-J- rv NEWMARKET Every Friday Morning GEO STHIS STEAM PRINTING HOUSE jtiw amxar Sax has we TO KNOW TO TO ACCORDING TO ALL ONTARIO BANE CAPITAL Omen SIR P NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol XLNo Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Friday July 1891 Terms 100 Strictly in Advance within 8 or 160 end of year Newmarket Allowed tad attended to J J A to on Of Jo TO LOAN A fiTLES St cert V Cob Bonding MEDICAL DBAJ a AT- rfy J Alia fiirett CAMPBELL tfD-CU- lo a 1 and I to 830 cats at Water aod Of and its Ontario Veterinary Office lo POST OFFICE BLOCK NEWMARKET 3ffll0 lo A- 2Uriui Oxide On OFWCfrio J A GENT FOB Life TO AT CUKIX Office Old Lot of Norwich All Isolated Tomi Offlce ALBION A Kl isn I Heated tor W me el not IOCNBEOAOCT102JEEK far AfaMT Hardware Biota Era ofllcewillbe prompt lrUeDrfedto ACCIDENT AMERICA Managing America Anoy for Aurora and vicinity at loan and JEMONALLY Notary CHAMBRAYS GINGHAMS AND ZEPHYRS Thongh Your Sin be Scarlet a SELLING OFF -AT- P I THIS WEEK AT THE NORTH END ACCOMMODATION STORE v i J W STEPHENS rumored hi dU1 to I be Ode Cbnrtb- Air for iBL TIMUKROf MAURI At tbo Era ket ftRT WHY doBOOAItra PHOTOS set DECAU3E bis Is far BECAUSE people can get tbabciL work much bo bit JU Done bat killed worth a you will made N LIQUOR STORE w We have now on hand a fall stock of EXPORT ALE While Labelwhich was granted a certificate of award at the American Exposition Orleans for the first degree of merit in 1886 A tril order solicited- X P J OMALLEY MAIN NORTH And bo went far utrtf I Show Iho ti Though be bring him back Thee My him he may The oof left mo Lord that thou tuns to thee la Lord that he might Though tin may not come nigh The fiiooer may fiod 4 If he him mlj wilt Dot hi For jean he l him atiae Againat hare No longer here I ataj r 1 will return nolo inJatTbyfwk Thai the prodigal 1 be not away It may be that oarer will come to me I dire not pray for Lord While far from All in poult And mighty is Thy It fed the day ThallahaUeeehUftce The face of Mm who left me My bom my a day I It Far better he had died Bat now my prayer la i Thy will be done It may bo in Thy mercy wilt bring bom my eon How We Got Ned to Sign workmen their friend to too oaf our of CANADA LIFE CO CAPITAL AND 10000000 DOLLARS aid CASH GROCERY STORE A full stock of GLASS SELFSEALERS just opened pints quarts and halfgallons This is the place to get your sealers and sugar for putting down your fruit lbs light brown SUGAR for ONE DOLLAR 1 J- 0KALLEY MAIN STREET SIGN OF RED BOOT North THE PLACE WHERE YOU YOUR T LUMBER Park Constantly on Hand aud ftldlog aod lumber CORD WOOD RELIABLE STOVE TIN SHOP HAS CHANGED HANDS- NOTICE Buggies Repaired WE will hand from roll iirii the ot Wood and Coal 8toves we will eel at a targe of Tinware etc at ROOK BOTTOM PRICES Furnace and rrililrjf done nil out door work prompt attended to a wm AT RIGHT I have the Largest North of Toronto and all are marked that are bound to sell TRUNKS AND VALISES S UNDERTAKING atUotlon DUNNS BAKING POWDER THECOOKS BEST FRIEND sale in NEWMARKET BOOK NEWS DEPOT 0 wD 1 CO C 7 J i 0 UR attention for next few weeks will principally be given to PAPER THE LEADIHGDRUG STORE PURE DRUGS and CHEMICALS from the moat reliable dealers Agents for the celebrated Perfumes NEXT TO POST McOLINTOOK Manager Department Our tock is now complete with a large and varied of Wall Papera Bordering and Decorations bought in the best American and Canadian- markets and must be at prices that cannot be undersold CENTRAL TELEPHONE OFFICE STARR for Infanta and Children adapavi to Mtw tan m j We just bad a time at borne this Papa look ed bo and mamma was sink and eyes were all pink with crying May and didnt know what it all meant only we that brother Ned had been doing something very j for be to break fast till we were almost and then papa was at him though be didnt say Ned just drank a of for and coon as he could get away he waa off for a ride After a white Glare told to pat on our things and we would take a walk together She wasnt a bit like herself that day for she walked along so and solemn only yea and no to what Slay and I said Pretty soon Ned rode op behind and he got off Mb and walked along beside Glare May didnt pay much tention shes little thing only six and a ball j Im eight and I listened to what they were saying and I tell yon twas terrible I I heard Ned say I want to know how it waa want to get at the bottom of this thing She jut bit her lips as if she were trying to keep from cryio bat she kept still till be said Let me feel that I know the worst Then she spoke op tirm though her voice trembled Aant end I were sitting when we beard a noise of stumbling and then the bell rang When the door was opened you were held up by two or three men all of them and when you you fell Say it out said Ned much ex cited I was dead drunk or drunk whatever you call it Clare kept still though big tears kept dropping to the ground And how did mother it as if every word hurt him thought at first you hurt or sick but when found it was worse she clasped her hands and looked if she wanted to die Well ho said I hadnt any idea that I was taking more than usual but I supposo I did made a fool of myscWJ Thats what he said truly My but I did feel badly I I told May when we got home and we jaat cried and cried Then wo went to Glare and had a long chat with her about it She then the wrong was in taking it at May and I were surprised at that for didnt papa have his glass of sherry every day after dinner Hut Glare said that if no one ever tasted it no one would ever bo a drunkard Wo both said wed never touch it and wrote out a pledge and we put our names down and so did Glare Im going to bo a young lady like her when grow up All at once May looked at me and I looked at her We both the same thing Why couldnt wo get papa and Ned to put their names down too Wo took paper to mammas room and she kissed us and said wo might try Bat before we went she bad us kneel down with and she prayed God would save her boy and help us to do right I tell you we felt solemn We al most wanted up that Is I did bat May said she was going to go anyhow and I felt ashamed to a little like that beat me so we waited till after dinner and went to the- diningroom when every one was gone and papa was alone his bottle and glass of sherry He looked astonished when wo walked In and laid the paper and and ink I for him and then we thought he was angry be looked so for a minute I wanted to run away but I said Its to save brother Ned papa Then he put bis head down on the and cried and said so dreadful like juntas it bis heart was breaking Ob son would God I had died for thee We would away hot he hadnt signed yet May kept her arm over his and hair and petted him lots shos the By and by when papa raised his bead and put his aims around I said again Paps please and then we can ask Ned He took the paper and read it all oyer again then he pot as down and walked up and down the room for the longest time and there a glass of sherry he hadnt tasted yet At last he went to the table took the gloss and wo felt so disap pointed for we thought be was going to drink it bat he took it and threw it smash right into the grate and the bottle after it There he said 111 see if youll stand between me and saving my boy and then he reached for the pen and wrote Herbert in those great letters of his We didnt long only to kiss and hug him and then we upstairs where mamma and were sjttiog bo white and They could hardly believe it but there it was name They as for a while and then they decided that as we had had snob good success with papa we might try alone with Ned We beard him practicing the violin but we knocked hard he said Come in Well we were even more soared than whan we went to papa but he took the paper and read it and when he saw papas name he whistled right out Whewl Then Us face began to work like Mays does when she is going to cry and he walked to the window and blew bis nose hard May took pen and paper to him and said lease brother Ned wont you write name here I And then told him bo sweetly about papas feeling so bad and throwing the wine into grate He trembled a little bat he said Yes I will Ill keep it top God helping me If father can I can And thats how we got Ned sign and we are all happy now Discontented Boys In the to for Him do we hear a parent Bay a not mind mpeh if I- could only him Whatever other trajta truth is the touch- atone of a character- The lowing a case point I don6 know that yon will bo to do much with him a father to principal of a to whom he had brought eon at a pupil he la bo lull of Doe he tell the troth the principal I de pend on word the father ha he will tell the even when it la against may depend upon that it Then we can manage the fie will make liable manly inim raid a re- Wanted Young Men of Heal Ability the among not There an young men that good a to rise in the world aatheir fathers had They point to the now employed in business which tower aloft In their imagination Alps did to aoldiera of Hannibal before ho led them They that young men get into great firine through cabin windows by which they mean that the and of tbe old part are promoted over of abler and older tit in fact the troth ia otherwise of New York Philadelphia more and Chicago are practically in the opinion that the cabinwindow will not in modern a matter of fact it has been generally abandoned Men of ability have a better chance than ever for the simple reason that Bach men must be had vaat and of pres ent day cannot be conducted by the indolent and pampered nephew of the old man If the old man fond and to an incompetent relative to a position of reaponiibitityi ho discovert mistake or the to wreck Que- July 13 Madamo Goto by two Mistee while returning from an yesterday afternoon overtaken by a terriQo thunderatorm One Hash of lightning more vivid than anything ever aeon vicinity instantly killed Madame and seriously Injured the two young ladies Tho latter are report ed this morning to be improving and will likely Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases which come from blood impurities scrofula and akin Bores and does ill put up by the of gallons and sold to hundreds Can it euro as well as though it bad been com pounded for yon maker lay that of people who bad Tetter and and Erysipelas Thick and Enlarged veil today because they It Suppose that this is so Suppose ft quickwitted man far seeing enough blood was to cleanse the life Suppose that by experiments and after many failures he discovered this golden key to health and that his faith In it for you Is so thatyou can go to your druggist by a bottle and If It doesnt help you you can got your money re- turned Will von try It The remedy to have faith In- is the remedy the makers themselves have a Joe Thomas on a farm In the country od although man dots have thonght fortanato in hating inch a home be wis about as discontented ft fellow as be Some of the city boys had visited him daring the summer vaca tion told him that he was he be very foolish to remain on a farm all his life tad that if he had any spirit about him be would go to the where ho would have an opportunity of sealng life as It should be seen Joes father wanted him to remain at home learn to be a farmer and settle down on the homestead as he himself had done But Joe not heed the He was thoroughly discontented as many an other country boy has and one purpose in life waa to get into some city where he wipe oat some stain of greenness which be fancied every one could see He finally succeeded doing as he wauled to a friend of bis fathir procured for him a situation in a store where bo could earn a trifle more thin to pay for board and be loft the broad sores whereon he had tolled with a heavy heart of his to get to the city without at single regret at part ing from the dear ones at home The farmhouse nestling among the trees at foot of the bill looked diney and ahabby as be drove away from it to see life it should be seen and in the ripening grain and fruit he saw nothing reminders of ignoble toil to Joes belief life in the country was hardly less than ft form of slavery while it was paly in the city that happiness be found Now boys and more especially you country boys who are beginning to think just as Joe Thomas thought I want to tell yon how he was dis appointed bis bright dreams and if you are wise you will profit by his He found a boarding place where the small stuQy room whioh was quite as good as any fellow clerks had offered a poor contrast to his little at fragrant with lavender scented linen and as tidy as the apartment in the city was disorderly Instead of looking out over the fields waving grain tasseled corn or nodding to the fields when he was in bis room he could see only ft brick wall hardly fifty feet away Instead of the fragrance of flowers he bad tho odor of garbage from the streets and instead of being lulled to sleep by the chirping of the crickets and the plaintive cries of the katy dids ho kept awake by the rattling of the streetcars At the table the difference between the food prepared by the servants in the board- house and that cooked by his mother was so disappointing that it seemed to him he could never enjoy a meal again until he got home But all this was necessary training he would rid himself of what the boys called Joe had been told that a boy on ft farm is obliged to work harder than one in a store in the city could no difference that in the former case he labored in open air was bright and healthful around while in the city he shut from the sunlight and de prived of healthgiving breezes laden with the perfume of fruits and flowers At night instead of Join ing boys from the neighboring farms in and paring bees candy pulls ooasting and skating ho waa forced to remain in bis cheerless room or walk about the streets whore the bustling crowds intent on business or their own pleasure caused him to feel oven more lonely than when ho was entirely alone He was not many days In learning that he had been green only from the city standpoint and thst far as country life concerned they wero the ones that were green After he had seen life according to the idea of his friends he wrote to his father and the follow ing is an from his letter I am coming home to work on the farm I did think that inch labor was almost degrading but I find that It Is quite as honorable and as manly than doing a womans work behind a counter Yon need never fear that I shall ever again want to exchange tho Independent farm life for that of the and I am sure that to bo called green will trouble me no more It Is better I think to be one of those who produce some thing in this world than of those who upon the production of others and think that there can bono more manly calling than that of a farmer Joe went home and ho waa wisoin so doing as wise as you will be boys If remain on the farm where you have proud that you are doing far more good in the world than if you were seeing life in the What would be come the people of this world if all the farmers should conclude that tilting the ground was flctently noble When you are discontented with your lot boys remember ft Is fanner upon whom all the people in the world depend for aotual necessaries of life then you will understand that no can be more honorable than that which Is actually and faot mainspring of the whole Us The Editors Shears sun deaths from choleras in Mecca average daily A man named Irene drowned in Hamilton bay on Sunday moon A lacrosse math played be tween the junior teams of Newmar ket and Aurora in the park here on Thursday of last week which resulted In favor of Newmarket by four goals to two There was some very good playing on both sides Aurora ha at but that it is not just the thing to keep store clerks at work every night in the a car load ot week and like Newmarket has done for years will close every night ex- at oclock Mr Editor seen an ac count the match played between the home team and hustlers in yonr last issue I take this opportunity of correcting some of statements made In the did not out thir teen of best players but instead played the greater part of the first half time with ten men and after arrival of another player played with eleven not thirteen They did not lose any coat tails either and did well to escape at the boys evidently came down to slag not to pUy remofo was Mrs intends to the United State Miss Qiles Button visiting Miss this week Mr Forsyth is suffering from a slight attack of erysipelas Mrs John D Hess and daughter of Kansas Kansas are visiting her sister Mrs Lehman of Ring wood Mr John McDonald butcher is confined to his bed with an attack of malarial fever Mr Hand principal of oar public school and family have to to enjoy the pleasant scenery and vitalizing breezes of Lake During thunderstorm on Tues day night a horse belonging to Sir whioh waa out in a field became frightened the ran against a fence The barbs liter ally cut skin on the side of head into strips and also more or less lacerated side The on Friday last under the of the Mechanics Institute waa a fair success About M0 persona look advantage of the cheap fare to enjoy the refreshing of Lake The com mittee however were dis appointed at conspicuous absence of members of the Institute who they thought should have assist ed in making the undertaking much more of a success The net amount realised for the Institute was about Sutton Mr of Toronto is build ing a fine Lake Mrs Everest eldest daughter of Mrs Slbbald arrived from England on Monday Mr Henry Secretary of the Shorthorn Association of Dr over Sunday Miss of Toronto of the Rev Alfred is spend ing the term at Glen Mr Stephen Leacock A has taken up bis summer residence at Jacksons Point Mr A of passed through town yesterday to his sam pler quarters at Lake The A O excursion on Monday to Barrio was a success in every particular The day proved to be a moat enjoyable one on the lake and those who felt inclined pasted the time in dancing The Workmen are to be congratulated on having placed to their credit after paying all expenses The following candidates who wrote at the recent entrance examin ation held In thia village have been provisionally by the local of examiners Alice Pilosis P 482 May Lucy SN02 Annie Ida Mot too 11 M I 440 4 2 In a at West Superior Wis Friday ft building In which men were ftt work was Mown down bodies out of rotas Operations have been in the const motion of the of bridge over the Niagara above the whirl pool It Is supposed structure will be finished before the snow Halloa Annls No 4 389 PS Edgar Draper No Afinoil Win Kay No Edward No Gserglaa Cpni inquisitive little boy and his pa were at the station last Friday morning when the came in Bohemian caught this fragment of what must have been an Pi who is that wildlooking man with the moosecolored hair That is Mr my son What does Mr do pa Ha Is an editor ftod assists Mr Daley and the in bossing take antibill loot looks wise and to get the my son Is he ft clever man pa One of the smartest in the bus- i my he go to Heaven pa belongs to my people Ho son And are all villa barred out of heaven pa Only oat from Barrie school passed the entrance examination Harry Irwin of fine horses to the Northwest last week Street oar traffic In Toledo Ohio entirely suspended owing to all the employees being on strike William extreasurer Township residing in Mid land was drowned Monday night oat of passed tbe En trance at out of passed at Aurora 36 oat of at Weston Old potatoes are selling at a bag in London this week arid now potatoes at a bushel The projected will be long feet above high water and will cost between nine and ten million dollars A man in rural district answered an advertisement the other day by a western agency of and convenient household articles for He got pins Joseph of Barrio had his right hand badly cot- on Monday morning by the banting of two pop bottles Several chorda were severed by broken and he now carries the arm in a A good horse belonging to Mrs Richmond Hill got badly hurt on Sunday by entangled In a barbed wire fence It will be a time before the poor animal will be able to work again The island ol Hawaii the largest in the Sandwich is con stantly increasing in sire owing t the everflowing streams of lave which run out to the sea and flow over and make shores of island overhanging the stem of the formation July Yesterday and drive house in the township of Augusta were struck by lightning and burned to the ground A large quantity of hay and implements also destroyed It is a heavy loss Insurance Horse stealing along frontier is on the increase The latest victim is James Murphy livery stablekeeper of St On Saturday afternoon let a horse and buggy to a welldressed stranger ostensibly to a lady around town a couple of hours Mr Murphy ban not seen the turn out since Napoleon Inland of River is the owner of a cow that is known to have eaten seventeen lings last week will follow up a Sock of geese and catch the in her mouth and eat them body and bones When first reported little confidence was the story hut now it can be vouched for by over a dozen citizens who have seen her eat them two engines which were in at South River last passed through on Mon day morning They were jammed so cotly together to engine and to be taken to the machine shop to be Mr of had bis right arm torn from socket and Mr J Hurst of Allendale had his leg in I bo collision but both are doing as well as can be expected News Letter Ont July 16 A painful And perhaps fatal accident happened to John young too of Mr George manu facturer of this place today The boy waa in Bros sash and door factory unnoticed by any of the hands crawled under a tablo through which a saw waa In oper ation to clean the sawdust and raising himself was frightfully out of his ribs were completely saw caught him right the shoulder wonder is that be was not Instantly killed Doctors and 8talke dressed wound and he is doing well as can be expected The Orillia NewsLetter re cently the following petti regarding the low tax ation of vacant lots and on high tax ation of improved property whioh applicable to many fiber place Our town council acta after pattern of an Irish land lord by taxing property for ever Im- made by the owner Wo ave pointed out before that it not the best polioy to tax to full those who Improve and thereby increase towns total only two or three years ago held for speculation and vacant should la taxed to value as they stand in the way progress and improvement and those who build and Improve should be encour aged whero possible A sad and fatal accident oc curred on Wednesday evening the Inst at Mr James Browns A little boy about 13 years old named Willie waa engaged for the summer months with Mr Brown and on the mentioned went to the pasture riding on one of the horses When he took the halter off tbe horse he- had been ridifcg It wheeled sad- and kicked the little fellow on the breast He tried to walk to the house bat tailed and lay down ho aeon got up and tried again bat again he loud enough for Mr Brown to bear who took the lad homo be ral lied only for a to tell how the accident happened He died on Thursday night about oclock and body was brought to sorrowing parent the folio win day 11 i 1