r mi WiiT 17M89I RHEUMATISM Neuralgia Lumbago Backache Headache a Toothache Sore Throat Frost Bites 8pralns Bruise Burn Etc Depot QRAKD TRUNK X went to lb Friday afaernoca end to BOU the Mil to accoaeta and A- or taken tram abaft rms tie en proper J a lfa of IS of been by of School of la of tii Colorado mines field only per too There Is a great h for fV Jcrr before widow of to t Sir Joan aid completed Aral literary fforti la a eerie of article for We fennel Brit of which will in the earner of that jy La I with party of in her tbo meet pert or Canada In a delightfully describe ber expriencea on trip Id to aha baa the title or An Holiday A or foralahrd by Lady will accompany Have You a Vote BiiBlneaB IB by Junes with when mix bo cared of remedy Blood Bitten Iho perfect adekbudubo forms of from to wont sere JUBlmui Tor Like For I I bat now thinks to Blood 1 ant sjjsin do a Charlotte St Toronto Tub s QaOdt far atari dan f to lis Bt J u pi to Of Iroublci Improper food etc There Is ooo care Bar- dock BHteivrbich rnnj bo IT relied effect cure- It of years sndlDij- Is m A Favorite The of fruits and summer drinks time worst forms of cholera sad bowel As Dr Fowlers Extract of Wild Strawberry bo kept For Ai It moat reliable remedy People Make In of Dr Fowlers Eitxact of Wild Strawberry- Its known virtues a care for cholera nod bowel CKtDplAiots who me It to It sls tbe most remedy roes Turiayt- do and Society ArAAMa I swmsrtstUtWodixdayIntxiontb lerorfQjl FlWa I I- Every A Id rifllta tri Monday Id tod Friday Id iiuMMrlJlfctMtdJrcl A In Woodsy to Every sod day in each ttbaroo Monday Caudle srr Very men over no to vote at Dominion Election bat the Dame the new now being corrected be By a simple declaration to made before a of tbe elector can hare his name pieced lists without any titrable he- fort the fint of next We understand Morgsn of Toronto is reviling the List for Not York and of of Ontario After the pro- of will be more more and far lees certain The gronndi for proper are briefly 1 of estate la a city this is sections Tenants most fce at Occupants Tbe musk bare been a bona fid occupant folios year prior to of real property of cities 20D jo mailbs to fiine noticed in the goarf 1 hut in Md j- money or from calling trade or la Canada and I t ha darired cb Inwme d i WS deal of for te tag placed upon ike tacJis of summer NO remedy well known or Ubs ss Dr Extract of Wild Strawberry Keep It English Sparta LlaloiPQf all hard soft or Lamps ad from bores Blood ujb Itone by one bottle- Sold by U Stephen while driv ing a mowing machine near fli M elf Pica night- arerj Towojofi njalit wo- jaonlbatOddyelloTra in each p j Kilt International Lessons FIRST John Ml olden Text II now tha day from of given a in in 6et En th but In the Old TtaUmtnt Thla called of to ham north of and home of athaaael What foi I of Ufa glory hot to gloiy of at ha did It fa all well to talk of the and forma and of aoclily It mar all be Bat man fa The monk been exploded a person of the fa cowardly to flee from the to meet It end at the feint of coo tact glory of dirk The great problem fa the world make the Utile circle conform to higher ox The word at fllmooa fable art the oet of Ufa Subtract tebfa talk of aoepefa much and the of JuchM to lihl the man hie aoclal to day reeided with father one before pot on the and maof may ha pat on a the of the property will permit each eon the entitle the father to be on eon Applicant be the eon of Owner of rei other than a farm and the properly mnit be togite each pjjiog a ficelion lo that of an owner- For example In cxiotty if an property fa rained at and may be on the Hal tit eilow ISO for eon Applicant be eva farm of not tea twenty and leimcd for not lee than fire year hare with hi father at year before going Fishermen Applicant moat a fiih- and the owner of real cetate and fitb which together are of the of V 9 AbonitaotAppUcaDt rooet hare it- aided the electoral district before being pat on the lUt end in recti of a life on real in of at The form of declaration to be in before a magiitrate and afterward tent lo the follow CANADA ELECTORAL FRANCHISE ACT OF name In of the town of do declare that by for a other than declarant fa place of and entitled to be rrgUtered a upon of the electoral of Ontario now being prepared That by I and of the fall age of and not any law of Dominion el Canada from rollpg- Thai a of lb efacaorftl and now at y an Incooje of at from earning money and money worth or partly In and pertly worth or from cllioy trad or from a certain io and La dented nch locothe of for one year next the dale hereof fa the eon of To WRITE eUU that the itr com- The Ham HIM hare dropped and price drop at M it fa Ax JtterMtlog article by entitled the of The fint two pep Ul to and will be by of of the holld- and lie recently erected lu of of Night prlnelpJIy to a folly JHad of of Wi Jvoerd Home which took S li end la drcaer wtedt program of lW drill of ttomca la of iaU aaigranU for and of and ta ou4oaL4 owner of reel properly la elec toral rained the roll of the Town of the earn of- that not other to rot la that and realded with father for year next before hereof that the of the able property on which father realde aad In of father fa qualified between father and all her to joa- Wy them be regbtered a rotere Act and that the real properly at That I bar a knowledge of the fade herein alleged And make aolema declaration con- the aeme lo be by rlrtoaof the Act extra oath acknowledged at before me day of eighteen hundred and J here only the from which income fa drawn and etrikn out the be declared before a of the Peace or a of Court appointed for the where dectatatlon fa mad or IwfcaY a public feet of the old gentleman before he Said stop the horses- He aa car- id into too boose and aid was sent for Doctor one foot above ankle the other badly laceratecL ft A fcbrjlarj took place At Mr Henry Legcos on the 2nd of a mile and a quarter east if Richmond Hill one night last Some parties unknown after the uimatee had retired to bed and made away with articles The family this morning were quite as evidently chloroformed The had gone to cel lar feasted on milk cream bread butter meat ic rummaged the eaudrawere and left tbinga t A considerable quantity of clothiog was taken away a little money which was found in the draw re As yet is no cine to midnight prowlers Past an agricultural implement supply pany who have amenta out taking ordera for The Folding Sulky Her- row Their method of working is as follows acnt induces the farmer to a subagent for the purpose of selling a number fiay five the farmer to have sixth for tell ing the five The barrow is to be accompanied with cultivator teeth thus making harrow and cultivator combined The goods at nearest station the cultivator parts are missing Agent No comes and asks a note for tbo amount of five barrows and says there is a mistake in not sending culti vator- and they will bo sent im mediately are not forthcom ing Patties should not negotiate for notes and farmers should these agents in a summary manner Ottawa July An unusually accident at Eastmans Springs miles from here on Sat urday and terminated fatally yester day little daughter of Thomas Kettles a farmer was unhappy sutTerer It seems that in her fathers is a with a step in front of it to enable the little ones to reach up The under this is hollow and hero was placed on Saturday a large caul dron containing tbe boiling water in which potatoes for the mens din ner bad been boiled The little girl came into get a drink and instead in building have boon spent already at Man this year Burglars continue to operate in Western Ontario The safe of A Co St is ooe of latest to bo tampered with Forty Indians and one were the bonks of British fflrHtterrday and a friend from Toronto Bunker are to hare- been off Long Point Erie last Friday went in a yacht on a The water supply of was found daring the recent dry spell and about is to bo spent in collecting the of various springs near Greensville and piping it two mile to the Tillage The steamer from for Bio Janeiro collided with the steamer off Dover Monday and sank in two ruinates and crew are I Ales Land wait dered in Chicago Monday gang of toughs who shot Lieut are as tbs perpetrators of this crime also men been arrested and one has made a full confession farmers of East York have adopted a resolution pointing oat that the proposed increase in the excise doty on malt will hare an in- effect on the barley industry propose that the additional tax ation required be secured by charging foil duty of J- cents a bushel on corn used by distillers Wish ipso iQly A sad ac cident happened at Shoal Like Friday by htch old son of Joseph loaf his life Mr Thompson was bringing a of grain to Lake when wagon struck a stone little fellow off- He fell between the wheels the runniog over him and killing him instantly Woodstock July Lizzie a old girl a distance oat of the was terribly A bundle of p5p- which had thrust into the op and fte fire to her clothinR The through her clothing end literally routed the about onehalf of tipper port ioa of her body Her condition is low SQL- On Saturday afternoon a accident occurred near Allendale Harry Collins driver of Simpson brewery wagon tried to stop runaway horses and was round the right leg by the end dragged along over in the way and our or fivdfeet from the and down picked op an and taken to his home in the west end of town Foot ribs were Broken bis tight leg lacerated and body severely generally He bo came two oclock San- day morning and it now resting com fortably at pretext it to what the extent of in The injured man wife and fire l l BBSBiWiW HOUSEFURNISHING FOR pOR AT A BARGAIN- ore of li ftK of to Apply to J ftTBON i THE ONLY MACHINE MADE THAT WILL DO SUCCESSFUL AND STOVE DEPOT TARM TO RENT a tuiraln e croi FOR at a boo k f Btanerlor treat A E I J WE FOLLOW hare on band a large and varied assortment of the LINES below we intend at very low figures a milk pans Abutter bowls milk pails butter ladles butter prints butter tubs butter baskets OOD DWELLING lavlod Vet on GEO- WOOD TO LET On Art plants treat W SALE MILK SKIMMERS RAILS A r SCREENS Homo ia4 Corner Mala J- SCREEN DOORS Beat brands of American and Canadian Goal OiL WRIGHT 0a BH OPPOSITE I FORSYTH HOUSE TOUR OF of Jnd tended tour of the ad- this uJ for rtlsrxd it- ftll UfTeStllSjaeV sT bill ft L ftT4talH alaVHUIj era 1 areata at i tc Or allf lis J I l vrLL tf j not l ARRIVED NEW ERA BAKING A PRESENT every lb and ftlrx 25 boxes No LlAYER VALENTIA RAISlNS at per box full lbs Freeh every few choice mild cured HAMS AND BREAKFAST BACON is what we excel in Quality the beat and prices the lowest Try it X j X lines GLASSWARE to be cleaned out at once Choice GROCERIES CANNED GOODS Crosse PICKLES SAUCES MARMALADES FARM FOR SALE IKE a it ftary W In good WrtDB For A- J IIUQHEd F OR A StriMt bard a food I It And It would mike a thane for SARAH JAllC SEASON BLAOKBMITH SHOP Park id a A Bargain for DAVID w TWO FARMS TO RENT li 2nd lit S A and oroaLot Sod Con lit DEALER IN HEAVY AND SHELF of plowing loo of apply to We A DO AN DESIRABLE FARM Tor or Whitchurch acre iltuitii About can known u Philip IB Photographer NortUirkt SMITH fully for i Ibi fl r J The Human Figure The proportions of human fig- are are six the length of the right foot Whether form is Blender or plump toe rule holds good average Any deviation from the rule is departure from the beauty of proportion It is claimed that Greeks made a their sUtuea according to role The face from the highest point of the fore head where the hair begins to the end of the chin onetenth of whole hand from the wrist to the middle finger is also onetenth of tho height From crown to the nape of the is one- twelfth of the statare Co I was formerly a resident of Port La and have always need LINIMENT my household and know it to be the best remedy for emergencies of ordinary character Norway Me Joseph A Snow Consisting of Spades Shovels Rakes Hoes c Carpenters Supplies Builders Hardware Carriage iGoods c Galvanised Annealed and Barbed Fence Wire Ready Mixed Rubber Paint Try our Daisy Churn i FOR SALE Jacks kept for hire LIMITED- of lots In M Con of King Bad of lot 3nl Coil of ftU flritclAie fenced and rood for Or rilr and bo or laud KoUlebr or TO LET TWO OF BLOCK OK Splendid BrickClad Houses each with and Domestic Water la town- For SHOP J b MB ERf LATH SHINGLES The that raged In sod Barrio Toronto and other In this during and was and atr of the year u the of many op the hat did not much Jot hi town Mr Thomas one tie town had young appla tree laden with fruit torn up by the roots and otters re of stried of It by e gale of barns being an- roofed grain laid flat maimed and killed but no Urea Exam- far- of as sho potting her fet on the steps put them on the edge of cauldron Immediately she placed her weight on it the pot throwing her on her and emptying its boiling contents over her body poor little things stomach chest were ter ribly t scalded and after lingering In agony till daylight yesterday boo died Great sympathy felt for the bereaved parent who not ago lost another child though not In ftnch a terrible way Ban Cal July- announces the of caverns in Josephine county Oregon about miles north of the California line and forty miles from coast Many of the cave are as of great beauty containing In transparent pillars and pools and streams pure clear water The party spent a week In exploring the cave and found innumerable and from the entrance discover a email lake clear water and a water fall thirty feet in height All kinds of grotesque figures found In the various chambers photographs wero taken only sign of animal life was found a short distance from the entrance where a Indicated that bears had used It for a lair and car ried their prey there It was that the main body of the cave J feet from the surface of the the cavern Itself to be folly as large as the Astoria is the way with the corset want ease and shapeliness you buy it but you donf keep it unless you like It After two or three weeks wear you can return It and have your money FOR BALK BY In consequence of the preval ence of cholera at Mecca pilgrims returning from that have to undergo a quarantine of twentv days at proceeding through the canal The recent heavy so swelled the waters of the river that a portion of Mel bourne la submerged Thousands of people are homeless and the misery from inundation Is widespread one of the fam ous Brothers was Instantly killed while performing with Fore circus at Lyons Is Monday afternoon By the breaking of a trapeze bar he was thrown feet through air breaking bU neck I I CATARRH Sold I How are yout Nicely You Tnk Who why the Inventor SCOTTS EMULSION wuaeuii it consilium tor lb discovery That doe not when That till three as as the cod liter oil fltih producer remedy tor ConiuttptiQti Cold by 50c SCOTT TO FARMERS Win A lnih Herd It rill bo kept lUhl4O0D of MO I J firmtHtalUiUUoaer Fine z CO anil ipeHtjt o4 ftblllly I When ordering ltd Ell A Add work- A Tobbsr I AGENTS WANTED Dominion illustrated stBtrCni4Un and In THE PUB- CO Montreal WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY OUR WITH SASH BLINDS TOR SALE THE foUowlug Idcla Coo belt Id Con M lot fti sDdihcoireclxd ftto on good Ibmwh All tod will AIM la Towo of 100 too M FOR THE OK PAST A CONTINUANCE OK SAME AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK POSSIBLE PRICES THfi JANE SONS MFG CO FARMERS Hemlock Bark WANTED Sheep WW Hotel gXOELLE Mar had li Philip lie ail ROOM WILL PAY PEE CORD St For Mod at our Tan Newmarket 4aden it J newmarket Methodist Church JOSEPH nriDAT ATSilO od iAIUqUv ruber AMY IVANTITV Or OLD NEWSPAPERS at AT PER POUND TO BREEDERS A Boll It ST Oak P Victor wlih honors un CoMqtO V too I W of iha and Th cm sTcpret4eatA tot Of And lur tit Toronto will o o only got hem fit Votoft from DR FOWLERS EXT OF TRAWBEBRT CURES OIjIC ALL SUMMER AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS SAFE NO RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS MAN WANTED No bole or or iuf man If WHIiAiobM- CO On t Till NEWSPAPERS THE KEY TO HEALTH of Kldnes and Liver off gradually without torn all Impurities and foul of tho setrellons at tho lice COr- Acidity of Stomach carinEf Dizziness Heartburn Constipation of tho J of Vision Jaun dice Salt Erysipelas Scro fula Fluttering of the wer- yieldtotbabAppyiDJ BLOOD BITTERS fiat all CO Proprietors J- 1 rail All Ul v Lfi fltifcatfsjctJfl a tint V slrVrUH1iflftsit i La tiPtsn a a rt Hesi sfal atlin Kirs fctfV Jf ev4 iu4Btil f7aWWs scars ssstssalavaf Li M sJassaAJaj TJam 3 faludir J sC4 C