Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , October 9, 1891, p. 1

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-i- Q J THE n Friday Morning MB LIBERTY TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO TO LYMAN GEO JACKSON at fin- STEAM PRINTING HOUSE Sbx fcu BEST ft with In chirr I OH TAB SIR P NEWMARKET j 1 v mi I NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol XLNo 37 Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday Oct Terms Strictly in Advance 9186 within inos at Interest DRAFTS ISSUED i la to LEGAL- TROXAS Newmarket I to Doo on food security BAm UcrroiroEoyTABio Of Reformer Block HONEY TO ISWIlf A Mp toMyroaj Port tfner StartlAjt TO GOOD ECCTKJTT jejuni Vsrib A TORONTO J Liro TO AT ATI t A QEKT Old Office tod AGENT for of London En- Union Norwich Union FIritCIM9 Slock Cfempanlee Low fUtee on and InoUted Town Property Office Tlo Shop ALBXOB HOTEL TOBOHTO of Harlot garABL3HEIHrj by Electilrllgbt bed or J meet all JUOLDEBNEsaProp OH J WESLEY wtA f of of oar Toronto a scfUAaafaetnilDf AfD it B a if- If j lily Abn- Ui be applied street W A P nnd to PM rKY31CJAtiarioaftn4bitrtrlAD At to 0830 CD Aft A TNKSTHTp Cm On ftt All Id BldCZ America lUfeicloiKoly Agency or Aurora at and Insurance Aurora A I DEPENDENT ON OUR PATRONS FOR SUPPORT J ST END TORE K I We endeavor to gain confidence by Belling honest goods at fair prices If we not do you not give us your support We are showing a fine line of Ladies All Wool Vests and all we ask for them is little more than they cost us- wholesale For Ik Bra Patience IN CROCKERY ft GLASSWARE blocks jppotlutba tfATWrACTl05 of tth do All Work Ty PHOTOS dwye gel do I BECAUSE go where iter ret tbe bat Is raucb bo D employe bat workmen bring their BECAUSE of Ad bo lit work Li In order to make more room for LIQUOR BUSINESS I have decided on clear and Glassware at and in Any remaining ng out all my Stock of Crockery ome cases below cost for the next at the expiration of this time will be sold in bulk as the fin tiro Stock must be out by that time This Stock comprises all Good Staple Goods Glance at a few of the bargains piece Tea Sett Dinner it MAURI AGE LICENSES At the Otoe CANADA LIFE CO -CAPITAL- FUNDS- DOLL Annual or sod worldHid v after J 100 10 Bed Room o re mentioned formerly now Colored Ft colored If 125 200 140 275 Patience a That all do not Or in the rex And If wtn toon uftrcwd It would help to en of lib to If the cannot at eod for u to that can wilt In meek and all life When la need of Bo uerdaod indeed Whin grief and pain befall And and are dim If wo wait and taut tlta win t of onow on fill wo cannot If War will senile own hand a ill wean Acd Sball And when In Wo pain and our King And giro prompt If la the of lore Wfrchili And HU word of tare A L Address of Welcome Br at AT West Sept Early and secure a good choice as they must go by the time mentioned Cor Main Timothy Streets Newmarket LUMBERYARD Constantly on Hand and Jjhi ALSO DRY COBB WOOD FITS STOVE TIN SHOP CHANGED HANDS- IXTEH full Hi- Wood and Coal will a a etc at ROCK PRICES itfrjf CHEAP EXCURSIONS To the West OCT and 3 189JI NEWMARKET QUANTITY OF Vi I F lfc til AH I III cut IM it if A OLD a at ST NEWSPAPERS OiiBAfKatiMfolttcff AT PER TO Detroit I ft rt Huron J Bay Grand Cincinnati J Good to return until OctllO all other ATKINSON Tlckot Age 4 j i i j BENT LEYS PHARMACY THE OLD RELIABLE ESTABLISHED 1858 EVERYBODY READ THIS Pure Drugs and Medicines Toilet Soaps Perfumery Shoulder Braces Trusses Sponges and all kinds of DISPENSING Prescriptions carefully compounded and orders answered with care and despatch The public will find our stock of warranted genuine and of the bestquality OPEN ON SUNDAY FOB DISPENSING ONLY 11 am AM pm pm DR CAMPBELL AND THEN COME TO HL FOR YOUR St Leon Water in stock PROPRIETOR If you want a good assortment to choose from and at prices that will meet all demands We hold that we are the cheapest house North of Toronto for Boots Shoes H and dear friends of here in a In name bar Union arid I a moat hearty welcome to town and to our hearts and bom truat that oar roeting together will be conduc- much good add aocially that oar inter course will not only be profitable productive of kindly feelings for a loDgiime Words of welcome or farewell ere of little they carry with them heart- leasoo neper to be forgotten Twenty ago had any yen tared to pre dict Bach a meeting of women hero to bight they been at and thought fit only for the this gathering Does not this gathering show the march of temperance sen- in spite of and of the forces ranged against it And it not proof of the of the Lord to his promise If we ask anything in his name be will give it The motto For God and Home and let OB first God and all tho ways by which be baa led then let work for homes that they may be of love and parity then for humanity at large This is an age of Intense activity and if wo are not vigilant in work for Hester the evil one is intensely in his work Let us not be in the work when there fa so much for us- to do But some may ask how fa our work to no By ro self consecration Oct into living touch with keep there Get heart made willing to work for hi and will soon follow Is to a of women fired with zeal and inspired by love to Christ Lot love to Christ to and propelling notion This is the secret of in Olivia work Bo not discouraged we are accorded sneers for and opposition for if we are told we would better at home attending our iloiuratlo in the breath our fiir name held In ridicule in bar rooms Did these but know it is for wo are working and praying and will to uplift humanity to niako a higher and nobler standard of and to bring nil to a knowings of loy6 of dad it is in Christ Jesus But why should we bo The Lord of is with oven of Jacob is our God and if be for us Ho Is than all that be against us I Wo rcmembe In our gather- log here tonight that we are but a small company of the great army of whit ribboned women whoso are heard nearly the whole earth around In Australia Japan Chios India with the of the from Africas sunny plains to Siberias regions When we think of such a army of working and prolog far tho uplifting of humanity ana the destruction of King pan wo for moment but It will Boon be an fact that we will have total prohibition And there Is no real that Moderate drinking is the greatest evil we have to contend with It the manufactory for drunkards for If a person tostea the first glass there no danger of their Being a drunkard There are men today Id good society and circa being ruined bod seal by that very sail Some who two or three years ago were moderate drinkers inebriates Nor is there any hope of anything better until we get total trust the time not distant when our children will what was alcohol the as the children of tbe United ask l what was slavery and the abolition of Is coming But we can scarcely to get prohibition we have a captain and men on board oar ship thai will steer port and we did think we had a- man on board woald head as into the port Prohibition when to oar dismay fe told the Treasury must be reptenbdiedai the expense of the souls of our fellow beings when it there has been more stolen than would replenish the Treasury timee over We may well say with the poet Holland God meat A time lib this da- nice I rotjfl groat baa and ready hands 3 j Hen whom the lost of not kill Men spoHa of Ken who opinions a will Man who honor men who will He V Hen who In a And soom his with- winking Tall men who lira In In For while with their worn ciMOa t Ion deads Lot the aid waiting Juilico We hear It do Its duty we would We must that the women who are the meat active and earnest workers in the union are also the moat earnest and faithful to their duties of church membership fllauy of the chorchua do hot doaa much as might In any of whatever if you ask any Cojoin the first they Is there any in it i What dividends Now there is no money in the but we expect great dividends yes very great dividends For have we not promise in Hie revektod word have don it to the least of my brethren ye have done it Me Then again If we give but a cop of ccld water in it will not go unre warded Dear I again bid yoa wel come welcome thrice welcome to onr hearts and homes 1 And I do we will cherish this an a red- letter day in history of our Union the Aurora- i Sohomoerf Cairo A FOB TO K6T Thfl real has to the Nile Comparatively few among travoltora in Bast see place under the best conditions fur upon their arrival they pied with the magical river voyage which beckons them with the dahabeeyah or the steamer which ia to carry them and upon their re- torn from that wonderfol journey they are planning for a more difficult expedition to the Holy Lund Itis safe to say that to many Americans Cairo is only a confused memory of donkeys and dragomans mosquitoes and dervishes and mosques This hard season probably must be gone through by all- The wise are those who stay after it is over or who return for the true impression of a place not come when the mind overcrowded and confused it not when the body is wearied for the descent of the vision serenity of soul is necessary plight even call it idleness It a those days when one doe nothing that the re ality steals noiaelpaalv into ones com prehension to remain there forever But worth this is That depends the temperament If one must have in his nature adnie- where a trace of the poet to love Venice bo one must be at heart something of a painter to lovo Cairo Hit colors so softly rich the part of her architecture a so fantastically figures in her streets are so ono who has eto for such envois to himself to living a gallery of pointings without frames which stretch off in viaus into each as they If therefore If pictures aro precious htm are lrt him go to will pleasure him raid that ono could imagine pyr amids and perhaps Sphinx with out an actual sight of them but that what one could not in least im agine was the on face of an Oriental barber as ho aits cross logged before his door That is Cairo exactly You see her with the actual and yoa must see her without haste She not reveal to the Cook tourist nor oven to nor roan who hurrying off to Athens on ft fixed day nothing can alter Harper Magazine Mr Jarnea leader of Methodist choir baa resigned bald the position for the past Tears and might be expected has grown tired of the attend- and a boy Mr A Crawford the leadership Mr J B hardware mer chant this place who It will be re- tally shot eye while rabbit some time ago been forced to have a portion of the eye removed The operation was performed by Dr Beeves of Toronto about two www ago and although he very maoh from the wound we are pleased tolearn that he is ring rapidly He will of course lose the sight of his eye About two ago Mr J Mo- Bean of Toronto arrangements with a Camber of farmers in to Toronto dally although At the beginning has steadily grown until this season no leas than gal lons have been shipped since the 1st of May The quality the milk shipped from here has earned Itself such a name in Toronto that the de mand the No doubt next a much- larger quantity will be shipped Baker Bill Potato rot seems to have struck this locality Humor says we are going to lose one of oar Mr and Miss of New nave been visiting at Mr Alfred We are pleased to see our much friend Mr J again in our midst Mr Baker has returned from his visit to and re ports having had a very pleasant -C- Quite a number of the dwellers of this were present at the- Tem perance meeting held at Friday evening- Toe monthly meeting of the I held on Monday with a large attendance Programme good as Mr Ed Lemon gone to Chicago where be hat obtained a sit uation bookkeeper He will be much missed he was a jovial good fellow v As Mr as Lehman was leaving the mill at the horse became frightened and turning too short broke the front wheel off the buggy throwing the occupant Fortunately he- escaped without any injuries Last Sunday being the Quarterly Review moat of the of the Sunday here visited Chapel od a very pleasant time spent Mr to winter Miss who viaftini hare rewnedbome Author Tench visited re Temperance will be held in berg Oct Building operations are being poshed rapidly ahead and there pears to be of work for exchanged with Bing ham last Sabbath Mr rtddsnt Presbyterian preached his tut He rttbrniWcollege rfill missed in and are sorry hear that Philips and family Intend to move The always been the leading musical spirit in the vil lage and will be greatly the main street- I Mr expects to move into his new hardware to a few days We understand Mr Walton bought out the furniture and by and Mr John full con trol veterinary the in King held their Sunday School Anniversary last Sab bath The sermons were preached by- Re Mr of Toronto A tea meeting was held oh Monday evening Sine The Tea and Entertainment given in the Church of this place on Monday evening last very sucoeasful The tea waft said by those Who portook of to the best within their The waiter were prompt and attended to aat- speaking also waa Interesting and entertaining being well seasoned with The singing waa good and especially the doetrby Mm of Toronto and Mr J brought down the house and audience only quieted when announced that they would appear in the programme ill ought to have a High School or an extra teacher and a fifth claaa We also want ft Reading Room and Library Now the long evenings are coming we need some place where the intelligent and aspiring of our young people spend ft few hours in study or amuse- without lounging around questionable places where little good ever comes or WcrtcL Mount Albert Sutton Mr Thomas Gay of sold white at tbe Toronto Industrial thirteen head of famous herd to the New Govern meat for the Model Farm of that province surely the abolition alavery lag old A report says that Mr Smith la a of horses wbloh weigh over pound One of the horse is hand high and the other over IS hands high A Frenchwoman named bequeathed to any Frenchman who at the head of compatriots will penetrate be yond the already known regions of Central Africa Friday person started a flre In near Bradford and before It got under control about yards of fence had been destroyed- Parties to- watch the over night The Canadian la holding ft special historical at one of the moat historical fa America The aim is to develop local history by reading of papers and by the unearth- Mr A- B Davidson School Inspector visited on Thursday bat Mr Davidson waa well pleased with the work of the teachers the following extract from his report to the trustees will The work of the teachers very satisfactory I am glad to considerable improvement the or der of room The teaching in the principals Mr room deserves special mention being educative the very beat sense On Monday evening last a large number of the young peopTo in con nection with the Presbyterian church here called on Mr the ettt- dent who had charge of the work dating the paH three months and him with an address and ft well filled purse Mr made a suitable reply after which a very evening was spent Mr Graham during his short stay popular not only with those of his own church but with many others and his depar ture will be regretted by all who him a Mr Rowland one of the and moat spieled clllzena of this village waited upon Mon day by a largo delegation of and gentlemen who presented Mr Rowland with a handsome easy chair and Mrs Rowland with ft piece of silverware accompanied ly an ad dress wbloh showed their high appre ciation Mr Rowland and his es timable family and their regret departure for Toronto take place next week Mr Row land made a feeling reply and followed by several of the present who echoed the sentiments of the addreea The Albert junior football went to last Saturday to play a return match with the Jan lor that town To their found that they had to play a team composed almost exclusively of the beat that could be gathsred not Only from bat from Quaker BUI and other The Albert boys who looked like their giant adversaries and to change thejr heavy team contented to play rather than disappoint the spec tator The v wetghti of proved too much for boys of whom weighed leu than ft and won by two goals to none the play their goal Gra ham preventing the score from being much larger thay play any team of their own average webht that pen turn out for on or rouble- and they thank the Uxbridge boys for their high opinion their team In that they found It to handicap them with web heavy The lad of St James Church made over with their luncheon and tale of needle work on Fair day Mr Geo sifter years in business sold to Mr J Winch of North The Drill crowded to its utmost capacity the night of the Fair the concert being under the auspices of the Methodist Jimmy Fax wu the of the even The from also present and well The Annual Fall Fair of and North Townships wu a good success The weather waa exceptionally fine and the entries larger than ever Following some of the prize winnera Draught Horses J A Boag J Howard Wo Woods Josh and Agricaltaral Horses Joe Lin stead John Swain Jo John Hamilton Hamilton John- a ton and John General Valentine Draper Joel King Geo- Wright Jos Hamilton and Stephen- Carriage and Roadsters John Pollock A McDonald and Vroomau Geo Micks J L Jas- Jos John Hamilton Myers Dr The Rev Henry Seonett Washing ton Winch and John Cattle Laviolette J Howard John Sprague Woj J Sheep Jos Davidson Sutton John Kay and Hamilton Poultry J Howard Woods W Sutton J J Writer Frank- Silver A Tennyaon and Rev J WUkloaon Grain R Draper Joel King Davidson D Hamilton W Weller Josh Rev J Wilkinson and Hamilton Hamilton jr Jo Davldapn Bennett W flilveVT Scott Draper Jdel Ypung Anderaob Winch Frank and John Kay Latimer Joel King jr John Draper Josb Berry L Weller J Howard Hamilton jr wu Info the faeuas of our genial fit lUl or cure which bad suffered for omj ft month from beep under the care two different and ft last retort Mr Daley out The wu found to be in the animal throat on removed proved to hay and oat over thir teen long hard and rt4fe nTft poor tense pain Tnelnclxthn wustttehed up and the now recoYered from the effect nf operation and la well ever Kk Albert Bar key while Detroit to BtoofTvJl robbed of a purse Ha SouffwlUf There were 1300 for the fair good and weather B Sanders and John hart visited Island on Ban- day last after spending a half hoar with Chief Big retomrd to the evening On Monday they angled among the fiunv tribe and succeeded in landing no leu than twenty6ve fine bus which were daly distributed among their friends on their return- y- A somewhat peculiar and what might have been a faUl hap pened lut week to Mr on of Whitchurch Ho was in the sal of a a wsU0ahtr own and it stack at the top side bad gone down far ther than the other Mr Brillioger then placed his against the and endeavored to lift it the hor izontal but on doing it suddenly dropped to the bottom and he fell backwards into well turning aotoeraaulU in hit descent Medical aid was at summoned and be is now rapidly recovering from the the severe shaking la Reports fr or aiaair a NO 9 NORTH Fifth Olau A a- J v 1 Fourth Cla7A Kay A Raid A Ban i Morton A Old- ham Arnold Mere j Jr Second Homer Part Aroold A Jr Part J P fir Part Jr Part A tad Arnold Tablet Bain Id a Class Up- ard Clara Third- AHB Canon Jaa 8r Second Bamui Jr Allen Part lb Safer Mia Ann- stay Wis EthM John J Jt k SO IV Jr IVa J Ada St HI Archie Wright Wright Jr HI Mabel Poller J P fly Curtis Jr II Trusty Part llEathMl Wright Pari AoaEa Ted Trusty Wright Wright Mabel Poller Jos Ala Orillla junior were defeated at by to Mr a J Diaou well photographer and tightrope was drowned Friday in Wood Like near To save he undertook to swim across the take which hover a mile wide and Bank yards from shore Two from ridiog occurred in Whitby vicinity during the past week in both horses frightened Mr and Mrs J no Wells were tipped in a ditch and their bogey smashed while Mrs Hall and some friends were thrown oat and Mrs Hall stepped upon by the hone It takes horses a long time to get Sept tried at Calgary for aid abating and who escaped from Jail and captured at Edmunds saloon bathe was discharged Jenkins the sentry at fte guard room when found guilty of making a false state- went to to with bard labor and to be tarn Used from the tJ Friday Mahewanth of BflrUoftob appeared before Messrs Foster and Allan J Fa charged with two violations the In supplying- liquor to Bowman and John on Both thoao men deoee to that pleaded that been ordered on only that he thought when delivering it that no of the thereby jbut ha Was son vIctecaxbolhohargtmiuidfintSQ It

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