Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , September 4, 1891, p. 1

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NEWMARKET Every Friday Morning GEO JACKSON it jjEvM PRINTING HOUSE of too hat REACHED we expect LIBHfilT TO TO J BANK NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AN Newmarket Branch Vol XLNo 32 Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Friday Sept Terms- in Advance mo DRAFTS ED At Men Draft oU- altsadad to LEGAL Street Newmarket solicitor on Warmer Bio MONEY TO LOAN BARRISTERS solicitor St nest office 1 stsr good isooc Marat a Solicitors etc Lua opposite TO ALFRED J RADIATE fco jrr- of DB1 SUOfU Brit J STUART Said a op o AS Bnri1 So J 16 to p Water and TO T CCBAXST CHIN At Old Office JNHURAKOB PhBoIx of London Norwich CAlcdooImn All SCOCk Farm and Town Ot Tin Shop TORONTO bed roomi- lor TrtHtfprCX txic 11 Iraloi print parlor JHOLDERNESSPioix 4 ftibalrafor will Store eastern moan Urn THE TNSUBANCKOOOFWOBTa AMKRIOA America confining afaloitaOIdoolA I Genera for Aurora at ih loan and A J HALL A PRESENT with ARRIVED NEW ERA BAKING POWDER lb- and lb boxes No LAYfeR VALENTIA RAISINS at box full lbs Fresh every few days choice mild cured HAMS ST BACON in Quality the best and AND BREAKR prices the lowest it e CHINA to be cleaned out at hues ice GLASSWARE Choice GROCERIES of CANNED GOODS Crosse PICKLES SAUCES MARMALADE R For Hi Era i NEWMARKET A Newmarket- Oxide Oobaod at OFFICE ID Btoc A I IP ENTiar poo iotb Fort jiteihBMeihodUtCbnrrti- BlcUf MARRIAGE I as MAHltlAQK LIOENSE3 Office Art doll PHOTOS get tbciUFHK TJ work Jar BECAUSE the can et labia work roach B WHY do people like to bring friends to re ail J BECAUSE collection of natural hit- La well worth a and you will bo made welcome ECAU3E be his busincea employs bat skilled workmen- AD A LIFE ASSURANCE CO OAPITAL AND FUNDS- DOLLARS ALT worldwide wing ia two J AMDuWlUwriif f pel aire HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION He Glveth Bain upon the Earth When earth dry and parched By heat the white la tha White the From down raja at oar feel flow we welcome With its darkening Thocgh aa a hand At it Into epaw Oer the Like a canopy the When life in each link In pain to i brink And ehxirel well nigh nolo death Yet in Men for relief From the heat that is Mi breath Whet la deu To the tha tbe It rambles end On chariot wheels While we for blest ahowere When corn bows head With Its crisp and dead And the sky looks like In Its When grauhoppcra eoog Wo can the day And no stirs the stifling m boon more Than the ratodropa appearing the copious showers descend When all nature her Of thanksgiving While her of bland Each and hillside Refreshed with the fioodtldf in an bloom While millions of flowery Id field and In bower Send forth a Torpid awakes I When the in flood And the rite re rejoice At the lUntd Ihey murmor relief ol poor forth bis i The thtiojust of For are rieo In their to When in new Shill step forth renewal in the sonheat no more On that shore touch or hare to P Hill Potato Rot Infealans of the In the of has many pre- organisms forma of origin little wu known light abed upon them since this was need In their both among animals and At present dayman Is con stantly by foes some attacking his body others Food which he eats Daring the summers of an ample this in the or tbe socalled rot which a great to part or this well a greater part of United States With snch disease In midst the question naturally suggests itself What the cease the rot and what remedies most be km lb III Down iu Black and White- DOODLE PAINTS OILS PITCH AND ROSIN Largest Stock of Glass in Town OLD RELIABLE Constantly on HandsT0VE TIN SHOP stdlne and other Pressed Lumber DRY CORD WOOD I IIOAO NOTICED Buggies Repaired ASP UNDERTAKING KO Ml Off HAS CHANGED HANDS- WEwlJl hand frnn Kino to tlcne lloci ihe licit Wood and Coal Stoves Which we will sell at Ales a Large stock of etc at ROOK BOTTOM furnace Work c done all out door work to PROPRIETOR LAUGHTE IN fr DUNNS BAKING POWDER 1 THECOOKS BEST FRIEND 1 LARGEST SALE IN CANADA CROCKERY GLASSWARE In order to more room for BUSINESS I have decided on clearing out all my Stock of Crockery and Glassware at and in cases below coat for the next days Any remaining at the expiration of this time will he Bold in bulk the Entire Slock must be out by that time This Stock comprises all Good Staple Goods Glance at a few of the bargains here mentioned piece Tea Sett formerly now 160 PHARMACY THE OLD RELIABLE ESTABLISHED ft Dinner colored Bed Room heavy colored It 2Y it it 00 85 200 276 Come Early and secure a good choice as they must go by the time mentioned J Cor Main Timothy Streets Newmarket hire and Medicines Toilet Soaps Perfumery Shoulder Unices Sponges and all kinds of DISPENSING carefully compounded and orders answered with care and The public will find our stock of medicines complete warranted genuine and of the OPEN ON SUNDAY FOB ONLY pm pm DR CAMPBELL Leon Water In stock PROPRIETOR- for Infants and IU Bo Cnfcri at I uS Oitawa la the dps after- noon Mr laid a was paid to Mr to have Mm act or the Ontario Bank Mr Power him When did yon become a were ibat the bad been paid by Mr to Mr It is to tell I there my sub- were and I went on a fiabing expedition and tried to get at troth and put and that together But you told all that before I could give yon no special date when enormity of the dawned upon my Were you of this fact before the dee railway bill passed tbe House of Com mow Not a fact it take some time to real- ire that has been stolen Ate you prepared to that you were not aware- of tbe fact before bill passed the Railway Commit tee of other bouse I did not know all about the in fact I know all about it yet But had jou not Information be the bill pasted the Railway Com mittee of this payment No it was during the time the Senate ad journed for fourteen days that I was on track You were quite innocent before that I was not quite suspected them all along Mr Berwick in bis summing up said that ho bad traced whole of with the exception of Ho had traced to the old company to Mr Armstrong to Mr Cooper to Mr In of tho personal obligations of tbo Hon Mercior Hon Charles Hon A P J I Ernest and others 54700 bank discounts not included for cheques having withdrawn by total The Holy Coat Aug A textile who was summoned to the garment known as holy coat now on exhibition at Treves when the were removed vesture wa found to be la such a tattered condition that it could not bo placed on exhibition Bishop Korum then consulted and finally coat given to an aged and experienced man who gammed the fragments of he garment together as the material was too much worn to stand the strain of a needle and thread The holy cost Is now partially overlaid with layers of material with it has been wrapped op and these were apparently so decayed that they cannot bo from tbe coat Or of AixIaObsppclle declares be has examined reverie side of the holy coat aod he found that ft was mounted on silk whioh was used in the and whioh was manufactured after tho slxtfi century and waa always extremely costly consider to be proof that holy coat 1 genuine garment worn by Jesus Christ received much from lbs last quarter a and ia now all to be of a titans all part of at ad lober not villi tha history of ihii plant pij bat little atten tion appearance- upon the re not aware of Its prewoa it has affected the pott Its i by the of tb plant Gloss will iaDDDJerabla leader it mi leaf of the J These off and swell at bodies which ue mUlioos separata from the ripe art easily carried by the atmosphere settle the or other sterna that is and pores out long microscopic tube which cao penetrate any part of the cause the or cosy into many diitinct swarm spores which bunt the sporewall and become the the plant The plant can be by aid of a at It consists of branching calor Tees threadlike are perennial and hardy and from fragments of new may be SomabotaQitts to hare found another kind which they oil the or winter bat already are reproduced repi at to the disease able No dbaht or less spoies present but the season uofaroiable do damage plant is an exceedingly low form of Unable to tare food from tbe kingdom as a BtMEPlts The rot usually appear the of If Weather Is favorable spread Tery rapidly Therefore It of rait to examine the plant for the appearance of the dread brown soon as the disease dig the potato aa it soon spreads from leaf tuber 2 A digging pot in a cool dry place these aorroDodings- unfavorable for the growth of 3 early varieties to hare them before the psrsilte appears Allajfected potato be burned Use none but seed and plant on well hod It wo old be well to secure seed from unaffected diittlots Avoid as far as la heavy clay land The nature of our climate is not bo faror- ablest that of Britain yet a wa are yiited by it although scarcely coDtidered a courge In Ontario it la well that we should remember It nature and and always be ready to guard total failure As last teaeon the for propagation bare endeavored to give lit life from for the fit of my brother farmers A AuR2Ubfli son of Mr by a on night and his fpnoead badly oat that it was o The youngster doing nicely Owing to the fact that the para phernalia need fa connection with the travelling dairy waa ratsshipped there was no exhibition in the drill shed on Saturday night of property In Sutton la The Kendrie took an party of to Barrio on The band went might have been a fatal drowning accident occurred at Sandy Beach last While Byrne got beyond her depth and had sunk twice before rescued by who her swam to her aasistanoe Seed or TBI After an exciting contest beat Toronto at Base Bail by ran on Saturday filr E A was or dained and last week as pastor of the and congregations A special meeting of the School Board was held on Tuesday at which all the members were Owing the crowded state of the school aod the conse quent insanitary condition it was deemed to more and a room was secured in Mrs Littles building on Main St whioh will bo forthwith famished with the necessary Twentyone applica tions were received for the caused by the resignation of Noble and Miss Do an of Toronto who holds a second certificates of qaallncatioo was selected a teacher A large proportion of hold certifi cates which would seem to indicate that our teachers are now largely of this grade Tribute Aurora ft to by a Dog Months At- Aug The ltl son of Frechette of No 108 Hubert street this was bitten to death by it vicious dote last Mr Frechette who ai fancier recently three dogs one of which was a cross be tween a hound a bulldog The latter was considered peacnabln and gave no sign of being dangerous Shortly after oclock last evening while Mrs was entertain lug a visitor heard her son who was playing In yard Hushing to window was horrified to the dog attacking tearing pieces of flesh from tho body With all the heroism of a daring the wo man flew to rescue sight she met was a horrible one yard was covered with blood while pieces of were scattered Though fainting she attacked the In furiated brute and ensued A J Masse who resided near by came to her assistance At this moment the woman fainted and the brute turned his attention toward the new Intruder Another desperate battle followed hut M alio was armed with a knife which he wielded to good purpose but tho dog having se cured a grip on the man never let go Its head was nearly severed from Eta body and cut to pieces Medical assistance bat the child was beyond all aid and soon expired The face was almost unrecognizable while over a pieces of flash bid been torn from the The Injuries sus tained by Mrs Frechette and Masse while serious are not dangerous The Ontario Association have decided to hold tourna ment which takes place in October in this place a Aurora can now boast of two lady bicyclists via Misses Lloyd and Stella Butcher both of whom are becoming pro6cient with the wheel We were somewhat surprised Tuesday to learo that Councillor Loves engagement with Messrs Sons would Eleven years ago shortly after the demise of the late Jos he took the re sponsible position of head accountant in the firm of Messrs Floury Sons and we are led to believe that from that time to present he has filled it to the satisfaction of all parties con cerned On Monday morning Edward Row land of King was arrested on a committal for nonpayment of a fine imposed for assault by Lundy and brought here and looked up After spending Monday night in lockup be ho would pay tha fine which he did On Tuesday morning and was set at liberty His liberty however was of short duration for he was immedi ately rearrested by Constable Holla- day on a bench warrant for pearsnen at last quarters sessions to answer the charge of On Tuesday afternoon a deputy sheriff arrived from Toronto and conveyed him to gaol he will be con fined until next sessions The people of Orillii evidently know tho value of a good High School In their town end contribute liberally to Its support year Town granted towards the support of the school and for the next year tho School Board an nounce that will be required for maintenance and for permanent Improvements and now furnaces Wo hope tboso kickers who are con- grumbling about the expense of the school bore- will ponder well the above figures and then for very shames sake hold their Ban ner seed wheat committee of the Dominion Millers Association after Investigating the matter of many different kinds of winter- wheal beg to make the following rtoommenda- to the Ontario The fanners and rafters Interests are identical In the cultivation of those van of heat producing the best grades of flour to be the oar as- sociatioij to make as poblto as possible all we hay on this point j i The gathered from farmers and mil left in Ontario some from the and considerable at the Model Farm which- the committee was in- to visit and inspect the differ- varioties some of wheat grown small plots as testa A large committee appointed by the the ral opllege and WAS greatly pleased with the plants adopted to these teats At the same time all were of tha opinion that the past dry season has conducive to the extraordinary on this farm the year believing that this farm a wet season would cause winter wheat to suffer from rait If is to get the foil benefit of these tests whiob we believe will to a very great boom we think it would be wise for Gov to secure ten of suit- able land In southern Ontario and ten northern Ontario to be used for these testa the supervision of of agriculture at as a variety may ho very soluble for sell and j climate and not for another soilsand climate of our large province vary considerably The following are the result and recommendations growing oat of oaf gallon via Surprise wheat highly recom mended A plot at the Model Farm tested bushels to the Ehi to the standard bushel Canadian Velvet Chaff highly re commended Yield at Model tosU standard bushel Bulgarian White recommended Yield Model Farm tesU wheat pur friend of yore of this wheat grown around wheat Into Brant County two years ago Fair milling wheat Democrat Seed obtained almost where- When first this wheat was some years ago it was considered to produce fioar too yellow for wheat flour purposes but the millers now has improved on this point and recommend farmers still to sow part of their fall wheat around to this variety especially in sections where It has proven Itself a a good ylelder BID Dont sow the Roger wheat it has no good bread properties In it and to smut and wool J recom mend not to sow too extensively the Manchester Information obtained so far indicates It is a soft wheat with very little gluten in it Jones Winter strong wheat at Model Farm test good bread properties reootomended yield at Model Farm at tests wheat and Michigan Amber can be grown saccessfolly millers would especially recommend They are both capital bread makers- yielder good bread aoourate outturn not yet obtained Committee saw a German wheat In shock called peculiar head I very dark chaff but grain white and plump and we thins will a splen did milling white wheat Pre David The of Owen Sound have just placed a pipe organ in their church fierce wind and rain storm did great damage throughout tank Friday night old survey had 3 sheep killed by dogs and worried on night Herbert the famed college athlete was drowned before his mothers eyes while bathing in the surf at Fire Island He with cramps There was a losi of 121 head of cattle the tramp steamer Montreal to Aberdeen the largest loss of cattle on any one ship from Montreal that baa over 9 Mr Joseph Millard Alton his threshed out a field of oats which yielded by actual weight per acre Rogers lost a valuable boso recently uoder pe culiar He had left animal hitched to a post by a strong halter when It was attacked by hornets In its frsntlo efforts for freedom IU neck was broken When Mr Rogers returned ha found his faithful servant lying dead Are You Deaf Or do from head Then cent stamp and will a tteatlaa fall for bom core which coat A work aod ear Moat flwlfl Sunday night great damage was done Pa by a storm the heaviest known In that section for years a Welsh mine a frightful explosion took place Mon day Many miners were killed tbe number a yet being indefinite The fight President forces and the near genU In has lasted three days The dead and Injured on both are said to number 3000 Patent medicines differ One has reasonableness another be not One his reputation another has not One has confidenoe born of suooess another has only hopes Dont it for granted thai all patent medicines are alike They are not the years later sad the tens of thous ands of cared and happy men and women place Dr Pierces Golden Discovery and Dr Piaroes Favorite Prescription on the side of comparison to whioh they And there isnt a state or territory no nor hardly a country In the world whether its people it or not bat have men and women In them happier of their discovery and their Think of thlsb health Think of it in sickness And then think Quite an Interesting case waa disposed of In Uxbridge on even ing of before His Wor ship the Mayor and Justices Jos and Chat Gould Robert and Arthur of East were arrested with the theft of acres of wheat on the information of Hugh Tunny of the Township of Scott appeared from the evidence that on the evening of the of August the prisoners cooAmenoed drawing off this of wheat which fa shook on to and adjoining field be- longing to another person They were discovered early the next morn ing one half drawn but re fused to discontinue on a demand from the complainant who is tenant of the farm on which this field Is from Robt They continued drawing wheat In spite of Mr Tunnys and on got a and Bad ft threshed and the grain drawn away A boot were to Gordon doarVbarn In whose It stored on consent of Mr A search warrant was issued and this amount of grain received hid- anoeof been traoed It appears also from the evidence that this field of wheat has been So dispute between the parties or rather claimed right to the poaiessioft of it but to be no legal ground for his claim Even It fall claim was a good one his manner of procedure Was and their Wor ships unanimously took that the matter and committed them both for trial but accented ball their own for the sum of A new steamer named from the yard of The entire front of tbe Taylor New York collapsed on Saturday owing to a mysterloas ex plosion About killed and many were Injured The loss to property was 300000 A says The Sunday night did great damage to tobacco and reports that half cran berry crop in that is de stroyed loss The Ontario contains the revocation of patera of action having betui in the caa on report of Tbesocibty wilt be woundup lt has decided offer Trunk railway a of 10000 in cash and exemption from taxation for ten years to the erection of new car shops within the bounds of the municipality A little rebellion broko out last week in Nicaragua In which chief of police and six men were killed but owing to the prompt measures taken by the Government out break was quickly and the ring leaders were arrested A received from Stanley Falls says Path has been wonderfully sucoesiful in operations Africa and that has recovered all the old stations in the Equatorial country inflicted a severe defeat on the dervishes The British Government baa signed an agreement with the di en Pacific Railway Company pro tor the transportation of troopa via Halifax and Vancouvers Island in the event of war in India should the Sues become blocked St Thomas Aug Frederick of village mite from here while hiving bee to day was attacked stung so viciously In the neck that he dropped dead Mr was CO year of age and an old resident of the village Seymour Cook of a young man in the employ of Mr Moses while loading wood on a car at last Friday un- to couple some cars The result was a badly hand and amputation just below elbow V- A correspondent writ ing from Portage la Prairie says Crops big beyond descrip tion Another week without frost will mean millions to Manitoba I never saw snob wheat in my life Plenty of it will go from 35 to 40 bushels to the acre Out The large frame structure renown town ball and building with toully destroyed by fire here this morning Los by with contents In earance i300 Incendiarism undoubtedly the causa the man from To ronto sent down In 1837 on lif sentence for throwing Into face of a an un from tt on Sunday Iron bar of his cell wer sawn with old knife A river is a more to a house mover He scarcely tees it At least this is the case with J This whether you can afford to make the trial the makers afford to take Messrs Wolf IJelfast the risk to give your money back has been added to the Dominion thev do II Hoe for service from Liverpool to good deal about parcels Montreal builder moved four story building from th north to aid It a voyag on the river two blocks of the way Mr James Arran he has the smartest little girl In the township Only years old and two weeks ago from three oclock In tbe afternoon till down with a liberal rest for te she mowed five acres with a Toronto mower Mr Nelson dont think township can produce a boy of the same age that beat the record Tar a A good story concerning a prominent yoaug maa in town was told in one of our manufactories the other day by his father The father having occasion to visit a northern town the young man la charge of the business bis absence A day or so alter the man re ceived from hit young lady to effect that she was going to a in log cars at Georgetown Naturally yoang man deemed Its opportunity to snt hour and to When reached the platform the first period to step off the father He was surprised worth offspring as follows Hello doing I thought vpur holidays were overt John a moment but finally to said the other end I young lady- who had just It is needless to that Ma bears

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