Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , September 4, 1891, p. 4

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H I i T v RHEUMATISM Neuralgia Sciatica Lumbago Backache Headache Throat Frost Bites Sprains Bruise Etc sad Dealers STerrwhera Cfcu ft CO Depot Toronto Oat Ok tie WlB Sir IB for spending the of oa by laooaeefl motion defeated a majority fifteen In a of art thirty absent Tax Ii refUsd at Ottawa that Hon Mr Minister of Interior rill not fiod a In lb our liter the bat but appointed a for rumor it will be observed got taefte il rather fancy it will end with for It b well known hi forced apod the u a Cabinet by tee strong ill of lbs lata Premier Is now paver leu to aid an incompetent officeseeker aAHD TEUNK W A if IT Tea a fc fc A dialect story btoiblog by a Virginia will be complete In the and numbers of CaxoJa sew lb- two will be sent to soy for SO nU Poetry and choice and bright timely da- in etrrj Every Canadian family for Canada A dollar bill will pay for it from now Addreee Beaton el lbs ftftei ctocVdw will bo Id of Pablic Work Craws will m be It tier of JJadiof ltDtCG Id wry it bid la mem lit to School are yet Komto by of ProtHUoU of midIj Catholic ud Catholic art of rootion thu is cot political or ihe of 1j Child Life Ooo the of Times iithG are id aboard Any who to Tint slip or the eigbbpriPgdockiv lay up can see day of a of toddling children open of the low one On one canalboat the Ann of Whitehall that lip the other day vat noticed for keSog of safety On afterdeck a regular had off for the by a high picket- feaor over which they not climb Thia bad a fiwingiag by harp and padlock Id lid of four children who made the ring with their telling of their unalloyed coatQatcnent with arrangement On another boat a way in the tamo Blip another arrangement to to keep the little from falling In the of the deck fastened a to which fastened three but At end of each rope wan a leather belt buckled about the a ragged ion- burned youngster ropes were just long enough to present children reaching the edge of the deck not too short to allow them ample room to play J children seemed happy too ftad were not disturbed a particle by their tether On all the boats child- allowed la roam aboat the deck at will both coming down river in tow and while tied op to the dock Many of them ate aboard the boats There they grow up and Any marry Select ing their mates from aboard other boats and immediately taking up the followed by their parents PI ir MORTGAGE u to North York Prize or tn a W1hr which vUl at of uifi will bo fcrrd liblto lb Lb Sfpitm Iffil It oclock Eta at of Holland lh3 flea aloft on E3 You tcroct Arts ls A3 acres bo or SO acreaof ftAld to and ADdT ltaKltaodloo and Weil of la ih vu- of Holland lo a bj dull torUonot Lot Ho of 3D Oral Of ib us of ia on East fur Lot and caU Weal on a Us rnn to ralSmlt lbo Il and at the rfli f North from the tijutL limit ibweout acwa hereto- for to and tNxaplod lha Li uld to aboit acre Id Block No- to plan or broker 11 Ill nd Hi of All Ibai ixirt ijiftE and rid tame mora or lcaa on Tut in Register ArwtAaR tfOltccr or before foil r Krerr rltt A JUKI 3rd ranulb A Iti 11 A In A In the M 3rd lo ScbottiUie To A lit Of Ertrf Friday Hope fitlordiy max what Bardoek Bitten bj Mb baa tried It com of and blood Baby r Sick ta baby was vCaTf with and after bavl failed I Dr of flnt dots tare a perfect cure Clark Bloom fleldOoc I- to By Sold by Plot Orchard aTcfyTbnrtdT liojdtoira Saturday Bradford artty tffjritjj ntfy O it la at Hall Fftday Id Population- Aug Mr in the last eight presents censor which UI found EMI q in S S Lesson True of God Sept Golden Text A Hies to Me to ata of John Thii by Ida of the of portion tbt been Mount of probably at bome of Miba sod Maty Initio it botiiain bo of sad to profit Ilia only freedom la lbs liCttty Ills re a docs aot confer a ion aod coma by in J At baa Id Ibis Adj v WHAT TO J Both Donald Mr McCarthy Ottawa lut week frutn twit Eoglud and back to Hon by Wend an tilth a QUbititt t at Mr Mefdir Premier liar Ontario becaQew In connection with bid tonally fold oath at By bate arter After baring accorono dad Lay- ioiro more Iiofferod continual pain fnni canker of and toy And body were with tried Bur dock Bittern flntdooccaalooc4 rdlnnd after flfobotMlbcoaindo3DipetcJy cored I moat cam arm compel Utta of ilouDtAtn Extract of Wild for maimer if to ck wo feecazM ebt dang to than Extract of Wild Strawberry In family highly rec ommend i for aurnmer Lamps end from Blood Sweeney Stifles Sara Cong SatotM Jamca a 3 2 5 I Us tha adweUfeoccd Lot lettered In Block IK sod more or le tJocl If Mid to bo all rerd and well 4 Lota North of Street VUUoof to contain nearly on aero of bo Part of Lot l Weal atdo of iho contention of being VUlsgoof Landing as commencing on dLianco of 1 from of lbo Weat limit of with lbo of along i be limit nacn6d llchtu Hi link to the limit of old West llnibury Northerly no East limit of named en ore teas to hc Bradford along he named halm ice limit or Lot TbencoBooebdlr limit flml or to Northerly limit of Lot aloog limit mom to lbo Westerly Lot along the IT and more or leas to and thereof of the Northern and all In puaaaaaluaof parcel to about f acres and ha on one of rough a3t dwelling and frrtrne on Sooth aids of Brad ford Street VUlasoof Holland lag and to nearly half of an ho rOOrC Of IcMl of Lot No JOS on of In Village of Holland Ltnoing a Street at lbe nine on a North nine a ai lot then nine fifty llokt t degrees West dcgreei Eaat be place of On tbla parcel Is aad to a two story frame homo wlih one addition and bank TgftM3 tbto cent of lbo to bo paid at 3 per lia percent on between and KO per cent on wJe between and per cent oo all sate over terms for balnea can bo Arranged For further particular and of apply Landings or to t Vendors Toronto THE KEY TO HEALTH III H Dajra been wllh a lbe aad rtmtdlt A MtiA flllttre and need It relict rfoommead Jaa Day Id the Country do think it a ever real mora- Jiig except In the country Dr Ladies Journal city In the rt of the day them a olor that climbe down over roofs and through the chimney that make people think it it time get comb their Bat we have morning Jn conntrr God out like a ft for A I I out Ijm vmy ahdrwi nrlkii A red I J lit on the horizon that not- make roe think it did Smith of the barren breach of hell like onto the kindled by whom the-Bjicin- the blaze the of now the dew woke up the hammock of the tree Wenches and the kitted It Yonder tbe iky two great uprights of flame by of fire I Some Jacob mnet have been Through those gates ft fltroiog chariot roils Some be Morning I with I had a bell to wake the whole world up to it Every leaf psalm Every flow a censer bird ft Every sight Evrry Trees trarungurexl The in sweeping from of The foam of sen on the white tops of toe on one side of the porch challenges the sweetbrieY on the other Tip odors of heliotrope over flow the end flood the with blossoms their hair and roses bleeding with is hi ft o I si today ttiet J- It leasable at ellrrlog of Qaitto to hew to the aBerlU that of who u to lets It will wascbarged with In not pcopir the cowaty of dot of Berlin tar I of color Ob the Tboaiaoaaocueot 1 of in the count I My wbk bee been aooooat of the the local numbers fialdet Mows to lbs regulars tvktioa wUl by fa l to back to euj were to aide of be bare If Tie ftlooej actios wes eelfbt bate pen trembles my the flam lag drove out the first pair from Eden foes fiery sptrjoctots seem like un sheathed by angel bonds to drive us la Mr admits today very The of for past decade are lower than during the preceding decide he is in a and sparsely settled country In Ontario increase been The population of Toronto in was it about lirAtiog about for net ate for the province This increue would he more than up by other rural mutt therefore have retrograded is thn first census which will not increase the number of represen tation in Parliament the North America Act was given and the other provinces pro portion to population that Quebec bore to her population This arrangement was made to apply to further censuses Dividing hfr present as the average population for repro Ontario at rest jit her population by he com division givs r-pr- sentation n same Dividing the Nova Scotia by tbjs over 19J As Noya r ha she will inee ore of She at hnt She will lot and two members By the terms of union rep resentation of Prince Edward Island remains at six Dividing population of tobft by this divlebn give ft little over present repreaentfttion it tier representation will there fore be increased 1 and perhaps 2 In the same way will 1 perhaps members Tbe population furnished by the Department of in 1889 to the Department as a basis of calculating the duty etc per head was 5220000 These calculations wilt therefore hare to bo revised shows how much dUippolnted the department was when two years ago they thought the population to be nearly half ft million more than it today Jau farmer of last April to ftMtft Valued at The of is bequeathed to the wife and two After their death the estate to be divided Into thirtyfive and given ft many legatees bbk a all clogged avenues of Bowels Kidneys and Liver carrying gradually without sys tem alt impurities and foul or tha secretions at Cor recting the Stomach curing Biliousness Dyspepsia Headaches Heartburn Constipation Dryness of Dropsy Dimness or Vision Jaun dice Salt Rheum Erysipelas Scro fula Fluttering of the Heart Ner vousness and General Debility all many yield to tho happy influenced BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS For by alt Dealers CO Proprietors Some Growing Too Fast become listless fretful without gy thin and weak- Fortify and build them up by the of SCOTTS EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVER Of lime and Ho da A CLBE OP OB BOTH IT fc el Dnijliti a ha I I 10 10 10 CO 10 10 Unlock J Toronto w f Brewers Fund Joseph House Newmarket John K County Trfseurer Toronto Peter Registrar Albion Rogers King at west J Sheriff 1 trane A Board of Trade Building Lemon Clyde Hotel King it east Kipiwing House Mrs Oxford Black Hotel Front if Bay Horse Hotel Bt Ontario Sana cor Wellington A Rootlets J Davie King Joiepii Royal Hotel Newinarket Eli Vernon North American Hotel Hotel Flanagan Dominion Simpson and Qneeo st Toronto Alex Millard street A Rogers Col Bradford Warden Hill LundyEaatGwUUmbnn- Matthews Exchange John A Co Wellington it- Toronto Coffee Church Joseph Lount at Cooper A Smith wholesale boots A Toronto Wild A Darling Wholesale Imperial Bank Wellington St Wilson York at JJ Coulter Armory Hotel 12 west Market Toronto Sheriff Mows Watson George Front fit Pharmacy Q St George Oak Ridges Conger Coal Co King Toronto James East Dr Campbell Newmarket J A- A Co at east Toronto Jets Newmarket J A Hopkins East John Imperial Hotel street Toronto John Stark Bros A Co J Good all John Taylor IV Nolan Howard A Co St A Ross County Court J Aurora A Robertson Main street Newmarket p A Ontario Bank Aurora Its enough the Ball corset Thats be- cause it has coils of fine wire springs in the sides They clasp the figure closely but yield to every motion They give but they come back So docs your money if youve worn a Ball corset two or three weeks and find that you dont like it POIl HACK David You and Frank fireman were in- a Northern Monday near Palmer Wosb r m Child Any boy or girl who reads a and takes the trouble to look up or her self with the location of all the places mentioned will have thorough knowledge Of geography by the ear the year without having worked very faarcfor Tbe news makes fixes In the memoV no of text books and atlases 11 i 1 k 00 DO 2 2 00 2 2 Newmarket Toronto k 1 e Compuy Toronto Brown Eon Win Cane Sods Co Allan A Son Wright F Hugh Miller A Co Globe Co Mai Printing Co Thomas Thompson Bon Mammoth Empire Printing Co The A Co Bay C P ft Co rt Toronto Silver Plato Co King at it Co A at Samuel Front Walker A Sons King A i A Allan Jackson I ark iv 11 HtitMMMMtpii P A J Davison Sutherland Bros it A Ja If Millard A Co Toronto Terry Harvey VartNorDiau Rubber Co Yonge street Toronto Me A ltoarlhotisCi Newmarket A J C t J Brown A Cliff Aurora It Hancock Torojtto I Bryant A street Toronto Printing Co World printing Co Buntin Frank ODojJohue i Newmarket J John Lowe Daniel a eevatas CO CO 11 10 10 ft 5 i i a a a erf itMi a i a a a V IT THE ONLY MACHINE MADE THAT WILL DO AA IK OS TO ttF WW of Apply to IRX ieXi JURM TO RENT- MO fur reitert WE LEADOTHERS FOLLOW TO LET tta Handsome in all its Appointment Perfect in all its Details SIMPLE IN ITS PARTS DURABLE STRONG trait J Los Corner BHMILLARD OPPOSITE FORSYTH HOUSE I i f e a a Aurora Ml Grip Iublishiug Toronto 0 3 a a oo 2 GO 00 00 2 00 LUMBER I CURES OIxER A olora RAMPS IARRHCEA AMD XL SUMMER COMPlAtT9 FLUXES OF THE BATE ELI ABLrZ OR ADULTS LATH SHINGLES ABB NOW PREPARED TO OUR WITH FLti0IUC MOULDING DOORS SASH AND BLINDS THANKFUL FOR THE LIBERAL OP THE PAST A OP SAME WE AIM OUT GOOD WORK AT- POSSIBLE PRICES THE WM CANE SONS Prize List of North York Fall Fair 2Carrigca Etc Section JVt Wagon given Rica t Scatty twohore Carriage Silver Croat by Harry Newmarket valued at- t f Buggy p ypriti Wagon 0 11 3 a Set For farmers use- Class 29 Agricultural Plow 2 WideFarrow Mow 3 a a 1 a s Beit Collegium 1 Heavy Double a Side Leather given by Park A Co values at Society- Carriage St Light Elaruestf Bridle Leather side Kip Skin Bide Leather fiiilo a of Lamb Skill Collection of Dyed Wool JL of and open l k a a a a a 00 00 Collection of Fret Work Finished Moulding A A tit I wr a a J s a a a a t Window Sash yair i a i I i a J I IT I it i a a a a a Churn Washing Machine Assortment of Furniture Cooking Furniture Class Domestic Manufactures I Wool Blankets pair Knillfd Piece Work Quilt cotton 6 Quilt Crthet cotton Crochet wool Cotton lied Spread 11 Hag Carpet yards Rag Carpet halfflladc yards Babys 15 Wool pair Wool pair 19 Cotton pair Wooi fcnilUd pair Wool double pair Wool pair Wool Yarn home spun pound ya 1 Painting on Canvas Oil Painting on Glass I- Painting on A Painting on Velvet A on Vvv4 Painting on Bilk Painted Panel i Painted Plaque in oil Saa5 Water Colors landscape Photo given value QOi a a a a a a a a a a a a 10 Water Colors any subjects Jewellery given by Atkinson valued at a By Society II Pencil Drawing Plain Crayon Drawing 13 Colored Crayon Drawing India Ink Cabinet given by valued at Collection of 10 Wax Work made in Natural Curiosities other than animals V IB Collection of Coins Collection of Stuffed Birds or Animate rule 8 suspended bot exhibitor must bo a member of Society given by Iteid A Co Toronto Goods to value of Cut Flowers open to all any rti Collection of House Plants open to all Collection of House Plants not leas than varieties Collection of In flower not leas than varieties Extras Work IT urn i K fa 1 1 J 4 sasvaaaa Silk Work Goods given by Newmar- ai a A Jy iy 111 t Outline Embroidery Silk Cotton KcnsviriBton Kovtfogton PainUng Hi Embroidery Tabic Man 12 Lava Work Fancy Toilet Set not leu than five pieces Work two Work in Filoselle mm Work- liaised Berlin Wool Work- Plain Berlin Wool Work Drawn Work Corsets by Hughes By Society Cotton Woolin Wool CroeVittiiifi fi Cotton Crocheting ill tilt other kind I citing at a collection Braided Pillow Shams Pillow Bhams any other kind SI Dree Doll any kind Pillow Wool Work Riven by A New 444 ly a a ia a A a a 4 a Pillow handknitted a Collection of Celluloid Work St Work Bra for one year y ffttflMtttltlSIitffi 4 wool or n filipperi hand work Worked ij rocket far Use 4 a a a- Prize For largest comber of Entries on regular aod same forward for exhibition the Riorur for one year given by with added by Pajxra will bo awarded to such article are not mentioned the to I 1 M Diploma 00 00 IB IS 75 00 1 00 00 I 00 00 sOO 00 00 1 si 1 a itf 1 1 tlttlll se It a 4 I 1 00 00 00 1 ft a 00 2 2 1 00 00 SO so so 1 1 1 00 GO I 1 100 00 00 00 If ARM TO RENT ICO Con r AD extra good chance III b 11 to M AlMo hit Fur node acre AlM 1 00 60 DO Oil SALE A two- tries lad Soee new iii fe and odd Ian J garden 1 sell It choap J FARM FOR SALE THE at lot loniflna 10 It A- J NY FARM TO RENT either or sts irc i IWjj i WUOftR A Who to buy or rem 5xl atJ the crop frA acid tori Com put loto t not yet got a purchaser FARM FOR SALE- North Wait J lit of Coo of 1j ffCl Darn orotcrir J OF iho North Lot No In the FrArtft Din School asiid nod fn3 xJ No- thCoo QwHUasttirTlidi OltLIN FARM at For PARTS of ftnd io of Whitchurch CvaUiijri wIlH About mile diDOWn the apt ARM FOR SALE- acres lthM Con of and West half rflfll l Con of Survr loi cleared stsrl ercv well soil fur slues or ivi 1 Irt I timbered nd bo or Davis I TOJET TWO Ol THAT Splendid BrickClad On corner of with Furnace and Domestic in For pnkJJ sale OR TOREST 115 uwaivas East Quarter rod Con of Mint If not sold ranted fur a term of years- AW- premie to MA Ml BROS- SALE Farm IbeTownsulpof acres Lot tin the TOaeres the Mb coo am loo r Mb LOT ii This lot baa barn and erected ate no a All lbea Ian Is win Also Lola In the roe film

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