Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 5 Jun 1891, p. 4

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i- j i ii- J Neuralgia Sciatica Lumbago Backache Headache Toothache Throat Frost Bites Spralns Bruise Burn Etc by 3 a Depot tot fere IQED- to J J A IT lint ill Society Register Hawmarkrt latWedDrflaj tod r i tors Tor lit A area In la month in oath AM moo lb tmacU or lit A 3rd In svaxftrkrt A ironlb Legislation in qata retohrtfcai London Frit briefly 1st For prohibition For if in Hon 3rd Allhoofh It largely imbued with ft it will be to he fint proportion will not be raterftined at but it it quite the lb latter two proportion unite to bring to elicit ing reliable ud follow ing a vote of whole people on the prohibition The proposition for definite presented the fol lowing amendment to the for prohibition Its Ihit tore port all the Id hc fAilicalwl I JLmoant in of to lIianowinbriediD of lioaoft policy expedient of ulbhaI low in 5 to of ftqaliiti in of fa Era ind with ftll the pretest of nHotu for tad of crime throughout the who favor foregoing it good of force electorate aboold be information for tbla proportion to proper j A whole imd to en able them to vote the prohibition Some appear to be with the view of giving a to bat it to be toped thejr id regard to be made to what it the enactment of a mint be a decided majority of all having a definite andcfeaiknoirledge of all that prohibition law baaed and electorate be short of its enforcement be attended with variable of All ordered to h sod wilt lot 16 ttnmt lot Tho ia of Wdl of ffn for to from ttcJ0 lo BTOIT ftDd Krerr hi not OCT TTrjTartiiy J filbt L International Lessons the Good Burnt Pectoral prompt In faOArveoMs or It the moat and find lmg la world for or en Imperial Cream TarUr Baking Powder It from Parr lYam Tartar and Soda Sold by ail on the Imperial Toronto I Golden Text iht J IIrkul wathing ahout COO It was lilt the VciibMbflib vcurJp alvut a fier who bi wen aUh wbila lor a of It in i a to fiilir atwlialtnl for the tficDl to It 1biii to ohm ifewoik aright The fifal act of all sen ice tJJ no rip truly nation abut of cannot hate a from aid would y it in a the Editor I i WiilTR ABOUT Mr Ariiot Li iht lie a bill wujaUvr at I enforce the Act Ibe between a from o chilli job ij4 HI aff to ecabl to relcri on SmIUpTi vole at I jriko ear StRa bar Wteo three bottle of Blood and find it aKOodmedklxiefor I will tinoo it It lea great and I feet a to health It Sin QtttnM IwaoMlwOtM Lotion Sold Jo me 3m -r- Wl Bab aba vat foe aU bad On with from to John with John Hamilton Win with Drapery iQFdoj and Francis Aon for part of lot 3 with Dark Hamilton jaira were etch re duced vd the Wlowlcg frdiABhobJ the Greenwood DtiJ Draper llorriaoo George William two William to mtVe the chafers the roll pitted than a and the took townibtphasiDeaa folio nog ware made in atatoia labor place John Hint id of Ford in plan Martin Rote pad Parka la piece of George Kay King allowed to do work 14 on towoftae E Draper with hare the railing pot along tbe washoot on the to sidewalk in and work KraTellitf at The ware ordered to nhn e Brown lake Acre Walker of lamb kilted doge each to and Elijah in to nVSA to Toronto coaaiod delegate to Ottawa for railway lands on aonlh amount be Expended by John The labor waa daad raethlrd the to notice that a bylaw will be the between Ms lead ing fa the like to open the if Je road leading to the like of This last notion on owing din- aba yeas Draper end Silrar Scott and Hamilton Toe com mittee to arrange the fiDapcil the 1 corpora tod Tillage of Salt the reported a unto the Tillage of pajing the yearly u their share of boons iafnlly paid A wee the line wureida firat time and motion over for The if Now lift niat DOi tho technical waaw that pe at aJlcrenta are at a rat ihiie day a Vet that Grit firat of March It conran in a week but while it the tiled Weather not help the it It dyin and weather 1H end it baa cot been -v- grow at aeason of the year a aeeped of fact On the family of John Cope of that were by Ating which had been gathered were cooked and aerred Shortly after every tho family waa taken ill with ayroptocni of were bat their the daughter of died the SOOTTS PHARMACY sals oh VOURCnOICE two new wear if BALE AT A of erf l SPRING THE STORE SEASON Apply lo lllli 4 I or THE He of New hat retorted bomt row aa leaded lonr of Stead Jr- 1o MS J fcr JU8T OPENED A STOCK OP f From moat dealer FRESH and true to name iJcOLIKTOCK MANAGER HOUSES FOR SALE Newmarket lire Iwar reeled Term Mi- for Mia a or WOOD DEALER IN HEAVY AND SHELF i EVERYBODY SAYS SO lb Til Almost Like Is the effect of Carts when applied to the pain and the the rapid and thorough There no other pre paration equal to it Statea baa general in the Lightning alone aPlain Allevia tor Sold by all price fifty cent a Clark Chemical Toronto New York r r ft ti 1 v f f tit v4f h- JcLkaJlir we bavvv of La IT tut J vrjia ot Hit I nil al Is foil jcf TJi3jciorYl SALE OR TO Term hoNwth- IT Consisting of Spades Shovels Forks Rakes Hoes etc Builders Hardware Carnage Carnage Nona Mil io Hard and Alto two lota On ulrocp MRS ELI JAMEi FOR SALE BLACKSMITH And quarter Tannerr A Bargain UR iv m r I Goods Annealed and Barbed Beady Mixed Rubber Paint Churn Jaoks kept for hire DAVID ARE THE ft i a belter Qrtn lUaUUoDerj Letter Eordope Bill Circular luat order Jog jour your sod wcure work- A rubber fc C ATA R R H R A- for Lady We be earth a round and true alto cUlni urea orates lruUei iJi and nil or and no true Yellow OH la a true for In ma a or flpaiTiB i iUmorciall of Lump and Stiller taaod one bottle Sold Bio ffeural- trout fry fa the bay at WIPE Of THK OF CANADA The part that Lady her no to fpth in a few words Home Journal All thtt Con- Premier of Kand tacdonflld ha snd the Premier of If any one earth know Wind it it Their other and their felicity How much Mjconald for the help she has her the Premier can fitly ratitoata The of Premier attendant at of Part lament the hut i gallery always for her and no Richards Gents MINAROS LINIMENT for several in my I to the thing I know of for In the family we have used it for every purpose that a liniment is adapted for it being recommended to by tho lr J Per sonally I God it the best of neuralgic pain have Proprietor Yarmouth livery Stable IN TOWN FORfSALE wallknown lolled tbaiitof or particular V A W PARTS of lot ami Ir of s Fur SPfiltSlG CIRCULARS LATEST PATTERNS tANOi THE POT IN STOCK Ales Porters iVvIvv J NORTH END A BUSINESS THE undersigned have entered and will conduct he Urge and up to the standard for quality Solicited A X Comer of Main and i i J m it slur We at lotrrpnitbl ft Cor eld fM Id ted of Hi 3rlrtlop to ftotborl iMt of It to if rib J fiudlDg ftlbw tbt Kbbtg to ale- I Can upright In water I know how This is way to do it Stand one of the corW upright on a arrange the other six about It alto an the cotohloatloo in one hand and jilo the water in so to completely cAfkas then raise partly out of the water and let yoor bold Tft which baa Si he without an or with nothing to do is a desirable condition To the poor It and means poverty and want In country which con stantly growing and expanding there is no need of anyone Success and are only found in constant occupation The boy or man who has nothing to do is not a safe member of society old saying a true one that idle bead it the devils beads and hands always an outlet la schemes for mind can- not seat even if the body idle is our duty to make a choice of some calling so to be a single object in view bilty and happiness are found In occupation Work gives to the body Purpose must be followed action and a desire to succeed and will follow Were not waiting for the and moles but for men and women who have yc and use then who hare brains and reason Theres a new world for them auffbring and sickly as they are a new world created from tbe brain of a skilful physician a discovery Ooldrn Medical Discovery Years ago Dr Pierce found out that the of all scrofula bron chial throat and long trouble lay in the beginning at least In Impure blood and weak tone of that the way to cure these was to remove tbe cause that human nature Ixlng the same a Its might bo looked for In nearly all cases So was he that the exceptions were thai be took the risk of the medicine to those It didnt bene fit for nothing the results have proved that be was right Golden Medical I Formerly carried on by ID Wright in the old PULE OF- debate takes that she does not follow It to final though the daylight may be dimming the electric lights Lady tall and tawny with warm tints glowing in cheeks Iff abundant hair a few years ego became while enow and now wonderfully becoming aureole high broad fore- brad Energy and determination are upon a countenance whose babitoal expres sion aomewhat grave Yet when laughter face op until trace of care and snxlona thought from it In the art of conversation she has nothing to learn is so omnivo rous reader and not only reads bat digests and ber while a retentire memory keeps at command all that ahe She forms her own the subjects of the day and never to express them In clear terms To the full extent of her time and ability ahe rates In all religious and enterprises and that commend Ives to her approval Neither doe she hold aloft from balls re ceptions and other features of social life at the Canadian capital nor dfadaln to takn a lively personal Interest in the fascinating subject of dress- When Parliament Is In session drawingroom on Is fitted with an flow of dinner time no them falls to a warm clasp of the a bright and appropriate grating and fmprs- alon that as glad the calls Will the room litis is the way with the BC corset if you want ease and shapeliness you buy but you dont keep it unless you like it After two or three weeks wear you can return It and have your money FOR STOVES RANGES AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS Wooden ware Coal Oil and Lump Goods We will make a of Furnace Work and General Jobbing Bottled Wines if Mum Champagne Native Ginger Wine Light Sherry Wine Brown Port Exoclsior Port Wine Old Fine Old Claret pints and quarts BOTTLED LIQUORS Seagrams 7year old Whit Wheat Tom Worts Scotch 3yeatoId J Gin Bo Copland Brewing Ontario rt j Baas English Ale J FOR of lot tens Cod Old a io Cod of West fariH of to px creek oU for or nod meadow or a tin or Walkers Club Booth Tom Gin A Tea spmsMPe of kbwmabkht ir- ilKir limited J f if TUB following IbDlbwDaMpof Wtcrtiof the Sth ten North Hal of TOicrtiorLolS Con Wi It em Jot Aj AcrM 01 lflonanood lii0LOaniihivHJtthftTOTG- iblpw Ail lbei neon stna good will It Lola Id of market For TO BREEDERS hand nod ShorMlora Bulls V He ST ER3 A Hereford Boll will be kept or awr vies on lot Ii of but JOSEPH KITFXEY afJAaK warn lis WA ill lkt Wt JIl A j LATH SHINGLES imkirlVtiilisi Ml t l m ftscfaaa ma f I aif Ijb1I J fc if I NEW a at 1 Lai Jvfinj WE ARE MOW TO SUPPLY OUK WITH siding doors SASH AND BLINDS How are Nicely Thank Yon way the inventor of SCOTTS EMULSION rtir for That ft docs not make you when you Give That lis three as the cod oil Give thanks That Is such producer Give tor ton Scrofula trailing eases Caught and Colds Be lure you gel the genuine In Salmon color wrapper sold by all it and SCOTT Belleville The Engineer of Sine introduction of electricity matter of fact every day life the demands for economical in have pressed hard on 1 ho ot engineer Home men have toasted that steam as a motive power Is doomed and its days are numbered that Is tho coming power ft is hut the recent devel opments toward the employ- moot of steam power to prottuco electricity simply became electricity can be at a ess of loss than any other motor You ciorot carry steam without cbosiderablo lion but yoo cinddtrihutorlectrlcity nearly miles and at the point of dturibution your amperes will he initial You cannot transmit THANKFUL FOR TUB OF THIS PAST SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OK AIM TUR3ST OUT GOOD WORK I- is a- Iff a I rttif iTf i it I ilk la sMWfssJbiSOcira1srtisUsfauW ft riUfa J 3 Est T MONEY fMIIII 9 thus a Co in at the root of strangers to each Mao- ri ir donatd wilt contrive to kef p the i Aid Meelical of talk to that sll I the remedy for million The they hasaV bar In ftV Blood and 4 Your it inttUwayMiUtpetou doesnt you An adjunct of engine is the indicator and tho time fa rapidly coming to us when an engineers education will bo In- complfle who cannot an indicator and adjust the valves of hit engine Whit stethoscope is to doctor the indicator Is to Doth thus enabled to ex amine the organs of patient of an indicator while ri fleeting credit on the engineer Is a poasiblo benefit to steam user and owner thereby the coal pile corsiderttl The owner full of every pound of saved the being a often of a act of from to credit account time at hand Mr predict when an indicator will bo a part of room and a dally log as fcrpt at the POSSIBLE PRICES TH WM CANE SONS MFG CO bora power rope W or without a lots of by friction PUREST BEST do Mam Hat f Toronia I or but you can distribute elec tricity through ten miles of lines and give to renter his pound of elec tricity through a small dynamo just in proportion as contract cslls for can one thing Into the city and for employ- as engineer the flrt thing you aro asked Is Do you know taking care plant No Well- we dont want you morning It baa most a neceiilty that an engineer should know something of If he expects to secure But on the different motor lines the effect loan whose earner experience withalidd Sim- form of valve gear but team through throe and complexity becomes elf when in hands of a I man who operates the engine for WASHINGTON In Victoria roar elim ination II- and Bur- filnce Dr has Lote lha Throat and cut In the of braiiMnR pm only Heal Won flci a Preserve Your Sight ny tun FRANK LAZARUS Spectacles and EyeGlasses Sod been for pit and sltco in arnrj Iriituneo ho Thar ester Mrs and last rears without full SALE AT NEWMARKET Da B Bs Burdock Blood Bitters la a purely rtguUUngpoweraoTaraDtheofgiU and CURES AMI blood humors and dlseaseahom this combined with f unrivalled boii as a cote all SKIN tjiauinmRn Volr bee from ihaThaipioiAof ssta at Km Office DUNNS BAKING THECOOKSBESTFRIENb From to two will cars rash scarf teller and all the simple forms of J Prom two to four bottles will cure salt or shingles SOassaa raiinlng soratndsJl ski enjpucci that from aim DISEASES Art alway taw itching but this on tt on to yet prSTalaiil assesses toco sorofolous swslUogi humors and SCROFULA hats proof that from to and plication If the top a affected parts affect a cor- of is to and action of the item and to open the to off all and Impure aecrt- thus to aid and remote without fill BAD BLOOD Utweorsptaiat of disease arising from NEWSPAPERS- iv wa will aUa to sand and to- formation tha sffeda of ft

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