Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , June 19, 1891, p. 2

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IV W EWMAH ERA JUNE 19 1801 I Advertisement Bale Co Grata Scotts Outfit J A Farm for Sale A J Boarders Wanted Hooker Astray J a McOUntook Horses or Roche Co TTU1 Wanted Mrs Roche Wanted Mrs OP I BUT BBIOHTS 1 up with turn FRIDAY JUNE Pur Toronto Despair aW the by which reputation ha been most enhanced the Consolidation Act for lover Canada Wis Iks TO Th Toioato of slsotsd and Mr of Toronto This Is Wis first in lb of ft hi thli The miDftl garden party of the Methodic t Church here will take place on the of Mr Geo Lemon on Wednesday Jane Foot ball and croquet matches will be played and Band will preside Tea from to Jons John escaped from tat otnl Prison tali A saJoofl baa granted restaurant in Union Good Temp lars art the era for doing to annual financial staUmeat of Ontario Bank la ray satisfactory Toronto are hippy the Ou trun eat to me for tenders for drill to ten oat week from Tuesday so Hon Boss deUrered an it lbs doting of Normal School yattarday A on Dominion Day is arranged for city Tin nam Sir William Gordon Cum- bit by from Hit of a army as Her til bit do forth occasion for hit ternc it gentleman connected with lbs baccarat For the credit of hi m mi too the Wale hid better bean credited fomiihlog a of the of lb a Premier hut jear when a certain wit beart Hoate Mr made to ability tad charaster of Mr Sir Johat too who were law at that Teteraa moved to Daring the of Tuesday a whirlwind Mr barn op it and it to pieces Mr was the bam at the time and a under it It will be quite a Hon J J Abbott the New Premier OLD a Monday of Vic toria laid in the Toronto la the a concoareo of people If and Toronto of the Chorcn being in at the time the occacoa wit of more thin iatertat Stroud On the evening of the entered Mr house while ell were away to chnrcb and stole about fire and a Dumber of Rev will leave Stroud and is going to Marie Dyke is now lecturing here So is appreciated very highly Our brass baud has The Sfroud School will hold annual school picnic on June 26th at Sandy Core Dr Gould formerly of TJxbridge rnovfd to Owing to the dry weather there is going to be a scarcity in the bar crop in this vicinity An agent has been canvassing the neighborhood this last week for the purpose of organising the Patrons of Industry bat so far has been A Davidson Inspector paid the school here an visit on Tuesday Tile extreme heat the fore part of the week terminated In heavy thunder storm on Tuesday evening the rain falling in torrents for nearly two hours and the natives began to fear a flood similar to the one of June Mrs who has been ill for some time has gone to Toronto for the purpose of recuperating her Saturday evening while Mr J was out for a drive his horse became frightened at some drain tile on the side of the road and upset the buggy wrecking it so that be had to return home Garden parties are all the rage now one this week at Presbyterian manse Laskay and one next Friday evening Inst at St Andrews Among the visitors this week are Mr and Mrs Shaw of Aurora Miss Shaw and Mrs Murray of Toronto and Mrs J of Acton Miss Kate OBrien returned home on Saturday after a two weeks visit up north anneal Sunday School man- meeting will take in the drill shed here on Wednesday the 1st of July been for tunate in securing the services of Dr Thomas and Hon Blake of Toronto to address the gathering The Ladies Cornet Band and an efficient orchestra will be present to enliven The schools are expected to arrive at noon and the speaking will com mence at two oclock An evening meeting will also take at whloh both the above Toronto gentlemen will speak A larger attendance than ever is anticipated and the Iooal committee are making arrangements to accom modate all who wish to ptonio on the grounds A very Womens Auxil iary Convention was held here on Wednesday in with the Church of England Delegates were present from Toronto Holland Landing etc York County i Town Council irimuun Heart Deputy Brown its Com main Co A Ramadan coda for Cane Boot float Co wood Co were paid acooant Bid the of SIMTI to the fit St Water Com pa Woo of the Royal Templar par Andrew Secretary for part of the town was referred to Ibo Fire Water Com In to the of NoTeltyOothatumof placed baadt of the to expended at on Mr who It tick and In clronouUDpea of tha Bell to rent of phoaeat to Finance Com with to ha paid by to town on of then till the A aim if always an event of supreme eventual tie in the opinion of active politicians and this state of affaire occurred with the of the late Premier whose Administra tion had to go by the board as a re sult of bis death thus precipitating a not anticipated when Par liament was assembled for For some days doubt and uncertainty prevailed At each turn of the a different heed was presented as possible successor of the Old Chief tain but Saturdays despatches from the Seat of Govern ment brought the news that the Gov ernorGeneral had taken action by sending for Hon Senator Abbott and entrusting him with the duty of forming an Administration On the following Tuesday Parliament after the vacation when Sir Hector Langevin made a formal statement to the House that Hon Mr Abbot- had assumed the Premier ship of the late Sir John and that all the old ministers had been retained in their respective offices as his colleagues new Premier taking the office of President of the Council and leaving the duties of Minister of Railways to fco performed by some other of the Cabinet in the meantime After the session the vacancy in the Ministry caused by the death of the late Premier would bo filled According to the general opinion Sir John Thompson will lead in the Commons but already a rumor pre vails at that the new Premier has the ambition to become a true true leader and intends to occupy a seat in the Commons at an early day Instead of housed up among the fossilised of the Upper House it is also said there has been grand and lofty political calis thenics on the part of Sir Hector and Hon J A before the new combination was ar ranged but of course people will talk and possibly part of rumored divergences may been Time will tell however and if in the history of the few months the country finds Sir Hector trans lated to another sphere of labor and Hon Mr presiding over the coveted department of the people may then safely reach the that some of the existing rumors about the great love the two aspiring French leaders had more than supposition for Meantime the old with a new Lead is doing hurIneB at the stand in Parliament Square Ottawa In It In the nickel at A telegram weired at the Crown lands Department on Satur day that Mr Andrew Carnegie had recalTed from the War Department a contract to of nickel for the new American cruisers and h he order the n from Sadbary- will be by of tot lbs will be to an account with foil Hoot of areata which is in all the toner of tha dead Premier Sir John A No such oatbont of popular arrow the death of mm bat ere been evoked In Canada at that tribute to the greatness of the deceased sent lie own photographers and to and and to be on will be a memorial of fba and one that Cuid will be preferred as a sad of man whose death bat left a J in the of the as well in the country so long and so devotedly ffnir hat got with new editor of the Stilton H to at sad ladies We are that a lichelcr abould be of the feet followiag puigmlt were last Thre era In tome of the which to Is remedied as re at night the feet our girls slip right through Of in like Beivertoo and it matter neither any female feet that frill go Into any thing email- a patent It it slated girls button their thoeawitha boathook This speaks well for their un derstanding Very complimentary lis Keswick Bell A grand union excursion takes place from here on Thursday the 25th The Churchill Pres byterian and Bell Methodist Sunday Schools have combined for a at Strawberry Island and a day of great pleasure is anticipated The steamer has been en gaged to leave the wharf bore at 30 stop two hoars at the island and proceed to Orillia Returning leave Orillla at oclock and arrive home at pm Goodvocal and instru mental music famished on the boat fare is and all children be longing to the two schools go free will bo cared for at Bell for those going on the trip sjajr Hollow Mr Editor alt things have been quiet for some time I thought I would let yon hear from this quiet spot Oar public intends holding the annual Saturday June to Roachs Point It is hoped all folks will bo present as a good time is anticipated Crops are looking rather light es pecially hay which will bo very short The rain was a very welcome vis itor and made fresh Miss of has been visiting at her grand fathers Mr be past week My dear old My Toby horse my dear old horse forever His absence mikes my heart grow food My dear old horse My wife she did get nervous And I was at heart I got my linen duster on And went and nought him So now well have a And show the people too We can get along without them And have old Toby true A The new Premier is to bo an affable and courteous gentleman and possessed of ninny of the requisite qualifications for a leader He born March in tho Rectory of Andrews Parish County of Ho graduated from McCill College Montreal and nt entered upon tbe of law At the age of 27 ho was called to the liar of Lower In he entered political life as member for his county In old Prom that time he took an active part in the of the in coinmerclal fjatters He a In and for a short time was a member of the Ministry Solicitor Cenc rat In 1804 ho and fought through the Insolvent Act probably hit chief work as a legislator In hit Abbott was to the House of Commons In the nego tiations of the syndicate of which Sir Hugh Allen was chief for the Pacific Railway charter Mr Abbott acted as counsel and through his con fldsntUI clerks treachery It was that the famous private correspondence which caused tbe scandal saw the light the defeat of the governmental that time Mr Abbott shared and re mained In private until He was that year and sat through until when he retired- He was subsequently to the of which he baa of lata been the government leader to Insolvency Act Miss Julia has had a severe attack of erysipelas but her many friends will bo pleased to learn that she is improving nicely now Last Sunday was childrens day in the Christian School The Church was flooded with flowers and there was a good turn out Rev Mr of the Montreal preached the Methodist Church on Sunday last This week carried oft one of the finest cbrtatian young ladies in this in the person of Mies was performed by the Rev Mr Largo in tbo Metho dist Church here Methodist School of this place and Sutton West have bills out for a Union excursion on same date as last year the of July They go to Park We predict that this will be most popular excursion of tho season from these parts Isaac Esq returned from Toronto on Wednesday He was a delegate from circuit at Toronto conference A good many fine fish are being caught in the Hay just now A company of campers came out to the Lake on Wednesday from Aurora S- S- Convention at The convention of the Town ship Whitchurch Sabbath School Association was held at ou on Thursday and Friday the 11th and 1 lost and was a great suc cess The weather was everything that could be desired The showers on laid dust and cooled tho air sufficiently to make travelling pleassnt Every person whose name appeared on program was present to take their part so that there wean no disappointments The president of was in his place and presided over every ses sion while Mr I of was punctual and filled the position of secretary in a very able manner Rev Wallace of Street Baptist Church Toronto de livered the opening address on the subject of Fitness and Fidelity Ho divided his subject in the form of three questions 1st what is the work to bo dOno the 2nd who are qualified to do the work 3rd how shall teacher be sus tained in work in a very elo quent ho remarks interesting and instructive Ft to arouse the interest of the whole community houso On Friday evening tost Mr and Mrs Ferguson a party at their new home to a number of their friends which proved to be one of grandest events of the season About eight the guests and many there were began to assemble and soon the house was almost filled- Among those who came from a dis tance were Mr Henry and Miss Andrews Aurora Miss Ness To ronto Mr and Mr and Miss Mr and Mrs Johnson White Rose tbe latter a sister of the bride and Mr Andrews Old Survey- Interest ing games of a social nature were in dulged in during the evening Mr T Stephens and associate were pres ent to supply with stringed music who love to tip the light fan tastic toe At midnight a sumptuous tea was of and here tbe Rogers sisters of Mrs Fer guson are worthy of mention for tbo able manner in which they waited on the guests while at tea sod their en deavor to keep up enjoyment of those in the parlor games as well as those in the maty dance After to games and dancing were resumed and continued until the small hours of morn The guests will Jong remem ber the hospitality of Will and bis fair bride Mr John Ness of Montreal form erly of this place was united wed lock on the The boys join in wishing him much joy The managing committee for annual on Dominion Day are doing all in their power to it a grand Our football team visited the Kiug picnic and play ed a match with a team that has boon recently at the latter place defeating them one goal A return match is expected- We regret that we were unable to give a report of the proceedings of King Christian TeaParty and and to be brief about it now we may say it was a grand success as usual realizing in all may be credited to earnest endeavors of the Ladies Aid The speakers were Elders Mr and Mrs J H were visiting with relatives at Bradford Saturday last Mr and Mrs Kellar and family from Zephyr were visiting with Mr Henry on Sunday Our cemetery fence and dead house have received a new coat of which adds greatly to appear ance of the operations are quite brisk around here this summer Air Is putting op a very large and abed on site of the one that was burned by lightning last summer Mr Cunningham Is putting up a fine addition to his house And Otherwise Improving his place Mr John who ha bought Mr John property on Mill street and making general Is The springteat harrow swindlers rather got the worst of It with one our farmers lately Jay mostly gets the Inside track in a transaction of that kind On Saturday night last band serenaded oar pew baker Mr Jos Tata For this recognition they were treated to an abundance of Ice cream and boys were very much pleased with the treat ment Mr Peter who died North Bay was burled In Monday evening The sermon will bo preached In the church Sunday next at Our football team Is orer anxious to have a burl dont some crack them a challenge Mr Tamer It captain Garbott and Mr- of Methodist Church bete The Cornet Bind freely their choice selec tions and great praise as new beginners Messrs Web ster and Stokes spared no pains in bringing them on the grounds in firstclass style driving six handsome bay horses As time is rapidly drawing for pastor and people churches through out our Elder will soon tsko a new Geld of labor and to consideration of that fact mem bers of Ladies Aid together with a largo number of invited guests met at tbe elders residence on Thursday evening of week and spent a most enjoyable time The ladies having fully prepared to satisfy ap petite Largo tables full of good things were disposed of after which they repaired to tho when inborn read address ex- services and well wish for his future ac- by presentation of a handsome sliver buttercooler and a silver teAspcons by Mrs w comfortably filled that evening ft but on Friday crowds that mo was signed Mr UTUBDIT The bylaw in relation to with the city of Toronto regarding territory added to lbs pasted It that the warden together with Slater Richardson and Evan ball with the and in erent no agreement uriveJ at Mr Jackaoa ball appointed arbitrator on behalf of the Daring consideration of report of of property a lengthy took on the advisability of draining the York Roads As adopted the report recommended the repairing of bridge the of several portions of roads that the of roads should be mads In spring tint an appeal be taken to the the right claimed by manic it to the their limits and that needed be to Scarlett bridge stited the the Boating Gob had been erected on the road after the of the dob had been forbidden to do as by representatives of the coqncil was decided that tlepj be taken to effect the removal portion of build ings encroaching on roid line The of the Finance Committee was adopted It recommended grant of for the Aid thai per to SDon box an old the coaot of John Savage for ba paid thai High Constable for drilling a of rules for the galdanca of of and that no be the judge for the examin ation of estimates for were tor general par and for tbe Home Rylaora warden to barrow for current and fiiiog the rate of crrbi at one mill gener al tJ mill for were to bo for fiifd i A t i to within county uuctioDed and the warden with High and appointed to eximioe be toirnof and after of tbe council to liability of the council for a of cost of repairs A bridge the Holland rirer between of York and the of Simcoe Is troable The council refaset to contribute Its share of the of repairs The warden of will be with and arbitration Nothing of in the report of the Committee School of the was granted of for three he might villi England and secure mrdical aid for a throat It wet resolved to us for regulation power to grado the granted counts model The grants were to the high and other tbe county A number of were adopted and the adjourned till after once mora talking question of till Like Shore road was Introduced on motion of Mr D who claimed that toll now collected were too large and to reduce them two for and other vehicle This wet effect at of term a slipped under the wheels of his train at Niagara Falls Monday and had both logs crushed Ampu tation was performed but the poor follow soon died Ho was years old and very popular By a formal order issued from tbe war department at Washington tbo national flag in In the army will on July next consist of stars in six rows the upper and lower rows to have eight stars and the second third fourth and seven stars each is a blue field V Start an extra cheap sale of goods next week An young man went oat to see bis girl one night list week After the old folks had retired he edged his chair up close to the girl and gently pot Bis arm around her After chatting for some time ba unfortunately fell asleep This so annoyed the girl that she gently released herself and put the churn on the just vacatod- youth was hogging the churn when the old man came down in the rooming Ho did not go sin A Chinaman named at jyridgeport killed Poker Tom an Indian cat the body up and pickled it in the most approved man ner Then he invited some Indians to a feast and served up the remains of Tom the red men greatly relished the facts got abroad the Indians went in search of scalp but tbe gave him self up to authorities and was acquitted on the plea of self When left the court the Indians got hold of and carved him in pieces beginning with an arm and finishing with his head Out Toronto Juno IS WlT Foil Wheat per buRliel VIM a St a a ON a Plt 15 a a 1 a a a a to 6C0 a a a i z- I el i i i r I Premier ball compute Unto and bell ROOT Comet I In Vftif whafclj from We a FARM SALE J of lot Coo J In good cultivation be Ionic to hoy For pat A- J HUGHES AND i f IJ a SprlofE Wheat bust per per per Sutter per eitteittase Wool per lb per ton Fork pair ilr It OH a at a i 1 CO 0 Oil 1C i M fft A COMPLETE Amateur Printing Outfit Will print luchev J A I to Mt inch that the church would not to accommodate them The building packed and many could not get near enough to door to On the by A Day general secretary of the Pro vincial School Association of Toronto and our vicprOiidnt Mr A of full of and interest Her Amos of Aurora ad- tho being about one- hundred present Mr Chirks Wilson of Pino Orchard conducted Mrs Henry Mrs Webster and Mrs On Wednesday of same week was presented with another address by ho friends of Pine Orchard Cedar Valley and vicinity accompanied by of This auVJreaa was signed by and Wilson On last the of For hod their anniversary sermon preached In church hern at p Many tatives were present from Aurora and King City which so as to that Order hold their next annb flobool for June ternary service In grove To the convention for class Question Drawer was answered by Rev Amos of Aurora Iter Mr pastor of this circuit of friends give a- hearty welcome to and friends attending the convention This was followed by a very appropriate reply from Mr Jackson of Newmarket The convention closed with rotes of thank There a liberal response Inline way of and donations so that ax- Eases of convention were all met a balance on hand The annual convention will held in the Methodist Church at In the of January Taking it all through the conven tion far exceeded all expectation Nearly all the schools In the own- ship well represented also many schools In tho adjoining townships We trust that the seed sown at these conventions will be well rooted In hearts of various School and itself by awakening a greater Interest In the work was provided at the tempcranco hall for their guests from a distance and a very profitable afternoon was spent Sons of Temperance Intend holding a hero on Saturday next We regret to record death of Mr Benjamin Terry who passed away last at a ripe age Being a member of the Bona of Tem perance here for the past thlrty6ve years it his last request that the Order should Mm in conse quence of which order turned oat creditably sod truly displayed Love Parity and Fidelity toward their de parted aged Elder performed the Mr Unas Fox and wif of Detroit are spending a fortnight at his fathers Mr E Fort Sale erf eraption of Mount Vesu vius continues and flowing lava threatens to reach observatory Barrio defeated at last week by to Return match at next Wednesday While playing with two children at set to a barn and were burned to death The Jewish is ex tending to all foreigners in Russia especially to Germans Poles and Tartars Hank of Toronto at Barrio has a munificent donation to town In the gift of en elaborate drinking fountain estimated that worth of damage was to timber In forest firre Meno minee district of Michigan tremors sometimes of terrifying violence in the Verona District threatening tho complete destruction of town An Orillia says tbat subscriptions are being taken op for laudaur- McKay and OConner can be raco will Im rowed there One hundred and twenty killed a railway acci dent near Switzerland on Sunday by an excursion train inif through a bridge Hundreds were Injured At a social entertainment In the Methodist Alllston members of the congregation pre sented Rev Mr and Mrs with a silver tea service of excellent quality and design BittBiav Ont Juna Penton- villa a summer hotel two miles down the bay shore totally destroyed by firo at last night Tho Ore Is supposed to have been as house not occupied Insured for Tba Manitoba Governments bulletin Just issued states that show an In the crop area of 267407 acres over that of Of area 170707 acres are devoted to wheat total territory under wheat being The appearance of crops on June 1st was moat prom for a largo yield Children Cry for Pitchers Carton a THE LEADING Furniture Undertaking E- J H MILLARD or of J Millard Co HEW FURNITURE STORE Hotel Aodhu token SALE A to M JOS or r or p SELLING OFF I AY MARK tor Sale old handt nigh- TABLE TO RENT to P r i THIS WEEK i Dm the firm gcg omb flL Mb hJ at on Intent of Mr IV Jist- on Juno iUrkjy Aged nil 1 on jew on the John a jcu on Juno on Mb of turn loftamtnttlon of were to I It end til FBSSllSSSSii wiMsreipaTHiwjiAnwT gtasrvesvirr 1 BOOTS and SHOES FOR thaw Cost OF THE MATERIAL At MONTGOMERYS AT NORTH END ft ACCOMMODATION STORE J W STEPHENS IK CANADA OOLOMBrA no TOAST WINE PRINTING MONEY TO LOAN on flratJu DAVID LLOYD CoUtloosr for tasta paTViri J At BRUNTON BROS All ANTED ROOM For Boarders at a Butcher GENERAL SERVANT Wanted Apply to OR SALE co chorea 1 In the Coo of Whit the note will Itaaio to let HOSIERY We import all our Hosiery and have an immense stock to select from at lowest prices Stainless Black Hose a specialty MENSHATS We haVe the finest srotnierit of the most fash ionable styles in Hats and having bought direct from from the makers we are able to make the price right for you GLOVES Our stock includes the best makes in Lisle Taffeta Silk and Kid Gloves We consider quality the first essen tial in Gloves arid guar antee every pair WELL MADE CLOTHING We are the only firm ia this section who make a pretense of doing a finj ordered clothing trade and customers will find our or dered clothing fully up to the best Toronto makes and at half the price BRUNTON BROS NEWMARKET Ue Baking Powder Powder

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