Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , October 16, 1891, p. 1

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tT 1 s v XnE NEWMARKET ERA a Friday Morning GEO AT PRINTING or atttaar REACHED In ttiStiA application TiTisfJ forts chirr accord MB THE TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE TO ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY CAPITAL BEST sir P f NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol XLNo 38 Single Copies Ce Each Newmarket Ont Friday Oct 16 Strictly in Advance tli25 within Sm or at end of year Newmarket Branch sjsi at llflns promptly to ft J io Loan on food EST FOB id Life Pabilc iff Retctraer MONEY TO LOAN BILES iRRtSTERS Solicit Art Friday A Building lb Office- or oh J of lirATTlrHp Oat A J Jffi scroti io KM nM- CAMPBELL At lkcUfj Ave- AT A FOR London Co AGENT or Li of i-aj- Norwich UoioJxKnsr J Ens All Stock Low on Firm and Town Property Tin UBrABiiSHED 1857- Termsi W meet tie- 2iQi parlor Hum be Store liaTlnKlatftlrfmovcdrroin office TOE AHERIOA la America lUclfexcIaiKelvtolhebMlneiBonDiwaDoe for Aurora loan and Notary Public ciiAft a ailtlcn- A D IIOLMSGRHEAD KSTlrtT AT THE NEW AND FULL LINE BEAUTIFUL MANTLE CLOTHS DRESS GOODS FLANNELS AND Underwear in Ladies Children and Mens every and quality direct from the manufacturers M t ml Spot J DAVISON NEWMARKET Ins lcoti Room jpfll PORTER nESTJOTV WILL VISIT tlfcm do All Work J Str Cub ftRT IIirllY PHOTOS gel ihelii ork Is superior- BECAUSE ibey be work w much collrtlo of natural hit- HEAVY AND SHELF ri Harvest Song- Lanh oat agh oat ye all jour ripened if for With broad land abrim with food whliper Rood li The wiodi that from fif or near Find In ricbei rick banting Of Hob and ffralQ the which ill may domain OF EVERY DESCRIPTION be bpftloeej lilted dopcoDlcllkoto lorcc ml and will welcome CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO CAPITAL AND DOLLARS and Royal PAINTS OILS PITCH AND ROSIN Largest Stock of Glass in Town iwo yara Park Avenue Constantly on Handj and other DRY THE RELIABLE STOVE TIN SHOP HAS CHANGED HANDS PROPRIETOR NEWMARKET BOOK NEWS DEPOT from lima to full Hut of lit time Wood and Coal Stoves wo will at flRurtt Eattock etc at a i ROOK BOTTOM PRICES Work nd C- done o flriKau Kpalilia aid all out- REFITS 1 li Ifyj I a ifiu t 4 floor OK OLD NEWSPAPERS noil HALE at AT PER POUND VISITORS TO NEWMARKET WILL FIND A Choice Assortment of flHCY AT STARRS BOOK STORE A SPECIALTY HANGING AND HAND LAMPS WM N STARR CENTRAL TELEPHONE The com fielda in aifaj Of And row of which lot thU waj And toon all overflow laogh oat fiold With mirth Tbi joy your the runtid earth North York Fall Fair Prist List Continued IMTOHXED Scott North H- Spnguo Uriah a J- J Sad A Filly J Broil Spring Coll A J Jobo J Peter Graham Aurora 2ywripld flpau J Well Hint- Sod Whitchurch Then- Sad J or Filly Pindar Filly Joseph SriDg Colt J A boy Sid Win ThowfDD White Syrinx Filly Win A 9 Jos Sod Ju Well JoMpb Filly Soil Sgl Gelding or Filly John Klllity SfriDK Coll or Filly A ftKtaili ijil J J Kilclej Win Willi Whitchurch J Walter Whitchurch Saulu 2adJu 3rd Kohl Hill J J 2nd 3rd Filly od Ore 3rd Aaron Qeldlog or Filly and 3rd T J Spldiog Orchard Filly Wm T J Sliding 3rd The on Road ilorutW J Bell Iletoo A old Ml Albert 2od J A Sod J Bed ford la J Scbombtig A to It J J 3rd t let ftad 3rd Oeo 111 Whit- chat eh or Filly J Kettleby 2ad Kettle- by ared flUnkar 2nd Tocoatoai Joseph 2nd A and rtd 2nd Joseph 2nd Jo BlhartiL Oak Ridgw Sad Jo Crab Apple J 2nd acd Currant Ralph 2od JUy Geo Jell any kind 2ed tod too Pickle any kind Lloyd 2nd lira ton Lloyd 2ad John Hoten acd mod filinkftr 2nd 2nd Luady Foray ad ex Ji of Chicken for Jo ga heavier Salter Jar -Pre- I too Mr Sharon Wool pair John Mia Joile ltlogwood Blanket homemade pur Joho and Mia Pitt Work Quill lt 2nd Miss Work Joa John Sad Crochet cotton Mar tha A Dollar Miss ton Dollar To Jed lied Spit ad Sod Rig Carpet ML Joeie John made Mia Joeie John Wool Lock Lloyd Whitchurch Wool lock in 2nd Mrs John Socks Cotton filockioi John fiud J Van Joaie Wool Mill Mia 2nd Mr Joho Borrow Wool Glorr Mba Wool Yen home Edward Miller Oik Rldfi 2od Londy Pin tided Silk SlKkiog J IV MI BIT t Vk 11 liar Btrtha Jr tod TrarJaa MeNatlL Arnold Boon Br Part Br Part Arnold raak Tablet 0U tad Table Waiter Often in Tab Arthur Pafi Hog era day Name on roll ya aHondaoea It I Teacher What the Old Hun lias to say The Editors The prices of food rapidly ruing in In New York apples for are lelltag at ft 11 tfO day Kettle Ida Ward el 3rd LUda Clark 2od Ctaia Ada Sedora Part Willie Part Max Pearl HirUud Alymer Keatoh Teacher a mo ayo and Meade Foot Miller Jr Seymour Harper Miller Fred Cheater Jr and Bill lit Foot Jr let Mary Booti ViotorU Martha PteedDlerery Chester Elliott Fred Harper Lhule Foot Byron Aoaie SO A t Teacher There two or three different of women who travel on the fidgety sort whor afraid ha will be by the station where wants to get and about an boor before she her definition ihe up nod on platform road to alight when the blows for the Another the who taking life and She make a move toward getting op her matter bow many have the baa come to a standstill and the people have begun to gel on And then ahn not a bit and the are train will be in motion when gets on the platform if indeed it isnt to stop it again to al low her to get off e have soon both tbese women lately aSVur M Sr J L A Jr J dr 3rd J J J Jr 3rd A Archibald Barjjsrd J Welle L Coulter Jr J- A Welle P Jr Part A K erery day P J amies J OBrien per taken by IS A Teacher Cities and Parks BENTLEYS PHARMACY OLD I RELIABLE ESTABLISHED Pure arid McdicincB Toilet Perfumery Braces Trusses Sponged and all kinds of DRUGGISTSSUNDRIES DISPENSING carefully couipoundbd and orders answered The public will find our of warranted genuine and of the OPEN ON SUNDAY FOB ONLY READ THIS AND THEN COME TO s H FOR YOUR 11 am 230 pm tf DR CAMPBELL lu took PROPRIETOR If you want a good assortment to choose from and at prices that will meet all demands We hold that wo the cheapest house North of Toronto for Boots and Shoes S H GRIFFIS it Fitly 2oJ Id 2 John Kf wick flmtrt fltfttllou A Mr Albeit Id Dill so Tutlaa- CUikf J I Algeo 3rd Wuler Drool ML 2nd A or Filly old Sbiron 3rd hud ML t Filly Sod Bradford Colt or Filly A MoAttbur Mom 3rd jut Crock or Tub flatter- Cany Oxford jilie Willi Diy Hotel Willie Batter Roll of Ml lOtb Roll of Willi Batter to lib Locdj Boa A But Mr I Terry Mr Biker Eldeitrtiry La Wins Laody Land too id Mil And ou CuapJ J Brown Aurora- On Tuesday the Aurora gave an at id Hall The was alt and realized aUml Thoa formerly of place but who has lately hoc a at West Toronto has moved back to town Mr Alex Demean baa hero for the past nine months left for On evening last before the commencement of entertainment in the Mechanics the Urge chandelier just in front of the fill with a crash breaking every lamp The oil caught on fire on the floor but fortunately through the the two or three parties who were In the at of the accident in putting out the fire Had the accident happened a little later In the evening when the hall wq full there is do telling what the result would have been first shooting at the Ontario OlThand Rifle Association took here Oct The home off the first given by of Toronto the champlonihip The follows Aurora Bradford Newtonbrook men lories 100 yards 1st AOrahSro Everett Weill Aurora 3rdD yards lit A- Graham 4796 2nd It Aurora 46 3rdE DAYi tho fivetuan team match Aurora took Brat scores were Aurora A Bradford first Everett Bradford 353 the Individual raatoh the follow ing member of the Bradford Rifle Club woo prizes vie 3rd wore J score score Joseph Noilly J SO fORTH Scott Winch Howard Won Fred Holme 3r Draper Fred L Draper Jr Pollock Davli oo Pollock I Uortoo Lara J J Bird J A Jr lit P Tablet Class Draper Pollock 3 Oaring to the ayarage mora of lha been out of acbool for at Itut It Teacbar With the great civlo im provements that have been in 13 of Europe America daring the past years there has been a devel opment of a i of popular recre ation and progress strikingly shown in tho planning and of parka A quarter of a ago there were bnttwo welladvanced rural parka In the United States now there more than forty most of which are fulfilling in a large the bene ficial for which they were Philadelphia with Park of nearly acre in area with park com or well advanced iu Brooklyn Baltimore St Louis San and even New Haven Bridgeport and provided themselvs with rural parka New York has nearly of land devoted to park purpose and spends nearly on and develapnieut her parka Among European cities London Paris Berlin sell and Liverpool have a gen eration twloa doubled area of rural recreation grounds All tho cities of the British years ago but four parks adapted to rural recreation now they contain parks averaging each aorea in extent have public parka come to be ranked in a city life that a city destitute of one stands at a commercial and financial disad vantage Beyond their treat utility in affording a toeaua of health and capacity of the urban population publio in an other aspect pays for them- selves There for example no doubt that the millions of dollar which Central Park cost New York have been returned through the profit lint occurred froto at of the city as a place of residence for men of and limply through increased real estate which has thus occurred actually lighter than would have been but for the park Watty An unknown man has been found near Little Current victim of foul play The town of has pur chased a team of working horses for town at A belonging to Mr Wood tbo pasture week Times are pretty lively on marsh this fall There is we wider stand an of good hay The English flart Home Bond theotberdayws quite a Proceeds over Moro apples are being shipped from Montreal to Great Britain thii year any former one rale of taxation ia 22 mills on Sounds rate is mills The prohibiting isle tobacco to minora bit London City Council of the the Volga of ait have been attacked with All war vcliel Sea and Slates will a time Id BafTalo flour went down twentyfive a barrel coal too fjT It ii reckoned that not tbaq three hundred houses have built in Toronto Junction with in a year of them notorious and eperate criminal en- from ol in St Liu is Mo oil Friday evening Tribal war ia reported raging of tho and it ia stated in An oil well in Washington County Pa barrels daily largest flow on record The Band is full having been reor ganized recently under the of Mr It again reported from Europe that ia force of soldiery on fiouth frontier lh Clui Sr Richard Willie CUia Jr 3rd BVar CUrawo and ARgta Jr Mary A- KtDoady ItMary Wll- llama Jr Pail Atdalla Ulllla flpaog Baker Arthur Cook lit Clua Kaaila aod Etta and Plphar lat Auatlo May May Cook Oot 8 The large plan- log factory owned by P Barman and operated by Think was totally by fire about two oclock this morning with machinery and content A stable the owned by Jones also burned Mr loss fully tive thousand dollars and Held A lose about thousand no Cause of fire unknown The exodus from to domains Mr momiog for Detroit where be Intend to complete his legal and Measrs A OBrien Steel and A Booker started Friday last for Chicago where they intend to locate If they employment A Snake on the Train Saturday friend and my self boarded the f bound for There were but few vacant I found one woman Inclined to be her satchel and wraps piled up her I asked if was engaged nod she It was I took opposite and had jast been fairly seated when there crawled out from beneath this womans feet ft huge snake I snake and onto the seat just as women do when we see a mouse an instant my neighbor picked up the monster very deliberately made It Into a coll and It in her satchel She told me not to be alarmed that it was a pot The pet was an African species so told the gentleman behind her five and a half feet long Sho bad opened the satobel to It air and ft hod crawled out without her knowledge Pitt ew A sad accident occurred last Saturday afternoon on the farm of on While they were thresh ing grain in the barn Mr little daughter aged seven came the barn unnoticed and her dress coming In contact with tho tumbling shall she was thrown on floor instantly Paget Sound is reported to bo so filled with salmon making anno run to the sound and the fresh water stream for feed- and spawning that the steam boats seem to bo floating on a miss of fiib paddles kill hun dreds of and are choked with their bodies The sound steamer captains describe the run as an string of thirty mites long the water for that being fairly with them Neither the oldest Inhabitants nor the aged Indians remember such big saloon run The result of the enormous ran Is a big reduction la prioes Usually good sslmon tell for 10 to apiece but now at one cent each the market Is glutted with the finest quality of fiib At Port a few days ago two casts of seine netted over fine salmon Everybody is filbinij Canned salmon to be cheap this winter i What might have proved to bo a fatal happened ton young man of Eversley It was only soma three weeks ago that Mr Mc- Bride of King City had a cow killed and several cars were thrown track Again last Mr John of this place bad three colts killed Both these accidents occur- red Sunday and it was on Band ay last the following accident the young man Oliver of this place While coming from accom panied by Mr John the cars came along from the direction of King station and had Mr not quickly rescued Mr his situation the result might are been fatal As Is was the ear succeeded I- throwing Mm off the track several feet It will be some lime before Mr pater will get over the excitement of his narrow Despite the protestations of heard on all aide the relation- between the Governments Germany and Russia remain trained There is only twenty inches water in the Ohio around Cincinnati aod teams ere fording the river Eighteen are aground The barn of Mr near Angus was destroyed by fire the other day all it content consisting of farm implements etc etc Cause of fire unknown Archibald the Win nipeg manufacturer has been com mitted for trie on two charges of out raging little girls Bill was placed at in the firatcase and refused in tho second K It reported on gmt authority that the Grand Trunk Railway has contracted with the to haul two hundred cars of grain per day out of North Bay for next two months ft3T A cow owned by Mr Paine Orillia was struck by on the street crossing and knocked into the cattle guard leg was broken and section men had to butcher it Kb Owing to the increasing con gregation to Barrio Baptist church it has been found to re- the partition between the body of he church and the school room thereby making church consider ably larger new Post baa call boxes and lock boxes are arranged in form of The ia said to be to that of many of the government Offices Mrs J A Morton of ton went to on a lounge in ball upstairs in her residence Dur ing the night she got op Id a condition and walking to window stepped out falling a diatancr of twelve feet She was seriously hurt worse Wot paraded the street of Monday and looted baker shops and other places where eatables were to bo obtained Troops went summoned and fired upon the mob killing workman and wounding stivers others Bell Choir an nounce a grand entertainment for Friday evening Oct to be held in the Methodist Church Bell Mr J of Torontos popo I has been secured for the by Mr I M Gilpin of readings and best local talent available Music by Methodist and from several well known reverend gentlemen James Miller foreman In the Victoria Wheel was engaged working at a on Wednesday morning when the machinery was In ii coat got caught and his Instantly jerked around the shift striking with great force Joists overhead Fortunately rafter one revolution coat tore which freed Mm and floor Several ribs were broken and bis body otherwise badly J I

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