Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 17 Jul 1891, p. 2

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1 I HA JULY 1891 I J a Mads ft Oft Binder Voter to TOT ast With Boh York this year over mow thin binder be procured for if Kit Ota of Mr effort M ttd l weak that In a foil the by a majority of only thai anion venture to predict that Mr will return attack next session end eeerioa until the fanners get FRIDAY JULY Our ffcspatcfe sad best etoo lock place Id Toronto last It took near and a a to a given lse man to lie much The crickit match ud picked afcateea eon Go Friday the IMS made end the IevB L flflUhed on taa tad made the eighteen by en Innings end M no- There ore a few iii in the leUruboBal Yesterday the Ameri cana Ob a child fill the foot Church and drowned and on Sanity a young too who bath- tog with other si lb roamed of Aurora left property bar death on April J John tot power to Street of tt rotea tf ha rtreet to lU The fall of to Jntar- It that an here now pirag and egenul the to for lh poet the to by a Dr toete to day for coaek The death of a laborer He didnt know It loaded WHIT El 6 0 that Sam ha euooeoded Im rein toorfar for to a ftna day to Hon thirty yaara of only who eat Id the that of time defeat at poll on tha of men be by of libel raita After a trial at Winnipeg In the cue of a In of the iath a Bend and Ball on the of will a crowd fox lit Band for Sod Band earned end for Baa Ball all railway to Secretary The Binder Twine The foil report of the in the 6th lint the of Mr Unlock for North York to place binder twin on the free ha reached and aiur a of all the It that the action of the majority of the in down the motion via entirely to the Intereat of the arming It appear that an American cate in obtaining con trol of about ell binder twine fectorief been in Canada rnialeading title TheOanadien Cordage and ha appointed one of member for Halifax a of a president of monopoly monopoly baring thai the whole bind er twine trade of Canada and benefit of twenty fire per cent protection can therefore add to the fair cell Log of it twine the foil protective tariff allowed by the Gov ernment in other words can exact from the farmer of Canada for it twine 29 more than it a manifest to the farmer and an that ah aid not have been allowed to remain on book after it On the let of May Mr called the attention or the ment to the matter by moving to re- tfae farmer from tM oppression by patting twins on the free list bat a the Government wa then conalder- iLg proposed change in the tariff asked oar member to allow thl motion to stand He did bat when the their change twine not touched Hence Mr having the foil to remove the evil at last bad to bring on hi motion and Instead of receiving the thank of the Finance Minister for his in having to III repeated re- quest for time the member was made the target of an unwarrantable attack by Hon Mr Foster because of bis efforts to free an Important section of oar people from an oppres sive and tax collected not for the treasury but to enrich an American who taking ad vantage of the NJ had captared Canada and now through their ideot hare apparently the Government The figure produced during the debate show that a a result of the continuance of monopoly the farmer of wheat growing will have to pay out of their pockets some that will go not Into the Dominion treasury into the pockets of the protected cordage combine and the placing of binder twine on the free Hit with last year Importation would only effect loss In the revenue of Those who voted against giving the farmer Canada cheap binding twine and rescuing them from the clutches of the cordage combine are not likely to be regarded favor ite in agricultural cons to node hereafter Not only do the farmer feed all the of their labor are the main factor In keeping the wheel of and on the more and preventing atagn- tion overtaking the of the country farmers therefore would seem to he entitled to some at hands of the tax levying power Every will hi on the that the motion was attack against Me that an ft may tha fig- rts not warrant a of Mr stated that of the of having great fun with Mi of Finance In a the otber day prohibition bo raid that boo had voted favor of bat that had dona m a of The to have tickled and now thing that Foster In a of waakneaa on foot to erect mono- Toronto kTeropollb honor of and Peter were for particIpaVlog In eel rlriog of 7 and wheae remain there As lire were in of popular object I a worthy Any In who feel like contrib- nling can withChaa pound A on paper of J- Abbott of puJ with of thai Illvitrattd There a of tali ud TIB w of Ml nil of from Lid A la i of lot in which the Toronto uid f TBS diT the to be u not aware of lb of Id of tho hire been fuaed of tad IjstrodQnd A Iflll id ibroiiRh oiDt tbe who to report to Jl who will Claire into ud report Grand In New market ST LODGES AND BANDS wo wmu tbavt Kewmtfktt two 12th faudlj their and poor Id from to IwIto oclock from oUdlrtO- it Id lon til CbaM vcd the of filing for of A arch wu built la root of Sttrrj book oad with motto flii nod ftcd oil the wtre drtMd with flt both met depot tb bom by Mcoried to tbo AU Mood of the and drum Iht of brail kpt the throng motion At oclock to t crowd north cud of town order ami at to mow in order ousted of Band So- No Batid Drum Bind No- Fife Band Toronto Bri W File and NO Band Bond No 0X1 icUDbtOD llfl Band of Carlton Jonctloo No- No- S3 North View School berg Bind Aurora No York No Albert Band Mount Albert So By actual la the nibbed loekiog warm for at Ottawa Daring the of them hare beta mired In Mr of the interior tod two of the bar and Mr Parley chief engineer of of Public It it of if the of of and robbery made In of Mr it that were paid for orertime a and JlcQreayjr Chief the ha bad accepted worth of jewellery from Owen Murphy It to hare bt4Q oat of II reported that le great at Ottawa Canada a J which Sir Lid- opinion telle at there a deal more to follow Too for with which bare been where any lr herd daily on root for Lake Biro coo the pop a lor report Eer long the will be pat the click of the binder will be eyery Quite a large from the filiate anil country Monday to tie it of tho and to hear tbe We are to hare Mr- Adam our to oar where he Jotendt to batch it We ace Mr Will of the of in Am Will quite popular he do well Mr and Mra Walker Morton of North apeat at Mr The Crone of Mount Al bert of Mrs Jay have several day on the hill Nine or achool tried the entrance exam at New market and report the paper hard They probably know by time what aooe they have hatt Young ladles should be particular ly to throw their letter the One young down tooth here came near revealing a secret in that way On Monday morning last Georgia Wright who has been living with her grandfather Mr George Wright took her for domain to reside with her parents Mr and Mr John H Wright formerly of of Mis as the a very greevt Her many friend will he pleased to hear from her a soon a aha gats to her new home by her brother Milton who has been on- few week England has decided to take a share the Fair foot of Main to the of the bltioa by way of Water Gotham and look foil twenty pot and wiavery orderly The men appear- ace and by the with wee an on both of from ffdron Water crowded with I a that between on the a ixide for which arranged to holt about pecjV and It to On the platform were following J fly of Cbarcbill who bat been Orangeman and hat one walk dortox whole Mr put county muter for York and a member of the order fur i yean Mr of Holland Landing who hie been an Orangeman for Mr Syne of conn- muter for Weil an Mr of muter In three different and an worker for yean Mr Geo Stundon county muter for flooth York Map an Ren Hum Chaplain Ontario at Cuttll of ft Proctor of Aurora celebration Ren of a and energetic for put ten yeara- Ren Geo Dr J A of Toronto of Woodcock of New Pox of and Mr Chi Allendale chair man who an beta one and to be opened lb pinto and Nearly of the were UtotCofia waa call- el He wu receded with and The very flittering re- of our make too feel for feel that I not bo able to coma op to wlut the Orange to hare an wheiewaare enduroriog by all our power to a natlonally where bate do with man of and where they to la ttt and dlc4d by anything that happened In to no prejudiced by of bygone Well Mr one and it la a which to be able to and it wo can not a then I oar bee no right to occupy the it dot Id Dominion of Canada la flhorltat terma that I can gf a liar day fa the Inflotnoi and which at work yeara ago and which gare to of la the plaotv la and mora today than then If there where wa Equal It la of Canada and a tha of Ontario hear what dote teach What did It teach year end la every year of Him I It thai the earn and for aUon to that of Chtueb and I In of the Fope- Whttipwri yocoqgfci to withdnw mi ruj and of tetapiiad apaafc AoiTiwIy fto rf ritctiion lua antfaoriLM will wilh drtw that which la of their today la by which the of be aoltyt I may when wa whether the Orange may lhay will withdraw the of man tojwbeo la the preamble of nxn bo we may ceo- adder withdrawal of Orange nodal m of that la the of church did the pot forth for aapram they are patting forth today would not Hare bee eaTedttad had any In yen ago be adopted through the of men wbfrty of oar hooM be pit In power of men Lynch What more extraordinary than that In Canada la a a alerted nnder the of Crown with gnarantaM of liberty hare made the of a foia to of a of It there tract of that to la party rax to or aecnta for that only a men la to their agalaat a The of act forth the baa ite place hat to that and a political power that be- only to Slate baa and biHtloa important dotted and great re- not bo- that not It a right or authority under the condition of thing to out i and aay to the of Canada that wiib re- liloae I we moat a control claimed by no body and not be tolerated in any ry I that people to on footins other denomination in them will no thia try and there ought not to be There are why Orange not to axllt If mere aa a to place men in Of high or then I that not ling moat Important duly Jfyouuaemble and meet together for inch that then I uy yon wono than for yen ere great and re- for purely end moment yob do to fulfill duly ho that he in a morolog paper of that a man moat bo a good Canadian before he be a Orangeman Ha did not agree with that id He that if a a good he be a good Can Sot whether wa or Ant all at wa art loond to maloUio princi ple and liberty Brief ware made by Major Bennett Mr Ren Mr J Of Ren Dr Ren and Mr maetlog abont a fife by tinging national anthem and Col OBrien and the next to depot the bendi appeared with the pre an frith their hap crop which if a thia year Pall fait and aKxn the binder Mr and it into fca It make a good one Mr Wait King from Mr Arnold for anm It ft maan man beat an or a owner him but trick I ever hoard of the one that played with It waa at firat thought the picture were inatead of that the were pot Into the cLatera where they spoiled and all Millie of spent Wednesday night burg with her old friend Harry Mary at here and at Button We poo of oar got badly one last week He returning home horn Halting little girl and fellow that to be met him on the road and pointing tin at him demanded his money He begged and told the highwayman he have the which was all be had he go home and get him the if he would wait Moaseaoit Howard of Toronto friend Ml Mr ha been camp- tag arrived noma Jat Mr Howard of Toronto visit- iog Bill Mob An person bothered with their hen scratching op their should follow example of one of neighbors and cat off their too nail Job base bill mil oil crowded oat DO YOU THE Undertaking sores J H Of J Millard Co A NEW STORE Hotel J And with Mm Of the Eca3 Dr of City been visiting her Bister Miss Fletcher Rev Mr wife were the of Mr Irwin on Thursday Mr and two daugh ters were J Graham epeut Sun day with her grandma also Mr with her aister Mr I and family of arrived on Saturday to at Mr Miss J is at home again after a in Chicago Donald the pony leave gave three little a very fast ride At the recent examination at Newmarket two from our tried for second class oertificatea one for third for third room and two for entrance if ay crown their efforts Mr Terrys for bis sohool was so much to be enjoyed that a craze for picnice has taken hold of village the young people at the The weather wag doll and promising rain but altogether the day was an The onion School when business has a Haying is on hand now It and the present wet weather docs not go well together Mr Jerry Graham is in a preca rious state of health at presents Ad vanced age the cause Mrs McKriU has returned after a weeks visit with her of Mrs J after an extended visit at Lindsay and Irwin wore in passing the entrant ox- Miss Edith of Toronto with Miss Way ling Mrs A and J Willson are a few days with their sifter Mrs J Hauler of Weal Gwillimbnry Eyre visiting iu this week At GO lljlh 1J5U wife Deal aeoa how cheap you can buy Cloth to make a Suit from danforil and company They have given up the Tailoring do not keep a cutter It will pay you to find out if you wear Irish or Scotch Tweeds or the best quality of cloth They sell Canadian Tweeds at 35c and Tweeds for dollar and a quarter for is that One dollar and seventyfive for 125 and the hightoned goods at an awful cut When they sell out ones they wont have them again so hustle along now if money ii any object to you If you are a millionaire you will not h interested how cheap they sell but if you are not you should wake up and find out money saved is money made Rot Mat tbawaalth9 Methodist Brad ford l Mr to of br At North A It too of koJ IT Ibetoornlofrof July t it St Butts Scott and of Mrs of KOADHOUSE Mi Hurrah for Hon T All orders will prompt EST ifewmsise Lodge deal credit lbs erraoge- meats were carried oak for a large crowd No hid flout in the West tamed oat large and beet liand JoDctlon took tor beat and for Drill West Junction Naval Corps for tbtfr rototlon doilsa mirth a1o daring Fife Daod too lata to join for villa Fife Band took with both hinds tbo led tba bean for SO rear and bar been the leading marahall In It walked hereon the and years tha Lodge met In co not arrest for either draokeo or coadott The nn all they bad a colored IvVle to carrj tbelr bras Band for their aod of from email York Baud of Newmarket was heaviest la lb bad There 1 no I roth In men bad Me leg cat Not withitandlog tha greet crowd and tba con lotion la getting wroog train there was so accident at the depot It take lo feed a crowd ilk one here The of meat 16 of bread bag of green peas and hag potatoes lbs meat baa bags IU Urge bam bags pctttota tag pea IB bead bread North lbs a it 6 hem 2 begs beg and oaTea bread lb ie0 tags 8 beg potatoes bare lb frb meet ham etc This lbs meat Lake Items Haying Over we will soon hear merrv of the reapers more Mr Height Imp roving hi mill property Mr Roger com hi first deputy a fine garden which a credit to the lake road A atallo do here rigs were lake on pan very lively day last Hoar did you like Keswick of the Kea- and Methodist Sunday Schools on Wednesday of week to a access There a large from this section Tickets were sold to the amount of On account of other attraction in a few days West did not put on a very large bat altogether the snug urn of made of all ex penses was divided equally be tween the chool Our is talking of buying a new library with their of proceed In the fore part of the day the weather waa cold and the very rough was not pleasant for those Inclined to tot the return trip In the evening was delightful Every body appeared to go home well fied with their day of enjoyment base ball match between Keswick and a very one resulting in a victory for It was decided between oonv of the two schools to hold an other excursion next year probsbly on the same a this and last 8th of annual ex- becoming very popular with those who to spend a quiet day of pleasure Roughs very scarce We never witnessed a person the worse of liquor nor hoard an oath during the whole day Elder the new of tho Christian here moved into the bouse- owned and lately oc cupied by Timothy Morton Mr occupied pulpit of the Church here Sunday and the Sunday before and preached earnest and practical sermons Rev Mr Largo and family moved out to Lake on Mr Addison and family of Aurora are expected week There a great number campion on the shore now Fishing l reported to be good on the lake Mr Council of Bel- haven and a Mend made a catch one day last week They took borne some tine and Rev Levi Hefner from tho States here for two months vacation On Tuesday whilst Mr John Mar- rill mowing with a toy the he had to eat little boy very badly The little fellow was following behind hi father and log a bush with on it just in front of hi father he made a run put him to pick them just the scythe running around His leg I out about half way roand It and right to the bone The fellow wu barefooted and barelegged and consequently had nothing to protect him from the keen blade It is hoped that it will not cripple him for life Mr Isaac and Mrs Hoi- are away to Inntsfll Township vMttoi Mr Wo TWO FARMS TO RENT A ACMES Con I March Fa 1 1 plowlog the property to A Ave Torooto ANNUAL EXCURSION Of Motuodist School TUESDAY Ji GOTO NEWMARKET RAIN I for wnara boa Will bo to w FARMERS ATTENTION lb York ftrrAOKed for DAIRY MEETINaS Grange Hall Street On SATURDAY July AND AT- On TUESDAY July Trot tod a all bo Art with work and aro No U VOTERS4IIST 1891 or tub Township ofGeorgijia OH NOTICE the poreon la bo to ratal br of till to lilted to At tot of lba Atstijibly a at ibo of lfl flrat potted op llibdftroi Cor poo to ho or any meotato tain accord Keciora liat If AD logt attd at of Jul a- 1 of rot KVEHXBODV INVITED E STORE FOR Pure BOOTS and SHOES FOR- ess than Cost OF THE MATERIAL At MONTGOMERYS MONEY TO LOAN sis par an Una DAVID LLOYD CcraiHiloaer for Heel Atent Mar Ihe follow i Insurance Cornea 1 1 Mutual alsofor Ufa Male 4 Cap Binder Twine PROPRIETOR OR SALE and Colt Ore I lor Light Was on ft CO jf- ANTED No or MRS a mm Tor fait Raj It J IN CANADJ COLUUB11 UNITED OTlTat MANITOBA AT b a BRUNTON BRO a AY MARE Bale yew I gTRAYED On Lot J Sad AND ONE bar a them W Engines Thf Machines bout ratorooaiplet4 built for Mia knd ISew and Hot Ifcp CO aw UranUordOat EXECUTORS NOTICE ALL parson baring claim attains the aetata Late Elizabeth Randall ArexaaolroQ lo present tfaem to the selUataeat and to I meat of the ioSSikiauv LOST Tarcd from Lot East will- Imborjoo Id TWO the one and white Co while la darker In forehead hod aame be soitshl j IWlOe a Electric Any Ladys 4 Boot in our store for one- week for 3 Our stock of Boots and Shoes is the largest and best assorted in town and every pair is guaranteed 1 rf- ISP Mens Suits to order for RUNTON BRO NEWMARKET I

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