Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , October 16, 1891, p. 3

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r r OCT Lively Local Law OS IK ABOUT TOW Who are The list of o5 wOl be J jo pet Any- piTUKD Ob where are piping raj maid I eg to she said Mi I go wit a We dont Exchakgk Sunday jot to Aurora SctKbi preach and S Mr- from Aurora lerf e ereolog New Ma- easy to learn and L Sod of Church Next setoff Sibbeld Uptown will preach a to li of and to District Mr Amos Hill baa a raspberry which grew lata week rip ft- csctioootu warm weather this hire New Goods this we and them M of Tuesday of he of height which Brock fell the papiU the School JT by WK U The Gospel by Sir Hopkins The gar by recitation by Kiss Ferguson Lewis Joe Game Laws For the to nolo till par killed ftt to Kor woodoxk Aag to lit hut Sept let to Much Sept let to lit pert nlge aip end ell g Sept lit to Fob Books End Giods On thitTljl9 pir iifirio of Sir the Coo of Rut inch couiduwllt rig ttKiI tot no ctliicei for lb- Pro- The of lud Teacher far this la Societt ecoEd ifodel School a School of on to order At On tut tim Clerk ud Id com- with Juior Act Minted W whop to for Kirlce f at the Court and Ota 8 An is I Sttnrfty night of taken to the from Et pain from Hex mi mora and aha Jifd morning The not being claimed by frieoda it ra at rooinlDg t ft Sold at Not Ybt It ally that new School woald ba completed bat biro not jet the School farther delayed ftnawpatenr fitit of kind in And been delayed In their machinery to At Mr David Fowler of was hitching day to coma to Newmarket on of its bead quickly fttid in with which bled it IS hi got wound via availed to of in town at a Day It ia Day jeai u Nor At a the for jean we the local of iii town will likely arranga for a nnloa If there waa a year tinea the of Caoada to to the of Li Ki for a faarrtit torn or other it la It to thefora fitting will f people And heavy id town are at W what they an all after When cao we It cry North York mt the at two oclock on SiturIay aaa Board of and as they gt throogh with bodncu fjAMe one or two made There only a offered Sitae- u followa Batter l from a peck barrel per a a head or cauliflower per chickeni to per pair to 5tw per each Big lot of in thit week And At The friend of tie in a fori nppot on of Day later The agent of la and foio will ba at the Royal on OcL no pain guaran teed The En- of Preabylerian Intend holding a next The program will of ftddnna readinga and mode A for will takan Ink Drops next and Town Uodiy Society is fteUTSn Boprt of Nipene of LjdU Soott here on Hn Dr tinting At St for of weeks Mr Johneon the re- we in Town Sitnrdey riding 8hAron A fig At being to git Next day waa retained party in a mod condition Aa did not to bill laid an him lt week for farther engaged for On being In and He hone hire bang at and Bat the to And on the order of Inspector BogArt And Woollen wu to kill It on and that pat it The and it re ported that the will for that A Scab A glance at mil a 1Ut of who the town If a AdrtrtiMmeot In the paper by each of men and a card from each of one you need not to the of the town Bat if yon find the not their basic mi then et it doirn a fact thcao who do try to path their and the town with interests hart a bird time and an dp till alt year round Among toe Glorified The of iUnUf gloooi her mi ii tha of if Eit and a very and winoma child About a ago aba affected with the iaic known at Vitoi from cold Ground week which and carried her off pireati hare of the in their Among fl iribatea a wreath flJ3 the Of Some town are tie bom front of a with oat lifway AtroH the street at right the One did ail a dtmigel ferjf in Aaothtr by Mayor folly of owner of the dautged ft ruffled at to fir offface If people h tie in front of not pay Utile rnre to the WQoieaco of along the the will hare to be called In end wilf be ftepnaltr- they own A little ttnaa be all Cms fcg with J An At- fifteen sii lis eoanded en of In the IrtJy iky bit for the iciemVietoox getting of Led tw were tie fltmta end it we ASfther till the third The fire In frame foot of Vlctwle end tool honee end Ly SI fmv it tell It Mr J the et Hie bat the whole lice wji one of to Is ihe end form preferred ft trill out it to erect new est the two were two I- of ad lb fire through en the fltaee rillDaUbed Mr fit oh which then no Mr loft worth of ttd Mr la wood rot or Mr ie by A Mr Turin d cm I ill bur to parchue for him tool to which 11 oar their with more word denote On Brown tad Mr lib ptiree of 76 Of of w bom from u ex ended of edtr etd tend w tfa WIll Tarb it All Do not the items of the of friend of noy your It not to seek bo to to other to to of yonr If friend come io yon went them to here the time notice of their will bring pltuiog c11 attention which not be gotten And any item of local interest we to get tend them thick became yon re not a brilliant writer yon cant do it Send a the and will fit it up Bbiktuto trees axe rapidly throwing off their cummer cottumes and the fall Mr Hewitt all summer uid he discovered to fabt regret but Sunday that had been pat cat The weather yet to come and then for winter Sharp last Suudsy night cooked ail the that farmer omitted and many neglected houseplant also suffered the Important meeting of the Institute at 8 oclock craning Regular meeting of at Mr Smitha next eXternooa Royal Templar are preparing for en tertslnoent shortly The balance of faro Here etc belonging to Mr Morrison will be offered by auction on the market eqaire bere tomorrow The forgot all shoot toe Bend of Hope meeting last Wednesday Mr Groom making quite an addition to hi A regu lar took on Taedy all except Scott and to of on the new at a coat of Other parsed to fl27w The tinder of Bradley for basement two accept Ac to J ft Millard for fcor Geoio to the old pot down walk eta for the of the Mr appointed to represent at Ontario School in Toronto next month The Report on the roll nod an arene of Tbb the beat average yet and the Primary school of the fire iiu that ha woolJ at the tit meeting more to extend noon Tai Jov of Har riet Strricei in connec- with Sun day and wera a two were work the aod and the appearance of Church on iLtoroiofc At the beaming a ana the at once aini Scant and It wonfd too much to a detailed of the ire might thit ha faad in ratoy the city of H aa1H bat ha hid nerer v roach labor expended and a effect produced front of the dealt wet a of every of nod field vegetable a to mammoth ilia wheat a of of were placed here and the whole decked magnlGoent flowering and tropical plenty and of erergiteo and The front of the choir dreated with every of frail from lactone pip pin SarmoaotiDglheorgaafraaaplowdreea- with decked with a crown of At of worked the with preatedaQtafdo hi fairvut were led The front of the inch a effect that the waa tied to a negative have AH the win alts decorated The and evening by lha were mutter jrta and though church cowled to be held for an fa wrapt attention entire the between Canaan of ta and oar heavenly WeUgranwblle tbe evening the of reproduction whether or evil The imwt were fnilf keeping and Sacred Concert on a grand The dtterra credit for tio and In whlth won people The wu crowded be with the The of Wright and Mr of Toron to and aln gave a rendering of Thaaeleptlooaby the choir welt and by and with witty Interjec tion putor who the chair gavaavArUty which waa appreciated The Aid to be on the era of flnt Home flection on to over lit and of the rftw Von Tea OShantere and other a A On ing whore home is a abort north of the cemetery into town by Daniel Kelly a of demented condition found wandering upon the highway on Second In and la a way enquiring for deed Two before ha had Attempted barn when George It from the fir la to it from It handed to ConeUble who deposited it id OIBw for It deed was making whan found by Mr Kelly Tha latter unfortunate to New market and placed him in charge of daring Saturday evening Authorized to provide fo him till he appeared bo ill the aervice of Dr Scott were aecured Sunday the case dangcroue And on and Woodcock committed him to with the view of having him properly the Mn J Sooch been Port the of wekA fcu gone to at for a few wteka Mm Dickey of City was of J A W Allan over Sunday Martin of North left for to viait her J and aoh Frank of spent last week wilh her brother Bailiff Malloy and Mr ban gone for a with at SalnlGald Beach Joe Hewitt wha Li at with some la States In week Herb and Bnlmer of spent Sitnrday last in town with their Bailiff klalloy Mrs a Webb n took in ihi Western to visit at Mich meek Oh Ion left on Thursday last for an indefinite visit to her in Winnipeg and the Pacific Gout Elder of and on Mr Nelson Elder of with bis wife spent a coup of day with Mr this week i of Map left lut week on month to bet friends Dr and I Hudson of Merrill Michigan Mr Bert Lloyd of the town clerk who graduated from Ontario Bank hem and now located at ii home for irteks holiday wife and returned on eating at and a delight fnl trip 7 wilt Mo Irani llr grown op in town from early hood and has Ken a general whether at id the or with on the wheel expected to leave night to accept a mere with the of proprietor of a ding town where and he earn him the wiahea of friends and the children go with him the Dr wiil pro attention to compounding and at Pharmacy ARE YOU PREPARED FOR COLD WEATHER A i IF NOT DONT FORGET FOR T EH A In Flannels Dress Goods Tweeds Mantle Cloth Gloves Hosiery and all Fall and Winter Goods STOCK IS O K And Prices Lower than the Lowest j IT WILL BE TO YOUR BENEn TO BUY YOUR OUT H OF US AT INDEED SMALL PROl WE HAVE NO MIS THEY ARE ALL MENS i FITS CLOTHING FIT FOR MERCHANT If You Wish to Have a FOR LABORER FOR EVERY KAN A M J W STEPHENS ACCOMMODATION STORE J DEALER IN The Virginia 362 on her age from Boston to Liver pool A FINE LOT OF j AND SILVERWARE JUST OPENED CLEARING OUT fl AT HALL Death of Rogers The Urge open apace iaat week to make for the prize of the North York Agricaltoral prercnted from gifing of the of of Klnjr who el thia on the 6th year of The log thia and ate to and mora riGli A abort a of was from the from malignant typhoid and not long after to arl a of and aha fell and now the father of tha family been called aw while the mother and another daughter are HI with the the affliction In of they hare Mr Kogra tha aldeat ion of the lata Timothy Utter be the white man known to hare New who tbe year while a tonr between Toronto and Simcoe following the branch of theHolland to and favorably with the the locality to order main more complete for a hill abont where the North York now aa fed hie bone the wild gran on the low land near by formed a which became widely known or the father of tbe lite Koeri who bora the old home- at of which became own er In poUUcdeceaaod for many and with the party the election he been with the Liberal Con- and wu a for North York rammer School a length of time bar a of with aeat and fidelity the of For he an member on of Director of the York Agricoltural Society and leaat one if not fiIe1 the chair Mr a In farming porailli in frait a an he kind and a neighbor end and The In which aod warm frtenJa all Riding will be J to learn of Me demUe To the reared family we Under oar STOCK Come Early and Secure Bargains Coupisu First of the at A- JOHN Finest Hall At Fink New Salmon At Seasons Japan Tea Fine Flavor and Strength 30c for Beat in town at Hall Tea If yon enjoy a fioe cop of Ten thU popular brand never to please For at is oar reliable standby never fails to please A- Smith Forbrcakfoat nothing is so goodai Rolled or gated Wheat It is quickly and easily prepared Get a package at China Hall Gem Jabs AH sups largo stock low prices at China Hall Toilet Sets Dinner Set Tea Sets and of all kinds at big redactions A Smith BAR6AINS FOR 2 WEEKS MORE AT It is feared that the winter Montreal will suffer a repotitioQ of the smallpox epidemic of There have been already reported from var ious of the of Qocboo HALL R A SMITH PROPRIETOR McALEERS Owing to success attended in clearing out the of Crockery Glassware Groceries I haye decided to continue sale for the comiug two weeks and give my customers tbe advantage of the reduction There are still in stock a few nice Dinner Sets Bed- Room Sets Dishes Bowls Pitchers etc which will be sold at than previously The Grocery Stock is still well assorted and will be offered at a Reduced Price for the coming two weeks to clear as the shop containing them will on the to allow the making of alterations in the premises J Cor Main Timothy Streets Newmarket to atrotif Air ANTED Apply to a 14 Witt Gat W J U4 fiscal tA liai4ei WU LUIl ft liaU W SloouMa ISO West ARE YOU LOOKING f FOR BARGAINS TUB takta Id an- North York tbat Stock or now lo ART OAKLAND RANGE HAPPY THOUOUT HOME AND ART OAKLAND HEATERS aw the beet rain reroffereai also a larga stock of othar tore la WOOD COAL COQK8 PARLOR COOKS HALL PARLOR AND BOX Which sold at THE ALSO HARDWARE PAINTS OILS VARNISHES 40 and work and all other work done and Also Sola for CANADIAN OPTICAL COMPANYS CELEBRATED i3 St NOTICE 9 Buggies Repaired AND UNDERTAKING ILL prom pi atlsaUoa as GEO I AT- BEATTYS jour affTTT WANTED- A rood lo at SI CtADA- ABTIIMA- KO at w- To pi DEB MILI Steady JOHN i NEW GOODS FOR THE FALL TRADE RIGHT AND MARKED LOW IN DRESS GOODS TRIMMINGS HOSIERY GLOVES C GREY FLANNELS TWEEDS AND GENTS OUR BLENDED COFFEE IS THE BEST LOADS OF SUGAR FOR THE Remember Ihe place WW PLAYTER Telephone THESESHIRTS chest measure instead of by the size collar The be ing selfadjusting it will fit any size collar Ask to see the Night Robe has neither buttons nor button holes IMPROVED PATENT that par SALE BY F J WARN THE GENTS FURNISHER

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