JULY 1891 RHEUMATISM Neuralgia Sciatica Lumbago Headache Toothache throat Frost Bites 8praln0 Bruise Burn Etc Sold Fifty COtyJtamg Canadian Depot Toronto TRUNK RAILWAY rait IN lift ft8 B v r what urn to ABOUT Iwt of lb Coo ceil tost lor wo got la for It Thi of on Gist limbs to to Prof and Lbs most of both Britbb sod America TheTruo Story of a Dog Nine Rules for Bathers within two I SSt8 te gfs si Hi I do com on and Society Register month lad fall At lit A Actor litsilrx the A tb fa Qin Id Id Ihf fMmtrf TcMfidar lit A In mODtb Vcfidsy laicootb ind Sod in Ktit Amor Monday Holland Hope Tim of Hoe artr Terr err 5 a in ab month at Hall- Wswrnartet Id each International S Lessons CHRISTS FIRST Jul 12 1 Oolden Text Behold the or Oof of lbs J- JcliD tbo the bad beta ggd several in of mlniitf lbs ft were prone and all who gar of of he art and life Jcaai at Ilia He bad by lie He bad ltd and was and now He lbs of the Jordan at a John to Hid that He was end wbrre He gathered fixtt It Is dot of all point out Lamb away of world alone Is front tin TLe Holy nth Christ abiding thit J J Oct the Son of CbrUt is to welcome all who long falthfnl seek to bring to of Imdnras baa been fa To ronto by wbe In effect if putt enforced assign me the beaeSt of creditors- Tfca parties to the rait In point wen the Company and Francis Owen a dealer or street west Toronto who recently aealgned Is indication of a new devel opment In the fralt trsde Drying for shipment ha been letted In West Indfea Ith A re- pott by of Bapoblloe forth that the cost of prodoc- eg a of porchaaa of clearing planting weeding cutting drying boxing and peeling for market weald only The in drying loses one- third of Its weight dried It sells readily at Id a Allow ing for loo of weight this yield a a dear profit for grower of An order for sorer hundred weight of dried at dd a pound for London market has been received at Trinidad Erin at prfca a handsome profit be An sals of nearly a boxes of dried has been made In at eta a pound and the are for more at the name price 100000 plants bars been in Trinidad and Tobago within last two It cer tainly looks if dried will be an Important Item with family grocer a year or two banc Is the of green are biding away days Bound by Steel From a parliamentary return which we have received we notice that Canada bai made wonderful progress in the line of railway connection the put fifty years Oar first railway operated in Province of Quebec in 1836 and only 15 miles in length- Now we have 14004 mile of completed rail way and miles of sidings Government aid hat been given as follows Ontario la addition to this various Governments have granted about 33750000 acres of land to railways not including the grant to Win and Hudson Bay road Muni cipal aid faas been given by way of to amount of io loans in subscrip tions to shares or bonds By provinces the rendered by he municipalities is as follows In I QWc Nsw 310500 00 KoraSeotls V CoTnmWa 00 The greater part of the Canadian railway system is now either owned or controlled by two coupuies the Grand Trunk and the Canadian Pacific The former operate 3122 miles of line and the latter miles Avoid bathing sftcr a Avoid bathing when exhausted by fatigue or from any other came Avoid bathing when tbe body is cooling after ration In year 187- It ft tbo Good Hope bound for England for borne the ell called it Among them was a lady with a child of two ye and a nurse The lady bad also brought with her a huge Tne voyage had luted six days No land visible and the Island of St Helena would be the nearest point The day vu a beau tiful one with a soft breeze blowing and the son shining down brightly on the sparkling waters- A large and gay company of passengers were assembled on deck merry groups of men and girls had cluttered to gether now and then a rang out or one sang a gay little snatch of song when suddenly the mirth of all silenced by the loud and scream of a mother A nurse who had been holding ft child in her arms at side of the vessel bad lost hold of the leaping restless little one and it bad fallen into the sea into the great wide Atlantic Ocean The poor woman in despair would have Bung her self after her charge bad not strong arms held ber back But sooner than it can be written down some thing rushed swiftly past her there was a leap over the vessels side a splash into the waters and then roH black bead appear above the waves holding child in his mouth engines were soon as possible but by tbst time the dog was far behind in wake of the A boat was quickly lowered and the ships surgeon ktng sod place in it ordered the Bailors to pull for their lives One could just make Avoid altogether the open air if after having been ft short time la the water It causes a sense of ftnd numbness of the hands and feet VW Bathe when bod j is warm pro vided no time Is lost In getting into water Avoid chilling body by sitting or standing undressed on the banks or in boats after having been In the water Dont remain loo long In the water leave the Water Immediately if there is slightest feeling of chilliness The vigorous and strong may early in the morning on an empty stomach Tie young and those who are weak would better two or three hours after ft meal beat time for such is from two or three hours after breakfast Those who ftre subject to of giddiness or and those who softer from palpitation and other sense of discomfort at the heart should not bathe From The Ladies Some Journal Senator Vidals Opinion AS TBI QPESTIOH IT IS THE ONLY MACHINE MADE THAT WILL DO SUCCESSFUL NEWMARKET WOP SALVOR HARDWARE SUMMER ORl ALE AT A J i VftH of A Iwtt SEASON focsala on Mil 15 WE LEADOTHERS FOLLOW Handsome in all its A Perfect in all its Details tt SIMPLE IN ITS PARTS DURABLE STRONG Business LlQlmtal tiara with dUmt of Blood Bitten cure for tick M formt of blood from ft ccamoD to wont ion for East African slave trade is reported to bo almost extermina ted oar shoes wet when too home with wet feet says The Home Journal throw aside your boots to fc bard and mould- op pat them In and then them with oats as the feed to horses This wilt in a few hoars draw all oat of the leather keeping the boot In shape meanwhile and leaving ft soft and pliable The oats can be again and again This is a relio of tho when no rail roads existed and traveling was done odder and weather tbe present generation has no conception of The people at the Worlds of have a stock taking time once a ear what do von think the do Count the nam- of bottles tbatve returned men and women who that Medical Discover or Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription didnt do what said It would do And how many do yon think they have to One In tent Not one in he hundred I Here are two remedies one the Medical Discovery for dating and Invigorating the liver and the blood the other the hope of weakly womanhood theyve been sold for years sold by tbe million Lotties sold nndtra and not one in five ha oared can say It was not for me I Andls there any reason why be one And supposing you Srej what do yon lose For with my tick AKoor or moatbsasd could Hit ters I am as sio do work well sleep a Visa was cats be aCkOa toe t Jobs lo CutorU mar to a y UK lachu cooaUtattotr trouble food eta There core Bur dock Blood Bitters be thorough- relied to effect a cure has cored cases of IS beat out on the leaping dancing waves tbe dogs black head holding some thing scarlet in hie mouth The child bad on little jacket of scarlet and it gleamed like a spark Of fire on bine waves mother of tbe child atanda on the deck her eyes straining anxiously after boat the black spot the still holding firmly to the tiny scarlet point How time seems The boat seems fairly to creep though it speeds over the waves as it never sped before Sometimes a billow higher than its fellows hides for a moment dog and child from the straining One can almost bear watchers heart throb with fear lest the waters may have swallowed them But boat comes nearer and nearer near enough at last to allow of the surgeons reaching over and lifting the child bat of the dogs month then a sailors strong arm pulls Hero Into the boat and men row swiftly back to the ship Alive is shouted from every Up as boat within hail of the steamer and as the answer comes back Alive thank God breaks from every heart Then the boat comes op to ships side A hundred hands are stretched out to help the brave dog on board and Gord Nero Brave dog Good fellow resounded on every side But Nero ignores the showered so profusely on him he trots sedately up to the childs mother and with a of his dripping tail looks up into her face with bis big faithful brown eyes It was as if he said It is all right I have brought her back quite safe The mother drops on her knees on the deck and taking his shaggy head in both bands kisses his wet face again and again the tears pour ing down her in itreems There indeed not a dry eye on board One old sailor stands near with tears running down bis weatherbeaten brown face all the while unconscious that he is weeping Well can imagine Nero was for the rest of the voyage pet and hero of the whole ship He bore his honors quite modest dignity It was curious- however to see how from that time on he made himself sentinel and bodyguard of the child he had saved He always placed himself at the side of chair of any person in whoso arms she his eyes watching every movement she made Sometimes she would bo laid on the deck with Nero only to watch her and if inclined to creep oat of bounds Neros teeth fastened in the skirt of promptly drew It was as though he thought I have been lacky enough Miss Baby to save you from a wetry grave but I may not bo so lucky again I shall tako care you dont run any unneces sary risks in future When steamer reached her des tination Nero received a regular ovation as ho was leaving vessel Some one cried Three cheers for Nero they wore given with a will And Nero good dog resounded from every Every crowded to give him a pat on the head as ho trotted down the gangplank To all these demonstrations he could of course only with a wag of Eon Senator Tidal president of well known prohibitionist of years standing is evidently satisfied with the action of the Government In speaking on the subject he said I rrgsrd decision to appoint a royal commission of enquiry as the most important step in advance in cause of prohibition that has been taken for many years I regard it as and step to the passing of a prohibitory law I well satisfied and I think that temperance people generally be satisfied They could not reason ably expected more at this time There is a feeling manifested by some members of the Opposition that the is not sincere that its merely to put off action on the question of prohibition My opinion is and I hold it very strong ly that the is sincere in this matter and is actuated by a de sire to meet tbo views of the petition ers for prohibition as far as is at pre sent practicable I pass that opinion in part upon my intimate knowledge of Hon Mr Foster I believe that he as sincere a prohibitionist as I am but as Finance Minister ho can not close his eyes to the difficulties that in the way of immediate pro hibition I think by Mr in bis speech is a reasonable one In view of the state of public opinion upon the prohibition question and I think prohibit should fee glad that the House of Commons accepted tbe made GOWER DEALER IN HEAVY AND SHELF SALE OH TO to Hard sore in ELI B HMILLARD OPPOSITE FORSYTH HOUSE NEWMARKET HOUSEFURNISHING Consisting of Shovels Forks Rakes Hoes c Carpenters Supplies Builders Hardware Carriage Goods a Galvanized Annealed and Barbed Fence Wire Ready Mixed Rubber Paint Try our Daisy Churn Jacks kept for hire TO LET On Project Garten OR SALE Lot mm it Jam- J- FARM FOR SAL K of lot Con I J Dnrr acre In A- J AND STOVE DEPOT WRIGHT on hand a and varied ftssorlmrnb of the SPECIAL LINES mentioned below which we intend clearing at vcry low Point op Two new cottages ere for Mr of Bank of Commerce Toronto and for Mr- of the Bank of Hamilton Sound A sad drowning accident occurred here this afternoon A somber of men were sailing in a yacht and when within a couple of of abora at one of them named Taylor and fell overboard The boat about suddenly bat not before the man was badly exhausted did it got Another man named William Murray jumped to Taylors assistance botbeing carried down had to let go and the man sank in cold water Mr Taylor waa in charge of the drag store here owned by Mr J druggist of street Toronto Mr Taylor pec ted and a general OF TUB Duitl Ktw fc Item Krai MILK PANS MILK PAILS MILK STRAINERS MILK SKIMMERS CREAM PAILS WINDOW SCREENS BUTTER BOWLS BUTTER LADLES BUTTER PRINTS BUTTER TUBS BUTTER BASKETS OR SALE A QooJ land me l MRS 3AKAH AT THE FOLLOWING Bottled Ales Porters let mans Copland Brewing a Ontario A r i STOCK Bottled Wines 1 BOTTLED it Worts 6yearold Walkers Club Imperial Coys Wine Wine Sherry Win Brown Port Old Old Claret pints and quarts Irifib it Camerons Booth Tom Gin OR SAIiE- BLACKSMITH SHOP A tot Cart DAVID 1 J OORSTObK DESIRABLE FAR New For Silo lota SI and la the fcili Whitchurch jcre about Tor ARM FOR of Cop of Kintf and Wut ball of I Coq- of Old Lot And yood or yrAtlog land or SCREEN DOORS Beat brands of American and Goal Oil WRIGHT CO of 4 auamer wont of and com mil- a lifeguard Fowler Extract of Wild Koold It has toco too mm ldvclc Dr Wild kcowo for all ibomoat aa Dr of Wild in Pickering fau to accept from the County Ontario fa full their claim for the now bridge at ring village A Owing to the coo- the driv er of an wiroq did not get bono to liable on Saturday was warm and tho before it a to oil While tat on an upturned pail and our friend woke up on tail a Iwinkloof bfa faithful brown He kept cloao to the and matched little charges on dry land If taken to the of litttaouttrtrUj where ho lived and until ho of old age with Ma gray head retting on the of the child a woman now that ho hid laved in an cburchyard In ground Ho lion the burial plot of the family to which ho belonged HU grave marked by a fair while on which en graved Sacred the memory of portrait over the of an drawing- room beneath which alte a low armchair a who often up at portrait as telle the tale of bow he prang into the of the Ocean after and held her up until help came s IMT At Mlwi J f ai w s 1 lit s tut i- x i- aa a- taut iii i pi Bit rtjlxj sills a v rfi ir Jf 1 tut l avt I I- i lot jar ORGANS cb Par or PvJclr bathing In mill- pond James KHcbon of Ms depth escaped drowning sT On last a pi ess a re yacht the Dot Co of Toronto the of Mr Oiler of rootowM carried to two fiat cars to there The yacht la feet over all and tbe moulder Is 10feet8incb Tbe will pi on water of Like Mr Osier having a da it was Point Lake his ling wood will hire an Immense fleet of Some Too Fast become thin and weak Fortify build SCOTTS EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVES OIL AND Of and Soda IS I OS Or C0NS4 OS COLDS IPs Sutton defeated the Sutton Oroya by runs tho last Oar boys hope for a different result when return is played here Fully 2000 at the Point on the 1st raio spoiled all cal culations The lawn party at residence of A- TennysonVirginia netted About wrote here on the entrance exam papers cottages at the lake are well filled up A number of campers ar rived Saturday night among them is Mr and family of Roches ter The Oroya return thanks to management of tho Methodist for promise of a free trip to on the inst A new road has boon constructed from the old wharf to the Hotel Ramsay which improves the appear ance of the Point very A diamond is now In courso of construction Miss Ada Harry has rotorned from Toronto Normal where she passed her examination success fully Berry is to charge of Gum Swamp school term Mr Mrs Thomas treated tho children of the Bethel School to a very pleasant evenings entertainment at their homo last Tuesday Strawberries ioecroacn and were the principal attractions wings quoits baseball W and know It to bo I for enjoyment l of Co I was formerly a resident of Port La Tour end always used in equally large and up to e standard for quality a ban solicited- Lix Corner of Main andTtioothySta a I i i t 9 LIMITED LATH SHINGLES ARK NOW PAKPARBD TO SUPPLY OUR CUSTOMERS WITH SIDING MOULDING DOORS WAINSCOTING SASH AND BUNDS TURN OUT GOOD WORK SALE TUB Farm lUlf t to flih ICO b 10 Acrta barn anil a good lending Ihmuh All Alio Iq Town of For and ptrticulmftjl MAN -AT- LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES etc were provided for eojoyroent all who to them selves tattle A splendid outdoor concert fjivoa at night log of by choir mental etc How was Converted Yoa can any man for know how to get him writes Dr Tslmajte In The Ladies Home Journal Truman Osborne on of who wont through this country many yean ago bad a won derful art In right direction Ho fathers ono day and while wo were all seated in room ho said Mr Talmago are All your children Path said Yes all but Do Witt Then Truman Osborne looked down the and began to tell of a storm that came on the and the were in fold hut there ono lamb outside that perished In atorin Hud he look ed in eye I should when ho told the story but he looked into the fireplace and It so pathetically and beautifully done that I never found any I was sure I was In the fold where the other were Three men fined In the Hamilton Polios aseAnlt on two ordinary cbaraotor Norway Mo A Breaking in isnt needed with Ball corset easy from the start Coils of tiny wire springs In the sides make It so Try it and youll like It If you dont after a few weeks wear just return it and get your money SAL- o Children THE BEST COUGH THE CANE SONS MFG CO TO THEPUBLIC on w but under All tollL JohnllulKO find qui ho In Mid no rem fin blMnOM former LI bo Ms of E CO or wld opinio for man lh and write tor Infyrtntllco- for good WdteMODCt Toronto Sit WASHINGT0 Id Victoria of Bar- 1SS0 devoted Throat cut a ind anient la tbo act Of of will t Hotel JaljISIh from to p a budat thcJtbwt get ireatmttit Catarrh 1 DMfocCtiolsErt Bore Teg from ia NEWSPAPER- THE KEY TO HEALTH I to on r nODOK Si CO OK OLD NEWSPAPERS pOH BALE office AT PER POUND ST FARMERS VTOWUthdlloietotry Poultry Ksxl DR FOWLERS OF WILD ITRMBERRX CURES Morbus RAM PS IARRHGEA ALL SUMMER AND FLUXES OF THE it IS AND RELIABLE FOR OR ADULTS Unlock alt cloggy Bowels KIdnoys and Liver off gradually wiuiout l torn all Iho and at wmo tip t reeling Acidity of Biliousness Constipation Dryness or tho Dropsy Dimness of Vision Jig dice Salt fttla Fluttering of Heart vousness and General many hippy BLOOD Tot Bit nil iMrj aw- A JtxulwtrrJs7ct4iV Tails is y f shuAiir2 ait S