Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , September 25, 1891, p. 2

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V I ERA SEPT 1891 A Word John Big Sutherland Bros Roche A New J Store Wright NoHoo to John J Court Dog for Hotel Boy W4oted Wright ft She lit or but bkiohtsh WITH FRIDAY SEPT Despatch L5 old run Jfor u ih of ft of Into coa to Mil a for The wttm- aS toft Urn H to to to hid la but ud fired win He beck to ui to oax looked cp bo- fixed tad MTtnl faros fccreai bora to of fVijoa a flogiirjv to of erf Km ntUloi who bad u4m the If It J Sir John fcm ud nich ed for the of next week Tie of the on their We the follovinf of the ao Tiny hid to tiiefjDproTtmenti In the Toronto the there are math The LauUo they In The eieo the work done by the trii fox Bore ra The d my veil up to the The Roue hit elloo nude It ehrald hare better Ilea there were to ail the and official of llh which the Jury in to Ton matt hero week the week after you eotri La And warm the day The fun crowd the line are the I next weak When I to of It Nobody Mr and a are Hew brother Mr- Hi AIL brother of Mr Norton towTj wu hire week a after an of or He the Northern of Pickering ieterof Scott who here a ridt woree on of laat win for Ben Dr of Toronto Seat try of Use Book Treat Sodetfi twioeln the Clinrcb the tod end eleo tLe Tempenooe meeting Sale The farm on between will be eold by no at the I Tor further Oct- II Amelia will bold lot J tod of QwUliiobarTll of cue Society is Doing Lift the loll Street A Meeting is announc ed to in the friend next Sands to which are invited to be at hat at been and the in hare the crop all garnered fit who been In Uncle rammer returned home on thoroughly delight ed with her the lioe and cow a to A broken oat among the In neighborhood and of the their entire The duee appeen to In their atiffeni them all op and In of treatment die in about Mr went to New market on hi in one hoar and twentyfire He that going down the into the town be went fait that everything green Amoog the week we notice Dr of of J of Fair of Mr J of and Mr of London Town SeDtcroborSllS9L Regular and An acoooatfrocQ was referred to Fire fc Water Ctooi Tbe Major a delegate to a In on toremoTlnf Major for of arantod- bylaw Elwood a ealaiy of He of motion all patera to to Society and corporation The a report from the Board of Health to the matter oom plained of by Mr and the In the report then adjourned ftflbertisehiejjfg Apply UK ANTED no Dor to learn trade AUCTION SALE old Newmarket Public School Buildings The w Children Cry for Pitchers THE Constitutional Mid and written present rapeating the and the fay of the of ffii Honor In to point Monro the may fail or them to bat for the due and proper excreta of to the in No will be law and the acted well with in his authority In with the GovernorGeneral while that he faad the to from his respecting acandala by the ihe In- and if not factory to id yet it is open how far he was consti tutionally in his determin ation not to sign a for bis Ministers while the imputation upon them by the Senate Committee does it serai clear to the lay that bit action well bis prerogative to forbid the of Council And the ant Treasurer of o any documents authorizing of provincial funds It appears to bordering on ground to ooncede the right to Lieut- to exercise executive pow ers in regard to money of other seeing he is not responsible like his Ministers either to the Provincial Assembly or the people However Premier and some members of his Cabinet may be In in tbe transactions disclosed the evidence is not clear by any means that the wrong doing received the officii sanction of the Quebec Government and It is be cause of tbe want of this evidence that we have no sympathy with those who now preach that the enquiry of the Senate Committee into the affair is an invasion of Pro Bight Had the loodKng transection disclosed been the out- come of official acts of the Qaebeo Government had the Dominion Parliament not made the grant out of which the enriched their own coffers the Senate enquiry be construed Into an infringement of Provincial authority but not being Unofficial act of the Government and Inasmuch as the money wrong fully applied bad been voted by the Dominion Parliament for a distinct purpose there is no room for raising the question about Provincial Rights being invaded Us Elite At a of lbs Directors Its Agricultural a ok fejtSfSlM In a jut and Htdt a it a a- J at Hod mqsU to tA on As week tor Boat bun sp of la place of a of the sad la Toronto era the and to auks riattona to to at On a of to Mr Ovinia HP from the him by Mr of Hernia of la OX both is aocH pmaMar of lbs Bares at for a Mr of wu Mrs returned on Son- day a week city A few Wind a at Dr reeidaBoe BartU a or two at Mrs Hardings Brook Mrs Jos to a weak with bar toolbar and Lloyd wan At Home with friends eras- Mrs John homo baring a week or in oily Home a of people Bight Mr of Saaday at Nas of of Mrs Boaby of been daring past week TUX left for of 1Mb it Oat Mrs EH bad a of last ak which to bed for MTsral Mr and a gentleman from Snoday Mr War- of una aoonplaof He Asking TbaOrind Mr will A MM Nellie Harriaon of Hi Brovn of are epecdiog a at Mr Ids lot Port Aottio in- to go boalneaa Mr Bilk and Mr Whiter of Claihaburg were gneaU Mr J three or days last week Mr sad Mrs Dana of Brl pent week Scott left for borne on Moo Tbs Choir a but weak by family and a time MUa Ramsay of Cameron and John re at Dr Stuarts Gregory Mrs E 3 of and Mra of an gnaata at Liberty week Rev J Bell ratnrned from Niagara greatly benefitted by own Mr of Barns brother of Mr Clark epeol fiaodaj with former li feeling very poorly Mr la borne from the cltT Mr Raid who was down Bute the last or four weeks returned to Athena direc tion of the Company In which he Mr bf son of the lets Andrew Henderson formerly of Newmarket a couple of Id town week the of Mr Mrs John Moore Land lag and daughter Mrs J Brllllnger of bars a villi to New York State Id exhi bition on their Mr Darby one of oar pioneer now over of age left on Monday to vifttt la New York But wentwlth Mr mentioned in paper was a clerk in Nswmarkel nearly ago and la lbs brass band here along the late Roe and others Mr J of of Mope Count been week Mrs Ceo He rear and wu sergeant la tbs rebellion Ureal la lew Esq of North now of Saalt Marie Oat- wu hi town but week sod gave Ess a fnaadly calL The to blm sad report bright xroepecU for the Sco We take the from lbs Daily of IS VsoooflTsr Smith of sad Mr yeaUrdsy knocked the record of so far la along the road near Centra the two boms eight bias Cease willow line hare One of the nooada u3 U teat eport at the cot en Hi a bob the late of He to Im Another In the Smith and hays a trip In m Nfmrii for QaesDSYQle Meat of tbo farmers finished harvest and potato digging bas coo Emma Morton paid a flyiog to settlement last MrOlarenoo of spent a few with Mr Belfry week A Toronto brought the re mains of a man hero for Tuesday that died the Hospital from typhoid fever Many of the farmers have been en gaged for the past week at threshing Mr machine has done the greatest of that has ever been done the neighborhood Rev Mr held services io the church here on Wednesday last Mr of Mount Albert preached on The sermon was very was appre ciated by all Mr and Mrs J Miller Miss Ethel and Master Thorold Miller spent a few days last week with friends and relations in Toronto Mr A B Davidson B A inspec tor of schools for North York paid half yearly visit to the school here on Wednesday last Mr Jos and Miss Skinner spent Sunday with relatives at Holt of Gait is at Mr J would liketo know When Queoosville well ready to kick football flbavron- Rev Mr Bart preached his fare well here on Sunday last During the summer months he has most ably filled the English church pulpit at Sharon and Ms Albert and although bis sojourn here was short ho won for himself many friends who will bo pleased to welcome him back at any future period The Misses Eyre entertained two ladies from Beeton last week Mr and Sirs Tom of Ring- wood last Sunday at her fathers Mr A Mrs from severe apoplectic She is doing as well bo eipect- Miss entertained the Eng lish to lunch last Tues day evening A most enjoyable time was by those present Mrs Graham is visiting at Franklin this week Mr Jim returned from the leak Saturday morn ing looking much bettor for the trip He reports splendid and no frost any account Mrs- was visiting in the city last week Mrs Macklem of Lemon- daughter of Mr is borne on a weeks visit Furniture fa J H MILLARD OF J Co HAS A NEW FURNITURE STORE I Mid PuWlo at Of eboTe firm at IS Terms at DAVIIl LLOYD DR fit bo ajjj Bar- io Throit Lung cot RecpUsicor flot of thing Wd Oaf 79 Tit fin will at the Boell on from in in hand jbU cum lMirhere Catarrh IbeTbrOALOrOvTihor ib Now a kolfo NOTICE Reduction in Prices t re i- ii WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD BY tie Stable On wile of lr- J too wife of of A SEWS pleasant which causes a the for matrimonial honors occurred at Farm Thursday Sep- ho contracting partiei being Mite Either McMurchy eldest of late Mv and Mr John of The maid of honor Loll of the while the groom supported btflfr J- of Campbell of Maple officiated id after the customary etc the hippy couple train for Look Port Y they intend spending ft honey We to them our con- with beat withe for a long happy life Mr of is visitinwith brother the popular pedagogue of tint place Fanny is away viaiting with her undo Mr of La Humour atatea that Mr A Rolling of purcbaa- the fitoro and poet office here Mr Gavin at Toronto Gore London A of from and London lUrUftL lbiUbeamoQD It not to much A Rircr Uerltf rabid to At Pool In- a mount of dona to aril MCti of bat flocked the Itr hare Madrid A borifotue to by recent flood to tbe two of of facotta floodi coUjcrJ of wind epidemic of bu broken at of alreid over 2000 of in aod it feared will over roll- Rowlanda aunt of bride Rev Bell Mr Walter Irwin Add of of to of tbo lite Pen Sept At parent Mr- or to Joala of nib at ot Walter Mr John to Mlii Mr Ju Moor Shaw Sapt ai Of Her John Albert to MtM lata lTtN at the of bridal father be Her A laod to KTBUe Maud daughter of Mr Sept Iter HTbunt Mr- J Keeled of IK daughter of Pickering of Barrio on Sept jit Notice to Creditors Mi lupursraanoeof or 1U i all aadotbarperaoisv imviog ligation Estate of Jeremiah Graham late of In County of York do or about llthday of ISJltararoqwlrloo or Monday prepaid to the undersigned tbo iba Jererotih of add raaaet rail of ihir of if beta by and former take afUr the the of mar atnopgit entitled thereto to of which tieootora bava notice AnJ will not be liable for or thereof claim not Lara bad notice the Dated ai of IBI BANKRUPT STOCKS WE ALWAYS LEAD IN LOW PRICES I i Si VO IN COURT OF TUB COUNTY OF In St total DAVID Deceased PURSUANT to Chapter HO of Ontario that all credltora and having clalnuaReloitthaEetAteofDAVllkMcCUlr lalaot Coiiotr of York who died ou Ju1r ilnrr quired on or before to the for their FARMERS w or toe cabas a J It Mr mops lo King J of Strange As a result of the har vests of this neighborhood most of oar resident took opportunity of attending the Toronto Exhibition It Is oar sad doty to the death Mr John of New Scotland This yoong man who had at work as a Toron to came home sick with Typhoid Everything that conld be done the form of Medical treatment was for him bat it was of no avail lie gradually grew worse death pot an to his His remsins were Interred in the King one day week being followed to their last resting place by a large of friends He was ayoong man twenty years of age and was highly esteemed n neighborhood This is warning that young as well as old people are not spared by death A very exciting foot ball match was played here on Friday last be tween the home team of Strange and tbe of The was very evenly contested daring the first half neither tide able to procure a goal In the fast half lime however the Athletics of seemed to get rather the better of their opponents and in the last five minutes secured a goal which headed through by wbolthroughoot the whole game did some good work at forward The whole defence line worked well on both sides and saved many goals for their respective sides The for wards on either side were rather slow at passing to each other The teams lined upas follows Goal A Gordon Backs J OBrien I Halves Jenkins Forwards Right wing J Sinclair Barnard wing J Lloyd Athletics Goal fiobert Backs J Malo J Forwards Right Roe I Centre Left wing A J Marshall in India in a favorable condition with few excep tions Kingston City Council have to exempt pleasure yachts from taxation Henry Jackson a farmer of was killed in a raceway accident General Booth of Army a 15000 in Aus tralia on night I On Monday afternoon week a yoang man went shooting and when a few out of town had the to shoot a horse in the breast by the accidental discharging of fire arm while crawling through a Sandy morning flth Inst a freight train going south ran into a cow at the erasing north of the depot at King killing the cow No leas than cars were thrown off the track besides tearing up feat of the passenger platform nately no person was hurt Mrs Boynton of plchmond Hill an a accident on Walking behind her on centre street she stepped into a irtncli and broke her leg She greatly before fractured limb could bo aet and the lofluence of chloroform three different timet thrco years ago she fell and broke her bone At CoOautUlcx 17ch SttTsttre brother John yean- UDTCeufriWAf a niUQtclpal occupied the Rift of ratepayer of of Toronto In County of J I too aod At of Mr Kept aged At Harris 1Kb Margaret Mo lltbat Home for widow of Into A- formerly of la bar year Died the At Mich- spt lata Allen of aged tOWD Slit lnll too of Win and is J NORTH All order will prompt of a their account and If any bold by Mid data tbo wld Co to of notice bean received aald liable for or any AT- NEWMARKET HOUSEFURNISHING STOVE DEP01 We would call your special attention this week to Elegaut Line of Stoves We have now the hulk of samples in and they are without a doubt the finest we ever handled PARLOR COOKS SQUARE HEATERS from 16 to Sizes and Styles to suit everybody pare thereof distributed nay person of wbodo not received at Of Aad also all In debted to are required to bo tbe4J43m October Dated at 8sip Ont ANTED A good once Sic SALE Coir an York Ore Hone Wagon WANTED A ant Apply to The loir ANTED An Apprentice to Aurora a a a a 00 Oar Markets is Kill Wheel pee Spring Wheat per Wheel per Batter per per SB a 0 It a a Oil a IS per beg a Q Apples per bag W a Woolperlb IT a 18 Hay pertoo B0 a Iorkwrowj a 15 a per pair a pal a 009 a W EVERYBO READ THIS AND THEN COME TO S H GRIF AND SHOES ARE YOU LOOKING FOR BARGAI pie to that hie Fall Stock coinprlilog ART THOUGHT RADIANT HOME ART OAKLAND HEATERS Which boat valuo over ottered Alargo of other In WOOD OK COAL COOKS PARLOR COOKS HALL PARLOR AND Which be at LOWEST HARDWARE PAINTS OILS VARNISHES Cutlery and work all other work properly Agent for CANADIAN OPTICAL COMPANYS CELEBRATED S3 A Main St See our line of -V- for either Coal or Wood Try our We are giving special attention to Furnace Work We guarantee tion in this line Coal Oils flKS Stovepiping promptly attended to WRIGHT Ctt MONEY TO LOAN elf cent- term by DAVID LLOYD Ccmmlulonef for I fta treat for or lbioroc oV London Ctlluoi Got ssMor Toronto Old 1 MANITOBA TON BROS FOR YOUR If you want a good assortment to choose from prices that will meet all demands We hold that wo to house North of Toronto for Boots and Shoes S H GRIFFIS SCOTTS PHARMACY Berties rl Ibis on Oar Toronto WW Wheat per Spring Wheat per 00 a pi Wheat per a 0 SO Barter per Oil a US a per Batter tec 9heepklna Woo per lb Harper ton Pork par owl pair Oil Oil a 1 a It CO e a a OtO A oei oto ISO a a on all CO w z CO THE LEADING DRUG STORE Sole- Agents for the celebrate Perfumes TO mqOUNXOOK skigsr GENTS FURNISHINGS We have the largest and most complete stock and at prices that will amaze you CARPETS m m We are the only house in town that keeps a thorough assorted stock of Carpets and as we purchase these direct from the makers we are able to offer our customs special prices ORDERED CLOTHING We advise an early visit to inspect our splendid assort- of Cloths and Tweeds We make all the nobby suits We are still offering wonderful bargains in Boots as Shoes BRUNTON J A iM t J

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