Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , June 19, 1891, p. 3

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I v lm jli ERA JUNE local tabs about Tbi The work la jail predicted beginning to coma fa Sun of I foirftoM ara toft- AH in town hanker since a few bean ltt Saturday alto collected on flit acd a number of them pealed fa creak to a fina of from for bathing nil Inspector Bogus be tut Services and Christian by Lugo at- both and and Iwogood sermons Next same order will Christian Charoh and la the Charch by Kexfc Friday will u of Mi of Aid who in fcH Id AfPilin8 hoped Ittl lit will ef feting fill W jclwl Saturday a in fa from ft till oclock up wool and rtill Mr Cfct ovr It IS and 19i TbeartionaIeof a big- crowd and lory aronod They each The of lie Cbofch ttfti for Fair Hire be bona ud ViU Bui a and tod will ptius To Use mad for fine chlpcry not pinu Tiro pur it TwPaaBa f held on Hi regain fitun it cirtd ud for a9rtrtUrjMi OlTTtr Boots a J Co bare added this weak to of and j at Imp Babi Ball On Wednesday morn- a lead of in town from BmIoh for of a ball match with No of Iheli we ban do bait dob not a to acoonmodatd them after dinner fcoyi picked to fill field and match proceeded with bet the rain came on and lopped proceed The aoow ilood ten and Beelon eleven with one each next will please word the Hut Stobh- No wonder we bare a tbonder on afternoon the t in Pbarmuf td lie shaded by an awoiDg Tie was a Terr heavy of any dimge being done number of telephone town and the end of a barn and north nxx to the memorable of 1690L la aplendid in and Addition- The Cane Som Mfg Co la np two new building in the rear of the factory One being made of 3d and 35 feet high Into apartment and will be lireproof and bonding la for drying bait will generated in an brick feat and mentioned building by of a angina and Raring ftboat one fire hundred of pail timber mora than they a good deal mora capacity to properly mater and keep with their incrtulng The Band in freal tart aid crowd down town for an or The arming air after hot afternoon the mule quite a C05IHLENCB of the Bradford tendered an of faihy la Newmarket recent loaa by death of Ibtlr Bell and the aodety to lie family and friends At a the Toronto It vat mored by Ren A by J and that with Mr Bell In and Bead of the to nndet and to fill bia with all bare lately been made the carried on by both Urge and email of robbing of to be to till a collection of the of to the nnlawfolnew of inch and a ncb and A con- of been 2ce to tret both on the and la by loje in in example will made of ike offender if are con- Sconce of bring PraecrlpUone and family rtcipee to the Store a The Bud of Newmarket ia engaged for Holland Landing on Dominion Day Do not throw your paper on the for to ran away Prvabyterian day School preparing for Tioe on the New market wheelmen intend to take in the Hamilton on Dominion Day North Accommodation Stoic in telephone connection week Thaflagontbe Fire Hall has been at on account of the death of John Hodge En gineer a leak in Heron main week The water work appear to be in fintolaae now- The keeping the back on new achool building The Band moetaat Park Avenue Saturday Bogarti got photo Wright A tin TTeela from Sttnrday the day of the next at j Stock is will pay yon to buy year millinery and fancy from yon will get worth for L Bond a Pise Apples at Ikkery a Local The art in toon the extending to fitet tune in lb to in I a complete tit town and city of Slratford 1 of Perth What other bout of a local record The Newmarket lie and tu we bare complete listen bock to the regret that earlier water in and live turn the old cpieaaa to deter etc inornlog Mr John the front cunt tie and be thrown the I be tot bait The young driving netorally lie only lie It made in the diaience to corner where It Into the out a a foot into the but fortooata- Ike feve a tQrn flipped down upon by the cor- pretoEi work tun before It got the appeared to be tie none for the The match Friday between Richmond Hill and Newmarket to be game and won by the Talagooa In three Time and The game the by which the referee Mr Charlea A Kendall of Toronto- The all played well and the exhibition of team play applauded by the audience- It a match from the beginning to the end and although tbe it a one tided look those who had the of watching game unite In aaylng it fought The Hill opened tbe game with and the was im mediately working in the Newmarket de fence territory fire hard play the rubber forced down and gate the defence a heavy rob to keep it The bell up and down the flag but kept well at the end finally White It and It winning the firat game for Newmarket game waj and player on the field worklpg bard Shot after waa fa at at both coda but and the to White wbu again for Newmarket In the third and game with bat two the goal wax aafe while the Hill defence kept at work White ewiprd the bill through more Powell and Wiley were the the If ill team There a good crowd on and the game played with tbe beet of good humor fa llat of the w waexet HlLU Goal Olotei Point It Point J Olaae The let Defence P changed Dr the lit and reliable Ding Store and we make no doubt fan that the Dr win m ita former reputation tion room in the rear in and attention to office Visit Oar nprtawntfr- al Coontf of that honorable body the large num ber and of the within kaa act of the a the e pand report thereon Warden of Richmond Deputy nigh of Vaoghan Deputy of GwOlimbnry Slater of and Deputy of and they in town morning They ware met by Mayor Beer Deputy and Town Clerk and meet of day in the of their duty Daring their here they were the of the town at the Ripe and Strawberries at a One day Mr Hooter met with a that fortunately might hare been He waa returning home in a buggy by by way of Huron and when creating the track the bono became frightened ate car the aiding the animal tn one aide the wltael In way and tbe buggy throwing both of not being together the fingere and the wax buggy left In front of a total wreck and the caught on SL Hoorer withoat Mr wu badly and hone cat on leg badly that bean out of Between the and railway there la much to take the of a J0Qcg animal that great care be In the track The cQBtomair View Cemetery wilt tike on the morning of Dominion and It hoped the will the in paying annual to departed friend a rule appearance of the taken an thrift of the tiring and to we can that our record far alma the avenge Do got let neglect or indilfannco creep In and rob of repau in We codded and plot there are other where the rank graij been per- mined to choke placed therein former limes by taking It a trib ute wo owe departed father a mother and to that their are kept July and do not leave till The Cemetery will all great cut next and the will then looking their vv It painful duly week to chronicle the demise of one of oar In the of Mr John Hodge under For felt that he wax going down year be took to the Rocky In Brittah and feeling a beneficial effect be decided Match to take hie wife and two and paae a yar or two In that Invigorating climate But had taken too firm a graap on hie lion and while life probably pro long be felt that were numbered a longing de tire to the other members of family and die among old the on their homeward they only reached laat Saturday morning when with heavy faearta the remainder of the waa continued with the They in New market by the oclock morning and took place the laid to net In View Cemtteiy Deccaaed Newmarket In with wax and member of the old an energetic and man and a end rexpected He a wife and children to mourn the of a kind father I Wo hare opened a few cheats excellent Japan T which are felling cheap A OorroaST- Allan Howard who lib al bona In from who Jits Id ceolnry Ha wa well and known In Bradford and and Haying aoqolrad an In b and located In am two ago Hi for n4 of lhal a to who would flnl depart lift ha or hii Mi Weal wti then ho wu to oil for forty to great good and benefit a and a mm ha wu coble and to an excellent minded and good intention Ha the Ufa in a nrj few attain to to tha and opinion of the not one Hating II a goodly life In all faith and charity bo died a meat moat and to molt happy death io tho foil hope and Unit of the tried by thou that were moat to Mai hi posed away a more hind and futhfal of ahoot the deathbed of any The eoeni an one rarOy mu each inch roth kindliness- Truly bit end peace Coat- t -uZ- Daniel of Oil- and New Jersey ha home from an tended ton of Bead adver tisement In paper and tend for cat- logon LAND BROS Sunday ia the day In par Waterworka chimney match bete today era need Dominion Hotel baa anew coat of paint boiler cleaned POINTS This al goods nice I hi Black and Colored All Prices Boots Co Stock 1 r CO Q 3D THE LEADINGDRUG STORE PURE DRUGS and CHEMICALS from the moat reliable dealers for the celebrated SeelyPerfumefl NEXT TO POST OFFICTE S Manager J j V ISIB Try Ice Crura sod Cieam Soda Vox la the city list drowned at what ihoot etealog of Mr J IS -re- with family fsm a of years ego It Ka ftit a for with a 7j4ttn named Arthur Williams hi disappeared Tie tints lid Lara using him hot fo boy had to let go called faelp toy years Is water boy t lite to tot iCTair JiM telanlw the it aolmitloo i1rt 1W sod took to fcOMeonOewgs Cofonar A Wiley J 3rd A Center it 3rd heme home Benson IV 1st home Trench Sim While boms Inside home J Weld Captain A The position of the In standi Gamti Won West Toronto Richmond Hill Lett 1 2 1 next match place Near- market at oclock tea the will face toe Aa neither been defeated tbla aeuon a log and match lied Should this their for the will almost Hilt will likely A tefreabment ia a largo crowd la expected wlshiog the aland will to go Powell a they hare no man to play UannEog A good Ha hand Mora are to keep crowd from fences Newmarket pat op their They wero ell In good trim new grand a splendid groooda The If team ware off srfth three ooiited tot did not consider an I and want away with a good I of You The Urge ynHty of and Ajplae that Hi Unlike a Do You Waua ytcrxoLKal Call a anal wmtaa tba fiwat a On more dark of weatber the York for the break a earth ao4 It to fall tba Indicated wet Amj for to of aboal oca and and Tbornblll CD and at tea tho wi the majority of took for Model wea coiJiallj receUl Prof party then proceeded to raaktug batter and roocb tbe The wera neat a half bout fo a plot where wcedi fliwarfj ebfubi Thee followed loacheon to the party and doling the were of Prof addreuof the object aim andacopeof and Model Firm and inacb ioforoutloa to Mayor behalf of Agricultural So ciety and the of Prof aod then the cattle and the aolola and difference Prof fihaw a paid to the Mellon of Farm ware pfac the to be hereafter made through depart mental report and before Farmer The were each that the lima for homeward delightful no tuo no tain except white on the cere no doit Half boor time at by the which waa gift tbe and all agreed ft wae an tlonally profitable trip I Una who bad charge tie from and the and wearer met on the Hoe K white Jonathan tad of j Tie Co aeU1 for ample firet coicbee and for eh lime obliged to a gamotee 200 In order to a low nit the attendance to pay Had the weather been farorable there not leaat that the crot d beep doable for tlae Ur wailn town bat Mr- Llojd home llrant- Urn Geo Rose lo Oicea this week Mr of In town and child from on A Mr A of onlay and Sunday In towo left for St last to attend a wedding Mr on account of father a deatlv of Georgetown home for two or three Mr Joe- left for a visit at Mr of Toronto was calling friends in town Wednesday Bradford IFifftrrr Elliott pending week in Mr Terrell took of the to to a with bia ion Samuel Mr Lloyd and timothy Eaton of Toronto are a few with Lloyd Rev of Bradford exchanged with Rot J Bell and preached two excellent Era to week and now away two or three with at A Allen and left this for Hew wrelie tbaeeaibcre A farewell patty for iter Mr at Mr J Relfryacn at which id aat down lo tea The Editor li Indebted to Celebration for a Badge admitting Day Mr Brown a Newmarket boy from that It a till week to the came En good wheat beginning to turn yellow for want of It and and mall were It alio been a bad for fleeta not fitted oat yet Following are of the at the Water- month J North Bay J It Station Detroit Wood Smith Toronto wife Pickering j Joseph Marl It Wbltby Boyd Holland Mtch A and pronto Alfred Toronto wiliee to Mayor Secretary the Manufacturing at Tbrongbyour I favored with Into and tbraagh named manufactory and farorably with of of for and the tbe workmen The work produced very aoporior and by of each machinery matt be economically -i- TO MADERS MOlRE eases of Straw Hats for Saturday all kinds sizes and prices A Hat at half the usual price JSi have a large assortment of Sailor Hats price and You have them for AND i NEW Grand Assortment of SUMMER MILLINER J out of J J at a will hie will be rushed off JTTT v I am bound lo turn them into money NEW PRINTS WW DRESS GOODS COTTONADE8 Groceries Always- and Fresh Call and Inspect and W PLAYTER TELEPHONE CONNECTION Block Newmarket NEWMARKET TELEPHONE THIS MAN J MILLARD OLD STAND HAS A DOSE P hk in ma uk a printer Then If too Ink strikes Barrio of the Canadian of Amateur Oarsmen for year decided at a mooting on Tuesday of the Executive Committee of the Association agreed to furnish money to defray connection with the event and will In return receive on incalculable amount of advertising as a live town date Aug and YOUR EYE We bare our and wo HAVE A FULL LINE AMERICAN WATCHES HOUSEFURNISHING AND STOVE DE WRIGHT CO Will open next week an entirely new line of presents to be given away with every pound of New Era Baking Powder See tnem Fresh every few days choice mild cured HAMS AND BREAKFAST BACON Children Cry for Pitchers Our Newmarket Markets- per bahotaaa per Brio per ton per lb Wool per lb Ha per too TEA what we excel in priced the lowest Try it Quality the beat and CHINA A to be cleaned out at once GLASSWARE all style I I Sf J lllll III it a Eft f flf till 1 Dock per I Mt I It a a a a a a IS a WW a a a It a OT a a IB a OH CO a IS GO a a a a a Mela St can cat OUR LINE OF JEWELRY SILVERWARE IB COMPLETE My Prices Reasonable AND TO and to flodborrchssplrlcaofll on oat Look For This Ad Each ATKINSON Choice GROCERIES of CANNED GOODS FflCKLES SAUCES and MARMALADES A SMITH I L t have ion hand aod varied assortment of SPECIAL LINES mentioned below which we clearing out at very low MILK PANS MILK PAILS MILK STRAINERS MILK SKIMMERS CREAM PAILS WINDOW SCREENS BUTTER BOWLS BUTTER LADLES BUTTER PRINTS BUTTER TUBS BUTTER BASKETS SCREEN DOORS of American and Canadian OIL WRIGHT CO CITY Lovely Floral Offerings -ron- ORATION DAY vanvciiKAP 107 TO and Was of UaJoa c H WANTED PEE COBB THESE SHIRTS Are sold by ohest measure instead of by the size of collar The be ing selfadjusting it will fit any size collar Ask to has neither I nor button holes IMPROVED PATENT FOR SALE BY i I tf r a i i a MM J A R THE GENTS I

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