gentleman who em ployed him used tobacco and drank wine bat his young private secretary with quiet dignity declined both and claret though offered him by Me employer in bis most gracious manner It to the credit of the that when his secre tary told Mm be never tobacco or liquor he answered honor you for it young man The name of remarkable CM- is Jerome Raymond He is now private secretary of Bishop and Is making a trip around the world At the same time bo studying for his degree in the permitted to substitute French and Sanskrit for some other studies that he would have taken If he were here waa my on and off two years aud I think roost high ly of Mm It seemed to mo I could not do a greater service than to you his simple story it lied Ira OriiUa Sixty Anarchists In Borne i a People attended Wtjod- bridge Fair The Hamilton are short moo wore killed by explosion of a boiler on a North Dakota jaat week Floods In France much damage and by sec tions of railways hare Interfered with traffic ta J- Toe floods Gran ada and Spain and Tillages nave been almost entirely destroyed Two palatial are to be added to the take fleet next season to ply between Mid Major John Stewart of Otta wa has been awarded the contract for the Toronto Armory the figurn being about Some light gent managed to capture a sum of money from Mr A- B Groves till at cheese fwday ago An epidemic of influenza in a severe form is prevalent in Silesia Five hundred owes ami deaths are reported from be of cattle have drowned the crops almost en tirely destroyed and many lirea have been lost by floods in the state of Mexico Ont Oct James Canning who ahot in mistake for a deer near has been jailed here on a charge of Mr foundry at fltay- was burned last week main building was totally destroyed and the valuable machinery entirely ruined Insured for The of the steamer S Peck was from bottom of the river on Saturday morning and a free passage to lako Superior is more opened At Stratford Daniel Whale formerly of Toronto was found of manslaughter for killing his wife at Mitchell some months ago and sentenced to penitentiary for life Mrs calls her slipper Because the children after It I Oct John farmer on the thirteenth of Tiny burned out this morning and his three youngest children were burned to death His wife waa also very badly burned and Is very doubtful if aha can live The fire started by the children light ing papers at the and throwing them Into the had only just left the house on way to Sunday School taking tb a eldest boy with blm and his wife milking ran la to save the children and her clothes caught fire noticed the fire and ran and met his wife with the baby and cradle coming Her clothes were on fire Ha went in of the children but the heat and were unbearable and ha had to treat without finding them These waa no on the Worth Five Dollars A bottle but aold for only one dollar and guaranteed to benefit or cure or money refunded the genuine Dr Golden Medical Discovery Fraudulent imitations of this medi cine are sometime offered and at to cents To protect the publlo from such imposition tho genuine now sold only throogh druggists regularly authorized as agents and at the uni form and price of per bottle or bottle for 000 But each bottle of the genuine Golden Medical Discovery carries with it makes it the cheap est bloodpurifier and liver- that yoo can buy Its the printed guarantee of its makers that if it fails to benefit yon theyll re turn the money You pay the get with this and all of Dr medicines pay the one fiexd price bus If there a no help theres no pay Its value received or money back Thats the way It maker prove their faith Id IL With an ordinary medicine It cant be done Dealers not authorized to sell the genuine medicine are likely to offer imitations dilutions and substitutes at lower price Beware of them a village of In canton of Berne Switzerland has been almost entirely wiped by fire railway station the postoffice the telegraph offices and nearly ail the business places and residences have been Utterly destroyed Oct There ever large crowd of farmers from this si- and quite a number from a distance to attend the annual provin cial ploughing match held at the On tario Experimental Farm here The different were well filled and most of the event were not de cided today Hon John MinUUrofAJrrraltaridHWad of Agriculture and Arts and Other prominent agri- oulturiata ware present and made abort a Aliases Saturday morning last while Mr Lyons of Lindsay was a colt he had just liberated from the stable the playful animal suddenly turned and kloked him breaking his right arm A team belonging to Mr Fin- ley of Mara ran away with a thresh ing engine tost week and the result was that one of the horse fell and engine ran over it crashing it so badly that it had to be killed A few nights ago some con temptible miscreant visited Mrs hennery Lindsay and re lieved that good lady of six of her choicest fowl leaving the heads jnat outside the door Somebody is evidently in training for a trip to Kingston A man was carried away on a floating roof from Johnstown Pa during the great floods took typhoid fever died The victims mother took action to recov er the amount of the accident policy her son carried and yesterday tho court In Philadelphia gave a verdict for the full amount of the policy At the meeting of tho West Council a grant of was mad tow the removal of the obstructions placed In outlets of the of Lake and provided that removal of the same has the effect of lowering the of said lakes to the extent of at lout Inches A budding- young lawyer named got mad at editor of the Sun and wrote him a letter which was more forcible than polite and In order to let the young man down hard the editor published the communication word and all The consequence is that the young man now feels madder than- a hornet hot he wont write any more letters to the Sun man Friday afternoon last Mr- Archie of Lindsay tbo largest seen In Lindsay for many a day while troll ing down the river He did not re alize the also of the take at first but when the big fish leaped about 3 feet clear of the water hi optics bulged at the afght and he applied himself to the task of taming his captive by careful play and finally succeeded in landing It When webbed it tipped the scale at a few ounce over lb and It measured ft inches in length with a girth of If one of oar Yankee visitor captured would mean thousand of dollar to evening the To ronto train was brought to a aland suddenly between and Al lands that the passengers what was the matter better than the engineer Mrv M Fennel who aw a child on the a few yard ahead of To aay that the engine was quickly reversed give b person only faint of how quickly It was done witness whoa formerly a railroad er said he new saw a train atop so On of fact had toe train advanced- ft few feet further it would have been The little fellow a three yea- old son of Mr and bad strayed away from ffal WJ a

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