J J I NEWMARKET ERA JULY 1891 4 I J 1 Ox Excursion Bros Holiday Farm Card of Splendid Store for Sale Mrs Eli it Sin getwnatkit vis SITS DP I BUT AID meatus WITH I FRIDAY JULY 31 lis Her WHAT TCI TO TOTS o ona a mirth OttGn 111 In it boidi caw Our Toronto Despatch JiUt In lb of lit of of Xing Tcrkooqatr Htm at lo lb dm A from T wit killed Sir Hector drill tall wort Abbott tot a to aM to of ten to Toronto A tootle ami up fa the Grand to prohibit of tables to lodge A don followed ib wn loot on by a laKt PL Trunk at pi gall to a tkooau4 Collin of the Ha got a in I Albert old mid a Ma llfi on Friday Hi f mi of ihi Don to of cried oat dtamatxcallj for or tod to ground and Ml the Rising to with a was floatttm but tank and It that Tinted park lut Ad atlflUpt to sew and olbtr track with Mr op to ErparimaaUl Turn Plowing Mitch it to October lha Model Finn on is with Hire I RIlvaj awrd6l will lortf- ibe la with an extra if trouble ft Mr Codot Crown for a trip benefit of health Hi will ba doc dorlog abMou by of JohoftonA Row Mr gia- on placet at tbt of and Tbt of g and bis nearly Tmt Star wt a good when wt It doobt a copy a poller about Picnic In Chanty It and farorably city with Parry Stir away at the of bo MUt loom In which law protection fiih North Short of Georgian Bay it it Ireland rewarded for Aognit optnt with a tetareitlng on New Zetland by Grants toeatiy and no reeoaroetof remote country which to Americana it a ixcg- from graphtand from drawings by make thia article At the National Association SI- Pan A of the an ei- client craft will Jifrtil to the of a will lake the liberty to publish There Id be an going abroad that a for dlridon of thit two fof and other will be long before it of doing away with the bat long agitated tbt public mind end of the County Cfancil or lots op with li a unit In faTor of doing away with of bat parte of the arw to it At the tame time the end of the bare to proride to re pair and order in the north It tboogbt and not without that Coining from a In the part of the and we can only that the day of of the hastened If let It take plica before the opening of the new that North York will not hampered by that our new relatione will then impose Knights Hollow- ii orw sad of binder is beard once mare is rather short bat the sample Is good happy is she farmer Mr raited bis new barn last arid it will make quite an to the fifth praise was the ladies for the stjle la tea for serred Mr A Mitier ton acres of cat and drawn In ready for to be The correspondent for for Lake had better hare so that they get their items to they get so tasteless Mr Brings had one of his colU hadly kicked week bat im proving of JoJj among Its mnj from of tip recent Nsrsl si Barton of to Iks Columbian tion 000 Honed WOTMirirComniiwe smbnH an in- anof of Oh a by Sir Richard ajroring of principle of iinrtitncttd redpnxity and con- trade polity of the a dirliion night the lntlon defeated by a majority of A the of the waa em bodied in motion it may be pretty tore evidence that the Abbott Cabinet it for the preacot to The word of Blake in lionise of ago when of a to Sir Hector now like if be felt the motire gift more thin of Admiration He above the to a thing ottcrly any rcMioca except direct balneal and official relation with contractor who hare or may hate with tut depart- he ncelTtl about and It by public or hop or upon claims fatre rioco settled Whip bu happen 1 baa happened that many people inspect the Minister of Public been Influenced in relation he allowed to between contractor and aa and recipient of a Urge and valuable It may or it may not bare been man can Wo cannot judge God I Bat the wholly To no man it to be to With one band yon took from this man a and with the The wisdom of word now apparent anmiog the ministers entire inooceace of wrongdolnx- A of supicioo or a feeling akin to reality rirclca that an amalgamation of Traok with the Canadian Railway is on the of the not far two liata ban nearly all the branch railway of and it only now remain for them to consolidate into one vast powerful monopoly to make the complete and pot an end to railway Life Ub The Banna- o of the Subject he in the Dominion from the At- to defend that it not worth fl reply Aaron kept be only came the money was well scattered Shamrocks do not have to pick their opponents to off tic bat can defeat caa find Aurora Untie to Pacific Whatever eke may be said of Sir John hie to the he his for fair which places head and aboe the mere and a long stride in advance of aome of his bill be has tbte Dominion and in election an excellent of tbie trait to honorable political record which Opposition will and public will respect The Election Act has hitherto pro- Tided that a protest return of a member mast made within thirty days after the of the of polling in the Canada Gazette d it was dot of the Clerk of the to Chancery to see to the of these retains date was fixed for the returning officer limit to Ms or for the publication of of candidate It was pOMible between these two by the sim ple process of delaying to send In to of tbe Grown In the one side or to band the same for publication to the official on the other to to tbe friends of the a much looker time In which to enter than was permitted to their opponents the Sir Thomp son baa proposed the of Unties on the part of of the of the da will be removed- Officers will bo required to make returns within one week after polling day and the Clerk of the in Chan- eery compelled to hare the the order la which the sre received True the BUI of the Hod- is but justice jet when are being I ought how to take rather than on both politics of His tit opponents on the plane with the dominant part when apoIoxU be found for maintaining advantage heretofore obtaining this fllr John his meed of What sake a Toronto paper That depend if in relation to good crop we aay the outlook pro mil fag bnt if in relation to scandal not prom for a dean record It kind a look si if somebody band were net an at tbe same time it fair to condemn men on of the fellow in trouble who hi rognta all rt not be inappli cable to rider than yet An Ottawa correspondent of the Toronto aVtas aje The next official to important an than of It alleged by a of tbe that bar beet in with ronotojj of Gorernora fetch It also stated by the tame authority that in of Arnold of Works he been the pnbtic office of the will be all the for Parliament Is making aeaiioo Mount Albert A of the bat of Dominion a complete of portrait of the team of with a brief ketcb or of each In peat yeArs It timely and the Prince and Princes of Wales to the Canadian exhibit at the Agricultural Fair neuter I made the I Georges ton j interior of Fort Henry Klngatou at Bay The ft France per haps the fineeV fibic are other subject of in thia number United States Coogreaa made to tet ezplo- aire to rain In dry July the day fijedcpr Mr eighth at Obi Jt was which It fur by a broken machine The last rein fell on nd cool weather Saturday made the rain The morning dawned and tool fewespect4 even at oclock cicada appeared In all No one thoobt of of the coo wind from the north bat at a nice ahowtrfetlj and t 6 oclock cloud In the weak warned of the heavier in the a much sod a great of Two owned John apd Wo were damaged struck Mr chimDej the bricks around and tear- lag all ablates off for feet la the It tr all the plaster off one the rooms Another struck well breaking the pump to splinters another struck the front of tho house splitting the door and wood off In The which struck Mr nouao across street scattered the all and tor all the one of house storm felt here for no one hart Queens Parle To ronto en to at asms Urns lb st a few on this sacb a crowd auemblei under conMoeocta It appears a In on an of tb free speech men swallow camel andloantlcU of row It add people others aod amid all the fisolleallf to order the nor Some were will a Ntui ha of Council his been called for Wad- August I to adopt Is with tb w High flcbool Act k last acaaioo of the which count pupil to Ih lbs School Board fa a Count Council may not dollar asooth of act ha till now nrsrlookad at monnt of lb will flitd TbU want at- on part of or will coal tb inf bar tb alt tba It border and goe at la to News of the sadden death of Edward Victoria British Columbia receivfd here last week with deep regret Deceased left here list March try his fortane Pacific Coast and was evidently well when cut him off lie was very highly re spected And many of our people went out to Newmarket on to attend tho funeral Messrs Smith and Jones will no doubt hare regular free trade rush since the bills appeared their prices for August Mt Albert Woollen Mills are doiog a big business season al ready The garden party the of the Union Sunday School at Mr Charles Wilsons on the was a grand succeed Although in the afternoon weather had an on favorable appearance jet oven- turned out quite pleasant Early in the evening a foot ball match was played between a team from and one from fifth resulting in a victor for the former- past eight band from Newmarket arrived and entertained the crowd with ft number choice selections followed by by Glee Club and others Both young and old seemed to enjoy themselves and tbe party broke up a little after ten r Mr of Trinity occu pied the English pulpit last Sunday in the absence of Mr Burt who was being Miss Mary Kavanagb has gone on a two weeks visit to Brentford wife and daughter of Toronto were visiting last week m Farmers have about finished hay- Jog and a number have harvesting Berry pickers are numerous In this locality sod judging from tho over flowing pails which they carry tbo fruit must be abundant Mrs Charles IJoan and Mrs gal of Aurora were the of Mrs Graham last Thursday The numerous bos loads passing through to Lake Kim coo last week made our village unusually lively Mrs has been having ft medical operation performed on her foot recently We are glad to she Is not laid Mr Robert and wife of To ronto are spending a portion of their holidays friends Mr Barber of Linden III is vis iting bis law Mr Terry We notice the following visitors Toronto Mrs with her sister and Mr and Mrs Rutherford at Mr and daughter have reto rued from Drayton Muter Fred Is spending va cation with his sitters at The Christian Endeavor hold their meetings every Tuesday evening at half past The members are Increasing and they hope to hate a good organisation Mr Travis who went to Dakota last spring expects to return all got hay- And bva commenced Fall wheat well filled will yield well crops are and everything fair for an abundant Mr preached a nbject being The Good of King Hem and the Son of this place met at tbe Hall and marched in regalia to the Gordon while ber ried one day week ran against a he reult was a piir of badly optica and bed- swollen as to give the Appear ance of an animated foot ball The along with a from was camping at Belly at last week Among the visitor this are Bertie and Amy Green New market and Bailie of Barxie and daahter of Mr of at Willow Grove and Jo at terrace Fall wheat and barley harvest being oer next thing order will be the hum of the thresh ing machine on Sunday evenings seems to be the delight of ome who have no regard for the Sabbath Elder J- Graham who been confined to ted for the last two weeks still in a very weak aod little bopea are entertained of his recovery Flora of faaven is viiiiiog friends in this vicinity Mr Ezra J of St Louis was home a of last week appears to agree with as be is looking Those who attended the Methodist on erening last bad the pleas a re of listening to an elo quent sermon Levi of Newark J Hie was Tie SlrHpy Young Man The Rev gentleman took his text from thepQth chip- of Acta and 10th Those who failed to bo present missed hearing a grand Next morn ing and Rev J ham is rfnnoanced to preach in the same place at the hours The Ribbon Society organ ized hot a short time ago in this place continue to hold its fortnightly meetings at which a large num ber of young people attend To tki Editor of Era Dux Six cm that jog iht letter from la col- to know to sod Yost ihit a rimilirity and Ufa In or Utah bit body who held forth and tilt bo of Divid asms is a what of Bo then lacchlngi of Lb Mormon firrt obey lbs church then mairy ill them or sot Editor do lbs I or do bcllers was taught or him I Hits heard or aod collector or 11 their product stock I jou heard of b tbear or practised After talk about NottTfafl editor not borne of bbrTUlog to correct any we add editor did not com the bo on letter or not Manitoba Letter Everaley- Judgiog from an article in your last issue it it our opinion of the Football Club were not satiitied with the count we of a match played here between them and the Hustlers a abort time ago One reason for dissstUfaotion must sorely be lack of some of them are particularly fond in our account of the match Oar authority for making the assertion thirteen on the side of the is from an in tba Glob and if it is wrong we hope to be pardoned The lost coattails was an exaggeration on our part hot nearly a reality Broken rt there was and broken too to much so that one fellow to come in uniform was obliged to replace them with a new pair Other was too numerous to mention Now wo do not wish to bint that slugging done at tbe entirely free from it day last week as Martin and son Burt were driving in bo vicinity of the horse became frightened breaking of buggy throwing the out A sprained ankle for Mrs Hutchinson was result Miss toward of Toronto and Miss Norman of Detroit Mich are Waiting at Rogers Mr and Ferguson of King Oity and Mrs Alex Ferguson of Nashville Mo were vUitlng friends here last week of Newmarket is upending his with Prof thero was latest ad vices from gives intelHgenoe of renewed on by fsoatical Many schoolhonKf and have been looted and burned and mis- insulted and away At Hamilton on Saturday a fifteen mouths baby fell from the second story of a store to the sidewalk a of sixteen while the Bait Bind pa along the street Brain fever to and It not expected to live aam belonging to tbe lnitod steamship wis blown up In the harbor of Africa by torpedo and six men On board were killed one of cruisers mistook the launch for an boat On the Brio railway near Monday a rig in which Wellington White and bis family were seated was struck by Mr Hastings and Susie agod were killed And a years old received a frac ture of skull and other and may not the night July oa Monday I tit sad to city a at lifchJ and riiltin la this daring lb week accepted the Mr Wood and enjoyed a three boon ride about its day ooo drive was lorely la with of Mr Beechs family Iff lctrlc railway and park three mlls out of oily 1 a lighted at night with sod fitted up with public inch dialog and dc Op aibti of week employed for the of This park deltgbt folly situated of Hirer tn another letter 1st ma say here I Ur Thomas for a of thirty and forty axo sod hid a abort visit He with the doing well Bftidts Harry wo atbo met Mr Stoke brother of of Ur Jo aod bis too late Mr of and of Mr Walter Croat a mm whom wsdader was a of Mr of alt delighted to bear from old North York -J- tail wo the Waits for Pot I go Prairie Hera t our former TV aod family with wbniii wo a afteroooD Mr Alex tj with In the bakery well bright The a of a of lbs people as wheat of the world It IS the lino of the Rita aod lercoo of Railway their all livateil at pise- It EL like- ere- flourif mills of largo capacity firetiiiffctora with a room for 350000 of it pretty reliable the year town fa a aod art carriaga pomp factories ibifo brickyard a of wall men and not foiollao as lbs town of college ward conducted which coat Its public as hall and firs court boose Jill registry office boms for Incur able tic ara creditafate And to giro Idea of its a com centre we may add banks Wat ia this part of praTlnco fa add to Altogether Portage bat a and with about place ntlceil a Urge lo of atresia now to take place destroyed by fire soma time ago will bars a seating for eight ten We ware with our the Portage bulb Mr BtHay and Mr fllmpion tend of to old friends In ket Reached elty of Brandon Tuesday night Stilt bet snd was met at lb depot by so old tsUni formerly of New market Mr kind we while atopplog over hare Mr IroniUtSa also frocO New market partner with Mr Roaeell as ha tela ere sad they doing excellent trade to on days of their summer and on day was lbs country Mr took to lbs fair grounds alto the oily for to Hers we met Mr Richard lata of Sharon Us fias farm a rolls or from loatfi and scree of wheat together with other was a ac tual pleunrs to lee another Hero too we Diet Mr White who conduct the jpera Hs comes neighborhood Ed Nsyloo of proprleM of a hotel sad Mr from lower put Whitchurch a largo hail etc Mr formerly of or nest there Is alio to trade here Kelly lata of to I bad net pleasure of her Called all sod mads with of aod Is delightfully located grouo with rirer I the Ills located on of sod fa as wheat city of Manitoba Approach log it from tba Rut tfs all lighted with light No doubt the farm for many ground Ibis a aye rapidly In bare place year at an of per cent lbs of thru fears ego One contractor Informed jeer a quitter of a million dollars and the ow of brick not Near city yod The city hall end market coat j end here a It Meted It hat See chorohee public tod three and large grain eliratora with a storing of Gnlo from to are annually at this point The locality also boast a Soar and oatmeal null planing mill etc and ran the the of the fair day number of the wellshaped people la and out of the places were reminded of lowrn Id Ontario Brandon and Portage la Prairie were two of the luiinea like pieces weal Winnipeg in the Prairie although In joitioe to we It a growing place promise of being far OX to we made the of Major or formerly of who ft will be waa among captivee ordered to lo but wm time to ears life In Brit Pott Garry rebellion and who also took part with the loyallite tbo the road too we tbe of ait introduction and a chat with Hoc Mr provincial eecretary who wai on bis way to attend Reform gathering a few miles east of Brandon we formed the of a gentlemen from Mark- Who carried to the arm which Mr of AH between and for twenty of Port age la Prairie on either of the rail track on way to it aseaol crops Left Winnipeg on a fer 9 oclock Fort Will Iain next day between I p apd in hour after were down into Lake water waa like a At lbs wo ware delayed In getting through locks by dark had mo Strait and not Into the open water on the way to Owen Sound Utter dace woreicbed on Monday taking a train for Toronto we the latter in time for the afternoon train for home to by p ahianceof firs weeks In the prairie The cost of the English Manufacture that should be chean should it the figures that are now marked on the tickets of J m Ladies Beaded Wraps LADIES TRAVELLING DUST WRAPS And many other lines of goods throughout the stock mark that way without any blowing about them We depe upon cheapness here to sell goods not friendship that the way we buy too that we may have low prices serving you That catches the crowd and its the crowd are after and we are glad to say we get the crowd Bargain Day on Friday from 10 am until pm -J- r A Children Cry for Pitchers THE LEADING J MILLARD v HAS A MEW FURNITURE STORE rf Oppoallotholtoal Hotels be with him tho entire Of Arm m he Air- Sherrlck of a Jaly of Mr Jo of dughtor At St July J a SwrKs Detroit Julj I of iSewtnrk6t io lUpiJi Mich Jul Hid J A Vs ton of a II- of K of N- lv A of ta year Inst Mr John Howard VaCtorlA HO on iho lth Intl S3 J MAIN ST a AH order will prompt titration Mnfol ftdbertisebieQs l Polity PlilROS5 I i College of lbrJclnPi of HALE QI1 TO TUB iwo ftTnl at the to Bond liucoW aod molt Term km- EM JAMES tilt FOR Using lha NorthWast Quitter of Ho od the Half of Lot No Coo of of J -r-IW- North Slots And to In a ohabliAtit line ffilAcil64 to Qoly one other More In pa ted Church for Office convenient a OK THANKS- The thank of for the Tory prompt Inmraoeaon ray The occurred on tha last of June ad the of Jul tba Co the A GOOD PAYING and for a for In- quiratsT0VoaKetTonolnOot for Toronto School now lo a locut in iho nd Sowing If OR 5TMre Colt CASH AND ONE PRICE Goods delivered to Bradford and Aurora The at and have been robbed five men with Are You Deaf Or in Mpd oojl will mo1 trtiliu fall for curd which A on GOTO Oar Toronto MwrketB- fOROXTO Julj IftJIi Fall Wheat per a i ft SorlairWriaat per a Wheal per a per bushel a U a Peas per ivy Rye per bushel a i per Oil Batter roll lb 11 a Hotter tub lb Oil a ii I so to Apples ISO a a Wool par lb a per ton a 11 Pork per a ATS a per pair a ChtoheoA per pair a IS E STORE FOR OK THE MATERIAL At MONTGOMERYS GOWER PROPRIETOR MONEY TO LOAN AtsUcporoeota Una DAVID LLOYD for of Mar foe dhow felt I Morn do Cooipfcole of LlKJpool Torooto trot iDtMi IK CANADt BRITISH- UNITED MANITOBA BRUNTON tiiutliWiiMW I Any Ladys 4 Boot in our store for one week for 8 Our stock of Boots and Shoes is largest and assorted in town and every pair is guaranteed Mens Suits to order for 7B0 aa NEWMARKET J I