Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , June 19, 1891, p. 1

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I THE NEWMARKET ERA Every Friday Morning LYMAN GEO at PRINTING HOUSE of Eft REACHED fld en expect nJf if SB Ad wl5h JtlUnia it A in If MS TO KNOW TO AND TO ACCORDING TO CONBCIMNOB ALL ONTARIO BANK SIR P- Mil NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol XLNo Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday Strictly In Advance at end of year BRANCH A QEKXHAL Allowed on DRAFTS ISSUED ti a Am trie Drift to vV THOMAS J ftilMt lSO Loan food SOLICITOR Kit Of to Block HONEY fori Si- Ode Aurora TO LOAN OK GOOD A Low Building the fc TORONTO W- If UNMET J A Fir AMI fjlfe AmjnrAmceCompEol- TO LOAN AT A CENT CO Old Office Cor Aia Lot To on Water of nllfTsr trie All Clocks Repaired Also Oood Very P cd Hotel It ra and to p or Wale fit- and fto DB A J A Toronto Member to p a- Coll and the Ontario Veterinary Sodetr opened an office In the POST OFFICE BLOCK NEWMARKET to DenIlaU7 Cm On band At fiT JN3UK AW OK Tor of London Union Norwich Union Enc CanadUo All Stock Conjpardea- It lea and Isolated Town Property Over Tin Newmarket- ESTABLISHED per day Heated by ISO bed rooms- for meet all traloi J- parlor J AS AgeotfortbeU OUT 9 Re pain for will Hardware Store where my time Vewmarkel office will bo pro THE TNSOBAKOKCO- OF NORTH AMKRIOA- Bib DeeiorEOlTAEDKAWIJKGS la America lUelfexclQalrely totbebDilneiionosoraoce General for Aurora at loan and loiarauce office of A I Has ramoted bis Dental Rooms to Pott Office dATISf ACTION LICENSES Office CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO ESTABLISHED -CAPITAL- AND FUNDS- 10000000 DOLLARS and worldwide after In force two J Aftnt LUMBERYARD ftRT get ECAUSK Ml work ho do trade BEOA be SKpecple work much superior bo fats emptor none but skilled do people like to bring of will made JL tor well of Hear of Constantly on Hand He aod Dressed A LAO- DRY CORD WOOD i Jroprlwr OU STOVE TIN SHOP HAS CHANGED HANDS- NOTICE Buggies Repaired AND PAINTED UNDERTAKING iroiott I GOODS FRESH AND GRISP AT THE 1 I I fltylea and every Owl I Wonted A PA and Stnw PARASOLS and Hosiery Black and Colored Id all Leading Shades I IN I I I MO HAMILTONS Celebrated Make of BOOTS AND SHOES PRICES the figored down as to all SO LOW R J DAVISON NEWMARKET BOOK NEWS DEPOT OUR for next few weeks will principally be given to our Department Our stock is now with a large and varied assortment of Wall Papers Bordering and Ceiling Decorations bought in the best American and Canadian markets and must be disposed ol at prices thai cannot be undersold- iv CENTRAL TELEPHONE OFFICE WM Per iU Era In Memory of Can est Statesman of Ufa to fijiog tried with of toll Will this I on Are Spirit left Mm while be which mi him MM ud CtDidip fltd flow liej Sir John the good w the Now filli u UtwoUD pit He who long worked for thee And for work little ftt la the tbe call To the Sorereign Lord of all bare lift blood For thy hoi bare bled Wolfe aod Brock thy finn rock Bat this old warrior kept a of year and fire by woo And of him we well He for thee baa totted And thy Now behold him I Worn with For hi With broken health and wearied He By dealhe cot He is worthy of May be be remember lifa work Hay the Colore ratio Hold la Let lay All that And let toxtther blend memory friend La bob City The Sunday in King City and Kingham hare and in tend holding an to Straw berry Iilaod on Saturday A I train will leave Richmond hill at a m on arrival of train at party will take for Strawberry Island Big Bay Point The Peninsular Park Hotel sold laat week to Mr Lewis Van- Allen of He to bring a number of southerners daring the heated term which will make things lively at the Point Mr Art is now fall order of and Chapman of Toronto have a yacht that will carry 150 and is to make tripe a day from Barrio to Big Bay Point Mr of Newmar ket to run tho depot this season WKwUl keep on time to fuu of lieit of Wood and Coal we will at close Al a etc at ROOK BOTTOM la flxitUaf id all out- promptly to AT SIGN OF RED BOOT LIQUOR STORE yon BOTTLED ALES PORTERS PintH and October brewing J OMALLEY MAIN STREET WE Hare of of HAVE teen to The have CAPTURED child for We make it a to EVERYBODY When lit come to fitted at Spot Cub Boot Shoe Store S H GRIFFIS CASH GROCERY STORE FOR- TEAS GENERAL GROCERIES Try our Japan Tea easily worth MAIN STREET NORTH for Infante and Children I it to It St Bow tin tfl- Mam Btreet Aurora The and Clubs bold a in Park on Dominion Day Jbe needed repairs have been on bo sidewalks There are several very bad places yet that need attention Several par tie in town are to camp at Roachs Point this summer- Sir Masters Warren Charlie intend for that point Tuesday The concert under the auspices of the Lodge was a good one but the receipts scarcely paid expen ses A concert for an invalid named Re My turned a total On the smokestack to tannery took fire and fell over across the wire connected with the whistle It caused the to blow for some tithe Fortunately the fire was ex tinguished before serious damage was done will be a reception service in the Methodist Church on June 21st will preach at 1030 am and in the at 630 bold a reception service aided by the pastor We hope all our friends will be preacnt the above service Sutton A number of horses In this section ore from a specie of distem per There will be a baseball match here Saturday lxitweeo the home team A shot three cats laat Tuesday night but not until they had made away with of his bran now chickens Tho union excursion and of the Sutton and Keswick Sunday- schools will eventuate on July Iteiverton park fs the spot chosen for the days outing John a carpenter formerly of Zephyr was killed last week in Toronto While working at a new warehouse be was struck on head by a fallen beam Death was instan taneous- Sutton baud intends holding a monster at Point on Do minion Day A number of have been invited from surrounding places and an will be run from The Temperance lodge from Wil frid will at the Point on Friday the 1 Inst after which a concert will be given in evening for the benefit of Sutton program will be furnished by vUitors Last Monday a 15yearold son of Mr Henry Rao who lives near Zephyr was kloked by a homo and very seriously injured The animals hoof struck him full in face breaking bis jawbone and knocking out several of his front teeth While working at a barnraising at Lewis in East last Saturday Mr Geo of Q had tho misfortune to fall from the top of the frame He fell a of feet struck a sill rolled off and fell the additional seven feet What would boon the death of an or dinary man seemed tone but a little bump to who around as spry as ever A curious and at time painful accident a young girl a daughter of Mr A a township farmer one day last week was driving a couple of cows when the suddenly commenced to Eight During the pro- of the was pasaed to the ground and severely trampled on her being badly cut and her body bruised A boy with a sore toe cannot bring the from the cellar on wash day ho can kick Ms little brother so that he lit down for a week for ateallng his fishingrod I might also remark that the man who can sit on a pointed rook all day waiting for a fish to bite cannot wait ten minutes for his supper after he gets home at night without Zephyr Mr M of Mount Albert and his sister Mies Clara of Union ville were the guests of Mr last Sunday Mrs of Todmorden is visiting her parents Mr and Pickering who has been at tending Richmond Hill School for some time returned home week somewhat poor in health Miss of is visiting relatives here Mr Hopkins of Mount Albert occupied Methodist church pulpit last Sunday On the of this month the Rev Mr Johnson A delivered a ser mon to tho Forresters in the Presby terian churoh in evening Miss Defoe spent last Satur day with Miss of Mount Albert Mr our spent Saturday and Sunday home in Mark- ham Mr has been making soma improvements on his grounds in rant of residence Mount Albert Armstrong is happy for the eighth time It is a boy this time Mr Samuel Armstrong died after a two weeks ill ness and was buried in the Presby terian ground on Wednesday afternoon Mr and his sister Miss Mary McKinnon left on Mon day morning for Montreal whore they will remain for a time visiting friends Miss Minnie Leek has recovered from a recent illness and returned to Newmarket to resume her studies She is preparing for examin ations this summer A monster under aus pices of the Mount Albert Holt Franklin Scott public schools will be hold in Harrisons grove on Friday June Mr and Mrs Albert Drownscombe and child are in villago visiting Mrs mother Mrs Mrs has been 111 for some timo but we are happy to sho Is now recovering and female for lh total school of Iarpootorol was read sad II soTcral lomttM bo o mora coot of who to a bo Mpontfd from mors and class report of thooonimiuloaers connected with the Homo tiro road and Keeper sUtement The report and statement were bat no definite action taken a mux of revpect for the cere mony of the fink it decided to hold do afternoon The Conocll ad- it The deputation the attended the of Sir John made a report of their to of town of North Toronto to reduce lit are granted The on the and were the a bond of to dlipnta with the the land on the north end An attempt to here the the of voted tut to for a lockup but it wu sot will he drawn and to the of the for the election of of coQnty of and two sod for the ballot of t Renovate Black Goods York County A commtKilcetlfn received from 9 ChforJ A li In to pljlig for the Home The of for election of a lLat end for leave to an electric railway on It decided to the to preptro and a by law declaring that all la ceriy log fertllfrers or carrying not mora then It of straw to exchange for manure be exempt from lolli on York County roods Mr Tyrrell chairman of the special appointed to draft an of sympathy to Lady the The innate of the of the Coun ty of York In council to Lady and famtty their ermpathylu this the hour of great and and to then that from every In the country from the to the are going forth We be- Hers that our a of more thin in the death of her Premier who great talent dot don making Dominion the great and conotry It la aunr Lady that memory of her will lire not only In of counlrytot In hearts of all who knew him motion of Mr by Mr High It molted that Warden fl Mr Vm and Mr be a dela tion to represent In at of the late Premier at King ton wars read from J BtoVea In King la referred to repairs needed on the bridge be of York and Peel from A It Jtoaebtongb treuurer for re- newel of the grant of to Aid Auoclatlon from th sod dep- foragraotcf for tbs of coittog down ths Peel from soliciting the work of an and address of to put thawing that In the for the year th earn will be required the fiohool lortware Thay showed dorlng amounted to and to Tha num bar of teachers average paid to th teacher and to 8V988 In flonth York of taachtrs of the being fluid es pecially useful when mans garments require renovation is as follows Dissolve four ounces of white Soap shavings in a quart of boiling water When four ounces of ammonia each of ether alcohol and and a gallon of clear cold water Mix thoroughly and at it will keep for oblong time bottle and cork tightly for future This mixture will eost about eighty cents and will make eight quarts For mens heavy cloth eta dilute a small quantity in an equal amount of water and following the nap of goods sponge the with a piece of similar cloth The that gathers upon the collars of coats will immediately dis appear and tho undiluted fluids will vanish the more obstinate When another cloth press the underside with a warm iron Thin fluid is also useful when painted walls and wood work require scouring a to a pail of warm water being the proper proportion When washing black dress goods soap must never under any be applied directly to the ma terial Id order to obtain the neces sary suds it must be shaved and en tirely dissolved in a basinful of boil ing water and then thrown into the washtub Black Lawn Wash very quick ly in hot suds for material roust not He wet in deeply blued water and hang in iron upon wrong side still damp If stiffening is desired dry thoroughly and before ironing dip the goods into very thin and very blue starch bang one more in open air and iron when nearly dry Black crape requires careful treat ment Remove doat by gently slapping it the hands lteam small pieces by holding them over the spout of the boiling tea kettle and larger over a dish- pan of boiling water Lay the moist pieces of crapo between two layers of sheet wadding and press beneath a heavy weight slab of a marble- topped table or the pastry board weighted with books or flatirons It is well to place a width of soft cheesoctoth both above and below in order to prevent the cotton fluff from adhering to St Black Brush carefully end steam to tho sunken pile Two persons their hands protected from the steam are required to do tho work While holds heated Iron with its smooth surface upturned other throwing a very wet towel over it presses side of tho velvet down upon the iron so that the rising steam forces the lite into place and continues this as as Lastly the wrong aide of velvet is drawn quickly across tbe the Iron itself Black Silk Parch few ounce of soap bark at the drag store according to the amount of silk to be cleaned Steep two ounces of the bark In a quart of warm water for a few hours and brush the silk and remove all threads left by the former stitch Spread the ptecea upon the lapboard or a clean table and after straining the Infaalon sponge on both aides with a scrap of the silk A will form and this Is then to be wiped away with another piece of the Do not wring the moisture from silk spread tho different pieces upon a shoot laid over the and pin them at the corners When dry the silk will look like new Buck Wash in hot suds and lukewarm water well blued a clear day hang In the open air and Iron upon the wrong aide when nearly dry Long strokes of the iron and oven throughout will restore the original silky sheen of the ma terial Black as with cashmere and add a little gum abo to the last riming water Spread out the upon a towel stretched over the tap board using an old blank kid glove or a aoft of Ilk for the aponge thorongbly with a eolation of borax a to a pint of warm water To retain the shape direct the stroke from the sel vage outward Cover with old silk and Iron Ramsays Carriage vara on fir las week General Grants Courtship TILLS HOW TUX One summer day we were going to a morning wedding and Lieuten ant was also invited He came for us on and asked my brothers permission to drive me in for his saddle to which he gladly The day was beautiful the roads were a little heavy from a previous rain but the sun shone in splendor We had to cross a little bridge that spanned a ravine and when we reached it I was surprised and concerned to find the gulch swollen a most unusual thing the water reaching bo bridge I noticed too that Lieuten ant was Terr quiet and that and the high water bothered me I asked several if he thought the water dangerous to breast and told him would go back rather than ran any risk He assured me in hit brief way that it ws perfectly safe and in my heart relied upon him Just as we reached the old I said Now if anyrhing happens remember I shall cling to you no matter what you say to the contrary He said All right and we were over the plank in Ice than a Then his mood changed he became more social and in asking me to be wife used my threat a theme After dinner that after noon Lieutenant Grant asked mo to set the day I wanted to bo engaged told him It would be much nicer getting married a sentiment he did not approve We were very quiet at the home that evening and neither a word of the secret After supper he went back to the regiment and a few days later Taylor toOaiup Salubrity in was tooehyto ask father so he waited till he was stationed and wrote to him Father never answered the letter his favorite daughter and he thought life would not so it me Besides said father are too young and boy is too poor Ho hasnt anything to give you I rose my wrath and I said was poor too and hadnt anything to give him The next year he came back on a leave of absence and I can remember joatijiow he looked he rode up in his new uniform Father was going to Washington on business and we wore all on the front porch kissing him and stuffing his pockets with notes of things bo was to buy Lieu tenant asked for my hand and he In a hurry to get off con sented My soldier lover was in and about Mexico for four years includ ing Every mail brought me a letter Every of them full of sweet nothings and war and now and then some pressed leaves and flowers Some were written on drum ho da captured from the Mexi cans and others on sheets of foolscap folded and sealed with red wafers I read each one every day until next one came I them all Mrs General Grant in October Journal IK Til ERA it the double Sho Disliked his Invitation Dob insists in one of our exchanges that be overheard a wo man lecturing her husband as follows on board a train Now Ill tell you why I go Into the restaurant and have a cup of with you while we were waiting for the train I didnt like the way you asked me Keep quiet I the floor Not half on hour before you said to Mr Puffer Come lots get a cigar and away you went arm and not giving him a chance to decliue When wo met John on our way to lunch eon you said Just In time John come and take with up And then tonight when we fennd the train au hour late you looked at your watch turned to me In a ques tioning way Would you like a cup And I did want it I was tired and a little hungry but I would have fainted before I would have such an invitation And you wont away a little bit vexed with and had your coffee and bread and butter by yourself and didnt It very In effect you said to me if want a cup of coffee If you really want it I will buy It for You are beat the world but do aa nearly all beat husbands do Why do yon men seem to dole things out to your wives when you fairly throw them to the you know Why dont yon invito me heartily as you invito men Why didnt you say Come lets get a little coffee and something and take ma along with you You wouldnt say to a man Would yon like me to go and buy you a cigar Then why do you alwaya your little tiona to treat In that way to me In indeed my dear husband If men would only act toward their wive aa heartily cordially and frank ly as do to men whom they meet would And cheerier companions at home than thoy could at the club Five Hundred Dollars will be given for a case of which cannot be cured permanently by Step right up to the office and provo your case and get the reward have tried remedy but no one has claimed the reward because It cures In every case If you have a cold or are troubled with your druggist for Clarks Core price cents and sea what a pleasant relief It will he Instantly If you are asked to take something else send to us direct and we will you a bottle by mall on of price Clark Co Toronto New York KT Many of us have two one for ourselves that reaches tbe clouds while the one which we give to others trail low In the dust The scarcity of corn has sent op the price of bread all over Italy Mr Arthur Lundv King lost a horse for which he had refused Several rattlesnake have been killed in the neighborhood of Severn Bridge lately South Patrons of Husbandry hold a at Thorn ton the 1st v Methodists are mak ing preparations to start the building of their new church The will hold an other at com mencing on Inst The English youth who sot fire to bis master barn at ha got five years at Kingston The barn on J Brollys farm was horned recently A team of horses perished in it A woman bad her hired girl brought op fore a magistrate for pilfering cakes Eight cows were the pound last Tuesday the owners for each cow to got out A young womiu we burned to death last weck She was light fiw with coal oil and training at for scull race with and OConnor in July Daniel at Hamilton to prison for two less one day for seduction ab duction has some six or seven who are working bard for pro motion to tho government institution at cititeus have a company will sink a teat well for natural gat A contract has signed for a feet well Canadian natural gas been into Buffalo and new connections are being made at rate of from six to eight Ufa V- The town of Mitchell is asked to damage for injury sustained by by fall occasioned it said from a plank in stables of the American hotel Barrio were burned last week The loss is a heavy as a Boo team of black horse and a stallion were burned The first match of District was played at ou Friday last between and Bradford the latter winning by goals to one A swindler in the guise of English tourist victimizing people of St Thomas and suc ceeded in getting with over 1000 from a banker of that city Horses grazing on the street and boys climbing up to thn windows during concerts in the Mechanic Hall are a backwards giveaway on tbe pretentious aspuationa of Aurora A grand union picnic will be held at Bonds lake on Saturday June at pm by the schools at and Tho Citizens Band of Aurora is to bo present Mr Donald a farmer the township of Christie caught eight young wolves in that township last week lie of them Parry Sound the eighth having been devoured by other whilst journeying there On Friday evening a year old son of an Elizabeth resident at Barrio caused a little anxiety In family circle by not coding in by nightfall When oclock was reaohnd a was made for the missing boy and kept up all night and next morning he turned up after having spent the night with a friend- List Sunday week Robert Campbell of who served a term for rape and who wa In Barrio jail awaiting trial on a aim- liar charge gaiued his liberty He unbolted the massive leading to the jail yard and tearing boards from the woodbox and tying them together with a sheet he wee enabled to the wall and get off Again people of this vicinity are reminded of un certainty by the sudden death on Wednesday night of Mr Ed Oliver wholivfd on lot con West On Wednesday after noon deceased wa town doing business At night he retired to rest apparently In beat of health un conscious that ere morn hia spirit would have fled He but to wake never more until the resur rection morn Dr Taylor wa sum moned on discovery being made tho following morning and pronounced the causo of death to have been ap oplexy Bradford Witneu Some having been noticed Inthoatreem at Im- formatlon was laid with inspector of Port Party- sum moned Measr P WiddiBeld and the mill owners on a of violating the law with the result that it cost them complaint It looked upon a a mean one and upshot of it is that Mear and Dike will now prohibit fishing in the pond on their lands and will rig- who want to fish will have to pay the priviloge They also template putting in some young fish from the Dominion hatchery wMoh will the closing of the streams for fishing purpose for two or three years In the end l a good thing fa I I I a

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