Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 17 Jul 1891, p. 3

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KB J- ft FaratOi Id f c of arrirgfJ iba food Very Since the down tot of on Jjctrx it fell For tub Lake t ihrt helped them ThUdiMbdoDgin will take ft of Bind Hope again till ilcmur little part of W Some people Mr of The the fact by the Editor Monday 1lcecKtt folk without potatoes fa appreciated ANHocs A and bail worm Town ud 11 oclock tot a greet fright air wit The large willow al bill back a lot laid mm track they did do aw4utKe frsft Market t i4ta off All begin a tte crowd follower Batter 15 pet pU red per jaapberrfee box and per dried iff St per ttx SO per per Ustox Pic Owing to the Taraiaf tbe of and wupHtpootd the day w a bo not large as there hare been not looked gimea into AM iv jy very The tellaok Mr which he allowed the it for occasion week for end are alio all wool rolt FflotT The Aid of Church le for a lirjf a at fruit tfaU The Jaw will be illami- tie Band to be preaeot eof choice A and Cut J J will be la ihr Ice apple etc- wilt he at lovieel of T The wiqoltea not at large anticipa ted At the of the J to coo the the order rtrr4Ti by Ura Cole a Low eel Gale by Bolton and Mi Mr and a capital touching to and la to by Mr J J It 10 program No to Wash With r For nit at RobcitMos i for luoM ko l nil la of f J than Lib Sep- iI t r mt fifty riJe on the flr t ATtftos abcta in col an a to of a Rama of all ractloo la a match to taka place to oiclt- bating record It jrfj at Tub Wo hire 8orpibM It be Viat Prom Iba to fo barren not for fiUn jean aje At ft orrciot decided to a firt exennioo to aotoa month with Sail Co In will be for Dew School on Thunder but week Joe Headed napped opoft mil a ud It cot boot of Into the of foot It Mm op lilt titer Sunday baa from a The List Directors of the York In li7ing to arrange for the coming Fell little progreee and till but those who here had to do on the Board know aaf thing boat work end Urge like the when axe offered belonging to of Land ing via left tied to front of one of atom while aha vent in to do bat when was gone waa reported to Chief Singe and time after and rig were on atreet not be allowed to be tied on the when there la a Monday are too narrow tbatdoee help them any A bnt of people In one ware for fair ground Monday and the rig lamed into Roller In front of a Store In order la other rigf which filled tbe atreet one the bind and peel the Of lady lick from fitgh mother badly hken np Ml bed foot to that hie been nearly laid np pnd been far more of Mr J to the corner op at critical moment Ira We Wast like the Beetoa little while we re a comma nice lion from wooldbe writer who deafrca to at length the of loreaick end a milk- maid which the writer The Eli decline and will elate that it la of no to or what fellow to Ml girl how often ore her home or bow far be walk or ridee or which direction he takee neither it oar nor news we era after end not Whan yon Lire any Of the firmer tend It along latter we bare no oee for Tho isle of goods exceed all expecta tion for as they were so late on market bat carriages are going oat sboat as fast as they ere made while demand for bicycles la mew keep op with without of winter goods are being end judging from the band alelgba oat of the 30 atyles that the company propose to they will tabs the lead winter The bad application already from from lead log city for the moat prominent exhibitions In the this fall which well for the good they facta re THBOftax Adds plajed to last Monday ibsexeikmenl of the day most vers to enjoy A op to the lake Friday i vis added to lie lni night The in St George a ward are sll eat flt IndrewB ward la week St MttUrds The fin eat Imported to to town week It eras bought by Mr for a end a safety with ft robber tin bo lees than the Installation but Tuesday evening brtthrta ware at Parlor EsTRAJTCl-FolIow- la iba of the recent examination for high school here Marion Walker John Wuttid King Gertie Ethel Jones Fred WDlk East QwilUmbory Smith Sbenisrrl7lKortbQwillImbaiy BEnns Geo 469 Turner Lehman Smith Elmer 7 Kelt lards 448 Holland Landing Hurley King 448 Irwin Bob Eat NalU 433 Newmarket 48d Whit ud King Mabel 423 Holland Warner 416 Newmarket Roger Fred 413 Gerald 413 411 Martin Harry 400 East Giboey Beat GwWimbeuy Smith John Holland Lending Phillips Annie Seat ft King Frank King Holliogibead John Lepard Herbert 7 GwilUmbory Riley Victoria Gwillimbary and King Ink Drop Green apples on the Freah fa Watermelon are Town next Monday night Crop are Fruit PtEASANTtT Public A meeting of the took the members Bills for which were for beams Treasurer was to pay Kelly 50 to her regular aelarj for the month of cfaairmeo eolhoriied to Mr with to for the next model was write different for of lowest quotation for reso- pasted at the of Board on the of June changing aire of teal wurecioded on a dlrialon and and Belfry Friends of Tonga Si joined with the Sunday of Newmarket to the of one in jio tic in Mr John Friday The weather waa delightful end ell Tbre or four awioge were kept sod games were played by end old Tbe were ererythlog which could be Tea coffee and lemonade were served wlthelmbat variety of cake etc Thehludoeesof Mr Millard very much appreciated the end frienda of children would like to know why there be a perk for end family parties some place where few at soy lime be sway from the dost toil of lbs town will why BanantJ and bakery old aland I 1r at It J A attended of School in Nesmarkct last Bator- Jay dWLwa- the Mr Vale in the chair The date of the Mil Contention was fixed for the to be held at aptendld prgiam of at drafted The President Vioelr Amoa and J apedal to the I it at the Etecottreoa MCoCi day on Sooday work la not In North were parent frcm Bradford lathe North eod Schom- the Ved aw An accident on tirbro that bate worae It bad been making hay en aile left cock right lie dg the bridge Koadhoosee Tan was the lr fright at bay end tbe iced May narrow t that point the fr tie rig Though out Mr bald to lie pre rented a raoawsy but Mr Mtilv beside Mm bad loelh koocked out wee op be could tot beer to Where road lie care be from Had accident been much ircree no doubt bed nil for IlKAnva or World KavUaji r P Planes from en tour of Ma tiistLn pepai A Dairy To the Hon John of honor of the dairy through the Fro elnce to giro ferisera their wives end fml- lira practical la batter email of frou the daring but end alnce that the matter gold deal f and The of arranging program of meetings end fog oat de- to wee entrust ed to President who ego geofted of this Pro- sine which be has aloes arranged and carried on yearly with great dent undertook work with bis aeaal sod made that the dairy bide fair to be grand sod will of incalculable benefit to farmer who attend the appliances for Irarelllog dairy of ft SO bottle Bab- cock milk tester for asm plea of ml Ik by who desire to know the of their milk No Delay chare a lever worker creuaceB eot- ceo thermometer and other Four or fire of cream sod r- for each for end by eome farmer nee t band ret leg get hotter la for hie Under tbe of North York Purer re the dairy made the Orange Half St on lbs 2Jth bet end the other el QaeeosriUe the each The InYUwielo the and baiter article la bo tier At the rate of Cenade may the whole with and bo to do we mast produce Prof who has charge dairy 1H lectors feeling of cow handling milk end best of cbBnlor aod packing bolter be aides qoutloo on the tut may be ptooecd See P was town Saturday was at Point over of Toroolo at Mr a this week frim Monday after month visit Urn Morrow and baby of Chicago lib era with frienda Newmarket Mr Ed Barry returned to Monday after abort visit with hie parents Mrs of Toronto la abort visit among friends boTwHtu tod BcifUo to Mr SltpbeasoD of Mr Will Campbell the In Town over from to Wood ud tire ktptcdltix ft of with Mead riTd Id on of on Mr Kelly Iwo of left home In on over fd at on on a moDib Hb brio I from on ud at their Mr But a of Detroit nwaeklnTown of J led for Toronto on la looklog wall Cota ftocn flipbDa from In put on ttij homo at Rareciboa for la o of man frttda to aw bar conotuaaca again ffbeo re wo Hooter tod atlecdtd Yoik ft of at Fair bod an Mr Shook of owe Obi been off jtt week and Sextan of jreaio On Hooter to Holland T Tbf open Council at Holland In at will put Mr Dlion of of and Aetnranco Co of London Dixon LleaUaut of art week of Mr and Vu- Cedar Farjrnaon mora I of men I am iii jut u a barn plica along In flooUuro I Tiilfad of two Holy No tbtr word tdra to a of two lato of of wiring aod IianrUo of growth an jWds baa A of a uid a doo- bara on part of built at kc In neighbor an to bend ud pown tba open field for labia bu of and fiftwn and wrea of in tba lp part of Ontario not tba Farm who of BUI fittaety own farm of Mr ud too vcrta fn alao looking well lodaod b find a poor In of la exception not tbe nilo and bout fox rord mil TstHHour ran CO tba Una In ttgrain growing ball of ud of bj tboaa bating control of la a God large of x It ite Co will not allow to mud htm at ire erected tat fanner alontora pa aa C4fite per for doiog not complain of were it not for tbo feet tbat of ale load broogbl to for doit aod at two or of grain oot of or for A diebopeat or of ooa can Iba put of I and tba farmer la it bla merer moil If be tba load it broogbl or dockage ii i Iar J is aa it to tba jr and teller who a receipt for No bard No on ma be On atTator hard emptied into bio wllb No or 3 bardoraoft til of clau balked Now farmeta giiaranc He baa boat da No 1 bard a prima commands tba on market He ma a of this to Mr Land or la New market ilk on it if tba prtoa la a contract order wbut abfppad Irtn Bat when It Newmarket car load a not goal the and la lowered ac- farmer low and all tcctaaoof trooblc fiit- No I bird mired tbo bin with farm No- bard and and all difference In umpte No Bun stored bla wbeat En tbo of same out aril eaijil re tba farmers to car to tbroogb to at man woold bo more and in order to And to make them move we give you a starter at 7c and so on up REDUCTION Big Stack of Remnants AT YOUR OWN PRICES W W PLAYTER Having bought oat the of J J Belfry at a will give customers the benefit Good will be mailed off A DRESS A J V AN D I A I am Co tarn them into money NEW PRINTS I NEW DRESS GOODS SHIRTINGS Groceries Always Good and Fresh jpd Inspect Goods and W W TELEPHONE Newmarket PALATABLE NUTRITIOUS ALE AND J w T t PUT UP IN Strange Again I endeavor to enlighten the readeof rateable with a lew from Hie crop of ha at ap peared to bo a It tnrning oat On a collec tion of people met at the Oh en tier and peot a The being warm the and no lemonade and other Its of list of week end Aggie The Utter ft home spend hoi with her tod coofidioc of the farailog lb far This was sererel jeers for wbeet to from sod other fsjts to meet end sad falateproapectsoooi- a hero A nicely worded rssehedi Mayor of last s of sppoichlog gathering re to on eod bee si Of be conld not decline end 1 rosy giro brief In letter Mr Cost Mr of Prospect Is emoag at sod roinlaent usq In maofelpsl ffilr of town- Li few mites from here tbe tb of by boras ace ami so Qalte comber of people la end went to la to jots to days eporte teem of vlilled there from this sectloa eod several mosey pr- In with Mr Millard I to the boooder Hoe between eod lbs United week to country The tolling than I expected to Sod approach Id this rsgfoo I lbs high reofce along for tbe festfol people sod to for the drouth they end which do not shirs from the Hoe in- flaeaced wloil eroaod TUB A not marly so liotlfal si were two years ego bat the more sndof geed This minis me while on wsy op bet stopped short while t etatloo celled waiting bad to exchange few with the engineer of Wain sway smell of mo qui toes I to these wire of ids I ever seen end I tboagbt far wsr wboppra O seld he there sre with forlher wbsrs thsy three sbreset to with on the prairie dont ma a train another longer Yen to go down to Join be fllckel aloe or for Toronto eon doctor shouted all- aboard the raored off The by Orangemen of district ettende the Chaicb when Mr of KHr- preeebsd to hem will be by it fit too place Crystal to bars the chargM for bawl freight This I rsost Into More J Come and see them A 8 GAL KEGS AT J MCALEERS a W STAR WINE AND LIQUOR STORE TELEPHONE CONNECTION J MILLARD COS OLD STAND THIS MAN If AS A DOPE OP P hI IK BENTLEYS PHARMACY THE OLD RELIABLE ESTABLISHED 1858 Children Cry for WE hire Id ihl piper lo for Ink loklriM YOUR EYE car to Mad our we HAVE A FULL LIKE AMERICAN WATCHES And Cfo pal I OUR OF JEWELRY SILVERWARE AND TO QUALITY a ou Hod Look Week L ATKINSON Jeweler Ac Pitchers Puro Drugs and Medicines Soaps Perfumery Shoulder Braces Trusses Sponges and all kinds of DRUGGISTSSUNDRIES DISPENSING DEPT Prescriptions carefully compounded and orders with and despatch will find our stock of warranted genuine and of the befltquality OPEN ON SUNDAY FOB ONLY FIRST ARRIVAL r t NEW SEASONS JAPAN TEA AT THE 130 230 pm 9 pm DR CAMPBELL PROPRIETOR I J NIWMARKET LIQUOR STORE Wo now on hand a full Mock of EXPORT ALE White Label granted a certificate of award at the Exposition in New Orleans for first degree of merit in 1886 A trial order J Otf ALLEY MAIN STREET NORTH IN STORE AT 30 46 AND PER POUND Strength and Flavor every Palate and Purse Fine Moyune Young Hyson Black in Finest Souohongs and Congous I Assam Pekoe of the Famous Monsoon Pure Coffees fresh roasted awl ground fresh every in our own rail and wan anted free from adulteration in any form whatever Our Tea and Coffee trade has jrrown to large proportions that it is only the wise mildly to say that we can and do give you goods and better value than any other storekeeper or pedlar in this metropolitan county of York R J DAVISON Toronto Markets 1 CASH GROCERY STORE A full stook of opened pints quarts and halfgallons This is the place to get your sealers and sugar for putting down your fruit ihe light brown SUGAR for ONE DOLLAR P J OMALLEY rill W a tub I per lb St 9 it I I i iitllllllH ICO QUI IS 0 CO 1 13 1 CO on OH 0 Id OCO 13 a CO a Our Market s ft Floor per barrel per per Peat per buibdiiM- Kmt bag Wool lb at iSl JalT 3 OU a a a OIS a aro a ICO Oils Oil 9 100 a tip l Itlt INK K WOO too a V a a it j

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